View Full Version : Stands Tall ( Hart Kenobi )

Darth Phantom
Mar 22nd, 2001, 03:24:45 PM
:: Phantom enters a small clearing in a heavily wooded forest, He can feel a slight wind on his back as his pants flip from it. Phantom scans the area, he notices a small brooke just south of where he stood now. He walks to it and put his hands in the clear cool water, he quessed it was only about ankle deep, but it was nice none the less. Phantom stood up and walked to the edge of the clearing and shed his cloak, he lies it down on a branch and walks to the center of the clearing, he kneels down and begins to meditate sending a message to Hart through the force telling him of his location ::

Hart Kenobi
Mar 24th, 2001, 07:57:51 PM
::Miles away in a isolated cottage, Hart's eyelids snap open in surprise as he calmly rises from his meditation and gathers his cloak and saber next to a burning fire.
He opens the door and swiftly leaps out.::

* * *

::Phantom stood impatiently at the coordinated site. Suddenly, he smiles.::
"It's about time you showed up." *He turns around to see Hart kneeling on top of a rock, teeth bare and ferocious, his robe flapping in the wind.*
"Wouldn't miss it for the world, bub."

Darth Phantom
Mar 25th, 2001, 10:35:01 PM
:: His smiles slowly turns into a grin as he jumps to his feet ::

Shall We?

Hart Kenobi
Mar 26th, 2001, 12:01:08 AM
*Hart shrugs* "Your funeral."
::A small growl escapes Hart's teeth as he sprung from his crouched position towards Phantom, handling his saber and igniting it midair before his and Phantom's sabers clashed, creating a blinding spark.::
"You messed with the wrong Jedi, creed."

Darth Phantom
Mar 26th, 2001, 02:03:07 AM
:: Phantom laughs slightly at Hart's comment ::

We Shall See Coward

:: While their sabers clash, Phantom does a front stap kick to Hart's knee cap. Phantom backs away a bit, With hatred in his eyes, Phantom throws Hart with the force into tree head first. With the force Phantom runs to Hart's side and does an axe kick to Hart's face ::

ooc: Do you have AIM?

Hart Kenobi
Mar 26th, 2001, 04:47:16 PM
::Hart lifts his right forearm to absorb the kicks impact, grabbing the leg with his left hand and using it to throw Phantom against the same tree he was knocked against.::
"Believe me, demon, that is the first time a Sith had dared call me a coward. And it shall be the last time you do."
::Hart quickly deflected a quick saber strike and knelt to spring a jack-knife flip kick, throwing Phantom back further as Hart landed soundlessly back on his feet.::

OOC: It's Hart Kenobi, but I won't be going on for a little bit.

Darth Phantom
Mar 26th, 2001, 05:02:28 PM
:: Phantom flips back to his feet rubbing his jaw ::

Well theres a first time for everything

:: With force speed Phantom runs toward his foe, when reaching him Phantom does a spin kick to Hart's stomach, with the added strength of the force Phantom uppercuts Hart causing his nose to bleed and his head to swing backward, Phantom side kicks Hart in the gut again. Phantom slams the butt of his saber on the base of Harts skull ::

Hart Kenobi
Mar 26th, 2001, 10:00:25 PM
::Hart's face slowly transforms into a large grin, chuckling as he wiped the blood from his nose and flicked it to the ground.::
"Thanks for givin' me a reason, bub."
::Hart ducks a kick as he spun to sweep Phantom's legs from underneath him, moving quickly to hit the Sith across the face with his left fist and piercing Phantom's chest with a claw grip with his right before the Sith's back touched the ground, causing him to cough as some blood now ran down his mouth.::

Darth Phantom
Mar 26th, 2001, 10:11:00 PM
:: Phantom grabs the side of Hart's head and head butts him, He kicks Hart off of him and quickly gets to his feet, whiping the blood from his mouth. Phantom force pushes Hart into a tree making a loud crash sound...

Before Hart can hit the ground Phantom runs with the force, jumps into the air, extends his leg and kicks Hart in the chest making a slight snapping sound ::

Hart Kenobi
Mar 27th, 2001, 01:09:12 AM
::Hart's wind is temporarily knocked out of him as his left ribcage cracks slightly. He clutches it tightly, but the Force was already working it's magic and patching things up.::
*Hart springs from his lying position, landing on his feet and knocking Phantom with his saber's hilt, smacking his face, spraying more blood. He quickly grips Phantom's shirt and uses it to flip him over his shoulder onto the ground.*

Darth Phantom
Mar 31st, 2001, 05:42:54 PM
:: Phantom hits the grouns with a thud, but is quickly back to his feet. HE quickly pulls Hart with the force into an outreached foot, which hits Hart in the face. Phantom jumps into the air and land with both knees on Harts chest ::

Hart Kenobi
Apr 2nd, 2001, 03:45:56 PM
::Hart is thrown back, spinning wildly from the impact until he finally brought himself to a halt on his stomach using the Force. He quickly pushes himself up using the motion of doing a push-up, but he did it with enough strength as to catapult him up and land on his feet.::

*He turns to Phantom, extending his right hand and then turns it over to close his palm and beckon Phantom closer with his finger.*

Darth Phantom
Apr 2nd, 2001, 05:36:21 PM
:: Phatnom rasies an eyebrow in Harts direction and slightly laughs. With in a second Phantom makes multiple copys of himself, all looking like the original Phantom. They slowly close in around Hart, He swings his saber at the illutions

Hart feels a sharp pain in his side, he looks down to see a huge chunk of flesh hanging from a thin string of his skin, he looks at the wound itself only to see his rib clear as day ::

Hart Kenobi
Apr 2nd, 2001, 06:34:31 PM
::Hart immediately uses the Force to numb the pain. He'll deal with the injury later..

