View Full Version : Fate of two

Eve Siren
Jul 22nd, 2001, 09:36:16 PM
-- Eve walked in the crowded bar and glanced around for an empty seat. Luckily, there was two empty ones near the counter. She walked through the rather large crowd, pushing and being pushed by the people in the bar. She finally reached one of them and sat on it. A loud beeping droid turned around and asked what she wanted in a weird robot voice, but she still didn't decide on her drink. Still thinking about her order, she glanced around. --

"Uh ..."

edit~ sig is still too big

Vyes Signas
Jul 22nd, 2001, 09:54:16 PM
<Vyes was sitting at the bar counter, drinking a beer slowly. He had been there just for a while, after running a shipment for a friend. It was a normal run from one planet to another, nothing out the ordinary. He decided to use the extra time on his hands to relax for awhile before another job came around. The lights above him in the bar, shined down upon his long, sleek black hair. Vyes had two Peacemakers strapped to his chest under the red cape around him. It was a bar after all, couldnt ever tell what could happen next. The rather quiet man could hear others conversations faintly as the bar was packed this evening. Vyes didnt pay attention as there were also many droids going back and forth around the bar, taking care or food and drink orders. He put the bottle of beer down on the counter and looked straight ahead of him. A bartender came to him and looked to see that his bottle was now empty.>

Sklyer - "Hey Vyes, want another?"

<Vyes looked up to see his friend Skyler ask him if he wanted another beer. He had been here on many occasions and nodded slowly.>

"Yeah, ill have another...."

<He spoke in a rather low and calm voice, taking some credits and sliding it over to Skyler. Skyler took the credits and slid them back to Vyes.>

Skyler - "Dont worry about it, this ones on me."

<Vyes had a brief half smiled and nodded slowly to him.>


Skyler - "Dont mention it. Its the least I can do after you helped me out a few weeks back with those goons."

<Vyes nodded slightly and took the beer as Skyler opened it up for him. He was in a jam and Vyes decided to get him out of it alive. They had known each other for quite a few months. Taking a drink, he glanced over at the girl who stepped into the bar. Vyes had never seen her around these parts before. He faced back in front of him, only to turn back to see her once more. Vyes was captivated by her beauty and presence. This had never happened to him since he lost his first and only girlfriend in an unexpected wildfire. He had no feelings for any girl after that incident. What was happening to Vyes all of a sudden? Vyes shook it off for the time being and didnt mind the feeling, thinking it was only temporary. He just simply turned back and continued to drink his beer as the droid was talking to her.>


Eve Siren
Jul 22nd, 2001, 10:01:48 PM
"I'll have a small beer ..."

-- The droid beeped loudly before leaving. She looked at it leaving, smiling slightly but something caught her eye. A man ... A rather unique one. She kept staring at him silently, ignoring the people walking through her eyesight then the loud beeping came back again. She turned back around and let out a small sigh as she took the icey beer. Staring down at the counter, she stroked her cheek with her hand. Was she blushing ..? She shook her head and took a sip of the beer. --

"No way ..."

Vyes Signas
Jul 23rd, 2001, 11:42:48 PM
<Some time had gone by as Vyes continued to talk to his bartender friend Skyler. Every so often, he took a glance at the beautiful woman. Vyes put the drink down in his hand decided to go talk to her. At least he could have some company for awhile if nothing else. He thought it wouldnt be so bad to get to know her while he was waiting. It was just useless to resist the urge to talk to her. Vyes hadnt done this for quite awhile now and was just hoping he wouldnt make a total fool of himself in front of her. He ran his hand through his hair slowly then looked at Skyler.>

"Skyler, thanks for the drink. See you next time."

Skyler - "Alright man, take care of yourself."

<Vyes nods and gets up off his seat then turns to look at lady at the table. She was sitting there quietly and then started to make his way over to her. Vyes's cape fluttered slightly as he walked by the different tables. Different species of people were flooded in the extremely busy bar. His Peacemakers were exposed every so often while walking by as his cape was moving back and forth. He slowly went by passing droids and patrons before arriving at her table. She was looking down before lifting her head up and looking at him. Vyes smiled half way and motioned his hand to the seat in front of her where he was standing.>

"Got room for another?"

