View Full Version : The Fall of Alice Rock
Jun 1st, 2001, 07:39:59 PM
Nuriko Sha lay asleep in a cot, in a private room. It was a space hidden behind the room she had made for herself, seperate from her husband and daughter. It was... a secret within a secret.
Her head was pounding. It had been pounding for hours now. It began as a soft murmur and resonated into a repetitive thump and soon morphed into a sickening thud. She resisted the urge for medication. Those things sickened her so; they dulled her senses. Nuriko curled up, beginning to sweat, and held her breath. After ten full seconds, she released and continued to breathe steadily, though the infliction would not cease.
Nuriko's vision began to blur and the room seemed to shift. It was so dark in here it was hard to tell. She felt like she was in a complete state of vertigo. If everything in this world suddenly went black, she did not notice...
Nerysm Seraphim
Jun 1st, 2001, 07:42:24 PM
<font color=#ff0000>TRANS...MIS...SION....
OPERATION EXTRACT MINUS: Two soldiers of Our Sacred Order of 3-Mask Sect 016 are to be apprehended from enemy hands and data unsafe out of our org is to be secured. Should targets resist, execute sentence. Should data be unretrievable, execute deletion.
TARGETS: "Crav", "Bluss"; former 2nds of Tribunal 016 and 017 respectively.
PARAMETER: Deemed risky.
TEAM: Nerysm Seraphim and 001 2nds of Tribunal Nuriko Zenoba Hessen, Frigg Demeter, and member Rahda Ferion.
CONTACT: 85691-KIL9345 @ FREQ. 4465
Nuriko Hessen
Jun 1st, 2001, 07:53:39 PM
"You've returned."
Nuriko entered the room, so large yet only meant to hold but three. The Tribunal. Nuriko had ascended to 2nd of Tribunal two years ago. She wasn't sure if she'd ever be ready for this, despite Seraphim's admant words that she was in fact mature enough for the responsibility. The final member of their tribunal, Frigg, has ascended at that same age, 13, and had been with them for seven years since then. Nuriko was only 15 years old, "so mature for her age". Words were just words. She didn't feel as if she was maturing quickly. "Our species is like that," Seraphim had said.
"I said 'you've returned'."
Nuriko looked up and shut the doors to the Tribunal Hall. "Seraphim?"
"Were you just going to ignore me?"
"I am sorry. I'm simply not confident."
"Tell me something I don't know. You were confident enough when we went back home."
"And look where it got me."
"Don't let one failed mission mess you up. Only the weak let themselves be ruled by weakness. The strong by strengths. It is how they exist. Do not be weak."
"Yes, Seraphim." Nuriko looked around. "The orders to meet here were urgent, were they not?"
"I thought I was late. Where is Frigg?"
"Attending to her apprentices. Prepping them for promotion."
"All of them?"
"Frigg did not want to delay it any longer."
"Where would the delay have been."
"It's there. Trust me."
The doors creaked open. Nuriko spun around slightly. "Seraphim said you were prepping Frigg, I didn't think you--" She stopped mid-sentence.
A voice retorted back, somewhat sarcastically. "A polite and politically sound one would excuse her mistake."
"Rahda? What are you doing here? You know the Tribunal Hall is expressly forbidden to other members."
"Yes, I do know. The Seraphim called me here."
"Seraphim??" Nuriko looked over at Seraphim.
Seraphim crossed her legs and sat in her chair relaxed. "Yes I did call Rahda here. I have a important message from the Tribunal of 004, and Rahda was called to attention for this mission."
"Frigg and I must fight beside HER?"
"So much for your modesty," snorted Rahda derisively.
"Do you tell her EVERYTHING?" Nuriko asked hushly, glaring at Rahda.
"Silence." The doors opened and another woman entered.
<a href=>VIEW SIG</a>
Jun 1st, 2001, 08:02:53 PM
"Ladies, do not quarrel amongst yourselves. Now is not the time."
"No one was quarreling," said Rahda. "Though someone WAS sniveling."
Nuriko growled and turned her attentions back to Frigg, asking calmly, "You've seen this message, Frigg?"
"While you were away, Seraphim had me take a look at it." Seraphim handed a copy to Frigg, who placed it out on a table. Nuriko and Rahda gathered near.
Nuriko's eyes widened. "CRAV? Crav Gluv? Crav's still alive?"
"Unfortunately, yes," answered Frigg.
Rahda snorted, looking over the message. "They misspelled my damn name."
"It's basically a retrieval mission.... that is if Crav comes quietly. I think everyone involved understands she won't. Neither will Bluss."
"Especially not Bluss." She shook her head. "Why don't we just kill them?" snapped Nuriko.
"Nuriko, as former sisters, Crav and Bluss will both be given option to come home and face sentence with honor."
"You want them to surrender so they can die? As if they'd buy that." Rahda leaned up against the table. "Nuriko's right. This should just be a kill mission!"
"Rahda," chided Frigg.
"Crav killed Salma!"
"She gutted her open like a fish and displayed her like a trophy. Forget honor with these types! We should just chop the bitches' heads off!!"
".........." Rahda looked at Frigg, her eyes almost watery.
"That's enough."
Seraphim crossed her arms and spoke. "There is also a matter of securing stolen data. We need them alive until we have either retrieved or deleted the data."
"What data?" asked Nuriko.
"Coordinates for the positions of 004-019."
"Damn. Nearly all of our sects."
"Three and two as you know are unable to spare operatives at this point, due to the warring homeworlds in that sector. 020 is filled with apprentices. Crav would destroy them all in seconds. The threatened sects are in the process of safely relocating. It's in our hands right now."
Nerysm Seraphim
Jun 1st, 2001, 08:12:13 PM
Rahda growled and clenched her fists.
Frigg placed a hand on Rahda's shoulder. "Sister, do not come into this situation with so much anger. It is important to have understanding."
"What is there to understand!? Crav's an idiot and a killer. We shouldn't grant that slut any type of consideration!!"
"Killing her will not bring back Salma. What's more, if you kill her before we recover the data, then you might be endangering all of our sisters. Salma would not want that."
Rahda sighed.
"Really, Rahda. Don't be so stupid," Nuriko replied with a smirk.
Rahda glared at Nuriko. "You shut-up!!"
