View Full Version : Banned from Heaven [Open to TBH and TSO members]

Dark Jedi Jehova
Aug 14th, 2001, 07:15:54 PM
OOC: I am one of the few survivors of Jeseth's race, so yes, I have wings. This is also to see if I may recieve training and become a member of one of the elite groups. Now that thats said {Got to love english, only in english does that that work}, on with the RP!

Dark Jedi Jehova
Aug 14th, 2001, 07:54:46 PM
I stood alone on a dying planet of the Outer Rim. I had been exhiled from my planet for 10 long years. Banned for commiting many scrupulous acts. Acts which on any other planet would have put me to death, instead they sent me here. I was alone most of the time, except when the occasional ship would pass. This planet is now covered in dead ships and the bleached bones of the passangers that I had killed. The rest of the time spent on the planet was for training, training my mind and body, to move in sync with each other. Yes, that was indeed difficult, but I pulled it off. My body was perfect to extract my revenge on everyone who had sent me here, and my mind was sharper than even the greatest leaders. It was all I could do to keep myself from going insane on that miserable planet.

After 10 years another ship passed. It was time for me to escape that hell whole planet. I killed all who were aboard, and took the ship into space. I decided to pay a visit to my old home and 'talk' with the council that sent me to that planet. When I arrived there was no one. Not one single person, like the planet was abandoned, or someone apparently finished the job of killing everyone for me. I left that place as quickly as I could, the stench of death in the air was more than I could stand.

I went to Corellia, it seemed like the perfect place to go to think about what to do next with my life. After all I still had a good 200 years left in me. I landed the ship on the planet, and imediately headed to the nearest Inn, I had not slept comfortably for 10 years. I slept like the dead tend to sleep, calm, peaceful, like everything was right with the universe. By the time I awoke it was late afternoon on the planet, I headed towards the nearest bar for something to eat.

The fact that I did not have any credits did not bother me, should the barkeep bother me about the price of the meal I would simply kill him. I sensed many people on the way, many with thoughts of malice, this sense I had developed on that planet to find the ships that were passing by. The thoughts of the passangers of those ships when they had found me, it was wonderful. Anyway, I ordered the special and sat at a table in a dimly lit booth in the corner of the establishment. It was weird but I thought someone was watching me, but when I looked around I saw no one. But someone was indeed watching, someone with a lot of power. It was in that bar that I first heard about the Force. I wanted this power more than anything, no... not just a want, more of a desire. It would not be the last time I heard of the Force. I coninued eating my meal and drinking my ale. Still with a feeling of someone watching me. I ignored it, at the time I had not found it important enough to care much about it. I was too hungry to care.

