View Full Version : Searching for the truth

Darth Snack
May 5th, 2001, 08:59:28 PM

* Life. What exactly is it. Is there a reason why life has been given; has evolved; continues to thrive? Could life be precious enough to die for it? To kill others to rid the universe of its weakest links? It must be since Survival of the Fittest seems to be the law of the land in the galaxy.

Snack sat a local bar in a small city on the planet of Bespin. The Sith Knight, not much of a drinker, like other Sith he knew, had his normal bottle of Alderaan Ale in hand. He sat with his head looking down on the countertop of the bar; his thoughts racing through his head.

A main reason for Snack's turning Sith was a quest for power. He had moved up through the Sith Empire's ranks quickly, earning the rank of Sith Knight not too long after re-joining with them. Now, however, Snack knew what he needed in order to attain true power. Knowledge. When he talked with Jedi Master Sage Hazzard, Sage did speak one truth to him. Knowledge is power. To know one's enemies and friends alike is quite benificial. If you know your enemy inside and out, then you are one step ahead in battle. To your allies means that you know how to abide with them, compromise with them, and keep them on your side.

The taste of the Ale pleased Snack's senses. It truly made Snack think more clearer. In order to accomplish his goal to gain power, he would need to first conquer this stepping stone.*

Darth Snack
May 7th, 2001, 09:05:45 PM
*Licking the last drop of Ale from his glass, Snack set it down, along with enough credits to pay for the drink. He stood from his stool, throwing the hood of his cloak over his head. His face covered in the shadows of his own clothing, Snack turned and walked briskly out of the bar.

The doom he was in was close to the docking bay of Bespin. He felt the signatures of many different speciies, both humoniod and other, fill the area. None of them, however, once glanced at Snack. It was as if the Sith Knight did not even exsist. One of the great advantages of not being widely known throughout the galaxy.

The phantom walked down a long cooridor, heading for the "parking" bays. His X-wing was being held there. In his mind, he set his next mission. Cayss... Snack's homeworld. The start of his knowledge would be the place which started hnis life.*

Shadow LeFae
May 7th, 2001, 10:11:10 PM
she accidently bumps into a cloaked figure... "Sorry," she says as she give him a quick glance, *He is a sith* Fae realizes *Run Fae, Run!* "I really must be going now..."
Hurrys off towards the Stormie Fae

Darth Snack
May 8th, 2001, 11:28:49 PM
*Snack watches as the young woman runs off quite quickly. A Jedi Snack sensed her to be. Heh. Puny at that. With a smirk, Snack continued on his way.


He sat himself in the pilot seat of his X-wing. The tech's had given him permission to leave as soon as he was ready.. with a little Mind control of course. The engines started up as he took the controls. Soon, the ship was in the Bespin atmosphere. Snack set in the coords for Cayss, not even giving a second thought about the Jedi which bumped into him. In due time, he thought. She posed no threat, and if she were to follow him, then so be it.

As he reached the edge of space, he set the hyperdrive, and pulled the lever forward. As the star points turned to a blue haze of fuzz, Snack hoped he would be able to find what he was looking for on Cayss.*

Darth Snack
May 21st, 2001, 01:15:27 PM
*The ride was long. And in the confinements of the X-Wing cockpit, it seemed like double the time.

Snack's eyes were fixed on the blue and pink haze of hyperspace. The swirling actions of the clouds of gas were hypnotizing. The trance Snack was in left the Sith Knight open to thought. Thinking seemed to be what he was preoccupied with at all times. No time to really talk with his master, no time to take on more than one apprentice for the Sith Empire, no time to get acquainted with his fellow Sith from the Empire.

It would be about one more hour until Snack's ship arraived at his home planet of Cayss. I wonder if Horus and Malamar are there? I've lived on Cayss for so long under 'Father' and besides Horus and Malamar... I... yet... Snack's thoughts became jumbled as his past came back to haunt him.

