View Full Version : Even Angels Fall: The Winnowing

Melkibor the Troll
Jul 25th, 2001, 09:33:18 PM
Darkness set upon the dank planet as Melki paced back and forth in his small room. He had been walking around and thinking for the past few hours now and still couldn't decipher just what was going on. He knew the time of the Winnowing was at hand; the time when all the legions of hell would once again rise, but there was a problem: mainly that he and Arachulas where the only two who were together. The others where nowhere to be found. Slowly he walked over and looked at the scrolls he had placed all around the room, surely there was something he was missing, something that would bring them together... but what was it?

Jul 25th, 2001, 10:19:33 PM
On the planet of Kalarba night had fallen and the second the the twin moons was just starting to rise. The people in the cities were asleep for the most part and the creatures in the forest were either on the hunt or fast asleep.
In a denser area of the forest a lone woman walked, the woods around her silenced in an almost respectful hush. Leliel smiled and crouched near a stream, cupping her hands full of water before letting it splash her face. She could feel something was happening, something big. Perhaps she would finally meet the others. How she would, however, she was not sure of. But fate was on her side and Leliel knew it wouldn't be long now.

Jul 27th, 2001, 01:55:38 PM
On a moon.
In the deeps of a labyrinthine citadel dating back to before the Old Republic.
The parapets sunk slightly and there were no inhabitants for thousands of years.
One newly awakened being sat on the anicent carved ebony throne, flame wings dancing around him.
He had his hands pressed lightly together and his eyes in a thoughtful narrowed position.
He knew the time was coming.
And he wouldnt miss it.

Raziel the Fallen
Aug 2nd, 2001, 10:54:45 PM
On the planet of Annaj; rain fell as two warriors fought each other in a struggle of life and death. Neither really knew why they were even fighting at all, maybe it was all the years of pent up anger raging inside of them. They did'nt know though.

"Kill him."

The men did not notice the voices in their head, all they knew was that they needed to kill each other, and quickly. Lighting struck as both Warriors suddenly struck each other down in two swift blows. All was silent as their blood ran down the ground around them. All was good.

Stepping our of the shadows slowly Raziel smiled to himself, god he loved his job; but he knew soon he would go back to real work. He could feel an aura around him, he knew the winnowing was at hand and he would have work to do.

Melkibor the Troll
Aug 5th, 2001, 12:29:04 PM
Night's turned to day and day's turned to night as Melki paced back and forth in his room, it had been a week now since he had started reading the prophecies all he could figure out though was that something needed to happen. That was it; all this time and that was all he had gotten. He had started sensing some of the others though, faint readings of what seemed to be Singultus, Raziel and Leliel. He was happy for sensing them and would probably send some people to get them, but what he needed was Abaddon. and where he was nobody knew.

Razor Tyranus
Aug 5th, 2001, 06:55:00 PM
All was silent on the Starfreighter Archilles as Razor finished the last of his rounds; slowly he reached down and grabbed his comm unit as he went to check on the rest of his team....

"Drake, this is Razor, do you read me?"

All was silent as Razor listened, then slowly the comm unit came to life.

<font color=blue>"Drake here, what's wrong Razor?"</font>

With a sigh of relief Razor hit the comm unit again.

"Nothing wrong on my end, just got this odd feeling about the cargo. Everything good on your end? I got a bad feeling."

<font color=blue>"Well, everything's good on my end. How bout Samuel and William? You check on them yet?"</font>

"No I haven't checked on them yet, I will now, though. Razor out."

Putting the comm unit down again Razor listened to what seemed like gunfire in the distance. Quickly he hit the comm again.

"Samuel you there? Samuel."

All he could here was silence..... nothing but silence.

"Samuel are you there? Samuel."

He heard nothing at all on Samuel's end. All he could do was call William and hope for a better response.

"William are you there? William?"

<font color=green>"Backup, we need Backup. Backup... Ahhhhhhhhh."</font>

He could hear the gunfire and the screaming even without the comm unit now. Quickly Razor turned and looked down the hall.... that's when he saw it: Coming down the hall with a trail of flames behind him was one lone man dressed all in black. Turning around quickly Razor ran as he heard the man speaking behind him....

