View Full Version : A Cut Above: Figrin vs. Dara [Closed]

Dara Shadowtide
Jun 25th, 2001, 12:46:33 AM
:: Sith Master Lord Chaos leapt at Sith Lordess Dara Shadowtide Rayial and shoved the long glowing pole of his curved metal blade into her chest, knocking her backwards. The Lordess swiftly rose to her feet and raised her twin sabers, the aquamarine hue from the light blue and turquoise blades illuminating her face as she set out at a full run toward the beastly Sith Master. Their weapons met with an array of sparks as the two combatants moved with an almost perfect symmetry.

<img src=http://www.dseverything.f2s.com/LordChaosSim.jpg>

The intense battle had been going on for some time and neither Sith had shown any sign of yielding. Dara locked her foot around his massive calf and toppled the mighty warrior to the ground. She then jumped on him and planted her knees firmly into his ribs, the sound of his lower two ribs on his right side snapping filling the air. Chaos backhanded her and threw her off of him, and as the two Sith rose to their feet breathing heavily, a tone was sounded in the training room on board Dara's personal ship the Resilience signaling that she was now in orbit of the planet of Tatooine ::

"Computer, end program."

:: The form of Lord Chaos shimmered out of view as the Simulation program exited. Her husband, Sith Lord Sumor Rayial, had provided her ship with the latest TSE technology since he knew she was always looking for an opportunity to fine tune her warrior skills, and what better time to do it than while en route. Disigniting both sabers and clipping them to her belt, she walked out of the empty room and headed toward the cockpit.

Sitting down in the command chair, she scanned the latest reports from the surface and nodded approvingly as her landing clearance code had been accepted. The Lordess had made time in her schedule at the Empire for a quick trip to the Mos Eisley Spaceport to purchase additional unique <a href=http://www.dseverything.f2s.com/sithblade1wsheath.jpg>Sith Blades</a> which she customarily presented to her apprentices. Dara guided the Corvette to docking bay 95, where she landed smoothly from years of experience on smuggling missions in the past with her father.

Following the directions she had received from her informant, she located the shop called 'The Cutting Edge' and made her way to the sales counter to speak to one called Gremal ::

Dara: "I am here to purchase the curved Sith Blades at the agreed upon price of 1000 credits per blade. I believe Gremal has my order waiting."

:: A tall, dark haired burly man with an unshaven face and unkempt hair stood up from a desk at the back and walked toward Dara. Tattoos were all over his arms, various blades he might have forged himself, Dara surmised. He placed both hands on the counter and looked her in the eyes, speaking in a low growl ::

Gremal: "You got the wrong price there Miss, it's 2000 credits per blade."

:: Dara's eyes narrowed at the sudden renegotiation of price, and her eyes flashed crimson before fading to black. Dark electricity filled the air as rage consumed her completely. Gremal, however did not move from where he stood. He kept his stoic demeanor as he looked at the Sith Lordess ::

Dara: "I don't believe I do, Gremal. The price was 1000 credits per blade and that is the price I shall have."

:: A coy smile played on her lips as she looked around the shop filled with customers. Passers by walked slowly outside on the path to catch a glimpse of the blademaker's establishment ::

Dara: "Perhaps I should persuade you in a way you can comprehend... no customers means no business... and no business means no profit for you."

:: The Sith Lordess wheeled around and unleashed a large translucent blast of pure dark energy into the crowd of customers. As people flew through the air, glass shattered and sliced into the civilians. Some were instantly impaled on the finely crafted blades and swords displayed for purchase all around the shop. A young boy hung suspended from a broad sword which had pierced his chest. Screams of terror filled the air as Dara turned to look at Gremal ::

Dara: "Now about those blades for 1000 credits, I would like 15 of them packed to go. I will be departing Mos Eisley within the hour."