The image that filled Snack's mind was lifelike. The blue and green grass swaying with the wind as a cloaked figure walked away. The man was clad in black, roughly 5'10 in height. Not too bulky, he did not look like much of a warrior. Yet he was a Dark Lord of the Sith. He was Snack's 'Father'.

As Snack turned away from 'Father', he walked back to the hut in which he lived. Father would be gone most of the day on a scouting mission. I never knew what he really went to scout... Inside the hut sat Horus and Malamar, both just six or seven years of age. Snack was sixteen. As the young ones flooded Snack with questions, he preped them for their daily activities.

"Where's father?" Malamar would ask.

"How long will he be gone for?" Horus would jump in.

"He went out for a walk to gather more suplies. He'll be gone all day. I'll be continuing both of your trainings for today."

Lies... If only they knew.. if only I knew...

The day went on without fault. Both Horus and Malamar at the end of the day had their work out, and were both sleeping in their bunks. As darkness set in, Snack was still up. Pacing around, using the Force to better his skills; practicing. 'Father' should have been home over an hour ago Snack thought to himself.

He checked on the two young kids before he set off to find 'Father'. For two hours he searched. Nothing. Hour three came, midnight. Snack saw a figure lifeless on the ground. He ran over to him. Knelt down.. his greatest fear relived. Through Father's chest and neck where two bloody holes. Snack was on his own once again....

The blue and pink haze died down to streaks of white on black, then to pinpoint stars and other celestrial bodies. The planet of Cayss hung in view, drawing Snack out of his hypnotic trance. Anger and hatred filled him.*

Yet why... since he died.. did I not feel it? And still don't feel it?

Darth Snack
May 26th, 2001, 05:31:01 PM
*The X-wing set down on the blue-greenish grassy plains which was once his home. The cockpit hatch opened, allowing the slight Cayss breeze to flow through his growing dark hair. He jumped out, lanidng on the ground, scanning in all directions. The planet of Cayss was livable, but it had very few life forms dwelling there.

The area where Snack landed was far from any village or town, making it all the more impossible for him to be tracked. Only two others, to his knowledge, knew of the area where Snack now was. The burial place of his true parents. He saw the two stones sticking out through the ground, signifying his mother's and father's final resting place.

Twice before had Snack visited them. Once when he was six, a few days after they were killed, and once a few years ago, when he was Jedi. He had asked for their forgivness for following the dark path, and swore he would never follow the path again. Heh, how times have changed. But he still loved his parents, and wished them well in the after life.. even though, Snack thought, that they must hate him now, and could never forgive again.

He calmly walked over to where the two stones lay, and knelt down lowering his head and closing his eyes. Step one, conquering the past.

He spoke in his mind, as a solitary tear fell from his face.

Mother.. Father... I have always blamed myself for your deaths. My weakness, my stupidity. Over the years... I have worked.. to become stronger, to become wiser, to make sure I would never fail you nor anyone else again. He paused. I have come to realize, though, that no matter what I do... failure is there. It has plagued my life... And I know I have failed you on more than one occassion. But with failure comes wisdom. You learn from those mistakes, and become smarter and stronger. This is why I am here now.. to tell you this... You may hate me now that I have gone sith once more, but it was my choice. My destiny. I still love you both...

*Snack felt the tear streak on his face immediately dry up as the winds blew stronger for a moment. His parents response; wiping the tear from his face. "Be strong".

He stood from the spot, draping his cloak and hood around him. It would be about a days walk to reach where he spent ten years of his life...*

Darth Horus
May 26th, 2001, 11:28:23 PM
Uniformed Attendant: Sir, we have an unauthroized landing in the sector directly below us.

DH: Do not worry, and call back the advanced scouts. The pilot is to arrive unharmed

Attendant: Sir, could that be wise? What if...

DH: What nothing, he is not a threat.

Attendant: What shall i tell the guards?

DH: Tell them to prepare to recieve the former master. And be sure its a welcoming fit for the great Sith Knight.