Eve Siren
Jul 24th, 2001, 09:25:16 AM
Surprised, Eve nodded slightly and watched the man sit down. She finished the lasting of her beer and licked her lips discreetly to take off the taste of it. She tilted her head to the side then thought about what to say. They remained silent for a minute then she remembered that she hasn't present herself.

"... My name's Eve, Eve Siren. And you are ?"

Eve kept staring at the man, waiting for an answer. Although his hair hid slightly his face, she discovered he had beautiful eyes ... Embarassed by the thought, she looked on the side, blushing lightly.

Vyes Signas
Jul 26th, 2001, 03:05:36 AM
<At closer view, she was astonishing in looks and features. It was as if a white rose had risen amongst the darkness. Although, she can very well be a extremely powerful person deep inside. Her eyes seem to show beauty and power as well. Vyes couldnt stumble on his words though, so he quickly snapped out of it. As he heard her name, Eve, it immediately set into his memory. The name was beautiful as well, just as her looks were. Vyes noticed she seemed to have blushed, but decided not to worry about it right now. He nodded to her slightly and introduced himself as well.>

"Vyes, Vyes Signas is my name. You have an excellent name, Eve. I saw you from the counter were I was sitting earlier. Sitting by yourself I figured to give you some company. This is not exactly the best place a woman can be."

<Vyes took a small drink and placed the bottle back down on the table. He was still a bit worried that he would make himself look like a fool. The man was always calm, cool, and calculating. Why would a woman make him become flooded with flaws? Some of his long, black hair was along side of his face and cheeks, shrouding his face slightly. He was still managing to keep cool and decided to keep it going at this track as it was working well so far.>

Eve Siren
Jul 26th, 2001, 09:56:00 AM
Without asking, Eve held her hand out and brushed the strands of his long black hair away from his face. She just looked at it, so soft ... She smiled lightly and put her hand down on the table.

"I don't see why I shouldn't be here, I was just ... I guess celebrating alone. And you ? Why were you sitting at the counter by yourself ? Where's your ladyfriend ?

Vyes Signas
Jul 26th, 2001, 07:41:09 PM
<He brings his eyebrows down in slight confusion then looks at her again. As she mentioned "ladyfriend", a sad expression appeared over Vyes's face. Looking down at the table. he took a small drink and sighed briefly.>

"I just got done with one of my cargo runs and decided to relax here for a bit. As for a ladyfriend, I do not have one."

<Taking a drink again, he shifted his attention over to Eve. Vyes smiled again and placed his drink back down.>

"So, your just here to celebrate, what ocassion called for it?"

Eve Siren
Jul 26th, 2001, 09:39:52 PM
"Well, today is the day I ran away from a place I would call hell, six years ago. Unfortunately, the others runaways are either not alive or doesn't want to come see me because I disobeyed to the high commander's rules."

Eve looked at Vyes' reaction to her confusing explanation and smiled, closing her eyes and running her hand through her hair.

"It's a long and complicated story."

sig too big~

Vyes Signas
Jul 26th, 2001, 09:51:15 PM
<He nods to her slightly, obviously confused with what she said. Vyes decided not to go too deep with it right now.>

"Well, we can leave that explaining for some other time. I am glad to know that you happy with the ocassion."

<Vyes notices his drink was finished and decided not to get another one. Staying sober would be a good thing right now, to stay with his senses.>

"You seem to be a woman of great poweress and a dark aura. You wouldnt happen to be a Sith, would you?"

Eve Siren
Jul 26th, 2001, 10:08:30 PM
"Indeed, I am. Is it that obvious ?"

Eve looked around, the place was getting more and more crowded. Eve turned her gaze back on Vyes and smirked slightly.

"How about getting drunk to celebrate, huh ? Won't hurt anyone."

