View Full Version : Hedonism & Debauchery? ...In other words, Adarlon.
Jerred Rez
Jul 19th, 2001, 03:17:07 PM
(ooc) Continued from here: (
Jerred's left brow raised up beneath his goggles just slightly, elevating them to give the appearance of a slanted but calculating stare. A few inches before his eyes rested the handle of his modified repeater rifle.
"Damn it" he exclaimed, slamming his hand onto the table where he had been working at, "there's a dent on my blaster!" Ryu looked back out of the cockpit, somewhat startled by the mercenaries sudden explosion.
"Geez Jerred, calm yourself down. It's just a blaster rifle..."
"Just a blaster rifle? Just a blaster rifle?" The bounty hunter holstered the weapon and sat himself down, his face grim and tainted with obvious signs of his rapidly growing irritation. They had come out of hyperspace a good four or five hours travel from Adarlon. The ship hadn't been a downgraded gunboat, as he had originally thought... it was in fact a <a href=>Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser,</a> manufactured by the Silviut Corporation. It didn't seem to be the most popular ship in use, but it was a nice catch never-the-less.
Ryu Warusa
Jul 19th, 2001, 03:56:25 PM
"So....what kind of ship is this anyway? It doesn't respond exactly like a gunboat." Ryu tried to look back at Jerred but he could see very little from the angle he was sitting.
Jerred walks into the cockpit, "Its a Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser, very rare. Not a bad catch if I do say so myself." Jerred sits down in the other seat in the control room.
I better get my ship back before they impound it, it should meet me at Adarlon. Ryu pulls out a small device and pushes a button on it. There... speaking of ships, this guy, Jerred has been riding with me since I met him, does he even have a ship? "We're almost to Adarlon... hey, wheres your ship, Jerred?"
"Wheres yours?" Jerred looks at Ryu with an annoyed face.
"Its going to meet us at Adarlon. So, where is your ship?
Jerred looks at Ryu with a defeated look on his face.
"Its a long story..."
IG 90
Jul 20th, 2001, 10:09:48 AM
<font color=lightgreen>Downloading possible ships for sale on HoloNet channel 678.6643
.Download complete. Would you like to view? (Y/N)
<font color=white>IG-90 had been staring at the computer screen for five seconds. His internal sensors and databank connectors allowed him to pull up and examine data faster then any other droid could dream of doing. IG-90 would be able to hack into Imperial or Republic files in less then 3 minutes. Of course he would need the proper slicing codes.
Instantly the droid felt the sensation inside of his Databanks. He felt the information pour into his system. IG-90 impatiently waited as the process finished up 6 seconds later. He shut his optical sensors off and viewed the files. IG-90 soared through the list of ships and addresses. None were too appealing to him. Most were just Corellian freighters and starfighters. IG-90 needed something bigger! Although it couldn't be a huge ship like a corvette or a dreadnaught.
<font color=lightgreen>Such trouble I must go through to find one ship.<font color=white> The droid knew that he would have to resort to getting a hold of his contacts and see if they could hook him up with someone who was selling a suitable ship. IG-90 despised the fact that he would have to visit contacts again. All of his contacts were in fact humans. Humans were vile, stupid, and disgusting creatures. IG-90 also had a distaste for almost all other alien species.
Slowly, the droid stood up straight and began to march out of the door. He stepped on the dead man, face first on the floor, paying him no attention. IG-90 had murdered him earlier to use his computer. The droid raised his blaster high and began to march down the stairs making a small clanking noise. For now he would have to get in touch with old "friends" and find a way off of this pitiful planet. Darth Viscera had done a grand job in turning it into a hell-hole.
<font size=1>Knock, knock, knock.
<font size=2>"I'm coming!"
<font size=1>Knock, knock, knock.
<font size=2>"I'm coming! Geez Louise keep your pants on you door-knocking maniac." A disgruntled man about the age of forty paced across his apartment floor and carefully opened the door. He stared at the two meter tall droid standing outside. Quickly the man tried to shut the door. Before he could do so, IG-90 kicked forward, knocking the door off of his hinges and taking the man with it. The droid kicked it away and pointed his blaster at the man's face.
<font color=lightgreen>"Ruben. Long time no see."<font color=white> The droid said. <font color=lightgreen>"I need your assistance in something. If you do not help me, you will be shot. If you do help me, I will still shoot you. At least I'm giving you something to look forward to."
<font color=white>"Get out of my house, yo-you maniac!" Ruben screamed.
<font color=lightgreen>"Not a chance. Now please get your fat ass off that floor and use that computer of yours. Get a hold of your contacts and find me a suitable ship. I will be right behind you. Monitoring you, watching you, even smelling you."
<font color=white>Instantly, the man rose up off the floor and darted to the computer. He kicked the chair toward him and sat on it. Ruben began to type like a mad man. He was starting to wish he never dealt with IG-90 in the first place.
Jerred Rez
Jul 20th, 2001, 08:44:50 PM
"It's a long story," Jerred began, then shook his head. "Lets just say a job went sour and now my ship's being held at an Imperial impound bay. I don't think I'll be seeing it anytime soon unless I can come up with the funds to bribe some very important people."
Ryu almost laughed, probably happy to know that maybe there was something in the green-goggled man that he could expose to his own advantage should the need arise. If Jerred didn't get paid soon, he was going to take more than just a few credits from Ryu. He would take his life, too.
"I think we're going to need some money before we can start spreading the word about our new 'product.' I have some contacts on Adarlon, so I'm pretty sure we'll be able to cut this thing loose, but it might take a few days before anyone actually shows up for it... and I hope you don't think I'm going to sit around inside a stolen ship at a landing pad for three or four days." Jerred looked down at the planet from the ship's viewport, then let out a short breath, indicating his disdain for the people of that world, "Even in a place like this... it's still a bad idea."
Ryu Warusa
Jul 20th, 2001, 08:48:05 PM
"I understand what you're saying, those jedi sure went through a lot of trouble trying to stop us. On top of that Adarlon isn't exactly the safest place."
Two hours later, after long periods of silence.
Jerred was looking at the radar screen. "We have a ship coming in."
A Corelian Freighter comes out of hyperspace. "Don't worry its just my ship, I set it to follow me to Adarlon."
Jerred looks at the ship through the viewscreen. "I'm surprised that ship was able to catch up with us."
"I'm not surprised, its fully loaded. I spent a lot of credits upgrading everything."
"Where do you get your money?" Jerred's shiny green lenses looking intensely at him.
Its like hes trying to look into my mind, freaky...