Frigg rolled her eyes. "ENOUGH. You fight amongst yourselves, too much. Settle down now."
Seraphim stood up. "Nuriko. Come with me." She headed towards the doors and pushed them open.
"Yes, Seraphim." Nuriko followed and then exited first, followed by Seraphim.
Rahda grinned, knowing full well Nuriko would most likely be chided for acting lower than a Second of Tribunal.
Before closing the doors, Seraphim stopped and without turning around said, "Frigg, please provide our sister Rahda with some insight while we are away."
Rahda's grin immediately vanished.
<img SRC=>
Jun 1st, 2001, 08:15:25 PM
Rahda snorted. "I don't need this."
"I know you have a good heart, Rahda."
Rahda looked back at Frigg.
"Please put those energies to good use. If you don't, it may needlessly cost lives. Perhaps even your own."
Behind the closed doors, discussion continued.
Nuriko Hessen
Jun 1st, 2001, 08:22:49 PM
Nuriko and Seraphim walked away from the Tribunal hall and down the long, winding hallway that bisected the Sect 001 base. "What did you want to talk to me about... exactly?"
"Please do not get coy with me," answered Seraphim. "You needn't conflict with Rahda. She's troubled enough as is."
"We all have our problems. I don't believe I have to deal with her crap, too."
Seraphim laughed.
"I'm serious."
"I know you are. You're young, that's why I forgive it. Frigg used to be as impulsive as you, believe it or not."
"What's more, I think Rahda is racist."
"Did you just notice that?" Seraphim walked ahead towards the docking bacy. "She dislikes many races... our kind especially. That is why I specifically apprenticed her to Frigg."
"Did you tell her Frigg is cold-blooded?" Nuriko asked grinning.
"Of course not."
"Little things like that would freak her out. Damned bigot..."
"Rahda can't help it though. Her entire family was killed... wiped out by the Universals as they slept and the Dominion ravaged the entire moon of Suzette. Many Solitaaru being in that army, you can not seriously expect her to like our kind."
"Then why did she join? Especially a group with so many former Universals. And so many Solitaaru..."
"I think perhaps she knew deep inside it was the right choice. Frigg is gentle, and her outward appearance is much more like Rahda's than ours. I think she's done a good job so far of help Rahda adjust as much as possible."
"Rahda naturally conflicts with you. She came to us a year before you did, and is upset you were promoted over her to 2nd of Tribunal. I believe she realizes why you were chosen and not her."
"I tend to think otherwise." Nuriko sighed. "Seraphim... have you changed?"
"You... seem less direct minded than you used to be."
"I was harsher back then. I was still a Universal when I found you, little girl. Lots of training that's hard to just leave behind."
"Do you miss it?"
"Do I miss mind control, prejudice, blind hatred, a lying government that actively backs 'fine businessmen' like our beloved Aleman Hessen?"
Nuriko's expression became solemn. Almost angry. "You think someone would've killed him off by now."
"People are easily bought and the fear they have of reprecussions all but completely eases their guilt. With the support of such as Kenshiro, Aleman insures that his people stay loyal and act as a unit. He is loved by the aristrocracy."
"Something must be done."
"Nuriko, we've discussed this. Let it go."
Nuriko looked down at the ground and sighed. She picked her head up and observed her surroundings. "Why are we heading to the dock bay?" asked Nuriko.
"There's something I want to show you."
Nerysm Seraphim
Jun 11th, 2001, 12:48:36 AM
Nuriko looked at Seraphim curiously. "Like what?"
"Oh you're a smart girl. A ship, of course." The two of them entered a huge hangar, filled with different kinds of craft. The hangar was nearly empty of other people. Only Seraphim's quiet voice was audible. She motioned towards a craft. "It was an old Universal Model G. I had been using it for a while, mainly for whenever we went into Universal heavy areas."
Nuriko scanned it over. "This is a G? :eek: It looks almost far too nice now..." :p She walked closer to the ship.
Seraphim chuckled. "Yes. There's a Universal J we're gonna use for missions now. So this G has been... 'retired'. Sect 020 fixed her up for me to be my personal craft."
Nuriko walked around it. It was indeed a nice craft. G models were part of the previous generation. It was hard to look at one and not think of it as some kind of relic that belonged in a museum. This G had been repainted and parts of the hull reforged and replaced with newer, shiner pieces. She glanced over at the side and was surprised to see some huge white markings. Nuriko leaned over and peeked at the side the best she could. Finally, she simply strolled along the side of the ship. "ALICE ROCK?"
"The Seraphim over there and myself have a sentimental attachment of sorts to it."
"Is that your name? Alice?"
"You've always been obsessed about guessing that." :lol:
"Is it Alice?" :p
"No." :p
"Alison?" :p
"No..." She laughed. "Seraphim only give their names to the Seconds when they die. Do you want me to die?"
"I could kill you," Nuriko said with a smirk.
"No you couldn't, kiddo." :)
"That was mean." :lol:
"Well maybe one day, you'll get lucky, huh?" ;)
"Let's hope I don't."
Seraphim smiled at Nuriko. She sighed...
"Is something wrong...?" :|
"It's nothing. Just get along with Rahda, okay?"
Soft footsteps could be heard approaching them. Nuriko and Seraphim looked behind them to see a young girl running towards them.
"I was sent by Lady Frigg. I bear this message." She handed a piece of paper to Seraphim.
Nuriko Hessen
Jun 17th, 2001, 07:41:57 PM
Nuriko looked over Seraphim's shoulder as she recieved the letter.
<font color=#0000ff face="Comic Sans MS">Nerysm Seraphim 001:
A message has been sent from our intel that the Universal craft Uncaring Hand of the Lord is carrying the targets of Operation Extract Minus, which have been designated your operation. At 090.09 hours Bymyse clock, a craft identified as Lucasio in the property of my mother Ritsuko Sadet coupled with Uncaring Hand of the Lord. Information may already be in Universal Hands. Lucasio's databanks may prove fruitful.
In greatest sincerity,
<font face="Times New Roman" size=5>Mariko Sadet</font></font>
Nuriko's eyes widened. "Sadet? The daughter of that--"
"Yes, of the long-time deceased Universal general."
"Why would his daughter help US?"
