View Full Version : <Fallen>Lost and Found [Closed]

Gitane Blesse
Jun 24th, 2001, 06:16:52 PM
--Gitane groaned, stumbling through the darkness of her home in Athena. She cursed below her breath as her foot hooked against a piece of furniture. She snarled at the blinking light of her transmitter as she neared it, clicking it open to shut of the annoying bleep. Why must people insist onstealing her sleep? She knelt in front of the table and squinted at the bright screen, her arms resting over her stomach. She nearly toppled back as she read the words, hitting against the side of a chair. She wouldn't believe it. She didn't want to believe it. But there the words were. Why..?

Gitane sighed heavily and paused in thought. She wouldn't reply here. A personal response would be needed. She scanned over the message again and grimaced. Bakura...She refused to go there alone. Dalton. He should go. This concerned him... And Vega. She didn't want to go to that damn planet without him... Gitane sighed and started typing at the transmitter before hitting 'Send' and flopping back against the couch. drifting to sleep.--

*Message Sent* "Dalton, Vega, I'm in need of you assistance for a trip to Bakura. Come to Athena, I can explain everything at your arrival. -Gitane"

Dalton Blesse
Jun 24th, 2001, 06:48:39 PM
Dalton rapped softly upon the door at his feet, his eyes scanning about the surrounds rather hesitantly. He had taken little comfort here, his spine tingling in with each step upon the roads. Here his sister, Gitane, had called him.. Here of all places... The placed he had been born, the place he had run from, the place he was abandoned.

The Demi-Falleen jumped as his sister's face appeared through the now open door of the meek home. This place was humble and.. somewhat neat by Dalton's standards, yet then again, he wasn't too neat himself, so the word "clean" wasn't really much to him. He embraced his sister a moment before looking about, the lights were on and there seem to be a slight tremble in her voice as she had greeted him.

Dalton only figured to await his master, Vega Van Dervald, then here what needed to be done.

Vega Van Derveld
Jun 25th, 2001, 11:52:38 AM
C-666 waddled over to Vegas position in the darkened 'Hades Pit' tapping him on the shoulder in mid-slash of his saber.

"Ahum, sir. There is a message from miss Gitane. She wishes that you head over to Athena with great haste!" he said metallicaly, stumbling backwards as Vegas trenchcoat whipped up into his face when he spun round. He made his way to the chasms opening and leapt up with force enhanced height from rock to rock, appearing out into the bleek light a few minutes or so from Athena.

It wasn't at all long before he arrived, sighting Dalton and Gitane in the not so far distance.

What's wrong? he called out.

Gitane Blesse
Jun 25th, 2001, 01:24:34 PM
"I recieved a message from Bakura."

--Gitane called back the answer and opened her transmitter, waiting for Vega to near. She bit against her lip as the message played.

*"Gitane, I believe there is something here you may want. Someone..."*

Both men looked confused as she turned the screen off and glanced down.--

"It's from Mephisto... Dalton..Your and my half brother. I would go alone, but... I don't believe I'm wanted on the planet. It is our family, so I wish for Dalton to come and... Vega, I'd feel much comfort if you also came."

Dalton Blesse
Jun 25th, 2001, 07:44:53 PM
"Family..? Peh..."

Dalton's eyes went blank for a moment before he could speak again,

"They remember us..? It's been a while..."

His eyes wandered away from everyone as he looked about, all sudden everything had been a mystery to him, where'd he'd been, his name, the people he was with. The mind laspe ended quickly as Vega had tapped him on the shoulder, causing him to jump...

"Yeah... I'm fine... When're we leaving..?"

Vega Van Derveld
Jun 29th, 2001, 03:05:28 PM
Nodding lightly, Vega put all the information quickly into his mind, noting everything down mentally for future reference.

Your family... Hmm.

This would indeed be interesting. The family of Dalton and Gitane, whom he believed was quite large, thus had an interesting story to tell.

Gitane Blesse
Jul 1st, 2001, 08:44:49 AM
"As soon as possible, Dalton."

--Gitane sighed inaudibly, her eyes glancing toward the ground. She wasn't looking forward to seeing her brother again, yet she knew the trip was needed. After a moment, she lifted her gaze to meet Vega's.--

"Shall we take the Brigandier..?"

Dalton Blesse
Jul 2nd, 2001, 09:22:58 AM
"Doesn't much matter to me... As long as we get there.. I guess..." The apprentice look to his master to find if this vehicle would suffice, Dalton wasn't very clever when it came to machinery or computers.

He looked somewhat more conceited than usual, which had hidden his fear of what he might see in the next few days, his were fingertips lightly pressing the bulk of his folded arms with an iron-wrought glare.

Vega Van Derveld
Jul 2nd, 2001, 12:12:57 PM
Whatever you wish to use is fine. Brigandier is YT-1800 so could certainly handle the trip, unless of course you want to bring a smallsquadron of TIEs... if that is the case we could take one of the VSDs.

