View Full Version : Chronicles of A Sith(story)

Rama Sha
Jul 3rd, 2001, 11:57:28 PM

The Man entered the room 361 of the Diplomatic Hotel on Courscant. It was in the Higher-Class district, and Kings, Queens, and other important people of the galaxy frequented it. As he moved through the door he found it odd that the door was not locked.

"Come in.......sit." A Voice greeted him.

The man quickly scanned the room looking for the source of the voice. It was Dark except for a single light in the center of the room hanging over a table with two chairs. He then noted a dark silhouette in front of the large bay window. The man complied and began to unpack his various recording devices.

"I was told you have a story for me?" the man aimed his question at the shadow.

"Indeed I have." The figure answered."How do these things usually start?"

"Well most people tell me their name, and then a description of what they duties.........or lack there of in some cases."

"Ah!" the figure now turned slightly as if to look at the man, but didn't turn enough for him to see his face. " If I am to start with my name you should turn on your recorder now."

The Man did so, and waited for the figure to reveal it's identity.

"My name is Rama Ramirez Sha III. I am a Sith."

"Rama Sha..........the Rama Sha?"

"Yes, is that surprising?"

"Yeah! I mean I have interviewed a lot of people involved in this second Sith War. Sometimes a Jedi Padawan who hasn't been told not to talk to the likes of me yet, but never a Sith and a Sith Master at that."

" Then this is a first for both of us. I have never revealed the full story of my life, as I am going to do to you, before. "

Suddenly a seed of doubt enters the man's mind. " Why would he agree to an interview? It doesn't make sense." Almost as soon as the thoughts entered the man's mind they were answer verbally by Rama

" Would you not accept a gift from your gods?"

" What?" the man seemed confused.

" You were wondering why I would talk to you. "

" Yes.........I was."

" You needed a Story......one that secure your grant, and you need it tomorrow do you not?"

"Yes..." The Man knew all this was true.

"Well then why ask why? Just accept it. You can decide if I am Rama or a Hoax after I tell my tale. Either way the story will sell."

The Figure turned and faced the table now, as if he was going to sit but didn't

" How about a Lightsaber, do you have a Lightsaber?" The Man still doubted.


A long pause came over the room.

"Well where is it?"

"I have no need of it here. I’m in no danger."

"I thought Lightsabers never left your side."

"Why would that be? It's just an object, a weapon. Some have the need keep it with them at all times. Some even name them, don't know if it is a active imagination or a deep insecurity that makes them do such things, most likely the latter. But I am more then capable of defending myself without it."

" So you have no proof you are who you claim to be?"

" Sadly all documentation that proves me to be who I am has been destroyed to protect me from those who would wish me harm."

Rama turns and walks towards the table, he slides his hand through the air and the chair slides out. Rama calmly sits down and leans forward into the light for the first time. His face reflected light brightly, his pale skin almost glowed. His Chin was very angular coming to a point with a small barely noticeable dimple in his chin. His nose was long, but rounded at the end. His eye's seemed to be sunken, but looked almost natural among the dark rings under his eyes. His Eyes seemed to burn holes into the man, even though they were clearly brown, shades of blue and green could been seen around the edges. His hair was slicked back, gleaming black. This was also the first also the first time Rama saw his interviewer. He was mildly overweight in his forties. Short Brown hair and a mustache. The man seemed slightly taken back by seeing all of Rama, all at once. He begins to break the uneasy silence.

" So......uhhhhhhhh What’s you lightsaber color?"

"Green.....The color of envy. An it is well suited for this story. And Save the 'He is' or 'He isn't' until after I tell my story."

"You really believe your him don't you?"

"Story First"

The man sat back waiting for him to speak again.

Rama Sha
Jul 8th, 2001, 04:40:02 AM

“ It was ten years after the death of Palatine, and there was joy in the house Sha on the world of Ord Mantell. Queen Cindra had bore King Mogul a second son. 4 years earlier she had given him the heir to the Throne, Trace. But now there was a second son and his name would be Rama, named for his grand father. The events of my early up bringing are rather boring and uneventful. From the beginning it was my mothers intent that I would follow in her footsteps and become a Jedi. How my mother went from Jedi to Queen of a planet is a long story in it’s self and also a story for another time. As I was saying my mother had always intended for me to be a Jedi, she had high hopes and expectations of me. That I would fight the good fight right the wrongs and all the other melodramatic fodder that is so common in Jedi minds. But it was hard to part with your beloved and so I was not sent away. She took it upon herself to train me as a Jedi. She did her best, but she had never taught the way to anyone before and it was touch and go. I don’t remember much of this, but I have force talents that I can only say was a result of this training.

