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Seth Darkserpent
Jun 9th, 2001, 10:21:00 PM
<font size=1><font color=red>Uploading data...Please stand by.

The third planet in the Adega system, Ossus was home to the site of an ancient Jedi stronghold and training center thousands of years before the Freedon Nadd Uprisings and the Great Sith War. Following the Freedon Nadd Uprisings on Onderon, Jedi Master Arca planned to send the ancient Sith artifacts recovered from Freedon Nadd's ship there for examination, but Exar Kun was able to retrieve them first. In the chaos surrounding the Great Sith War, Aleema and Crado destroyed the Cron System, located near the Adega System. Ossus was caught in the wave of destruction radiating from the supernova. The Jedi attempted to transport the artifacts and lore from the libraries there, but were only able to take a fraction of the wealth stored there over the millennia. In an attempt to preserve a cache of lightsabers, Master Ood Bnar initiated his lifecycle change, becoming a gnarled old tree with the lightsabers engtangled in his roots. He was nearly destroyed by the radiation from the Cron System. Over the ages, great cities grew out of the planet's rough, irradiated terrain.

<font size=2><font color=white>His eyes blinked a couple of times as he quickly scanned the page of information he had bought off of a widely known Kubaz who worked as an Information Broker. It had costed nothing once Seth had demonstrated what he could accomplish with his sword. The Kubaz was more then happy to give him the information. Seth sat on a small chair, in his living quarters on Corellia.

"Jedi." Seth rubbed his chin, reflecting on that word. Sith hated Jedi and sought to destroy them. But why? Seth had often asked himself. Jedi were in his definition, weak creatures. They could never pose a threat. The only interest Seth had ever had in Jedi was if they held something of value, like an old book.

Now they interested him. He wanted to learn more about the Jedi altogether. What motivates them to proceed with their lives when they fight such a hopeless battle. There will always be evil in the Galaxy. Whoever cannot see that is blind. I must find more information on these Jedi... Seth knew that there were countless books of Jedi almost anywhere on any well-known planet. But he didn't want some dumb book by some dumb author. He wanted something better. He wanted to talk with an actual Jedi. Unfortunately, he had no idea where they were.

Seth had an idea where to start. Ossus seemed like the obvious choice for the Jedi to make their new home after the Sith Empire devastated Dagobah.

Ossus is where I must go, but first, Seth's train of thought was disrupted by a knock at the door.

<font size=1>Tap, tap, tap.

<font size=2>Suddenly, he remembered contacting Jeseth Cloak to meet him at his quarters.

Come in, Seth reached out with the Force.

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 9th, 2001, 10:27:18 PM
Jeseth glanced about the darkened corridor, his field of vision shifting left and right, and then finally settling upon the door before him. He was always weary of private meetings... He knocked lightly on the door, listening as his brethren's mind reached out to him.

Come in.

The Dark Jedi sniffed in a breath, his noose stuffed with dust and particular mattered which lingered all about the air. Silently, the door slid open, and he proceeded to step inside. Seth stood there, already waiting.

"You called?"

Jeseth made a somewhat informal gesture with his hands, presenting himself before Seth with a less than elegant grace. He never bothered with social pleasantries when amongst his own kin[/i]

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 9th, 2001, 10:35:36 PM
"Yes, and thank you for coming." Seth turned around and rummaged through pieces of paper and datacards. He pushed them all aside with his arm and picked up his datapad. He threw it to Jeseth. The other Dark Jedi caught it, with quick reflexes.

"Ossus. I remember hearing somewhere that you've been there before? I need the coordinates." Seth said in a low-toned voice.

He watched as a seat slid across the marble floor in his quarters and stopped beside Jeseth. He motioned for Jes to sit down. Seth did the same with his own chair.

He could hint the confused look in Jeseth's face. Before he other Dark Jedi could ask anything, Seth spoke up again.

"I have a feeling that I can find and meet a Jedi there. This is essential to my training and will give me better knowledge of these light sided creatures." Seth clasped his hands together. "If I meet one, I could possibly turn them to the Dark Side."

He unsheathed his sword and stood up, pointing it upwards in a mocking attack position. "But fear not! I shall not be slayed like last time! I am strong now." He threw his sword aside.

"So, can ya give 'em to me?!?" Seth grinned under his mask.

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 9th, 2001, 10:42:34 PM
Jeseth raised a brow. Seth was a strange being indeed... almost a bit too anxious sometimes. Running his hands over the datapad he was given, the Dark Jedi entered in the coordinates. He knew that they were most likely off, but it didn't matter. Seth would find it...

"Very well... but remember, overconfidence is a weakness."

