View Full Version : Rapture: Breathe again

Vega Van Derveld
Jun 23rd, 2001, 05:32:01 AM
There are some times in life when a human being finds all they have to hold onto is the hope that things will get better for you. There’s only so low a person can go before they have to rise a little, become more stable and possibly set them selves on a track to get back to normality. Normality. Is that what you want, though? And what exactly is normal? No one can answer that question because with the infinite amounts of people, places, cliques, cultures and settings, how can everyone conform to one state that is normal. There is no normal. Everything and everyone is unique and yes, you could say un-normal. Paranormal even. Let us say, for narratives sake, that the normal part of a Siths life is serving his Empire whilst emerging himself in the darkness. Complete loyalty, and such. Now, implant into this normal state a glitch. One that causes some part of the generic code to shift and switch the Sith away from what he would call his normal life, and launch him into a rift of the paranormal; in which all loyalty and sureness of being and shaken to an extent which strong bonds are needed to keep the walls from falling.

The bonds being the satisfaction gained through the destruction of the light in more ways than one. And what better way to quench the thirst for battle than to engage it with one whom the Sith himself did despise so deeply.


Over and over again one could come to the planet of Tatooine and still find something new and (not so) exciting to keep oneself entertained. Today was no different. The sand dunes on the outer rims of Mos Espa shifted and changed forming into new patterns, which by nightfall would have morphed into something completely new. The only standing land marks which a person could identify with would be cities themselves, and with such strong sand storms as those found on Tatooine even that was hard at times. A Sith of course was no normal person and could rely on the force signatures of places from far off to chart a map mentally, thus eliminating the chances of becoming lost.

The burning suns blazed down upon the Knight as he paced down the ramp of Praetor Fenix into the vast desert lands. Luckily for Vega heat did not influence a user of the Force who was well aligned to his beliefs and could block out almost anything. It was as if he never changed his attire. Again, the trench coat, the black trousers, blue shirt and array of weaponry strung about his person. The outside may have been the same, but the inside was certainly not. To add to his new lease of anger spun by Bryce Ide (http://pub66.ezboard.com/fhadoudojofrm5.showMessage?topicID=10.topic) was the nagging feeling of being out of place. That was his reasoning for being here. That and of course the fact that Vega and Teka had not encountered each other for some time now.

Teka Kenobi
Jun 23rd, 2001, 06:53:24 AM
::The small E-Wing made it’s way through the cold expanse of space, headed for the planet, Tatooine. Reef, the ship, had been acquired from Joel Hardy for a relatively small price, earlier on that day. However now Teka was on a course with not only Tatooine but with a certain Vega Van-Derveld::

::This had been the first place that Teka had fought Vega. Well, fought him for the most of it, until he was ambushed by Bounty Hunters and taken away to the GMA HQ. He met the man on Coruscant a long time ago whilst attempting to save a life of a person unknown at the time who was a vamp and now a Sith.::

::Sand was blown in all directions as the ship came down to land. The figure dressed in black, hood up walked out. A sand dune separated the view between Vega and Teka but sure enough both were there. Teka walked forward to the peak of the dune and looked down upon the man. He said nothing and folded his arms in the Jedi manor. Carefully he took a moment to block his mind from interference and walked forward down the steep slope, towards the Sith Knight he would have hated so much.::

Vega Van Derveld
Jun 23rd, 2001, 10:03:11 AM
A sharp hot wind flicked the sand into the air around Vega, sending at the same time his trench coat into a flutter before whipping it back against his legs. The heat, it reminded him of his matador days. Days of outdoor persuits involving fighting the illustrious bulls of Figaro Favoura. He could almost hear the crowd chanting in his ears, the hispanic music playing loudly as in his mind he stepped out into the dusty area to be welcomed by a shower of rose petals. Yes, that - that was the life.

The life of a boy.

So good of you to arrive promptly, Teka.

But he was not a boy anymore.

Shed that angry look and arm yourself so we might begin, he said lowly, his hand moving absently to rest itself against Seraphim, After all, we don't want you alive any longer than needed eh?

Beginning to walk at a reasonably quick speed towards Teka, images flashed through his mind of the past battles he and Teka had performed. The deserts of Tatooine. The forests, rivers and caves of Dagobah. The technologically advanced area of Coruscant. They had been many places together, and each time for the same reason.

Blood shed.

Chants of the Sith. Echoing through his ears. A thousand or more warriors merged into one. Sweeping into view with a solar flare and deep hum Seraphims blade subliminally brought to life all of these emotions, all of these thoughts. Today, today was different though. It seemed more potent. More real. More...

... alive.

