View Full Version : Moon Star
Sep 6th, 2001, 06:19:29 AM
*tonight was the night her race had always had Moon Star. A time you reflected on your life so far and what the future is, it happened every five years. Accept no oen was here to celebrate, there was no music, there was no one to dance the dragon dance with and there was no chanting ion her native tongue. There was a still silence. She was on her planet again, and few people knew where that was.
"Shanta shicamu satinas viscol tarvatu. Sivimanan lenatgur belagra zena" The words of the opening drifted in the sky and she felt a glimpse of the old spirit once felt. She half smiled as she sat next to her brothers grave and the feeling of reflection came past and the memory chant started from the sky, as if a million voices sang the one song. Magic was a strogn part of this night, a full moon provided magic.
Tonight would start and she would sing alone. There was no temple priest or eternal fire, but there was now that spirit.
Miryan no Trunks
Sep 6th, 2001, 06:35:04 AM
*He sat there listening to the words.. The melody Sapphire was singing was a beautiful, haunting tune, and it arose feelings inside him that not many songs could.. He wasn't sure just what it was about the song, he did not even understand the words, but it made him feel at peace with himself.. As if his life had meaning, by simply hearing it.. *
*He knew she did not know he was there, as he had just arrived himself.. He had not seen her in some time, and as such was searching for her presence.. Upon finding it, he rifted to where she was, and had since been caught up in the song...*
*Smiling softly, he used the force to let her know that he was there, without disturbing her song.. Such beauty was not something to interrupt...*
sig is over 30k limit
Sep 9th, 2001, 06:43:48 AM
::She did not acklowledge Miryan openly accept for a small warm smile, there would be someone to share this night with.
The sounds of singing rang around the land like oceans crashing into the shore. Soft yet powerful, strong yet sensitive, decievingly calm and safe but with a depth so unfelt that one may not sense it unless it reaches towards them like a parent holding its child. It was the thread weaving in the air the very heart beat that thread each dragonlord together. Her people had gathered together on this sacred night and sung, dance and bonded this string tighter. When the planet had died the strign had fallen apart. But it seemed as strong as before as Saphire felt the thread thread into her heart span and it seemed as if each person was still there inside her, as if their spirirt still kept it strong on this desolated and silent land now filled with mysterious voices.::
"Sacramenta Shivalta finas trand mysteriouno"
::her smile widened at those words and ghost-like spirits rose from the dark sky out fo knowhere, beyond beauty and imaignation, yet familiar in a paradox way that it felt as if you had known them for years. They werethe elders and there seemed to be more than last time, many many more. Maybe the souls had made it to the promised land, made it to their peace. She knew one perosn not there. Motioning to Miryan she told him in mind speak to sit down and let the song enter his heart span, his soul. That was if it would allow him to enter its heartspan, maybe it would, even if he were not dragonlord. She felt a flow of love and hate, peace and anger reach her. every emotion bundled in oen with each experience of every elder::
[i]welcome to Moon Star night friend..<i/>
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