The pad flew back at Seth, who caught it with clurring speed. It's transition through the air had been almost too fast for the human eye to register. Jeseth nodded and straightened out his coat.

"If you need anything else, you know where to find me."

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 9th, 2001, 11:02:46 PM
"Nothing else, thank you. I am in your debt!" Seth grinned.

He busied himself with the datapad, not even noticing Jeseth leave the room. His eyes gazed upon the numbers. Seth's eyes were filled with delight. He walked over to his dresser and knelt down on one knee. He opened the drawer and retrieved an empty datacard. Seth slipped it in the datapad.

<font color=red><font size=1>Transfer Data (Y/N)

<font color=white><font size=2>Seth clicked 'Y'.

<font color=red><font size=1>Transferring Data to empty card. Please stand by.
Data transfer finished.

<font size=2><font color=white>Seth popped the datacard out. He held it in his hand like some sort of trophee. Unclipping his cloak, he threw it aside. Seth pocketed the datacard.

"Now, when shall I leave..." He muttered to himself. In reality, Seth could leave at anytime.

He walked over to his closet and opened it with the wave of his hand. Seth believed it was good to use the Dark Side so he could stay attuned to it. It was said that if one used the Dark Side too much, they would start to decay. This did not bother, nor worry Seth. He would just look for a new body to possess if this ever happened.

"There is no death; There is immortality." He whispered.

Inside of the closet, a glimmering suit of chain mail armor hung from a pole. At the bottom, a pair of boots and a crown were tucked away neatly. Two pairs of clean black cloaks hung beside the armor suit. At the top of the closet, there was a small shelf with a box. Seth retrieved the box and opened it. Inside a black mask was neatly folded. He took it out and dusted it off. With a simple quick tug, Seth brought it over his face.

"I will leave for Ossus immediately." He decided.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 10th, 2001, 09:47:13 AM
Coronet; Docking Bay 1145

"There she is! The Mirage II. Boy, I haven't seen you in a long time." Seth was addressing the YT-2400 that lay before him. It brought back memories from a few months ago when he had first obtained it. Seth had been through so much since then. In only a few months he had learned new techniques, met new people and done a good job of masking himself from the Jedi.

Now all Seth wanted to do was find one and speak with them. The ruins of Ossus seemed like an inconspicuous place for a couple of Jedi to make their home.

Seth expected one thing from this journey. He expected Ossus would have defenses. If the Jedi were hiding there, it would be a near death trap. This didn't really bother Seth. He did not doubt his own flying skills. As Naga he had practiced flying a TIE Interceptor almost each week. His flight skills were pretty good.

Stepping up to the ramp, Seth blew the dust off the numerical code panel.

<font size=1>Click, click, click, click.

<font size=2>With a small creaking noise, the ramp slid down. A small rodent scurried down with it and quickly disappeared into the shadows. Seth ducked under the archway and entered his ship. Cobwebs hung to the corner of the wall. This ship hadn't been open in over four months. It wasn't as dusty as one might think, but it would need a good clean.

He passed the hallways, and entered the bridge. Seth took a seat in the co-pilot's chair and examined the control panel. He studied all the buttons and knobs, trying to remember what they did.

Seth closed his eyes and called for the memories past to resurface. He delved into his own dark mind and retrieved the necessary information. Suddenly, it all came flooding back to him. He reached over and pressed a small red button on the far right. The ramp to the ship slid back up and closed. Seth adjusted a knob above his head. Dim lights provided vision in the darkness.

He picked up the comm and clicked it on. "Seth Darkserpent, security clearance 1984-455-6668 requesting permission to leave."

After a few moments, a voice returned. "Permission granted, please hold." A large creaking sound came overhead as the cieling retracted. Sunlight poured into the docking bay, and through the viewports.

Seth toggled with a few more buttons, enabling the repulsorlifts. The ship slowly raised off the ground, and out of the building. Grabbing hold of the control stick, he pulled back, arching the ship on a 45 degree angle. Seth blasted off into the sky. Destination Ossus.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 10th, 2001, 07:38:24 PM
<font size=1><font color=red>Beep, beep, beep, beep...

<font size=2><font color=white>Seth's face was buried in a pillow, his feet rested on the ship's holoboard. He treated himself to some long needed sleep. Ridding himself of fatigue would help him gain better control on himself. Once he had total control of the Dark Side, he could tap into unknown powers.

Often Seth had sat alone in his chambers, planning the death of the one who destroyed him. Her name was Leia Solo, engaged to another Jedi Master named ObiWan. Seth knew she had to be eradicated. He hoped she would be on Ossus. He would try and sneak attack her. Once she was killed, all of Seth's problems would be out of the way. At least that's what he believed.