"She has her reasons. To make a long winding story much shorter, Miss Sadet wishes her mother dead and is being cooperative with our operatives in reaching this goal. Whether or not she backs the beliefs we fight for is the concern of those operatives." She clenced the paper in her hand and dismissed the messenger. "This wouldn't have reached me if the data within it weren't verified. We don't have anymore time."
"Get in the ship. NOW."
Nerysm Seraphim
Jun 24th, 2001, 01:59:53 AM
Nuriko had barely finished strapping herself in when the hangar was opened and the Alice Rock zoomed off into the sky. "What about Frigg and Rahda?"
"They've already gotten that message. They're ahead of us. Uncaring is on the move, steadily."
Nuriko noticed some urgency in her voice.
"This wasn't part of the original plan. We weren't expecting so many Universals in our path. Frigg and I had hoped to ambush the Lucasio in route."
"They jumped the gun on you."
"Apparently. I don't know how it could've gone unnoticed. We only had apprentices to pull survellience; it could've been anything really. In any case, we need to pull some serious weight here and get things back on track."
"New plan."
"Revision." Seraphim concentrated on her flying but continued speaking. "Frigg and Rahda will be diversionary. You and I will take the Uncaring and the Lucasio. I'm not in doubt that both have the data now. One in the form of Crav and Bluss, the other in its data banks."
"You don't think it's too late."
"Crav needs this bargaining chip. Once she makes the trade-off there's nothing to keep them from killing her on the spot. She won't be making such a trade so readily..."
Jul 8th, 2001, 07:51:31 AM
On the Lucasio...
The red-haired woman continued looking through the ship's systems. "Are you sure, Bluss?"
"Positive. Double upon triple upon double encrypted."
"Excellent. You know how these Universals are. The minute we walked away, they swarmed like rats."
Another younger woman with violet hair looked over another screen. "Confirmed. They didn't get their hands on anything."
She grinned. "Stupid. I was married to Universals. I know them inside-out. They dissapoint me." She blinked and then said louder: "I said you dissapoint me, Shederade."
A lanky soldier came out. He was extremely youthful.
"And he sends babies to spy on us. Now I'm insulted."
"I didn't mean to eavesdrop, ma'am. Shederade had informed me to escort you to--"
"--the dining hall."
"Uh... well... yes, as a matter of fact."
Bluss shut off the systems and smirked at her compatriot. "Nothing new to you either?"
The woman shrugged. "They always try to wine ya and dine ya."
The soldier lead the way. "If you would follow me, Crav Gluv."
"Come with me, Bluss."
The women proceeded to follow the soldier out.
Nerysm Seraphim
Jul 13th, 2001, 02:59:48 AM
Seraphim concentrated on her flying. Damn... damn damn damn damn! She had been stupid, not anticipating Crav's over-eagerness to hand 3-Mask over to the enermy. She hoped they wouldn't be too late...
<HR width=80%>
Crav walked back into her cabin on the Lucasio. "Private message...? This has better be important. I wonder why the Universals would allow me an encrypted channe--"
The screen flashed on:
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"Hello, mother...!"
Crav sat up straight in surprise. "Mariko?"
"Or should I say, 'hello ME'?"
"What are you talking about?"
"They were so kind to daddy, weren't they? I mean to his good memory that they would allow me this channel."
Crav snarled.
"Of course, anyone would be hesitant towards allowing a mere civillian-- an 'annoying politico' at that-- access to an encrypted channel, but it's not everyday that we must give out these sad goodbyes."
"What are you talking about?"
She sneered. "Hahaha, I know what mummy's thinking about. 'How is mummy gonna save mummy's ass this time?' Am I right? Am I right?" Mariko leaned over the monitor looking quite relaxed. "You didn't think you were getting out of this alive, did you...?"
"What are you doing?"
"You look postively panicked, Ritsuko. I think it's because you know we don't bull around. That's how we think."
"Listen, whatever hair's up your--"
Mariko's expression became fierce. "YOU DIDN'T THINK I'D FIND OUT, DID YOU!!"
She mocked Crav. "'What--?' That I was NEVER my own person! That I was just a STUPID CLONE OF YOUR WORTHLESS HIDE!!!"
"A clone?" She crossed her arms. "Why would I need a clone, Mariko?"
"Don't grin like that at me. I've suspected for a very long time now. I'm hurt you didn't think I would. We're not stupid, are we?" She scoffed. "Well maybe you are."
Crav glared at her.
"You and my aunt, your twin, you looked very much alike. I look exactly like you did at this age, except for my hair, skin, and eye colors. You had them manipulated to look like the general's so you could come back and stake a claim to all that lovely money!"
"Who's feeding you this tripe? I assure you, it's nonsense. Really...? Hmmph. Is this why you're after me?"
"You're such a terrible liar."
A male voice could be heard, though the speaker not seen on Crav's screen. "Didn't think it'd ever come back, did you?"
"You were suppose to deliver Nerysm Seraphim to ME. I told you I'd make you pay if you didn't."
"Exposing my own daughter as a sniveling ingrate isn't making me pay."
Mariko hissed at Crav. "This 'sniveling ingrate' just sent an interesting message to some of your old buddies."
"Like you could do that..."
"Oh... but they like me. I'm nice to them," Mariko said sarcastically. "I didn't go up to one of them and run her through like a shishkabob like some tactless people do."
She tapped the mask she was wearing. "Your old second-of-tribunal mask. I thought it would be fitting to wear this now as they come to rip through your hide.... So you know what? You have two choices, mother: wait for 3-Mask to rip you to shreds or hand over the data to the Universals without any tricks up your sleeve and hope they spare your life." She laughed. "But they liked father a lot... but much better alive, before you poisoned him! Hahahaha!"
"Mariko! MARIKO!!"
She waved at Crav. "Bye-bye now."
And the screen went black.
Aug 17th, 2001, 08:21:04 PM
Present Day... TSE HQ....
Nuriko woke up, shaking. She staggered out of these quarters and into the hallway. She felt possessed... her heart feeling so tight. Were these just dreams? The reality of them shook her brains. Her head wanted to explode. She walked towards the place she and Rama shared... just down the hall but... She slumped to the floor and panted.
<a href=>Rama had been sifting through her head</a> earlier... did he actually unlock something in there?