"If you must know I get my money from...involuntary contributors. They supply me with weapons and other trinkets that I later sell. Of course, they don't know they are helping me... until its too late, and I am gone. Ryu looks at Adarlon coming up on his viewscreen. I know this a business trip, it doesn't mean I can't have a little fun. I'm going to find some nice young ladies to be with...Ryu's mind turns to lust and starts fantasizing about what he's going to do on Adarlon.
IG 90
Jul 21st, 2001, 12:50:22 AM
"Adarlon...Ever heard of a place called Adarlon?" Ruben turned back to stare at the droid. After a few moments of silence, Ruben shook his head and turned back. He typed in a few words and pressed "enter" on the keyboard. Instantly, a bunch of binary numbers appeared on the screen. IG-90 marched across the room and focused his optical sensors. The droid began to record what he saw on the screen. He had the ability to translate a binary sentence in .45 seconds. Even binary droids could not accomplish such a time.
<font color=lightgreen>"Adarlon does not appear in my databanks."<font color=white> The droid replied, turning to meet Ruben. It knelt down and placed it's blaster above his eyes. <font color=lightgreen>"I thank you for your time."
<font color=white>Those were the last bone-chilling words that Ruben ever heard again. He was shot in the head, brains splattering everywhere. The droid's mechanical arm had small blood stains on them. Quietly it stood up straight and walked out the door. Patrons in other rooms, peeked through their doors to see what the commotion was. IG-90 payed them minimal heed as he marched down the stairs, in his mechanical fashion.
<font color=lightgreen>Now I must find a suitable ship to get me to Adarlon. I despise destroying these humans. I always get dirty in the process. Luckily none have been able to report my actions to the Imperial authorities. I must leave this hell hole soon. Perhaps after I acquire my ship, I can begin a droid revolution on some planet. That would be nice. Now what is this ship again?<font color=white> In mere moments, IG-90 pulled up the information file that he had recorded at Ruben's apartment. <font color=lightgreen>it is a Vibre Class Assault Cruiser. That sounds interesting. I may have to collect some credits before I reach Adarlon.
<font color=white>IG-90 crept in the shadows of a docking bay containing a YT-2400. The droid expected its owner to come back any second, but once again IG-90 was getting impatient.
About ten minutes later, (which seemed a lifetime to the droid) the woman who owned the ship appeared. She looked a little drunk. IG-90 zoomed in with his optical sensors and took pictures of the female. She was human, about 30-35. She wore a brown trenchcoat and had a bottle of boose in here left hand.
<font size=1>Clank, clank, clank.
<font size=2>"Hello?" The woman said, staring at the ally. She began to stumble toward it, eyes wide with anticipation. "Is anyone there?"
A blaster shot rang out of the ally and struck the bottle of boose that she held. It exploded, wetting her all over. Suddenly, IG-90 stormed out of the shadows and planted two bullets in her chest and one in her windpipe. Silently, she fell to the floor. Before boarding her ship, IG-90 stole her passcode and wallet.
He watched as the ramp closed and turned the systems on. IG-90 activated the repulsorlifts and waited for the ship to raise off the ground. He set in the coordinates for Adarlon and headed for space. Destination, Adarlon.
Ryu Warusa
Jul 21st, 2001, 09:30:16 AM
The Vibre Assault Cruiser and the Corellian Freighter land on the planet. Only to be assaulted with questions from mechanics and others of that sort. "What is that?" they ask. "Where did you come from?" and "Do you need anything repaired?"
"No, we don't want anything to be repaired. We don't want anyone touching these ships, understand?" Ryu looks at the mechanics and they scatter.
"When do I get paid?" His bright green goggles looking over the place, and then coming to land on Ryu's face.
"You'll get paid when we sell the ship. We need to get the word out that we are selling it. I'll let you handle that." Before Jerred could say anything in defense Ryu is gone. Now for some wine, women, and song!
Ryu Warusa
Jul 21st, 2001, 05:40:31 PM
Ryu starts walking down the plaza with nothing but lustful thoughts in his head. Ahhh, now to find me some nice, sexy, young ladies.... For awhile is unaware that he is drooling. Whoops certainly can't catch any girls while I'm drooling now can I... Ryu wanders across two young ladies looking a little lost. Ahhh prey... "Hi there, are you two lost?"
"No, we were just looking for some place to have fun." Both the girls look him over.
The second one giggles.
"Well, if you need any company, I'm looking for a place to have fun too, and some people to have fun with..."
Before he could finish his sentence each girl grabs one arm each.
"Hi, what's your name? I'm Tammy and this is Samantha." The one on the right said.
"I'm Ryu Warusa. A pleasure to have the company of such beautiful ladies."
"Nice to meet you..." Samantha says.
"Well where shall we go to?" says Ryu, Looking at both girls from head to toe. What luck! They are both bombshells!
"How about that hotel?" Tammy asks.
"Sure that would be great." Ryu says. Wow, this is too easy, they might be planning something, like taking my money. I better be careful.
They step into the hotel, after about three hours Ryu steps out of the hotel, with a smile on his face. Mission accomplished. I guess I better go back and check on the ships, and on Jerred. Who knows, if he killed some mechanics and is now in trouble with the police or the security forces.
Jerred Rez
Jul 22nd, 2001, 01:44:17 AM
Jerred stood there with a frustrated frown on his face other-wise emotionless face. Great, he thought, he hires me to protect him and now it's all up to me to sell the ship...
The bounty hunter glanced around the inner-stitching of his trench coat, pulling it back so he could make a mental check-list of all his weaponry. Everything seemed to be in place... from his Heavy Hull Sauder to his dented Neural Stun Rifle... Hopefully the payoff from this ship would be enough to buy the replacement alloys he'd need. Speaking of pay offs... he needed to get in touch with some important people. Giving one last glance at the dormant black ship behind him, he set off from the landing pad and started his walk past the local-maintenance man.
The makeshift mechanic, all dressed in white and gray, grinned and started off in a suspicious stride towards their newly acquired ship. "Hey, you," Jerred called out, his goggles glowing a brighter shade of green as they scanned the man's clothing for weaponry and equipment.
"Yeah? What do you need?"
"Touch my ship and you're going to need an overhaul, got that?" The man wiped some grease and sweat off his face, then took a few steps away from the ship as he noticed that Jerred was now holding a very deadly and accurate blaster-pistol.
"I got it. Don't worry, no one's going to touch you're ship... I won't let them! I swear it!"
Hm... He sounds like he's telling the truth.
Damn it! Jerred sneered as he watched the man's body drop to the floor with a thump, smoke trailing up from his chest. He hadn't even meant to kill the guy, and now he was going to have to clean the mess up... I have to remember not to aim guns at people when I feel nervous. This is the 5th ti -
"Hello, is anybody there? What was that noise I just heard?" A man's shadow was slowly rising through the landing pad's doorway, but chances where good that the guy wouldn't have been able to tell that it was blaster fire he had just heard. "Oh my." It wasn't a man at all. It was a droid.