<font size=1><font color=red>Beep, beep, beep, beep...

<font size=2><font color=white>Wake up SETH! WAKE UP! Sven shouted in his head.

Seth woke up, almost leaping off the couch he was sleeping on. He rubbed his eyes and looked around frantically. Seth slumped back down after detecting no danger.

"You know, I wish you'd stop doin' that!" Seth shouted, seemingly at no one. He was answering the voice that haunted his mind. The voice's name was Sven, and had been the owner of the body Seth was possessing.

Sorry Seth, but this funny beeping sound is coming from the NavComputer, Sven replied, in a calmer voice.

<font size=1><font color=red>Beep, beep, beep, beep...

<font size=2><font color=white>Seth rose off the couch and dashed into the cockpit. He bent down and rubbed his eyes again, forcing himself to focus. Seth read the message slowly, and then read it again, waiting for his mind to process it.

What does it say?!?! Sven asked.

"It says...we will be exiting Hyperspace in....6 seconds?!?!" Seth practically dove across the cockpit and slammed his fist down on the control panel to regain his balance. He reached for the lever on the cieling and quickly pushed it back.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 10th, 2001, 09:13:08 PM
That was too close you idiot! Sven shouted. If Sven hadn't woken the Dark Jedi, the Mirage II would have completely missed the planet.

"<font size=5>SHUT UP!<font size=2>" Seth screamed. He pulled off his mask and used it to wipe the sweat off of his forehead. The planet of Ossus came into view very quickly as the starlines shortened into stars. He threw his mask aside and allowed his long black hair to flow freely.

"Raising shields," Seth muttered.

He raised the shields and increased the speed, deciding he wouldn't need much laser power. Seth braced himself and prepared for death. A cloaked mine field could lay in his path. Surprisingly, nothing exploded, everything was just utterly silent. A little too silent for Seth's liking. Something didn't seem right, but he could not sense any danger.

Seth quietly entered the planet's orbit. He headed for the Atmosphere, toggling with a few of the ship's control. Seth watched through the viewport as the planet rushed up on him.

The Dark Jedi began to scan for a place to land his ship as he exited the atmosphere. The planet was basically full of mountains and canyons. The name Knossa Spaceport flashed in his NavComputer. Seth totally ignored it. He did not want to land somewhere he would not attract any attention. Seth activated the cloaking device on his ship. It had cost him quite a lot of money, mostly all his fortune, but Seth had no need for credits. They meant nothing to him. He knew it would come in handy one day.

Suddenly, Seth felt complete numbness in his hand. It began to move by itself as if possessed by something. He watched as his ship pointed downwards and delved into a mountain side. Seth tried to regain control of his hand but he could not. Instantly, the ship righted itself and rolled to the side, passing through twin peaks.

"Wha--What is this?!" Seth shouted obviously angry.

I thought I'd give you a little hand boyo, Sven cackled.

Seth gained control of his other hand and latched on to the control stick. He pulled right, but his other hand pulled left. The ship began to spin out of control.

<font color=red><font size=1>Beeeeep, beeeeep, beeeeep.

<font color=white><font size=2>The red emergency light began to flash, making a beeping sound.

"You're going to kill us both!" Seth shouted. The ship struck the side of an erected stone, and bounced off a wall. The engines slowly died as it surfaced on a high plateau, and skidded across the plateau. Seth covered his face and prepared for the worst.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 10th, 2001, 09:57:15 PM
"Do...not...move..." Seth whispered to himself.

At that moment, he was in a awkward position. His ship had skidded across the whole plateau and was hanging at the edge. Any slight movement could cause the ship to rock and eventually fall, hundreds of meters down. Seth did not have any wings, so he would be killed in the process. The idea of death did not sound appealing to him.

Hey Seth! Why don't you slice a hole through the roof and leap out?! Sven suggested, louder and more annoying then ever.

Seth's eyes, unusually pale instead of bright orange, shifted to his belt. He would not be able to cut a big enough hole open in time without disrupting the ship's weak stability. His eyes moved to his hand. He slowly guided it to his belt. "What have I got to lose besides my life?" He reflected.

His hand rested on the hilt of his sword. Seth kenw in order to execute such a trick, he'd have to act quicker then ever. He did not know if he was capable of such a thing, being unable to control himself. Seth was worried that Sven might try and take over again. This would surely result in both their deaths.