<font color=red>"Run boy, run."</font>

Even as he heard the voice all he could do was think of the others as he ran for his life.....

"Drake? Drake?"

All he heard now was the silence..... Only the Silence....

Warren Azalin
Aug 6th, 2001, 05:39:16 PM
<font color=red>"Run boy, Run!"

Anger and hatred raged around Abaddon as he tossed Williams worthless corpse into the wall. Kneeling down slowly towards the body he put his hand on what was left of the mans skull and searched for any knowledge of the sword, all was in vain though as he caught glimpses of family and friends as the man left for another job. It was all different now; he was dead. Grinning slightly Abaddon got to his feet and looked on towards the man running from him.

"On second though, come here..... NOW."

Thrusting his hand outward quickly he pulled the man towards him little by little. Soon he would ask this man where his sword was and then he would have his power once again......</font>

<img src=http://warrenssigshop.clanhappy.com/sigs/Abaddon.jpg>

Aug 6th, 2001, 07:19:16 PM
The slight atmosphere of the moon began to cloud over as the small streams running over it flared and dissapeared, having been evaporated from heat.
Singultus listened to the rain pounding down on the roof as he set a constant intense heat on the ground with the force, pressuring the ground.
He thought of how the rain as in a way it's own little chaos. There was no pattern to it, it just fell.
He thought longer.
Where was he suppsoed to find the others?
He flet them now, Abaddon, Melkibor, Leliel, Raziel...He twisted his hands and wrists in frustration.
And he waited.

Razor Tyranus
Aug 7th, 2001, 02:25:20 AM
Feeling the pull of the Force Razor could only fight back the sensation to run; he knew it was not possible since the man seemed to be much stronger than him. It was in his time of hopeless self-pity that he almost missed the explosions going on around him....

<font color=blue>"Take that you son of a Hutt!!!!"</font>

Nothing mattered anymore as Razor turned to see his old friend throwing concussion grenades at the stranger; not that they seemed to have much effect. About the only thing they did do was stall him long enough to let go of his hold on him, that was all he needed though. In one swift motion Razor was on his feet again and heading towards Drake; he would join his buddy and get this guy of the Archilles....

"Hey Drake, need any backup?"

He couldn't help but grin to his friend as he pulled free his modified plasma rifle and took aim at the abomination in front of them.

<font color=blue>"Forget it Razor, I'll take this loser on myself. After all, one of us has to avenge Samuel and William while the other protects the cargo. Plus I got a new toy I want to test out on our "friend" here."</font>

Nodding to his friend Razor holstered his weapon as he turned to run down the hall....

"Just make sure not do die! You got that you old fool?"

Drake smiled as he pulled free his secret weapon: A Modified Plasma Cannon. It wasn't much to look at but it had a power behind it that could take out a small speeder, he just hoped it was enough....

Taking his cue Razor ran towards the cargo hold, as he did he could hear the plasma shots firing behind him and also what appeared to almost be an eerie laugh. That was the last thing he needed to hear at the moment considering he already knew he would not make it out of here alive, but then again these thoughts were not helping him at the moment considering he almost passed up the hold. Quickly inserting his Keycard Razor ran into the small room and looked at the case in front of him. In the case before him stood what looked to be an ordinary sword, he had wondered before why this was so important and even know he wondered. Then again if this man wanted it that bad maybe he would get it after all. Swiftly Razor pulled out one of his smaller guns as he shot through the glass causing glass to fall everywhere as the sword stood there waiting for it's master....

"I have got to be crazy..."

Reaching outward he took hold of the sword......

Screaming, that was all that he heard; that and the flapping of course. Looking up towards the sky Razor could see what seemed like demonic birds flying around above him. One of them screamed overhead as he heard a flat cracking that seemed almost metallic. He turned in time to see it come in for a fluttering, awkward landing on the hump of a rock. The demon turned it's head in rapid, almost robotic movements, as if to verify it was alone, and then it hopped down to where the body it had dropped lay on the rocky, hard packed sand. The man's skull had cracked open like an egg as Razor could see the raw meant oozing around one the ground, still twitching..... or maybe that was his imagination.