"Hold it right there,copper-top. You're not going anywhere." The bounty hunter was glaring at the protocol droid, looking him over for anything that could pose a potential threat. "Can you interface with computers?"
"Yes, sir. I can."
"Good." Jerred brought the blaster up once more, taking careful arm for the droid's pelvic area.
Shining copper parts were strewn all over the landing pad in an eruption of sparks and fiber-based fire. Jerred holstered his weapon and started collecting all of the parts, then found the droid's torso. Perfect. Not a scratch... Now to rig this up to a te
Ryu Warusa
Jul 22nd, 2001, 10:40:12 AM
Resanul comes up to a strange place on this planet Adarlon with bright glowing XXX everywhere this looks like a good place to get something to eat.
He steps in to find himself emersed in loud music and bright lights making his white irises contract. As he sits down he notices these humans on top of a rather large table dancing about.
While he was watching this sickening display he hears coming from behind him "Hey Love, want anything to eat?" He turns around and sees a flesh colored human dressed in some type of tight black cloth.
After a while of examining the human he realizes he was asked a question. “What’s edible” he exclaims finally. She says “You’re not from around here are you? Here sit back I will get you something to eat don’t worry about thinking.”
Finally getting his food Resanul sits back and wonders what are those dancing humans trying to accomplish up there? I see those males yelling and waving money towards them, but why?
Out of the corner of his eye he notices that female waitress pointing at him. Fully turning his head to see why she was pointing this way he sees another female coming his way. As she comes closer he sees all the males going crazy for some reason or another.
Finally reaching him she starts to dance around him, feeling on his cold gray face. Setting herself down on top of him, he still wonders 'what’s going on? Why is she dancing around me? Strange customs they have on this planet.' Wiggling around on top of him, she finally tears her shirt open...
With a shock of disgust on his face he yells aloud “WHAT THE HELL, what is wrong with you? What are those two giant growths on your chest? Are you trying to give me a disease or something?"
The female quickly gets off him, when what he had just said sunk in, she immediately slapped his gray right cheek.
His eyes grew wide as he turns his head back to fully stare at her. He pulls his left hand out of his long black cloak and in a flash, backhands her with the top of his gauntlet. Sending her flying back a few steps and onto the floor where she laid unconscious. Afterwards he found himself in the arms of a rather large alien. Which drags him to the door and sends him flying out of it.
Meanwhile Ryu is walking back from his little escapade with a smile on his face, when all of a sudden this alien almost falls on him, What the?!?
As Resanul hits the floor, he becomes enraged and wants to show that over grown alien what he is really made of. As he pushes himself up he taps his gauntlet with his right hand. After some clicking sounds a semi flat blaster raises from the top of it.
As he walks firmly back towards the bar he slams into a rather puny human with a giant grin on his face. As he try's to pass this grinning human, he gets swung around and finds an arm around him. Stopping him dead in his track he hears coming from this human.
Ryu stops him politely with an extended arm. "Woowoo my gray little friend what ever you did to get yourself thrown out like that, you shouldn't go and get in more trouble!"
As Resanul ponders on this man’s strange jabber he comes out and says "But those females are diseased in there and they are trying to rub it off on others." Ryu looks at this white haired, gray skinned alien with a blank face and exclaims out loud while laughing "You’re not from around here are you?"
Resanul thinks to himself why do people keep asking me that? Finally he decides not to follow through with his anger. He taps his gauntlet, which then retracts the blaster. Now all he wants to know is how is he going to get this human off him without knocking his lights out too?
As this new figure lead Resanul to another bar, Resanul thought, how interesting... the man seems totally at ease, but his thoughts are somewhere else. Maybe something important or...something useful. I shall follow him to find out, I have nothing better to do anyway.
Suddenly the man began speaking. "So what's your name, mine is Ryu Warusa but most call me Ryu." As Resanul checks him over again for any noticeable goods he sees that that grin is still on his face. "Resanul Kurtz, but you can call me Resanul or Res for now." I wonder what he was doing just before he bumped into me?
"Listen friend, you don't want to go back in there. How about you buy me a drink. If not then lets just go to a bar, and I'll teach you about women." Oh yeah, I forgot about Jerred, that fool probably killed like ten people by now, or he got caught, that guy just does not have any tact. Ah well, after a drink, I fight a lot better when I'm drunk.
While Ryu was thinking this he instinctively was leading the man to the nearest bar. This guy may be useful.
IG 90
Jul 22nd, 2001, 11:41:12 AM
<font color=lightgreen>"Do you find it necessary to attack droids?"<font color=white> An enraged metallic voice asked from behind a cargo box.
<font color=lightgreen size=3>ZAP ZAP!
<font color=white size=2>With the deadliest accuracy, two blaster bolts sprang out and singed each side of Jerred's coat. IG-90 activated his repulsorlifts and rose above the ground, passing over the cargo boxes. In one hand he held an attached pulse cannon. In the other he held a heavy repeating rifle. Two blasters connected to his belt were pointed straight at the man known as Jerred. They were both equipped with lifeform motion detectors. With just one internal command sent to those blasters, Jerred would be dead.
The droid landed quietly pointing all four weapons at the man. He searched his database but could find no match on the human's figure. Instantly his optical sensors began to record images of the man. IG-90 especially noticed the green goggles this man wore. He knew they worked as some special sensing device.
<font color=lightgreen>He must be a Bounty Hunter<font color=white>, IG-90 thought to himself. He examined all the weapons the man had with him. This man, Jerred showed no signs of fear, but was obviously mad at the two burn marks on each side of his trenchcoat. He would have to get a good tailor to mend it. IG-90 began to advance, recording the situation with the hidden optical sensor on his neck. He shakily marched up to Jerred until he stood only three feet away from the human.
<font color=lightgreen>"Listen up, scum. If I ever catch you as much as giving another droid a dirty look, I will plant a blaster bolt in each side of those goggles."<font color=white> The droid remarked. <font color=lightgreen>"Now I really do not have time to play around here. My main reason for coming here is to purchase the ship behind you. I've tracked you down from Coruscant. Unless you're not the man named Rez. If you give me some sort of special deal on this ship, I won't kill you. If you try to scam me on the price, I'll kill you and whatever you brought with you."<font color=white>
IG-90 was talkative today. He had spoken more then a paragraph to this scum who should've been destroyed minutes ago. The droid began to march back and forth in front of the human. His head twisted 90 degrees to stare at the man. IG-90 didn't believe this man would try anything that stupid.
