View Full Version : Rapture: Growth
Vega Van Derveld
Jul 13th, 2001, 01:55:32 PM
From the surface of the planet Tatooine the two ships swayed and braided themselves in loops around each other, random shots being fired at each other over and over. The pilot of the ship infront, Vega Van-Derveld, flicked open a comm. link to the other pilot, Teka Kenobi.
Give up, Teka. I have you now. There is no escape.
From behind the Fenix Teka's transport shot out infront, it's engines flaring up as it prepared to enter hyper space.
Blasted fool mumbled Vega, engaging the TIE Phantom to prepare to follow Teka. Landing up in an unknown location was a small risk to take to smite this annoyance.
"Didn't know you played hide and seek, Vega!"
Grr... silence!
"Catch me if you can!"
The Jedi's words were cut off as his ship dissapeared from view, quickly followed and traced by Vega. A few moments later all was black then became coloured as the space around the ship jerked it about, adjusting itself to fit with the transports needs. Speckles of white and grey began to emerged and the faint trace of engine sparks dashed against the viewscreen of the Fenix as it crashed out from hyperspace.
///alert, alert. ship status critical.
The view screen suddenly became flooded with the images of canopy foliage and forestland. It seemed the Jedi had miscalculated his co-ordinates.
One minute and a crash later the Sith Knight emerged from his "slightly" mangled ship onto the mossy forest floor. Where was that Jedi. Concentrating hard, he tried to focus on the life forces of the planet.
No life forces present. Again, he tried and still with no luck. He cursed under his breath and clambered back into the barely enterable ship and drummed his fingers against the control pad. A tiny light blinked on and off, showing the presence of a being.
What the..
The computer of the ship clicked into action, analysing its surroundings.
///data file on planet Myrkr loading...
///file obtained…
///Although Myrkr has been settled for 300 years and was well within the Old Republic's boundaries, both the Old Republic and the Jedi always avoided the planet. As a result, Myrkr is unknown to virtually all-galactic citizens, with the exception of smugglers and other lawbreakers. The historical aversion of the Jedi was due to one of Myrkr's native life forms, the tree-dwelling ysalamir. The ysalamir has evolved a defensive mechanism allowing it to push the Force from itself in a protective bubble, and many ysalamir grouped together can create a vast region in which the Force does not exist. Another of Myrkr's animals, the predatory vornskr, uses the Force to assist in hunting and tracking prey. The high metal content of Myrkr's trees make sensor readings unreliable…
Swearing under his breath, Vega climbed back out into the open and cupped his hands to his mouth, letting out a piercing, shrill whistle.
Teka Kenobi
Jul 14th, 2001, 05:03:41 AM
Tek rubbed his head. Where in the hell was he. Closing his eyes he leant back on his seat. Sighing he leant forward again and switched on his main screen.
[{//System error. Junction 6.17. Code: 7*./zx08.4\\}]
Starting to notice his surrounding he found he'd knocked down a large tree. His weapons were with him, and he hopped out of his ship, noticing the carnage it had caused and the carnage it was.
Teka sharply turned as he heard a whistle fomr ahead. Using the force he searched for what and who it was. Nothing. He tried a wider search for any nearby lifeforms. Nothing. This was strange. Ignighting one half of Lux, he walked forward towards the whistle.
Just per chance Teka happened to notice something on one of the trees. He turned looking at the trees. All of them. All of them had the same thing on. He knew precisly what it was and no where he was. But where was Vega? His words described his situation exactly.
Oh, shi-
Vega Van Derveld
Jul 14th, 2001, 06:36:02 AM
In the silence of the forest Vega heard what sounded like the ever familiar snap hiss of a saber. With fluid ease he brought Seraphim into his right hand and ignited it.
Let's see, he whispered, moving the saber back and forth infront of his body to make the deep humming sound the weapon gave off a little louder.
He waited a few seconds. Silence. Then as he suspected, the same noise was echoed back, only quieter due to the handlers distance from Vega.
Fumbling in the pocket of his coat Vega pulled out a BlasTech rifle and aimed it up at one of the larger trees. Firing off one shot, the beam crashed into the top of the tree, immeadiately sending one or two larger branches crashing down to the forest floor with an almighty thud. The wildlife scattered from the close vacinity as Vega silenced himself, waiting for some sign of reply.