So it went on from day to day, until the time when I was nine. A Plague swept through that section of the galaxy and Ord Mantell was no exception. It mainly preyed on the old and the weak, so some reason the strong, the young, ones with the fire to survive did just that…survive. I sometimes wonder why my brother, my father, and I were all sparred, but it took my mother’s life so easily. I think it must have to do with our Correllian blood……..Yes that must be it” Rama said as if to assure himself this is what it was.

“Corellian blood?” The man interrupted him and began to examine his features. “You don’t look corellian.”

Rama let out a small chuckle at this observation.” No, I don’t do I?” He composed himself. “ My mother, she was Nagai. The pale skin, the dark rings under my eyes………..My hands…….”

Rama raised his hand; his fingers seemed oddly long. Not something you would notice without close examination, but longer then normal none the less.

“Thankfully, not nearly as long as my mothers. It was her one feature that seemed out of place to me. Her blonde hair complimented her pale skin. It was like one made the other more radiant, but you could never tell which one. But the hands seemed so foreign. Long slender, with two sets of knuckles. I use to sit and look at her hands for long periods of time. They always seemed so unproportioned to the rest of her sleek figure; it seemed like a puzzle that needed to be solved. I learned latter that they were used for drawing blood out of creatures…and sometimes even people. It was how her people had survived before civilization came to them. Almost a vampire if you will. But I digress, I need to return to my tale.”

The man motioned for him to go on

“ As I said the blood…it was the blood that saved us, cause it overcame her so quickly. Within days she was bed ridden. I was at her side all of those last nights, waiting, hopeing for some miracle to save her. ‘Why would this force she was always talking about, let this happen to one of their own. Was she being punished for marrying my father.’ These questions moved inside my head as I watched her get worse and worse. From time to time my father would come in to see her. He had to force himself away from his political advisors and members of the trade guilds to do this. They would follow him all the way to the door, but never enter lest they get the plague as well. Trace was always at his side, ever silent. Watching and learning for his role that he would one day take on. I could tell my father always wanted to stay longer, but the riots had become worse in the last few months and he had to attend to these things.”


“Yes, the commoners had been rioting for sometime now. Ever day they would line up at the gates and curse my father and my family. I could hear their chants from my mother’s room. At one time I thought that the chants were what was killing her, and this could very well be the truth. I have no proof of such.”

“But why? Why would the people be rioting?”

“That is easy, my world bears the scars of it even today. You see in the time of the Empire, it was all about turn over. How to make the most of something in the shortest amount of time. Mass production, marvels of the imperial age. Near the end of the empire, their resources began to lax as major projects like Death Stars and Super Star Destroyers began to take their toll. Also the Empire was suffering heavy loses to the rebellion. It was decided to recycle old and damaged ships, they could be stripped and melted down, the alloy would then be shipped to correilla and other manufactures to be made into new ships. But they had to have a planet were they could ‘Crash’ the ships and set up smelting operations. Ord Mantell was chosen. My father he fought it best he could, but he was threatening with an increased imperial presence there that was something no planet wanted. And so it was, it seemed like ships arrived that day. Scuttled and crashed, all day and all night. You could see the fire and smoke from the castle. It looked as if the demons of the old legends would come up out of these fires at any moment. A first the people were happy, this brought many needed jobs to the planet and for a long time, things prospered. But soon we started to feel the effects of this kind of operation.”

Rama Sha
Jul 23rd, 2001, 05:27:23 AM

" Effects? What kind of effects?" The man inquired.

" Effects on the planet......effects on the minds of the people. These kinds of things."

"So this operation actually hurt your planet."



"Well for starters the smoke from the smelting plant infected the air. The tempature began to rise, and hardly a person could walk the streets without a breather of some kind. But this was only the begining, the large ships placed in orbit began to throw off the natural gravity of our planet. One day the tide went out and it stayed out. Whole fishing villages starved, and on the other side of the glode thousands died in huge floods."

"And the Empire........did they do anything about it?"

"no....it buisness as usual for them. They cared little what happened to the poor souls who died or to the surivors who now where without homes for food."

Rama stood and began walking around the table. The Man twitched in his chair. It was clear that Rama's new set of motions were making him uneasy, but he passed the man and went into the shadows. He could make out the Rama moving in the dark, but couldn't tell what he was doing. He heard the clanking of glasses and the all to fimalr glug of a heavy booze bottle with it's contents being poured. Rama returned to the light and help two glasses in his hand he set one down in front of the man and returned to his seat. It was at this time he reliezed he had been thinking of being thirsty and about how he could go for a drink. He looked down at the glass. "Could he have read my mind?" The thought.

"Yes I can......and Yes I did."

The man's eyes widened a bit at the thought.

"You'll find it is Correlian whisky....stragiht with no ice. That is your favorite is it not? "

"Yes" the man's voice came across shakey.

