View Full Version : A "Vacation" <Darth Ogre>

Fire Hazzard
Mar 6th, 2001, 04:46:35 PM
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Jedi Knight Fire Hazzard began to pack a duffel bag with the things she wanted to take with her on her journey to the ice planet Hoth, to think about her life and why she actually wanted it to go on..well, she knew that answer already: Mikey.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Her dark colored tunic, her light one-she saw no reason she would actually need them, but she brought them with her anyways-a white insulated jumpsuit quite similar to Leia's when she was on Hoth, a white heated vest, and snow boots. She looked at the bag..that was all she needed to bring, right? But it still felt as if something was missing. Of course! Taking a picture from inside her dresser drawer, she smiled at it and put it in the duffel bag as well.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Pulling the hood of her Jedi robe up over her bright red hair, she picked the bag up, zipped it shut, and left the room, heading for the Jedi docking area.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Ardy, get ready for landing." Fire directed her attention solely on the small landing pad next to the abandoned Rebel base, moving the control stick to head for it. As the ship landed softly, her droid, R2-D9, whistled softly.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Yes, Ardy," the designation Ardy came from the letters in it's call number, "we're going into Echo Base. I want to see what it's like in there."

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Doot-de-doot!

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Ardy, don't worry about dead snow-troopers. An old Imp blaster would be a nice souvenier." Fire grinned, opened the hatch of her X-Wing, and jumped out, making sure that Ardy was following close behind.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Well..let's see what we can find. Hmm..where to start.." Ardy sqeaked a warning tone at her, then swiveled his dome to look at a corridor to the left of them.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "A wampa?! Sithspawn! Stay here, Ardy." Fire ran to the corridor and ignited her blue lightsaber, immediatly seeing a large, ugly wampa heading in her direction. Must've heard the ship coming. As the wampa advanced on her, it weant to slash at her black insulated suit, but she cut its arm off, then stabbed her saber through its chest.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp No! Three wampas came from a door down the hall and to the left, but her surprise proved no bounds as she was grabbed at from behind, and a fourth wampa breathed at her. Fire was quick to stab her lightsaber back at it, luckily hitting its skull. And not a minute too late..the wampa had just raised it's fist to knock her flat, and then probably it would have had her for dinner. And also in luck, the wampa fell backward instead of forward, onto her. Whew.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp A howl coming from a few meters behind her reminded her of the other wampas, and she disignited her saber, planning to use a blade igniting technique to plow one of them.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Well, well, group of wampas? You remind me of a group I know..the Marzullo Clan. Big, ugly..." One of the wampas advanced more on her, obviously not distracted by her speaking. Holding up her saber, the butt end facing her, she pressed the ignition switch when the wampa came in range. The surprised wampa fell back, and Fire brought her lightsabersaber out of the huge creature's throat, then sliced down its chest to make sure it was dead. The other two wampas lunged at her, apparently(sp?) not afraid of her powerful weapon. Pulling her arm back, she cut the two wampas' chests with a broad swing of her lightsaber. Howling in pain, the smaller wampa of the two lunged at her, and she stabbed her lightsaber into the stupid and agressive creature's chest. She had to jump back to keep from being squashed by the falling body.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp One more to go. The fifth and hopefully last living wampa stepped closer, its shadow casting a wave of fear over her. I have a lightsaber, a blaster..why be afraid? It can't hurt you, Fire, it can't hurt you... Fire stabbed her lightsaber into the menacing wampa's throat, and then Force jumped to the ceiling, holding onto a sturdy icicle. The impact of the wampa hitting the ground sent a small tremor through the wall and to the ceiling, and the icicle broke, and she fell on top of the dead wampa.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Ugh," she said aloud, quickly crawling away and walking back to her ship as fast as she could, "those things stink."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Get back here, you good for nothing scrap pile! We're going to see what we can see in the base, whether you like it or not!"

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Deet, doot doot de doot, woooooo!

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Ardy, don't make me shut you down and put you back in the ship."

