View Full Version : A Return to Centaur (Character Development)

Telan Desaria
Jul 27th, 2001, 12:42:50 PM
The Centaurin Fleet was always a large one, but had believed for many years since its inception in galactic passiveness. During the reign of the Empire when the Imperial Fleet rolled in, thousands of Centaurians eagarly put down their grey uniforms and joined. But the Super-class planet with over a thirty billion people never sided with anyone. And the Emperor let it go, as the populace was willing and its industry able and his resources needed elsewhere.

" We are home," said Admiral Desaria, his voice calm and serene, his emerald eyes looking out of the bridge viewports towards the blue-green ball of his homeworld. " You would think Viscera would have more of an interest with our thirty-five kilometer shipyard in orbit."

Baron Gertallya and the rest of the bridge crew sat in silence at the their stations, reminicing at old times home. Sixty percent of the 210,000 km-in-diameter planet was ocean, the remaining forty percent forests and immense cities. Skyhooks floated above so pollution wouldn't harm the wildlife the Centaurians venerated so.

" We have done battle for how long? Three years since we left the Empire? Now, we have a respite. The Inner Rim feels so good..."

Baron Gertallya stood from his terminal and walked to the bow viewport. He hadn't had leave in six years. " Admiral," said the communication's officer. " A shuttle is approaching and braodcasting Centaurian Fleet signals. Grand Admiral Vic Desaria is requesting to come aboard, sir."

The Admiral gulped at hearing the mention of his father. Baron Gertallya, a man who had been at Endor, Bilbringi, and countless other battles with Telan, began laughing aloud as the Admiral turned red. Many a bridge crewmen had to restrain themselves from an outburst...

Telan Desaria
Jul 27th, 2001, 01:12:45 PM
Admiral Desaria, admist the friendly joviality of his peers walked aft to the launch bay. When he arrived, so had his afther. His shuttle was a Lambda XVIII, a dark blue carbon copy of the original, mass produced on the island on Corana off the northern coast of Centaur's capital city. (The Empire allowed them to license-build it.) The egress ramp lowered and four black uniformed guards debarked. The were mirro copies of their Imperial counterparts save one detail: they had a white stripe down the seam of their pants a white band around the cuff of their sleeves, but were imposing nonetheless.

Grand Admiral Vic Desaria stode down the launch ramp next, his emerald eyes connecting immediately with his son's. His hair was a perfectly' combed white, his skin a dark hue without flaw. He possessed a regal air his son bore out in commanding pressence, and did not lose his composure even after seeing his sone for the first time in three years.

" You look well Telan," the elder Desaria said, placing a hand on either of his son's shoulders. His uniform was the same as his son's replete with black cape and trim. Only below his Imperial-style rank bar were two jewel studded decorations for valor and gallantry he had earned when Centaur invaded its neighbor system, Pavora.

" I am, Father." Telan saluted. However, after bringing his right hand back to his side, he ceased to a machine of battle and became a man: he wrapped his father in a hug.

" It's good to be home..."

Telan Desaria
Jul 30th, 2001, 11:26:32 AM
Admiral Telan Desaria and Grand Admiral Vic Desaria headed down the immense sphere of Centaur below, leaving Telan's fleet in the capable hands of Baron Gertallya. The shuttle descended through cotton-like whisps of clouds; then all of Centaur could be seen.

" Welcome home, son."

Transports moved about from one Coruscant-like skyhook to another, and thousands of speeders and hovercraft buzzed around-enough to make an unaccustumed man dizzy. Through the never ending canopy of trees rose skycrapes of gargantuan proportions as if they had been lifted from the capital world and plopped on Endor whole.

The shuttle turned from the city and buzzed the tree line, finally setting down in a clearing next to a white house with a small fountain in front of the porch. Three women were standing next to it, waiting for the two Desarias.

" The locals are restless," the Grand Admiral nudged his son.

" I rather want to attack an entire Fleet of Aurora-class Battlecruisers then go up against them angry," Telan said, chuckling.

The Lambda XVIII wings' folded up on the Desaria estate private launch pad, the gear went down, and the ramp lowered. The two Admirals marched down as well, saying farewell to the Centaurian pilots.

" Mother. Sisters." Telan embraced the trio as they came to the launch pad and and enjoyed a moment of family togetherness they'd all not shared in many years, separated by war and galaxyial strife.

Above, other shuttles began pouring out of the faint white dots that were his four warships, high up in orbit of the gigantic forest world of Centaur in the Coruscant Sector...