View Full Version : The Seizing of a Destiny..(Ogre-Closed)

Mar 14th, 2001, 05:42:49 PM
Following the "Trivad Ritual" (http://pub55.ezboard.com/fogrescavefrm7.showMessage?topicID=2.topic)at Ogres cave, Hera entered the Battle Ground. The blood of the Ethok Beast now congealed to a black crusted mass in her hair. Her face had a hard look of determination and in her fist was clutched something small, but unidentifiable.

As she stood in the lengthening afternoon shadows cast about from the surrounding forrest of the grounds, she could hear the clamours of a thousand battles-of challenges cast, destinies forged and blood spilled.
But they were all as mist swirling around her, brushing by her, but never settling - her focus was only for one-her former Master...and she could tell by the shift in the lands natural magnetic feilds and the sudden, still, silence in the air-that he was on his way.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Mar 14th, 2001, 06:55:25 PM
The matching pair of vertical lines under his eyes proved that the Trivad Ritual had been accepted as Ogre strode to where Hera awaited. His demeanor was one of curiosity, as to what her purpose for demanding such a meeting, and even more so how she knew of such a ritual. His steps were slow and deliberate as his cloak flowed around his ankles, his hood drawn back so that the initiator of the sacred rites could easily see the markings on his cheeks.

Stopping approximately three meters in front of her, their eyes met and Ogre spoke no words, allowing her grievance to become clear to him as was tradition in such a rite.

<IMG src=http://darthogre.clanpages.com/sig.jpg width=592 height=237 usemap=#sig1 border=0><MAP name=sig1 alt="Big Green"><AREA shape=rect coords=240,42,378,78 href=http://pub4.ezboard.com/bsithempire76244 alt="Go to the Sith Empire"></MAP><FONT size=1>[ <A href=http://pub55.ezboard.com/bogrescave style=text-decoration=none> <FONT size=1>Ogre's Cave</FONT> (http://eccentrix.com/gaming/sithempire/members/Ogrebio.htm) ] [ <FONT size=1>Irentios</FONT> (http://pub31.ezboard.com/birentios) ]</FONT>

Mar 15th, 2001, 12:20:45 AM
She watched his approach and as he neared, the blooded lines down his face were clearly visible. Hera expelled a long breath-only now realising she had been holding it.

"I see you remember well the Rites of your people, Ogre. No doubt you wonder of my knowledge of such things. When I was your apprentice, I not only was a student of the Dark Side, but I studied yourself also. I beleive a persons heritage and upbringing determine much of who a person becomes. I wished to emulate you and to do that, I had to understand you. But that is not what brings us here today."

She stretched out a fist infront of her, chest height toward Ogre and opened her hand palm upward. "You recognise this?"

The Sith Master's eyes dropped breifly to the Talisman Hera held and back up again.

"I can see in your eyes that you do. Tell me, do you remember the circumstances of the day you gave this to me?"

Ogre Mal Pannis
Mar 15th, 2001, 04:13:29 AM
His face betrayed no emotions, save the remembrance of seeing the talisman in her hand. With unwavering eyes, he looked back into hers and spoke flatly and calmly.

“Yes I remember the circumstances of your getting that talisman. It was in a training session we had, when we fought so hard I almost killed you. I gave you that amulet to aid you in healing and kept you from passing on to the Darkness of death.”

One of his eyebrows raised as his hair billowed in the winds that seemed to be picking up around them. “Is that what this is about? You have come to try and prove to me that you have progressed beyond your former Master in the ways of wielding the Darkside and you now wish to prove it to me, by attempting to slay me. Or is there something else you wish to achieve?”

Mar 16th, 2001, 02:36:21 AM
She listened as Ogre easily recalled to memory the battle that had been a turning point in her training so long ago. That day had never been far from her thoughts and was why she stood here now.

"You think I presume my mastery over you and am here to display it?" She grinned slightly at the irony, but felt no humor. "My training that day was completed to a certain level, and while I have continued forward in strength, I have not even come close to my full potential."