Figrin D an
Jun 25th, 2001, 10:19:37 PM
:: Boisterous sounds emanated throughout the small back-street cantina. The wild echoes of a dozen conversations spoken in a dozen languages played of the ears of the Jedi as he approached a dimly lit booth in the far recesses of the establishment. The room was mildly busy, enough to keep the barkeep on his toes, mixing drinks and barking out orders to the few waitresses that scuttled about clearing tables and delivering refreshments to many parched mouths. Besides its location in a rather infamous spaceport, the bar appeared to be somewhat reputable… as reputable as one could get in Hutt-controlled space.

His contact was already waiting for him. The Bothan looked somewhat nervous, and most certainly was sweating from the harsh heat that the pounded the planet from the systems twin suns. The Jedi sat down across from the man and pulled back his hood.

"You're actually early," the Bothan said in a tired voice. "Let's get this over with. The sooner I can leave this system, the better." The beads of sweat had dampened down the fur on his body. The man had already emptied a pitcher of water, and appeared as though he could use another.

"As long as you provide me with what I have come for, your departure will be quick," answered Figrin. "Let me see the item."

The Bothan looked about wearily, his eyes shifting about and scanning the room for any hidden observers. Figrin grew slightly impatient, but maintained a stoic face.

"No one is going to harm you, not while I'm here. Now," the Jedi said in a firm, controlling voice, " let me see the item."

The Bothan almost reflexively reach into the pocket on his tunic and pulled out a small piece of cloth. He placed it on the table and slid it towards the Jedi. Figrin reached out and gently opened the bundled cloth, revealing a finely shaped green crystal.

Figrin carefully inspected the crystal, turning it in all directions. The Bothan continued to ramble on as Figrin examined the green object carefully.

"I hope you appreciate what it took me to get that thing. I pulled in two favors from other contacts, plus I had to sneak past an Imperial blockade," the man sputtered.

Figrin reached into his cloak and pulled out a credit chip. "The item's genuine. Here's the rest of your payment." The Jedi tossed the chip towards the Bothan, who caught it and looked at it for a moment before slipping it into his tunic.

"I've included an extra 5,000 for the added trouble that you experienced. I think you'll find it more than fair compensation," the Jedi said calmly.

The Bothan nodded, his mind set at ease a bit. He stood and looked towards the doorway. "It's been a pleasure doing business with you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to leave this blast-furnace of a planet before pass out."

"Most understandable," replied Figrin. The man began to walk away when the Jedi spoke again quickly. "You may want to use the rear exit. There was a bounty hunter outside asking about you when I first entered. I suspect you have upset the Hutts one to many times."

The Bothan paused, then turned about and headed for the far exit in the back of the cantina. Figrin smiled slightly at the man's rather sudden change in demeanor at that news. He knew that man would be okay and would escape without much trouble, which allowed him to not worry much about the situation. Figrin picked up the green jewel again. Even in the weak light of the bar, it sparkled and glistened, casting refracted light of all colors upon the dingy table. There was just something about a good focusing crystal that made one pause in admiration. Natural ones were becoming increasingly more difficult to find, and while synthetic crystals would certainly be acceptable for a padawan constructing his first sabre, a high-quality natural crystal was a necessity for making a truly artistic and powerful weapon. Figrin had always felt this way, and would settle for nothing less than the highest standards, even if it meant shelling out credits by the thousands.

Figrin carefully rewrapped the crystal and placed it in a secure spot within his long flowing cloak. He stood slowly and pulled a few coins from an outer pocket, dropping them onto the table. The Jedi walked out of the cantina and towards the main promenade.