Teka Kenobi
Jul 16th, 2001, 01:05:57 PM
Teka watched a tree not too far away, explode into a mass of flames as two branches hit the ground. Teka figured someone was trying to communicate with him, possibly Vega. He put his hand forward to make a beam of fire in mid air, with a force light, oriented move. Nothing hapened. Teka looked a confused glare at his hand that was currently in front of him.
He didn't have any blasters to fire with. He pressumed it was Vega and turned in the opposite direction to his ship, that was pointing towards him. He clambered inside and pressed a few buttons, in the barelyn recognisable cockpit. He still had weapons. Pressing two more buttons, a laser shot out of his ship into one of the trees, making it almost explode into oblivion. That should have got through to the receiver. He got out and began walking once more.
Vega Van Derveld
Jul 31st, 2001, 03:41:35 AM
Watching the umber uproar of the tree by turned to ashes Vega assumed that his message must have gotten through. Now to find Teka. He turned to the direction from which the bolt came and began to walk, burnt leaves crunching beneath his boots.
Humming a tune to himself, the Knight observed the area, the wildlife and such. It was an area so densely populated with these force sucking creatures that not a single thread of the darkside could be used.
Teka, Teka Kenobi.. A Jedi of the Greater Jedi Ranch Vega said loudly to a tune, walking with a swagger in his step.
Teka Kenobi
Jul 31st, 2001, 04:39:39 AM
Teka sighed, why was he here and how was going to get off 'here'? He doubted Vega's ship was working and he knew his wasn't. He carried on walkiong forward none the less, until the out line of a non-force using Vega Van-Derveld could be seen. Teka walked and eventually was in speaking range with the Sith.
Congratualtions Vega. Now we If you're wondering the Ysalmiri create bubles, where the force is non existant..But I'm sure you'd already known that.
Teka watched Vega's movements. Maybe it was a good thing the Ysalmiri were here. Teka couldn't handle a force fight right now. He would wait, however, for Vega's no doubt cocky reply.
Vega Van Derveld
Jul 31st, 2001, 06:03:54 AM
Ah, the ranch provides an education for you now. I bet you can count to 10, although we don't have time to wait for you on that one.
Placing his hands on his hips, Vega laughed to himself. Sometimes he amused himself beyond great belief.
Now, is your ship working? he paused, No of course it's not is it? It's probably broke beyond repair leaving us no doubt stranded upon this planet with no ability to use the force, eh?
How very cliché he thought to himself as he looked around for something to spark off some clever plan in his mind.
Use that good old Jedi mind of yours to get nature to create us a ship from twigs and leaves .. or is that only a trick you get once you can count to 20?
Teka Kenobi
Jul 31st, 2001, 04:47:09 PM
Ah, Vega. What it would be to be as funny as you. Why don't you use all of your hatred towards me to levitate out of this forest and make your way home? Oh that's right, your in the same situation as I am.
Teka kicked forward a small twig in front of him, thinking of how he could get off this planet. He spoke. Perhaps he could not do it alone.
We should head away from this forest. The inhabitants don't make me feel to welcome. But I'm sure you get that a lot, don't you Vega.
Vega Van Derveld
Aug 1st, 2001, 03:19:34 AM
I believe obtaining that response shows I'm doing my job well, don't you think?
Teka was right, although it sickened him to admit it. He could of, of course, lashed out at the Jedi using a dagger or pure martial arts in itself. However he imagined that in the situation he was, it would be better to escape and then go for the Jedi.
Let's use some logic here. Do we have any salvagable parts? Possibly the metal of the ship? My tracking device is still working and I believe that your...
He paused, gesturing back to the burnt tree.
...weaponry is in good condition?
Teka Kenobi
Aug 1st, 2001, 04:49:51 AM
Teka smiled at the comment for reasons he would not say just yet. He nodded before speaking.
I'll see what I can do.
He turned back to his ship and walked a few paces forward before turning sharply and speaking.
Meet me at my ship when you have finished.
Again he turned and walked off towards his ship.
Vega Van Derveld
Aug 1st, 2001, 08:30:57 AM
Turning away, Vega began to walk off, mimicing Teka.
