View Full Version : Damel Girte... A challange [Closed]
Darth Snack
Feb 26th, 2001, 09:59:27 PM
OOC: Closed challange to Damel. Location: A clear lush meadow on the edge of the forests on the planet of Naboo. Same rules apply in a normal fight, yada yada, you know the drill. :)
*Snack stood looking around his familiar surrounds on Naboo. Even though he has not spent over 5 years living on this planet, he still ocnsidered it his home away from home. He knew the ins and outs like he knew the Force. This place took him in when he had no home, it was kind to him. To accustom himself better to the terrain, he studdied the land and its inhabitants for roughly two to three years. He grinned as the sights and feelings around him surged through his body.
Clad in his normal pure black fighting attire, Snack looked at his X-wing off in the safety of the forest about 50 yards to his left. He came to Naboo for one reason, and one reason only: to test his new special dual bladed saber.*
Damel Girte
Feb 27th, 2001, 12:41:41 PM
OOC: Sorry it took so long, I've been busy and not really watching the boards much.
*Damel wandered through the forests of Naboo, watching the green light filter down through the treetops. A couple of hours... she had a couple of hours before they came and she had to get back.
A twig snapped underfoot. What was it she was here for again? Oh, yeah.... that's right. The message. She shrugged, wondering what it could mean.
The girl quietly stepped out of the forest, and the trees parted, revealing a clearing and a figure in black standing there, waiting. Ah, so that's what it was.. She caught a glimpse of a ship somewhere off in the woods, but couldn't tell what kind it was. Then her gaze fell to... A dual blade. He's got a dual blade saber. That usually meant one thing. Damel grinned. She stood silently, one hand leaning against a nearby tree, waiting for Snack to notice.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Feb 27th, 2001, 02:33:36 PM
**A Jedi Master unbeknownst to Damel, was following her. Leia was concerned for her young padawan. Damel had mentioned a message given to her from Darth Snack. This concerned Leia some... due to the fact he was her very own padawan that was trained to knighthood but decided to follow the path of the sith. Leia ponder over the thought of what DS had planned for Damel and why Damel, the 11 year old padawan from GJO. Why did he single her out?!**
**Leia continued following Damel through the lush forest of Naboo, when she spots Damel stopping in her tracks. The Jedi Master stopped abruptly and cloaked her presence in the force. Leia sensed out in the force...the force signature of her ex-student DS. The Jedi Master slowly retreated behind a tree and looked on.**
Darth Snack
Feb 27th, 2001, 10:42:53 PM
*The calmness and serenity of Naboo was one of the planet's better points. Aside from the occasional war that breaks out between the Gungans and some Sith or Imperial Groups, peace and quiet echoed throughout the valleyes. Today was no different. Wild animals could be heard in the distance, struggling for survival, warding off preditors, communicating to one another.
There was one soft sound, however, that came quick to his ears. The snapping of a twig. Reaching out through the Force, he sensed the Light emenating from one pressence. Good. She received the message... he thought to himself as his eyes slowly moved to veiw to his right. He smirked then called out:*
Step forward and show yourself, Damel.
*He turned his head slightly to his right and saw her figure step forth from the shadows of the forest. Unclipping his dual blade from his belt, he turned facing her direction.*
I wish to see if the teachings from Master Leia Solo have taught you anything.
Damel Girte
Feb 28th, 2001, 01:41:54 PM
*The girl took a hesitant step forward, maintaining a wide strip of grass between her and the Sith, pulling her jacket closer. Her right hand inched a fraction towards the saber hanging on her belt, hovering near but not touching it. She called out to Snack from across the field.*
"But... why me?"
Darth Snack
Feb 28th, 2001, 05:17:55 PM
No reason. It was by pure chance that I picked you. However, once you were chosen, it just makes sense. Young, almost done with your training, padawan to my old master, etcetera etcetera.
*Snack began to take steps forward, towards the young Jedi. With an evil glint in his eye, he continued to grin. He held his dual blade in his right hand, the two ends of it facing front and back. His first orange blade ignited from the back with a snap~hiss. He continued his walk towards her.*
Are you ready?