Mos Eisley had changed little since it was first established. As a primary trading port, it was always crowded and noisy, filled with locals conducting business and ships' crews wandering about as they waited for cargo to exchange hands. The city has gotten bigger, and thus progressively more infested with crime… from black-market trading and smuggling to prostitution to murder-for-hire, Mos Eisely had all the problems of any number of major cities. It was those same qualities, however, that made the space port the perfect place to met a contact and make an exchange. No one ever asked questions about shady deals in dimly lit bars, as it was a good way to shorten one's lifespan…

Figrin strolled through the heart of the city, stopping occasionally to examine items for sale in the open-air shops and street-vending carts that lined the dusty streets. Customers and shopkeepers haggled over prices, while others moved about their business, ate in street-side cafes or window-shopped to their heart's content.

The street curved to the right and continued for some distance. The Jedi continued along the path, knowing that it would eventually lead his back to the docking bay where his ship awaited his return. He looked about at the various shops that now entered his view, continuing to walk at a steady yet comfortable pace. The noon sun was nearly upon the city, but the searing heat that it brought seemed not to bother most people.

The Jedi stopped suddenly, a new sense of awareness about him. His danger sense had flashed. Figrin reached out with the Force, searching for the trouble that was nearby. He felt a strong presence in the Force, centered in a large shop across the street, about 30 meters away. The Jedi moved swiftly to investigate.

As Figrin approached the building, the few glass windows that adorned the walls of the shop exploded, sending glass shards into the street. The Jedi turned his body away, shielding his face from the razor sharp glass that flew past him. The sounds of screams from inside the shop could be heard for several blocks. Two men, both cut and bleeding, ran from the shop entrance, crying in pain and fear. A third man stumbled out of the doorway and slumped over a parked speeder, an ornate dagger piercing his back.

The streets erupted into chaos. Frightened onlookers ran for cover as more screams abounded. Figrin could feel the space around him fill with a darkness, a pulsing energy that could only be of the Dark Side of the Force. The Jedi moved calmly towards the shop door… ::

Dara Shadowtide
Jul 20th, 2001, 12:54:52 AM
:: An uncanny moment of deja vu hits the Sith Lordess in the soothing screams of terror as she sees herself in a similar situation on a smuggling mission long ago with her father, Cale Shadowtide. The memory plays out vividly as if it were happening again at this very moment ::

[Cale is negotiating with a shopkeeper on Yavin when the deal suddenly goes sour. A fight erupts and windows shatter all around them from people and objects flying through the air. Dara stands in the middle of the frenzy, directing the airborne bodies whizzing by her, causing them to smash lifelessly into walls and glass, and at that moment she embraces true darkness for the first time.

The sudden rush of adrenaline, the chilling anguish surging within.. it was all a precursor of things yet to come in her lifetime.. deaths yet to happen by her hand.. her evil yet to roam the galaxy, touching all who would cross her.]

:: The Sith Lordess finds herself lost in time and smiling when she is interrupted by Gremal yelling in her face about something or other ::

Dara: "What is it now? I asked you nicely, which was rather odd of me in the first place mind you, and you did not give me the response I deserve.. so you saw a glimpse of my Dark Side. Care to push me further?"

Gremal: "Hey, I didn't bargain for this mess, lady. You better pay for all this and the blades, or there will be hell to pay. You mark my words!"

Dara: "Mark your words? And your last words they shall be."

:: Dara leaps up onto the counter and squats down, grabbing the shopkeeper by the throat and then stands up and turns around to dangle the man by his neck in front of the customers. With an evil smile curling on her lips, she begins to apply considerable pressure with her fingers and can feel his esophagus and bones begin to crush under her iron grip. She laughs menacingly ::

Dara: "It's time to renegotiate the price, my dear shopkeeper.. for I am here to claim the discount of a Sith Lordess!"

:: With her final words she crushes the man's neck and throws him back against a display of swords and pikes. A long spear pierces his back and emerges from his chest as he is instantly impaled. The center aisle display begins rolling towards the entrance door, his shriveled body dragging along behind, the reminder of a business deal gone awry.

Dara's attention is suddenly drawn to just outside the shop where she detects a strong presence of the light side of the force. A grin plays on her lips as she thinks to herself ::

Ah yes, of course. The protectors of the galaxy are always at hand to step in and prevent the foolish and the weak from causing harm to themselves. How very predictable they are...

