View Full Version : The battle on Tatooine. (Teka Kenobi - Closed battle.)

Kaine Darklighter
Jun 30th, 2001, 05:42:17 AM
White streaks passed over Kaine's X-wing fighter, as it went through hyperspace, it's destination; Tatooine. Before long, Kaine's X-wing dropped out of hyperspace, and headed for the hot, desert planet. The planet itself looked quite remarkable from out here. The sand on the planet gave it a great orange glow that could be seen from nearly all over the system.

Several minutes later..

Kaine's X-wing landed on the out-skirts on one of the smaller towns on Tatooine. Opening up his cockpit, Kaine jumped out of the fighter, sinking slightly into the warm sand. Then the heat hit him. It wasn't long before Kaine was sweating, and he decided to take his pilot suit off, which left him in his normal clothing; a blue shirt, with a white colar, and white pants.

The force. Kaine focused upon it, and let the dark side flow freely through him. He stretched out with his senses, trying to find any Jedi in the nearby town. Then it struck him. The presence of a Jedi. It was a quite strong presence, in-fact. Either an advanced Padawan, or a Knight. This'd indeed prove to be a good fight, one that Kaine wouldn't lose. He let his thoughts flow out freely, hoping the Jedi would hear them.

Come, Jedi, To the outskirts of the town .. I have surprise waiting for you..

He grinned, and waited for the Jedi to either respond, or show up and face the Fallen Jedi.

Teka Kenobi
Jun 30th, 2001, 01:20:42 PM
Teka walked through the small town and past the newly upgraded pod-racing stadium. He was not there to watch anything but simply passing through. He looked at the small shabby houses. He was sure they were nicer than they looked from the outside. Both suns shone down with such heat to make a normal person sweat, 'till they were dehydrated. Teka had no reactions to extreme temperatures and simply carried on walking. Suddenly he stopped and turned several times. The message came to him via. the force. It was Kaine.

Come, Jedi, To the outskirts of the town .. I have surprise waiting for you..

Teka had never really properly met Kaine before. He could not handle the ways of the Jedi. At least that was what he'd been told. He hurried his walking, breaking into a light jog. At his side was Lux. The Jedi, clad in black from head to toe, had never really met Kaine. Apparently he was once a Knight, a good one at that. And now evil. A Sith. Would one not have thought that if a force user had spent all that time using the force for good, and then suddenly turned to the darkside, that he must have shown some sort of suspicious behaviour along the path of good? Perhaps. But the dark path was easy. However the users of it's power were not.

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 5th, 2001, 02:01:53 AM
Kaine let out a sigh, as he walked from side to side, waiting impatiently for his opponent. Maybe the Jedi was too scared to come face him. Heh. That'd be just like them. Another 5 minutes past, and Kaine stared out at the city. Then he saw a human figure, walking to him to at a fast pace. A smile broke over his face, and he lowered his head slightly. Lowering his hand, he placed it down on the hilt of his saber.

“You finally came, Jedi. I was beginning to think you had chickened out.”

Kaine let out a small chuckle.

“Although, I really shouldn't have stuck around back here for so long. I should've came in after you. Oh well, I'll just kill you out here.”

Unclipping his saber, Kaine thumbed it to life. The silver blade extended out of the hilt, and an almost inaudible snap-hiss was let out.

“Now arm yourself, Jedi, and face what will end your life.”

Teka Kenobi
Jul 5th, 2001, 03:10:51 PM
OOC: Are you looking to steal me sabre?

Teka looked a disturbed glance towards Kaine. So eager to fight. It could have been quite scary. Teka unclipped Vertex and waved the dark purple blade in front of him. He looked up at the bloodthirsty man, and spoke.

Your words are meaningless. Your mouth is writing checks your body can't cash.

Teka smiled. Vega had once said this. Not to him but none the less this was a good time to use it. He waoted for a response. Fully ready for battle.

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 6th, 2001, 11:45:21 PM
A more serious face formed on Kaine, as he glared at Teka. Raising up an eye-brow, he let out a chuckle.