Damel Girte
Mar 1st, 2001, 02:49:08 AM
"Ready as I'll ever be, I guess..." Damel struggled to keep her voice level as Snack advanced. She slung her jacket on the ground and took her saber hilt off her belt, and then after a moment's hesitation, ignited it.
Something flickered in the back of her mind. Why am I doing this? Is there even a reason? The girl shook her head and turned her attention back towards Snack. Better to concentrate on the present.
Darth Snack
Mar 1st, 2001, 11:50:30 PM
*Snack could feel the hesitation and confusion from the padawan as he advanced. She was questioning why she was here. He spoke through the Force into Damel's mind: Curiosity. That is what brought you here. You wanted to know what I want, why I wanted to meet you. Instead of saying "no", you wanted to make sure you didn't miss what I had to say, and in your mind, you thought of the best possible situation for this. He picked up his pace to a fast walk, the grin on his face turning to a straight line of seriousness.*
You are also here because fights are enevitable.
*His fast walk soon became a rushed jog as he came closer to Damel. He came to a stop, stepping hard with his leading left foot, yet distributing the weight evenly throught his body to keep him on balance. As he did that, he brought his blade up, the fore-handle aiming for her head. Before he got his fist above his belly, his second blade ignited, extending as he moved his blade upwards and to his left with velocity.*
Damel Girte
Mar 2nd, 2001, 10:40:30 AM
*As Snack swung, Damel froze momentarily, barely bringing her saber up to intercept the orange blade in a vertical block. But she regained her concentration somewhat as the blades clashed, sidestepping to her left to avoid the second one.
As she sidestepped the blade, Damel leapt diagonally forwards towards the middle of the field, forcing Snack to whirl around. During the split second he turned, a few quick steps brought her dancing just out of the range of the dual blade saber, clutching her own tightly with the golden blade brought up close to her face.*
"Inevitable? I... I don't think so."
*Knees bent, eyes wide but lips set in a firm line, she stepped to the left again and they started to circle.*
Darth Snack
Mar 2nd, 2001, 08:43:42 PM
*Snack grins as he fakes a couple of rushing attempts at the padawan. The two still circle each other, Snack's saber low and ready to bring up to a defensive or offensive setting. His eyes never leaving Damel's.*
You will learn, young one, that fighting is a way of life. Running from the fights will not solve every little squirmish you encounter where fighting is an option. Sometimes, there is no option and you must fight, if only for your survival.
*He faked once more, making the Jedi flinch and take a few steps back. He smiled once more, toying with her, then quickly brought his dual blade over his head, and began to twirl it, the two blades spinning fastly becoming a blur. He brought the handle down quickly, causing the front blade to arc swiftly in a downward motion. In one fluid motion, his left hand left the handle of his dual blade, and quickly thust outwards. As he did this, he pushed outwards with the Force to violently puch Damel to the ground.*
Damel Girte
Mar 5th, 2001, 09:56:44 AM
(OOC: Yeep... sorry, guys... I couldn't get to a computer over the weekend... sorry about that.)
*Damel grunted as she hit the ground, jamming an elbow into the grass to shove herself back up, blocking Snack's glancing sideways blow with an instinctive upwards fling of her arm, their blades locking in an X. The girl stared intently at the Sith through the cross of the blades. Something like a wistful grin flickered across her grim face for a second, and she shook her head slightly.*
"I lived that way for too long. There's got to be..."
*She trailed off, unable to finish her sentence. Instead, Damel swung her blade free of the lock and jabbed forward with her left foot, bringing her golden blace down in a clockwise arc towards the second blade of Snack's saber. She could feel herself slipping into the... well, the intenseness she had had when she had fought before, on the streets. Not so much the Force, as the singular mindset, the almost dream-like concentration, the...
Stop thinking! Just fight!
She shook her thoughts free and, after a moment's hesistation, during which Snack blocked her saber, slipped into it. Now she was intent on the battle.