"Focus," He thought again. Focusing was the key to executing this task correctly. Memories that enraged and saddened him flashed into his head as they did when he needed a boost of anger. He watched as certain death scenes played over and over inside his head. The faint sound of beating drums in his mind grew louder with each passing memory. Then the memory of his fight with Jeseth and Viscera filled his head. The taste of defeat and failure, fresh in his mouth like venom from a poisonous creature.

Everything that happened in the next few moments was a hazy blur. Seth unsheathed his sword, transferring the energy he had gathered to strengthen the hilt. A purple aura encompassed the sword and powered it. Seth jumped up in the same moment and slashed into the ceiling, sticking his shoulder up. The metal of the ship's hull pierced his skin, but he had made it through. Seth was bleeding, and his cape was torn, but he was still alive.

The ship rocked violently and began to tip for a final time. Seth sprinted, half crawling, half stumbling heading for the other edge. The ship finally tipped over and plunged for the bottom. Seth leapt at the last second, soaring high up. He stretched with his arm and clamped onto the side of the cliff, feeling the pain of his arm, and body when it smacked against the rock. Seth quickly threw his sword over and used both hands to hoist himself up. He rolled over the side, and rested on the rock surface.

<font size=5>KABOOM!

<font size=2>Seth slowly peeked over the edge, fire and smoke rising from the black maw. His ship, the Mirage II was gone. It was lost forever, never to be retrieved. Inside it had some important data files, but Seth still had backups. He reached into his pocked and retrieved the un-damaged datacard that held the coordinates for Ossus. His axe had been left at the Order, and none of his armor or weapons had been lost.

Eventhouh he had lost a ship, Seth found it quite fortunate to be alive. If he had believed in luck, he would have blamed his living through that ordeal on good luck.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 11th, 2001, 05:43:49 PM
Talk about a rough landing... Sven cackled.

"That confirms my beliefs. You are stupid enough to pull something like that. It could've destroyed me, AND you in the process." Seth was obviously angry and irritated.

He stared at the terrain that surrounded him. He was obviously on a mountain, ruins of buildings and statues assorted all around. The sun in the sky blazed, heating the rocks and rough ground that Seth stood on. He despised mountain climbing after his small encounter with a Dxun beast on Dxun. It was not pleasant to climb up in the middle of a storm.

Seth reached into his pouch and pulled out his two gauntlets, mended by the finest quantam-crystalline armor in the galaxy. He had paid a pretty penny for them after his last ones were destroyed by Jeseth in battle. He fitted them both on, and clenched his fists for a few moments, getting a good feel.

"Look's like I'll be going downhill from here." He sighed. The Dark Jedi began his journey across the plateau. Once he reached the other side, he'd have to climb down until he reached a reasonable height. Seth was planning to find Knossa Spaceport and then come back for the Jedi.

At that moment, his hopes were a little shattered, but he still believed the Jedi were here somewhere. Seth knew that he'd have to find them, someday.

All of a sudden, Seth's foot contacted with something, causing him to stumble and hit the ground. He rolled around and stared at what had just tripped him.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 12th, 2001, 06:20:28 PM
"A book?!?!" Seth scrambled across the dusty ground and knelt before the object. It was indeed a book, covered in sand. He retrieved a dagger from his left boot and began to pick at the dirt around it. Seth lightly tugged at the book, hoping it would not tumble.

Ooo we have to stop the journey for THAT? Sven remarked.

Blocking the voice from disturbing him, Seth gave the book another light tug. It still would not come out. He began to pick around it some more with the dagger.

Seth decided one last tug was needed. Applying a little more force, he tugged at the book, and fell back, surprised at how easy it slid out.

He bent forward and pulled off his mask. The book looked very old, but was surprisingly preserved. Bringing it closely, Seth blew off the sand and tried to read the faded title.

<font size=4><font color=silver>The Path of Light<font size=2>Written by: Odan Urr

<font color=white>"Interesting..." Seth whispered. The book was quite thick. Seth really had nowhere to put it, except inside his tunic, under his armor. He quickly slipped it in and continued his journey toward the end of the plateau.


In only minutes, Seth had reached the other side. He made sure everything was secure, and slowly positioned himself. Seth looked down, not letting the height intimidate him. He had been in worse then this. Finding a secure rock to rest his foot on, Seth moved his foot lower. He followed this procedure with his other foot, and began to get into a rythem. It would take hours, but Seth would reach ground level somehow.

Accidentily, his foot slipped and banged against the wall. a sharp numbness arose, and caused him to let go of the rock he was holding onto. Seth tried to regain his balance, but tripped. He fell backwards, heading straight for the dark maw...

