View Full Version : Saying the last goodbye (closed)

Jun 23rd, 2001, 09:14:26 PM
::Saphire stacks all the wood and the shovel on her correllian VY2400 'Blood Rider' and silently goes onto the pilots seat, coding directions for her replica planet, Alenn, a clean planet, but not her original home. There was nothign she coudl ndo but she would do the best she could. There was unfinished business and she had to do it where no one could see her break down. She trusted Miryan, but she felt she had to do this, he had been there for the other trip, it was unfair to ask him again. her ship hovered off the landing pad and streaked into the sky, an impassive face watching the screen::

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 23rd, 2001, 09:36:36 PM
:: Sieken watched the ship take off into the nightsky, he jumped into his Interceptor and set the cordinents the intercepotor sliced into the sky int persuit..he switched on the claoking device and watched her @#%$ carefully..


Jun 23rd, 2001, 09:53:20 PM
::Saphire's eyes looked apon the silent still pl;anet, knowing no dragonlord life breathed there. The planet had been blown up years ago, along with her family friends and everyhtign she knew, and this new planet had been cloned from some unknown source. But unlike last time Alenn wouldnt have the empty houses she and miryan had experienced. it was time to bury the dead, and bury the pain once and for all.
Her ship creaked as it landed, the landing was smooth, clean and did not mess the perfect grass, only squash what was underneath it::

::The red trees were perfect, the air was pure, the firebirds made the sky seem brighter and the three suns glowed in the sky. The water near her shined, it looked the same as had the old GJO's pond near where she had slept as a jedi. The grass swayed in the soft wind as it had as she had been a child, playing with her brother. Soon this land would have graves on it. Soon this land would acknowledge the death of everyone she had loved....or hated. Soon this land would be stained with the memories that had made this planet what it was. She ehard a dragon in the the beackground and remembered how her people had taken care of dragons. How had the dragons faired now? At least she could look at the land and smile, not feel too much anger and pain.
She moved to her ship and took out the materials, it was time to bury the dead and say goodbye to the people who used to laugh, smile, who used to hurt and kill. yes, it was time to say goodbye::

Jun 25th, 2001, 01:44:45 AM
::The wood went into the ground and dirt got into her eye. Saphire wiped it away and sighed.
The grave read 'Marintek Sterenyo, 345-334 Centra'
Alenns timeline was a slowone, the calendar long, she had to admit but that was nto what played on her mind. She remembered her close friends laughter when they had been at training, he had dissapeared and never came back. But thta had been normal, so many children that failed to be what their parents wanted, or did something terrible was taken secretly and never seen again. Every child soon learnt to conform, become killers and to be what they were shaped and designed to be as they grew up. Tears of anger grew in her face, but she wiped them away, now was not the time.
She remembered his father, so much like her own, hefck! She was lucky she had not been taken and killed somewhere, never to be seen again, to be forgotten and never mentioned again by anyone, as if you had never existed.
Her eyes went to the next grave cross and she took out the carver as she remembered the next name, the next face that had lived and conformed, but died in that fatal battle. She remembered all her friends, extended family as the graves continued to mount, no bodies to endorn the land, only past names of past dragonlords.

Jul 2nd, 2001, 04:12:37 AM
OOC: OK, i know this is LLLLOOOONNNGGGG, sue me.

::Her eyes wandered at the long grassy plains and she looked down at the grave she had just put down. Astarinya, her mother. Blond hair, brown eyes, a warm smile that could turn deadly and brutal at any time. Yes her mother had been deadly and beautiful, a perfect mix. her mothe rhad been friendly and elegant and smart, capable of being greater than her father had pushed her mother down to be.
Her mother had died, but not because of her, that had been a great relief to realise. Saphire smiled as she heard her mothers laugh in the distance and her fingers slipped over the cross. There were memories that never faded with the wind, you were always left with memories.::
Goodnight Mother, sleep well...