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Doo, dooo.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Okay, I thought that might persuade you to come." Fire cautiously walked to the largest corridor that led out of the docking bay, and looked around. Seeing a piece of inscribed metal lying near an auto-open door, she picked it up and examined it, reading it out loud for Ardy.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Princess Leia Organa's Quarters..hmm. Must be where this leads." A whoosh was heard as Fire pressed the button to open the door, and then stepped inside.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp It was a simple room, much like Fire's back at the Jedi Living Quarters. A bed in the corner, a closet that rotated around in circles, a desk. Fire walked to the desk, sitting in the chair in which Leia had once sat in, planning Rebel defenses and what-not. On the desk was a frame, with a picture in it. A picture of Leia's now ex-husband, Han Solo. Fire resisted pocketing it, and opened the top desk drawer. Empty. The bottom two were empty as well. Odd. Inless.. No, Leia wouldn't have returned to Hoth. Or perhaps, someone else had been here, looking for things like her. She shut the drawers she opened, and looked at a datapad that was lying on the desk. It was old and coroted with time, but Fire tapped the keys, knowing it wouldn't work, but just wanting to touch the keys for no important reason.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Doop-de-woo.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Cold? Hm, when we set up camp it'll be better. Bare with me. Not much left in this room to look at.." Standing up, Fire walked to the closet and pressed a button to make the closet doors open. Griiiiind.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Darn, they must be frozen together." Taking her lightsaber, she cut down the crevice where the two doors met, and then tried the button again. Whoosh! Snowsuits, some of Leia's old Alderaanian royal clothing was there, too. Not much else, other than some shoes and snowgear.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "C'mon R2, let's go. We're gonna try and find the main control room."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Look!" Shattered sensor displays layed everywhere, along with the empty suits of two dead stormtroopers.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Woooooooooo! Doo, doo..oo...beep-beep-de-deep-do-oop!

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "The bodies are all gone, Ardy, no worries. It's been about thirty years, you know."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sighing as she pounded the last spike into the weather dome she had stuffed into a compartment of her X-Wing, Fire wiped tears from her eyes. The cold was burning her eyes, thus making them water.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Suddenly, a Dark Presence from behind her sent a jolt of shock and fear through her. Slowly turning, she with-held the scream that was coming on.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp There, standing before her, was Darth Ogre, Sith Master of The Sith Empire..scary and menacing because of his size, and even more so with his abilities.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "How..how did..how did you find me?" A tight knot in her chest forming, Fire gulped it down.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Mar 6th, 2001, 05:16:44 PM
The seven foot tall Sith Master stood before Fire Hazzard, his tusks glistening in the dim lights that flickered on and off in the abandoned facility. He had come to seek some information and or clues about some items and or history of Leia himself. He had not forgotten that she and her brother had been the ones responsible for almost killing Dalethria so many months ago, and he was always seeking twisted and evil ways of gaining reprisal.

He had arrived before the Jedi had and was even responsible for her encounter with the Wampas. Having woken them from hibernation himself with a prodding of the Force in their minds when she entered the facility. Her handling of them had surprised the Sith Master. He had never known a Jedi to be so deliberate and skilled at the art of dealing death, even when only protecting themselves, they normally found more peaceful means of dismissing the dangers presented.

Seeing the expression of shock mixed with fear written all over her face as well as felling her suppressing of her instinct to cry out and possibly even flee from him, he began to chuckle. His voice deep and haunting as it echoed through the wrecked walls of the underground compound. Raising a hand he swept his hood back from over his face so she could gaze upon his visage fully. The look of amusement at her situation glinting in his eyes, matching the mood which his laughing suggested.

“Actually, finding you here is a surprise to me. This place drips with death and destruction. Seems more fitting that one of my kind would be here, savoring the history it holds. Tell me Jedi, what are you doing here?”

<IMG src=http://darthogre.clanpages.com/sig.jpg width=592 height=237 usemap=#sig1 border=0><MAP name=sig1 alt="Big Green"><AREA shape=rect coords=240,42,378,78 href=http://pub4.ezboard.com/bsithempire76244 alt="Go to the Sith Empire"></MAP><FONT size=1>[<A href=http://pub31.ezboard.com/birentios style=text-decoration=none> <FONT size=1>Irentios</FONT> (http://eccentrix.com/gaming/sithempire/members/Ogrebio.htm)] [ <FONT size=1>Fighting Reality</FONT> (http://pub4.ezboard.com/bheavenspassion)]</FONT>

Fire Hazzard
Mar 7th, 2001, 08:11:01 PM
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Just the way he held himself, it scared her. But she was a Jedi, and a Jedi dosen't know fear, pain, emotion..any of that, right?

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Perhaps he was allowing her to read his surface thoughts, or maybe she was better than she thought, but the distinct impression of his already knowing she was on Hoth was radiating from him.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp A bunch of wampas inside Echo Base? Thinking back, it made no sense. But now it did. Big Green Grinch controlled them, she realized with a scowl.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Well..I suppose you could say that. I'm here to get away from the living hell they call Jedi life, and I figured where better to go than Hoth? It's a freezer, but I figured, 'Hey, nobody'll find me.' I didn't count on you being present."

