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View Full Version : Windian Tales.....*closed*

Ashton Tybalt
Aug 3rd, 2001, 08:33:31 AM
In the "Unknown" Regions of space, a place un-explored by IMPs, Jedi and Sith, is a planet which has felt the conflicts of the Force and technology..... A planet of many races, and of even more names......This is the story of just a few of the people of this world, and their own personal conflicts, which takes them beyond their world.....

Ashton Tybalt
Aug 3rd, 2001, 08:45:58 AM
In a large fortified city, named after the race of winged people who live there and the royal family is where this story begins.....Inside the large castle.....

Handmaiden- You highness!

:: the diminutive brown-haired white winged woman shouts down the corridor ::

Handmaiden- Queen Akira! You shouldn't be moving around!

Akira- Why not? I feel better! It's been over a year already!

:: Akira raises her arms above her head ::

Akira- I'M NOT A CHILD ANYMORE! I need to do important things! And I can't do them lying bed!

:: Akira's bare feet slap against the stone floor as she heads down the stairs ::

Akira- Tell Nina I need to speak with her...

Handmaiden- *bows* Yes your highness....

:: the handmaiden scurries off to find Nina ::