::Her hand touched the other grave and her eyes lowered to the name. Aranak Saryin, brother to Karsar saryin and Yaran Saryin and son to Dragon and Astarinya Saryin. Her brother who she had seen die, his killers face inbedded into her mind. She would never forget that face. he had been of the empire, when they had cut off from it and become rebel sith. The last she knew was the faction of empire was destroyed but if she ever found the killer....she never forgot a face. She never forgot her brothers face as his silky black hair dulled and his ever-changing coloured eyes stopped never to change again, to stay at a bright blue. Saphire's eyes filled with silent angry tears, her brothers smile coming into her face as he picked her up off the floor, her fathers footsteps pound as the door slams. He had been more than a brother, like a best-friend. He had promised one day hed take her to the jedi, where he would join himself. A bitter laugh escaped Saphire's throat, how things change over time, how people change and the course of ones life alters. She onc ehad held the wolrd in her hand as a child, dreams about the future, unrealistic ideas on what life would be. Reality hit you in the face and made you realise that you had choices, but life would not be what you chose, it would not be a walk in the park. Life was a trial of sacrifice and joy, pain and anger, laughter and sorrow. She remembered her brothers words "Take what you get and give back what it deserves. Do what you can with what you have been gifted sister".
He had been idealistic, but realistic, and Saphire had always liked that. Her hand touched a tear on her face and she wiped it on his name, smiling at it sadly::

You gave me so much, I didnt give back in return. Im sorry brother, may the heartspan lead you to eternal fire.

::Her eyes layed on her fathers grave and a tiny smile came onto her face. She wasnt angry anymore, she wasnt as bitter as she had been. There was a time where she had been but she had lost so much time in trying to understand him and hating him that she forgot to spend the little time she had with others she loved, yes, maybe even getting rid of that trap a long time ago. If she had've done that, where would she be now??..... She could have made it to jedi knight, or maybe a bigtime smuggler, or maybe even a peaceloving citizen. Somehow though, this was meant to be, her standing here, being the one of the last two of her race, not even a pure breed. Time dealt cruel fates but she felt it had done so for a reason. There were many people on that planet that had deserved what they had gotten. You could not be angry, they had payed. She was a sith yes, but she had what they had lacked, honour for life itself, even though most life forms could be pretty pitiful. Do the damage and pay later, that was the course and the ending, well, enjoy today and wait until tomorrow's findings. She could mourn the dead later, slayen by her own hands. So many people buried here that had shaped her, made her, shown her directions, and so many memories that haunted her, made her smile, made her laugh, made her cry. Yes, she knew the price. But that she was willing to pay and would pay one day. death was a friend you did not want to meet too soon, no matter what form it takes.

She remembered her mothers laugh, her brothers smile, her friends warmth and friendship, her fathers hostility at someone who he could not stand to gorw up to be stronger than he. She remembered the jedi's soft touch, their healing she would never forget or be able to repay even though they would forever be mortal enemies, the man she had once been married to and what he had made her realise, he had made her grow and open. She remembered the sith who had made her what she was meant to become all along, the hatred she felt towards most jedi and the friends and close people she had made along the way. her fingers went to her hand, and she remembered where her mothers ring was.
Saphire sat down and let all that she had experienced fall on top of her, envalope her and make her strogner. Tears streaked down the siths face, anger soured into the air, pain wept into every plant and sorrow made the birds sing a low mournful tune. The surroundings bent to her emotions, her feelings, her past. There were many things she could not deal with but she would bear them lightly, she owed that much to those people who deserved it. One day she would sort this out, this jumbled mess, for now she would weep and take in everything, to make her stronger, to make her braver and to repay depts never been able to be given back. Two silent names were added to the dragonlords, but they had not been dragonlords and they deserved as much as she could give, no matter their origin or group. Jeremy and Cary. She could never repay them, nor to her brother and mother. So many names and lifeless faces::

::The silent figure sat there, tears in the womans face. Eyes alight with fire, pain, anger, torment and freedom to be who she was, to let all that was there out.
The figure curled up and cried, making the tiniest whisper of sound, a noise that went back to the past, to the time the first hour ticked, to the time the explosion erupted, to the time she had found a purpose, a true calling. To a time when she needed friends, someone to help her through rough times, someone to make her face up to the fact that she had to rely on someone now and again. Right now she felt truely alone and lonely, yet complete and free, despite the missing complicaitons. She had said goodbye and this last burst of emotion was the true goodbye to Cary and Jeremy who she had never repaid and had failed, to her family who she ahd never forgotten, to her friends she'd found and lost along the way, whether from this planet or not and to someone she used to be. She let herself sink into her her own emotions, unaware of the presence walking towards her::