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Darth Snack
May 6th, 2001, 11:03:05 AM
*The Sith, a race of people who fight. Their anger controls them; their hatred. They instill fear in their enemies. When a Sith fights, they become more powerful then before.

Sith Knight, Darth Snack, only wants one thing. Power. He has dedicated the time needed in order to earn it. Since his turn to the dark ways, he has fought his former friends, Jedi. And he has been victorious each time. He would be victorious again.

He looked around the day's battleground - the planet of Bothawui; the black hood limp on his back. There was a slight breeze, dropping the temperature a few degrees. Perfect.

Nichos Marr
May 6th, 2001, 11:29:10 AM
He had been drawn here. Like a magnet. A hill not far from the active city of Drev'Starn. Bothawui, mainly famous for it's large spynet. The planet was simple with mountains and valleys. A low breeze in the air.

Nichos had never really been here. But this was obviously no time to visit tourist attractions. Something had called him here. It was the Force.

He admired the blue sky and the passing landspeeders. The grass slightly swayed to the side. He could feel something. An...evil presence. Why would the Force send him here? Nichos advanced, letting the Force flow through him. He pushed his concerns away, and focused on the present. The Dark signature was one of the Sith. Yet it seemed somewhat familiar.

Then, Nichos saw him. The Dark figure wearing his dark robes stood on a hill, only a few meters away. He was aware of Nichos and it looked like he was ready.

Nichos realized who it was. "Darth Snack.." Nichos whispered. Personally the Jedi had never known Snack, but he had seen him before. He was a fallen Jedi. Nichos bowed his head. Why had the Force sent him to a Sith. Nichos shrugged and began his descent up the hill. He cupped his hands over his mouth.

"Snack, what brings you to these parts?" Nichos shouted.

Darth Snack
May 6th, 2001, 01:22:26 PM
Fate, destiny.. maybe? Maybe not. Why do the suns rise in morning while set at evening?

*Snack could feel Nichos's presence near his. Having his eyes closed, Snack was able to be more aware of his surroundings; and the different signatures left in the Force from those who happened to be in the general area.

Nichos Marr... the young Jedi Padawan to Warren Azalin. Warren had mentioned Marr's name a couple times. Who he was, what he was like. The basics. Snack had also seen him every once in a while... back at the Academy. Back when he was a Jedi Knight. How things have changed.*

Or it could be the same reason why you showed up here as well. The Force. An omipotent being which controls the actions of everything: the suns, you, me, nature.

*Slowly, Snack opened his eyes. The Force did not lie. He saw Nichos Marr approaching him.*

Tell me, Marr, do you fear your own death?

Nichos Marr
May 6th, 2001, 05:36:48 PM
"Fear my own death? Of course I don't. I've seen myself die in visions, even when I faced the cave. Fear is the path to the Dark Side. The easy path." Nichos sneered.

His hand instinctively brushed over the handle of his lightsaber but he did not unclip it. Not yet.

"Why did you turn to the Sith, Snack? You were a great Jedi. You were one of us." Nichos bowed his head. The wind swept past him, through his tussled hair. He ran a hand through it.

"Come back to the Jedi Order with me Snack. Please?"

Darth Snack
May 7th, 2001, 04:53:39 PM
Your offer is pointless. What good would it do me to go back with you? I would be back as a Jedi. Probably a padawan. I wouldn't be trusted.

*Snack sighed, his patience thinning.*

No, turning back to the Jedi would be a mistake. You know this as truth.

*His arms folded. Snack's hands disappeared into his cloak. Lowering his arms, his right hand grazed along the hilt of his dual blade.*

Nichos Marr
May 18th, 2001, 06:29:51 PM
"So what, you're going to attack me?" Nichos watched as Snack's hand brushed over his lightsaber. The dark weapon he wielded. Nichos had a similar lightsaber. It hung from his brown leather belt. The Jedi made no attempt to unclip or even grab it.

He could see that Snack was beoming impatient, probably irritant too. Quite a thing with Dark Siders.