Vyes Signas
Jul 26th, 2001, 11:21:10 PM
"I guess it would not be so obvious to the normal eye so to speak."

<Vyes laughs slightly to himself before looking at her again. Her proposal was one of interest to him, but it was in a rather crude area to do so for both of them.>

"Well, im not worried about others getting hurt. Still need to be safe so we can get ourselves out of here. I guess a few drinks wouldnt be so bad."

<He motioned for the droid to come over to their table. It beeped a few times then rolled over with a tray in its metallic hand. Vyes smiled then looked at Eve again to ask her whats she wanted to drink.>

"What would you like to have Eve? Its all on me."

Eve Siren
Jul 27th, 2001, 08:46:13 PM
"Just a few beers,hope you don't mind."

Eve smiled. No strangers has been this nice to her for a long time. Not ever since Zach left her with Fury. She let out a small sigh and cracked her neck, slightly. She grinned widely as the beers appeared and took a bottle then popped the cap off. She looked at Vyes and held her bottle out.


Vyes Signas
Jul 27th, 2001, 11:54:12 PM
<He takes some credits out his pocket as the droid dropped by their beers. Placing the credits on the droids tray, it beeps a few times in content and rolls off back to work. Vyes gives a slight nod of his head to Eve as he turned his attention back to her. He takes the beer in his hand and lifts it up to hers, touching it slowly.>

"Cheers Eve..."

<Taking a drink slowly, both of them lay the bottle down on the table. He feels the drink go down his throat before looking at her again.>

"So how is it being a Sith?"

Eve Siren
Jul 28th, 2001, 12:00:17 AM
Eve licked the taste off her lips slowly after a large sip of her bottle of beer then looked at Vyes. She looked down at the table as she put the bottle down too.

"Well ... I don't know. It's just ... For the first time, I feel like I belong somewhere, you know. I'm not an outsider for them."

Vyes Signas
Jul 28th, 2001, 12:16:32 AM
"Yeah, I guess that would be a good thing to have. I always been this way from the start. Ive gotten used to it, although I have no regrets of my line of work. It feeds me, gives me excitement, and new friends all the time."

<Vyes takes another drink then runs his finger along the side of the bottle. He was surprised that he was talking so calmly with no errors. It was as if he was used to talking to Eve forever. This was certainly a good thing, as he would probably have a new friend tonight. He looked back up at her again as she was drinking her beer.>

"I had an encounter with a Sith once. Well not direct but I saw one in action against another person. Unfortunately for him, he as doomed from the start. It seems you are given some rigorous training, no?"

Eve Siren
Jul 28th, 2001, 12:24:28 AM
"Heh, I don't know, maybe. I have a good relationship with my Master. He's like a father to me."

Eve ran her hand through her hair slowly, brushing a few strands of hair back. She was beginning to get tired because of the lack of Tryptophan. Unfortunately, she didn't have any more pills of Tryptophan. Hoping she won't fall asleep in front of Vyes, she forced a little smile.

"And you, what are you doing here ?"

Vyes Signas
Jul 28th, 2001, 12:32:35 AM
<He downs the rest of the beer and places the empty bottle to the side. Vyes noticed a sense of fatigueness in Eve's eyes. He was hoping nothing was wrong, but would arrange something to make sure she would be ok.>

"Well, I am....I guess you can say a Mercenary for lack of a better term. I have been a bodyguard before, ran cargo, recon, etc. In this line of work, I get to encounter many....interesting things to say the least."

Eve Siren
Jul 28th, 2001, 12:44:39 AM
"Interesting things ? Such as ..?"

Eve smiled slightly and took another sip of her beer, waiting for Vyes' answer. She put all of her dark hair on one side, and unbuttoned her black trench coat slightly. Too much heat would fatigue her even more.

Vyes Signas
Jul 28th, 2001, 12:50:59 AM
"Ahhh, the usual. Having aliens wanting you dead, high speed chases, gun shootouts, and things of that nature."

