View Full Version : Cruelty and Consequence (closed)
Raine Sarin
Jul 7th, 2001, 03:58:30 PM
*As the dawn approached a Sith Knight sat quietly against a tree, awaiting his opponent. Word had been sent to the Jedi he wished to see. A simple message, one that had given the location where to come, a promise there would be no trap, and a simple addition of, "an old 'friend' wishes for some payback." Raine knew this particular Jedi would show, it would only be a matter of time now. A cool, strong breeze blew through he forest, whistling through the trees and stirring the layer of fog on the ground and lay like a blanket around the trees. The cry of some creature that awoke in the distance was suddenly hushed as if it too could feel the darkness that was flowing through the area and was stricken with a strange fear that seemed to have the very forest itself silenced as well. Indeed, it seemed the trees, the ground, even the air, knew of the battle that was going to take place.*
Warren Azalin
Jul 8th, 2001, 05:21:15 PM
:: Days had passed since the Jedi had received the mysterious message, his only clue as to why he was even here was an "old friend wishes for some payback". Knowing his luck this could mean any number of people from The Sith Empire or any other or the many groups that disliked Jedi - and he was one disliked Jedi. ::
:: Eventually the Jedi reached the source of the message and the same disturbance in the Force he had been feeling. He could tell who it was by the way they carried themselves but she was a lot different than when he has last seen her, for one...she was a man now. It took him a second or two to get over the initial surprise of the sudden sex change. He knew Rain fought like a man before but this was ridiculous ::
"Well, well Rain. You seem a little different this time around. Done something with your hair have you ?"
Raine Sarin
Jul 9th, 2001, 09:21:42 PM
*The Sith looked up, his two-toned eyes glistening in hatred.*
"You disappoint me, Azalin. I expected a more mature comment to come from someone like you. I must say that I had respect for you as a warrior, however your toungue has basically destroyed that now."
*Raine stood up slowly, his hands still covered in his cloak.*
"Perhaps, I can remove the cause of that problem."
*Suddenly, Raine flung his cloak behind him and threw a dagger at Warren. Using the force, he created the illusion that the dagger split into 5 different ones, all aimed at Warren's head. As the Jedi began to see which dagger was true, Raine quickly used a force enhanced flip and landed behind Warren and used a quick sweep to knock the Jedi off his feet right before the daggers would hit. As Warren fell, Raine quickly reached up, grabbed the real dagger and plunged it into Warren's left shoulder, smirking at him.*
"As you can see, Azalin, I've improved greatly since we last met."
*With that said he ripped the dagger up and out of Warren's shoulder and flipped back and away, returning the dagger to his side and now drawing his more traditional weapon. With a dual snap-hiss Raine ignited his darksaber, the purple blade that Rain had been known for now having changed to a cold ice blue, the black core in the middle still representing the Sith's dark heart. He grinned toyingly at the recovering Jedi, who was somewhat surprised at fast Raine had become.*
Warren Azalin
Jul 10th, 2001, 02:12:06 AM
:: He could feel the blood dripping down his arm as he reached for the cold hilt of his saber; it had always been a comfort to hold Salvation in battle but now it was his only source of sanity. He knew the madness was taking him over, but would all this fighting truly be his Salvation, it didn't matter, all that mattered now was his fighting for his life ::
"A lot has changed since we last met Raine, I meant you no disrespect before. I was only trying to cut the tension of out obvious predicament, but I see you are a man of action. Well then, let us go to ACTION."
:: With that the Jedi brought his newly ignited blade into the cold night air as he charged towards Raine, he knew this would be a harder fight then before seeing as this body did not seem as frail, but much had changed in Warren as well. Even now he could feel the madness in his head, calling to him and telling him to perform acts of hatred, he fought it slowly though, but alas the blood dripping down his arm had given the Darkness the upper hand in the beginning of what seemed to be a long battle. As quickly as he raised the blade it was brought down slamming into the ground as Warren looked on towards Raine with an emotionless stare ::
<font color=red>".....Raine, is that your name. Ahhhh a fellow tortured soul. So what brings you to this Pathetic shell of a man ? If you want a fight I would be a much better advisory, although unlike my Jedi counterpart here I will take your head home as a trophy. So come now you pathetic waste of life. Come and meet your maker."