"Poor misguided Snack. The Dark Side is already draining at your looks. Have you lost all your common sense? Siding with some out-of-date cult that abuse the Force? And I actually thought you were intelligent at a time."

Nichos bowed his head, slowly shaking it. He kept his senses alert, just in case.

Darth Snack
May 20th, 2001, 04:48:58 PM
*Snack smiled, as his right hand fully clasped his dual blade hilt. Letting out a little laugh, the Sith drew off the ignorance of the Jedi.*

Abuse the Force? Heh heh... I don't abuse the Force. You can't abuse the Force. I just prefer to use one side of it. The Dark Side.

*Snack withdrew his saber from his cloak, and held it at his side. His thumb slipped over one of the power switches, allowing the beam of superheated plasma grow. He pointed the Orange blade at Nichos and charged, spinning as he sliced with the saber at Nichos's right side.*

Nichos Marr
May 26th, 2001, 10:47:43 AM
As soon as Nichos saw Snack run at him, the Jedi tugged his saber off his belt and rested his thumb on the ignition button. He pressed it quickly as Snack spun to slice at his side. The blue blade shot out, just in time to deflect Snack's attack.

"The Dark Side? I woulda named it the Dumb Side." Nichos grunted as he kept his ground.

Both combatants' lightsabers were connected in a stalemate. Sparks flew as the loud crackling sound rang through Nichos' ears. He was forced a few steps back by Snack who was quickly overpowering him.

Nichos called upon the Force and released a mighty Force Push that knocked Snack back about 10 feet. The Jedi began to slash at the ground under him, using the Force to raise mudballs, clumps of soil and rocks off the floor. He sent them all hurtling in Snack's direction. Nichos kept this attack up, hoping the Sith could not retaliate.

Darth Snack
May 26th, 2001, 08:46:32 PM
*Snack stood up, his eyes glued on the clumps of ground which were hurled at him by Marr. He smirked, bringing his saber in his right hand up infront of him.

The Dark Side swarmed around Snack. He brought up his empty left hand, manipulating the Force around him. He sent a wave of his own through the Force, knocking and deflecting the first waves of dirt clumps off back the way they came and to the sides. Some collided with the third wave of projectiles, knocking them off course.

Those which did get through Snack was ready for. He side stepped to his right a few paces, and used his saber to cut down any strays. One clump did make contact with the Sith's left shoulder, spinning Snack around. He lost his footing, but quickly regained it. Turning to face Nichos once more, Snack smiled.*

You must be a Knight by now, Marr. It shows.

*Snack ran at Nichos, quickly diminishing the ten-foot gap. As the two sabers collided, Snack set his footing. He quickly flipped over the Jedi, landing so that they were back to back. Snack quickly turned before Marr could, and delivered a spinning kick to his lower unprotected back.*

Nichos Marr
May 26th, 2001, 09:00:11 PM
Nichos could feel the kick coming his way through the Force. He jumped forward, arching his belly to avoid the kick. Snack's foot grazed his back, leaving a long thin cut. Nichos turned around, ignoring what pain he felt. Determination and a form of calm could be seen in his eyes.

"And you...a Sith Knight I presume? I've dealt with worse."

Nichos reached out with the Force, feeling the things around him. He could feel life all around him. Then he could feel Snack's evil presence, poisoning the life around him.

Overheard a flock of flying ral passed, their dark figures could be seen in the early morning sky. He called out to them. Two swooped down, while the other's remained their current course. Nichos kept his concentration, knowing he'd have to act fast before Snack began to attack again.

Like bullets, the ral swooped down. Snack didn't sense them until it was too late. The Sith spun around to meet one head on. The first ral collided and clamped onto Snack's shoulder with it's razor sharp beak. The other ral flew past, slightly cutting his side with it's poisonous tail. The ral swooped around and flew back to Snack, it's beak snapping.

Nichos off to the side was influencing them with the Force. This was his specialty. He had a good link between other living beings, and sometimes they would help him in his ventures.