Darth Snack
May 28th, 2001, 01:33:51 PM
*The trip to the home, which laid right outside of the only town Snack knew of on the planet, was a long trip. The forests of Cayss were dark and mirky, and very very void of sound. Each twig Snack stepped on sent an echo through the forest.

Sensing that nightfall was near, Snack used the Force to jump up some fifteen feet, where he landed on a huge branch. He setteld himself in, away from any danger... even though Snack knew that nothing which lived there could harm him.*


*Snack's eyes opened with the vision of his nightmare still in tact: the same vision he had on his voyage here. He took a ration bar from his ihs small amount of supplies which he could carry on his belt, and ate it. He jumped down from the branch and continued on his way.

The walkwould take Snack a few hours, considering he made most of the sojuourn the other day.*

A few hours later

*Emerging from the forest, Snack saw the small town where he grew up. The old hut was there, as well as most of the older buildings, and some newer factories and homes. He stretched out with his senses through the Force, probing the town to see what lurked within. It had grown, much to Snack's surprise.

It brought back memories to Snack, of long ago, after 'Father' died ten years ago. He took control of this small village, running it, making it live on it's small mining economy. He was the ruler of the town for six years, when he was sixteen until he turned twenty one. He had to give it up, however, when he left in search of his place in the universe. The town, he left over to his first apprentice, and friend, Horus.

He's done quite well with this place. Snack thought to himself. A grassy feild was all that stood between Snack's home and Snack. He began to walk, and as he did, sent a message through the Force. Horus, if you are here... I am home.*

Darth Horus
Jun 6th, 2001, 09:30:08 PM
*Giving a quick order befor he leaves Horus takes aside one of the attendants* Keep a close eye on sensors, take all possibilties as realities, make no mistakes in this. I do not yet know why he has returned, we must ensure its not something.... important. Send a guard detail to watch his ship as well, ill give new orders as soon as we know what exactly Snack has come back for. It is a change indeed for him to come here.

*Quickly tossing off his silver mantle Horus grabs his traveleing black cloak, hesitating for a moment before grabbing his saber, sensing a worker watching his movements with wonder*
Dont worry, I am sure the former master has arrived with good intentions, its what comes along with those intentions that i worry about.

*The moving of Horus' hand signified that he had given a command much more powerfull then meer words could convey, especially to those who are week minded*

My former master seldom does arrive without some sort of scheme on his mind. Sith, bah, just as bad as the Jedi.

*Mumbling to himself with a grin Horus walks out and goes to follow the message he recieved* I shall answer his call in person

Darth Snack
Jun 10th, 2001, 06:10:10 PM
*No answer. Although Snack sensed a lot of unease and tension stir about. They knew he was here, alright.

Snack arrived at the fringe of the city. Glancing about, he stepped in, walking down the middle of what possed as a street. The pedestrians couldn't help but stare at the Sith Knight, wondering who this new face could be.

The he felt him. Snack stopped dead in his tracks.*

Horus, you know me too well to be giving off as much hype as you are. But please show yourself... I need to ask a favor of a great friend.

Darth Horus
Jun 16th, 2001, 11:50:00 PM
*Stepping up and walking forward Horus makes no attempt at masking his presence as he walks foward cape flowing behind him*

Never a dull moment, huh? I can dispense with the pleasentries, for now. I am at your service, mon ami. I take it we shall be busy, eh?

*Halting before his friend Horus offered out his hand to shake*

As always, Snack, together we cannot fail.

Darth Snack
Jun 16th, 2001, 11:56:03 PM
*With a slight smile, Snack took the hand, and bowed his head.*

As always, Horus.

*He let out a small laugh, then his smile on his face thined out to a straight line. His eyes showing seriousness and all business; cold and dark.*

Lord Horus, do you remember our 'Father's' death?

Darth Horus
Jun 17th, 2001, 12:03:45 AM
*Returning Snack's gaze Horus replied*

I do remember well. I had thought the matter to be final, has another of his 'untied threads' come up? Or prehaps an unpaid debt?

