View Full Version : The Discovery (story)

Aug 26th, 2001, 02:15:27 PM
::The young rebel agent was sitting in his room, all alone. He had been thinking for the past hour. He had been feeling odd ever since he first walked into Master Yoghurt's bar. He felt like there was a conenction between him and the people there. He also remembered back in the military academy...he was flying a TIE Interceptor. He didnt know why, but he all of a sudden jerked the guiding stick (not sure what it's called) and went straight up. Just then an astroid went under him and blew up another trainee. Something had made him jerk that stick and fly upwards, but at that moment he didnt think of that...he was just glad to be alive. Also, during fencing practices, he always won. He could somehow tell the opponents next move. He thought maybe....just maybe....he was a Jedi...::

"But if I was a Jedi, wouldnt the Masters, who were often at the Bar and Grill, felt it in me and told me?""

::Just then he remembered something he had heard a Master say. "We can feel if someone has the potential to become a Jedi, but they have to feel it too."::

"Could it really be? Could I, an 18 year old imperial military graduate and agent of the new republic be a Jedi?"