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Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 18th, 2001, 11:05:31 AM
Dalethria had often wandered the halls of the Sith Empire. Now the reasons were different. Her future and the life of the one she carried inside her kept her up many a restless night. Her time was spent making sure that operations were running smoothly on the night shift. Talking to techs and officers about how their duties were going, surprise inspections, and research. Dalethria spent hours in the library reading.
Books in hand, she made her way back to her quarters, hoping to sneak in before Ogre woke up and found her missing ... again.
It was then a sharp pain started above her brow and it grew with each step. She tried to block it but for some reason she felt compelled to find out the source of this. Something was wrong or at least ... not right.
Following her instincts, it led her closer to a familiar hallway ... one she didn't traverse all that often. It was there she found Nuriko on the ground.
Quickly she made her way over there and knelt down. Nuriko looked quite pale and probably would pass out any minute. She didn't want to touch her to startle her, so instead spoke with urgency, worried to what was wrong, "Nuriko? What's wrong?"
<img src= width=600 height=264 usemap=#sig2 border=0 alt="One Deadly Gem"><map name=sig2><area shape=rect coords=389,57,494,78 href= alt="Go to the Sith Empire"><area shape=rect coords=5,234,159,252 href= alt="Anbira"><area shape=poly coords=189,61,198,94,198,153,213,143,198,160,198,2 08,181,208,181,160,166,143,181,152,181,94 href= alt="Ogre"><area shape=poly coords=564,61,573,94,573,153,586,143,573,160,573,2 08,556,208,556,160,540,143,556,152,556,94 href= alt="Dara"></map><font size=1>[<a href= style=text-decoration=none> <font size=1>Irentios</font> (] [ <font size=1>Ogre's Cave</font> (]</font>
Aug 18th, 2001, 03:06:25 PM
<UL><HR>Seraphim grit her teeth in frustration. "@#%$!! @#%$~~!!!!!"
Nuriko became panicked. She pressed button and after button, but nothing was working. "Seraphim! We're locked in a tractor beam!! We can't break free with this old ship!"
"Dammit! Where the hell are Frigg and Rahda!!?!"
Locked in, docked in..... Retrieved! The Universals didn't waste a second. Once Alice Rock was in the hanger of their enormous vessel, they immediately fired upon her.
"What the hell are they doing shooting at us in their own vessel!?" asked Nuriko.
"The interior or their craft is protected by internal shields. That's their can opener and we're their frickin' can." Alice pulled a sliding panel next to her seat down and pressed the red button.
"You're gonna surrender!?"
"Just go with it, Nuriko!" Seraphim scolded.
<HR>[/list]Nuriko looked up at Lordess Dalethria weakly.... "Da..le..." But Dalethria's image began to blur and warp.<UL><HR>The Universals awaited them to exit their vessel. Seraphim and Nuriko walked down the ramp with their hands up. They were immediately seized and held down to the floor. Others began to gather around them like jackals to the carcass.
"I heard we had visitors aboard our friendly vessel but I could scarcely believe it...."
That particular voice was so familiar.... and disgusting!!!
<HR>[/list]She covered her mouth as if she was going to puke. Nuriko staggered back, away from the Lordess. "It's YOU!!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!"
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 19th, 2001, 04:28:31 PM
She was pushed back by surprise more then anything else as Nuriko yelled at her. Nuriko looked even more sick then before and thought that Dalethria was someone else.
Dalethria made no motion to move closer, not wanting to incite a more violent reaction. She did not want it turning physical at all, "Nuriko. It's me. Dalethria."
Silently she wondered where Rama was. He had to know that his wife was in trouble just like Ogre would know if she was.
Aug 19th, 2001, 04:51:24 PM
Nuriko glared up at Dalethria. "Nuriko, it's me...."<UL><HR>"'s me, you're former comrade."
Nuriko spat in her face. One of the Universals kicked Nuriko in the gut, making her reel forward.
The woman watched the saliva rolled down her cheek before wiping it with the back of her glove. "You DO remember me! I'm so happy." The voice was incredibly sardonic. She stepped forward. She had a short flame of reddish hair and looked in to be in her thirties. She wore skimpy armor.
"Crav Gluv!!"
The soldiers held Nuriko and Seraphim down.
Crav ran her fingers under Nuriko's chin. "So cute...."
<HR>[/list]She cringed, saying through gritted teeth.... "Don't.... touch me!"
Raine Sarin
Aug 19th, 2001, 09:56:48 PM
*Raine walked down one of the hallways of the Sith Empire. He was returning to his room after a few hours of meditation. As he turned a corner however, he looked up and suddenly took a step back at what he saw. He was expected the hallway to be empty but the shout from Nuriko as well as the fact she didn't look well had caught him off-guard. Not sure what to make of the situation he glanced over at Dalethria with a concerned look while remaining where he was. Not wanting to get in the middle of something that might just be between the two of them.*
Edit: Sig and personal pic add up to 44 KB. Please reduce filesize.
Aug 20th, 2001, 01:46:48 AM
*Looking out into the hallway, Lord Firebird also wondered what was going on. Seeing that Dale and Nuri's comments had woken him from his sleep, and that those comments were not good, Firebird pulls Raine aside.*
What is going on here?
Vega Van Derveld
Aug 20th, 2001, 08:42:08 AM
Pushing open his door, Vega rubbed his sleep tainted eyes with the back of his wrist, glancing up and downs the halls to see what the noise was all about. His eyes widened slightly as he saw Nuriko, Dalethria and a few other Sith appearing to see what was up.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 20th, 2001, 08:46:11 PM
Dalethria backed up. She sensed some other presences in the hallway. Not taking her eyes off of Nuriko, she backed up partly down the hall to where her fellow Lord could hear her, "I could use some help here. Nuriko isn't herself and thinks I am someone else entirely. Maybe you could try talking to her Firebird?"
She then acknowledged Raine, "Try and find out where Rama is. We could use him now."
Aug 20th, 2001, 10:37:00 PM
<UL><HR>"NOOOOOOOOOOOO! DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" She tried to shove Crav away...<HR>[/list]Nuriko immediately makes a motion of shoving someone away from her. Her powers kick in and Firebird is immediately thrown back against the wall. She glares him, her eyes glazes over. "I'm gonna KILL YOU!!!~~"<UL><HR>"I'm gonna KILL YOU!!!~~" Furiously, she threw Crav backwards and the soldiers holding her down away, almost by the sheer effort of her anger... something was aiding her.