“My mouth is writing checks that my body can't cash, eh? We'll see, Jedi.”

He spun his saber around in a full arc at his side, before he blasted at Teka in a full paced run. The Jedi Padawan lifted his saber, and got into a defensive position. Kaine reached Teka quiet fast, and let out a flurry of saber strikes at his opponent, yet each were blocked, but Kaine continued the attack. This continued on for a few minutes, before finally Kaine batted Teka's saber to the side, and thrusted forwards, trying to impale him.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 13th, 2001, 12:39:48 PM
Teka spun to the left and batted the sabre to the side, making Kaine stumble forward. As he stumbled forwards Teka stomped on the back of his knee making him tumble to the ground. As Kaine got up Teka spoke softly..

If you can see by the end of the battle..

Suddenly two bright lights shone into Kaine's eyes and stayed there as Kaine waved his hands in front of his face attempting to get rid of the menacing attack, done by Teka.

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 16th, 2001, 03:02:18 AM
The attack itself didn't last too long, but the effect of it did. Pain was pumping in his eyes, and he began rubbing at them, trying to rid the pain. Before long, he stopped rubbing, and opened his eyes slightly. He could barely see, but he could make out the figure of Teka, who was.. right infront of him. The Fallen Jedi immediatly reacted, jumping back, but he wasn't fast enough. The Jedi had already raised up his foot, and rammed it into the stomach of Kaine.

The Sith Disciple stumbled back slightly, but eventually balanced himself. Although pain was rushing through him, he managed to let out a laugh.

“You blind your enemy to beat them. Cant beat them any other way, can you, young Jedi?”

Kaine began focusing, drawing on the Dark Side, and using the pain to fuel him. A small grin formed on the edge of his lips, just before he went on a full-paced charge at his opponent. Just as Kaine got close enough, he suddenly dived to the ground, to go into a roll. His roll hit Teka in the legs hard, which sent him stumbling forward.

The Sith used the momentum of the roll to jump into the air, and do a 180 spin, so he landed facing his opponent. Teka finally balanced himself up, and spun around to face his opponent. Yet what he was met by was a large clump of hot sand, which burned into his eyes.

“I can play that game too.”

Kaine let out a chuckle, then ran at his opponent, looking to atleast get one hit on him with his saber.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 16th, 2001, 11:14:41 AM
Teka was distrated for a moment only, but that, unfortunately, was all his opponent needed. Teka sensed him dash forward and immeadiately rasied his sabre, but the distraction was too much. Using the force to direct his body movements he defended as well as he could but the manic Sith managed to strike him up the arm, ripping the shirt from his arm and burning through his flesh.

Jumping back quickly Teka managed to get a clear vision and readied himself once more. He looked at his arm. It was bleeding and it ran down his arm, staining his sleeve. Shutting off the ain for now he put his concentration back on Kaine.

Teka ran forwards himself and swung his sabre very hard, whilst just above the ground, knocking Kaine's sabre away from his body, as he continued through the air, and connected with a boot to Kaine's face knocking him back wards.

As Teka landed he immeadiately crouched and ducked, spinning with his leg out making Kaine come to the floor quickly. Teka quickly jumped backwards and once again readied himself. He spoke softly, getting his point through..

I'm sure you can. However you, are not the Gamekeeper.

Edit~ keep sig to the 30k limit please.

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 16th, 2001, 10:57:48 PM
Kaine let out a chuckle just as he was falling. Placing both hands on the ground before him, he fell into a back roll, then immediatly stood up. A grin formed on the edge of his lips, as he stared at his opponent.

“You can say what you want, but you know, that in the end, I will come out on top.”

The sand around Teka began to raise up, and formed a dome-like shape around him. This startled Teka, and the Jedi slashed through the sand. It fell down ontop of him, which momentarily shocked him, but by the time the sand was all gone, Kaine was already infront of him.

Teka was caught off-guard by a hard, right boot to the side of the face, which sent him tumbling to the ground. Running to the side, chasing his opponent, he kicked him in the back of the leg, and Teka went crashing head first into the ground. Lifting up his leg, he shoved it down on Teka's saber arm, with enough power to almost squash it. This made Teka let go of his saber, which rolled slightly in the sand.