<font color=lightgreen>"Keep in mind, I have speed you could never fathom. If you were to shoot at me, I would have my palm up in time to block the bolts and deflect them back to you. My thinking patterns are much faster then even those of other droids and this body is not exactly made of cotton. Unless you'd like me to prove it t you. I also have rear optical sensors, so I can turn my back on you."<font color=white> IG-90 was satisfied with what he had said.
The droid trodded off toward the ship, examining the hull. He was impressed but he still wanted to find out its weapon capabilities and tour the inside.
<font color=lightgreen>"How much is it?"
Ryu Warusa
Jul 22nd, 2001, 11:58:54 AM
Meanwhile at a nearby bar....
"Give us the best you got! My friend here is paying. Say I don't know your name, I'm Ryu Warusa, Some call me Ryujin. You are?"
"I'm Resanul Kurtz."
Ryu pointed to the grey man.
The barmaid comes to the table where the two men are sitting, and then Ryu winks at her. She then blushes and walks off.
"What was that expression you just gave her, she seemed to turn red afterwards?"
Ryu holds back a chuckle and drinks down a glass in one gulp. "That was the start of 'The Hunt'. Its a ritual where humans try to court each other. You really are clueless, aren't you?" Ryu pours himself another drink and realizes Pyrite has not touched his. "Why aren't you drinking?"
Resanul normally didn't drink and wasn't about to start here with this odd little human. "I don't drink, makes the body stupid." This courting issue seems very silly and a waste of time. "Maybe it was how I was brought up, but courting doesn’t seem right." as he spoke he was thinking I wonder how much he can drink before I have to drag him out of here?
Ryu comes to wonder, Wow it may take to long to teach this guy anything. "Lets change the subject for a while. What's your story for being here?" Resanul leans back in this make shift chair and pans around the room to see what type of scum is about. “My story? No story just had to land for refueling and pick up some supplies, but what about you?”
Ryu Warusa
Jul 22nd, 2001, 10:29:05 PM
"Me? I'm selling a ship, speaking of which I should check on it. My friend is watching it, want to take a look at the ship, it may interest you. Potential buyer found! That's probably more than Jerred accomplished. Ryu was instinctively staring at the waitress. She was looking back in a flirty way. My kind of planet. Enough drinking, I'll just tell her how to contact me and then I'll go show Resanul the ship. Ryu gets up and walks to the waitress and they exchange information. Then he walks back to Resanul. "Lets go." Resanul pays the bill, and then they walk off to the landing pad.
Senassi Teften
Jul 22nd, 2001, 11:13:25 PM
A few blocks away, roof of a brothel, A small sitting figure stared down at a bank. She was dying of bordem, but figured tommorow her work would pay off.
The guard changed every six hours, which made for four guards per day. The time of the shift changes was neatly marked on her datapad.
Senassi yawned, reached into her pack, and opened another can of pop. She sipped at it, and watched a fresh guard walk into the building.
For a bank, this security really sucks.
She finished her soda as the other guard headed home. Glancing down, she reached into her boot and pulled out her vibroknife. Flicking the blade out of the handle, it came to a quiet hum, and she almost sliced the bottom off the pop can, and tossed it into the standing bag with the eleven other empty husks.
Slowly, she stood, yawned, and stretched.
"Time to go home", she said through the yawn.
Resanul Kurtz
Jul 22nd, 2001, 11:42:12 PM
As Resanul throws down the amount for Ryu's drink, he looks up to see that waitress Ryu went to talk to. she doesn't look all that great for a human and then he looks down to her chest to find that she too has those nasty growths. Then he pans around the room to see that all the other human females do too. Remember to ask Ryu about this at a later point.
As they walk down a dirty side street Resanul wonders why does he think I want a ship? Didn't I tell him I have one? Whatever, let me check it out anyway, there maybe some useful things on it. "So what type of ship is this anyway?"
As Resanul spoke he removed his left hand from his cloak and looked down at his gauntlet, tapping another part than he did before, a small screen poped out with the time left before his own ship would be ready. Sooner I get off this planet the better!
Jerred Rez
Jul 23rd, 2001, 03:52:27 AM
"My coat..." Jerred hissed under his breath, focusing his sights on the large and seemingly confident droid. A quick scan of the thing's external peripherals revealed that it had good reason to be confident. But not reason enough. You're still as vulnerable to a restraining bolt as any other droid... The bounty hunter half-smirked and made his way beside the assassin, extending a hand towards the ship. "Very well. You're offer sounds reasonable..."
How much is this thing worth? 100 meters, armed with 4 laser cannons, 2 tractor beam projectors, and 4 ion cannons... 4x hyperspace drive with a sublight limit of seven. Corellian corvettes have a going price of nearly 1,600,000 credits and are armed with less than a fourth of this ships weaponry, and theoretically speaking have little in to show for the loss as far as speed goes... they're just about equal in size, except that this one's about 25 meters smaller. The droid was obviously growing tired of waiting for a response, and Jerred backed away slightly as he began to speak. "You can have it for eight-hundred-thousand-thirty-three Credits."
A few fain footsteps were becoming audible to Jerred's keen ears. That cocky stride... It must be Ryu - but who's the other one with him?
Ryu Warusa
Jul 23rd, 2001, 04:25:19 PM
As Ryu walks in he sees an IG Droid, and Jerred. Possible customer... not bad...seems I underestimated the guy. "Hey, Jerred! I need to speak with you....what the hell happened to your coat?"
"Who's that?" Jerred was looking at the grey man.
"This is Resanul, a potential buyer. Who's droid is that? Did you pick up a droid to help us? Where did you get the money for a droid? You didn't steal him did you? Can he do the dishes, or make me a sandwich?" But why would we need an IG assassination droid...unless he plans to kill me and take the money, I'll kill them both should they try anything. What am I thinking, he wouldn't betray me. Now I need to ask him how much should we sell the ship for..."
Resanul Kurtz
Jul 23rd, 2001, 04:55:00 PM
Resanul now regretted wearing his armor off the ship, it has been uncomfortable all day. As he adjusted the neck of the suit he looked up to find a giant robot peering this way. The face totally lacking of any emotion, still could be read from here. He did not look happy at what his audio sensors just picked up. As Resanul slowly backed away and to right of Ryu he said to him "I don't think that was the best thing to say." He was also sure of it now, this guy is nuts!
IG 90
Jul 23rd, 2001, 10:00:41 PM
<font color=lightgreen>Scumbag.<font color=white> The droid thought to himself. IG-90 couldn't believe that this piece of bantha fodder standing in front of him thought himself to be more superior than himself.
It was about to raise his blaster to destroy the man, but instead he restrained himself and had a better idea. IG-90 searched in his databanks and accessed his credit account. Within a few moments, the droid had gone through the proper procedure to have his account transferred to Corellia.
