View Full Version : Half Life (closed)
Teka Kenobi
Jun 3rd, 2001, 06:07:15 AM
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There are some things which possess form but are devoid of sound, as, for instance jade and stone. Other have sound but are without form such as wind and thunder. Others again have have form and sound, such as men and animal. And lastly there is a class devoid of both, namely devils and spirits.
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:: A white figure sat one a rock, watching the sea crash into the innocent rocks below. It was strange. The sea waves were high and powerfull, yet there was not much of a wind. He walked over to the edge of the cliff and peered down. A seemingly uninhabited beach at this point lay in wait for anyone, or thing to walk over it. He made his way down the side of the cliff with apparent ease and turned to walk along the beach. He estimated that it streched for about two kilometres, and after about one the cliffs slowly drifted away into small grassy hills leading down to the soft sand. His white cloak hood was up and he tok a seat on a rock in the the cliff itself and watched. The sea ran in and before stopping a few metres before his feet, and then running back just as quickly as it had come. He watched silently. No thoughts now on his mind.
Jun 3rd, 2001, 11:29:17 PM
OOC: Saph did have green eyes but they changed in another rp, so fi you get confused with the pic, dun worry.
::There are beings that thrive in the darkness and beings that thrive in the light, but the connections of the shadow reunite those who are lost from each other. Past, present and future meld together as the light fades and as the night sets in and mystrious things happen to those who dwell in the shadowlands, or in the shadows of the moon::
::A figure in black walks the soft sand,brown eyes watch the seemingly empty beach, accept for the feeling of the force elsewhere. The water goes in and out with the tide, the salt surrounding the figures senses. Black hair sways in the gentle wind as she looks up to see a figure on the rocks.
A sudden storm devalops, rain pelts down and thunder streaks in the skies above. Waves become more violent, light sea green becoming dark grey green and the rustles that occasionally disturb the calm serenity suddenly halts, leaving only silence that the figure feels in her bones, feeling that missing side that was never there to begin with.
::Her coat sways in the wind as the rain stops again, thunder still roaring in the night skies, adn she walks up to the man in white::
::her eyes look serene, hiding the growing fury inside> The silence is disturbed by a crackling of 'Killer', her fathers saber::
::The black coat comes off revealing a soft blue dress and a sword with poison in it on her throat in the shape of a sword::
[i]I shouldnt be surprised...I was relaxing before in the forest, and now at my favorite place I am yet again disturbed....[i]
Teka Kenobi
Jun 4th, 2001, 03:22:54 PM
:: The man said nothing and did nothing except stare into the eyes of the Warrior. He could have been stone..or Jade...but he wasn't. Teka Kenobi was there inside, outside too if you knew him. He moved his eyes down to the sabre and watched it.::
::Slowly he stood. Not taking his cloak off, and moving away from the Sith. He stopped and turned, thus pulling the bottom of his cloak, forcing it into direction. His cloak did not drop to the sandy ground, he decided to keep it on. Lux, as Killer did, cracked into life, both ends spinning around in the Jedi's hands. He had the skill to control the weapon and showed it well. Suddenly it stopped spinning and was sill. One would start to question if the man on the beach was in fact a human, and not jade or stone.
So..You want a fight. How....original of you..
::He closed his eyes and focused on the force. He secured his mind so that no one could get into it except him, and then concentrated on the task at hand. His eyes snapped open as the girl came out with her reply...::
Jun 4th, 2001, 06:40:55 PM
::Saphire laughed, this jedi was funny. Of course it was original, she was a sith::
Your amusing.
Let's just say I have a certain dislike to you.
::Saphire almost laughed again as she felt his mind block, the jedi was quick to learn. She did the same with her own mind and looked at him, his eyes turning green and hair turning blond::
::She shook her head annoyingly, where had that come from. The jedi was yet again the Teka with brown hair and blue eyes and her hatred ran deeper::
::Her brown eyes simmer with danger and her saber cracks in the air as she swings it into the air and it gets blocked by Tekas, with her other hand she takes a throwing knife out of her belt and digs it into his ankle::
::Surprised, she falls back the same time he does and feels pain swell inside her ankle as his does::
[i]what the....??[i]
Teka Kenobi
Jun 6th, 2001, 03:31:42 PM
::His eyes, half squinting, half wide open, if that's possible, looked at saph. A confused expression overuled his face. Quickly he got back up to his feet. He numbed the pain, it could be treated to later. He force pulled the knife up to his hands and looked at it. Blood covered it for a few seconds but was quickly diluted and washed away by the overhead rain. He tucked it away in his belt for now. It would become much more useful later.