Kaine smiled, and picked up Teka's saber, then jumped back about four metres, and ignited it. He waved the dark purple blade around infront of him, and gave Teka some time just to stand up. Once Teka got up, Kaine grinned at him, then got into a defensive stance with both sabers.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 17th, 2001, 02:58:41 AM
Teka wasn't sure if Kaine knew how to weild Lux, but it would - no doubt be very interesting. Teka waited for a moment before stepping forward. He got himself into a defensive stance and watched his double bladed sabre.

Teka charged forward and jumped over Kaine, high enough to miss any sabre swings Kaine may have ley out. Teka landed on his hands and feet and quickly pushed his foot back into a kick at the lower of Kaine's back. Kaine stumbled forward and Teka was already up. Running and using the force to help him he dived forward and grabbed his sabre into a roll before turning sharply, bringing one blade dangerous close, and extremely fast, towards Kaine's leg.

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 17th, 2001, 05:41:12 AM
Although Teka had grabbed onto the saber, Kaine didn't let go. The saber came dangerously close to his legs, but his danger senses kicked into, and he done a flip over the blade, a flip that would place his legs right onto Teka's face. Teka had now got into a crouching position from the roll, and his flip caught him off guard. Both his feet were planted into Teka's face, which sent him tumbling backwards, yet he didn't let go of the saber.

This sort of stunned Kaine, and made him let go of Teka's saber. Doing that really didn't please him, so as soon as he landed, he went on the offensive again. Using speed that was enhanced by the force, Kaine ran at Teka, spinning his own saber around skillfully.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 18th, 2001, 11:19:33 AM
Teka quickly got into the only stance available that would enable him to do damage to his enemy, with out using his sabre (which was currently in his left hand). Teka waited for Kaine to reach him, quickly Teka raised his sabre up as it was hit by Kaine's. Teka dropped to the floor, and put his left foot infront of Kaine's legs and his right behind. He watched as the Sith fell from his own momentum.

Quickly Teka got to his feet and made a downwards strike towards Kaine's head. He knew Kaine would find someway to defend himself, but never the less strengthened his strike with the force.

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 20th, 2001, 09:14:23 PM
All Kaine needed to see was the start of the flash that was Teka's saber before he reacted. Raising up a hand, he quickly placed a force grip of Teka's throat. This slowened the strike, but didn't stop it. Using his other hand, he used the force to push Teka's saber hand away. Quickly sitting up, he kept the hold on the Jedi's throat.

Kaine grinned, and he stood up, latching onto his fallen saber. He clipped it onto his belt, then stared at Teka, who was still struggling for air. Eventually, Kaine let go, and Teka almost tripped over his own feet. The Jedi stumbled forward, his head lowering, while gasping for air. He suddenly saw two feet not to far infront of his, and when he looked up, Kaine was right infront of him.

The Fallen Jedi gave Teka no time to react. His fist planted itself in the stomach of the Jedi, doubling him over slightly. In another quick motion, he removed his hand, and jumped up slightly, bringing his right foot around. Kaine's foot connected hard with the Jedi's face, hard enough to pierce the skin on Teka's left cheek.

Landing firmly, he quickly unclipped his saber, and ignited it, the silver blade extending out right infront of Teka's face. He pulled the blade back; then slashed it forward, aiming for a cut from Teka's right elbow, to his left hip.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 22nd, 2001, 07:39:40 AM
Teka used the force and the momentum of the kick to launch himself to the right, narrowly missing the sabre stike. He knelt up and swung his sabre infront of him. Almsot instantly he jumped, from his ground position up towards Kaine, and he spun his sabre round, making a lot of fake moves and fast sweeps. Most of the attack were defended, but at one point Teka managed to spin his sabre round twice, and only three of the four blades were defended. The fourth blade streamed down the inside of Kaine's arm creating a little smoke.

Teka quickly jumped back and stared at Kaine. He waited for the phisical response and paced forward and backwards with a couple of steps.

