View Full Version : Silent Pain (closed)
Oni Nuime
Aug 19th, 2001, 05:24:37 PM
They were doing it again. Arguing over the fate of one of the members. Jar'ell, a large man with short bright orange hair, a man who was normally very peaceful, was in the face of the brown robed man that Oni knew to be a Jedi. The young girl had seen them come before, and they always left the Crimson Corridor with one of the younger members. Taken them from their parents to become Jedi. Usually Jar'ell and the other head leaders wouldn't argue so much but rather leave it up to the parents of the child. However, in the end, the child always left, whether the parents wanted them to or not.
Oni wasn't supposed to be watching this, however the shouts and angry protests from the man who had taken care of her since the accident that left her here had caught her attention. The Jedi was a man as well, with a loud yet calm voice.
"How can you let her stay down here when she has so much potential?"
Jar'ell frowned. "I already told you no, LanCelli. You've taken enough of our children for your cause."
"But this is different..."
"It is no different! She stays and that is final!"
For a second, Oni thought that Jar'ell would hit the Jedi. However, the man in the brown robes quickly backed away and sighed.
"Does she even know her real name, Jar'ell?"
"Her real name? I told you, as far as she knows she has died. The girl we found in the rubble with the pipe through her throat died there and then."
"So you call her 'demon' now?"
"No, not demon...Oni."
"Oni? Hey, Oni! Are you even listening to me? Hello?"
She blinked and looked up at the Sith she had been staying with for months now.
She sighed and smiled at her fiancée before finally answering him in her usual thought speech, her vocal chords have being destroyed in an accident that almost claimed her life several years before.
~"Yes, I heard you."~
"Did you really?"
She paused and looked away from the brown eyes that she found comfort in seeing every morning.
~" I'm sorry. I was just...thinking."~
Darth Varlon
Aug 19th, 2001, 05:58:01 PM
"Thinking of Coruscant again, eh?" He said while hugged her and gently kissed her on the cheek. "Don't tell me you want to go back.."
She shook her head and he let out a sigh of releif before pulling her away slightly.
"As I was saying, I'm going to be gone for at least three months starting tomorrow. I can't tell you anymore than that," He said and looked away a bit. "The council also denied my requests to bring you along. So you will be on your own, unless Raine's going to look after you.
"I'm sorry."
Oni Nuime
Aug 19th, 2001, 06:48:30 PM
She sighed slightly. 3 months. And only Varlon's creepy brother to look after her...great.
~"Don't be...As I told you. I'll be fine. It's just that, 3 months is a really long time, Var. What if something happens while you're away?"~
Darth Varlon
Aug 19th, 2001, 07:57:20 PM
"You should be fine, Oni, I don't see you going off and into trouble," He said as he hugged her close again. "If something does happen, I'll make sure the poor bastard pays.."
Oni Nuime
Aug 28th, 2001, 12:29:07 AM
She was awake when he left the next day. She sighed and flopped back onto her bed as soon as the door closed behind him. She glanced around the room and sighed again before her eyes returned to the door.
The door shut behind him after Jar'ell had practically shoved Oni into her room. She didn't know exactly what was happening, but the angry look on her caretaker's face could only mean one thing. The Jedi were back. She quickly ran to the door and pressed her ear against it, only to hear the muffled sounds of Jar'ell's protests again. Where they coming for her again? Didn't they get the idea that she wasn't going with them? She went to open the door, only to see it was locked. Oni sighed slightly and checked her pockets to see if she had anything to pick the lock...nothing. She frowned and slumped with her back against the door. If there was one thing she knew, before the accident she would have jumped at the chance to be a Jedi, but now, she didn't want anything to do with them. She liked being where she was. It was with these thoughts that she dozed off into a light sleep.
Oni's eyes opened and she glanced back towards the door. She wasn't sure how long she had napped for, but she knew that there wouldn't be any sign of a braided Sith Knight coming through that door unless by some miracle she had slept off those 3 months. She sighed and grabbed a small pouch of datapadds before heading off to Rama's Bar. A place she liked to be when studying and catching up on the happenings of the past few years.