"I do not need to see this."

But before he could turn away the demon's blacked hooked beak was pulling away at the meat, stretching it like a rubber band, and then he felt his stomach knot into a slick fist. In his mind he could hear the stretching tissue screaming - nothing coherent, only stupid flesh crying out in pain.

He tried to look away from the bird-like creature again and he couldn't. The demon's beak opened, giving him a brief glimpse of dirty pink gullet. For a moment the man's eyes opened wide and began looking at him, it's eyes a deadly black, conforming every horrible truth: family die, lovers die, friends die even if they went to the finest military schools and look as solid as bank vaults. Even mercenaries die, maybe... and at the end all there might be is the stupid, unthinking screaming tissue.


Razor screamed aloud, not even aware he was doing anything but thinking in his own head.

"Hey, give me a break!!"

The Demon sat over it's catch, regarding him with it's beady red eyes. Then it began to dig at the meat again.

"Want some? It's still twitching. It's so fresh it hardly knows it's dead."

Time after time the demon sank it's teeth into the fresh skin of the deceased and all Razor could do was look one. It was only sometime later that he had the common sense to look around himself and see what was going on. What he saw was even worse than what he had been looking at all this time: All around him Demons and Angel's fought each other, and all around him they died. It wasn't until he looked back up that he saw they eyes staring at him, the way eyes in some pictures seemed to always look at you no matter where you went in the room. And the eyes.... he knew those eyes....

..... a small clang echoed throughout the room as razor dropped the sword onto the ground again. He didn't know what he had seen but he had known where he had seen those eyes before, and looking ahead of himself he saw them again. Standing in the doorway stood that man; wait that would be wrong, he was no man. He was a demon. For once Razor was finally sure of one thing in his life.... he was going to die.

Raziel the Fallen
Aug 7th, 2001, 02:14:24 PM
Screams of Agony rung out through the streets of Annaj as everyone began to lose their minds and attack one another; to anyone else this would be an odd scene but to Raziel it was his job. Raziel was one of heaven's finest warriors until a Rogue angel named Abaddon showed him the light; he explained to him how an angel of Vengeance was seeking refuge in the light and denying his true purpose. It was only a few days later that Raziel threw down the sword and joined with Abaddon.
It was then a thousand years later that he led the first barrage against heaven's gates. He could remember that day clearly.....

"Move forward, take the gates and feast upon their flesh!!"

Behind the angelic being a few million Demons and Angels moved forward as they charged Heaven's Door. Pain, hate and anger raged around the Angel as he walked forward causing all those around him to start killing each other. That was his little "perk" as the Angel of Vengeance; all those who were weak-willed or weak-minded felt the call of Vengeance in their minds, and even the smallest stupidest things became reasons to kill. It was how he worked, and how he had worked all his life until the day Abaddon was finally beaten.

He had waited years and years till god decided to place judgment on those who followed Abaddon and led his armies, Raziel was one of those to get the strongest punishment. After all those years in God's service he was to be cast aside in the end. Thousands of years passed as Raziel spent his lifetime alone in hermitage....

That was then though, this was now. And now that Abaddon was back it was time for humanity to taste his Vengeance for once. Soon, soon they would all pay...