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 13th, 2001, 09:42:44 PM
"Son of a Bith!" Seth exclaimed. He had managed to grab onto the end of a small crevice with his gauntlet. He dared to look down for a moment, gaping into the black hole. "Does this thing have a bottom to it?!" He thought. All he could see was darkness. He couldn't even bring himself to use the Force to enhance his vision. Seth was too busy trying to survive.

Seth began to rock his body back and forth in a rythmic motion. He pushed off against the rock wall and rocked backwards. Suddenly, he pushed back hard and executed a back flip, sinking both claws into the rock wall.

Like a spider, he scurried up the rock wall, noticing a dark hole only ten meters above. Seth cautiously climbed back up and stared into it. It was about seven feet in height, but Seth wasn't so sure what dwelled within.

"Hello?" Seth whispered. He waited a few moments. The only reply that came was a shrill wind, blowing down the mountain. Again he tried, <font size=1>"Hello?"<font size=2> Impatient of waiting for something to answer, Seth entered the temple, allowing the Force to enhance his vision in the dark. The numbness from his accident still pained his feet. He wasn't able to enhance his vision by that much, due to nausea and a severe headache.

"What the heck is this place." He muttered, studying the stone walls around him. After walking for a few minutes, Seth came to a halt. He was at a dead end.

Anger began to swell inside. He was not pleased with walking all this way, only to stop at a dead end. Seth began to feel the tingling feeling in his head. In the distance of his mind, he could hear drums beating. The drums became louder and louder. Seth stooped down to one knee and covered his ears. The drum beating sound did not halt, but only amplified.

Seth began to lose control on his enhanced eyesight, pitch darkness shrouding his vision. He bit his lower lip in hopes of regaining control. Unfortunately, his emotions began to take control themselves. His eyes grew wide with madness.

"Not again...<font size=5>NOT AGAIN!<font size=2>" He screamed. Seth punched the dead end rock wall with his gauntlet, and fell right through it, into more darkness...

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 16th, 2001, 04:32:41 PM
<font size=1>"Ouch...Where am I?"<font size=2> Seth whispered in the darkness. He sat up and stared around, but only saw the darkness.

He felt sharp pains in his stomach, and an ache on the side of his neck. Seth brought his hand up to rub it, but that only increased the pain. He tried to utilize the Force, but couldn't concentrate hard enough. Seth got up quickly, unaware of a sharp rock just above. His crown smashed into it, and knocked him back to the floor. He blinked a few times, his pupils trying to adjust to the darkness.

Where are we? What have you gotten us into now? Sven cried in the darkness.

Seth got up again, cautiously raising a hand to avoid smashing into anything. He shook his head, but that only increased the pain also. The moment he stood up fully, Seth found a sharp rock jutted in his thigh. He cursed himself quietly, and pulled it out with his hands. The blood from his legs, stained his gauntlets.

He stumbled across what seemed to be a path, trying to feel the Force, but he couldn't. Even after all the training and rituals he had gone through, he still couldn't concentrate.

Seth stopped for a moment and closed his eyes. Off in the distance he could hear beating drums. He couldn't determine if it was his mind, or if these were real. Seth's eyes began to burn bright orange again. He began to shape things out, feeling the Dark Side flow in his blood and body like it had before.

<font size=1>Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump.

<font size=2>The sound of beating drums continued. Seth determined which way to go, using the Force to shape things out, rather then get rid of his pain or headache. He shook his head in the process in hopes of feeling more pain and utilizing it to enhance his vision.

"I will NOT die on this planet!" Seth thought as he quickly passed through the narrow mountain corridors.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 16th, 2001, 06:18:56 PM
Seth took off his mask for the first time since he had left his quarters on Corellia. The mask was sweat and blood stained, with numerous rips on the left cheek. He ripped it into three pieces with his gauntlet and cast it aside. Seth used a clean portion of his cloak and wiped his face. His orange eyes dimmed a bit, because he had stopped using the Force to control his vision.

"Will...I ever escape from this stinking hell hole?" Seth growled. His anger began to course through his blood again. He wanted to live. He had gone through so much and learned many things in the past five months that he had never learned as Naga.

Naga, The word disgusted him. He was no longer Naga. That creature had a soft spot that was exterminated with his body. Seth was victorious and intelligent. Although the human body had setbacks, Seth had managed to cope. He found that humans get tired and weaken quicker. Seth came to accept this.

Seth thought about all this, while following the narrow path. He could not see any signs of light or life for that matter within a 20 meter radius.