Figrin D an
Jul 25th, 2001, 02:56:31 AM
:: As Figrin approached the entrance of the shop, he caught a glimpse of blood tricking about the edge of the doorway. He shifted his head slightly to the right and saw a man, large in stature, crumpled on the floor. Several sharp blades pierced his torso. Dark red, oygen deprived blood dripped from his many wounds. About his neck were small yet intense purple bruises, indicating that he was strangled. The bruises were perfectly alligned in the shape fingers would make in an attempt to crush the man's esophagus. Such a feat would require a high degree of strength...

He quickly shifted his eyes about the remains of the shop. Weapons lay strewn about the floor and stabbed into the walls. Glass display cases were shattered, planks of wood were splintered and protruding from the otherwise smooth floor. The shop looked as a though a cyclone had erupted in its center.

Figrin could sense a single presence still alive in the shop. A woman, shrouded in a vile darkness. Her mind was seething with intense emotions... anger, malice, hatred, rage... Figrin knew then that this woman must be a Sith... and powerful one at that. It had been some time since Figrin had dealt with a Sith Lord, and certainly was something that he never looked forward to. The Jedi Master calmed his mind, focused his power within the Force, and stepped forth into the shop...

Glass crunched beneath his boots as he passed through the doorway. The shop was not large, perhaps 20 meters between walls. Behind the main counter, a doorway lead to what was presumably a storage area. Amongst the blood-stained walls, many ornate swords remained in their display cases. At the opposite end of room, a woman, clad in black and sporting long flowing hair, stood gathering up several identical curved-blade weapons. Her face was turned away from the door, although Figrin felt it was likely the woman was keenly aware of his presence.

Figrin stepped further into the shop, past a dead customer and over several swords that were lying on on the floor. The Jedi Master halted about 10 meters from the woman and turned to face her. He spoke in a calm yet powerful tone.

"Put down your weapons and step away from the counter."

Figrin drew back his cloak slightly, allowing his lightsabre to become clearly accessible.... ::

Dara Shadowtide
Sep 3rd, 2001, 11:01:01 PM
:: Dara heard the Jedi enter the shop as broken glass crunched under his methodical footsteps. She had expected him to join her as soon as she felt his presence outside the shop. The melodious sounds of customers screaming in terror faded into the distance as his voice broke the near silence. She stifled a laugh as she heard him address her, almost in what seemed to be a commanding tone. With a curved sith blade in each hand, she turned slowly to face him, one eyebrow raised questioningly at him.

The man's stature was unassuming and his face completely serene. The Lordess looked him up and down and saw that he was quite serious in his polite request to her, and that just brought a coy smile to her lips. She surmized that he was also an experienced Jedi since he was able to look directly into her eyes without emitting an ounce of fear ::

"Hello there... Jedi," she said as she practically spit out the last word in disgust.

"Did you hear they are having a sale here? It's all you can carry... at no cost. I think I should frequent this establishment more often," she said with a laugh.

:: The Jedi's gaze was unwavering upon her as he said evenly, "I believe that will be quite enough from you. Now I realize you are a Sith, so I will say this once again... and slowly enough for you to understand. Put down your weapons and step away from the counter."

:: The smile faded from Dara's lips as she heard a Jedi attempting to imply she did something wrong. Ok, so she could have killed a few more people... but she was rushed. Who was he to not appreciate her sense of twisted humor and even more... who was he to tell her how to shop.

The Sith Lordess winked at him and then in the blink of an eye pulled both blades back beside her ears, releasing them with lightning precision directly at his chest. The whirring sounds of spinning blades echoed in the shop as they closed in on him. Before the blades reached him the Jedi skillfully ignited his lightsaber, the saber wielded deftly by him to bat the sith blades to the side as they fell with a clang to the floor.

