View Full Version : Overcast: Chasing Shadows
Aaron Grimm
May 10th, 2001, 11:18:28 PM
<FONT SIZE=1>(ooc) For any background on the subject of this RP, check below:
<a href= c> c</a></FONT>
Aaron moved quickly, approaching the Evil Hobgoblin's chambers in haste. Jeseth Cloak had returned, and he knew his time with the book would be limited. He had to act fast, and absorb as much knowledge as he could. Jeseth had suffered near fatal levels of self exhertion durring his battle with the Sith... and that was a small amount of time that would be lent to him as well. Aaron was prepaired for what he had to do.
Upon reaching Hob's doors, the viels of the ascending Sorcer's mind began to break away at the seams, bending and cracking underneath the pressure exherted... He could do this now - He couldn't allow himself to slip into the void. He remembered vividly how he had woken up, standing, his hands covered in warm and flowing blood. It was Aaron who was left to hide the bodies, and destroy the evidence of what had transpired.
Could he truely be held accountable for what had come to pass that day? The boys had all mocked him, laughed at him, and then he was shoved; Everything went black, and he was left alone in the subconcious reaches of his mind. Grimm had taken control of him... but what was Grimm? He wasn't aware that such a thing was present within in until only recently... and all that Aaron truly wanted was to satisfy his lust for the book. He had to have The Book of Anger... and if that meant that he would be laid to rest within his grave with it's power flowing through his dying viens, then that was would would transpire. Nothing would keep him away...
A pounding sounded out through Hob's chambers, a shadowed figure with blond hair waiting ust within the corridor outside.
"Tis I, Aaron. I must speak with you.... Please, Hob. When Can I have my book back? When Can I have my book..?"
The call plagued the Evil Hobgoblin, rousing him from whatever had been previously proccupying his thoughts. The echoes would not cease...
Evil Hobgoblin
May 11th, 2001, 10:46:48 AM
Hob suddenly awoke from his studies.
"Tis I, Aaron. I must speak with you.... Please, Hob. When Can I have my book back? When Can I have my book..?"
Hob listened carefully and quietly to the sound that filtered down from above. The echoes would not go away. They wouldn't stop; in fact, they seemed to be growing louder and louder with each repetition.
Aaron Grimm.
The lad had untrained potential.
When can I have my book? When can I have my book? When can I...
Hob looked between the Book of Anger that sat on the table in front of him and the small closet that concealed the entrance to his domain, outside of which Aaron stood. This day had been coming. The Grimm one of Nod was looking to reclaim what had been promised to him.
When can I have my book Whencan I havemy bookWhencanI...
Hob howled in fury. The Book itself was needed for the ritual he wished to undergo. Already, he had begun gathering the materials needed, and he would soon have them all. And then the three days of ritual and celebration would begin, and at their end he would finally be ready.
At their end he would pick up the gauntlet, and run it.
The challenge was there. Hob would answer it, and claim the power and status as his own. These many months had been long and strenuous, fraught with as much failure as success. He had played the role of Bast's gatekeep ( and had defended the Black Hand's domain with everything he had on more than one occasion.
Sometimes, such as the time when he had briefly faced Rama Sha ( ?topicID=3651.topic) in combat, it had not been enough.
But Hob had learned from those failures. Power was not always needed for victory, as was the case when he had driven TSO's Lord Dagger ( c) away using his talents as a trickster. It was not always power that was needed; sometimes, it was one's ability with finesse and misdirection that counted far more than any amount of power that could be brought to bear.
The gnawing echo at the back of his mind made Hob grind his teeth. He shut his eyes and raised his right hand. The hand became a fist as Hob concentrated on crafting one of his more unusual illusions. The illusion of silence.
whencanIhave my book? When can I-
Hob grinned to himself. The training, the fighting, the studying, the months of study and practice interrupted by annoying questers had not been in vain. He had proven that the small could acheive ( ?topicID=3555.topic) much, not just despite their size but sometimes because of it.