*Looking up at the sky and glancing around the horizon of Cayss, the planet now Horus' was once not*

Excuse my curiosty...

*Gaze returns to Snack with the same stern look as before*

What is it that brought you here?

Darth Snack
Jun 17th, 2001, 12:14:57 AM
*The gaze Snack held drifted off to the sky, the heavens above Cayss. Emotions which he had repressed surfaced in his body, running wild and fueling his anger about the past.*

You could say it is an 'untied thread'... I do not know, brother. I have been bothered as of late by visions of the past... of Father and the day he died.

*Snack closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. He lowered his head, opening his eyes.*

I saw him slayed ... whatever it was which killed him. But I- *He paused, not too sure himself of the words he was about to speak.* I never felt him die. Normally, .... normally when a Force user dies, one can feel their pressence die off as well, through a ripple in the Force. I've felt it before with others... but I do not recall feeling Father's presence die off....

*Snack trailed off, looking back up to Horus. The two have not moved from their spot where they met. Snack could sense confusion coming off of Horus, his face did not hide it at all.*

I thi... no.. I believe he is still alive....

Darth Horus
Jun 23rd, 2001, 12:22:45 AM
That is quite a... hmm... I can see where you may think that, I've never seen any case of not feeling the death of a force user either really. Of course, I doubt either of us knew the secrets he kept....

*Stepping back amount Horus looked over his friend and thought to himself about the possiblities before speaking again*

Well, if you think there is something to it you know I'll do whatever I can. What do we know for sure about his death, eh?

I wonder if anyone around on planet may still have word on it.. perhaps even a little more information then we thought before.

That is getting off however, and making assumptions... *Staring his friend and former master in the eyes* What have you felt on the matter?

Darth Snack
Jun 26th, 2001, 09:26:37 PM
One hole.. blaster fire.. something to his head, one to his chest.

*Snack's eyes glazed over in thought. His past memories were becoming blurry the further he searched back. There was 'Father'.. laying on the ground. Blood stained gouge on his forehead and one on his chest, which stained through his clothing, were the only signs of his death. Snack was not sure of what caused such injuries then, nor was he sure now. About ten feet away, bunddled amongst itself was 'Father's ' black flowing sith cloak and robes.

His eyes returned back to reality as he looked at his apprentice, Horus.*

Other than that... I do not know.

*Snack paused, looking around the small city which was Horus's. This whole planet, once held by 'Father' is now all Horus's.*

We shuold eat, first. That I do know. Still live in the same building?

*Horus nodded an affirmative and turned quickly, his cape flowing behind him. Snack followed him to his home.*

Darth Horus
Jul 28th, 2001, 09:15:36 PM
*Much time had passed already, dinner was over. Horus had sat down with a now even more serious, focused look*
Former master, there is something i have not yet told you. Malamar is gone, as is my first born. Some words were traded, as you can imagine most of them not kind. I know not what happened to my son, but i have felt nothing on this matter and i presume she is simply in one of her moods again. This, however, is not what is of importance now.

*Looking around the room as if half expecting to see a ghost or sign of some sort Horus turns his head back to facing Snack apprently secure that no such apparation was possible*

Shall we get down to buisness, then?

Darth Snack
Jul 28th, 2001, 11:54:07 PM
She left?

*Snack was quite puzzled indeed. Why had Malamar left and had taken their son? That would have to be answered soon. Now, as Horus had said, it's time to get down to business.*

Yes... I just have no clue where to begin.

*The Sith Knight sat there in his seat. He looked around the room once more. It had few decorations around it, a fern here and there, a lightsource. Yet is was freakishly comfortable. Standing up with an idea, Snack spoke.*

We should start where it all ended... The site of his grave.