Darth Snack
May 27th, 2001, 02:31:34 PM
*Pain immediately rushed through Snack's body as the razor sharp beak of one of the ral's pierced his right left shoulder. To add to the pain, the second ral swooped by, cutting Snack's right side just under his rib cage. The sting and starting numbness of his side noted to Snack that the tail must be poisonous, and it had started seeping into Snack's body.

Snack shook violently to try and knock the ral on his shoulder off, but to no avail. Snack closed his eyes, concentrating on the pain, remembering his training of long ago. A Sith's uses his pain for his advantage. He used the pain to make him stronger and to drive his growing anger and his connection with the Dark Side. Transferring his saber to his left hand, Snack brought his now freed right hand up, and grabbed the bird like creature around it's neck. He pulled it away, ripping it from his shoulder, and threw it hard ten feet away into the ground. He could feel the blood oozing from his shoulder, but it phased Snack little. With one blade still powered, Snack spun around, igniting the other side of his dual blade. Just in time, too, as the growing blade impaled the second ral, which was headed for a collision with Snack.

He spun his saber, the two blades making magnificent arcs of orange color. The impaled ral flew off, dead.

Smirking, Snack stood at his full height, three inches over six feet. He took his dual blade, and positioned one of the blades over his lacerated shoulder, touching the heated plasma to his broken skin. The smell of burning skin immediately filled the air as the orange blade cauterized his wound. As painful as it was, the Sith Knight did not flinch; showing how much pain he could withstand. As soon as the wound melded together, Snack brought the blades around, spinning the dual blade.*

I’m sure you have.

*Snack smirked, then ran at Nichos once again, filled with anger and driven by pain. Both blades on the dual blade were ignited, and ready to cut the Jedi in two. The right blade of Snack met with Marr’s blade for a short stalemate. Snack brought the right blade away and quickly slashed with his left blade. Again Nichos countered. They held this for a few seconds, until Snack grinned. He pulled away and quickly went on the offensive striking high, low, to the sides, spinning around to attack the back, with both blades furiously slicing and swiping at the Jedi. Each attack batted away.

Snack quickened his pace, and made sure to change his patterns. This was one of Snack’s best abilities; his saber skills. He knew that Nichos could not keep up with the quickening and changing pace. It was only a matter of time before the Jedi would slip up and that would be the time when Snack would strike. And that time quickly came.

With his left blade, Snack sliced at the Jedi’s head. Nichos brought his saber up just in time to block Snack’s blade. As soon as the two blades contacted, Snack spun quickly around, adding momentum to his left blade, which spun Nichos’s blue saber down, causing him to duck. Snack’s right elbow was pointed out, as he spun, and it connected with the back of Marr’s head when he brought it back up. The right blade of Snack flew over the Jedi’s head and as Snack completed his 360 degree spin, he struck his left foot out, sweeping Marr’s feet from under him, knocking him to the ground*

Nichos Marr
Jun 1st, 2001, 04:50:40 PM
Nichos knew he had to act quickly or he'd be Bantha Fodder. The Jedi's hand quickly shot out. He grabbed Snack's leg firmly and broke it using the Force to strengthen his muscles. The Sith Knight fell to the floor, while Nichos took the momentum to get up and trot backwards. The Jedi recalled his lightsaber and ignited it with a snap hiss.

Keeping silent, the Jedi focused on the Force, feeling it flow around him. He shook his head absently, letting the Force fill his body. Just over the horizon, the first signs of the sun rising could be seen. Nichos smiled, it was like a light of hope. Maybe the Jedi would save the Galaxy one day.

"Sith, you lead such a meaningless conquest. You're nothing but a dreamer."

Nichos flung his saber at Snack's position, guiding it with the Force. He watched as the saber sliced a small circle around Snack's position. Nichos recalled it, and de-ignited it.