Her eyes sparked with fire and her voice was thick with anger as she reclenched the Talisman in her hand.

"This Talisman is much more than an amulet of healing and power! It is a symbolic link of Master to Apprentice." Ogre remained unmoved. Just watching and listening to her. The wind was tugging at his cloak and hair, but he himself was still as granite. "It is a link that surpasses time and circumstance! A connection between two in a unique and intricate commune. I earned the right to wear this Talisman! I want that right back!
I chose you for Master all that time ago, Ogre...I still choose you now."

Hera moved forward, shortening the distance between them. She stood so close she could feel his warm breath on her face. She growled low in her throat, looking up at him as he towered over her "My destiny is yet to be realised-my ability yet to be fully revealed-the dark power yet to be completely harnessed. And YOU are the one to guide and instruct me.

I will have what is mine Lord Ogre and will take it violently if I have to."

*She dropped her hand to rest her fingers lightly on her saber hilt and waited for his response. Her body felt like coiled wire - her blood pumped through her veins with adrenelin causing her head to throb - these next few moments were the most anxious of her life.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Mar 16th, 2001, 02:12:57 PM
Standing resolute and unmoving, Ogre continued to look at her, standing before him, so close that the scent of the blood she bore as the mark of the ritual, permeated his senses. Its aroma sparking an urge to spill more so that he could taste it from upon his claw tips. But that wasn’t the answer to her grievance. There was no need to battle for something that he felt she truly still deserved.

Her demeanor made it clear that she was quite firm in her desire to return under his tutelage and as Ogre recalled from memories he had kept with him for all these many months, he knew that he desired the same as she. For her apprenticeship was not complete, and leaving things unfinished was something he did not care for.

Seeing her hand move towards her saber’s hilt, his instincts took control of his own actions and he responded in kind. Not with a sudden deliberate move, but with a slow methodical one, as his hand reached a position, hovering over the saber strapped to his leg beneath his cloak’s covering.

Responding to her declaration with a steady voice and a steady mind, Ogre spoke. “All that had be done is for you to make the request. We may not have parted ways under the best of circumstances, but I always have considered you my Apprentice. No matter what you may believe.”

Mar 17th, 2001, 12:50:27 AM
Hera stepped back a few paces, her stance finally relaxed. She knew he spoke from his heart, not something either of them did easily or often. She looked down at the amulet, and back up to Ogre. Her eyes smiled for the first time since their meeting. "Then 'tis done. You honor me Ogre by your decision and it is my honor to again have the chance to call you Master."

She took the talisman and tied it back around her neck. She bowed and then offered her hand to him. He took it in his huge green hand and in that simple gesture they conveyed their agreement. Both knew the Trivad Ritual had been settled and the outcome was to both their satisfaction.

As Hera prepared to leave the battleground to return to complete the final rite of the Trivad (http://pub55.ezboard.com/fogrescavefrm7.showMessage?topicID=2.topic) she turned to Ogre and said, "I await your direction-call me when you will."

Ogre Mal Pannis
Mar 20th, 2001, 02:09:06 PM
A smile graced his features, unlike any expression he had carried in a long time. It was one full of pride, pride in the return of his apprentice and pride in the fact that she had seen fit to still consider him her Master, her mentor, her teacher. The time would come when he would call her to continue her training and her already knew that this one would never fail in any task her set before her.

Raising a claw to his face, he placed the tip of a talon just to the side of where the blood lines were drawn, pressing it into his face, he broke the skin and drew another line beside the one already present. This one was his own blood and completed his part of the Trivad rite, as a small droplet fell and struck the ground, sizzling and smoking as it made contact.

He nodded in response to her last statement and spoke a final few words. “My direction will come when I have decided what it is you still need to learn, until then spread the evil in your heart throughout the Universe in the name of the Sith, which you have always been.”