Aug 8th, 2001, 12:31:55 AM
The Sun was high in the sky on Kalarba, it was around noon. The people in the small village next to what had been known as the "cursed" woods seemed at ease as long as the sun was up. But they knew better than to venture into those woods. Some would say that there was an evil spirit that lived there and took the form of a young maiden. Others said it was none other than a demon of hell. So many rumors were running around, it was hard for a visitor to tell what was the truth. The only thing anyone really knew was the moment you stepped into those woods, it was night. A few of the townspeople even had reported seeing the moons at their high peek when it was only 9 in the morning. And for that reason, no one entered them alone.
The woods that people feared had become home to Leliel, fallen angel of the Night. For thousands of years now she would venture to different planets causing different areas to dwell in eternal night for a few years before moving on. The time of darkness would cause most of the vegetation in the area to die which would in turn start a chain-reaction. It wouldn't be long before the area was void of life.
The Angel of Night remembered her early years right when light was first separated from darkness. How she ruled the night fully over all the universe, and her twin brother ruled the day. Then came that one day she met Abbadon. He explained to her how it was planned for the night to be practically worthless to everyone, everyone would be asleep and only the fungi and certain animals would be active. Needless to say, she joined him immediately.
Then came the battle, the one that waged between angels and demons. The one where she almost killed her twin brother, but instead Abbadon had lost, and she had been cursed with the existence she now had. Fallen from grace, only having her power over a small area while her brother now ruled the night as well. She detested it.
But now she would have the sweet revenge she had only been able to dream of. Abbadon was back, Leliel could feel it. And soon the universe would be encased in eternal darkness...

Aug 8th, 2001, 11:06:19 PM
The being remembered it all.
The forces of Chaos, his forces, we're always on the same side as the Demons of Hell, himself being one, and we're the first to rally under Abaddon's banner.
He remembered the black skinned, sexless, glowing red eyed Daemon warriors and Fire dragons, Shadow-wights, flaming Skeletons, and finally the great Angels of Chaos themselves.
The were maginficent.
And yet they failed.
He snapped his eyes open and shook his head to wake himself.

Dumah the Fallen
Aug 10th, 2001, 10:55:31 AM
A perverted man sat laughing on his bed, leaning against a wall. A body was laying on his bed, his new 'victim'. This perverted man had picked the woman off of the street and led her back to his apartment where she was to be beaten and raped. She had died moments ago; the death was peaceful. Before the first blow was delivered, she had been put to rest by unseen hands.

Dumah sat in a crouched position on a dresser on the far side of the room, unseen. He waved his hands and the man stopped laughing, his eyes widening as they focused on the new being in the room.

"Hi..Having fun there?"

"How the hell did you get in here and who are you?!"

Dumah let a small chuckle escape and hopped down off of the dresser.

"You know, about the only thing I hate about this punishment is you humans. You disgust me."

The man reached under his mattress and pulled a blaster out, pointing it at Dumah. Dumah simply waved his hand and said "No" and the blaster exploded, taking off most of the mans hand, and burning a good deal of his arm. The man screamed in shock and then in horror as Dumah approached him, sitting down on the bed next to him. He ran his hand over the womans forehead and cheek then looked back up at the man who was now crying in pain.

"Hey, don't feel bad. Yeah, that wasn't the smartest thing to do. I sure wouldn't have pulled a...whatever that is, on a Angel. But we all make mistakes don't we.. Travis?"


Dumah closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, before reopening them.

"It was only a hand. Hey! Look at that, you've got another one. You only need one if you get my drift."

Dumah gave a sarcastic wink before standing.

"I'm sorry, but I'm gonna cut this one short. You've been bad, I don't like you, you're gonna die slowly. Mercy only comes to those who deserve it ya know."

Heading back over to the dresser Dumah whispered a few words and waved his hand; the man catching fire. After a few minutes of running around screaming, the man fell to the ground, death creeping up on him. His eyes closed. "No, not yet." Dumah whispered. The mans eyes, or what was left of them, reopened and screams came once again.

* * *

3 hours later, Dumah walked out of the mans home and into the streets. He shook his head at the ignorance of the humans these days. They'd learn though, all of them. He felt the Winnowing approaching.

Warren Azalin
Aug 10th, 2001, 10:20:46 PM
<font size=1>
"There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity.
There is no chaos; there is harmony.
There is no death; there is the Force.
The peace and justice of the Galaxy will be guarded, and all life in any form is and will be respected. For my ally is the Force, and I use its powers to serve and protect the innocent from evil. I seek goodness, and defend it from the Dark Side. I have dedicated my life to the Truth,
I am the Light