The Jedi let his mind flow, entering the circle. He used the Force to feel out each particle, rubbing them together really fast. The Light Side was life. One of the elements of life was fire. Life was Nichos' ally. The grass and soil around Snack caught on fire. The fire quickly spread while Snack was in the middle. Quickly it headed right for him.

This gave Nichos some time to clear his vision up. He put one hand to his head, feeling a sore lump. Nichos watched to see what Snack would do.

Darth Snack
Jun 6th, 2001, 06:22:12 PM
*Snack, on the ground, his left leg throbbing with pain. Anger and hatred filled him. Anger that he allowed his leg to be broken; hatred for the Jedi in all their forms. The pinnacle was reached within Snack at this moment, where the Dark Side of the Force over powered the trace amounts of Light within him.

The smell of brurning grass filled Snack's nostrils. He opened his eyes only to be met with the blurry vision of a line of fire rushing towards him. There was not much the Sith Knight could have done to move out of the way, with his broken leg hindering his movement for now. "Use the pain to drive you" He heard this voice in his head. Following the advice, Snack concentrated on the pain and the area around him. There ws not much to do, except fight elements with elements.

Calling upon the winds took less and less thought each time Snack did it. Many times he has summoned the winds to aid him. In numerous fights, in practice and training, and on other missions he went on with his Master, Ogre Mal Pannis. Quickly, Snack concentrated the Force around the atmosphere, moving the air streams faster than normal. As the winds picked up, Snack centered his focus at the moving flames which were almost touching Snack.

He inched his way back away from the raging fire, then pushed out. The winds instantly picked up, swirling around Snack and the fire in front of him. The wind blew across the grass and the fire, causing the sprerading inferno to change it's direction. Increasing his concentration, the winds picked up yet again, this time, catching stray flames, and the fire infront of Snack, in general, to quickly blaze along the grass in the direction of Nichos.

There was still part fo the fire ring behind Snack, so he could not just keep backing up. He watched as the fire wall was sent at Marr, and smirked. Slowly, Snack tried to stand up, despite the pain which resurrfaced itself in Snack's left leg.*

Nichos Marr
Jun 17th, 2001, 06:38:53 PM
"Aww crap..."

Nichos focused on the wind that had already been summoned by Snack. He used his own Force power to amplify it. Nichos sent the gush of wind at the fire, using all the power he could muster. The wind blew the fire away, snuffing it out like a cheap candle.

The Jedi bowed down on one knee, panting hard. He had managed to save the surrounding area from total annihilation. Nichos was a little exhausted, but he knew he'd get his breath back.

His head suddenly shot upward as he stared off into the horizon. A pack of twelve Krak'jya stood atop a hill, howling into the sunset. Nichos called out to them with the Force, asking for their assistance. He could only hope and wait that the animals had heard his cry.

"Now to deal with you." Nichos trodded over to the slowly standing Snack. He clasped his hands together and then swung them both back, knocking Snack to the ground with a purple wave of energy. "Please Snack, don't make me do this."

Again, Nichos advanced. He raised Snack into mid air with the Force and jumped at him, giving him a force enduced kick to the ribs. Snack was knocked to the soil again.

Maintaining his calm, Nichos summoned two large sized rocks from the ground. He hurled them both at Snack's legs.

Darth Snack
Jun 17th, 2001, 09:20:15 PM
*The Sith Knight rolled onto his back. The kick to his ribs connected, but no pain was caused. At least, no pain which Snack could tell. The posion from the ral had effectively any pain in his mid section. Luckily, there was not enough posion in the tail to travel through Snack's entire body.

Shoot. The ral should have just sliced my leg. Then I wouldn't feel this pain. His leg was still throbbing, and dramatically slowing Snack's movements. He tried to scampper to his feet, but noticed the two large rocks flying towards his outstretched broken leg. No.. Snack propped himself up, balancing on his right elbow/forearm. He shot his left hand out, calling to the Force. The Dark Side answered, and flowed through Snack's body, feeding off the pain in his leg. The wave of evil caught the two rocks, ripping them from Marr's control. They held in mid air, bobbing slightly up and down. He lessened the amount of Force he used, only using enough to keep the rocks levitating.