Darth Horus
Jul 29th, 2001, 12:12:30 AM
Yes, the grave would be a good place to start. The natives consider it to be a holy place of sorts, we must take care to ensure none of them take much notice our passing. *Waving his fingers in the gesture of suggestion planting through the force*
Simple people with simple customs... and simple minds.

*Standing up Horus raises his hand into the air causing his cloak to spread out evenly behind him in a small gust of wind summoned through the force*

Darth Snack
Jul 29th, 2001, 11:57:32 PM
So true...

*Snack let out a laugh as he walked through the house towards the exit. Upon stepping foot in the streets of the town Snack began walking to where some speeder bikes were. It would be a quick travel to the burial grounds.

No.. burial grounds was the wrong term. His body never had been buried... There was no body to bury. It became one with the Force in front of Snack's own eyes as it died away. The only marker which signified the site was a few stones placed in a cross like formation. That area was where he found his robes.

The grounds were about thirty kilometers west of Horus's city. As he mounted one of the speeder bikes, Snack flipped the power on, listening to the engine and thrusters humm. He waited as Horus did the same, almost hesitently. If anyone did mind about the two "borrowing" these bikes... heh.. too bad for them.

Kicking the accelarator, the two were off in a heartbeat, moving in and out of the narrow passages between the few buildings there and out into the open rolling fields of the blue-green grass on Cayss.*

Darth Horus
Aug 1st, 2001, 10:22:20 PM
*Snack failed to notice his dropping of a few credits and an insignia button of his personal workfoce onto the ground in case the owner of the bikes came by.

As they went the two old comrads sped around trees and narrowlly avoided eachother in a high speed chase akin to their upbringing together. Mere mention of 'the father' could bring back such memories, but there was no mistaking the fact that both had now grown in power*

This place has no feel to it, no tie to the force. I've always thought that but not until your questioning of the death has it ever really seemed important.
Maybe its because the death happened else where and the robes discarded... Or perhaps...
We will find out, right? And this is the place to start.

*Slowing down even more then they had in order to speak, and coming to a halt upon the stones, Horus and Snack then shut down their bikes engines, which turned off with a slight hum*

Now... what exactly to look for?

Darth Snack
Aug 1st, 2001, 10:43:59 PM
*The Sith sat on the speeder bike for a moment as Horus talked. He heard every word which was spoken, but never looked at him. His feyes were glued to the stones.

When Horus finished his question, Snack jumped off the bike and walked over at the foot of the stones. He knelt down on both knees, closing his eyes. He reached out to the Force allowing it to race through him. Anger began to build within the Sith Knight as his thoughts went to those of 'Father': the fact that he did not have an answer to this question of "is he truly dead?"

He shook his head clear, remembering that even though a Sith uses their anger for them and allows it to control their actions, one cannot let that anger cloud their thoughts... their mind.*

I'm not sure... I don't think we can look for anything really. But always remember, young one. Your eyes deceive you. Trust what you feel.

*Snack leaned forward, placing his hands on the stone formation. If 'Father' was truly alive, he would have come to this place. If so, the rocks would know. Just the feeling from them and the surrounding area would give it off.


Just as the Sith Knight began to rise, he picked up on something.. familiar. The presence was that of Malamar's. Maybe she came here, too, when she left Horus... Getting to his feet, he looked at Horus.*

Why exactly did she leave? Did she give any reasons or say anything? And does she have a place to go and just think?

Darth Horus
Aug 5th, 2001, 10:25:14 PM
*Looking around Horus moves back towards the Speeder bike he had just gotten off of and looks down at the controls*

I wish i knew for sure, Snack. Of late i just dont know... it's like something had come over her. I'd never seen her like it, flying into a rage without provoction. Wish i could say she looked like she had seen a ghost, but she didnt appear to be holding back anything. No records exist of where she went either.

*Thinking over his words and thoughts Horus speaks again*

Appear is the important word though, isn't it? If she knows something about this that we don't... Then it all can be put into a different perspective.