"That force ability..." Seraphim looked on intently. It was that 'thing' some man who had called himself a Jedi had told her tales about... and who had mentioned that the Aleman Hessen had once been a Jedi, carrying these powers in his bloodline. She used the situation to her advantage and jumped backwards, slamming the men holding her against the side of the ship.
Nuriko ran towards Crav...<HR>[/list]....Firebird and attempted to elbow him hard in the gut-- to break his ribs. Firebird dodged her attack. She spun around and saw the onlooking Sith...<UL><HR>...soldiers. They obviously had been given orders to keep Nuriko and Seraphim alive. "Too bad....," she said with a smile. "I guess this means I can kill you all."<HR>[/list]She grinned at them. "Too bad. I guess this means I can kill you all.
Aug 21st, 2001, 01:04:20 AM
*As Lord Firebird regains his composure after Nuri's attack. Forgetting his earlier rude awakening from the argument, Lord Firebird glares at Nuri, his anger kindled.*
My friend, I suggest you do not do that again, otherwise you might not like the situation you find yourself in.
Aug 21st, 2001, 07:26:21 PM
"....otherwise you might not like the situation you find yourself in...."<UL><HR>"The situation you find yourself in...." Crav jumped up and darted past Nuriko. She was faster and pinned her back to the floor. "...has no advantages for you. You and your friend are unarmed and and you can bet we'll be prepared for whatever 'magic trick' you did before...."
"Shut-up!" Nuriko headbutted her, breaking Crav's nose.
"ARGH!" Crav grabbed for her face.
Seraphim had taken off and Nuriko went in the opposite direction. It was almost as if they planned it in a second. Mariko Sadet had long since given them the layout of this craft. There was an armory room not too far away. I need to find weapons....<HR>[/list]Nuriko ran off to her private quarters and pulled a removable panel off the wall, exposing a small keep of weapons at her disposal. She quickly began arming herself.
Raine Sarin
Aug 21st, 2001, 11:03:42 PM
*Raine nodded to Dalethria and was about to run off to find Rama when Nuriko made her attack on Firebird followed by her "kill you all" comment. He glanced over at the other Sith who appeared just as shocked.*
"I'll - I'll try to hurry.*
*With that he quickly ran off, using the force to guide him and hoping Rama wouldn't be too far away.*
Aug 22nd, 2001, 11:26:27 PM
*Taken by suprise by the headbutt, Firebird grasps his nose in pain. With blood running down his left arm, he concentrates on the wound, closing it with the Dark Side of the Force. He follows Nuri to her room, as Firebird does this he sees Raine running off to find Master Rama. Taking down your friends is never easy, but lets see if I can keep her alive so that maybe we can find out what the heck is going on here. Firebird enters Nuri's room and sees her entering an armory of sorts, getting as many weapons as she can as she walks in. Firebird concentrates on the Dark Side once again, and Force Pushes her into a rack of weapons, toppleing them ontop of her. Nuri then jumps into the air weilding a knife. Firebird catches her with his right arm. She begins to stab the right arm believeing she is inflicting pain, but since that arm is metal, her knife thrusts deflect easliy enough for the moment. Firebird then places Nuri, his right arm up to the elbow back inside the armory. He then grabs his lightsaber with his left hand and throws it at the door controls. The lightsaber activates with a hiss and strikes the controls. The door closes just as Firebird releases and Force Pushes Nuri into the back of the Armory. Nuri lands against the back wall, her head hitting it hard. Firebird turns to the nearest member of TSE.* Snap out of it, be ready for anything.
Aug 24th, 2001, 09:37:17 AM
OOC: Sorry for the confusion, FB. I didn't headbutt you. I only attack you when I say I attack YOU. Go ahead and e-mail me again if you're still confused.
IC: Firebird? Not Firebird? The images kept coming back and forth into her mind until they seemed to be one. "I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed.
Enormous noise comes from within the room. The others stand back as the door slams open and completely off-hinge, thrown up against the opposite end of the hallway. Armed with various sabres, dirks, blasters, and grenades on a series of belts strapped on to her, Nuriko jumps out of the room. She spots the others... they appear to be Sith but then appear to be Universals... She looks confused and immediately shakes her head.
"Dammit I don't have the time!!" She ran off in the opposite direction. Seraphim will get to the Lucasio and destroy it... but.... I need to find him!!
As Nuriko makes her way down the corriodor she comes across Raine.... but not Raine. "Bluss!!!"<UL><HR>Bluss turns around, surprised to see Nuriko. "@#%$!! It's you!!"
The violet-haired woman gets her blaster and keeps Nuriko at bay. "Armed to the teeth, are we?" Bluss gritted her teeth. "Don't you even frickin' move or I'll bust one right between your pretty little eyes."
Nuriko smiled at her. "You won't kill me. Shederade got the orders not to, didn't he?"
"Nice...." she said with a smile. She growled. "Except I don't work for Shederade!!!"
"Then get out of my way."
"Go to hell!"<HR>[/list]She pulls a dagger from one of the belts... an intricate one that almost appears to be a tooth of some kind and charges Raine. "You won't protect him, Bluss!!!!!!!"
Raine Sarin
Aug 24th, 2001, 11:53:55 PM
*Raine turned around quickly upon hearing "Bluss!".*
"What the..?"
*His eyes widened as he saw the Sith Mistress grab a dagger from her belt and then charge him.*
"Aw hell."
*Taking a defensive stance he waited until she was just close enough before side-stepping and dropping to the ground to sweep her. He frowned slightly as he saw he was somewhat successful, simply putting the woman offbalance instead of stopping her completely. Wincing suddenly he noticed the cut on his upper arm where she had managed to slice him, the blood already running down his arm. Quickly getting to his feet he put a hand to a dagger at his side incase she desided to charge again.*
"Lady Nuriko! Please, snap out it!"
Aug 25th, 2001, 07:38:56 AM
Upon hearing her name called out, her eyes widened. Her expression then became calm. "Oh... how sweet of you to remember my name, Bluss."