Oni Nuime
Sep 4th, 2001, 10:09:15 PM
*¤·-2 Months Later-·¤*
Oni held the pouch full of datapads and stared at them for an instant before slinging the pouch over her shoulder and heading for Rama's as usual. It was boring, but routine, so she did it anyway. As she sat at what had become her usual booth she looked around at the few other people in the bar. Thankfully it was late at night, what was pretty much mid-day for her. She never bothered adjusting to try and adjust to the time change, Oni liked night better anyway. Nevertheless, the bar was fairly empty. She took a few datapads out from her pouch and was about to go back to reading when she noticed someone else trying to look inconspicuous in the bar. She blinked as they looked up and then quickly went back to trying to read her datapad, hoping they wouldn't try to talk to her.
Oni sat in the blacklight-lit area. This was the center of the Raptor's HQ. A meeting place, and earlier this day it was a place of sorrow. The 11-year-old girl held a small box and stared down at it. A few tears splashed down upon the wooden box as Oni softly cried for the loss of her mentor and dear friend, Jar'ell. He had been killed, probably by an opposing clan, but there was no real way to know.
Seeing her tears upon the box she quickly used the sleeves of her oversized shirt to wipe them off before opening the lid. Inside was a small thing of black face paint, a small replica of a scythe, and a piece of paper with a few symbols written on it. Only a few weeks ago Jar'ell had given her the box, telling her he had a feeling his time was coming to a close and she would soon have to take his place as the one who chose the life and death of those who entered Raptor territory.
Oni looked at the paper a few moments before opening the black face paint and putting a few marks on her face around her eyes. She lifted a small mirror and looked at the markings she had made and smiled slightly. Jar'ell would be proud. She got them right the first time. She blinked at a blur over her shoulder and moved the mirror to show to her a brown robed figure standing behind her.
With a slight gasp the young girl spun around to face the person and instantly recognized it as the Jedi she had seen Jar'ell arguing with a few months ago.
She glared at him and turned back around, closing her box quickly. The Jedi simply smiled at her and put a hand on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry for your loss. He was a wonderful man."
Oni narrowed her eyes before speaking to the man through telepathy as well as what little she had learned to through the Force.
~"Your sympathy isn't needed, thank you."~
The Jedi sighed slightly.
"As much as I would love to talk about him with you, I came here for another reason."
~"I already know why you are here. My answer is no."~
"But, why?! We can help you!"
~"You can't help what is already dead."~
The Jedi stared in shock at the young girl, she really did believe she was dead.
"Won't you at least allow me to show you what you are missing?"
Oni frowned and stared into the face of the man in front of her. She wanted to slap him and tell him to leave before she ordered his death, but instead she sighed.
~"Fine! Do what you want. You won't change my mind."~
Katarina Kariena
Sep 11th, 2001, 01:09:28 AM
Kat sat in the far corner of the bar, and sipped her drink. Rarely did she come in here, but she was traveling this time and needed to rest for a bit. This seemed as good a place as any, even if it was Sith infested. She just sat there and watched the other patrons, but one girl inparticular cought her eye.
There was something about the girl that had cought her attention. Kat picked up on the girls feelings, but stayed in the corner. She reached out with the force trying to find out what was causeing so much torment in the girl.
Oni Nuime
Sep 26th, 2001, 06:17:02 PM
Oni looked up suddenly, her eyes locking with Kat's. Her face remained calm then suddenly she looked pained and suddenly covered her ears and cringed, trying to force the Jedi out of her mind.
The older Jedi put his hands to the Oni's temples and both closed their eyes. For a moment she could see images of people using the force to stop things from falling on people, others fighting dark clad people who had an overpowering feeling of evil, people smiling and laughing in the sunshine. Then she saw a glimce of something else...something that wasn't there for her to see. She took hold of it, and suddenly her eyes shot open as she saw it clear in her mind. The Jedi had payed for Jar'ell to die, payed some scum of the underworld to kill the one who always protected her. She could see the Jedi was now staring into her eyes as the mental link was shut off suddenly.
Oni stared in shock and horror at the man before suddenly backing away from him.
"It had to be done..."
She ignored the Jedi's words and suddenly raised a hand into the air. The Jedi laughed.
"What? Are you going to attack me now?"
Dark figures appeared along the edges of the room. The Jedi looked at them with a frown. Oni brought her hand down and ran a finger across her throat. The figures in black pounced the Jedi. Oni only watched as they managed to disarm him and smiled slightly as their hands became coated with his blood.
She grabbed her pouch of datapads. Kat had unknowingly unlocked the memory that she had tried to burry deep within her. With a Death Glare directed at the Jedi, Kat could hear the few words Oni would speak to her before she left.
~"I'll kill you all"~
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