*Through the will of the force Horus, raising his hand in gesture, slowed and then silenced the spiderbikes engines fully, which had been idling down slowly after being stopped. The bikes descended to the ground and silence followed with them*

Yes, friend, she has been here. Listen and feel... are their any clues here that may not be obvious?

*Calmly, with the focused spirit of a Jedi, Horus searched the surrounding areas. As a Shadow his skills were never to be like those of a Jedi of the Council or any aged Master for that matter, but, he hoped, he may at least be able to find something his more... tempermentally force-aligned friend could*

No vehicle has been here, but someone else has.

*Reaching for his saber Horus ignited it in a hum of power and began searching for ever faint signs of tracks near the grass-surrounded stones. Though the mid-morning sun beat down overhead, the tall Cayss trees partially blocked out the radiance, a problem the lightsaber helped overcome*

*Following suite, Snack ignited his own blade and began searching*

Darth Snack
Aug 5th, 2001, 10:47:56 PM
*The Sith Knight had to surpress a smile as Horus talked about Malamar's unprovoked fit of rage and anger. She would have made a great Sith. Ah well. Snack kept still at the "grave" as Horus talked. The Shadow was always good with reason and words, probably more so than Snack. Of course, the Sith Knight thought to himself, That's what you get for teaching a young one everything you know. They're better at just about everything.

Then it struck Snack. The words uttered by his one time apprentice, "someone else has..." He quickly snapped around to look at Horus, with a puzzled look.*

Someone else.. who? And why am I not able to see this?

*No answer. Just the dieing whine of the spider bikes and the growing hum of the Shadow's saber. Following in suit, Snack unclipped and brought to life his teal blade, not entirely sure what he was searching for.*


*He slowly brought his head up, returning his attention to Horus from the ground around the grave. Even though most of the tree which lined the edge of the Cayshien Forest (which began about 5 meters to their north) blocked out a good deal of the sunlight, the rays that did beat down on his skin were both blinding an uncomfortable. It was unusual, to say the least, for this area of Cayss to have such hot weather... especially this early of the day.*

You said that 'you wished you could have said that Malamar had seen a ghost'...

Darth Horus
Aug 5th, 2001, 11:04:24 PM
*Still looking around for even the faintest hint of matting down of grass, Horus looks up to speak to Snack*

Yes, i wish i could say that. So then we could just say 'Malamar must know where 'father' is and be done with it and off to find her.' But... we cant assume that. Related or no, we have 2 people to find and nowhere to start... except here.

*Approaching the gravestones Horus knelt and picking something up*

Its a shred of cloth, lighter then your fathers Sith robes... but its no lead.

*Placing his gaze back on the spiderbikes Horus again spoke*
Let's return back to the city and search Malamar's room. There may be something she left we can use to find her, at least. Then we can see where that takes us.

Darth Snack
Aug 5th, 2001, 11:16:00 PM
Good idea.

*Snack took the piece of cloth from Horus. He turned it in his hand, then brought it up to his nose smelling the faint scent of a dusty antique.*

Maybe it's just an old piece of those robes, faded.

*Pocketing the small torn article of clothing, the Sith and the Shadow put away their weapons and headed towards their bikes.*

If things were as easy as you have said, friend.

*Snack mounted his speeder, flipping on the ignition. The reving of it's engine killed what silence was in the air, alerting Snack more so than what he was. He shook his head, and pressed down on the throttle, truning to exit the way they had entered.*

Darth Malamar
Aug 6th, 2001, 12:21:03 AM
*A sudden jerk of the ship told Malamar the trip was over. Weary from such a journey from her home, she pulled her robes tighter over her, and held her child to her bosom, trying her best to conceal him. Exiting the ship, she looked over the space port and the silver planet of Endor caught her eye. Remembering the fight she had with Horus the day before made her heart ache for home again. She looked back at the ship longingly, she had left in a rush and left everything of hers (except the child) back in her home. Swallowing and taking a deep breath she shook herself of the memories and walked on, towards something she was willing to give all she had for.*