<font color=lightgreen>"I will give you 700,000 for the ship. If you refuse my very generous offer, you'll find your colleague with a bullet in his skull. I can go as far to releasing poison gas and killing everyone in this room but myself. I forgot to mention these blasters I carry. They aren't just there for decoration. I know how to use them, well."
<font color=white>IG-90 once again searched into his databanks and accessed his account on the internal holonet box that was installed before his awakening. Using the image captures he had taken earlier of Rez, the droid had successfully managed to find out his real name and hack into his credit account. Connecting the two accounts, the droid transferred 700,000 credits into Jerred's account.
<font size=1>Click.
<font size=2><font color=lightgreen>"Now please give me the keycard to my ship. The credits have been transferred to your account. I also left my comm channel in case you would like to get a hold of me someday. I have business to attend to on Corellia, so I suggest you hurry up and pass it over."
<font color=white>The droid sighed at the man's slowness. Five seconds had already transpired and he still did not have his keycard. Using internal cooling systems, the droid managed to calm down.
Jerred Rez
Jul 23rd, 2001, 10:49:12 PM
Jerred reached into his coat and pulled loose a keycard, handing it to the droid. He sure likes to brag...
"Your offer is adequate." The green glow was still alive in Jerred's goggles, taking mental images of the assassin droid. A high-detailed scan revealed a strange insignia and some microscopic writing printed upon the thing's arm. Jerred smirked as he read the strange scribbling carefully. Holowan - So, this droid isn't a custom build after all. I wonder if I can find out a little more about him. Knowledge is power. "I trust you can search me out should you be in need my services. Until then, enjoy your ship..."
The bounty hunter glanced back Ryu, then shook his head as if telling him to calm himself. The 'discount' which the droid had given himself was at the moment not worth risking their lives over. Jerred knew they would meet again - and when they did, things would be a bit different.
Resanul Kurtz
Jul 24th, 2001, 02:00:10 PM
As Resanul watched this whole thing play out, he comes to be confused by it, wondering Why does that droid hate beings so much? After giving up on trying to figure that out, he remembers his own ship. Turning away from the droid and the others, so they don’t think he is pulling a blaster out, he again removes his left arm from his cloak and taps the same part of his gauntlet to see how much more time is remaining. Ah…only another half an hour then I shall be on my way. No sense in trying to get anything off that ship now. Replacing his arm back into his cloak, he promptly turns back around to see the IG droid head off towards his new ship, making loud stomping sounds as he goes.
IG 90
Jul 24th, 2001, 02:01:06 PM
The droid grasped the keycard and examined it. It seemed to be perfectly fine and he could detect no hints of it being a copy or a fake. Its optical sensors blinked a few times making clicking sounds. It was capturing more images of every human present. IG-90 thought it would be best if he needed to seek them out in the future.
Without speaking another word, the droid turned around. It began to march toward the ship, activating its rear optical sensors. Rez and the other two present could try to pull something. Luckily for them, they did nothing but watch the droid. IG-90 did not like being watched by humans. It was not a droid built for their entertainment. IG-90 was a superior assassin droid with secret origins.
<font color=lightgreen>I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to dig up information on me. They'll find nothing.<font color=white> IG-90 thought. His reason for being on Coruscant in the first place was to destroy any records on him or his past. Now he was moving away from Coruscant, away from Adarlon, and to bigger and better things.
IG-90 knew that the more credits it earned, the more successful and superior it would become. It would bring him new weaponry and closer to its ultimate goal. Yes, IG-90 had not thought about its goal in a while. Perhaps it would have time to strategize on its new ship.
The droid glanced up at the ship. <font color=lightgreen>"IG-3000."<font color=white> It said in a low toned mechanical voice. The droid swiped the keycard and watched as the hatch popped off and the ramp lowered. It entered the ship, leaving the ramp open.
After about ten minutes, the droid poked its head out of the ramp. It gave one last stare at the humans, indicating the ship was satisfactory. It disappeared into the darkness of the "IG-3000" and closed the ramp. Relaying a comm message to the docking bay manager. The sky-roof overheard slowly opened. At the same time, IG-90 had set the coordinates in the Nav Computer for Corellia. It activated the repulsorlifts. Slowly the ship pushed off of the ground. IG-90 took hold of the controls and piloted the ship out of the docking bay and headed for the atmosphere. After it exited orbit, the droid was in some clear sailing until it reached Corellia.
Ryu Warusa
Jul 24th, 2001, 02:50:43 PM
Ryu jumps around ecstatically. "Yay! money! Woo! Not a bad haul eh, Jerred?"
"Actually we got ripped off, I told him the price was eight-hundred-thousand-thirty-three Credits."
"What?!?" Ryu stops jumping around. "Damn him!" Money is money...Ah well that's still a pretty good amount, besides should I run into him, I'll just take the ship back, he can't be tougher than Jedi. Ryu's demeanor changes. "Anyway, I'm tired, we got a decent amount of money. I'm going to bed. Oh and Resanul. Sorry I dragged you along for nothing, seems like we sold the ship to someone else. We'll speak some other time, and I'll teach you more about women." This Resanul may be of use to me someday, his naivety may be very useful indeed.
"What about my money?" Jerred looks at Ryu.
"We'll discuss it tomorrow. Go do what you wish." As Ryu yawns and enters his ship, Jerred starts to look a little upset, but then shortly walks off after Resanul leaves.
Resanul Kurtz
Jul 24th, 2001, 06:04:25 PM
This turn of events came out to be quite boring for Resanul. He turned around and walked away from this dying party. Well I may as well go and check up on my ship, now. As he walked back towards the bay where his ship was parked he passed the bar where he watched Ryu "court" that waitress. Strange human that Ryu was. As he pushed his way through the crowd of aliens he looks up to...
Oh my, what do we have here? He was standing in front of bright XXX once again. He pondered over if he should finish what he started or not. "What the hell, it's not like I am going to be here much longer away!" He looked around for any good ways to come up on that bouncer. Searching back in his memory, Resanul comes to remember a tactic he used back in the army on his home planet. Ah yes that should work well towards this over grown alien. As he walks up to face the bouncer he sees that he has already been spotted by him.
The bouncer yells to Resanul “You don’t think you are going to get back in here, are you?” While the bouncer was yelling at him, he kept walking towards him slowly and calmly. Resanul replies “No, no I don’t want to go back in. I am just here to say how sorry I am for what I did before.” The bouncer looked Resanul over to make sure he wasn’t going to try anything.
The bouncer wasn’t all that smart, but he could still tell if someone was going to try something on him and Resanul didn’t seem to have the intention to do anything. “Well OK then if you don’t want to get back inside, I am sorry I had to be so rough on you. But you did knock one of the girls out, cold.” Resanul took this into account; out of nowhere a huge smile came across Resanul’s face.