Putting his concentration back onto Saph he once again realized what had happened. He couldn't sense her feelings well, due to the mind block but she had a sincere and worried expression on her face. Teka knew only but a few explanations to this and he kapt all to himself.::
Again Sith you proceed to hurt yourself. Get up and we shall continue...other wise...
::He jumped forward and landed a kick to her side causing her to fall hback down from her hald standing position. He swung round opne end of Lux ready or her all to obvious defense.::
Jun 12th, 2001, 02:23:53 AM
::Saphire frowned in disgust, she had nto done anything, she had somehow felt his pain. Her anger outwayed her fear and the fury rising from the fear hieghtened her senses. She felt a connection, but she ignored it as her defense turned into an attack/defense position.
Her eyes look around the beach and her smile holds no warmth as she feels his jedi calmness comign from the unknown link. A feeling she used to feel willignly, a feelign that now caused her to shudder in horror at the memories it held::
I hurt myself because deserve it jedi, because the world deserves it and the more people I inflict, the more worlds I destroy one by one makes life a whole lot better. I dont expect a peace loving jedi like you to understand..
::Her eyes reflect the fury she now feels as she feels an unwanted feelign coming from the jedi and her body reacts. Her other hand grabs her second saber and she flips, kicking him in the face and sending her saber into his left shoulder. Twirling to the side she kicks him left knee as he tries to get up, his face in pain......
[i]Pain touched Lucivars face as he touched his leg, his bones broken from the last Rebel attack. Daemons hand touches his brothers shoulder, green eyes looking at green eyes and neat blond hair, touching messy blond hair as he embraces his brother, glad that Lucivar is alive.
"You made it brother, I told you you'd make it. Your the fearless leader Lucivar. But if you ever scare me like that again..."
His brother smiles and laughs "I wont try to scare you Deamon, or should I say Demon A-Wing, but we both know we'll be scarign each other a lot worse"
Daemons eyes look sad and eager as he laughs along.
he always had Lucivar, but he wouldnt know what to do if he lost him......[i]
[b]Saphire shakes her head, the strange connection growing stronger, her eyes meet a look on Teka's and the connection grows to nothing again as she blocks off the strange feeling.
her saber cracks in the air as the two sabers lock. She distinctively remembers her mothers story about intwined souls. Anger sours into the air and her mouth forms a snarl. Her mother was wrong![b]
Teka Kenobi
Jun 19th, 2001, 03:16:45 PM
::Teka listens to the sharp, snapping snarl and frowns. It couldn't be true. He didn't even know her...::
::He jumped through the air knocking Saphire's sabre to the side with his own and landing a boot hard to her chin. To his suprise and amazment he flew right back in the air and landed on the ground dispersing sand everywhere. Looking up at the sith, who was currently getting up off the ground with a shocked expression, he began.::
No. It can't be.
::Without even touching the ground he rose to his feet and charged at the girl full pelt turning Lux a few times and making wild slashes thrugh the air at Saph. When he decided to stop he faked an over head strike and spun low tripping the Sith to the ground. Unfortunately for him she was not the only one to fall to the ground.::
Jun 20th, 2001, 01:44:39 AM
Saphires fury went to its highest peak as more memories came::
[i]"Lucivar! Watch out!! Their right behind you, hurry!"
Daemon yelled in urgance as fear rushed into hsi eyes, the imperial X-Wing fighter was good, too good. Lucivar had to get out of there!
"I hear you, what do you think I'm dooin....."
Daemon heard an explosion and angry tears off rustration went into his eyes, hoping to hell that wasnt Lucivar.
The Rebel X-wing, recently taken from the last imperial attack landed on the pad and Daemon got out, shaking as he saw no sign of his brother.