Darth Snack
Mar 5th, 2001, 11:41:52 PM
OOC: Quite alright. =)
*Snack made sure that their blades lock low where they were. He moved his gaze from Damel's face to where the two blades meet down by his left leg. His saber handle was across his torso, it's other blade pointing up and to the right. Quickly, he jammed foward with his upper blade and handle for her head. As she duck, Snack used his foward momentum and the force to help him flip over Damel. He landed, their backs to each other. He shot out his left leg behind him, kicking Damel in the small of her back which sent her stumbling forward, but she was able regain her footing.
Snack tunred around to face the girl, who had also turned around. He looked into her eyes, and saw more determination than what she had before. He grinned, extending his left hand outward while he held his saber with his right, motioning with his fingers on his left hand for her to attack: taunting almost.*
Damel Girte
Mar 7th, 2001, 01:42:14 AM
*The girl wavered with indecision for a moment, then lunged forward. Bringing her elbow up, Damel's blade swept upwards to her left, then hooked sharply down, sliding past the upper blade of Snack's saber with a crackling sound. As she swung, Damel pivoted on her left foot, throwing the weight of her small frame at Snack's chest with a grunt. As her shoulder crashed into his stomach, her blade slipped and she heard something that sounded.. sszzt-crack! like electronics sparking.
Damel Girte
Mar 8th, 2001, 05:02:08 PM
Darth Snack
Mar 10th, 2001, 05:39:12 PM
((OOC: sorry for late reply.. comp problems plus boycotting ezboard and posting and stuff. :) )
*As Damel threw her weight into Snack's gut, he let out an "oof" and stumbled backwards, hearing a crackling electrical sound. Punk.. Damel had stepped back a bit, allowing Snack to regain his footing. The sound was made when her saber sliced into Snack's dual blade. He looked down at the handles of his now two operational sabers and smiled.
The cut severed, ironically, the last part of the saber which he welded on. It was a clipping device near the center of the dual-handle, which enabled his one origional saber (which was part of a dual blade much like his new one that he had before) to clip on to another single blade to form a seperable dual blade: Snack's trademark weapon.
He spun both sabers in his hands at the same time, setting them so he had a comfortable grip on them. The swirling light stopped as he ste up in a defensive stance. His left foot out in front, his right foot behind him. He had his left side facing Damel at an angle, head turned as to not let her out of his sight. His left arm was bent out and bent at the elbow, bringing the thumb of his fist close to his chest, with that, also the butt of one of his sabers. The blade which protruded from this handle in his left hand at an small upward slope and straight out towards Damel. Snack's right arm was also out and at his side, bent at the elbow. With his positioning with the Jedi, his right arm was partially hiden from her sight. His firght hand was also in a fist holding on tho his saber. The saber handle's butt was pointing directly at Damel, as the blade extended outwards to his right side.
He made no further movements, with only an evil grin on his face; watching the Jedi Padawan.*
Damel Girte
Mar 10th, 2001, 07:35:54 PM
(ooc: s'ok, I know how that is, man :) )
*She felt a small surge of triumph as he wielded the two blades that she had cut apart. Of course, if you thought about it, it didn't really matter... but still.
Damel kept her gaze fixed on Snack, standing warily with her saber in front of her, brought vertically up close to her right shoulder in a defensive position. Returning his challenging glare, she quelled the urge to attack, a slight smile crossing her face instead.*
"Done so soon?"
Darth Snack
Mar 14th, 2001, 11:22:41 PM
You would wish so.
*Snack answered as he closed his eyes. He eased up his defensive stance, straightening up to his full 6'3" height. He began to concentrate on the Force, summoning it within himself, pulling it in. The Dark Side, anger and aggression flowed throughout his blood.
The light wind that was present began to slowly pick up. Snack focused on the atmosphere, the air around him. He brought his hands close to his chest, his two blade pointing outwards, his wrists crossed. As he began to manipulate his surroundings, he felt the wind picking up more speed. With head lowered, chin placed/rested where his wrists crossed.