Now came the tricky part. Snack took a quick second to regain some stamina, and pushed out with the Force. The wave hit both rocks, but only moved one of them. This rock followed the wave, which was directed back to its origonal sender. The impact was harsh. The rock hit Nichos square in the chest, breaking three of ribs and forcing out all of the air which was in his body. The force of the collision knocked the Jedi back and to the ground, his midsection pinned under the rock.

As Nichos pushed the rock aside, Snack moved the rock over the fallen Jedi, about four feet above his right arm. He let his hold of the Force go, dropping the large rock on Marr's right arm.

Snack layed back, taking in as much air as he could which each breathe. He took this time to rest, regaining his stamina, letting the Dark Side to flow through his viens, revitilizing his strength. He got to one knee, then pushed off the ground with his hands, standing fully, allowing a limp in his left leg.*

Nichos Marr
Jun 18th, 2001, 05:30:56 PM
Nichos managed to move his arm away in time. Unfortunately his thumb bone was crushed in the process. He winced in pain, trying to get a hold on the Force. Nichos used it to raise the rock off his chest, feeling the bruises in his rib cage.

"Please, help me." Nichos sent out with the Force.

Like a speeding bullet, travelling across the plains, a krak'jya leapt from behind a rock. It pawed at Snack, taking him by surprise. The animal put it's weight into the jump and knocked Snack to the ground. The other eleven krak'jya soon followed, a blood lust in their eyes.

Nichos placed one hand on the soil and pounced upward. He used the Force to wash away his pain, getting a better grasp on the animals' minds.

"Just like in training." Nichos rememberedusing krak'jya to train, and train his padawans.

He sent out a Force order for them to advance on Snack. The tiger-like creatures all pounced on him, pushin eachother aside, trying to tear his flesh apart.

Nichos knew that all the pain Snack had been feeling must have been feeling would stunt his concentration patterns.

"I will command the creatures to stop if you leave Bothawui and do not bring anymore harm to this place." Nichos shouted above their growls. "As you can see, they are about to end your life. Killing is against the Jedi code, but it is an exception if it's for the greater good. I suggest you do not test me."

Darth Snack
Jun 18th, 2001, 08:12:40 PM
*There it was again. Pain. Snack tried fighting the beast off of him, but to no avail. Trying to roll around on the ground, trying to fight them off, tyring to protect his face and other body parts all caused the krak'jya creatures to rip at his skin with their jagged paws, biting and nipping at his skin and bones with their blood stained teeth. So this is how it ends? Turn to the Sith for power, only to be killed by a pack of beasts... these creatures wouldn't even stand a chance against those insectiods Master Ogre had Ket and myself fend off for three days... nor the huge Aseloth...

Snack's eyes closed. He stopped his fidgetting; his fighting; his protecting. He layed back perfectly calm, trying to breath as the animals continued to snack on him. His thoughts traveled to his past, conjuring up lost memories... or what he thought were lost. He found something... something which he forgot in this fight, yet has always reminded himself of. Know your opponent. Nichos was a Jedi Knight, as was Snack at one time. The two must have gone through very simliar trainings. Snack thought back to his own Jedi training. Even though he was now cleansed of the light, he still remembered his training. Any teachings Snack had heard or had been lectured on, he did not forget.

Calming. With one breathe, Snack had his senses calmed. He has never been afraid of his death, nor has he been afraid of losing in a battle. He had nothing to fear. He conquered it. And the krak'jya fell for the ploy. They stopped their biting, clawing, and maiming. Nichos had sent them after one of the Dark, which uses the pain he feels; one who is not calm nor patient. Now, their victim was the exact opposite.. or so they thought. They backed off of him, but began pacing, waiting for their dead prey to liven back up.