Dara moved her hands to her belt and grabbed both saber hilts. With the flick of her thumbs, both blades sprung forth from their metal confines and the soft glow of turquoise and pale blue illuminated the Lordess's face. A chilling breeze suddenly moved into the shop. Papers flew from the deceased owner's desk and fluttered up into the air to spiral slowly to the ground which was scattered with the bloody bodies of store customers.

A clinking and scraping sound reverberated in the room all around them as the Dark Side emanated from the body of the Sith Lordess. Weaponry which hung on the walls in display began to bounce and swing back and forth as if trying to become free. Dara's eyes glowed deep crimson and then faded to black as the weaponry pulled loose from the hooks and screamed on a direct path toward the Jedi while surrounding him in a shower of metal. Swords, daggers, throwing stars and several spears began to rain down upon the Jedi as Dara walked slowly toward him, her sabers poised and ready to strike him upon arrival ::

Figrin D'an
Oct 22nd, 2001, 09:46:07 PM
:: Steel blades and broken sword hilts screamed through the air, and converged rapidly on the Jedi's position. Figrin shifted his feet and gently bent his knees. His sabre was quickly shut off and affixed again to his belt. Pausing just for an instant, Figrin focused his energy and watched intently, yet calmly, as the maelstrom of metal was nearly upon him.

The Jedi had lept into the air just as the blades arrived at his previous position. The steel shower smashed into the wall, chipping away small pieces of stone and creating a large cloud of dust particles that spread quickly about the room.

Figrin clung to a large wooden cross-beam with both hands. The Jedi kicked his feet forward, then allowed his body to swing backward. As he swung forward again, the Jedi released his grip on the beam and executed a single sommersault. His momentum propelled him forward through the air above the shop floor. The Jedi's boots clapped against the floor several meters from they previously stood. His back now turned to the Sith, Figrin quickly flung his arm outward, stretching towards the broken staff of a halberd weapon. The staff sprang to life as it responded to the Jedi's Force grasp, and twirled through the air, skimming the ground. The staff snapped into the legs of the Sith, just as she attempted to turn to face the Jedi.

The wood cracked against the back of the woman's knees, buckling them almost simultaneously. She fell backward, cringing slightly. Her reflexes were quick, though. Her body twisted so that her chest faced the floor. The woman's hands smacked the floor hard, but in a spring-like recoil, she pushed upward, propelling her body back to it's feet. She faced the Jedi, a look of disgust covering her face.

Figrin had bought himself enough time to reactivate his sabre and prepare a solid defensive posture. He eyed the woman carefully from several meters away. Her eyes had cleared slightly, but were still shaded dark. Figrin could tell instantly that she wasn't some Sith apprentice sent on a meanless mission of random violence. She was powerful, her anger was directed and controlled... and she meant business.

Figrin spoke again, maintaining his firm request.

"I'm not going to quote you interstellar law... I think you know for yourself what you are guilty of. You are only going to leave this shop in one of two ways... either in my custody, or in a body-bag. It's your choice. I suggest you consider it carefully."

The Sith sneared at him, almost mocking his words.

Deep down, Figrin knew that the first option wasn't part of the Sith vocabulary... ::

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Dec 30th, 2001, 04:44:43 AM
:: The Sith Lordess hissed at the Jedi Master between tightly clenched teeth and then extended both her hands as the darkness encircled her. Saber hilts flew through the air as she recalled both metallic cylinders back to her hands simultaneously as the resonant low hum of twin blades ignited soon filled the quiet area of the shop after the tumultuous storm of the initial melee. The muscles in her forearms became taut as the Dark Side energy pumped through her veins.

Her pale green eyes looked him up and down as she smiled coyly. This Jedi seemed rather determined to get in her way and she was going to have to remove him from her path.. with force. Dara stifled a laugh at the mention of her exiting this establishment in a body bag. Her thoughts suddenly returned to earlier altercations with another jedi.. JediBoricua of the Greater Jedi Order.