Suddenly, he hit something that didn't feel right. Seth stared at it for a few moments, allowing the Dark Side to shape it out. It was a rock wall at the side of a corner. The wall was broken, but managed to stay together. Seth decided it would be best to break it and see what was on the other side. He raised his foot and kicked it lightly, watching as the rocks toppled down a not-so-steep rock bed. Seth himself jumped through and fell 6 meters down. He landed on the rock bed, feeling the pain shoot up his legs.

<font size=1>Thump, thump, thump, thump.

<font size=2>The thumping sound had returned. Now it came from underneath Seth. The Dark Jedi quickly scrambled off the rock he was standing on. The thumping sound on drums did not cease, but nothing happened.

Seth bent down and picked up the rock. He cast it aside. The drum beatings began to get louder. Seth picked up another rock and cast it aside. He began to do this until he found something. It was dark and shining, enclosed in a skeletal fist. Seth pried the fist open and took the piece into his hand. He recognized it right off the bat. It was a Sith Amulet. Seth could not tell which kind of amulet it was, but he knew it was one.

"What is a Sith amulet doing on a Jedi planet?" Seth reflected.

He had read somewhere that Exar Kun had briefly visited this planet. Seth couldn't help but wonder if this rock bed was the fate of a thief or a dark side adept. He cupped the amulet and stored it in his pouch.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 16th, 2001, 09:07:29 PM
"Now where am I?" Seth asked himself.

Why don't you turn around and see for yourself. You know, I think we might survive this after all! Sven shouted.

Seth turned around and observed his surroundings. He was in a large cavern. Something instantly caught his attention. A strip of dim light made a clean line right across the cavern. Seth scuttled down the rock bed and reached the bottom quickly. He unsheathed his sword and pointed it at the source of the light just 20 meters away.

Like he had done in training, Seth called upon the powers of the Dark Side. He felt the anger and the pain clash together inside. Seth fixed his vision on both of his gauntlets holding the hilt of the sword. Everytime he did this, it got easier, but this time he was injured. Seth did not let his headache break his concentration this time. He gripped the sword, not too tight, feeling the energy course through the veins in his arms. It exited his fingernails and entered the hilt, like electricity.

The purple energy crawled up the sword hilt and emcompassed it. Seth held his sword firmly and stared at the rock wall. He expected it to be thick, so he'd have some work to do.

Ever thought that you might cause this whole mountain to collapse?! Sven screamed.

"Rubbish, now shut up!" Seth whispered in the darkness.

He swiped at thin air with the sword for a few moments, getting a good feel. Seth charged at the wall, holding back his war cry. He jumped into the air and thrusted forward. Seth slashed downwards and then to the right. He followed that with a jab to the left and a Force enhanced kick.

The rock wall eventually collapsed, leaving a big enough opening for Seth to jump through. He quietly sheathed his sword back, watching the energy dissapate as it went back into his hilt. He carefully stepped through the opening and stood up. Seth brushed himself off and looked up. The sight that he witnessed both shocked and amazed him.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 16th, 2001, 10:40:31 PM
"A library? THE Library! Holy son of a Bith!" Seth rubbed his eyes and opened them again. The library was still there. He staggered down on one knee. Harsh reality struck him right in the face. He didn't have any way to get all these books out of here in time.

Seth wasn't aware if this place had any sort of defenses. His headache had vanquished, and he felt the Force strongly now, but would the Force be enough to help him survive if this place had a defense system?

He quietly stood up and sneaked across the rail. He kept his eyes and senses open, but he still felt nothing. Seth reached a stack of books and examined them. They were extroadinarily preserved, and they seemed to be thousands of years old. Seth ripped off his cloak and made it into a bag of sorts. He planned on "borrowing" some of the books here.

One book caught his eye instantly. It was named:

<font size=4><font color=silver>Jedi Philosophy - Volume II<font size=3>Written by: Master Ooroo

<font color=white><font size=2>Seth placed it lightly in the cloak. He began to scan the various bookshelfs, picking the odd book or two. Seth managed to find a broken branch on the ground, on a lower level of the library. He figured there must've been a tree or some sort of plant here before. Seth fastened it to his cloak and held it that way.

He continued his search for books, picking only the ones that would offer him more information on Jedi Philosophy. On a lower level of the library, he discovered a book named:

<font size=4><font color=silver>Jedi Lightsaber Fighting Techniques<font size=3>Written by: Elijah Karn

<font color=white><font size=2>Seth grinned while he placed the book with the others. He staggered off to a rock and set the cloak full of books down. Seth needed to rest his aching arms for a few moments. He had a total of 24 books in the cloak. Unfortunately for him, he could fit no more.

Seth's head jerked to the side. There was another in this library. One that had been in here for long, blending his presence in with the Light Side power. Now that Seth had gotten close enough, he had felt it. It was a Jedi's presence.

