View Full Version : Even Angels Fall: Praying for Keeps

Warren Azalin
Aug 10th, 2001, 12:09:01 AM
<font color=red>Evening fell on the planet of Selonia as the Angel of Darkness watched on. He had come to this planet in search of the one known as Kaine Darklighter, but so far he had only come up empty handed. He had to find his former padawan if his plans were to continue.... well on second thought he had to find Warren's former padawan. All he was following though was info from a few drunken pirates; he would remember to kill a few more next time before asking, then maybe they would tell him the truth.


Half grumbling to himself Abaddon rose to his feet as he looked down at the desolate streets below; tomorrow would be another day for him, and hopefully tomorrow would be more prosperous.</font>

<img src=http://warrenssigshop.clanhappy.com/sigs/Abaddon.jpg>

Eve Siren
Aug 10th, 2001, 10:36:54 AM
"Warren Azalin."

Leaning against her motorcycle, she shut her eyes for a slight second before opening them to give the man a cold glare through her helmet. She crossed her arms over her chest and spoke to him with a deep monotone voice.

"Or, should I say ... Abaddon ?"

Warren Azalin
Aug 10th, 2001, 02:32:46 PM
<font color=red>"I'll find him one of these days, and when I do I'll....."

His thoughts were cut short as he heard his name called out behind him, it was hard enough to keep himself low-profile without people screaming his name out in the middle of the night. Quickly turning around he was met with the gaze of a young woman, surely it had ben her who called him. She was not alone though; a few feet back from her stood an old woman, Abaddon didn't know if the woman had heard his name but he wasn't one to take chances. Jumping into the air as only a Jedi could he landed in front of the old woman, to her surprise she was scared outta her mind when the man lunged in front of her. Of course it was human nature for one to run once they are frightened, but Abaddon never was one for the normal and as such produced a small dagger as the woman turned to run. Before she could even really move Abaddon had grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her towards him as he put the blade to her neck. He could smell the fear on her as he leaned forward and whispered into her ear as if telling her an immense secret.....

"When you get to Hell, tell them I'll be awhile ok."

Before the woman could respond he pulled the knife across her neck slitting her throat and causing her to bleed to death. He made sure to smile as he looked down at her dying body, sadly she did not die as quickly as he had hoped and she lay there asking him the same question over and over again with that look in her eyes......"Why?". The odd thing about it was Abaddon could only think of one response.... "Why Not?".

After awhile the woman finally died and Abaddon felt a sigh of relief go through him, maybe it was the fact that once again he was alone or maybe it was the fact he had enjoyed killing the old woman. Picking up her body with little ease he tossed it towards the younger woman that had started this whole thing. The woman's corpse feel at Eve's feet as she looked up towards Abaddon with eyes of confusion.

"Well speak quickly woman! We're alone now so no one else will have to die because of your "subtlety". I only have two things on my mind at this moment and your life depends on both of them. 1: What do you want with me? and the second and most important is 2: Do you know the whereabouts of a Kaine Darklighter?"</font>

Eve Siren
Aug 10th, 2001, 02:43:50 PM
Eve took off her Helmet and grimaced slightly at the man. She looked down at the corpse. The old woman ... Her eyes were still open. She bended down on her knees and gently closed the woman's eyes with her hand, ignoring Abaddon's talking.

Emotionless like always, silently, she put her helmet on her motorcycle and started at the man, her softened glare quickly darkened.

"If I knew where he was ... Do you really think I would tell you ?"

Warren Azalin
Aug 10th, 2001, 09:33:01 PM
<font color=red>"She knows something, she knows something and is not telling me. I should kill her."

Abaddon sat there pondering ways to kill the woman without letting her know what his true intentions where....</font>

"You will not harm her! Do you understand me?"

<font color=red>"Shut Up Jedi!"

Abaddon put his hands up to his head slightly as he tried to push the Jedi out of his mind once again; lately Warren had been getting more and more out of hand. He feared soon the Jedi would make a return, but it would have to wait. Now he had someone to kill.

"Come with me woman."

Abaddon walked down the empty streets leaving the corpse in the road as Eve followed him. Eventually they came upon a small Bar and he opened the door as they both walked in. He could smell the stench of the poor as he walked in, all around him sat those of lesser class. To his right sat a pair of Rodians arguing over some treasure hunt gone wrong, to his left sat a small group of Selonians drinking their share of liquor. There where a few more beings in the bar but none that stood out among them. Walking slowly Abaddon went to a table and sat down as he offered a seat to Eve.

"I know you know this Kaine fellow. So tell me what you know or suffer."