I am a JEDI."</font>

<font color=red>Long ago these words had meant something to the one known as Warren, but he was gone now. In his place stood Abaddon, the Angel of Darkness and Destruction. And after all these millennia he had come back to claim his sword. A sword that for thousands of years had become a weapon of the Sith, no longer was it his sword but one of pure darkness, one of evil energy: it was now a Sith Sword. He only had two problems with it: 1) It had power that even he could not control and for that he would need help, 2) At the moment his sword was in the hands of another. The first problem he would have to deal with later, but for now his second problem seemed easy enough to fix. Walking in from his hiding spot in the doorway Abaddon watched as Razor dropped the sword to the ground, he couldn't tell if it was because he had noticed he was in the room or because of the visions that came along with the sword. In the wrong hands his sword would drive one mad, but to him it only increased his madness.

He could see the horror in Razor's eyes as he took step after step closer to him. It had to be the visions; after holding the sword Razor finally know who he was dealing with; and it scared him. After the struggles he had been through on this ship it all ended with one weak man, one not even strong enough to protect his cargo. Bending down slowly Abaddon took hold of the sword; finally after thousands of years it was back in the right hands, and he would not let it fall into the wrong hands ever again. Grinning to himself Abaddon sheathed the sword as he began to walk away, but he still felt something in the room. All that was there was Razor though; of course how could Abaddon leave without leaving the poor boy a present. With that Abaddon stepped forward placing his hands on the mans skull. Soon afterwards thousands of years worth of horror poured into the mans mind; not that it mattered of course. Over the screaming nothing mattered....

Razor Tyranus
Aug 10th, 2001, 10:32:59 PM



Screams of Pain were heard throughout the Archilles as Razor saw the visions in his head. Millions of images flashed before his eyes as Abaddon stood above him feeding more and more of them into his subconscious mind. They were all the same though; images of Angels fighting, visions of them dying. They were only visions of Pain and hate, not one vision among them was anything any sane man would want to see. Then again no sane man would be believing in anything like Angels of Demons, thankfully Razor himself was not all up there so he passed these visions off as nothing but an insane type of torture. He didn't believe in Angels and if he had his way he would sure as frell not be killed by something that could not exist. But for now he could only sit and scream, taking the visions as they came and hoping he would not crack under the pressure.

Melkibor the Troll
Aug 10th, 2001, 10:46:15 PM
Weeks had passed as Melkibor sat alone in his chambers reading through the legends; after all this time he had only found one that seemed to be of any value:

"Among the Winged Ones shall one be born with the power of the Force. Destruction and Chaos shall this Jedi bring unless his death is done, but his death might bring about an even greater evil...."

The prophecy went on and on but that was all he could understand of it, apparently it had come true though. The one born with the Force had been Warren Azalin, and he could have brought about Chaos and Destruction had Abaddon not been released. That was the other half, his death had brought about a greater evil in the form of Abaddon. Warren had somehow died but Abaddon had broken free before it all happened. Warren had been saved but at what cost? Now the Angel of Destruction was free on the universe and soon all his followers would join him. Soon it would all end. but after all this time who's side would Melkibor be on?

Warren Azalin
Aug 11th, 2001, 07:21:35 PM
"Thousand died as the great walls of Heaven and Hell collapsed and Abaddon lead his armies to victory upon victory, those where the good times though. Years later almost all died as Angels and Demons were wiped away in a purge of sorts. It would never happen again, all would once again be right in the universe..... or so they thought. Those above never imagined that mortals would grasp something as powerful as the Force, but they had,and with it came terror. Using the power of Darkness men did things the likes of which even Abaddon had never thought of, and then there where those who were weak and used there power for good; The Jedi. Now that he had his sword back he was once again in control, but there was a catch. Over the years sort of "Sith Sorcery" had been placed on his blade giving it the strength to fight even lightsabers with it. His only problem with a weapon so powerful was that he did not have the means to control the Darkness; Warren was a Jedi and as such did not have it in him. Even after all Abaddon had learned he would still need more, after gathering his generals he would have to seek out a Sith to teach him some of the dark arts, or at least teach him how to wield his sword......"

