View Full Version : Truth of the Shadow Rose (Dyzm Return Story)

Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 29th, 2001, 12:55:31 AM
**The Universe is a giant, majestic thing. It is full of beauty and horror, life and death. Within corners of space, life springs. On small insolated planets. The people of these worlds took flight, for reasons unknown, to spread out across space, finding and inhabiting other worlds. Thousands of years pass. Republics, Empires, Alliances have risen and fallen. It was now the Age of the Sith. Dark Lords who ruled with pain, terror, and suffering. The sith wars where over. The Sith united and The Galaxy was falling slowly into there grasp. The once proud Jedi had been chased from world to world. Hunted by the Sith Lords. Yet, not all the galaxy was under the rule of the Sith, not by a long shot. In small pockets of space, Warlords, Bounty hunters, Imperials, Republicans, and Pirates etched out a living. Yet, in a thousand years, would the reign of the sith still be in effect? Or will they be reading about the ancient Sith in history books? Only time will tell, but that is niether there here or now.The Universe does not care, it simply goes on. As it always had, and maybe always will.**

------- <font color="red">In a Small System In the Unknown Regions</font> -------

**The last transport explodes in a gases fire ball under a salvo of lethal beams of turbolaser fire.
Frieghters hang motionless in the void, victom to a broad side of Ion Cannons. Tractor Beams lash out, grabling the Frieghters in hands of energy, and pulling them inside the underbelly of the great ship. The Lord Dyzm grins evily. This was the third colony they had sacked. Dyzm grips the arm of the bridge's command chair in excitment, he had always enjoyed a good show. A squeal of metallic protest sounds through the bridge. Dyzm releases the chair's arm and looks down at the damage he had unwittedly done. The arm had been bent back and twisted to the side. Raising his hand, he slowly flexes the joints, opening and closing his hand. This new body takes time getting use to... Its so different.
Dyzm raises his hand and brushes back his hair. The body looked the same, and that was about it. His genetic make up was beyond nature's ability. Tilting back his head, Dyzm lets loose a laugh. He was a match to almost every Jedi, even with out tapping into his force powers. Dyzm looks around the bridge of the Shadow Rose, named in rememberance for a women long forgotten. This Star Destroyer was his only connection back to his former life and body. Looking around the bridge, Dyzm remembers the countless days his spirit had inhabited the ship, waiting for the cloned altered body to grow. He knew the ship like the back of his hand. Dyzm looks at his hand again. Well, my old bodies hand anyway. Returning his attention to the small colony planet below, he watches it turn. Its destruction wouldnt be as amazing as Alderaans. Only holding a population of around 2 million, only the most sensitive and powerful of Force Users would sense there deaths. Well I try.. Dyzm turns his head to face his commanding officer**

Destroy it...

[b]**From Beneath the Star Destroyer, hundreds of small engines rumble to life. All of them attached to an asteriod 1/2 of the size of the Destroyer. The rock itself wouldn't destory the planet, but the thousands of deadly chemicals on it would do the job. Gaining momentum the the asteriod slowly drifts into the planet's gravitational pull, as the asteriod enters the atmosphere, the top layer of chemicals burn off, a giant gas cloud starts to spread. The Asteriod dove in a beautiful yet deadly plunge toward the surface of the planet.
The impact was spectacular, throwing rock fragments and the rest of the chemicals into the air. The chemical in itself reacted with the oxygen of the world, making a lethal gas that killed almost instantly. The cloud of death spread across the globe, eating the oxygen of the world like a living monster from the nightmares of small children. The first waves of pain and death his Dyzm square on. Feeding him, putting him into the grips of Force Induced ecstasy. On the planet below, the chemical finishes the consumption of all oxygen. With nothing left to react with, the cloud evaporates, leaving a dead planet wasteland, with nothing left alive, not even singled celled organisims. Slowly, The Shadow Rose Leaves high orbit of the dead planet and heads off toward destinations unknown.**

**Amongst the debries, a red light flashes. A call for help blaring over and over again. The automatic rescue becon kept repeating its message long after the SD had left the system**

OOC: No OCC Comments please

Sep 2nd, 2001, 07:15:58 AM
ic::demon recieved the distress signal on her radar but chosed to ignore it,she was more worried about the new weapon she was designing then some stupid distress signal*now if i just ....sonvabitch*demon dived away from where she was working as the chemicals accidentaly mixed causing an explosion*

ooc::i was bored..sue me