<Vyes laughs a bit to himself, remembering some real oddball things in his past while on work. He shook his head slightly while looking at the table.>

"I am sure though that others have experienced the same as me before."

Eve Siren
Jul 28th, 2001, 09:03:50 AM
"Ah, I see. Must be interesting to live like that."

Eve put her Skull Helmet on the table and leaned her cheek on it, turning the Skull sign towards her.

"I'm too overwhelmed with training and combats to do things such as that ..."

Vyes Signas
Jul 28th, 2001, 07:14:46 PM
"Well, of course. Being a Sith, i'm sure it takes the majority of your time."

<Vyes noticed her eyes sparkle slightly as it came under the lights direction. He looked at her, getting lost into her beauty for a moment. He looks down again quickly, rubbing the back of his neck.>

"So, you headed back after having a few drinks? I am supposed to probably get another job offer in a couple days. "

Eve Siren
Jul 28th, 2001, 07:27:17 PM
"I guess so ... Or I could stay with you until you get a job. I need a time-out, just relaxing for a few days ... That is, if you don't mind."

Eve smiled at him and closed her eyes for a little second. She reopened them, blinking once. She looked at him rubbing the back of his neck.

"Are you having a pain in the neck or something ? 'Cause I just have the thing for it."

Eve stood up and went behind Vyes, then she put her hands on each side of his neck then massaged it gently. Not really seeing Vyes' reaction, she just asked.

"Better or not ?"

Vyes Signas
Jul 28th, 2001, 07:36:04 PM
<Vyes nodded slowly, not seeing this coming to him at all. He closed his eyes for the moment, tilting his head along with her hands. His neck loosened from all then stress and felt good. It seemed she was comfortable around him, but Vyes wasnt sure what he had done to make her feel that way.>

"Yeah, feels nice, seeing as how I havent had this feeling in quite sometime. "

<He put his hand on his forehead for a second, thinking of her request. Vyes wasnt sure what job he was going to be offered just yet, but she seemed very resourceful and able to take care of herself if they fell into a sticky situation. Plus, it wasnt like he had never worked with others before. He did have partners on his jobs in the past.>

"As for relaxing, I can probably let you tag along with me in a cargo run or maybe something else. It just depends on what will be on the slate for me. And I am pretty sure you will be able to hold your own."

Eve Siren
Jul 28th, 2001, 08:57:27 PM
"Heh, Thanks."

Without really thinking, Eve stroked his hair lightly with her fingertip. Her eyes lowered slightly ... She put her hand to her forehead and shook her head briefly.

"Umm ..."

Vyes Signas
Jul 28th, 2001, 09:04:08 PM
<Vyes shows a perplexed face for a minute then decides not to say anything about it. He motions Eve to her seat again, noticing her to be tired more then earlier. As she sits down he slowly speaks to her.>

"Hey...you are ok, right?"

Eve Siren
Jul 28th, 2001, 09:13:27 PM
"Umm ... Lack of Trytophan. Sometimes, causes major seizures or just ... I fall asleep of a while."

Eve closed her eyes and shook her head again. She ran her hand through her hair and looked at Vyes.

"You know any hotels or something ? I don't think I will be able to not drop dead in here."

Vyes Signas
Jul 28th, 2001, 09:22:25 PM
<Vyes nodded to her, in response to her question. He looked around slightly at the people scattered around the bar then back at Eve.>

"I dont think you want to fall dead here. I do got a place nearby here. You can crash there for awhile, thats if you trust a stranger."

<He sat there, awaiting her answer patiently. Vyes couldnt believe he offered his place for her to hang out at. Not that she wasnt welcome there, but what if the offer was shot down by her? He wasnt even sure if she trusted him enough to do such a thing. There were obviously other establishments around for her to rest in, but he decided to offer his home anyway. Although, his intentions were very sincere and nothing else.>

Eve Siren
Jul 28th, 2001, 09:29:58 PM
Eve looked at Vyes, surprised by his offer. She thought for a minute ... Why would a guy like him offer a stranger to crash at his place ? But her vision was getting blurry ... She nodded slightly.