"Interesting," Seth thought. He opened his presence in the Force, using it to amplify his dark power.

"Jedi! Show yourself!" Seth hissed. He had no intention of fighting, but he wanted to meet this Jedi. Seth took a clean mask out of his pouch and pulled it over his face. He waited in silence, ready for anything.

Sage Hazzard
Jun 17th, 2001, 11:25:59 AM
Sage was plopped down on the floor. He was speed reading through a perticularly fasinating peice of literature. The subject was Mind Tricks, Alter Mind, and other brian altering Force moves. It also discussed the usage of such intruding powers, and if they should or should not be usdd in moderation. The book was co-written by two authors, so the inner debating offered two viewpoints.

He slammed the book shut with the one hand it was balanced on as the voice rung out. It was a Dark Sider for certain. He had never heard a Jedi say the words "Jedi! Show yourself!", the thought of a Jedi speaking in this manner to another was ubsurd.

He raised slowly, his hand resting on his Lightsabre hilt. Then, a thought came to mind. Such a sacred place should not be disturbed by dueling. the library commanded respect, he must not defy it. His hand went to his other hand, the two locked behind his back in a passive stance.

He walked out from behind the shelf and down the hallway. His ears were not terrible, and he could tell the general direction the voice had came from. His boots clicked under him as he walked briskly, yet calmly.

Finally he turned to his left, entering inbetween book shelves, and saw the figure. The shadows protected him well, the sunlight not being ample in this locale.

"Did you mother never teach you that it's innapropriate to yell in a library?"

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 17th, 2001, 08:19:39 PM
Seth couldn't contain his excitement. Here was a Jedi, right before him. Maybe the Jedi Order did have a secret base here on Ossus. He clasped his hands together and flipped backwards, darting through the bookshelves. Seth ran and jumped off a handrail. He fell two floors down.

After a few moments, Seth watched as the Jedi had followed. This place was much more spacious, like a round arena. The bookshelves were too cramped.

"I see that you Jedi must have a sharp wit. Does that come in a package with ignorance, or is it obtained seperately?" A grin curled across his face underneath the black mask that concealed it.

Seth reached for his sword and unsheathed it. He pointed it at Sage in a mock battle position and then threw it aside.

"How fortunate for you that I do value this place. Any damage brought upon it would damage myself, therefore there will be no fighting." Seth maintained his grin for a few moments. "I'm sure you can see the reason in that."

The Dark Jedi also took the axe slung across his back and threw it aside as well. He couldn't believe how fortunate he could get. A Jedi and a vault of books, all in the same day! Seth thought. He made sure to block his inner thoughts from the Jedi. Seth could not trust this creature one bit.

"As you have probably already guessed, I am a follower of the Dark Path. I am Seth Darkserpent, a Dark Jedi. Be that as it may, I am not a stupid one, like you are used to. I understand the value of this place, and respect it. I have never met you before, but you do seem vaguely familiar. You are the first Jedi I have encountered in this body, save the one called Warren Azalin."

Seth clasped his hands at the small of his back and began to pace to and fro.

"I want to learn more about your kind, about the Light Side. It is mind boggling, and I must know all I can about it. I promise you that I will not attempt to harm you, if you would be willing to give me some insight." His eyes darted across the floor and focused on the Jedi. "But be aware, I cannot be swayed to the Light. I will not be held responsible for my folowing actions if you try to convert me."

He took a seat on a rock.

"What is your name?"

Sage Hazzard
Jun 19th, 2001, 01:25:51 AM
Sage walked down a flight of stairs to the level below as Seth rambled on. The Dark Sider was obviously excited, for he could not stop himself from speaking it seemed. The Jedi kept a calm grin on his face, clearly amused with the other's happiness of him being a Jedi. A change of pace for sure.

The Jedi pondered the effects of telling this one about the Jedi, and the Light Side. Was the information usable to his advantage?.... He finally came to the conclusion that farther understanding of the enemies actions could further progress a peaceful end to this never ending conflictm, Light and Dark. If it was another Jedi he would ask for knowledge of the Dark in return, but not Hazzard. He knew far more then most Jedi, and more then many lower teir Sith and Dark Jedi followers. He played tango with the Dark Side everyday, in his mind, always taunting. The Dark Side and him had forged a mutual respect, each one knew how to push the other one's buttons.

The place he arrived at seemed like perhaps a lunch area, or a area to read among other students, exchange ideas... Odd how things would turn up, but were they much differant than the past?

Sage reached the bottom of the steps once the other asked for his name.