"Well then drink."

The man took the glass in both hands as to not drop it his hands were shakeing so much. He took a sip and found that it was what Rama had said it was.....his favorite drink.

" And then after a time the Empire just left." Rama began the story right were he had left off, as if he had never stopped in the first place.

The man gasp as he set his drink down trying to draw breath to speak.


"I do not know. I would imagine the operation just became more trouble then it was worth. All the people at that time focused their anger on the Empire and terroist attack were common place at the plant."

"But after the Empire left......."

"They turned on us.......but first I must tell you of my mother some more. I'll get to this in due time."

Rama took a sip of the clear liquid which was collectecd in the bottom of his glass.

" As I said......my mother was dying. I was there the last day.......I was there in her last moment of life on this plane of existance. She knew it was her time.....I saw that much in her eyes when she looked at me. 'Rama' She said to me 'I want you to know that I will always love you. And the future could be very rough for you and your brother, but I want you to always think of me when you feel there is no hope left. I will guide you my son.' She then directed me to open the drawer of her dresser....inside was a small wooden box incrested with jewels. She instucted me to bring it to her, and I did so. She opened the box with her weak and fragile hands lifted out a small braclet.

' I want you to have this......I want you to give it to the women you truely love, as your father did to me. For she wil be queen of all Ord Mantell.'

'But mother, I am the second born and Trace is to be king. How could my love be Queen?'

' Trace will not be king......his heart is good, but he will not rule. It is you Rama.....you are the one, you have the will to make the wrong things right.'

I didn't believer her.....and even now, knowing what I am I still don't. But I took the Bracelet as she had commanded me too. Her eyes then became empty and her face lifeless and she became one with the force."

Rama Sha
Jul 29th, 2001, 06:49:55 PM

"Are you ok?" The man almost rasised out of his chair at the change of Rama's facial expression. The once stone faced Sith, had a grimace of pain on his face. Rama turned to look at him almost as if he had interupted something. Rama's face returned to it's unemotional state.

"Yes.....im fine. It's just not something I like to think about."

"I can see why."

"Word was sent out to all the ppl that there queen was dead, and word went out to the Jedi. My father didin't actually want them here, but he knew that my mother would have and he honored this. By the end of the week ships from Courscant began to arrive carrying member of the restablished Jedi Council.......now flying there banner under the name of the Greater Jedi Order. They had resumed their role of protecting the gaxaly after the fall of the empire under the leadership of a man named Skywalker."

"Luke Skywalker?"

"I guess that was his name.....never really bothered to learn to much about him."

"He killed Vader and the Emperor! and you didn't bother?"

Rama shruged at the thought. " I stayed away from things concerning the Empire. As far as I was concerned I was gonna forget it even existed. But as I was saying, The jedi were arriveing, and mother's funeral was only a few days away. I found myself wandering the halls of Castle. Wondering what would happen now? What would the castle be like without mother? And who would I turn to in my times of need? And it was in this wandering that I got all the answers. I overheard my father argueing with another man in his den. Slowly a creep closer to see what was happening. I cracked the door ever so slightly, being careful not to move it past the point were it began to squeek, something I leraned to do at a very early age. Inside my father was pointing a yelling at another man. I didn't know who he was, but I assumed him to be Jedi since he was dressed as the others I had watched get off the ship landing in the hanger. The Jedi remained very calm and still even though my father was very angry at him.

' No.....Both of them are staying here, where they belong. Just like their mother wanted.'

I didn't know who he was talking about, but I had the feeling it was Trace and myself I just refused to believe it at the time.

'Your Majesity.......you must understand, It is an honor to serve the Jedi. Few are choosen and even fewer are selected. You should be proud to have your sons be tested.'

That cliched it......I knew the jedi was talking about me and my brother.

'No......Trace is to be king and Rama is to rule all the lower kingdom. They are not to be Jedi.'

'Does a world need two rulers.'

'It's tration. The next king is alway Prince and high ruler of the lower kingdom. And Rama is next in line to Trace untill Trace has a son.'

'Sir......Your wife was Jedi knight. I know she had begun to instruct Rama in our ways. If I do not take at least him back he may become dangerous to himself.......and you.'

Me? Dangerous? I couldn't think it at the time. It was only later I fully understood what he meant by that statement.

'Dangerous? What do you mean?'

'He has the gift......and he has been taught how to tap into it. Unguided he could use his power for any purposes. Good or Evil. The boy needs to contiune training if he is going to be able to control his rapidly increaseing powers. If you will not let me have Trace at least let me Train Rama. After I have trained him....if he wishes to return then he can do so. Like your wife, no one will stop him from returning here.'

I watched my father, he seemed to be in deep thought. I couldn't believe he was even pretending to think about this, of course i was gonna stay here. This is were I belong.