Teka Kenobi
Jun 23rd, 2001, 04:40:23 PM
::Teka watched the Sith with cold eyes. He had changed somewhat. Somehow. The last time he had faught him was a while ago now, and he wondered weather he really did have to fight again. His feet sank into the soft sand with every step he took down the dune. Stoping, metres before Vega, he cast aside one hald of his cloak with his hand and grabbed the silver hilt of Lux.::

::Vega had now stopped, and was watching Teka. The black hood covered his eyes from both of the suns and he had a clear gaze at the Sith. Holding Lux infront of him, he started making movemnts with his hand and all of a sudden both end ignighted. He spun round the sabre a few times before swing it neatly and presicely milimetres from the Sith chest, and then down to the gound.::

Good to see you too Vega...

::Not taking his eyes off Vega he threw his hilt into his right hand awaiting the combat to come. With his hood still up and his black boots on the jedi got into a low defensive position ready to attack or defend at a moments notice.::

Vega Van Derveld
Jun 24th, 2001, 06:15:55 AM
Lux. He remembered Lux dearly. Not as well as he remembered Pax though. That damned saber had indeed caused him trouble.

In his mind he psyched himself up. Ready yourself. Positioning himself with his saber to the left of his body but still held by two hands, he put his right foot out in front of his left. Aim. Teka Kenobi - the target, armed with a double bladed white saber.


Darting up the sand dune towards Teka he eyed him with a distasteful look before swinging Seraphim downwards towards Teka.

In his minds eye a sudden stabbing pain thrashed at him and his vision went blurry for a moment as he remembered the image of the blood trickling from his mouth down to the floor after Pax was thrown at him by his Master.

Teka Kenobi
Jun 24th, 2001, 01:59:14 PM
::Teka looked a confused face at Vega his charge continued but he didn't see to be concentrating. As soon as it started it stopped and he was back. At this point Teka was already upside down in the air, flipping over him. Tucking the hilt between his left arm and his body, he turned, both hits defended by Vega, who at this point was also turned and facing him.::

::As both hits were defended Teka immeadiately jumped into the air and kicked Vega in the face, making him stumble back up the slope slightly.::

::He spun his sabre round awaiting the next attack. Never taking his eyes off Vega, he watched as he got himself ready.::

Vega Van Derveld
Jun 26th, 2001, 02:35:16 PM
Dropping down quickly onto his stomach, Vega hit the ground with a quiet thud, his position obscured thanks to the slope. Hushing his breathing as best possible he cleared his mind of any tracable thoughts and waited for Tekas curiousity to kick in.

Sure enough after a few minutes of waiting, the Jedi lurched over the gentle hill and was greeted by the scrambling charge of the Sith. He got to his feet amazingly quickly, rushing at Teka with a well practiced speed before jumping into the air in a spinning kick which jammed against Tekas jaw, knocking him to the side for a moment before both attackers swung their weapons to clash sabers.

Teka Kenobi
Jun 27th, 2001, 03:22:51 AM
::Teka jumped back for a second to regain his balance and then darted back with a strike to Vega's head. As it was blocked Teka spun round at lightening speed with a hard kick that connected with Vega's head. The kick caused Vega to stumble to the right to get his balance back. Teka took this to his advantage and kicked the sith in the back of his knee causing him to arch backwards. Teka elbowed him hard in the face and he fell to the ground.::

::As he got up Teka could see his bleeding nose and smiled. He was not smiling as a bad person but as himself.::

You supprise me Vega.

::Running forward, he spun his bod and then spun his hands in a number of directions, and Lux's course and spins was almost completely random. Suddenly he stooped before Vega and jumped to the left leaving his feet out, which both connected again with the sith's head.::

Vega Van Derveld
Jun 29th, 2001, 02:15:13 PM
Vega thudded back against the sand sharply, splattering droplets of blood scattering across the grains by his head. On immeadiate instinct he lurched himself upwards, narrowly avoiding various swings of the Jedis saber.

It was a mere second or so before he was on his feet again, edging backwards as he began to allow the darkside to channel its way through his body, the pain now being converted into a form of fuel for his anger.

I shall suprise you more, Jedi. More than you can imagine he rasped in a gruff tone, moving back on the offensive to leap violently into the air at Teka, tackling him to the ground.

Sabers locked in a noisey fury of powers, both combatants tried to out do the other - whether it be to get the upper hand by physical position or just to move their sabers in for the kill.

It was only after a minute or so of grunts, groans and weapon clashes that Teka managed to roll Vega to the side, only to be thwarted by a boot to the face.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 2nd, 2001, 02:48:18 PM
Teka's head suddenly shot back and was followed by his body. He shook off the pain and moved his sabre in front of him. He readied himself and jumped up at Vega, lifting his left leg up, as he got over him and bringing his heel back, to smash into the back of Vega's head.

No, Vega. It is I who will supprise you, when I kick your ass.

The words came from his lips, whilst he was still facing away from Vega, who had stumbled foward. Teka turned and ran at Vega his quick reactions and the force guiding his sabre. Teka turned bring one end of Lux down on Vega's sabre leaving Vega's other side open. Teka quickly launched a strike at Vega open head.

