View Full Version : A Little bit of the Future. (TSE members only)
Natsu Pendragon
Aug 15th, 2001, 06:10:52 PM
:: Natsu was bored, she had come to this time for training, but she didn't really want to, most of the people back home said she was too much like her ancestor Akira, stubborn, will-full, carefree, and not caring much about her resposinbily towards her kingdom ::
*sighs* Kindoms and Castles, Bah!
:: it was too bad there was no TSE back home, she would've rather stayed in her own time but oh well....She was in a bar on Tatoonie, she had ordered a Pepsi, a family fav. when she sensed someone ::
Aug 15th, 2001, 08:07:04 PM
Nuriko entered the bar, shoving the dark cloak off her face. She ran her fingers through a short bob of deep red hair and approached the bar. What was done was done for now. Today, after a short excusion she would return to the Empire. She ordered a drink, and took a couple of sips from it, when she spotted a young winged woman.
It took Nuriko a couple of seconds to register the young woman. She had sensed Nuriko first. That would teach her to be more careful.
Nuriko approached the girl. "Aki?"
<img SRC=>
Natsu Pendragon
Aug 15th, 2001, 08:12:28 PM
:: Natsu looked at Nuri with emerald green eyes ::
She must mistake me for.....
:: smirks ::
I think you have me confused for one of my realitives.....
I'm Natsu.....
:: she takes a sip from her glass of Pepsi ::
Aug 17th, 2001, 07:39:51 PM
"For one of your relatives?" She grinned and sat next to the girl. "Ah... so you are related to Akira Pendragon then?"
Natsu Pendragon
Aug 17th, 2001, 09:00:20 PM
"um...Yes, yes I am...."
:: she was getting nervous around this woman, this one wasn't of any of the ranks she was used to.....Natsu shifted her weight ::
"Do you know Akira?"
Aug 19th, 2001, 02:18:27 PM
"I knew of her. I can't really say I knew her. I never really got to know anyone back in those days. Of course, I thought I'd at least know her when I saw her and even then I was proven wrong, huh?" :lol:
Nuriko noticed the girl becoming slightly nervous. "So... Um... how are you related to Akira? Sister? Cousin? You just look so much like her...."
Natsu Pendragon
Aug 19th, 2001, 07:04:10 PM
Come Natsu...Think, think!
"We're, we're....Um...Cousins...."
:: she shifts her weight nerviously again, taking another sip from the glass of Pepsi ::
Aug 19th, 2001, 08:42:21 PM
She cocks an eyebrow at the girl. "You seem a bit unsure of that." Her mouth turns to a slight smirk. Natsu can tell she's suspcious of her.
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