<font color=red>All his thoughts, all his deepest darkest plans where slowly being pushed into the mortals mind. The screams that Razor let out where proof enough that the man was giving in to his sadistic torture. Soon Razor would be nothing more than a Madman and all his problems would be fixed. Only then would he follow through with his master plan.... he was through with God and everything else what linked him to the angelic ones. Now he was in the Mortal plane, now it was his time to rule. Soon the Universe would know the name of Abaddon, and soon they would all worship him as their Master.</font>

Razor Tyranus
Aug 13th, 2001, 12:00:58 AM
The screams continued as Razors mind was slowly torn apart by Abaddon's visions of Darkness and Destruction. Long ago he had been told that beings such as these could not exist, so as such they shouldn't.... right? Razor stood there half in a trace; and half awake. The conscious part of himself knew that if he didn't do something quickly he would die; after all, the human mind could only take so much before it would give out...

"They say the mind bends and twists in order to deal with the horrors of life.....

....sometimes the mind bends so much it snaps in two."

And he knew if he didn't do something soon his mind would snap. Gathering what little free will he had left in him he began to reach for his plasma rifle as he started to speak to Abaddon.

"You know my mom once told me that Angels and Demon's never really existed; they were just stories that people told to scare their children. Even if they really did exist they were nothing more than ancient history."

<font color=red>Abaddon almost smiled at the mortal. It seemed for one so weak-minded he had some strong will left in him. Abaddon would have to fix that though.

"Your mother was wrong boy, we are not ancient history; we are the future, we are the ones who shall rule your pathetic race."

With a bit of a grin on his face Abaddon lifted the human into the air as he looked him in the eyes.

"Your days are numbered human, your whole species days are numbered."</font>

That was all the opening Razor needed as he brought his rifle up and jammed it into the Angel's stomach.

"Well like I said you guys are supposed to be ancient history. Just think of this as me helping you out."

With that Razor pulled the trigger sending the man flying across the cargo hold. He wouldn't bother to see if the man was still breathing; all he wanted to do was find a place to run to; and quickly....

Warren Azalin
Aug 25th, 2001, 02:43:24 PM
<Font color=red>Abaddon flew into the wall with tremenduos force as Razor pulled the trigger on his Plasma Rifle. It seemed he had underestimated the mortal at first glance, but it was too late now. Now he had to get back to the others and start the Winnowing. Taking his time to get up he smiled to himself as he stolled down the corridors of carnage, it really hadn't been necisary to kill all those people but it had been fun.</font>

<font color=blue>"You'll never get away with this you monster."</font>

<font color=red>"What was that?"

Abaddon turned around slighty coming face to face with Drake once again, he knew he should have killed the nuicanse before but he had a better idea now.

"You know I really should kill you.... but I got a better use for you."

Before the merc could even respond Abaddon had reached out and grabbed the man; true the man was kicking and pushing under his arm but within moments it was all useless. As Consiousness left Drake he could hear the evil laughter of Abaddon as he walked back towards his ship.

<font color=white>********</font>

<Font color=red>"Melki do you read me? This is Abaddon I heading towards the citadel. You found out anything bout the Winnowing yet?"</font>

"Not yet sir, I think it has to do with your sword though."

<font color=red>"Very well, I should be there shortly."

Almost putting down the reiciever Abaddon turned around looking at Drake, smiling slightly he picked up the comm unit again.

"Oh and Melki, expect some company."


Looking down Abaddon saw a ship coming onto his radar, he hadn't expected any company in these parst of space but then again no one ever did. Looking ahead of him he saw what seemed to be one of the Hutt's Slave ships.

"Make that a lot of company... I might also be a bit late. I got something to do first."

He heard Melki give him the ok as he set his ship on a new course. Soon those people on the Slave ship wouldn'y know what hit them.</font>

Melkibor the Troll
Aug 27th, 2001, 05:28:55 PM
Putting down his reciever Melki sent a call out for somone Abaddon had once told him about. He didn't know why he was to call this man or even who he was, but he did what he was told and gave the orders.....

"Xanatos. I request the presence of a Xanatos Etanial at these coordinates."

With a few button presses Melki sent the communication into Space, hopefully he would have an answer soon, for now all he would do was read the prophecies.