Vega Van Derveld
Jul 8th, 2001, 05:19:37 AM
Straining, a look of deep tension on his face, the Sith Knight swung his saber upwards to block Tekas shot. As quick as he could muster he swept his right foot inward, hooking it inside Tekas leg. Then with a light force push he sent the Jedi Padawan toppling back, using - what he had become known to use - martial arts.

As Teka was about to crash against the floor Vega moved quickly around to bring his knee up into the falling Jedis back.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 8th, 2001, 03:00:11 PM
Teka's face revelaed his current feelings, and he stamped one foot on the foor to backflip up on top of Vega. He flipped back towards the floor, using his hands for support on the sand, and brought Vega to the ground with his legs, which were tight around his neck.

Teka quickly got up, and was shortly followed by Vega. Running at him, Teka jumped up and kicked Vega in the chest, knocking him back. He spun his whole body to the left, and twirled twic with his sabre, stiucking out, inconveiniantly towards Vega. The first sabre strik and the second were both deflected however the third was fast and the fourth faster. The two strikes gashed into Vega's upper leg, causing blood to form stains on Vega's trousers.

Vega Van Derveld
Jul 13th, 2001, 05:33:22 AM
Gritting his teeth as he took in a sharp breath, Vega felt the trickling blood run down his left leg. Looking down for a moment he closed his eyes and shook his head before snapping his head back up to glare at Teka.

Death be to those who cannot comprehend what they are dealing with, and to those who are foolish enough to attack Death himself.

With an almighty grunt Vega swung his saber in a full circle, twisting on his right leg as he smashed full force into Teka, his shoulder barging into the Jedi's chest as his saber missed.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 13th, 2001, 01:02:25 PM
Teka flew back a few metres, after the heavy bulk over Vega hit him in the chest. Mangaing to land on his feet he pushed the pain from his mind and waited for it to pass.

Not I, fear death. He himself has met me many times and in none of them has he taken me with him. However when I do follow death, die will I not. To live on is my destiny. Can you say the same for yours?

Teka gared coldly at Vega. He ran aided by the force. Reaching Vega he jumped sticking his leg forward. As it caught Vega in the stomach he tried to double over but was smashed in the face with a knee that had been rising fast since the original kick. Teka landed low using a hand to support him from falling and watched Vega fly through the air, and veiwed him crash into the ground.

Vega Van Derveld
Jul 13th, 2001, 02:02:34 PM
You follow Death do you. Then follow me inturn and I shall take you to him, groaned Vega as he stood up, bringing Seraphim to hold it in his left hand.

Dare you take the path...

To Tekas amazement Vega spun on his heel and began to run in the direction of the Praetor Fenix. As he did so, he moved with a limp, but still laughed to himself as he felt Teka approaching behind him.

Leaping up over a dune, Vegas trenchcoat whipped up into the air as he crashed back down into the sad, Fenix in sight.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 14th, 2001, 04:42:01 AM
Teka watched as Vega ran. His normal expression changed to a confused one. Surely by now Vega knew his path.

I will not take the path of evil Vega. But the light path will cross the dark one. No doubt it is at that crossing where I will met you next.

Teka straightened himself out and quickly made his way back to his ship. He didn't want to be shot down by Vega. His ship was near enough and he quickly scrambled in setting his course for home.

Vega Van Derveld
Jul 14th, 2001, 06:31:31 AM
Leaping up into The Fenix, Vega strapped himself in and flicked on an open comm. link to any ships within the area.

I'm coming to get you Teka. You better run fast...

The TIE Phantom lifted up into the air, its engines powering up to full as the pilot swirved it to the side, stearing it in a full 180 degree turn so that Tekas transport appeared on the view screen.

The game starts... Vega paused, pushing a button to set up the missle canons on the ship, NOW!

The ship shot forward, sending with it 2 two torpedos.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 14th, 2001, 10:08:56 AM
By the time the two misiles had been fired Teka's engines had started and he was off the ground. Knowing he would not be able to get away he decided to do something he probably shouldn't of.

Do or die, Vega.

Pulling back, Aether looped in the air, with the missiles still following it. Teka, now upside down was on a course with Vega's ship..well just in front of it. With the missiles still following him Teka passed the front of Vega's ship, with a gap of around one metre. The missile's were now headed straight for the Fenix.

Vega Van Derveld
Jul 15th, 2001, 06:10:48 AM
Vega was not one to be out done, so pulled the controls and swept the Fenix upside down in a barrel roll, following Teka. The TIE Phantom moved with a speed which Teka had now seen often, catching up to his ship rather fast. The two missiles still followed, and Vega attemped to once again hit Teka by swooping down infront of his ship.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 15th, 2001, 01:46:12 PM
Teka watched as Vega's ship came down in front of his. He shook his head in disbeleife at the ignorance of the move. Quickly thuuming two buttons in front of him, two of his own missiles flew straight ahead on an intercept course with Vega, as Teka swerved to the right, in an attempt to miss the first two missiles.

Vega Van Derveld
Aug 5th, 2001, 07:02:41 AM
OOC: Continued here (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicfrm13.showMessage?topicID=294.topic).