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View Full Version : Return to Glory.....(Closed to all but Invited Guests.)

Falleen Prince Xizor
Aug 9th, 2001, 08:54:06 PM
Beneath the desolate wastelands of Fere lies a long kept secret. A large military like complex created years ago by the Personal Guards of Dark Prince Xizor. All work contracted by reliable sources, those owned by the Dark Prince himself, the installation has remained hidden for decades. Hidden, but not forgotten and not unused....

"Meshi!", the Dark Prince called out, "The time has come for me to return. Ready my ship.". This day had been long awaited and paid for dearly with the losses taken to his organization in many sectors. This path, however, was the one he felt best traveled until his nemesis -Lord Vader- had been taken care of. The news had come down through the channels that Lord Vader and his Emperor had been destroyed in an attack by the Rebel Alliance. And so the time had finally arrived....

As the Dark Prince waited, his mind drifted. Back in time to that fatefull day when his fate to live in the shadows was decided. The day his ship was destroyed over Coruscant by Lord Vader himself.....

Falleen Prince Xizor
Aug 13th, 2001, 04:59:52 PM
The Dark Prince stood, turning sharply past Meschi and towards the main hanger bay. Decades of silence soon to end, a legend to return. His power would once again be known to be his. The halls were abuzz with troops, each preparing in their own way for this days events. An abrupt salute to their command, as the Dark Prince strides down the halls. Without acknowledgements, Xizor makes his way through them. He enters the hanger in utter silence, a grin piercing his lips as he looks upon the newly constructed ship. Falleen's Fist 2 was ready, as was the Dark Prince. The masses of troops saluted as the Dark Prince entered, with no response he moved towards the vessel....

Meschi turned to XPG 1 Mace and XPG 1 Rase...."Release the men from duty, have them enter orbit at once."...the orders were carried out instantly, Meschi turned back to the Dark Prince..."Orders sir?"...."Have your men assemble in orbit, we shall join them shortly."...the Dark Prince coldly replied. Soon all would return to how it was, and with the Emperor and servant Lord Vader, out of the way, the Galaxy was sure to become his...

The Dark Prince entered his ship slowly, the familiar surroundings pleased him. Exactly like the first, he noted as he took his place. Meschi was soon to follow, taking control of the Vessel. The docking ramp pulled into place, all hatches sealed. The venting gasses flooded the docking bay as the engines fired. Soon lift off was achieved and they where headed to orbit to meet the fleet. The Dark Prince reveled in this, the first time leaving that planet for decades, his mind turned fully to the future now, upon his rise to power once more....