Then he busted out laughing as he said “Oh yeah, I sure was mad when she smacked me, it did kind of hurt.” The bouncer too started laughing, “they are known to smack people at times.” Resanul’s smile lessened but he still laughs as he added “Yeah you were pretty rough on me, you must be strong, how much can…” Resanul’s face had no sign of laugher or a smile on it as he lowered his gauntlet blaster. Moving it out of his view to see a smoldering hole in the bouncer’s skull. “You maybe strong, but strength can’t stop a blaster bolt. As Resanul taped the gauntlet to retract the blaster, he watched the body fall limp and down to the floor.
Resanul looked around the street to see that everyone was staring at his act. “Yes can I help you?” Everyone started to walk his or her own way again. Luckily for Resanul this planet didn’t really care much about acts like that. He replaced his arm back into his cloak then walked off quickly to try to get lost in the crowded street ways.
Ryu Warusa
Jul 24th, 2001, 09:59:38 PM
My ship again, that other ship may be nice, but this is where I feel most at peace. Ahh, man, I'm thirsty.
He goes and checks in the portable cooling unit and pulls Rodian Ale.
Ahh, I guess there was some left over from last time I had company...that was... right when I was on that mission to find and kill Suzana "The Temptress". Ahh, I lured her into my ship with the guise of a party, and then I... heh heh, she was good. Then when she passed out afterwards kablaam, I had to buy new sheets after that....
He sits down on his bed, and then takes a drink...
I wonder if that droid paid in NR Credits or Imperial Credits... I'll ask Jerred tomorrow... when we go to the bank... so tired... crazy women... heh heh
He falls back on to the bed, and then falls into a deep sleep, while holding the bottle close to him. He begins to dream of his lost Fiancee, Luna.
Luna... why did you have to die? You were so innocent...
Then a quick flash of a man's smiling face and blood on the floor, then nothing. All is still again. Then that same dream, this cycle continues until morning.
" Luna!!!"
Ryu awakes to find himself alone again, and covered in Rodian Ale.
" Damn it!! I spilled it on one of my good jackets!"
Ryu quickly forgets about the dream with having his jacket soiled.
Resanul Kurtz
Jul 24th, 2001, 10:49:29 PM
Resanul finally popes his head out from the crowd looking around to see how much closer he has become to his ship bay. He was off by only three gates, making his way down to his ship, he looks down to his gauntlet again to see how much time was left. The small screen blinked 5 minutes on it, Hmmm... Just in time.
As he comes up to his funny looking vessel he see a mechanic coming to intercept him. "Well she is all done, and has all the supplies you asked for. But we couldn't help but notice that your cargo bay was already filled with supplies" the mechanic muttered out. Resanul replies not paying much attention “That, I am going to sell that stuff later. Oh yeah I am going to be staying the night here and will be leaving in the morning.”
I am quite tired a from my days actives, I should really get some shut eye. Resanul pulls out his key card and passes it through and the door starts to make unlocking sounds and opens. Resanul steps into the ship presses a button and the door shuts behind him.
Jerred Rez
Jul 25th, 2001, 04:03:50 PM
Jerred had laid in bed for a few hours, watching nothing in particular, eyes unfocused and drifting. His vision had deteriorated to an intolerable level over the years, and without his goggles he felt vulnerable. It was disturbing to not be able to tell the difference between a blaster pistol and a ration bar. Leaning over the edge of his bed, he grabbed them and pulled them over his face routinely. He had never really liked Adarlon much, but there was a lot of money to be made there - and in the rest of the Minos Cluster.
Hmmm... I just realized, that droid deposited into my private account - that means he paid in Imperial script... but more importantly, it means I've got Ryu's half of the cash... which I'm going to conveniently deduct my service fee from. The thought was a pleasant one... pleasant enough to guide him into a remote slumber.
Several hours later, he awoke to a knocking on the door. Green light was still filtering through his goggles, and as he turned in bed he could detect the faint heat signatures of a humanoid life form just outside of his room. Strange... I remember specifically declining the room service. Casually, Jerred rose to his feet and grabbed his shirt, pulling it over himself and then picking up his trench coat - still charred and burned at the edges were IG-90 had shot at it. A disrupter pistol was the next thing to wind up in the bounty hunter's hand after he had thrown the coat on quickly.
<font size=4 color=gray>Knock, Knock, Knock...</font>
<font size=1 color=lightgreen>.Target Acquired:
.Heart Rate Increase Of 39%...
.Body Temperature Indications: Human...</font>
Outside of Jerred's room, a Corporate Sector Authorities officer waited patiently, a stun baton secured to his uniform belt and a sporting blaster gripped firmly in one hand. He had been on Jerred's tail for nearly three weeks, and in that time the bounty hunter had managed to take out most of the CSA team which had been sent to apprehend him. This time he wouldn't be so fortunate. The man took a deep breath and wiped the sweat from his face. "Room service."
Strafing back against the wall, he waited. Soon Jerred would open the door, step outside to look around, and fall to the ground limp and very much dead. Lethal force was fully authorized in the Minos Cluster Sector.
The door swished open. Nothing. The man blinked and waited, blaster leveled around 3 or 4 feet from the ground. Come on bentor, just step outside! I'm right here... Still, nothing came.
Jerred very silently stepped away from the door, then walked to yet another door which also exited his room. It opened up to the room directly next to his. Tapping the keypad a few times, he managed to get the door open, then stepped through. A young woman lay half-naked in her bed, half asleep. She smiled as he entered the room, then her smile turned to a look of horror as he realized her room had just been broken into. "Stay quiet, or I'll have to kill you." She nodded and pulled the covers over herself.
The door to her room was just to the right of him. Calmly, he opened it.
<font size=4 color=gray>Swish.</font>
The CSA officer's eyes went wide as he heard it, a cold breeze hitting his side. Jerred's arm came out of the room and grabbed the man by the wrist, dragging him in quickly before he could make a sound.
<font size=4 color=gray>Swish.</font>
Ryu Warusa
Jul 25th, 2001, 05:21:00 PM
"Hmm, who could that be...?" Ryu opened his comm. "One Message! Must have been while I was asleep...."
"Hey Ryu, this is Jerred, I checked into the Tobian Inn room, 67-C17."
"Wahhh... Huge place..." I guess I'll meet him there...
As he leaves his bedroom, he realizes that his jacket is still wet. Damn, got to remember to stay away from those Rodain drinks when I'm about to go to bed. I guess I may as well shower before going and get a change of clothes.
Ryu then leaves the ship after showering and changing his clothing, and heads to the Tobian Inn, to meet Jerred.