Ogre Mal Pannis
Mar 7th, 2001, 09:10:02 PM
The aura of fear that surrounded her excited him. He enjoyed instilling such emotions in those he considered his enemies, which encompassed a great many people throughout the Universe, this one being one of them. There was a memory he had about her though, a memory of a time when she had acted as a Jedi and turned herself over to him and several of his comrades, to bargain for the release of Dalethria when she was being held by the Skywalkers, after they almost killed her.

Hearing her speak snapped him out of his almost euphoric state, and caused him to begin laughing. The tone of his laughter resounding through the small enclosed room, caused some of the displaced pieces of metal lying about to vibrate and clink against what it laid on, due to its volume.

Regaining his composure he posed a question, beginning to slowly move in her direction, one hand entering his cloak and moving around behind his back. “Jedi life is hell you say? “

As his arm began to move back out from inside his cloak, Fire Hazzard could hear the sound of metal sliding against metal. He was still a fair distance from her when his hand came out from inside his cloak, not fast and deliberate, but slow and purposeful. Within his hand he held a dagger. One that Fire Hazzard might recognize from her time as Ogre’s prisoner.

“Do you recognize this blade?” He asked as he held it up for her to see. “I remember tasting your blood from its edge once, so many months ago.” Spinning the dagger in his hand he offered it out to her, handle first, holding its blade within his hand, while thoughts of remembrance concerning his plunging it into her belly raced through his mind.

“Is there anything you would like to do with it?”

Fire Hazzard
Mar 7th, 2001, 11:10:12 PM
"Yes. Taste a little of your blood on it. It would be wonderful, wouldn't it? Especially for you, you could finally kill me..if you wanted to. After all, I did save your wife's life.."

Painful rememberance of those few weeks stabbed through her..alot of bacta had been involved afterward. But she'd survived.

To today, she still regretted turning herself over to them. It was so STUPID. No other word for it. But it had saved Dalethria's life, and possibly earned some mercy from the family of Sith. Possibly.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Mar 8th, 2001, 01:28:10 PM
Having moved close enough to her to be able to reach out and take hold, he does just that, his unoccupied hand grabbing her right wrist. The look of fear in her eyes amplifies tenfold and she tries to pull away, but his hold is too strong, and he pulls her hand towards him, placing the handle of the dagger he had offered her within it.

“Follow your instincts Fire Hazzard. Do with the blade what you desire to.”

As she took the dagger in her hand, he pulled it closer to him, the tip of the dagger’s blade pressed against his cloak, poised over the spot in his gut, which matched where he had plunged the blade into hers so many months back.

“Allow your emotions to guide you.” He said as his green eyes were locked with hers, no anger displayed within.

Fire Hazzard
Mar 8th, 2001, 11:57:45 PM
Don't start a fight. Don't start a fight. Don't start a fight. Don't try to slice his gut. Don't-

Stop!! Why wouldn't the voices stop? Be a Jedi this, don't let anger control you, it drove her crazy. For once she'd do what SHE wanted, not what her nutter Jedi friends wanted.

Gripping the dagger's handle more tightly, Fire tries to take a chance. Giving it an edge with her hand, she shoves it slightly into his flesh, leaving nothing but a scrape so far, but then stops. What was he going to do to her now?

Ogre Mal Pannis
Mar 9th, 2001, 12:12:26 AM
He made no moves, nor did his facial expression change at all. He merely looked at her, transmitting images as seen through his own eyes of what had happened in the past. How he had looked into her sacred eyes once and without any hesitation, plunged the very same blade into her stomach, twisting it in the wound, then drawing it out and removing some of her hair, laughing mockingly in her face as he shoved her away, bleeding internally and externally, not the least bit remorseful at seeing her in pain.

“I know you want to.” He said in a flat tone, leaving the image of her lying on the ground clutching the wound, as a still shot picture within her mind.

Fire Hazzard
Mar 9th, 2001, 10:27:09 PM
Grinding her teeth together, the young Jedi changes her mind and throws the dagger to the side.

"I'm going to earn your blood, not just rip your gut open because you want me to."

Fire unclips her blue lightsaber, igniting the blade, letting the blue color wash over herself and the snow. Blue, such a calm color. The sky, the ocean..and death. Death had been caused with this lightsaber, many times..and she perhaps would like that again, here on Hoth.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Mar 11th, 2001, 05:22:40 PM
In the few brief moments that Fire was grinding her teeth, considering what she would do, Ogre delicately invaded her thoughts and picked up on something he was not aware of, a possible weakness that he could exploit, if done correctly.

As she threw the dagger to the side, and drew her saber, a groaning noise followed the snap of the blade’s lighting, turning her attention away from the green Sith she could see that her dagger had struck someone, someone she did not think was there, but her eyes and her probing with the Force told her that he was.