Eve Siren
Aug 11th, 2001, 09:39:43 AM
Even if we are in public, it wouldn't bother him to kill me. Eve thought. She licked her lips slowly, shutting her eyes for a second and reopened them. She sat down and put her hands together, staring at Abaddon with a straight emotionless face, like always. She sensed his Jedi side was struggling to come back ... Warren. In the meantime, she'll just have to avoid any question involving Kaine.

"Why are you fighting it ? You know that, in the end, Warren will beat you and take full control of you."

Warren Azalin
Aug 11th, 2001, 06:53:44 PM
<font color=red>"This one does not know what she is getting herself into, she speaks as if she has nothing to lose.... Maybe I should change all that for her...."

Ignoring her comment he grinned as he looked ar her.

"What does Kaine mean to you Eve? Why are you protecting him?"

Sitting there calmly he waited for her to reply as he ordered himself a drink. He still didn't know why she was protecting Kaine or what she could possible get out of it.</font>

Eve Siren
Aug 11th, 2001, 07:05:16 PM
<font color=aqua>"Why do you resist ? Why are you holding Azalin back ?"

Seeing him ordered a drink, Eve did the same. She continued staring at Abaddon and finally grinned. Abaddon was a fascinating man ... And extremely strong.

"Are you scared to disappear ?" </font>

Warren Azalin
Aug 11th, 2001, 07:55:33 PM
<font color=red>[/i]Rage...[/i]this was the only emotion that could describe him at the moment. Time after time he had nicely asked Eve about Kaine's whereabouts and time after time she had avoided answering him. Now it was time to try a different approach; the time for subtlety was dead...

"I do not fear Azalin woman, he is nothing for me to be afraid of. You on the other hand do have something to fear though. You have tried my patience for the last time and I think it's time I ask a different way."

Tossing aside his seat Abaddon rose to his feet with a look of fiery rage in his eyes. It was time to show Eve how serious he was. He could smell fear erupting from the other patrons around him, he knew they felt like something bad was going to happen, and it was. Just then Abaddon was disrupted by a slight tapping on his shoulder; turning around quickly he was greeted by the sight of their waiter...</font>

"Ummmmm... Sir, here is the drink you asked for."

<font color=red>With eyes of anger Abaddon looked at the drink, for a split second he pondered whether or not to have the drink before he went to work. In that split second his anger rose as he saw something else.......ICE.


He watched as the small man almost urinated on himself from the fear.</font>

<Font size=1>"Ummm... no Sir, you didn't ask for ice."</font>

<Font color=red>Feeling his blood start to boil with anger Abaddon gave the man one last chance as he barked out at him.


He could see the man realized his mistake as he started to turn around and head back to the bar.</font>

"I said no Sir, you did not ask for ice. I shall get you another drink."

<font color=red>The poor man never reached the bar as Abaddon pulled him back towards their Table.

"That won't be necessary."</font>

Looking up towards the large man the waiter could no longer hold himself back as he began to relieve himself all over his pant leg.</font>

<font size=1>"Well what would you like then sir."</font>

<font color=red>Abaddon smiled as he raised the man into the air by one arm.

"I want you to die."

Before the man could say anything else Abaddon used all his strength and tore the mans arm off his body. Screaming for all he was worth the man fell to the floor grasping the stub where his arm had until recently been.</font>

"You took my Arm, You took me arm, You took my......"

<Font color=red>The rest came out as a gurgle of blood as Abaddon took the mans arm and shoved the bone through the mans throat. The other patrons could only look in horror at what had just happened, they didn't know whether to run or to try and fight the man..

"What are you all looking for? Haven't you ever seen a man with his arm through his throat before? Well?"

No one responded to him as they all darted for the nearest exit.Smiling to himself he walked over to Eve grinning as he put his arm on the dead mans head and used it as an armrest.

"Well now, where were we?"</font>

Eve Siren
Aug 11th, 2001, 08:19:16 PM
<font color=aqua>Eve gulped as she looked at the waiter but she simply coughed as Abaddon turned around, back to her. She managed to smile sweetly and tilted her head to the side.

"Well, I don't remember either."

Eve grinned, leaning back into her seat. She knew she was 'supposed' to fear Abaddon but strangely, she didn't. Unlike many other 'villains' she met before, this one was interesting and different. She looked down at the dead man's head and shook her head.

"And to say you already scared the hell out of him, did you really need to kill him ?"</font>

Warren Azalin
Aug 12th, 2001, 04:02:40 AM
<Font color=red>"That's where our paths take different roads Eve. You might think that scaring someone is enough, and for a Sith I find that thought interesting. I'll tell you this though, when you kill someone they are pretty frelling scared, and in the end they won't have anyway of getting back at you. I believe all lose ends should be taken care of, and seeing as how I am a man of my word and you have said nothing about Kaine; your knowledge of me and what has happened here today make you a lose end. So I think it's time I brought this meeting to a close and bid you good day Madam."