"Sage Hazzard, son of Hearth Hazzard. Jedi Master of the Greater Jedi Order." The Jedi said with a small hint of pride in his voice."

The other would not harm him without provoction. This... Seth was it? Thi Seth was after all in Hazzard's arena. Sage took a seat in a broken down chair. It needed a new coat of paint, a few supports replaced, but overall it suited him well. He rested his feet on an overgrown rock.

"What would you like to know?" He said calmy, as if speaking to a reporter for the Corusant Times.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 19th, 2001, 10:03:45 PM
"Jedi Master? The stars shine in my favor today. I was fortunate to meet a Jedi Master and not some lowly Padawan learner." Seth thought to himself. He was aware of the Jedi ranking system and their code, but everything else in his library was vague and not very descriptive on the Jedi. "I bet he doesn't trust me and thinks I am going to attack." Seth thought.

The Dark Jedi opened himself to the Force. He did not trust this Jedi, but he figured Hazzard would not kill him without good reason.

"Sage son of Hearth. Pleasure to meet you." Seth grinned evilly under his mask. Sage did not expect a compliment from a Dark Sider. "I may be a Dark Jedi, but I am not rude....Just evil." His grin broadened.

Seth hopped off the rock in a small flip and stretched his hand out. A book from one of the nearby shelves flew into it. Seth grasped it, softly but firmly. He opened the book and blew some dust, examining the fine print. It looked as if Seth was paying no attention to Sage, but after a minute, he raised his head.

"Why do you fight such a hopeless battle? Do you actually think you and your kind can make one bit of difference? The Galaxy is ruled by evil and the small fraction of Jedi do not do much. That is how I see it at least."

Seth put the book down on the rock behind him. He returned his gaze to the Jedi. Seth's piercing orange eyes leveled with Sage's.

"To put it in plain text, you are fighting a battle you cannot win. Why do your spirits remain unbroken?"

Sage Hazzard
Jun 23rd, 2001, 03:43:11 AM
Sage had pondered the same question over and over again. He always knew the answer, his answer anyway. But it helped him to remind himself every now and then.

"Our spirits never falter, because we do not let them. We know what must be done, and we are the only ones able to do it. I know your kind will not be vanquished in my time, oh no, but in time, you shall. What I do today, fight and defend one at a time, teach new Jedi to do as I do everyday of my life, it will effect the future. I hope you understand this fully, we will never stop. Young men and women sacrifice their lives to train to fight you, they sacrifice their lives to die for the greater good, we will never let their death be in vain. We must defend the galaxy and complete out goal, or they will of died for nothing."

Sage folded his hands and took a deep breath.

"A Massassi can transfer his memories to another. A Massassi was with my father when he was slaughtered by one of your kind. You know one of the things he said as he died in his arms? 'I do not die with anger friend. For I know that my family, my friends, will be protected by the Force. I know that one day, what has happened to me today shall never happen again. I know one day.... I will look apon this universe with a smile broader than the cosmos, for my goal will have been accomplished.' I remember that down to the letter. I repeat it in my head. He was a great man. And it's great men like him that makes me know, I can never stop."

Sage bowed his head in respect for his deceased father before continuing.

"That is why my spirit will never bend nor break. Can you say the same?"

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 24th, 2001, 04:26:33 PM
"I do not know what the Future has in store for me. I do not wish to know, for I am the Master of my own future. My spirit has already been shattered."

The memory of the dream he had while on his mission to scale the Dxun mountain flashed into his head. The dream was of two souls. The souls ran at each other and collided. Both of them twisted and entangled eachother. Before Seth had woken up, he had seen the two souls trapped in an unescapable prison.

"I do not even know what my purpose for living is anymore. Although there is something that tells me to stay alive. Perhaps it is my conscious, perhaps the Force. I am unsure."

Seth remained silent for a moment reflecting on what Sage had told him. It was quite interesting how these Jedi had such determination. Seth had never witnessed such determination in another person, besides his Master Gav Mortis.

"I doubt the Sith will ever be vanquished. I even doubt the Jedi will be destroyed. It is my theory that the Force is made up of both Light and Dark. Without one side, the other could not survive."

The Dark Jedi picked up a small rock with the Force and crushed it with his gauntlet. He watched as the powder slid from his gauntlet, onto the floor.

"It was said that the Skywalker boy Anakin would bring balance to the Force. That prophecy was unfulfilled. He only helped in the extermination of the Light Side forces. Though many died, some survived in secrecy. The Force was unbalanced at that time."

Seth bowed his head.

"Tell me Sage Hazzard, what are your personal goals? Those associating with and without the Jedi."