View Full Version : Fighter Combat

Khendon S
Jul 22nd, 2001, 03:33:33 PM
A lone TIE Executioner MK2 entered a hostile war zone. Khendon had been challenged, and he wouldn’t back down. His craft sported speed and agility not possessed by the TIE Executioner’s original version, and to further its superiority it was equipped with a myriad of other technologies. Khendon usually would have brought Black Thorn squadron with him, to back him up, but the requestor had specifically stated that no escorts would be tolerated.

Khendon set the craft to max speed, 255 MGLT, and hit the booster, sending it along at 300 MGLT, Khendon killed the engines, giving them a rest as he let momentum take over. Khendon flicked a switch, setting the active scanners to max power and activated his HUD, which projected all the information needed into his eye. “Activate variable spectrum analyzer,” said Khendon.

“As you command, Khendon. VSA activated,” said the AI.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 22nd, 2001, 05:14:57 PM
::The Via-Viper slammed right heading toward the zone of intrest data section 11-5647-214 sector B of Ambria, the Via Fleet had been orderd to stay back and let the 2 craft fight::

:: The Viashino general dressed in the useral (Preditor) armour, the long dredlocks sweeped down the Vias armourd back had primed his cloaking device and radar repelent additional devices, he had locked and loaded the torpedo bays and the quad lazers were ready to fire at will::

Time to meet the reaper my dear friend he tuanted the enemy


Khendon S
Jul 22nd, 2001, 07:35:27 PM
“Sir,” said the feminine voice of the TIE Executioner’s AI, “scanners indicate engine exhaust at eight o’clock. Shall I fire counter-measures?”

“Negative, power up weapon systems, lasers at full lethality. Set shields to maximum recharge, call up target on HUD, get me a visual.”

“As you command, Khendon.” The craft went vertical then turned, adjusting to even out with the emissions that were scanned.

“Bring up particle analyzer.”

“As you command, Khendon.” Khendon could now see blue trails from the emission.

Definitely a craft, a small one at that, thought Khendon to himself. In his book, small was anything under two hundred meters. , “Open general frequency.”

“General frequency opened.”

“Unidentified craft… what is your intent.”

Reysa Sashara
Jul 23rd, 2001, 02:15:42 AM
:: A deathly silence came from the Viashino General, he said nothing and concentated on getting his weapons primed, although he had a locked visual, the green square that from Reysas HUD incased the enemy fighter, indercated his location, the box losts its target and dispard of the HUD::

" Valousha" Said the Via Skoth Cussing and hissing as the box re-ignighted indercating with he was going away....or coming towards Reysa::

::Then pulling the Via Viper vertical in a alarming rate going above Kendons Hud Viwer and out of sight::

Khendon S
Jul 23rd, 2001, 02:03:54 PM
“Sir, craft taking evasive maneuvers, shall I pursue?”

“No, keep a basic tracking on it, if it tries to fall in behind I’ll do a loop under, just keep feeding me that data.”

“As you command, Khendon.”

The optical cameras on the TIE Executioner MK2 followed the craft as every sort of scanner probed it, trying to identify it.