She brought her dagger, shimmering with a sliver of Raine's blood to her lips and licked it. :evil: "You won't protect Shederade. I'll gut him just like you did to our sisters." Nuriko glared. "And if you get in my way, I'll do the same to you!" :mad:
Raine Sarin
Aug 26th, 2001, 12:26:44 AM
*Raine blinked a few times. He figured it was probably best to just not make any sudden movements. But he wasn't about to just let her go either. Not like this. She was out to get someone and with the way things were going she might think some poor disciple was whoever it was she was trying to kill.*
"Mistress Nuriko, please. Listen to me. I'm not Bluss, there's no one here named Shederade. I didn't kill your sisters. Just please, calm down."
*He had a feeling this wasn't going to work, but figured it was best to try anyway. He kept his guard up, ready for her if she figured she'd had enough of "Bluss".*
Aug 26th, 2001, 12:05:54 PM
Nuriko stared intently at Raine. Unfortunately for Raine, his hair was very much like Bluss'.... so he became Raine... and then not Raine. Nuriko became infuriated. "I don't know what kind of @#%$ you're trying to pull but these damn 'holograms' or whatever the hell you're doing won't work!"
She charged him, slashing at him with her dagger in a flurry of strikes. Some cutting him, while he was able to dodge the others.
Vega Van Derveld
Aug 27th, 2001, 08:09:53 AM
Watching from the "safety" of his doorway, Vega pondered the situation. It seemed highly likely that Nuriko was under the influence of some sort of mind control, or had possibly been drugged - although he didn't know much of the Sith Mistress, so personal reasons could have enduced her actions.
I'm not going to jump in unwantedly, but tell me if you want any help, he said through the force, focusing his message towards Raine.
Raine Sarin
Aug 27th, 2001, 10:35:39 PM
*Raine jumped back as he drew his own dagger, just barely blocking another attack from Nuri.*
Yeah, help might be nice right about now, Vegs. She thinks I'm someone named Bluss or something. And all I know is right about now she's willing to kill me.
*He cringed slightly as she got past his defenses and the blade met his flesh again*
Okay, make that two things. She's willing to kill me, and is very capable of doing so!
Sep 1st, 2001, 08:57:08 PM
Her force sensitivity made her able to pick up their messages. "What in the--? :eek:
Hmph!" :mad: She grabbed her whip and wrapped it around Raine's neck, cracking it and releasing Raine. He hit the wall hard.
:| "I don't know how you're doing that, but DON'T GET IN MY HEAD!!" :mad: :mad: :mad:
She charged Raine again, wrapping the whip around his neck. "This death will be most fitting for you!!" :D :evil: :lol:
Rama Sha
Sep 4th, 2001, 01:00:40 PM
:: Rama grabbed his wife from Behind and tried to pull her off Raine. ::
:: Rama had been looking for her for sometime. Her Council time and his buisness had kept them apart far to much and today was going to be used to make up for lost time, but he never expected to find his wife chokeing the life out of one of her fellow sith. ::
Sep 5th, 2001, 10:58:52 AM
<UL><HR>Nuriko felt a shot graze her shoulder, as she struggled to strangle Bluss. She turned around to find herself staring down the barrel of none other than Shederade. "I believe you're looking for me. Let her go."
Bluss began to laugh... a choking laugh, but a laugh none the less.
Nuriko pulled Bluss up as a shield. "What are you gonna do? Shoot us both?"
"Sure." Shederade shot Bluss in the leg. She crumpled to the ground.
Nuriko quickly moved out of the way and grabbed her whip, snapping it at Shederade and knocking his blaster away and down a nearby vent.
Bluss growled at Shederade. "You.... shot me!"
Shederade looked down at her. "You're of no importance to me, just to Crav. Quit whining, you're not going to die."
Nuriko stood still, eyeing her opponent.
He looked back at her and grinned. "A kid is going to challenge me...?"
"No. A kid is going to kill you."<HR>[/list]"ARGGGGGGGGGHHH!!" Nuriko screamed as Rama grabbed her and tried pulling her away from Raine. She squeezed around Raine's neck tighter.....
OOC: Let Raine respond to this first before replying to my actions.
Raine Sarin
Sep 5th, 2001, 02:17:56 PM
*Raine continued to try and stay calm, focusing on getting what little oxygen he could. But as Nuri's whip suddenly tightened and Raine saw the reason why he has to say something quickly.*
"Master Rama it's not going to work! She probably thinks you're someone else! How do you think I got into this mess in the first place?"
*His words were slightly garbled and came out between gasps, making Raine wonder if the Sith Master would even be able to understand him. He hoped he would. But that wasn't the main thing Raine was going to be concerned with. He was beginning to feel extremely lightheaded and things around him started to get blurry, the lack of oxygen finally getting to him after he had broken his concentration.*
Vega Van Derveld
Sep 5th, 2001, 02:21:33 PM
Resisting the urge to lash out to help his friend, Vega jogged forward to the scene, keeping a few feet away from Nuriko.
Rama, somethings wrong with Nuriko.. can't you help her?! She's already gotten to two members and it doesn't look she wants to stop!
Hand hovering over the hilt of Arrogance and body fully ready to be thrown into action, the Sith Knight narrowed his eyes.
Sep 5th, 2001, 05:17:59 PM
She shut her eyes tightly. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!" Nuriko pulled her whip back and began to slam Raine's head against the wall.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Sep 5th, 2001, 09:46:47 PM
A chain wrapped around Nuriko's arm tightly, cutting off the blood to her wrist and hand. Dalethria yanked her backward to get her off Rama and looked to the others ... Raine and Vega, "You got the chance, get out of here! Rama will know what to do."
Sep 8th, 2001, 06:36:46 PM
"ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!" She struggled with the chain, scratching and clawing at it. She could see it as something different... tearing her flesh... its teeth gnawing into her skin. "GET IT OFF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She crumbled to the ground and emitted a large shot of force lightning through the chain.
Dalethria let go of the chain a split-second before the electricity could reach her. Freed at least momentarily, Nuriko span around, the deep green of her eyes now a tinged blood red.
"<font color=red>GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!</font>" The walls resonated with her scream and and small whirlwind began to form around her body, growing increasingly stronger.