Lifting his palm upwards Abaddon let a whirlwind of carnage surround him as everything in his sight flew up into the air before slamming into barren walls around the room; this included Eve.</font>

Eve Siren
Aug 12th, 2001, 08:10:30 AM
<font color=aqua>Trying not to express her pain, Eve simply closed one eye tightly as she was slammed into the wall. She stood up, rubbing her left shoulder from the pain with her hand and ran out of the bar. As she catched up with Abaddon, she told herself that she had to waste his time as more as possible. Maybe even find a way to get Warren back.

"You are right. I don't know anything about you at all. Nothing besides the fact that you hurted Kaine before and that ... That I don't tolerate."

Eve's smile quickly turned into an angry frown. Kaine ... He was important to her, indeed.

"Turn around, Abaddon."

Her angry frown strangely disappeared as she repeated those words.

"Turn around ..."</font>

Warren Azalin
Aug 25th, 2001, 02:17:11 PM
<font color=red>Abaddon could hear the fear in her voice as she began telling him to turn around, if it where not for her Sith occupation he would have enjoyed taunting her, after all fear does lead to the Dark Side. Moving his hand slowly over his saber he grinned as he spun around igniting the redish blade in mid-swing.

"What do you want? I suggest you make it quick. I do after all have a Sith to hunt down."</font>

Eve Siren
Aug 25th, 2001, 07:28:41 PM
<font color=aqua>Eve laughed slightly, grinning. If he truly believed that she was going to let him touch Kaine ... He was deeply wrong.

"Fool ... Do you really think I will let you touch him ?"</font>

Warren Azalin
Aug 27th, 2001, 05:09:47 PM
<Font color=Aqua>"Fool ... Do you really think I will let you touch him ?"</font>

<font color=red>"It depends; do you really think I am going to let you live long enough to stop me?"

Before the young Sith could even react Abaddon slammed his saber forward; he could see Eve was ready as she mearly flinched as the blade sliced across her arm. Dropplets of blood touched the cold ground before her wound was couterized by the Lightsabers blade.

"Now then, I think we have finished our little talk. What do you think?"</font>

Eve Siren
Aug 27th, 2001, 05:17:03 PM
<font color=aqua>"Right ... The small talk is finished, but .."

Eve held her wound for a brief moment before getting into a fighting stance, glaring at Abaddon, taking out a small dagger from her sleeve discreetly.

"This is just the beginning."</font>

EDIT: sig too large

Warren Azalin
Aug 27th, 2001, 05:44:30 PM
<Font color=red>"There is not begining or end in battle my dear, only winners and losers. Those who live and those who die, sadly you are going to be one of the later choices."

He stood there smiling as Eve touched the wound on her arm, he could almost smell the fear and anger coming from her young body. He wouldn't kill her of course, not now anyway. She was what he was looking for, she would be the bait of course. He would use her to get that good for nothing Sith Kaine.... that would have to wait for later though, for now he had to deal with her first. He glanced at her slowly as he saw a glint of light come out from out of her sleeve, it didn't take a genious to know what it was or the fact that she was hoping he hadn't seen it. Only problem was that he had seen it, and he was going to do something about it.

"Now now Eve, what are you planning on doing with that dagger? Are you going to stab me with it? Do you even have the strength in you to kill somone little girl? I don't think so."

He could feel the anger building up inside her but all that didn't matter now, he had done what he had hoped for and enraged her enough to drop her guard momentarilly. Using inhuman speed Abaddon rushed over to her and grabbed the dagger while slamming her body into the nearest wall. Sure it would have been a tough job if it was anyone else but she was light on her feet and felt like a feather in the wind as he threw her.

"Now listen closely to me Eve. I am going to ask you one more time, where is Kaine?"

He could see it in her eyes that she would never tell him and even if she would, it wasn't going to happen just by him asking nicely. No, he would need to show her he meant business this time. And show her he did as he took the knife and buried it in her shoulder blade as he held her in place.

"I suggest you start talking."</font>

Eve Siren
Aug 27th, 2001, 09:22:07 PM
"... Argh !"

Eve let out a slight cry of pain, groaning, she elbowed Abbadon in the stomach. It probably didn't hurt him that much but at least, he backed away a few paces. She held her bloody shoulder as she pulled out her bloody dagger and threw it towards him, hitting his arm, leaving a slight wound, just like hers. She growled lightly, staring at him.