Xanatos Etanial
Aug 27th, 2001, 05:37:56 PM
Xanatos's search had taken him far and wide. Abbadon had told him to find certain individuals... but had given him no other knowledge. Nothing about where to find them, how to get ahold of them, or even how to convince them he had been sent by the Dark Angel.

He sat quietly on board the Spellbinder III and sipped a small glass of Chardonnay. Hopefully his quest wouldn't last too much longer, he had other matters to attain to.

Odd... a sub space transmission? Xanatos clicked a button and listened, perhaps he would hear some good gossip.

Instead he heard his name.

"Xanatos. I request the presence of a Xanatos Etanial at these coordinates."

Etanial nearly spilled what was left of his drink as the words came over the comm. Someone was calling HIM?! Odd, yet he was never one to turn down an invitation. Intercepting the coorodinates he laid a course for them, and went on his way.

Melkibor the Troll
Aug 29th, 2001, 09:37:34 PM
"It's time."

Sliding back in his seat Melkibor put down the prophecies as he walked towards the door. After all these years he had found the first piece of the Winnowing, Abaddon's sword was indeed hr major piece but he needed two more pieces that were more important then even the sword. He would need to find two men, two men that according to the scrolls would bring them all together. Letting out a sigh of relief he looked at the scrolls again....

There will come a time when a man born of Mercy and one born of Royal Betrayal shall seek those needed to win the war. Only these two brought together by a now dead lineage shall open the path to eternity.

Still smiling to himself Melki looked down at the parts he had underlined, he was sure those where the pieces he was missing, and for one he had the answers to them. He knew the two men and one was already on his way. Now all he had to do was contact the other one: Dumah. Walking though the dank corridors of the citadel he signaled down one of the newer recruits or Arachulas. The man came to him fearing the worst but was surprised when he was handed only a scroll. Guided by his thirst for knowledge the man looked down at the almost illegible handwriting

Dumah, the time is near old friend. Meet me at these coordinates. Soon we shall rule again.

- Melkibor The Trickster

Melkibor nodded to the man and told him exactly where he had last felt Dumah's presence, hopefully if the man hurried his friend would appear about the same time as that Xanatos man. He was certain that Xanatos was the second man and along with Dumah would finally fulfill the prophecies.

Razor Tyranus
Aug 29th, 2001, 11:57:09 PM
Ship detected leaving Docking Bay 5
Ship Defenses Activated
Ready to Fire on Ship......

Lowering his Plasma Rifle for a moment Razor wondered if there was anyone left to even press the button, deep down he hoped Drake would still be there, and deep down he even hoped that any moment now he would hear the shrapnel of the destroyed ship hitting the Archilles. It was not to be be though, he knew that it was nothing more than wishful thinking, after all to the best of his knowledge his friend was dead. They all were. It took him awhile to get his thoughts together as he stood up gripping his Plasma rifle tightly in his hands, he didn't know what he could do anymore all he knew was that he had to get away from this frell-hole of a ship. Making his way slowly towards the Control Center he couldn't help but stop dead in his tracks as he stared at the writing on the wall.

Dear Mortal,

I have your friend Drake in my clutches. I hope you soon know the pain of crossing me mortal. I'm sure if you wanna find him you'll know where.

The rest was to illegible for Razor to even read, all he knew and all he could think about was that Abaddon had his friend and he was going to make him pay. After rushing through the halls of the Archilles he reached the Control Center and found what he had been looking for ever since Abaddon left.


"Hope you laugh while you still can freak, cause I'm coming for you and boy are you going to regret it."

It didn't take long for Razor to get to his ship after he hit the Self Destruct button. Soon he would get to Abaddon and soon he would find Drake, but for now he would meet a few friends to get a little "help"

<font color=red>********</font>

Moments after Razor had jumped into Hyperspace the ship known as the Archilles ceased to exist anymore as it exploded sending shrapnel throughout the surrounding planets. No one knew what had caused the ship to explode and no one thought there had been any survivors, but one man knew the truth and he was on his way to find Abaddon and he had a surprise with him.