"Daemon, hes gone." That was all his friend said but now teras of pain came into his eyes, he felt lost, half of him had gone. God, he wished he could feel the connection again. What could he tell his mother? How could he even fully convince himself his mirror was gone, forever?
Banging his fist on his ship he howled and tried to destroy the object infront fo him by beating it again and again. His friend watched him sadly and waited until Daemon was in a ball to pick him up.
"Hey, at least your still alive. We'll always remember him as the high flyer Daemon man" his friends brown eyes were with simpathy and Daemon snarled.
"Id rather be dead, he should be here to lead the next attack. I cant, i cant do it. Im not a leader Serak, I never was"
"You have to. Remember what yoru brother always said? Get it over with and weep later. You can and you will" Serak lookede at him and Daemon turned away, his hand rakign through his hair. Serak was right, damn he was right.
Turning again he walked for the door to be alone, for once in his life to feel truely alone...[i]
Jun 20th, 2001, 11:26:50 PM
[i]"The X-Wing creaked, laser beams lit the galactic air and the dark starless surroundings chilled Daemon as he fought for his life. The imperial X-Wing seemed the same as the one who ahd shot his brother, as he had later found through anothers memory testing. Daemon didnt run, he ordered everyone to leave this one ship alone as he faced it. Panic seered into the air as his ship rumbled and he felt his body react in the most horrible way........
Daemoen woke up and noticed Lucivar, smiling as he knew where he was.
"it's time brother, we are to be born again. Take my hand, its time" Lucivar said, sounding almost ancient. Daemon was abotu to take it when time erupted and they were forced into a babies form, his hand touched lucivars but it was too late. "NOOOooooooooo.." [i]
<b:mad: :Saphire seyes opened as pain filled her body from tekas attack. It couldnt, yet it was. She got up and yelled in fury::
Damn you Lucivar
:;her words hit the air like electricity touching water, her anger filles her senses, yet there is another feeling. Disgusted she turned away, she couldnt handle this. Out of one fire and into another, was there any end? Couldnt she at elast feel once in her life there wasnt some kind of relaiton problem. Much less to a jedi she ahd just met and foud out the were twin souls. DAMN! Why did things have to be so complicated::
::She turned to face Teka once more then picked up her saber from the ground, turning it off and letting it dangle in her hand. She wasnt in the mood anymore, yet she hated him more now that ever, hated him for what had happened, for the recognition of what they were. Daemon had such a storng link with hisbrother, it sickened her that she might have to share her feelings and instincts with the..the jedi. Yes, she hated him much, yet there was an unpleasant feeling creeping. Forcing it down she slams her hand onto a nearby rock, shattering the rock and leaving a red cut on her hand::
Damn you lucivar.
::The last comment was to the dead memory. Daemon was a different person, she could refuse to completely trust in the link, to savour it. She would deny it as much as she could, peopel gettign too close, especially enemies was a risk facot she wasnt prepared to take. yes, se would try and deny what was inside her soul, and she would try and succeed.::[b]
OOC:This should make things interesting for the future >=)
Jun 20th, 2001, 11:26:54 PM
[i]"The X-Wing creaked, laser beams lit the galactic air and the dark starless surroundings chilled Daemon as he fought for his life. The imperial X-Wing seemed the same as the one who ahd shot his brother, as he had later found through anothers memory testing. Daemon didnt run, he ordered everyone to leave this one ship alone as he faced it. Panic seered into the air as his ship rumbled and he felt his body react in the most horrible way........
Daemoen woke up and noticed Lucivar, smiling as he knew where he was.
"it's time brother, we are to be born again. Take my hand, its time" Lucivar said, sounding almost ancient. Daemon was abotu to take it when time erupted and they were forced into a babies form, his hand touched lucivars but it was too late. "NOOOooooooooo.." [i]
[b]::Saphire seyes opened as pain filled her body from tekas attack. It couldnt, yet it was. She got up and yelled in fury::
Damn you Lucivar
:;her words hit the air like electricity touching water, her anger filles her senses, yet there is another feeling. Disgusted she turned away, she couldnt handle this. Out of one fire and into another, was there any end? Couldnt she at elast feel once in her life there wasnt some kind of relaiton problem. Much less to a jedi she ahd just met and foud out the were twin souls. DAMN! Why did things have to be so complicated::
::She turned to face Teka once more then picked up her saber from the ground, turning it off and letting it dangle in her hand. She wasnt in the mood anymore, yet she hated him more now that ever, hated him for what had happened, for the recognition of what they were. Daemon had such a storng link with hisbrother, it sickened her that she might have to share her feelings and instincts with the..the jedi. Yes, she hated him much, yet there was an unpleasant feeling creeping. Forcing it down she slams her hand onto a nearby rock, shattering the rock and leaving a red cut on her hand::
Damn you lucivar.