Hob left the study carrying the Book in his scarred right fist and followed his chain of rooms back to the first and most magnificent of the ones he'd created- the Gallery Vault. Priceless works of art and treasures from across the galaxy were gathered here.
Sometimes, if Hob got the urge, he could even sleep on a pile of gold coins whose existence dated back a hundred and seventy years.
Hob clambered up the chute and into the small, dingy closet that hid the entrance to his true residences. He opened the door to Aaron. ~Ye wish yer book back, and ye may have it,~ he told the other telepathically. ~But I require it for one last thing that I am not yet prepared for. When I have further need of the Book, I shall come t' ye t' borrow it. Then, it shall be yers for good.~
He lifted The Book of Anger with both hands and ceremoniously extended it to Aaron Grimm as he passed the Book's knowledge on.
~Keep it well,~ Hob told him, then went back inside his closet.
As Aaron regarded the Book of Anger, he suddenly realized that Hob's last words were echoing inside his head.
~Keep it well. Keep it well. Keep itwell keepitwell keepitwellkeepitwell-~
From below, the trickster cackled to himself, then ceased his illusion.
Jeseth Cloak
May 11th, 2001, 02:12:13 PM
Jeseth coughed and looked up from his bed, watching a private theater as he created the illusions of rain drops beating upon a window, utilizing the slightly broken strands of candle light to paint his picture. The shadows just above him now seemed to be just a silhouette of dripping water, a cold blue hue slipping downward and touching upon his face. It was soothing to him, having spent so much time without rest and without Nya. He didn't know when she would show up, but she came to him everyday while he was in the state. Things had changed, and she was no longer merely a sister to him... but would the others approve?
<center><img src=></center>
<center><img src= height=33 width=380></center>
Aaron Grimm
May 11th, 2001, 02:30:13 PM
<center><font size=4 color=white>Click</font></center>
The door slowly came open, Aaron's very faint and almost non existent footsteps echoing, finally fading against the walls of Jeseth's Study. Why had he bothered to come now?
To kill Deception.
Hob had given the book to Aaron, and now it would be with him... Forever. Deception would find him, though. The one known as Jeseth... the one who Aaron had seem ending his life in dreams. He wouldn't allow anyone to come between him and that which was his birthright.
I'm a clone... A clone... A clone...
Who was Aaron? - Who was Aron? Was Grimm Aron? Was Aron Grimm? Did he even have parents? That is why he had taken to naming himself as Aaron Grimm - Nothing made sense any longer, and he only wished to end this pain that had been brought on by the books absence. Other's found it a difficult task even to hold it, but to Aaron it was a pleasure which far outweighed even those desires of the flesh... Yes, he would kill Deception, and all others who even considered coming between him and his destiny; That which he had searched for all his life, and would now fulfill.
Shadow's moved like clockwork as the time passed, and Aaron stood unmoving within Deception's Study... merely watching; Merely waiting - and then his eyes dilated, and it all went blank in a storm of rage and heartless anger. Grimm could do what Aaron could not... Grimm could kill without remorse, and without conscience.
Evil Hobgoblin
May 13th, 2001, 11:01:48 AM
Bast's aura shifted and Hob froze in midstep.
For a moment, Hob had it in mind to disregard the change as the sudden and violent appearance of an acid rainstorm. Such things had happened before, and according to Hob's sense one was scheduled to happen today.
Except that this was too different, too violent. Vader had long ago built Bast out of material that would survive acid rain, but he had often twisted the winds and the weather patterns around the castle, creating a permanent shift that would protect the castle from hurricanes and tempestuous winds. This disturbance was all wrong to have been created by the weather.
And it was too close. It was within Bast!
Hob abruptly turned and sped through his study to the hall beyond it in the chain. There was something he needed to protect himself from whatever it was that had appeared inside Bast.
Count Mordrid
May 13th, 2001, 06:22:18 PM
Come now Aaron, surely, you wouldn't want to take this life of this one? What does he have to offer you? I can detain him for you long enough... and all you need to give m -
Mordrid's sentence was cut off midway, a rage torrent of anger and hatred pouring over his soul. This one could not be reasoned with... The otherworldly consciousness reached out to Hob, calling for him.
