View Full Version : End Games: Is This The End? [ Closed ]

Darth Phantom
Jul 5th, 2001, 02:21:43 PM
ooc: If you'd like to get involved please contact me via AIM
(Pimpin it Deep) or E-Mail (sithdarthphantom@yahoo.com)

:: Towards the end of a long dark hallway on the right hand side lays Cale Kincaids room, known to most as Darth Phantom, the Lord of Darkness. Painted in red on his door is the Sith Symbol along with "Phantom's Quarters". Entering his room you feel a sudden burst of cold air, With only a small desk lamp on, his room is extremely dark and gloomy. Reaching over along the wall as you enter you flick on the light switch, a dim red light turns on from the ceiling. Looking around you see a large bed pushed up against the far wall, with a baron nightstand sitting next to it. On the opposite side you see a huge collection of weapons, in the corner you see a small mini bar ::

:: On the edge of his bed Phantom sits heart broken, the only person he had ever loved, the only person who had ever had him feel really alive left him. So he sits there looking at her picture, a single tear drips from his eye. He lays back on his bed and chuckles to himself ::

I LOVED YOU!!! why, why this??
The only time I love someone, it ends like this. Now I remember why I loved no one before...

:: He says to himself. He throws the picture against the wall and leaps off his bed, he walks to his desk and slams his fists on the top, snapping it in half. He picks up one of the halves and throws it across the room into his mini bar. He grabs one of the knives on the wall of weapons, places it in both hands with the edge pointing towards his stomach and drops to his knees...

Darth Snack
Jul 6th, 2001, 08:53:51 PM
Oh please don't tell me you're gonna actually let your emotions take control of you like this?

*Darth Snack, Sith Knight, had felt the change of emotions in Phantom while he was sitting in his room. Snack ran to Phantom's room as fast and quietly as he could. He stood by the doorway watching the temper fit the Lord of Darkness had as he threw his furnature all around. When the Knight saw Phantom about to take his life, Snack stepped in.*

You know better. Love is something you shouldn't let control your life. You're able to do stupid stuff like what you are doing.

*Snack stepped over one of the broken pieces of wood and made his way to his friend's bed, and sat down. He did not even bother taking the knife away, knowing full well that Phantom would more than likely take his life before he took his own in this state of rage.*

You feel betrayed, don't you?

Darth Phantom
Jul 7th, 2001, 09:23:36 PM
:: Phantom lowered his head in thought ::


:: He says quietly, still looking at the ground ::

I do

:: Taking the knife away from his stomach and stabbing it into the ground ::

This is the cowards way. I can't belive I let myself fall into this, I remember why I thought love was a wasted emotion...

Darth Snack
Jul 7th, 2001, 10:40:00 PM
Now now...

*Snack stood from the edge of the bed. He walked over and bent down, grabbing the knife which Phantom had stabbed into the floorboard. He picked it up and stood at his full hieght looking the blade over.*

True Love might be a watsed emotion, but it reaks with benifits.

*Snack tilted his head as he looked at the blade. He threw it up in the air, watching it flip. Letting it dropp below his own waist, Snack snapped out and caught it by the handle, blade down. He smirked at Phantom, then retook his seat on the edge of the bed.*

True love will make one stronger. You're hurting from this. This hurt is allowing your hatred to flare unwarrented... your rage and agression are now in top notch. Use it. Use this pain and this hurt to make you stronger.

*Snack continued to flip the knife in the air, allowing the Force to see for him so he wouldn't be cut. He turned his attention to Phantom.*