He closed his eyes and created a large Force-Wall to collide with anything around him in a whirlwind, causing Phantom and his illusions to be thrown back.
Looking around him, he kneeled on the ground and took dust into the palm of his hand. He rose and brought the palm to his mouth and gently blew. Slowly and majestically, the dust began to sparkle as it leapt from his hand and fell around him.

Hart scanned the area as only one of the Phantom's collected dust on him. Hart's face became hard as he reached for his robe and flung up into the air. But suddenly, without warning, it was picked up with a small upwards draft and shot towards Phantom like a bullet, it completely covering his face and muffling him. Before he had time to react, Hart's left hand, palm upwards, rose. Behind him, a collection of large rocks and small boulders rose off the ground as if gravity was reversed. One by one, they missled at Phantom, the first knocking him to the ground, the second's edge slashing Phantom across his entire body and the third breaking his left leg....::

Darth Phantom
Apr 2nd, 2001, 07:00:31 PM
:: Phantom grabs his left leg in pain, he slowly puts it back in place, with both hands Phantom force throws Hart several yards away. With his cloak he makes a splint for his leg. Sitting on the ground Phantom closes his eyes he goes into deep meditation

With in minutes the ground surrounding Hart falls from beneath his feet. Hart its the bottom of the pit hard, as the pit begins to close Hart manages to just get his head out, With a grin on his face Phantom lifts the rocks that lie all around him and hurl them at Hart

The first hits him square in the face braking his nose and part of his jaw, the rest just make large gashes all over his face. As the ground slowly crushes Harts lunges Phantom gets to his feet ::

Hart Kenobi
Apr 2nd, 2001, 11:11:26 PM
OOC: Ok.........

*Hart quickly crouches into the fetal position and established a solid Force-ball around him. Wincing in extreme concentration the ball exploded outwards, shattering the rock and ground around him outwards.

Hart breaths deeply and looks up as Phantom races towards him with his saber held high above his head. Hart leapt up in a blur as Phantom striked, only the streaks of his clothes being seen. Anticipating Hart's next move, Phantom spun around and waited for the Jedi Knight to fall and produce his own attack.

But it didn't come.

*gently tapped Phantom's shoulder.*
"Up here."

Phantom looked up in astonishment only to see Hart sitting crosslegged, hanging suspended three meters in the air. But quickly, Hart's fist engulfed his vision as Hart somemost shattered Phantom's skull with a ridge-handed strike, causing Phantom to fly back in surprise.

Hart gently lowered to the ground, his feet soundlessly touching the ground.

Darth Phantom
Apr 5th, 2001, 12:25:56 AM
ooc: how did you go into the fetal positon, your being crushed by the ground?

:: Phantom slams into the ground knocking the air outta his lungs. He slowly gets into the sitting position. In astonishment he looks at the large hole he had just made, thinging to himself that he can't belive what had just happened.

Phantom looks at Hart and slightly laughs, looking at his helmet and face mask and at the huge dent that now lie there. With one hand Phantom lifts up and huge rock and with the other Hart, With force speed Phantom slams the two into one another braking Hart's left ribs ::

Hart Kenobi
Apr 9th, 2001, 11:40:42 PM
::Hart cries out in pain as the rock entered his ribcage, shattering a few ribs on the right side. With the force of the collision, the rock and Hart fall to the ground with a thud, blood gushing out of the wound.

Hart moaned as he made his way up to his knees and doubled over again to cough up more blood. He'd need to either win or get out of this battle before he loses too much.

He lifts his saber telepathically and it makes its way over to Phantom.::

"By the way..... *cough* I don't think I've ever gotten your name..."

::Behind the Sith, Hart's robe rose like a cobra and slowly inched it's way towards Phantom's feet.::

"I'd like to know who I'm having the pleasure of becoming aquaintances with."

::Instantly, the robe whips out like a vine, wrapping around Phantom's legs, causing him to lose balance and fall to the floor. Hart's saber quickly made it's way as a launched missile toward's Phantom's heart.::

Darth Phantom
Apr 10th, 2001, 12:42:54 AM
:: With out hesitation Phantom rolls to his right just missing Hart's blade. Phantom quickly flips to his feet and makes his way to Hart's side, upon reaching his side ::

I am Darth Phantom, Sith Lord of The Mighty Sith Empire, and I am here to clam your life

:: With that side Phantom stomps on Hart's broken ribs. He leans over and picks up a rock about basketball size and smashes it into Hart's face repeatedly ::

Hart Kenobi
Apr 10th, 2001, 12:59:18 AM
::Hart raises his hand to stop the next blow using a Force wall. He catches the rock and sends a wave upwards, causing the rock to slam upwards and shatter on Phantom's head.

Bleeding, Hart rises, taking hold of Phantom's shoulder and slams him against his knee, dislocating teh Sith's left arm. To follow it up, Hart stabbed his saber forward, it penetrating Phantom's body cleanly though the stomach, but not in a vital area since Phantom was able to partially squirm out of the way.

Before he could regain any self-control, Hart lifts the Sith with one hand and throughs him over his shoulder, knocking him flat on his back, causing Phantom to cough up blood.::

*He bows*
"Pleasure to meet you."

Darth Phantom
Apr 10th, 2001, 03:32:30 PM
:: Phantom slowly rises to his feet holding his stomach with his right hand. with out warning Hart is pulled off his feet and on to the ground, he lifts his head just in time to see Phantom leap into the air and land on Hart's right leg shattering his knee. Phantom quickly moves off and kicks Hart in the back of the head causing his face to slam into the ground ::

Darth Phantom
Apr 18th, 2001, 04:33:42 PM
ooc: do you want to stop the fight and have it judged?