Hob, my friend, I believe your assistance would be much obliged in Deception's Study. Well, if you'd like to keep The Book of Anger, that is.
If Mordrid had lips, he would have grinned.
Evil Hobgoblin
May 13th, 2001, 11:27:34 PM
~ Aye, Mordrid, Hob is ahead of ye in this instance,~ the dwarf replied, nearing what he sought. He opened a locker that was embedded in the wall and pulled out a large lump of crystal that he'd cut and shaped a while back. It drew energy into it, particularly Force energy, and stored it there until it gradually dissipated away. Hopefully, it would help him now.
The dwarf stepped back into his Hall of Armor and raced to his Library Study. From the Study, he passed into the Guest Bedroom and from the Guest Bedroom he passed into the Crystal Cavern. Then, he was in the Gallery Vault and climbing up to Bast proper using a secret passage.
Hob took the fork that would take him out near one of the hangars, which had a secret route directly to Deception's Study. Time was of the essence, and Hob was certain Deception would not mind the interruption.
Jeseth Cloak
May 18th, 2001, 09:14:22 AM
<font size=1>(ooc) Due my losing access to the Aaron Grimm account, I hope you mind continue with this through this method...
</font>Aaron Grimm:
Grimm heaved his chest, building up the level of stamina he would require. Deception lay there, unmoving, completely unaware of the fate that would befall him. Just another moment...
Grimm began to lumber toward's Jeseth, his hands rising up into the air, his viens becoming prominent and obvious as they bulged and thumped in place, growing brighter and brighter, turning a strange shade of pruple that seemed to match Aaron's usual atire - but the flashy garments seemed almost misplaced on the monster that now stood over the bed, his arms raised high into the air, hands clumped together in a single readied fist.
<font size=5 face=arial>KILL!!!</font>
Evil Hobgoblin
May 22nd, 2001, 07:56:57 PM
A large squealing noise came from one of the nearby walls.
Hob stood in the opened secret passage, staring fiercely at the scene. One of his fists was clenched and the veins on his right arm bulged out from it.
"You have dared to break the brotherhood of the Hand," the dwarf spoke in an odd bass voice. Jeseth was slowly moving towards Hob
Grimm stared at Hob with hatred in his expression.
"You have one chance," Hob stated. His voice echoed off the walls. "Submit yerself to our judgements now, or suffer. Yesss.... suffer."
Jeseth Cloak
May 30th, 2001, 08:13:39 AM
Jeseth had just barely managed to come awake in time, something waking him, as if the Force had been calling to him of it's own accord, warning him. Making his way toward's Hob, the Dark Jedi examined the scene. The bed laid split in half cleanly, splinters and fragments of durasteel filling the floor before Grimm. The man merely stood there, heaving and panting, his muscles bulging noticeably...
Aaron Grimm:
Yes, Aaron could here that clearly. Suffering - how much more suffering would he endure? No, he would not allow himself to be taken. He had worked to hard, and come too far, and now Grimm was in control. Grimm, however, wouldn't know any better. Turning in a blur of primal speed, Grimm tense and muscular arm flung it's way around, missing Hob and Jeseth by mere inches. His eyes would seem to have grown red, blood flowing now more freely into his every vein and artery.
Leaping around the two Dark Jedi, Grimm began his run. He could have easily crushed their skulls, but no. Something was forcing him to move. To go to a ship. This book he held clutched in his hand now drove his soul without question, and its voice was on which was very familiar. The voice of Aaron, the always weak and pathetic alter ego that Grimm would not tolerate in his mind; and yet now he had no choice about it. Now it was Aaron who was controlling Grimmwith ease.
Evil Hobgoblin
Jun 14th, 2001, 11:26:01 AM
The dwarf roared in anger at the challenge of his judgement. Grimm had committed the ultimate act of treason- attempted murder of a Black Hand brother or sister. The fleeing shape of Aaron the Wretched disappeared into the hallway outside Deception's study.