::The last comment was to the dead memory. Daemon was a different person, she could refuse to completely trust in the link, to savour it. She would deny it as much as she could, peopel gettign too close, especially enemies was a risk facot she wasnt prepared to take. yes, se would try and deny what was inside her soul, and she would try and succeed.::[b]
OOC:This should make things interesting for the future >=)
Teka Kenobi
Jun 23rd, 2001, 06:54:54 AM
OOC: I honestly can't think of what to post. If u wren't asleep right now we could talk!! :p
Jun 23rd, 2001, 09:33:00 PM
OOC: IM on now!!!!!!! IM me!!!!!!! pweeezze?
Teka Kenobi
Jun 25th, 2001, 12:49:23 PM
Damn it! Shouted Lucifer at the top of his voice.
His A-Wing's engine had just exploded and he was headed sraight for the planet of Kail. He could not control it any more.
Eject damn it!
He banged the controls infront of him with his fist. As he entered the atmosphere his ship started to spin and it gained speed quickly.
Oh crap.
A voice somehwhee in the ship informed him of the fire that had spread from the engines. It moved on to informed him of his time left until his impact to the ground.
5 seconds to impact,
A strange force took over his body and it went limp. A light came from his body and in a flash he was gone. He was gone before the ship crashed into a snow ledged mountain.
* * *
Damn you. Daemon.
Jun 27th, 2001, 01:28:45 AM
:;Saphire flinched at the name, wonderign if he had been speakign to her or to the memory he had seemed to be entranced by. She didnt have the heart right now to attack, yet she hated him! This was WEAK! She had to attack, she had to.
Her saber went on but as she looked into his eyes with fury his eyes were bright blue like Lucivars ans conflicting emotions attacked. DAMN!.
Horrified , she unknowingly force blasted him and herself in the process, and cursed herself for her uncontrollable attack, only to realize she was in the water, wetness soaking through her clothes. Fury penetrated and was made stronger, but so was that stink she had once felt, Daemon ahd once felt. Where did loyalty get you? SO this explained why she was cursed with, it ahd been passed on by spirit::
[i] confuse and disgust me...This is your demise[i]
[b];:Saphire did not add that she may not be able to take the final blow, but she would try, weakness was one thing she dispised within herslef and to vancuish it was vital. Weakness made you have a disadvantage over someone and she would not be made weaker by a...what? A once identical twin?, a spirit identical twin? or a dirty jedi? Enragement and the mix of past confuse her, annoyed her, infuriated her. How could attack..::
::Running up their sabers clashed as teka realized her thoughts, her eyes flashed and weakness was driven away, but held in the background, waiting for time to trickle in again::[b]
[i]I will not have you make me weak Jedi, not even for a...past. I am steel![i]
OOC: I hate these italics etc. lol. :)
Teka Kenobi
Jun 27th, 2001, 03:19:10 PM
::Teka frowned and ran fowards towards Saphire. He put his right foot in front and then pulled his left foot next to it beofre pushing his right foot into the air to kick Saphire in the chin. He had suppresed hjis emotions for now. Let the force take him. Guide him.::
I am chisel. The chisel that will make holes in you steel. Forever.
::He jumped back to watch her lie on the ground. He waited for her to rise. But...::
Jun 30th, 2001, 06:18:05 AM
::Saphire didnt get up, only studied him, cautiously, carefully. Slowly she got up, fury in her eyes. He could destroy everything she had built, destroyed every wall she had put against others to protect herself from being seen as she was. This would not do, she would not be left helpless, she would not. And it certainly would not be a jedi that made her touch her personality, the sides she didnt like. Never!::
You will not undo what has been done!