OOC: Sorry for delay, I didn't know what to write ^^ I think I've been in too many fights :-/ After we finish this that'l be it for fighting, and I'll work on RP'ing more.

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 22nd, 2001, 08:39:07 AM
OOC: 'Tis okay. :)


The saber only created a small gash on Kaine's left arm, and didn't cause too much pain; yet caused enough for him to feed off it. The Fallen Jedi focused on the pain, using it to fuel his anger. Kaine grinned at Teka, then suddenly lashed out with his saber, catching the Jedi off guard. His blade sliced a shallow cut into Teka's chest, and the faint smell of burning flesh entered the air.

The Fallen Jedi didn't even give Teka any time to respond, and instantly jumped into the air. He brought his right foot around, the boot connecting with the side of Teka's face. This sent the Jedi stumbling to the side, and Kaine grinned slightly. Using the force to enhance his speed, he rushed at the stumbling Jedi, his saber ready to strike. Just as he got to him, he aimed a strike aimed for Teka's lower back.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 22nd, 2001, 08:59:12 AM
Teka quickly moved his sabre to his lower back, sensing kaine's move. Infact his own sabre started to burn his shirt but it was nothing compared to what could have been. Teka used a move that used all the skill and grace possible from his position. Quickly the left leg of Teka's, moved up, swifly and cleanly, between the legs of Kaine. Teka quickly turned on his side and knocked Kaine's sabre away, whilst kicking him (doubled over) in the face.

Kaine fell back and Teka assumed a defensive position. The blood on his chest started to come through to his shirt, and he readied himself as Kaine lay on the ground.

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 22nd, 2001, 09:23:55 AM
Kaine quickly executed a back-roll, then used the momentum to flip up and onto his feet.

“I have protection, you know. Never leave home without it.”

He grinned at Teka, before rushing at him once more. Both opponents were beginning to get weaker, but Kaine knew that he'd have to keep dealing as much pain as possible to win this battle. And that is what he'll do. The two started out in a saber battle, one trying to get an advantage over the other. Kaine and Teka kept blocking, then striking for several minutes, before Kaine finally found an opening.

Batting Teka's saber to the right, he lashed out with his leg, and it connected hard with the Jedi's ribs, knocking the air out of him. Kaine smiled as he heard a sickening crunch from the power of his kick. He had obviously cracked, or broken one of Teka's ribs, which pleased him. After the kick, Kaine went straight into a well placed punch, hitting the Jedi on the side of the jaw. The punch popped Teka's jaw out of place, but as soon as Kaine's hand moved, it popped back into place, causing much pain.

Kaine stepped back, then lashed forward with his saber, hoping to do what he was trying to do before; the slash down the chest.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 22nd, 2001, 09:56:32 AM
Teka did not have time to raise his sabre, or at that moment the power. Quickly he raised his hand lifting Kaine into the air and into a large sand dune which engulfed him in sand. Teka spun around, holding his rib cage and jaw. He quickly used the force to dull hte pain, but his injuries were still there. They would certainly slow him down. Teka gritted his teeth and looked up, sideward glancing at the large moutain of sand that currenly hosted his opponent.

Teka waited for kaine to appear, holding his sabre tightly now, and ready to attack and defend at a moments notice.

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 22nd, 2001, 10:08:53 AM
Kaine had been encased in a dome of a sand. Great. He pushed his hands up through the sand, then sat up, the sand falling from his body, and onto the ground. The Fallen Jedi glared over at Teka, yet saw him in some pain. This pleasured him, and knew it was almost time to finish him off. Maybe another attack, and then his finishing move.

He leapt up out of the sand, his saber de-ignited, but hilt still in hand. The Jedi prepared for a saber attack, but Kaine thought otherwise. Once he got close enough to his opponent, he did ignite his saber, but didn't strike with it. His foot lashed out, ramming its way into Teka's stomach. This doubled the Jedi over, and gave Kaine an advantage by far.