Damel's hair began to wave in the air, as Snack made the gusts of winds reach up to speeds roughly 60 miles per hour. Unlike other Force Wind moves, which cause multiple violent tornadoes, Snack's was a bit modified. He quickly snapped his head back up so he was looking forward, eyes closed. The wind gusts became more turbulent at that time, then died down some. He knew Damel was having a hard time trying to fight off the wind, with her small frame and body weight.
The calming of the wind would be short in it's coming. For Snack quickly threw out his arms, wrists still crossed, palms out holding his two still ignited blades. The wind quickly picked back up, but this time, Snack helped "push" the wind. Using the basic Force move of Force Push, he pushed with great force the air column in the atmosphere infront of him. This in return caused the wind to move at impressive speeds across the terrain. The column of air struck Damel hard in the chest, and with the wind lifted her off of her feet, sending her flying quite some distance as she crashed face first into the ground.
The winds died down back to what it normally was, as Snack opened his eyes. Beads of sweet ran down his forehead and face caused by the exertion of the Force he used. He brought his hands down to his sides, both blades extending out from his back.*
Damel Girte
Mar 15th, 2001, 10:09:32 AM
*Grunting as she shoved herself up from the dirt, Damel spat out mud onto the grass and smeared the dirt out of her face with the sleeve of her hand clutching her saber hilt, which had automatically turned off when she hit the ground. She turned her head and gazed over her shoulder at the small figure of Snack in the distance. With a snap of her wrist and a flick of her thumb, the golden blade sprang to life once more. A few moments to catch her breath and regain her focus, and she spun and ran, hurtling forwards at the Sith.
He stood his ground as she approached, sweat channeling down his face, still trying to regain his energy. As she charged, she reached out with the Force, and wads of mud and dirt began to rip out of the earth and fling themselves at Snack, pelting him with a shower of missiles. While he was still staggering in the whirl of dirt, she reached him with a yell, kicking off sideways with her right foot. The girl clenched her teeth as she swung her blade down hard from the side towards his torso, her left knee, side, and shoulder slamming into the blinded Sith. *
Darth Snack
Mar 22nd, 2001, 11:46:22 PM
*The Force took control of his saber in his left hand, bringing it down to parray the blade of Damel. As her momentum brought the bulk of her body weight into Snack, the blinded Sith staggered backwards and fell to the ground. He twisted as he fell, landing mostly on his left side, dropping his saber from his left hand. The force she used in this offensive attack caused the small frame of Damel to fall as well, her body crashing on Snack's right side then rolling off.
With his free hand, he clawed at his eyes to get the dirt away. While most of the dirt flew off, there was still some there. Snack decided to let the natural proccess to kick in as his eyes began to water, flushing out the unwanted substance. He stood up, using the Force to locate Damel, who was also just starting to rise. He spun his orange bladed saber in his right hand, stopping it blade up. He cleared his eyes from tears with his left hand, yet his vision was still blurry. Using the Force, however, he would be able to see anyway.*
ooc: ups!
Damel Girte
Apr 4th, 2001, 11:18:22 PM
ooc: eep... sorry about that, man...
*She clambered up from the dirt, mud-streaked but unhurt by the fall. As the Sith clawed the dirt from his eyes, Damel took a short step back as if to flee, but adrenaline overwhelmed hesitancy as quickly as it had come. With a flicker of gold, her blade was ignited and swinging down in midair towards Snack.
Already seeing the girl through the Force, Snack blocked the wild blow easily with a thrust of his own blade, sending Damel's blade off course and her off balance. Unable to regain her balance in time, the girl stumbled and fell, flailing her arm out in a reflex movement to try and regain it as she fell, saber flying out of her hand. The accidental fling hurled the blade through the air, sending it slashing across Snack's ribcage before dropping to the ground, disigniting, and rolling away. Crashing hard to the ground, she flinched inwardly as the Sith yelled in pain, the shout reverbating through her already aching head.*
EDIT: Removed sig. I keep forgetting to take the darn thing out.