Jerred shoots the CSA officer in the head. The girl almost screams but holds it in, remembering Jerred's threat very well. She knew that this man would shoot her, should she say a word. She starts to shiver. What will this man do to me, will he kill me anyway, or rape me... Ryu walks into the room, oblivious to the dead body and Jerred.
"Why, hello there...." She looks frightened... something is wrong... Ryu pulls his Piercers out and quickly turns and almost takes off Jerred's head. Ryu then smiles and puts away his piercers. "Jerred! No wonder you weren't in your room, you sly dog..." Ryu then gets close to Jerred's ear and then whispers... "Ask her if she has any friends that are as attractive as her."
Ryu almost walks out the door when he almost trips over the dead body of the CSA Agent. "Wah... stupid thing, What the?!? Jerred, did you kill her boyfriend in order to get her...? I can't believe that... I knew we couldn't stay on this planet without you killing someone... even though it was for a good cause..."
Resanul Kurtz
Jul 25th, 2001, 06:47:23 PM
Resanul wakes to find the smell of death thick in the air. The smell has been in the air since he landed here. Feeling dirty from his deeds last night he goes to the small bathroom to take a quick shower. As the warm water slides down Resanul's gray smooth back he thinks in the past to when living in a ship was a little more conformable. He steps out from the even smaller shower to here a knock on the ship's door.
Dressing quickly he maneuvers his way to the button to open the door. As the door opens he comes to see the mechanic standing on the other side of it. “Are you still alive in there? We all thought you had died in your sleep.” Resanul looked over to a small screen on the ship's wall to find that it was rather late in the morning. “Nope, I am alive and just fine. See you in a bit” He pushes the button again and the door lifts up and closes airtight.
Resanul walks back to the living quarters of the ship. Smaller than he would have liked but he didn’t mind much, knowing he was going to acquire a new ship soon. He reached out and took his armor off its hook, I sure am lucky this was on the ship when I got it. I should really go back and thank them for not damaging it to much and giving me all these supplies I can sell.
Latching the final part of the armor on, he walks back to the ship's door and presses the button. Breathing the thick smell of death into his gray nostril, he says out loud “ Ahhh…a brand new day.”
Jerred Rez
Jul 25th, 2001, 08:39:00 PM
"What?! No!" Jerred waved his hands in front of himself, shaking his head. "It's not like that Ryu! Her and I have never met before -"
Ryu cut him off, "Oh, I see... so it was just a one night thing." He turned to the girl and grinned. "If you liked my friend here, maybe you'll want to let me have your comm channel frequency... I'm sure I can make it worth your while..."
"Gah! No it wasn't a 'thing' at all. her and I aren't involved like that..." The bounty hunter sighed and grabbed Ryu's arm, then started dragging him out of the room. The girl was still huddled underneath the blankets. He probably should have warned her to cover her eyes before he shot the agent - but she'd get over it in time. "Look, lets get out of here. That guy's probably not alone. I've had to deal with a few like him in the past, and they always travel in groups of four... fortunately for us, that's three down and one to go."
It had taken them a few minutes, but they made it out of the building without incident and started off towards the nearest bank. "Are you sure you know where you're going," Ryu asked, following behind Jerred.
"I'm pretty sure. I've been here before, remember?"
Ryu Warusa
Jul 25th, 2001, 09:34:54 PM
As they were walking towards the nearest bank, Ryu started thinking to himself... Ahhh, finally time to get my money... Crazy Jedi they probably didn't even know how much it cost. I wonder... what happened in that hotel...? Is Jerred gay? Ah well, none of my business. Whoa a cute one walking towards us. Ryu's eyes light up. "Hey there..."
"Hey", the young woman says, apparently sharing Ryu's sentiment... "You two are pretty cute... want to come along and have a drink with me?"
"Su..." Oh damn, the money... "Maybe some other time, if you would give me your comm frequency, we'll take you up on that later."
"Oh ok, my comm is 19.0051. I'll be waiting." She sounded a little disappointed. She then continued to walk on in the opposite direction Jerred and Ryu were walking.
"Not too bad, eh Jerred?"
"I guess so... " Jerred looked at him, with a confused look on his face. Shortly afterwards, the two men arrive at the bank.
Oh yeah, the waitress... I'll contact her a little later for kicks. I love this planet, the women are so easy going. Ryu walks up to the end of the line inside the bank with Jerred. He then whispers to Jerred, "so how are we going to split this? I guess I'll pay you a little extra aside from your fee, seeing as you found the buyer."
Resanul Kurtz
Jul 25th, 2001, 11:08:13 PM
Stepping down from his ship, Resanul strolls over to the chief mechanic. "Well that’s about it for my stay here, tell me how much will it be?" Resanul managed to get that out before the mechanic could spot him. With a stunned look on his face the mechanic replies, “what…huh…Oh, oh it is you, what was that? How much will it be did you say? Well let me go check.”
The mechanic walked off over to a pile of crates and picked up a screened data cube. “Let us see now, there is: docking, plus overnight that is extra, refueling, loading supplies into your cargo bay, and maintenance. Put that all together and it comes out to be 654 credits.” Shocked by how low the price was for all that, Resanul readily agreed to pay.
Remembering that he saw a bank nearby he told the mechanic he would be right back. As Resanul, quick in pace, moved towards the bank, he thought to himself, why am I moving so quickly, do I really want to get off this planet that badly? Realizing that he was moving fast, he pulled back on his speed and slowed to a general walk. Dodging in and out of the morning crowd, Resanul came to a crossroad he didn’t remember, looking up and down each way he can’t think of the way he went before.
While pondering over the perplexity of this problem, he seemed to overlook Ryu and Jerred, which in turn overlooked him. As he just saw them out of the corner of his eye, he called out to them. But no response from either of them, I wonder where they are getting off to? Oh well I may as follow them, they may be going my way.
As the gray alien walked down the middle of the street, he watched these two poor specimens of human males, walking side-by-side looking for their final destination. Finally, there it was the bank, Hmm…what do you know, they were of some use to me after all. Resanul entered the bank and walked into line, two people behind Ryu and Jerred. Bored now with trying to get their attention Resanul stood behind them quietly, to see how long it would take them to notice him.
Senassi Teften
Jul 29th, 2001, 10:22:14 PM
I still smell like thermite.
Then again, filling up twelve cans with a lot of thermite (4258.59 Milliliters) does kind of leave it's mark. In more than one fashion.
Senassi was all set up to get some much needed money. Living in abandon buildings was not her opinion of living.
She untactfully kicked cans into several different directions. At this hour, it was very unlikely that anyone would notice. Senassi walked off twoard the ATM, codebreaker in bag, modified credit chit in hand.
Inside the bank, the guard was getting a serious hankering for fried dough with chocolate frosting.