Meet me at my ship when you have finished! And bring some fairy cakes for me, and some snuggly little pillows with bows on! he bellowed in a high pitched voice, approaching the smouldering ship.
Poor Fenix, he thought as he entered the cockpit with difficulty. The tracking device was still in order as was the message receiving facility, but not the applet to send messages. Vega could tell this as the little "You Have A Comm Message" light, as he called it, was blinking on and off. He pushed the button to play the message.
"You presence is requested on Figaro Favoura VII for the Uberclan meeting of the Van-Derveld family, Mort. Please make your way from Helios quickly, it is urgent you are present for the ceremony."
Sitting in silence for a moment, Vega pondered before pulling a tool from a metal box beneath the dash, beginning to try and extract the tracking device. After a moment, he stopped and got out. His ship, from what he had seen, was in better condition out of the two, why try and mangle it up?
Ah. He now had a plan.
Teka! he called out, Bring the parts to the Fenix when you've got them out, and try not to take too long, I want to be back at TSE as quick as possible!
Teka Kenobi
Aug 1st, 2001, 02:41:03 PM
Bring the guns?
Teka said quietly to himself. Vega just got worse and worse. Teka could now, kill Vega, there was nothing to stop him. Teka could get him out of his life for ever, in just a few seconds. These thoughts never reached Teka's conscious side, and Teka had managed to strip his ship of its guns. He managed to have one gun under his left arm and hold the other in his left hand. He held a suitcase type box in his right hand. He made it to Vega's ship and looked up at him.
Vega Van Derveld
Aug 2nd, 2001, 03:47:17 AM
Looking to the Jedi with a raised eyebrow, Vega nodded.
We're going to repair the Fenix.. It's still got it's tracking system and just needs a little metal work, possibly some engine tweaking, to get it off the ground.
On the inside of his trenchcoat Vega felt the holsters of his blaster and glock against his body. He had a feeling he would need those.
How much of a mechanic are you, then?
Teka Kenobi
Aug 2nd, 2001, 04:52:38 PM
I design, I do not construct. And how do I know you are not going to escape this planet without me?
He stood still, ready for the reply. He wasn't sure how much of a mechanic Vega was himself, but knew he wasn't to good.
Vega Van Derveld
Aug 3rd, 2001, 03:47:15 AM
Now Teka, what would be the point of deconstructing the Fenix when it is in such good shape compared to your rather battered ship? After all, we shall only spend a small amount of time together if we work on an easier and quicker task.
Vega grinned at Teka. It was not a friendly grin, but a grin that said 'agreeing with me would be the best thing to do now otherwise my anger will just build more and more and eventually I'll chop off your head'. It was a complicated grin.
Don't you think that's a good idea?
Teka Kenobi
Aug 3rd, 2001, 09:17:25 AM
Teka glared coldly at Vega. He moved forward and dumped the weapons on the ground with a ' Clunk'. He turned and walked forward away from Vega before stopping and putting his hands on his hips.
You really don't want to know what I think.
Teka looked around him, the trees all contained the furry creatures. Teka sighed and looked again at Vega's ship.
Anyhow, it is your ship. You should be able to fix it..
Vega Van Derveld
Aug 3rd, 2001, 12:38:03 PM
Growling for a moment, Vega suddenly remembered something. R8G1. Excellent. He let out a shrill whistle, trying to activate the droids soundresponsive mobilization, causing Teka to shudder.
No need.
Inside of the ship a chuntering could be heard as the tiny astromech droid tried to escape from the back of the Fenix. After a minute or so, it appeared into view.
Fix the Fenix, Vega said to the droid, turning back around to face Teka, looking expectant.
Teka Kenobi
Aug 3rd, 2001, 12:47:11 PM
Teka's serious face turned to a smile, then a grin as he heard Vega's words. As Vega finished his three word sentence, and looked back at Teka, the grin transformed into a chuckle. Vega displayed a curious face, and it was replied with:
Sometimes you make me laugh Vega. You really expect that droid to fix your ship? I think we are going to have to look on this planet for possible materials. What do we need?