Hob bounded out the door, catching sight of the Aaron one running away down the hall. He could not be allowed to escape, and so Hob began to chase the fleeing man. Aaron, however, must have been at least as fast as Hob himself, because the distance between them did not change.
As Aaron neared a corner, Hob suddenly brought the Force to bear, hammering into Aaron's side with a telekinetic shoving attack that would surely send the Wretched One off balance.
Aaron Grimm
Jun 17th, 2001, 01:15:25 AM
The young man felt the wind leave his lungs, his breath cutting short in a grunt. His balance was lost, his feet unable to maintain their hold on the the ground. His figure shot forward a d few more steps and slipped, his jaw cracking against the ground loudly, the noise echoing down the hall. The book of anger remained firmly held in his hand.
<font size=3>"NOW YOU DIE!"</font>
The voice shot forth like a burst of wind, Aaron's figure jumping up from the ground, one arm tearing through the stone wall and ripping loose a large handful of stones. Blood was dripping down from his nails, but the rage in his eyes was not betrayed for through signs of pain. A large chunk of rock made it's way down the hall with blinding speed and struck Hob in the knee, a second stone heading for his head. Aaron Grimm continued to heavy the projectiles with all his might, his heart straining in the challenge.
Harder Grimm!
The fine voice of Aaron echoed within the body it was trapped in, commanding the brutes might.
A stone chipped away pieces of the floor as it ripped past Jeseth's leg, skin tearing away from bone.
Evil Hobgoblin
Jun 27th, 2001, 11:45:49 AM
Hob twisted and fell, clutching his knee with his free hand. The second stone overshot his fallen body and crashed into a nearby wall.
Hob clawed his way to his feet and extended a hand. He began to walk forward, slowly and calmly. The rocks Aaron the Wretched threw at him seemed to hit an invisible wall and fall to the ground. Hob's left fist began to glow blue as he concentrated on forming a second attack while maintaining his defense of himself and Jeseth.
"Give up the Book and die, Wretched One," Hob stated in a deep bass. "It is your fate to end today, yess. Yes."
Aaron Grimm
Jun 27th, 2001, 12:09:16 PM
Panic... it swept over his body. He had underestimated the small man's power. Jeseth he knew would be an easy target in his weakened state, but he had never accounted for any of the others intervening in his escape. Stone tore open as Grimm plunged his grimy bloody nails into the walls of the hallway, tearing a few more stones loose and tossing them at the Goblin with all his strength... but still nothing. The book's anger was still flowing through him, energizing him as he turned and began to flee once more, limping slightly at the pain which his muscles were undergoing. They were being pushed far far past their limits, and now Aaron was fairly sure he would die one way or an another in this day, just as Hob hissed at him.
His mind was racing too quickly to control the beast within known as Grimm. The time for fleeing was at hand, and Aaron aided his body as best he could to find it's way to the landing pad, leaping over the gates in a single painful bound. The ship was within his sights... and the book within his grasp, yet he knew the evil troll thing was not far behind...
Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 1st, 2001, 11:42:06 AM
Hob took off after his prey without a second thought.
Aaron knew he was the hunted one- knew that Hob was the stronger of the two of them. More importantly, Hob knew it as well. Even the Book of Anger could not stand between the two of them. Hob was aware of many of the book's limitations that Aaron would not have had time to become acquainted with.
Leaping and bounding through the corridors of Bast, Hob propelled his body at an incredible speed. The dwarf launched himself into the air and pushed off of one of Bast's main doors that were now both open, spying Aaron as he leapt the solid iron gates.
Abruptly, the gates tore themselves off of their hinges and flung themselves at Aaron, burying him beneath their steel bars.
But Hob did not stop running. He continued charging towards Aaron, ready to intercept his further flight.