"Donught" connected with his hunger. "Frosting" and "chocolate" were soon added to the equation. His shift ended in five minutes, anyway, so he decided now was an ideal time to satisfy his urge for a fried confection. Or six.
Unfortunately for our friend the guard, his timing was nothing short of specatularly awful. He walked through the door just as over four liters of thermite detonated.
From a pyrotechninc standpoint, it was a glorious day for budget fireworks, and the guard was center stage. There just wasn't much left of him after the show.
Jerred Rez
Jul 30th, 2001, 01:15:34 AM
Jerred raised a brow as he heard the clinking of cans, forgetting that the droid in front of him was asking a question. <font color=yellow>"Sir, may I help you?"</font> There was another clink, the sound of metal rolling across hard floor. Jerred turned around and started looking through the morning crowd as he watched one of the guards ignorantly walking about. Some white hair caught his eyes just at the bottom of his field of vision, and as he glanced down he saw the man he had met the previous day. "You. What are you doing here?"
Ryu stopped gazing at the girl across in the next line and turned around to address whatever Jerred had been talking about. "Heeeey.... Resanul how's it going!"
<font size=7 color=orange>BOOM!!</font>
The blast sent the bounty hunter off his feet, but he managed to catch himself on Ryu's shoulder and pull him down as well. Ryu in turn grabbed on to Resanul and dragged the short alien to the ground.
Ryu Warusa
Jul 30th, 2001, 02:45:53 PM
"What?!? Whoa!" Ryu's screams could not be heard over the sound of the explosion. Ryu falls over thanks to Jerred, and the weight of Resanul. "What the hell is going on?!??" Ryu tries to get up but to no avail, he sees a girl running toward a computer terminal, attempting to hack the system.
What the? Its her, she caused the explosion! Maybe I could use her and get more money... "Get off of me!" Ryu then pushes both Jerred and Resanul off using most of his strength, then runs to the girl and puts his blaster to her head.
"Not a bad job, you wouldn't mind transferring some credits to my account." Ryu looks down on her. She's pretty cute...
Resanul Kurtz
Jul 30th, 2001, 10:39:33 PM
Not fully understanding what had just happened, Resanul stumbled to get up after that human, Ryu, pulled him down. Finally getting up he looked around at the mayhem in the bank. Looking now, for the two humans he followed in, he came to realize that he wasn’t going to get any money just standing there. Then he came to see that he wouldn’t get any money unless he partakes in the mayhem.
Pulling his small blaster from his back, he ran to the closest teller. Figuring that his small blaster wouldn’t do anything, he replaced it behind his back again. Pulling out, his already raised gauntlet blaster, he pointed at the teller. “Tell me, how would I go about getting credits out of you? Do I have to blow you out of non-existence or will you hand them over nicely and live to see another day?”
Another droid, another expressionless face that could be read like a book, this time fear of destruction. Resanul stepped closer to the droid, pointing his blaster straight at its head. If droids could sweat this one would be pouring buckets right about now. “Well have at it, hand them over!” As Resanul spoke he could hear the screams of all types of species in the background.
The droid finally started to pop out credit chips by the dozens. Finally when Resanul was satisfied with the amount on the floor he told the droid “OK, ok that will be enough, thank you for your time!” Resanul kneeled and picked up the chips and placed them into a pocket on the inside of his cloak. Finishing his transaction, he stood up and headed for the door.
Jerred Rez
Jul 31st, 2001, 09:04:17 AM
Jerred jumped to his feet and glanced around, the after-image of the explosion still fresh in his retinas. The goggles he wore only intensified the blast of light, putting him at quite the disadvantage. He could hear Resanul behind him harassing a droid, then the sound of credit chits hitting the floor. Ryu was somewhere holding a gun to a young girls head. I always knew he would resort to something like that...
Shaking his head solemnly, he glanced around. A few security officers were scampering towards a door. Jerred dashed towards it and grabbed an sturdy and rather long plant, jamming it through the metallic (and very beautifully carved) framework of the doorway. It half-swished in it's attempt to open, the plant cracking slightly but holding it in place. It would keep the guards out for now. What am I thinking? I'm outgunning them. With that out, Jerred reached into his coat and pulled free a thermal detonator, looking at it before activating it. The high-pitched screech sent the crowd running to the other end of the room. He tossed the shinning ball underneath the door and walked over to Ryu. The door erupted in a blaze of fire and metal shrapnel that blew out across the bank floor, a few chard remains scattering with the metal scraps.
Ryu Warusa
Jul 31st, 2001, 05:18:02 PM
Noticing Jerred heading towrds him with his peripheral vision, Ryu screams out over the noise of the crowd. "Hey! How much money did the droid pay us?"
"About..." Before Jerred could finish his sentence Ryu was looking at the total amount the bank held on the screen.
Ahhh, 4 million credits total, I guess I'll leave some for her to take. "What was that? Three million credits?" Ryu pushed the point of his blaster into her head. "I'll leave you with the rest if you would please deposit 3 million credits into my account. I know you're a smart young girl, you'll take the offer."
The guards outside were all almost dead, and the ones that were alive were running for their lives. Probably getting some backup.... Damn! "Make your decision quickly, We don't have much time before more guards arrive."
Senassi Teften
Jul 31st, 2001, 08:20:39 PM
"Sure." she said sarcastically, "would you like fries with that?"
Promptly, she pressed the numbers into the datapad. As Ryu glanced around, she pulled her holdout blaster from her pocket and leveled it at Ryu.
About 4 inches below his belt.
"You now have 3 million credits in your account. Now remove your blaster from my head before I decide to do away with yours."
Resanul Kurtz
Aug 1st, 2001, 03:01:02 PM
Heading towards the door, Resanul stopped dead it his tracks. He noticed Jerred had blocked it with a plant, and then tossed a small loud screeching orb under the half lifted door. Turning to run from this sight, Resanul again got thrown to the floor by the blast. Spilling out some of the credits as he fell, he got back up as fast as he could. Resanul ran to pick back up the credits.
He looked for another way out of the bank, to find that was the only easy way out. He found it hopeless to find anyway out now; he started to look for Ryu and Jerred. Spotting Ryu This isn’t the greatest time to court a female, Ryu! Looking over to Jerred, he quickly ran up to him and yelled over the screams “what do we do now, seeing that was the only exit?”
Ryu Warusa
Aug 7th, 2001, 02:11:26 PM
"No problem." Ryu removes his blaster from her head. "Now then, shall we escape?" He looked at the girls blaster aimed at his crotch. Now... I need to get her to put her blaster down... Ahh screw that. A blur comes from the side of Ryu and before she could react her blaster was in his hand. "You'll get it back when we get out of here. Now Jerred, seeing as you blew up the exit. How do we get out of here?"
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