Darth Snack
Apr 5th, 2001, 10:05:16 PM
*Snack dropped to one knee. Burning pain raced across his chest right to left, melting his shirt and frying his skin. He smelt his cooked flesh, rancid as it was, it filled him with much anger: anger from the fact he didn't block the incoming projectile.
As the pain ran through his body, he managed to catch onto it, using it to feed the dark spirits within himself. What was once pain, he used to reduce the slash across his torso. Snack stood back up and saw the young Jedi girl lying on the ground. He smiled.
He picked up the saber which cut him, then called through the Force his own saber which he dropped. Disengaging his own saber, he clipped it to his belt. Get up, weakling. Snack turned around and began walking towards the forest behind him. If you want your saber back, follow me. If not, be stricken a coward. Snack continued on his course, praying his prey will follow suit.*
Damel Girte
Apr 8th, 2001, 01:07:33 PM
*Damel raised her head in time to catch a glimpse of Snack walking into the forest, then dropped it back down. Fine. Let him run...*
If you want your saber back, follow me. If not, be stricken a coward.
*The last word stung like fire. Her head snapped up, and the girl sprang to her feet, fists clenched in indignation at the receding figure. For a moment, Damel looked as if she was going to stammer something, but then the girl broke into a dead run after the Sith. Skidding to a stop at the entrance of the forest, she cast her eyes around looking for where Snack had gone, gaze landing on a recently falling tree. Wrenching a sturdy branch from the trunk, she whacked it against her palm as she stood looking for a few more moments. Then, spotting a movement in the trees off to the left, the girl was off again, running silently into the forest, doing her best to cloak her movements with the Force.*
*After a while, Snack stopped and looked around. The girl didn't seem to be following... Suddenly, without warning, a small figure sprang from the branches above onto his back, hammering a furious flurry of blows onto Snack's head and shoulders with clenched fists and a stick. The Sith staggered slightly under the weight, but Damel clung stubbornly on and continued to rain down blows upon him, yelling.*
"Give me back my saber!"
Darth Snack
Apr 11th, 2001, 01:10:37 PM
*Snack somehow managed to keep his balance even though Damel had jumped on his back, and continued to deliver blow after blow. The shots to the back of his head began to wear down the Sith.*
So... much anger... for me taking your weapon.. and for you being a Jedi.
*One final blow to Snack's upperback sent the sith realing forward. Damel was still attached, so as Snack fell to the ground face first, he reached over his head and behind him, grabbing her by her hair. Tucking his torso in as he fell, and the momentum of his fall, he threw Damel over his head, yet still held onto her. Snack drove her back into the ground, yet sacraficing himself as his face hit the ground and nearly the same time.
Letting go, Snack pushed himself slowly up, spitting the dirt from his mouth, along with a few drops of blood. He slowly stood, and withdrew the two sabers he previously picked up, igniting them both, gold and orange blades petruding from the handles.*
Damel Girte
Apr 16th, 2001, 12:26:03 AM
He's right. I've got to calm down.
Grabbing a low-hanging branch to haul herself to her feet, the girl swallowed down her emotions. Funny, they tasted like dirt... gagging, she spit the mud out onto the ground.
It was strange to see her blade in the hands of Snack. Giving the matter little further thought, she gave a quick heave and sprang onto the branch, poised on the edge, out of the reach of his multiple sabers. She knew that it wouldn't be a secure position for long, but at least it would buy her some time.
Edging closer to the end of the branch, she prepared to spring towards the next tree as soon as Snack made his move.*
Darth Snack
Apr 16th, 2001, 01:26:36 PM
*Snack looked up and watched as Damel jumped up and edged her way to the end of a branch. He held out his right hand, the one which held her saber. Slowly, he flicked the power off, the gold blade disengaging. He looked at it, then tossed it to Damel. As she outstretched her hand to catch it, Snack swiftly moved and with his orange blade, slashed upwards, slicing branch from tree.
She used the Force, and steadied herself, jumping to the next branch on another tree. She called her saber to her outstretched hand, then looked down at Snack, smiling at his failure.