Vega Van Derveld
Aug 3rd, 2001, 12:52:40 PM
Containers for the ever-leaking power supply, metals and metal alloys for construction, tools - which I believe we have already... anything else, wise guy?
Grinning a lopsided cocky grin, Vega raised one hand into the air as if to say 'well come on then'.
Teka Kenobi
Aug 3rd, 2001, 05:06:56 PM
Do you even know where we are going?
Teka walked up beside Vega, giving him enough distance for a quick bloke if needed. He could see this non force world was starting to annoy Vega. He smiled and carried on walking briskly.
Vega Van Derveld
Aug 4th, 2001, 04:29:12 AM
I could ask you the same question. But I won't, sense I believe that if we've been put in this situation, that there must be an easy way out - as in fate.
Commonly Vega wouldn't believe in this chance idea, but it would probably shut Teka up for a while.
Teka Kenobi
Aug 4th, 2001, 04:54:38 AM
Hmph, the easy way out? There is not easy way out - as in life.
Teka did not know how philosophical the man would get, or how intelligent he was, but he thought if he could beat him at arguing, maybe the Sith would loose it's cockyness.
Vega Van Derveld
Aug 4th, 2001, 05:14:20 AM
True. But there is always a route which is difficult, therefore there must be one less so. You can't have all the paths in life to be impossible journeys of torture, now can you?
Treading through the undergrowth of the forest, the Sith Knight and the Jedi Padawan paced beside each other, eyes scanning the area for possibly useful materials.
Teka Kenobi
Aug 4th, 2001, 02:35:17 PM
Then please show me this anti-torture path of yours.
The ground started to get greener and soon, there was no mud patches. The trees however started to disperss (sp?) Making it easier to look for things. There were lots of mounds and bumps covering the ground, and it was on top of one of these mounds that Teka saw the opening. A small rocky mound, was clearly visible against it's surroundings. The grey rock streched out and up for some distance. There was a large hole in one part of the rock, that could easily fit a person through, and by the looks of it had. The rock on the bottom of the opening had slowly been ground down, making it much smoother than the rest. Teka walked over to it and stared.
Come and look at this..
Vega Van Derveld
Aug 4th, 2001, 03:36:03 PM
Approaching Teka, Vega looked curiously at the area the Jedi himself was looking at.
He knelt down, staring at the hole.
... the hell has this got to do with fixing the ship? Vega snarled, turning to look over his shoulder at Teka with a glare.
Teka Kenobi
Aug 4th, 2001, 06:22:30 PM
Nothing, but it looks like we're not the only ones on this planet. Look at the way the rock has been shaped.
Teka ran the tip of his boot across the smooth rock, before bringing it back and nodding forward.
Lets keep going.
He used the top of the rock as a lever and got up, onto the mound befre walking off, Vega behind.
(OOC: Check Helios: Rapture thread)
Vega Van Derveld
Aug 5th, 2001, 05:37:38 AM
Natural land form Vega murmured, following behind Teka, a few feet back.
This is useless, I don't see why we don't melt down your ship and use the parts on mine. It'd make sense he grumbled.
Joel Hardy
Aug 5th, 2001, 03:47:51 PM
Nice thread. Teka should win future fights, and inherit all money from Sith Lords.
Does that even make sense?
Teka Kenobi
Aug 5th, 2001, 04:13:55 PM
Teka gave a blank, expressionless look over at Vega before responding with simply:
Teka walked forward, looking around everywhere for anything. If he could use the force maybe he culd find something, if there was somewhere on this planet that the Ysalmiri wern't perhaps searching would be easier. He sighed. He'd have to reply only on his eyes. He walked for another five minutes..
Stopping suddenly he looked round at Vega, who displayed a confused look..a cocky, confused look. Teka ran forward bringing his gaze back to the object he'd spied. The object was in fact a clearly visible, trashed Skipray Blastboat. Its hull had been crushed and most of the weapons had been broken beyond repair. The main cockpit had blood over it and the was in fact a small trail of blood that ran for a couple of metres to Teka right. He looked to his left as Vea caught up with him.
It looks like we're not the only humanoids on this planet. Looking back to the blood stained ground he quickly said ..or are we?