Rama Sha
Sep 9th, 2001, 06:08:25 AM
:: Fell back a little. ::
Get out of here and close the blast door to the this section of the hall. I'll handle this.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Sep 10th, 2001, 06:57:39 PM
She nodded quickly and called her chain back to her hand as she exited the room.
Dalethria looked to Raine and Vega who were still outside, "Raine get moving outside this hallway, Vega ... get Firebird and met us down there."
Jogging down the hallway, she looked behind her to see Vega disappear out of site and Raine behind right behind her. As she passed underneath the archway of this corridor, she opened the panel to the right of the entryway and waited for the Knights to appear.
They better hussle ...
Raine Sarin
Sep 10th, 2001, 09:24:07 PM
*Raine was still right behind Dalethria and passed her before stopping on the other side of the archway, rubbing his neck slightly*
"I just don't know what's gotten into her. I hope Master Rama was right in that he can handle that. I just have a bad feeling about all of this."
Sep 10th, 2001, 09:37:35 PM
The whirlwind around her became a huge gust and shot itself down the hallway. Rama was knocked back to the floor, but kept low to keep from being blown away.... further down the hall the heavy wind made its impact.
Nuriko put her hands to her head.... All of her memories were coming through her in a split second, all out of order, all distorted. A chaotic mess, a burning pile, like lightning in her brain....
Her dragon-tooth knife was glowing red. It spun around and hovered in front of her, going closer to her.
Nuriko Sha
Sep 25th, 2001, 03:53:54 AM
She grabbed the knife.... I need blood...
Sep 26th, 2001, 05:19:28 PM
Hey.....I think you've hanging around Jedah too long.
<font color=red> What are you waiting for kill her! </font>
I......can't. I WON'T!
Sep 30th, 2001, 03:20:00 AM
*Lord Firebird follows the rest of the Sith as they run past the blast door as it is about to come down.*
Nuriko Sha
Oct 2nd, 2001, 12:33:50 PM
Firebird was blown down by the gust. Nuriko darted past Rama and grabbing her whip, wrapped it around Firebird's leg-- pulling him back.
<font color=red face="Century Gothic">"Oh no no no no no no! Don't leave us so soon, please!!"</font> :lol
She dragged him and grabbed him by the collar of his clothing, throwing him at Rama. The knife that was in her hand hovered around like a busy little bee with a spirit of its own.
Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 3rd, 2001, 01:08:15 PM
Moving just a step or two behind Firebird, Vega spun on his heel, looking with wide eyes as the Lord shot across the floor towards Nuriko. Patting his hand around his waist to find Seraphim as he always did, the Knight flicked the blade into action and began to jog forward slowly.
Firebird! Get up! We've got to get out of here!
Holding his saber as a guard, he frowned stonily, hiding his apprehension.
Nuriko Sha
Oct 3rd, 2001, 07:41:44 PM
The dagger span around swiftly at the sound of Vega's voice and shot out at him, hitting him in the middle of the back. It didn't impact him with the blade, but the force alone slammed Vega face-first onto the floor. It continued floating around...
Nuriko suddenly staggered and stumbled. Small beads of sweat formed on her forehead... She looked worn out. The dagger went back to her and surrounded her with golden energy. It almost seemed to be healing her.
Oct 7th, 2001, 03:36:47 PM
:: Rama Grabs Nuriko From Behind and holds her arms. ::
I told you people to get out of here!!!!!!
Nuriko Sha
Oct 9th, 2001, 08:32:46 AM
She struggled in his grip.
<font face="Century Gothic" color=red>"Seems they're too stupid to listen to you!!"</font> :lol
Nuriko grinned at him evilly. <font face="Century Gothic" color=red>"I'd let go if I were you..."</font> ;)
The dagger zapped towards Rama, cutting him across the cheek. It hovered over him about to strike again...
Oct 9th, 2001, 11:52:43 AM
:: This was something Rama could strike out at. With a powerful force wave, the knife bends and breaks in mid air and then falls to the ground. ::
Well im not you.........
Nuriko Sha
Oct 9th, 2001, 07:02:23 PM
Nuriko immediately goes limp in Rama's arms.
The knife remained still... then the pieces rattled and placed themselves back together. A laughter emitted from the knife.
Nuriko Sha
Oct 17th, 2001, 11:22:53 PM
Nuriko dropped to the floor. Slowly she stood up and faced Rama. Nuriko's voice began to change some more... it became raspy... deeper.
<font face="Century Gothic" color=gold>"You know not what I am, but what I am is no longer what I used to be. Do not hesitate to kill me, little man, because nothing in this heart is yours...."</font>
Nuriko pulled the ring off her finger and crushed it into a ball. She dropped it onto the floor with a small ping. Slowly, it began to melt into a puddle.
<font face="Century Gothic" color=gold>"I no longer wish what you would have for me. I know the true me now. Set me free, and perhaps you may live through this experience... however, I will need what is mine."</font>
Rama looked at her somewhat perplexed.
<font face="Century Gothic" color=gold>"SHE is MINE. It was her life that forfeit mine."</font> The knife spun around and returned to her hand.
Oct 22nd, 2001, 07:06:34 AM
<font color=red> See..........even she wants me to kill her.....let me free half breed. </font>
Nuriko Sha
Oct 22nd, 2001, 12:36:23 PM
<font color=gold face="Century Gothic">"No no no, dear invader...."</font>
Rama realized she was talking to the voice in his head, not to him.
<font color=gold face="Century Gothic">"I can hear you quite clearly, yes. Try to kill me and we'll just see who becomes the victor...."</font> A shadow of a large dragon appeared behind her. <font color=gold face="Century Gothic">"Because I promise... it won't be you...."</font>
She spoke to Rama, running her hands over Nuriko's body. <font color=gold face="Century Gothic">"So weak, her mind so full of holes... holding all that power made her mental defenses as soft as newly sprung grass... HER life is not what I extract. The one that COST me MY life is the one I want....."</font> She ran her hands over Nuriko's stomach. <font color=gold face="Century Gothic">"The one whose survival she chose over MINE!!!"</font>
She laughed and threw a sphere of force lighting right into Rama. A smoke billowed around them and she ran off.
Rama's eyes widened. "Kali??"