'Your words make sense.......I will let Rama return with you to face your test.'

' thank you my lord.'

'NO!!!!!!!!!!' I screamed out.....I didn't even know I had done it till it was already said. My Father and the Jedi turned to see me in the Crack of the door. Then I ran........I don't think i have ever been in that much of a hurry to get away from something ever in my life. From behind me I could hear my father calling after me 'Rama.......wait!!!' But I was not going to stop. I wasn't going to stop running for anything. "

Rama Sha
Aug 18th, 2001, 05:00:19 AM

" I was already almost to the castle gates, I would have ran out them had my father not contacted the guard and told them to let me leave. So I sat......and I cried. Everything I knew was coming to a end, and a felt I would come to an end also. It was then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I was hopeing it was my father come to tell me he had changed his mind, but it wasn't. It was the Jedi. He came around and sat next to me on the soft grass of the great lawn in front of the Palace.

'I know that was not an easy thing to hear Rama.' he began to speak ' but it was the truth. You must return with me to Courscant.'

'What if I don't want to? What if I want to stay here?'

'Freedom is the right of all sentiant beings......if you choose to stay I will let you, but have you not ever wondered what your gifts mean? And what your destiny is?'


'Yes.....you my boy have powers beyond that of a mere man. Do you think everyone else can read your fathers thoughts as if he were speaking out loud? Or walk in the Palace with your fancy shoes and not make a sound.'

I had done all these things...How he knew I did not know. At the time I assumed my father had told him these things, but in reality I had only revealed such things to my mother.

'I.........I don't know.' I answered him.

He moved around to look at me straight in the face.

'Rama, you were chosen by the force.........you were given these powers for a reason. And I can help you find out why. But you have to come with me. If we get to Courscant and you want to come home, I won't stop you. I'll book you on the next transport myself, but at least give us a chance.'

I thought about this a long time.....I really didn't understand all of it, but he said I could come home anytime I wanted.

'I'll go........' I finally answered.

The Jedi smiled.


He stood and then helped me to my feet.

....I am Jedi Master CMJ.'

' I'm.......Wait you know my name.'

'Yes your father told me it. Come on.......'

He outstreched his hand and I took it, and we headed back to the Palace.

The next day was my mother's funeral. I stood between my father and my soon to e Jedi Master. By this time I had already doned the tradtional Garb of a Jedi Padawan. Seems it was Cmj to take me back with him the whole time. I looked up at the long winding tube like structure we where now in. It was a crypt.....the crypt. It housed Kings and Queens, Princes and Princess from the start of the first Rein of my name sake, King Rama Ramirez Sha I. Light funneled in from the large round opening at the top of the crpty. In front of me, was my mother. Her Glass Coffin was prepped to be slide into place in the lowest levels of the Crypt. A Priest was saying blesseings over the body and Jedi filled the bottom of the crypt. THe Preist said his final Prayer and the coffin was slid into place. A Large plague like door was put in place. I could hear it hiss as it closed and then all I saw was m mother's name on the front. "Queen Cindra Ka Sha."

'Come Rama' CMJ commanded, as I stared at the rasised letter for what seemed like hours. I followed him as we began to the climb up out of the crypt. The sun hurt my eyes as we emerged. The Jedi had all gathered around and were discussing things. CMJ walked thru the crowd. But was soon, stopped by a Young looking man.....he was in his twenties...or early thrities.

'Master CMJ, I can't believe the council ordered all the Jedi in this sector to attend this funeral. The Sith have been on the move again, don't you think it would have better for some of us to stay behind. What if they decide to strike.'

'Calm yourself young Turbogeek.......All is well. The New Republic would inform us if any Trouble were to come up. Now let me introduce you to someone....'

HE stepped aside so that the man could see me.

'This is Rama Sha......Cindra Ka's Son.'

Turbogeek nodded a sheepish nod as if he knew he shouldn't have said what he did,especially with me right there.

'Pleased to meet you' I said.....I have never said anything more untruthful in my life. His lack of tact over my mothers death had left a bad taste in my mouth. I had only known this man man for 10 mins and I already had a distanement for him. That never really went away. I still hated him, up untill the day he died. but I'll get to that. Turbogeek soon retreated back to the Group of Jedi he was taliking to before. There were many species I had never seen before.......but one caught my eye in Turbogeeks little pod.

'Who is that?' I asked, and pointed all at once at a small Green dwarf like creature.

'That is Master Yog, he is a very old and very powerful Jedi.'

'Well he looks old' I thought. 'Sir?' I was ready to ask another question. 'That man said something about a Sist? What is that?'

'A SITH you mean?'


HE leaned so he was on my level.

'They arn't anything that you should concern yourself with.'