View Full Version : The Darkness in Light (Closed)

Drake Sector
Jun 21st, 2001, 03:46:16 PM
Drake was walking along the banks of the acidic swamp world called Taul.He was waiting for Teka Kenobi.He had sent a message earlier for Teka to meet with him at the appointed place which was Taul.He heard the rustling of leaves as a ship docked nearby,it was of course Teka Kenobi.Drake awaited outside the ship,Teka quickly saw Drake,and even quicker ignited his Sabre.Drake mearley tapped his Gun Sabre (Griever).

"No no,my friend,I am not here on the matter of batteling unless you give me no other choice.I come here only to ask you.....do you know what I am?Do you know who you are?Do you know what happened 10 years ago?Well I think you should know...sit down,um anywhere you prefer,I'll just have a seat on the log right now....But just hear me out that is all I ask....for now....so will you?"

Teka Kenobi
Jun 22nd, 2001, 03:29:47 PM
::Teka cautiously eyed the man. He seemed to be...he didn't want to think about it. As the man spoke he new what he was going to say but didn't want to beleive it. Disignighting Lionheart he watched Drake sit on a log, then he too sat on the log, conveiniently placed opposite Drake. Teka listened to the mans words.::