"Don't underestimate me ... simply because I'm a girl."

Warren Azalin
Aug 30th, 2001, 06:08:52 PM
<font color=red>"I don't underestimate you because your a girl. I underestimate you because your a Mortal."

He could see the pain in Eve's eyes as he ran a hand over the wound on his arm, it wasn't much to look at, much less anything to be considered a threat. The fact still remained that she had tried to harm him, no matter how insufficient it was.

"Tssk, tssk Eve. If I didn't know better I woudl think you tried to harm me."

Leaping forward quickly he grabbed her by the jaw as he lifted her nimble body off the groiund and slammed it into the wall.

"Funny how these things work out huh? So you ready to die for your friend Eve? Are you that loyal?</font>

Eve Siren
Sep 1st, 2001, 09:34:59 AM
Eve let out another cry of pain as she was slammed into the wall. She closed her eyes tightly and clenched her fist as she sent a large wave of Force to push Abaddon away from her.

"Why do you think .. that I'm here, fighting against you ?? For fun ?!"

Warren Azalin
Sep 1st, 2001, 02:11:10 PM
"Why do you think .. that I'm here, fighting against you ?? For fun ?!"

<font color=red>Those where the last words Abaddon heard as he lay on the floor laughing to himself, it seemed moments ago he had threatened to kill the girl all all she could do was push him off with a Force Wave. Letting himself get up was the easy part as he stood before Eve again, the hard part was getting all the dirt off his new cloak.

"Tssk, do you know hom much this is going to cost to clean. Oh well, guess I'll threaten somone as always, and as for you!"

Abaddon turned his gaze to look at the young Sith Warrior.

"I don't know why your here. Maybe it's to protect Kaine but maybe your also a Masochist. I mean I've met some weird women in my life and trust me I have seen stuff worse then this and it was not for the purpose of protecting anyone. So tell me, why Kaine?"</font>

Eve Siren
Sep 1st, 2001, 02:19:32 PM
"That is .."

Eve stared back at Abaddon with angry crimson eyes. She frowned with anger and cracked her neck with a slight head movement.

"Absolutely none of your business."

Warren Azalin
Sep 1st, 2001, 03:39:27 PM
<font color=red>"Ahhhh, but see when it comes to Kaine it is my business. I have a feeling thought that you don't think like that. So I'll have to go to plan B. See if you don't tell me where Kaine is then I'll use you to bring him here."

Abaddon let out a small smile as he walked towards Eve slowly, he could feel the anger she was giving off and he was enjoying it. After all how many could say they got a Sith this angry and then beat them down. Rushing forward with almost no problem Abaddon lashed out and grabbed Eve by the throat; he could feel her trying to breath underneath his palm as he tightened his grip on her.

"Now listen closely Eve, since you were so hard-headed as to not answer my simple questions it seems I'll find a new use for you. See I am about to kill you ok, and when Kaine comes for your body I'll get him too, now if he doesn't come then you died in vain didn't you..... well at least you were fun. So do you think Kaine will come to mourn you"

He could only here a small gurgle escape her lips as he gave her a demonic grin.

"Well for your sake I hope he comes. Now I'm sad to say this, but I must bid you goodbye."

Letting his anger get the better of him Abaddon pulled Eve towards him as he looked on at the bar they had only recently left.

"Goodbye Eve, see you in the afterlife."

Using all his force he pulled her back and then threw her forward; as her limp body flew threw the air Abaddon laughed at all the trouble she had caused him. Eve went flying through the Bar room windows as if she was a rock sending a message to the owners, but she indeed was a message, not to those on this planet, no, she was a messsage to Kaine. He could see Eve land in the carnage as she went flying through about three tables before coming to a stop at the nearest wall. Looking at her body he had to say he was pleased with himself; alll over her he could see the cuts and bruises as clothing was all over the place. If she had indeed survived she would definatly have to find new clothes. As he turned to hide he could hear a faint sound fcoming from inside, letting his curiousity get the better of him he walked into the carnage as he looked on at Eve's body. He could see she was still breathing as she coughed up blood at his feet.

"You must have the Devil's luck woman."