Jeseth Cloak
Jul 16th, 2001, 03:12:44 PM
Jeseth coughed and wiped blood from the corner of his mouth, sneering. He could only hope that Hob would murder the traitorous wizard in the most painful and horrible way possible. Jeseth had believed that perhaps Aaron was prepared to take more into consideration than The Book Of Anger, but he had been wrong. The wizard cared for nothing beyond satisfying his own twisted desire. Jeseth had once turned his back on The Black Hand, and been destroyed as a result... eve now he lived with the pain and repercussions of his own actions... he was merely fortunate that Hob had thought himself capable of controlling forces far beyond what he was capable of. Only through a mistake was Jeseth once again brought back to pay penance for his past errors.
Perhaps Aaron Grimm was one of those errors... but it was too late now. He was in condition to exact the vengeance demanded upon Aaron himself. Hob was already well ahead of him, and he trusted his brother to do a well enough job of it.
Aaron Grimm
Jul 22nd, 2001, 02:51:29 AM
Aaron Grimm was caught completely off guard, the gates landing on him with a crushing force. His scalp tore open in a blood eruption, his lungs bursting forth with a monstrous cry. He summed up all of his strength, throwing up both of his arms and sending the gates hurling away from him with a loud crash. A few bars of steel still hung in the area around him, and he picked up up, turning to Hob and running at him, swinging the metal bar with all his might and clutching the book in his free hand.
Blood was obscuring his field of vision, dripping down his cheeks and chin, soaking into his shirt as he became light headed and dizzy.
Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 22nd, 2001, 03:26:52 PM
The bar whistled as Aaron swung it, yet it wasn't fast enough to connect. Hob was already in the air, leaping over it and planting a double-footed kick in Aaron's face. The Wretched One stumbled backwards in obvious pain, but did not drop the Book of Anger.
In order to safely stop his foe, Hob would have to recover the Book before dispatching Aaron.
Aaron swung again with his makeshift weapon, but Hob snatched up a bar from the ground and knocked Aaron's weapon off course with it. It slammed into the ground, burying itself and leaving Hob with an open shot. He raised his own weapon and swung for the arm holding the Book.
Aaron Grimm
Aug 14th, 2001, 09:41:10 PM
The blow connected, a snap sounding out as Aaron's arm shattered, blood spouting out like a faucet. He yelled out a deep growl, the book lightly hanging in his weak fingers as he scurried back, glancing with wild eyes at the ship waiting for him to at the landing pad. Inside, he fought against himself. Grimm wished to continue the fight, whilst Aaron was losing control of his body, unable to control the beast. Run Grimm... Worthless pawn. If I die, we both die. The creature growled at Hob once more, making a gorilla-like run for the ship's hatch. Just as Hob leapt after in pursuit of Aaron, who's muscles had by this point bulged to the edge of capacity, the fugitive turned with a powerful swing, his one good arm beaming the club-like weapon at Hob and striking him in the stomach, tossing him back by a few meters. Grimm tossed the Book away, allowing it to slide to a halt besides the ship's engines.
What are you doing?! Pick up the book. You stupid thing, pick up the book! Aaron pounded against the prison in which he had placed himself. He had no control over Grimm... His only hope was for a victory. If Grimm won, Aaron could flee - but the book. Get the book! The body began to shift places, the lure too powerful. Aaron Grimm continued to lumber towards the Book of Anger, at odds with himself as much as he was with Hob.
Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 16th, 2001, 07:47:44 PM
Hob tumbled end over end, abruptly sprawling out flat on the ground. The blow had hurt, and his abdomen was aching around the kidney area. Hob lay in place, inhaling and exhaling while trying to recover from his injury.
A stumbling step caught his attention. Aaron had stopped fleeing and was instead heading somewhere else. Hob's head lifted off the ground and he saw the Book of Anger not too far away.
Aaron the Wretched had dropped it and had turned his back on Hob to retrieve it.
Summoning power from within himself, Hob lifted himself off the ground using his telekinetic abilities. The body of the dwarf hovered momentarily, then abruptly flung towards Aaron's back. He latched onto his foe's back, producing from behind his back the crystal he'd brought from his lair. Jamming the crystal into the back of the Wretched's neck, he summoned the Force and drew it through the crystal.
Aaron began to howl, and there was an echo to it as though it traveled down a corridor to reach the land of the living.
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