Pausing to wait for a reply, Vega noted the atmosphere and attitude of both his apprentices carefully.

Gitane Blesse
Jul 4th, 2001, 05:38:49 PM
--Gitane paused for only a brief moment before almost carelessly walking between and past the two. She wanted this over fast.

No more than a half hour later, the Brigandier lift from the ground and into the air, flying weightlessly through masses of nothingness.

She groaned and hit against a few buttons as a small screen flashed, cursing under her breath. It was always hard to land on the damn planet. She entered a few more things before another message blinked and they landed outside a looming iron gate.--

Dalton Blesse
Jul 4th, 2001, 05:42:56 PM
Dalton managed a faint smirk, slowly releasing a whim of breath before pushing away a strand of hair from his brow, fingertips resting to his sides as his eyes scanned across the walls of the vehicle.

"So where exactly are we again...?"

As said before, Dalton was never all to bright, but had a well developed knowledge of surival skills and chemistry.

Mephisto Blesse
Jul 4th, 2001, 05:51:41 PM
"You are standing before Gehenna." The voice came as soon as the three had stepped from the ship. It belonged to a rather tall male of which was making his way to the gate. He snarled quietly at the group before him, eyeing each one. The winged male was most likely his eldest brother, the scarred girl clearly Gitane; thought he had never seen the third before. As Gitane neared the other side he grabbed her wrist and wrenched her closer, snarling to only her. "You were supposed to come alone, little sister. Although.. One of them can be excused." He gave a cold laugh and sent her stumbling back slightly, his eyes on her stomach.

Vega Van Derveld
Jul 5th, 2001, 12:32:38 PM
The Sith Knights right hand immeadiately rose upwards, his gauntleted hand clenching into a fist.

I would advise you do not do that, creature he rasped, squeezing his palm tighter together as the being before Dalton and Vega began to feel a sharp pain in its neck, its lungs burning as its throat became tighter.

Gitane Blesse
Jul 5th, 2001, 01:09:44 PM
--Gitane snarled up at the man, anger glinting clearly in her eyes.--

"Why did you ask me here, Mephisto? I'm giving you five seconds to answer me before I get back on that ship. Five...Four..."

Abhor Blesse
Jul 5th, 2001, 01:25:14 PM
"...Three... Two..."

"But why leave so soon, my lost little fondling? You haven't seen what you came here about yet."

A mildly heavy-set Falleen man of his mid fifties had made his presence known as he stood on the thick steps of the building. He held a gruff smile as he folded his arms over his chest.

Dalton Blesse
Jul 7th, 2001, 12:43:56 PM
Dalton only watched about with his still folded arms, his eyes slitted in anticipation as he watched the other Falleen approach. His ears perked some as he overheard the conversation between them, remaining silent.

Mephisto... Dalton never really had liked him as a child... He was a strange one ineed, and at this point, most-likely corrupted by his own strength...

Abhor was definetly familiar, yet remained a hazed cloud in Dalton's mind as he canted his head in thought.

Vega Van Derveld
Jul 9th, 2001, 02:20:15 PM
Rasping an annoyed growl as the Sith spun around to see another Falleen approach, Vega called out loudly.

Cease this riddle talk! What is it that you have that Gitane should desire?!

Gitane Blesse
Jul 9th, 2001, 03:55:38 PM
--Gitane snarled lowly as she threw herself at the gate, grasping towards Abhor in utter animosity. Her eyes gleamed with raw anger as she forced the gate open, darting forward to lunge at the man, only to be wrenched from the ground by Mephisto. She growled, snapping and struggling to pull free.--

"Let me go!!"

Abhor Blesse
Jul 10th, 2001, 05:57:12 AM
"Now...Is that any way to greet your own father?"

The man chuckled as he peered at Gitane.

"Little fledgling...Why so angered to see me?"

He cupped his hand below Gitane's chin, only to be bitten by the enraged girl.

"Why am I here?"

"Ah yes.."

Abhor clapped once and the door of the house clicked open slowly...

Dalton Blesse
Jul 10th, 2001, 10:35:26 AM
Dalton watched Abhor a moment, before swiftly grabbing Gitane back, holding her back with and 'x' crossed against her chest, his whispering soft, yet cautious,

"C'mon Gitane.. This is getting us nowhere fast... Let's just chill and see what's up... Alright...?"

He awaited his sister's response before taking a hard glare to Abhor.

I must get my aloofness from my father's side...

Vega Van Derveld
Jul 13th, 2001, 05:30:41 AM
Growling audiably, the Sith Knight stood watching the unfolding events. One wrong move by either of the unfamiliar Falleen and they would find themselves on the receiving end of a barrage of saber swipes.

OOC: *bump* TTT.