View Full Version : Shattered Past. (Semi-Closed RP)
Michael Cline
Feb 17th, 2001, 05:37:25 PM
*Certain people are going to be involved, do not interfere with the developing plot, but if you have anything you feel will add to the story feel free to post your idea and I'll either tell you to get lost or give you the green light on it.*
*Courascant-day break*
*A small freighter lands on the busy planet surface. Now freighters land day in and day out nothing out of the ordinary, but this freighter has a passenger with a particular interest in being on courascant this day. The small assemblage of passengers who paid for a trip to Courascant on a dirty ole freighter make their way off the ship, common riff-raff and scum the lot. but a special passenger is on board, Michael Cline. For him this is a voyage home, to the world where he grew up. he had special reason to be there this day, for it was a day before the aniversary.
The aniversary of his families death.
He leaves the ship and procedes into the streets of the city unaware of the strange hand about to be dealt him, and even more unaware of the eyes watching him from the shadows, eyes that have waited a year for him to return. Michael's life was about to take an unbelievable turn for the worse.
His form slowly faded out of sight at the docking station as he merged into the flowing crowd of people and aliens. silently and unseen a shadow watched his every move and followed his path closely.*
Big Bad Naga
Feb 17th, 2001, 05:57:41 PM
There is not a single moment on Coruscant where no ship can be seen in the sky. The planet is sometimes referred to as being the capital of the galaxy. Much goes on here on Coruscant. After all, it's population exceeded most of the other planets if not all of the other planets in the galaxy.
In the lower levels, vermin scurries across the now empty and deserted buildings. Corridor Ghouls slink in the shadows, awaiting their prey. Many would not want to be living here. Some are forced to.
The reason Naga is here, is for credits. This was decided the meeting place for him and one of his associates. He has a feeling this associate is going to double-cross him. Why else would he have insisted on having the meeting in a secluded area?
The Sith keeps a watchful eye, making sure no unwanted creatures decide to have him for lunch. He spins around, blaster in hand at the sound of a voice.
Voice: "Greetings Naga. I have your money."
Naga: "Throw it over. Don't try anything funny, I can see you."
Naga can sense three other lifeforms approaching behind him. It is a set up. He catches the briefcase with one hand and opens it with the Force. There is nothing inside.
Suddenly behind him, the three men jump out of the shadows. Naga rolls out of the way and shoots one in the forehead. The other two begin to shoot at Naga with their firearms. Unfortunately Naga was too fast. He shot the other one down, while dodging the fire. He walks up to the last one and kicks his throat in.
BBN turns around and watches his associate running away. He stops him with the Force and begins to enter the man's mind. He works his way into the brain and uses a Dark Side technique. The man instantly falls to the ground dead.
Naga: "It displeases me when your scum tries to double-cross me. Let that be a lesson."
The Sith spins on his heel and heads for the upper levels. He wants to get out of this place as soon as possible.
Michael Cline
Feb 20th, 2001, 10:48:40 AM
*Will try to post today.*
Michael Cline
Feb 21st, 2001, 07:50:34 PM
::Cline continued to walk the dark streets of Courascant. He stopped and looked back, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being followed, but it wasn't just the feeling of being followed but a weird feeling in the pit of the stomach. A FAMILIAR feeling. He couldn't shake it, he didn't know why but he couldn't. he shrugged it off as paranoia and kept walking.
At one point he considered using public transportation to make it to where his old hime had been but from what he remembered of Courascant transportation he decided walking would be better... and healthier.
Unknown to him he was on a collision course with an old "friend", Naga. Naga was on Courascant for reasons of his own accord and was trying to make it through the dark streets of Courascant himself, rounding the corner of an alley Naga ran straight into a passerby. Both of them fell to the ground.::
"Oh jeez I'm sorry I should have been looking where I was goi..."
::Cline stopped as he recognized the person he had just knocked down... Naga.::
::Naga looked across the ground and saw the face of the fool who had been in his path, he smiled slightly, //How delightful.// Naga thought to himself, //Cline, this trip might not be a total waste after all.//::
"Cline, don't know what you're doing here, don't really care, but you have just made my day."
::Naga got to his feet quickly and reached down pulling Cline up by his collar and lifting him slightly above his head. He grinned a sinister smile and chuckled slightly::
"Made my day indeed."