Snack smiled back, and with his free right hand, he outstretched it, Force blasting Damel off of the branch.*
Damel Girte
Apr 16th, 2001, 10:06:28 PM
*Caught off guard by the blast, she soon regained her balance, landing lightly on the forest floor. She had fallen behind a small sapling, which now separated the two fighters. Peering through the thin branches at Snack, who stood several meters away, she looked at the Sith... then at her right hand, which held her now-ignited saber. It seemed almost natural now to wield the glowing blade, almost as if it were as much a part of her as her hand itself. Then back at Snack, who stood with hand still outstretched from when he had thrown her off the branch. All this took place in an instant.
Then, taking a deep breath, she thumbed her saber off. The glow and hum ceased abruptly, leaving a sudden dead silence. For a moment, there was no sound, no movement- only stillness. Then the wind whipped through the trunks, crackling the leaves and swirling them around the fighters. Right hand still clenching the hilt tightly, she lowered her arm down and stared at Snack through the limbs of the sapling, still alert and ready, but still. "I.... This isn't.... right." The young voice trembled slightly at first, but steadied and grew earnest. "I... won't. Fight any more. It-" she shook her head. "It gets us nowhere."*
Darth Snack
Apr 16th, 2001, 10:52:20 PM
*The once Jedi Knight, now Sith Warrior, smiled. He lowered his right outstretched hand down to his side, turning to face Damel.*
Master Leia has taught you well, young one. However, she hasn't taught you to control your anger.
*Snack slowly took steps towards the Jedi. Each step seemed like it took a minute to take.*
Heh, that seems to be her only flaw.. Warren turned to the darkside for a bit. Even though he is a Jedi now, he still has his anger. He can't control it. I was of the darkside when I went under her tutalige. She thought she could drive it from me, yet it came back stronger than before. You are now falling victim of the darkside.
*Snack now stood within feet of her, his saber still ignited.*
This isn't right to you because you know you can't uphold the Jedi ways. A Jedi fends off evil, blinds the dark. Well here I am: a representive if evil. And there you are, not fending it away. If you are true to your Jedi mind, then fight me; attack me.
Damel Girte
Apr 17th, 2001, 10:46:37 AM
*A tumultous jumble of thoughts swirled inside her for a moment, but she took a deep breath, quelling them, keeping them struggling under the calmer blanket of reason with some effort. But some thoughts broke free, warring back and forth, the struggle evident in the girl's troubled face.*
You're a Jedi-he's a Sith. Strike him down...
No- that would be giving in to anger, wouldn't it? It'd be..
It's the right thing to do- you can defeat him; go ahead and do it...
But then I would become like him- so he- the Dark Side- they'd really win...
ATTACK! What's wrong with you.... coward?
*She flinched at the last thought. I've got to stop doing this to myself. You've got enough fighting going on already- stop putting yourself down...Unconsciously, her right hand, which held her saber, slowly drifted upwards until she clenched it right in front of her chest.
The thoughts remained, struggling in her head. Her thumb twitched, hovering above the switch as if it had a mind of its own. The girl tried to crack a slight smile. "That would be fighting anger with anger..." But the words sounded empty and meaningless. Suddenly, her thumb, which seemed as detached from her hand as she felt from her thoughts at the moment, plunged downwards.
A blinding light threw itself across the girl's face as she stared at Snack, struggling to keep herself from attacking.
Darth Snack
Apr 17th, 2001, 01:23:30 PM
*Snack brought his orange saber up and held it with both of his hands. The gold light which came from Damel's saber shown in Snack's eyes.*
Good. Now attack me.... That is, if you can.
*Snack smiled and set back in a defensive position.*
Damel Girte
Apr 18th, 2001, 10:16:38 AM
Yes, that's right, her mind told her. Attack, attack...
*The words from Snack triggered something in her mind. As if in a trance, the girl suddenly flung her arms up, shearing off branches from the sapling as if they were nothing at all, then started to swing downwards at the Sith's head with blinding speed. He brought his own blade up to block the massive swing- but it never came.