Now there was a self assured man, full of arrogance, alcohol and blinded by the light, very similar to how most Jedi seemed to Dara. She wondered what had happened to him but then realized this new man would serve to be her new play toy of the Jedi. He seemed competent enough.. for a Jedi that is ::

"Quoting interstellar law is truly not necessary since laws are simply made to be broken. I am not guilty of any wrongdoing.. which is odd now that I think about it. Nonetheless, I believe this will serve as an example to other shopkeepers to not try and renegotiate a price with a Sith. It's just really bad for their business.. and terribly messy too. Hm.. but you do intrigue me, Jedi. I'm surprised our paths have not crossed sooner."

:: She took another long look at him up and down and then locked her eyes on his ::

"Now back to this leaving in your custody nonsense.. I think I will be leaving when I am good and ready and your lightside methods are not going to stop me."

:: Dara ran with force enhanced speed toward Figrin, glass crunching beneath her boots as she swiftly approached him and sliced high toward his left shoulder with her right pale blue blade extended and stabbed low at his right thigh with her left turquoise blade ::

Figrin D'an
Mar 8th, 2002, 12:54:40 AM
:: The impending attack by the Sith Lordess left Figrin with little time to counter her duel sabre manuever. The Jedi quickly brought his sabre into a low guard postion, parallel to his right leg. Holding the sabre firm in a downward arc, Figrin slid a half step to his left. The humming blades of the Sith were closing upon his position, as was the Dark Sider herself. Their eyes were locked onto one another, neither seeming to flinch in any lapse of concentration...

As the enemy blade neared his shoulder, the Jedi sank into the a crouching position... the blade sizzled in the air as it missed his hair by mear centimeters. Simultaneously, his own sabre guard managed to deflect the blow by the Sith's second blade attack, forcing the two sabre's to lock in a fierce stalemate, one trying to overpower the other with brute force.

From his crouching position, Figrin kicked out his left leg, placing inside the right leg of his opponent. Swiping outward with his leg, the Jedi undercut the Sith's support and threw her off balance. As she tried to catch her balance, her concentration waned... Figrin took the advantage, launching his left hand outward towards the Sith's torso. A wave of vertigo came over the Sith as she was throw backwards across the room by a powerful Force push. Her body smashed into a weapons display case, spraying shards of glass and metal around the room.

Figrin recovered to a defensive stance, bringing himself again to his feet. The Jedi slowly began to move towards the Sith, his sabre en guarde. ::

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Mar 27th, 2002, 05:59:01 AM
:: As Dara slammed into the weapons display case, she grimaced as the remaining shards of glass and metal dug into her back like she was a pincushion. Moving slowly away from the shelf she felt the warmth of her own blood slowly trickle down her back as she arched her back and quickly assessed the damage to herself. The intense wave of pain only served to empower the darkness within her as the rage festered and boiled within her veins. Her lips curled and her eyes became wild as she looked around almost in a dark hunger for the Jedi. Such a thirst for battle would only be able to be satiated by encountering one of such skill as he.

Dara stood up slowly and the debris from her impact fell from her clothing and scattered along the ground around her, surrounding her in an eerie circle of destruction. Her penetrating icy gaze was now intensely focused on the Jedi moving toward her. He was savvy and well versed in physical combat tactics, that was clearly evident to her so far. However, she would find his weakness.. well aside from following the path of the light, of course.

Summoning her sabers back to her hands, Dara ignited them with a flick of her thumbs. The pale twin blades hummed to life from their metal confines as she began walking slowly toward him, the distance being closed rapidly by their simultaneous approach. The Lordess spun her blades in a taunting manner and then engaged force speed to stop directly in front of the Jedi Master as she kicked her foot out to sweep his feet out from under him while she planted a swift right hook to his chin with one of her saber hilts ::