:: With a snap of his fingers the blade jump forth back into his hands, ready to do battle and spill the blood of his enemies. With a swiftness known only to those of the Force Warren rushed forward intent on ending Raine's short life in one quick stoke. But all was not to be that way as rain jumped out of his path all too soon ::
"...Awwww is the little Sith afraid of getting hurt, well then guess I'll have to make this quick and painful."
:: Raising his blade into the air the Jedi called forth a gust of wind forcing it's Dark energy into the blade itself, swiftly he pushed the air outward causing the air itself to fly free of the blade and slam into Raine's chest. Seeing as the Sith was stunned Warren readied himself and rushed forward for another attack ::</font>
Raine Sarin
Jul 12th, 2001, 01:16:01 AM
*Raine focused quickly on the dull pain in his chest where the wall of wind had smacked into him and recovered just in time to use his quickness to dodge Warren's attack, managing to make the Jedi overshoot him and then delivered a quick, hard kick to the back of Warren's right knee as well as bringing his sabre up quickly, the very tip of one of the blades grazing one of his wings slightly.*
"Tortured soul? I believe you're thinking of someone else, perhaps the persons I used to be."
*Many would believe that Warren was simply acting strange, but Raine knew that sudden change in demeanor all too well. And he knew enough and had experienced enough to know that this wasn't the Warren he had started off fighting.
Raine stood in a semi-defensive stance with his lightsaber in front of him, ready to defend or even attack if an opening showed itself*
"And, I have no quarrel with you. There is no reason for two of the Darkside to try and kill each other. Unless, of course, you have something to prove. Then by all means, we can continue this."
*He smirked, an evil glint in his eyes. Raine remained focused and strong in the Darkside; still keeping his sabre ready incase Warren moved towards him.*
Warren Azalin
Jul 14th, 2001, 03:22:56 AM
<Font color=red>"Darkness or not, quarrels or not...I just don't like you. And since I dislike you I shall spill your wicked blood all over the floor. So come now and fight me you weak excuse for a Man."
:: Warren knew that would send the Sith into a rage and that's what he had hoped, he would want this one to fight his best so when Warren killed him it would be a supreme victory. Something was wrong though....he could feel the old Warren fighting for supremacy. He decided he would have a little fun with the Jedi and let him think he was going mad....</font>.....Warren looked at Raine as he noticed the red blade in his hand, why had he ignited this saber, he never used this one.....ever. Quickly he turned off the red saber as he sprung Salvation to life, he let the blue hue fall over him as he stared down Raine. ::
"What's going on here? Are you playing some mind games with me now? Answer me...."
Raine Sarin
Jul 14th, 2001, 08:45:51 PM
*Raine's eyes narrowed at the dark one's words however he wasn't going to attack, he knew better. He remembered how much stronger and powerful he had become when the other would take over, so he wasn't about to go underestimating Warren's other side. He smirked in amusement as he saw Warren's reaction to the red lightsaber and as soon as he heard the jedi speak, he knew the other was gone.
He slowly started to circle Warren.*
"I don't play games like that Azalin, you should know that. Besides, if I was able to make you activate that saber without you even knowing it, don't you think I would have had you use it on yourself as well?"
*Suddenly he moved forward, bringing one end of his darksaber in a slice that aimed to cut the Jedi in half. Warren easily blocked it but Raine acted quick and let the Jedi be met with a boot in the chin from a strong kick with his right leg. Raine took a step back again and smirked*
"Perhaps you are losing your mind, Azalin."
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