Nichos saw this, and made sure to counter it. He broke through to two of the krak'jyas, which both lept on Snack's bleeding body. One began biting and tearing at Snack's leg, the other at Snack's arm. The calm within Snack quelled the impending pain.

The proposition was layed out for Snack, but he had one of his own. With all that he had left, Snack reached for Marr. Not with his arm, but with the Force. It centered around the Jedi's neck, his trachea (sp?). And he squeezed. Hard. Unrelenting. The true darkside. Snack felt Nichos's collapsing wind pipe, and felt the air escape his body, with none to replace it. Snack shout out, his voice cool, calm, and evil.*

Nichos.... I too am ... not afraid of my death.... Do not release them.... from me.. and we both die....

*Snack's eyes were still closed, but not shut tight. It was as if the Sith Knight was sleeping, unbothered by nightmares. He strengthened his hold on the Jedi's neck, causing the Jedi to fall to both knees, gasping for air. The two beasts which were feasting on Snack drew off once more to join their pack; pacing a few meters from Snack's feet. One, however, calming walked over around Snack and firmly placed its jaws around Snack's neck. A last resort move to try and force Snack to let go of his hold. But as the teeth sank in further, Snack's hold tightened on Marr, using the pain which was not held back by the calm within, to strengthen the hold.*

Nichos Marr
Jun 24th, 2001, 11:45:29 AM
This...will...stop! Nichos screamed in his mind. He let go of concentration on the krak'jya's minds and watched it let go of Snack. The Jedi knew quite well Snack would still want to kill him. Never trust a Sith.

At the moment, Marr had no air to breathe. He'd estimated 20 more seconds before he suffocated to death. 10 more if Snack decided to crush his windpipe fully.

Nichos stared at a few small pebbles on the ground near Snack. He could barely see them due to the blackness forming in his eyes. Using all the power he had in the Force, Nichos hurtled the pebbles at Snack's arm. One had a jagged edge and pierced Snack's shoulder, the other two followed this example. For a split second, Snack's concentration was diminished.

The Jedi flipped upwards taking in huge amounts of air. He ran at Snack using Force Speed and scissor kicked the Sith in the chest, sending him backward. Nichos reached on his belt and pulled out his lightsaber.

"ZZT! Sssss!!"

Nichos ignited it and slashed downward, scoring a hit on Snack's chest. He slashed again, gashing Snack's side. Nichos was knelt down on one knee, but had his lightsaber pointed at Snack's neck.

"If I feel any little flinch or disturbance in the Force around me, I will decapitate you. You have your chance to leave this place now."

Darth Snack
Jun 25th, 2001, 12:19:48 AM
*Pain. It was all Snack could see, all he could hear, all he could feel. If the small jagged pebbles were not enough, the two saber gashes in his chest just made things worse. The blood from his neck oozed out, the blood from his shoulders trickled down to the ground. His entire midsection numbed from the posion from the ral's. His leg broken and swollen. It was over.

The blade of Nichos hummed with a crackle as it pointed at Snack's throat, only mere milimeters away. Snack's eyes, glazed over, yet with a certain rage, glared into those of the Jedi Knight.*

Yet once I move to leave, you will certainly decapitate me nonetheless.

*The Sith Knight's eyes peered down at the sliverish blade, when he spoke his next words.*

At least leave me with my dignity. You have your win today, Jedi. Leave it at that.

Nichos Marr
Jul 9th, 2001, 09:45:57 AM
The Lightsaber de-ignited. Nichos clipped his own to his belt and stood up. He slowly walked back, keeping his eyes on Snack. Nichos looked down at the Sith, trying to control whatever dark thoughts he felt. The honorable thing to do would to give Snack a bacta pack or two. Nichos just bowed his head and shook it.

"You chose the life of evil. Now, live with it, or die with it." The Knight calmly spoke.

He spun around and limped away, knowing that Snack could not pose a threat in his current condition. Still he kept all his senses open. Something told Nichos that Snack was going to ask for the aid of another Sith or two, meaning he'd be killed or captured if he didn't get out of there soon.