Oct 23rd, 2001, 02:35:15 AM
:: Rama threw up a force bubble at the last Momment. The force lighting sphere bounched off and impacted on the celeing sending a dust cloud. Surronding him..........then sudden a form came flayong out of the dust at an almost unheard of speed. Rama was giving chase. ::
<font color=red> How could she hear me?</font>
I don't know........
:: Rama saw ahead of him droid cleaning up a cart of over pushed supplies. ::
She has been this way....... no time to stop.
:: Rama kicked up his feet and gave a small kick towards the wall. He lunged towards the wall....and then with a swift jump kick landed on the other side of the mess, without loseing a step ::
Nuriko Sha
Oct 23rd, 2001, 05:58:37 PM
She continued running towards the quarters she and Rama shared. Her fist balled. "What are you do-- <font face="Century Gothic" color=gold> No, no... Don't interrupt, dear. It's useless anyway. We're simply going to get your sweet little girl..."</font>
Kali Sha
Oct 24th, 2001, 03:52:03 AM
Meanwhile, in her room, Kali could hear loud noises. She ignored them for the time being and continued playing with her toys, making them all dance for her in continous loops. :) :) :)
Nuriko Sha
Oct 24th, 2001, 04:10:01 AM
The small puddle left by the melted ring slowly vanished into thin air....
Oct 26th, 2001, 05:59:21 AM
We arn't gonna make it time.........
<font color=red> You should have killed her.....</font>
Listen ady I need you help now......not you mouth.
<font color=red> Why should I?</font>
Well lots of reason......
<font color=red> Name one.....</font>
Nevermind.......I got a better idea...........were're takeing a short cut.
:: Rama stopped and started forming a sphere of force engery....then then shot it towards the celeing. It ripped there it and the next one and the next one.........leaveing man sized hole along the way. ::
Going up.......
:: Rama jumped up to the next floor. ::
It'll take her some time to go up the stairs......or the Turbo lift.....hopefully she hasn't thought of this.
Sierra Sha
Oct 26th, 2001, 09:41:09 PM
Sierra was laying on the couch, reading over some datapads while keeping an eye on her sister. She glance over at Kali every now and then to make sure that she was staying out of trouble and right now she was having fun playing with her toys.
She had to frown a little, being a bit jealous that Kali could move things with her mind, seeing how young she was. Sierra on the hand had a handicap and couldn't move a spec of dirt.
A buzz warned the displaced Sha that something was amiss. That was when the noises on the other side of the door were heard. They were muffled but getting closer. Kali was far enough away and if anything decided to come through that door, they would have to get through her.
She tossed the datapad away and called security to find out what was up.
Nuriko Sha
Oct 30th, 2001, 11:23:31 PM
Suddenly, Sierra could feel a burning heat.... she looked towards the door. A powerful fiery force push shoved through, slamming Sierra against the opposite wall. The com-panel on the wall near the door beeped a high-pitched emergency signal. Nuriko glared at it and stabbed her fist into it, gutting it. She pulled out, her lower forearm covered in blood.
As Sierra got up, Nuriko tilted her head to the side slightly. <font color=gold face=Century Gothic>"Who are you? LEAVE."</font> She walked over to Kali's room, the knife reappearing in her hand.
Rama Sha
Nov 3rd, 2001, 02:08:03 PM
:: Suddenly a form smashes into Nuriko from behind sneding her falling down to the floor. ::
Nuriko Sha
Nov 3rd, 2001, 08:46:21 PM
<font color=gold face=Century Gothic>"UGH!!"</font> The Sith Master had hit her pretty hard. She charged him and tried to counter-attack, but an electric barrier shocked her and threw her back to the floor. Her wedding ring reappeared around her finger and began to burn her. <font color=gold face=Century Gothic>"NURIKO, STOP IT!!!!!!!!!"</font> She smacked her fist against her head. <font color=gold face=Century Gothic>"Don't interfere!!"</font>
Sierra Sha
Nov 3rd, 2001, 08:49:54 PM
Sierra was in complete shock to see the hatred in her mother's eyes. Nuriko showed no signs of knowing who she was.
Then her father's voice broke her out of it and she valted over the couch and made a grab for the knife. Sorting out what was wrong with her mother came later, stopping her came now.
Kali Sha
Nov 3rd, 2001, 08:59:31 PM
The knife shocked Sierra. <font color=gold face=Century Gothic>"Don't touch me!!"</font>
Kali looked at her family, at the chaotic display in front of her. She got afraid and clung to the wall.
Nuriko stood up and kicked Sierra in the stomach, but was suddenly pulled back to the floor. She looked up at Kali. <font color=gold face=Century Gothic>"Let go of me, brat!!"</font>
Nov 4th, 2001, 04:03:01 AM
Kali.........are you doing that?
:: Rama looked on wide eyed and then shook it off. ::
Well if you are I can at least help you.
:: Rama outstreched his hand. The floor began to shake and then suddenly cables burst out of the floor and wrapped around Nuriko's arms and legs holder her securely to the floor ::
Sierra Sha
Nov 6th, 2001, 05:45:07 PM
She shook her head and looked up. That jolt knocked the wind out of her but it would take more then that.
Who knew how long Nuriko could be held like that. Sierra got to her feet. Not one to make the same mistake twice, she cracked the heel of her boot on her mother's wrist hoping that she would finally let go of it.
Nuriko Sha
Nov 9th, 2001, 02:37:46 PM
The struggle was pointless. The home host of this body, in her confusion, was fighting back with the others of the Sha family against herself. What was more, the energy she had was nearly maxed and gone. There would be no escape if she didn't act now. She couldn't be taken a prisoner... or probed any further...
<font color=gold face="Century Gothic">"Whether or not you have seen the last of me depends solely upon myself,"</font> The voice that continued to hiss back wasn't Nuriko's. <font color=gold face="Century Gothic">"But I doubt we shall. You have won, and me... I will go elsewhere.
She let out a shrill scream and it was like the room blackened. Nuriko's body relaxed completely and leviated. It became incased in a crystal....
<img SRC=>
....and with a spark-- the room was lit again.... the crystal and woman both vanished, as if by a showy magician's trick.
Nov 12th, 2001, 05:44:45 AM
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