Raising his foot he was ready to smash her skull as an idea hit him, maybe it would be more usefull to use her as live bait. After all if she was still alive he could bargin with Kaine, after all Kaine would be mad, but bargining with a dead woman would do him no good. No, this would work. Only problem is Abaddon had to hide, and he had no idea how long Eve would stay alive. Now fate fell upon Kaine and the girl. It was their problem not his. Kneeling down slowly Abaddon grabbed Eve's body as he dragged her ragged body out of the bar, he could feel the pain through her as he dragged her out the shattered window. He could almost taste her blood as he heard the tearing of her flesh upon the shattered glass. It took him only a few minutes to fully drag her body outside but when he did he was struck by another idea, one of pure spite and hatred. Leaving her body alone to bleed he walked away and began to look around and find what he had been looking for, a few minutes later Abaddon reappeared with what he had hoped to find, rope. Walking over to Eve he bound her hand up with the rope as he began to laugh to himself, man this was better then he had hoped for. It took all of about 5 minutes to finally get her body to hang from the roof of the bar, there she hung bleeding on the street below and rocking back and forth in the wind. He knew for sure this would get Kaines attention, and soon he would have Kaine. With that he began to walk away as he grinned.

"Well this was easier then I thought it would be."

Minutes later Abaddon dissapeared into the shadows as he awaited Kaine's arrival.</font>

Eve Siren
Sep 2nd, 2001, 01:58:14 PM
Eve slowly reopened her eyes, discovering that she was currently hung up on top of the bar she got smashed into.

"Argh .."

She wasn't able to move a lot, it hurted like hell. Blood rolled down her body and fell onto the street, creating a little puddle of red liquid. She let out small whimpers of pain, without moving her body. It hurted too much .. She was losing more and more blood by the minute. Her eyes, half-closed, searched around for any signs of Abaddon but he was nowhere. Breathing heavily, she let her head hang down, without moving a muscle of her body. The only thing that indicates she was still alive was her eyes. They were still crimson red .. yet, they were slowly fading.

Kaine Darklighter
Sep 9th, 2001, 03:12:51 AM
You've been away too long.
I know ..
A friend needs you.
Wake up and find out.

With that, Kaine pulled out from his dream. He looked around the room for a moment, trying to remember where he was. Ah, that's right. Selonia. But why? Oh, Abaddon. After remembering where he was, and what he was here to do, Kaine jumped out of his bed, and strode over to the window. A rather small window. The odd thing about it was that it couldn't open - which he changed rather fast. Using a small force blast, he shattered the window into millions of smaller pieces, and he grinned.

“Eh, finally. Some fresh air.”

The Sith Warrior walked over to his small bag that he had brought a long - inside was some cloths, a bacta pack, and his most valued thing; a lightsaber. Before opening his bag, a small disturbance in the force hit him.

“.. Eve!”

Eve was here? On Selonia? She must've came to strike back at Abaddon, for what the so called Angel of Darkness had done to him.

“Damn .. she shouldn't have come.”

Kaine quickly got dressed into his usual attire, and before leaving his room, clipped the hilt of his lightsabre to his weapons belt. It wasn't long before Kaine was out onto the street. He let the force run through him, so it would guide him to Eve. The Sith Warrior just hoped that he wasn't too late.

Eve Siren
Sep 10th, 2001, 06:34:53 PM
Finally Kaine arrived but Eve still couldn't express her surprise through the pain she's suffering. Still without moving, she talked to him through the Force ... Even though, usually, she never used it before.

"It hurts too much .."

The drips of blood still rolling down her extremely damaged suit, her face remained emotionless from the pain. Though the silence coming from her was deep, she was screaming on the top of her lungs inside her head.

Kaine Darklighter
Sep 11th, 2001, 02:12:33 AM
“I'll get you out of here, Eve..”

Instinctively, Kaine ripped the sabre hilt from his belt, and ignited it with his thumb. The silver blade ignited with a snap-hiss, and the blade extended to its full width. Reaching up slightly, he sliced the rope that held Eve up, and instantly threw his saber to the side. Using whatever speed he could gather, he grabbed onto Eve's shoulders, and head, and held her from hitting the ground head-first.

Eve's legs fell, and landed comfortably onto the ground. The Sith Warrior slowly lowered Eve's body to the ground, and placed her head on the bag that Kaine had brought. Taking his shirt off, he ripped it into long strands, and tightly wrapped them around Eve's wounds. Kaine was left with a short sleeve shirt on, but he didn't mind.

“Alright. I'm gonna try lift you onto my shoulder. This may hurt a bit.”

The Sith Warrior took a deep breath, before yanking Eve up onto her feet. Holding her still there, he lowered his body down to Eve's waist. Wrapping one arm around her, he lifted her up, and onto his shoulder, while he straightened his body up.

“It's okay now. I'll take you somewhere safe.”

Kaine called his saber to his unused hand, and clipped it back to his belt. He thought about picking up his bag, but then he'd have to bend down, and he might drop Eve doing that. There wasn't anything valueable in the bag anyway. Just a few clothes. He checked that he had anything, then began walking down the street, heading for where he landed a stolen shuttle.