::Would she leave now, no matter what the cost to her fighting history and keep what she had done intact, and let the jedi win one battle. Or stay and let herself face damage that might be done? One side said to go, but her stubborn side refused to budge, and her leg kicked him in the face, her arm grabbed his leg as he went down and a bone cracked. Pain went into her ankle but she ignored it as she began beating him on the chest with her fists, beatign out the damage he was doing, beating out the things he was making her see. he would pay. She could not use the word..soul brother.::
[i]You cannot win jedi, never![i]
Teka Kenobi
Jun 30th, 2001, 01:06:09 PM
Teka kicked her in her left leg as hard as he could making her flip over twice and definately breaking her leg. He spun back in pain as it shot through his leg. His leg was not brken, but it did hurt a lot. He turned back and picked her up with both hand throwing her against the muddy wall. He spun round Lux a few times as he walked over to her. His eyes were as blue as the sea.
OOC: Sorry i couldn't post more! :(
Jul 2nd, 2001, 06:03:25 AM
:;Saphire didnt get up, only watched him, ignoing the pain in her leg, obviously broken. Her eyes watched him carefully, brown eyes mapping the movement of the very muscles of the jedi's movement. Her mind ticked and her very spirit roared in fury. Her mind became more calculated, more cold, trying to fend off the whole bloody mess she was in. She hated it! Thsi jedi would not edge his way to her trust, never!
With one leap, her bone breaking even more and more blood spilling as she yells in pain she slices at the jedis stomach, slicing into the soft skin and she feels the edge of her trust dissapear, it was ok. Her leg reflected immense pain but she only smiled as his blod touched the ground, mixing with ehrs, pain went into her gt area then slowly faded and she looked at him in the eye, his depe blue eyes meeting brown eyes. A link there but a link that is being denied::
I am a sith, I am hard, i am cold.
You cannot touch me jedi.
Teka Kenobi
Jul 2nd, 2001, 11:55:59 AM
You are a Sith. An ignorant one at that. If you do speak the truth. That I cannot hurt you. Then every time you strike me down you are hurting yourself. I am supprised that you have not noticed the blood coming from you stomach. You are a fool Sith, you kill me, you kill youself.
Teka dug deep down into his soul fighting off every emotion ever feeling he had. He would not be tempted to go down an easy path. If there were two paths three metres away he's walk down the middle. It was his way. What all of this meant was that no matter what happened to Saphire how much pain she felt. Teka had just blocked it. There routes were still there but Teka had just jumped to a higher level. A level of no pain. A level that would show him more about himself. He stood and stared at Saphire. He raised a hand and pushed her, all the way over the beach into the water. He was not sure how or where his strength came from, it was just something he had to do. And he just had.
The time is not now. We have not seen all of our...history. Your mind works nothing like mine. Who's to say we really are...
He stopped and smiled. He knew she hated it. Being the sister of a Jedi. His smile turned into a teeth baring grin as he spoke once more.
Backflipping onto the grassy bank above him he looked at the soggy Sith now worse for wear. His pain started to sink back in but it was not half as strong as it would have been. He turned and walked off, blood stains on his clothing. He put his hood up and walked off.
Jul 3rd, 2001, 10:42:05 PM
::Saphire watched and growled. She knew of the blood yes, btu that did not mean he ahd to know it hurt. She would work on the way to block him out of her mind forever, he was not *shudder* her twin soul. She spat on the ground in disgust to get rid of the disgusting taste in her mouth and he turned around slightly::
To show pain to a jedi is honourless if one can hold the pain in. May the force be with you jedi, may it be with you so much it cracks your soul and disturbs your mind and makes you realise the true path. Until then I will not claim any connection to you or your...jedi friends that do not exist in my mind. Until then I shall not even breath you name without hate and disgust, until then you are an enemy.
:;She does not attack, she would wait until the painless way of fighting him was found and she would be separate from this..jedi's pain.::
[i]Until then jedi....[i]
[b]The sith warrior turns around and walks towards the ocean, towards the endless seas and mysteries hidden in the depth of pure blue/green waters. She let go of her emotions and felt the sense of nothingness, the pure calm of hatred and serenity mixed in a perfect darkness as she sat down and closed her eyes, cutting any connection off from the world. To think, to contemplate..[b]
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