Damel's saber halted, hovered in the air in mid-swing. Then it continued onwards, but slowly.. She felt empty. It was an empty swing, with no power, no fear, and no emotion behind it. The golden blade had almost ground to a halt when it connected solidly with the orange one, sending hissing sparks flying. The sharp crackle brought the girl abruptly back from her detached state, and as Snack withdrew from the shower of sparks, a determined fire sprung back into Damel's gaze. Wrenching her saber off of his, she hurled it downwards at her feet, both hands reaching behind to grasp the remnants of the sapling for balance. Before the Sith could react, the girl raised her foot high and planted it firmly down on top of the saber hilt with a Cr-RAck.
Staring him directly in the face with a piercing gaze, Damel said nothing. Her hands, slick with sweat, slipped, and she tightened her grasp on the trunk of the sapling, breathing hard, foot still pinning her saber fast to the ground.
I...will...not...move, she willed herself.*
Darth Snack
Apr 18th, 2001, 11:14:55 AM
*Surprise swept over him as Damel pinned her own saber to the ground. This young Jedi was an odd one. Her own internal conflict would one day be her undoing. With a smile, he brought his saber blade up pointing at Damel, the tip mere inches from her face. Abruptly, the saber was lifted vertical close to his face. He swung it down to his side and disengaged his weapon.
Turning around as if he were to walk away, Snack stopped, his back towards the the girl. Thwack! Snack swung his left hand around, backhanding Damel on the side of her face. The cracking sound echoed in the forest.
She had fallen from the force of the impact, hand over where he had hit. As Damel slowly took her hand away from her face, Snack saw a trickle of blood dripping from her face. He took a few steps towards the downed Jedi, lifting his foot, then bringing it forward with velocity, kicking her ribs hard.
Snack knelt down, picking up her saber once more, this time clipping it to his belt, which held two other sabers: ther other half of his orange dual blade, and his teal blade.*
You are weak.
Damel Girte
Apr 18th, 2001, 11:43:11 AM
*Propping herself up on her elbows, she winced at the sudden jolt shooting through her ribs. Something hot and wet trickled down her face, and she reached up to wipe it away again, sleeve suddenly reddened as if by magic.*
"Weak?" She managed a slight grin. "That depends on your point of view.."
Many people lose their tempers merely from seeing you keep yours. For now, she had been able to push away that inner turmoil... if only for a second. Her gaze fell on the saber, now clipped to Snack's belt. Oddly enough, she felt almost nothing. Regret at losing her weapon was countered with the knowledge that it meant that she hadn't given in.*
Darth Snack
Apr 18th, 2001, 12:51:42 PM
*Snack stood, towering over Damel. Tilting his head to his right, he looked down at her. One more swift kick to her ribcage caused her more pain. As she winced, Snack took a few steps back.*
I'm done toying with you, Jedi. Run home to the Jedi Temple; heal yourself. There are many more Sith, more powerful than myself, more powerful then you, more powerful than your master, looking to destroy Jedi.
Damel Girte
Apr 18th, 2001, 01:07:18 PM
*Damel grunted, heaving herself to her feet.*
"I'll keep that in mind." With a last glance at Snack, she turned and began to limp slowly away into the forest. Pausing for a moment, she turned and grinned slightly. "Maybe someday we'll meet again..."
A rustle of branches in the distance, and she was gone. Snack stood alone in the forest.
Darth Snack
Apr 18th, 2001, 01:21:56 PM
*Snack watched as Damel retreated into the forest. Maybe we will, Damel. He looked around and set off towards the meadow, an air of confidence around him. Another victory over the Jedi
Stepping into the clearing, Snack took a breathe of the Noobian air. Unclipping his newly acquired saber, he held it in his hands. Damaged from when Damel had stepped on it, it would be repearable. A fine token for his Master. Clipping it back to his belt and continued walking.
He reached the other side of the meadow within five minutes. Taking his time, he climbed into his X-wing, triggering the computer on it. He would be back with the Empire within the day's end.*
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