Before Nichos reached a hill heading downward, he called behind him, "We'll meet again Snack." At that point, his voice was just a faint whisper. Nichos disappeared down the hill, his next destination, Drev'starn.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jul 9th, 2001, 01:29:46 PM
He hadn’t observed the battle, but he had enough mental connection to know that something had befallen one of his apprentices, and he was already en route to the scene to see with his own eyes.

Upon arrival he could sense only one force signature in the area. It was weakened but still solid and it seemed to be growing more powerful by the minute. “Snack must be quite angry about now. He thought to himself as he approached where he could sense his apprentice’s presence.

When he arrived he saw the Sith Knight’s condition and the answer to his current mental state, even though weakened he was full of hatred and want for revenge. Those feelings were enough to make Ogre proud of his apprentice, even though it was apparent that he had been beaten in the battle that had just taken place. Such things could only serve to make one stronger in the Darkside and were not things to be ashamed of, they were things to use to make one’s power greater.

He arrived next to Snack and knelt next to him. “You did well Snack, and will do better next time. Carry the hatred with you and let it fester. It will give you the strength to take your retribution.”

One of the green Sith’s massive hands reached up to the talisman around his neck, while another of his hands moved over Snack’s fallen body. “Now to get you in a condition that will allow you to return to the Empire and heal completely.”

Both the Sith Master’s hands began to become obscured by a dark aura of Force energy, amplified by the ancient Sith healing talisman. The energies leapt from his hand and into Snack, mending the most severe wounds he had. A stream of sweat and signs of strenuous activity graced Ogre’s features as the magics drew his own strength.

The aura subsided and Ogre’s face seemed somewhat drained, but his strength would soon return. Snack’s injuries were not completely healed, but they were to the point where he would be able to leave under his own power now. “Rise and return home Snack. You can take your revenge once you are ready.”

Darth Snack
Jul 10th, 2001, 03:56:49 PM
*Snack did not even acknowledge the words Nichos had left him. He just closed his eyes and lay bleeding into the grass. The Sith Knight had lost a great deal of blood due to the fight, and it was now taking it's toll.

Anger, rage, hatred.. all of those emotions filled up within him. Anger for his quest for power had been stunted. Rage for allowing the Jedi to best him. And hatred for the Jedi period. It seemed everyday that passed for the Knight his hatred for the lightsiders grew.

Snack struggled to keep his eyes open but to no avail. He was on the brink of unconsiousness when he felt a familiar pressence, barely. Straining his eyes, he saw a gigantic green form kneel beside him. The voice confirmed it to be Ogre, and the words of ... comfort was it? was all Snack needed. His eyes closed tightly.

Then they opened again. He saw his master with a strained face, clearly. With his right hand he reached up to his shoulder where the rock shards had pierced his skin. Three rough bumps was all he felt. He moved his hand up to his neck, where those beasts had mauled. Only small wounds yet no bleeding. His torso... he could feel it again. The posion must have worn off or deluted.

Snack pushed himself up into a sitting postion. He brought in his right leg close and used it to help push himself up to his full height. And that's when it hit him. The moment his left leg had pressure on it, it stung like hell. Shifting his wieght to his left leg, the beaten Sith limped over to his master, bowing his head. He looked up at his master. Snack's eyes were not filled with remorse or a sense of failure, for he knew quite well that one will only learn from failures, and one will grow stronger. The only emotion which showed through his eyes was the new found hatred for the Jedi.*

Master, I thank you for coming here...

*Snack broke his eye contact he had with his master, looking back to where the blood staind grass was all crumpled. He turned back to look his master square in the eyes. Any normal man, or Jedi for that matter would have a chill running through their spines just being in the same area as Ogre, let alone standing toe to toe a few feet from him and almost glaring into his eyes. But Snack showed no fear, only hatred and rage.*

Master, when I am done recovering, will you aid me in honing in my fighting skills. Teach me how to properly use this hatred I feel during battle?