Teka stood ontop of some of the crushed hull and off again as he spotted a simpler way to enter the cockpit. He pressed a button and a flap dropped down to reveal a couple of blasters. He took them and examined them. They seemingly hadn't been used. He thew one to Vega. It may not have been the smartest thing to do, but right now Vega needed him..He thought.
We can use parts from here. I guess this guy crashed too. His ship isn't half as bad as mine and possibly in better condition than yours. Most of the wepaions have gone but lets see what we can salvage.
Teka looked into the sky. The only visible sun was going down soon.
We better hurry. I'm estimating we have about 45 minutes.
Vega Van Derveld
Aug 7th, 2001, 05:15:57 AM
Grumbling to himself, Vega clambered over onto the ships shassy and began to investigate what was salvagable. As Teka had said, the weapons could be used. Also a few of the more needy parts by the looks of it, these including the engine and such.
Excellent. There should be enough here for us. We might have to make a few trips due to the weight of the items. We don't want to end up dropping them and being stuck here forever.
Indeed the sun was setting, and from what Vega knew about suns setting and the appearance of creatures with whom you did not want to meet... well, to say the least they had better be quick.
Let's move.
Teka Kenobi
Aug 7th, 2001, 04:50:52 PM
Teka unclipped Vortex and made a few neat swipes at the ship. Hestuggled to lift the large peice of metal off of the ship, but did eventually succeed. He took two of the three ion cannons from the front of the ship, and made a walk away, noticing Vega doing apparently not much.
Like you said, lets move!
It was a ten minute walk back to their ships, and Teka didn't fancy either getting lost. So speed was of the essence.
Vega Van Derveld
Aug 8th, 2001, 04:01:24 AM
Unclipping Seraphim, Vega - in a flash of yellow - sliced parts of the ship off with five quick movements. Disengaging the weapon, he returned it to it's holster and knelt down, picking up some metal, part of the shassy and a variety of other items.
Following Teka, the two began their walk back to their crashed ships.
Teka Kenobi
Aug 8th, 2001, 04:42:16 AM
Teka could hear Vega behind him walking at roughly the same pace. In a matter of minutes the two were back at their crash site..well Vega's anyhow, and were dumping the newfound weapons on the floor.
I can't beleive no-one lives here.
The darkness was sweeping over this side of the planet. He turned around the face the figure behind him, slowly reaching for his lightsabre.
Vega Van Derveld
Aug 8th, 2001, 05:48:39 AM
Noticing Teka's hand edge towards his weapon, Vega placed the parts down as carefully as possible, his hand moving to rest on Seraphims hilt.
I sure as frell wouldn't want to live here, Teka. Look at it, it's a dump. All trees and those damn furry force suckers! he spat in an attempt to let the creatures know his opinion on them.
Teka Kenobi
Aug 11th, 2001, 03:04:22 PM
Teka spoke softly and fast, at the same time unclipping his sabre from his belt.
He swung his sabre horizontally towards the neck of Vega who quickly dropped his head, and narrowly missed the sleak purple blade. A high pitched screach could be heard as the animal dropped to the floor in two peices. Litterally smoking. He spoke again as Vega got up from his crouched position. Teka now looking at the creature.
With further inspection, that Teka did not give, a sharp beak could be seen at the front, and the black winged creature seemed to have sharp claws that were almost as large as it's beak. Teka watched as the blood flowed out of its lifeless body. Both halves. He looked back up at Vega. Teka just saved his life quite possibly, but he didn't expect much. Vega's personality didn't permit that. That was no problem though. Teka turned and walked back over to the ship looking at its damaged parts closely.
Vega Van Derveld
Aug 14th, 2001, 04:38:43 AM
Walking over to the TIE Phantom Praetor Fenix with the salvaged parts in his arms, the Sith Knight yawned lightly. He was already becoming tired of Teka's company.
Alright, let's get fixing then.
R8G1 bleeped and whirred loudly, rolling over to the parts Vega had placed down to inspect them. Placing his hands on his hips, the dark warrior observed the landscape for a minute or so.
Reminds me of home, he laughed.
Teka Kenobi
Aug 14th, 2001, 01:34:50 PM
And where would that be?
Teka inspected a damaged console on the ship. He figured it wasn't vital to fix it, and it wasn't needed to fly, so he moved on.
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