View Full Version : Soul usher (ReaperFett - Closed)

Vega Van Derveld
May 29th, 2001, 02:11:08 PM
Rules - Previously set rules stand.
Setting - A small port town which is lightly inhabited, obviously you'll pick up more from the post.
Weather - Night/Dark. Dry.

Let the fun begin.
... TTT?!


The thin wooden planks holding up the main section of the pier creaking and groaned under the weight of the night-owl locals fishing. The water was completely calm, and it was unlikely that a catch would be made so late at night by even a master fisherman.

The reflection of the moon in the dark waters rippled back and forth as some unseen craft crossed over just above the surface of the water, disturbing the serenity for a moment or so. A momentary pause of silence occured before the click of disengaging engines broke the solitude which the late night fishermen were bathing in. The Praetor Fenix beached itself against the hard stoney sand which preluded the pier and jetty, the cyan bursts of energy slowing to become mere flickers in the night before completely dying away.

"What was that?" whispered a rotound looking man, easing his rod down onto rest on the stand by his partner. Without even having time to answer, the well-fed looking man by him was struck down by a shot.

"Bloody he-!" cut off by another blaster shot, the two rounded men dropped into twitching heaps against the timber of the jetty.

Damn, and I was going for both in one shot sneered Vega, appearing from the door of the Fenix, clad in what had become his usual attire, replacing his dojo gear. Thumbing the small data pad in his hand, he looked around before reading over the message he had received. It seemed the Jedi Reaper Fett had challenged him to a fight. If he could have felt any pride in being challenged by this "powerful" Jedi, he would have done, except the words Jedi and Pride don't usually go into the same sentence for Vega.

Fe----tt! he called out loudly, igniting Seraphim in his right hand as he stepped down onto the pathway on the beach, Come out, come out, where ever you ar------e!

Beginning to follow the cobbled walkway, the Knight started heading away from the marina area towards what looked like a small plaza in the distance.