View Full Version : :: Waits for Warren Azalin ::
Jul 10th, 2001, 03:44:13 PM
:: Cerasi sits on the floor in the training room, waiting for her new master. ::
Warren Azalin
Jul 10th, 2001, 07:36:14 PM
<font color=red>:: Stalking the halls of the Greater Jedi Order Warren sensed around for new blood, he could smell the fear in some of the newer padawans and embraced it with a smile. But it was one certain essence that caught his attention, that of one Cerasi Jones. She was one of the newer padawans of his Jedi counterpart, and as such should eventually be killed - slow and painful, of course, as always. Slowly, he crept forward towards the room he knew she would be in, unhooking the metallic-cold cylinder that held his blood red blade he got himself ready to strike, soon it would be over.......</font>
Confusion swept over the Jedi as he saw the cylinder tightly gripped in his hand. He couldn't even remember what he was doing with that saber, he never used it at all. Wondering what was going on he looked around only to see Cerasi sitting alone in meditation, he didn't know what had brought him here but it was time to start training. ::
"Welcome Cerasi, I see you made it here with no trouble at all. So tell me, what have you learned in the Jedi arts so far? I do remember you having some previous training before....<font color=red>Ever learned to kill a man with a spoon? It's fun.'</font>
:: Smiling slightly to Cerasi, he continued talking oblivious to all around him ::
"So Anyway, where were we."
Jul 10th, 2001, 07:51:00 PM
:: Cerasi blinks and her jaw drops open. :: "Kill a man with a spoon... um, no sir, I haven't... And yes, I've had some training before this, if I remember correctly Master Leia and I were on Dagobath in the caves before I quit training."
Warren Azalin
Jul 10th, 2001, 08:21:51 PM
:: All Warren could do was stare at Cerasi as she answered him, Kill a man with a spoon, what was she thinking ? He didn't know what had happened to her while she was away but obviously she was not all up there. ::
"Well I do remember you going with Master Leia to the cave now that you mention it; would you mind showing me what you learned? And please explain to me why you thought it important to tell me why you cannot kill a man with a spoon, are you feeling ok?"
Aug 2nd, 2001, 03:51:09 PM
"But you just asked me if I knew how to kill people with spoons!!!"
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