::Cline gulped hard, this definately hadn't been in his trip planner. Nor could he afford to waste time with Naga. Slipping free of his jacket Naga was holding him by he fell to his feet and ducked into an alley. Leaving Naga wondering where he was... for now.::
Big Bad Naga
Feb 21st, 2001, 08:40:15 PM
Naga begins to laugh. What an oppurtunity this will be. The bulky Sith begins to draw upon the Dark Side for extra strength.
"I see you've decided to play a little game of hide and go seek."
He walks around searching through the shadows of the alley. He can see Cline, but continues to pretend he can't.
"C'mere Zorro. I promise to make your death swift and painless."
Naga lunges at a shadow. No surprise strikes him when he tackles Michael to the floor. The Jedi had blocked his presence with the Force, but Naga increased his eyesight and spotted him.
The Sith picks him up high and slams him into the wall hard. The Sith drags him into the daylight once again.
Cline: "Naga I don't have time for you."
Naga: "You'll make time!"
Naga smiles evilly and socks Mikey in the face. His lightsaber flies into the air and he catches it swiftly thumbing it to life. He waits for Cline to get up.
"I challenge you to a duel Cline."
Michael Cline
Feb 21st, 2001, 09:52:49 PM
::Punches the ground with his fist.::
//I don't have time for this! I'm here to pay my respects to my family and thats it, not to play with Mr. ugly there.//
::Michael's thoughts were fast and angry for Naga holding him up, he slowly calmed himself taking his time and trying to think of something to do or say to get out of this situation. He noticed a small pile of ash on the ground he was at and reached out. He stood up back to Naga.::
"I don't have time Naga, so... HERE'S MUD IN YOUR EYE!"
::Michael spun and tossed the ash into Naga's eyes temporarily blinding the Dark Side user. Michael took the chance he was presented with to escape into the streets of Courascant away from Naga and back on his course for the time being.::
Big Bad Naga
Feb 21st, 2001, 10:09:54 PM
Naga falls back a bit and rubs the ash from his eyes. He opens one and swipes his fallen saber off the road. He clips it back to his belt. Now he had a reason to stay on Coruscant. That Jedi would pay.
Naga walks away slowly. His temples throbbing, his face bruning with anger. He would find Cline in this big city.
Michael Cline
Mar 6th, 2001, 10:38:07 AM
::Cline maneuvered his way deeper into the heart of the city, he remembered the phrase getting lost in a crowd, he hopd this would help avoid Naga for the rest of his trip. He stopped sharply and looked back. That feeling again, that presence that familiar presence. It had been there since he arived on Courascant and it was there again. If he didn't know better he'd swear it was...
No. That wasn't possible. He shook it off and continued walking, behind a figure hid in the shadows, the figure felt that same strange familiarity with Michael though it knew not why either, it was this feeling that was drawing the being to follow Cline to see where he went, and maybe...
find out who he was.::
Michael Cline
Mar 13th, 2001, 10:44:28 AM
Michael Cline
Mar 14th, 2001, 12:50:27 PM
TTT Any time now Dara...
Dara Shadowtide
Mar 14th, 2001, 07:56:34 PM
:: On board the Dark Viper, Sith Lord Sumor Rayial and Sith Lordess Dara Shadowtide travel on a course set for the planet Coruscant. Sums was in need of some special parts for a proto-type weapon that he could not purchase even on the black market of Munto Codru, but he was confident that Coruscant's seedy district would be able to accommodate his request.
Coruscant was a planet frequented by Dara and her father, the late Cale Shadowtide, many a time during their smuggling runs. She had some old acquaintances she wanted to catch up with there as well. The trip en route was routine and as the ship touched down Dara and Sums agreed to rendezvous back at the ship when their business was concluded.
As Dara arrived inside the city she glanced around and took note of the various force signatures present, but then something caught her eye. She spotted a man in the crowd nervously making his way through the main sector, looking around and behind him every few moments. The Sith Lordess kept him in her sight and continued on a path which followed his closely, seeking those she once knew from what seemed like a lifetime ago ::
Michael Cline
Mar 28th, 2001, 12:50:43 PM
TTT will get to this one soon.
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