The dagger was buried in the gullet of one Michael Cline, who had just fallen to his knees and was clutching at the wound, looking back at her with pain and misunderstanding in his eyes uttering but one word before he fell to the side in a pool of his own blood. “Why?”

As Fire was momentarily distracted by these unexpected events, Ogre had placed a hand in his pouch and withdrawn a small tuft of red hair. With it wrapped around his finger he held it up, so that she could see if she were to turn and look back at him. Still with a voice that displayed no feeling of any kind, Ogre spoke.

“You do know who gave me this don’t you?” He didn’t wait for an answer before continuing. “Seems like your very skilled at driving away the ones you love. First it was Snack, whom I set upon you with the fire of hell in his heart. And now you have succeeded in driving another you care about away, possibly even killing him, all because of me. How does that make you feel?”

Fire Hazzard
Mar 11th, 2001, 06:38:03 PM
Fire squints against the wind, which is now picking up, and coughes.

"He's not dead! He can't be. You can't fool me that easily. I might have fallen for it before, but I'm stronger now. Better.

"Snack was full of hatred, anyways. If I had not hurt him, he would've ended up hurting me. I loved him..and..well, it was my fault. But don't try your pesky little mind tricks on me, or if you are, try more. I'm not as un-skilled as you remember me."

Ogre Mal Pannis
Mar 11th, 2001, 06:50:40 PM
He begins to walk toward her, one hand swinging casually at his side, while the other still held the hair from her head up in front of him.

“I am playing no mind games, only showing you what you are and what I have made you become.”

Fire Hazzard
Mar 16th, 2001, 12:08:39 AM
What I am? Yes, I know how you and everyone else things of me. As a slut, whore to anyone who'd have me. That's the surface image, I admit. And even more so because males come and go so easily...

...but you won't drive me to let it happen again. Michael..is my fiance. Nothing will tear me from what who I love this time.

Not even death.

*The small Jedi stands her ground, glaring at him icily, if anything couldn't be icy on this planet, wondering if he'd attack or keep taunting her with his words.*

Ogre Mal Pannis
Mar 16th, 2001, 01:58:34 PM
Putting the hand bearing the strands of hair in his pouch, Ogre stooped, just at the edge of his arms reach’s distance from her, his cold and flat emotionless stare still transfixed on her eyes.

“Your future will be as your past, full of nothing but disappointments.”

It looked as if he was seeking something within the pouch, as his hand remained inside, moving around as if he were having difficulty finding what he wanted, or perhaps he was just tying to get her attention.

“I intend to make that statement a reality.”

Fire Hazzard
Mar 16th, 2001, 10:10:16 PM
*Fire's eyes dart to his hand, which was suspiciously moving around alot, and then back to him*

Reality is a joke, Ogre. Nothing could make me suffer more than I have. Death would be pleasure, now.

Try your reality statement. Come on, try me....


Ogre Mal Pannis
Mar 20th, 2001, 01:59:15 PM
His distraction was working, she was focusing all her attention on him and what he was doing with his hand, becoming riled by his words, which allowed him to manipulate the Force without her noticing.

His dagger lifted from the faded apparition of Cline, and shot towards the ceiling above where Fire stood, severing the light fixture, that weakly hung from its place, having already been damaged from the attack by Vader’s forces so many years ago.

The sound of the dagger striking the light’s support cabling was enough to draw her attention away from him so that she could swing her ignited saber at it and allow it to drop to the ground in two pieces, harmlessly at her feet. When her attention turned back to Ogre’s place, he no longer stood before her, and her head whipped side-to-side searching for the Sith Master.

Just as she tapped into the Force to attempt to find him, she felt a sharp pain in her right shoulder and in the back of her neck. Ogre was now behind her, digging his claws into her skin, forcing her to drop the saber and drawing blood from her neck which started to run down his fingers as his grip became tighter and tighter, her feet beginning to lift from the ground as he used his strength to pick her up.

"Ready to die Fire?" He whispered in her ear, as her head came up to the same height as his own.

Darth Rane
Mar 22nd, 2001, 07:37:05 PM
Grating. That was the first sound that came to mind, like that of metal being dragged across gravel. It seemed to come from everywhere at once, filling the air with with a dark malevolence; Reverberating off of every solid structure and echoing a thousand-fold. It was a truly a unique sound, and those who had never heard it before could scarcely venture a guess as to it's nature. But to those familiar with the malignant cackling, it was a calling card of the Dark Jedi, Darth Rane: It was what passed for laughter through his ragged remains of lungs.

He wouldn't show himself... not yet.

But it was almost time.