Using his hand, he grabbed onto Teka's hair, at the back of his head, and sent his head plummeting down into Kaine's knee. The Fallen Jedi smiled as Teka's face connected with his knee, then rebounded off, sending the Jedi stumbling backwards. Kaine jumped back several metres, and he knew that his next attack had to finish off the Jedi; for Kaine was weakening.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 22nd, 2001, 04:27:19 PM
Teka looked up at Kaine, through bloody eyes. He had not lost his blance and fallen, but had managed to put a foot out to stop him from tumbling over. Teka knew kaine had something big planned. There hadn't been a chance for Kaine to attack an upright Teka, and hadn't.

Quickly Teka realized the situation and force pulled Kaine towards him whilst running forward, using the force for speed. Kaine was met by the fist of Teka, which conveniantly placed itself at the bridge of Kaine's nose. As the two met, kaine flipped vertically backwards seve4ral time in the air before landing face down in the sand.

Teka turned quickly. Kaine had definately broken his nose now and blod was staining the sand on which he lay. Teka pressed a series of buttons on Lux and it split into two white beams.

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 23rd, 2001, 04:30:47 AM
Kaine began laughing as he started to get to his feet, which puzzled the Jedi. Why would he be laughing when his nose was just broken? Kaine continued laughing, and it began to annoy him. Then, suddenly, his face turned to an emotionless mask.

“It ends here, Jedi!”

When Kaine was a Jedi, he learned how to create fireballs using the force. When he became a Sith, he had to wield the force differently, therefore lost the ability. But now that Kaine has gone far into his Disciple training, he wants to retry his fireball technique. Kaine remembers how to do it, but it still may not work.

Here goes nothing..

The air molecules infront of Kaine started to speed up, and from Teka's view, Kaines face started to blur slightly. The sand near Kaine's feet slowly started to raise up around him, as the air infront of him continued to heat up. He slowly raised up both hands, putting them infront, but to the side of his head. Suddenly, two force blasts escaped his hands. The air molecules picked up the pace intensly, and shortly after, a large crack-boom was heard, and the air infront of him exploding into flames.

Kaines hair fluttered in the wind that was created, and he smiled.

“Now go ..”

The fireball suddenly bursted out, and away from his body. The large ball of flame created a small canal, parting the sand, as it continued it's path at the Jedi. Even if the Jedi tried to move, the ball looked as if it would land where he was, and when it landed, it would explode, so atleast he would atleast gain some burns.

“The end..”

Teka Kenobi
Jul 23rd, 2001, 04:16:28 PM
Teka watched tyhe fireball as it neared gaining his strength for one final defensive manouver. Teka leant backwards as if pushing up a volley ball but in this case it was a fireball. He used the force to push the fireball upwards. It took all of his strength to muster the move and closed his eyes as the ball blew up. Through the air the explosion was diluted by distance, however Teka was knocked to the floor hard. He had not been burned as such, as the fire ball was to far in the air to instantly burn him and anyflames were put out by the sand that was still falling from the air. Teka lay, barely concious on the sand that was slowly covering him from his head to his feet. Barely able to move he suttered out a few words that were followed by a painful cough.

Nice try..I'll be back for it.

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 27th, 2001, 07:37:53 AM
Kaine frowned slightly, he had hoped for the ball to hit. It would've probably killed the Jedi, Oh well. Once the sand had cleared, Kaine's frown changed to a grin. He saw the Jedi slowly being covered by the sand. The Fallen Jedi limped over to Teka, holding his saber firmly, incase it was a trick. He knew it wasn't, but he had to make sure.

Once he got to the Jedi, his grin widened, as the Jedi lay there, barely concious. Suddenly, a saber flung up, and out of the sand, into Kaine's hand. He studied it slightly, then grinned, as he once more looked down at the Jedi.

“Thought you said my mouth is writing checks my body cant cash? Ha! Stupid Jedi.”

He spat on the face of the Jedi, then turned, and began to walk for his X-wing. Before walking over one of the dunes, Kaine flicked his hand slightly, using the force to send sand over the Jedi's face. The Fallen Jedi grinned, jumped up into his X-wing, and blasted off into space. It didn't take long for him to get the coordinates of the TSE HQ, then engaged the hyperspace drive.