"Thank you ..."

Vyes Signas
Jul 28th, 2001, 09:40:29 PM
<He rose to his feet and laid some credits down on the table as a tip. Vyes looked over at Eve as she slowly got up as well. His hair shrouded his face slightly again as he stood straight. He was hoping to get her to a secure place before she fell totally asleep.>

"You might want to take support on me so you dont fall down."

<As Eve nods takes a hold of his arm, Vyes heads out the bar slowly. The red cape on his slowly fluttered as he stepped out of the bar a few steps. His hair flowed around as well, under the cool breeze of the evening. He went around and to his swoop bike, letting her climb aboard before he got on as well. Turning the engine on, Vyes revs it and waited until she held on before speeding off to his house. Dirt was lifted into the air by the power of the bike as its noise echoed through the alleys of the city. It wasnt too far away, just near the outskirts of the city. Before too long they both faded into the darkness of the night.>

Eve Siren
Jul 28th, 2001, 09:46:40 PM
Eve wrapped her arms around Vyes' waist and rested her head on his back. She closed her eyes and smiled slightly ... It was so comfortable .. Since when did she actually appreciate being this close to a stranger ... to a man ? She blushed slightly but kept her eyes close.

" ... "

Vyes Signas
Jul 28th, 2001, 10:03:30 PM
<After awhile, Vyes spotted his home in the distance. It was nothing fancy, just enough to get by. Arriving closer, he slowed the bike down to a complete stop. Letting it stop by the house, he got off slowly then held his hand out to Eve. As she took a hold of it slowly he stepped back, letting her get off the bike as well. Vyes motioned his head to his front door then walked along with her to his door. It sensed Vyes's presence close by and automatically slid open, letting the two inside. He turned the lights on inside the home, so Eve could see her way around. Smiling, Vyes let her grab a seat on his couch as the door closed behind them.>

"Here we are. You can rest up on my bed inside and ill sleep on the couch for the night. If you need something to drink or eat, just let me know. I think I am pretty competent enough to cook something for you."

<Vyes laughed slightly then took his cape off, putting it on the drawer to the side. Running his hand through his hair, he took his holsters off as well. He laid the Peacemakers down on the drawer along with the cape. Rotating his neck, Vyes sat down nearby her on a chair. He knew the place wasnt too entirely tidy. The truth was that he wasnt around much to always keep it in good condition. Though, it wasnt too bad at all come to think of it. Glancing at her, she was laid back in the seat, seeming awfully sleepy now.>

"The place is a bit messy, I hope that you find the bed suitable for you though."

<The man sat there, hoping she would be able to say something before falling asleep. It didnt seem like that was going to happen. Vyes remembered what she needed to stay away from the seizures and sleep attacks. He decided to get some for her later, so this wouldnt happen to her again. It would mean a quick stop in the city again after she was comfortable and sleeping. Vyes formed a small smile on his face as she looked at him very briefly.>

Eve Siren
Jul 28th, 2001, 10:13:56 PM
Eve looked around, laying on the couch, weakly. Even though she looked at him very briefly, she memorized his image and forced a little smile before closing her eyes and fell into the sweet world of dreams. Even in her dreams, she was still thinking about him. His dark hair ... His pale skin ... Especially his beautiful eyes. He was just like a vampire ... And there, on his couch, she fell asleep.

Vyes Signas
Jul 28th, 2001, 10:48:55 PM

<Vyes said her name quietly, a small whisper. She was already fast asleep before she could even get to the bed. He rubbed his forehead slightly with his fingers then decided to let her sleep properly elsewhere instead of the couch. Slowly kneeling besides the couch, he took her in his arms then walked off to his room. She stirred slightly before he went beside the bed and laid her down slowly. Vyes got back to his feet and looked down at her serene facial expression. Even as Eve was sleeping she looked beautiful as well. He quietly went out the room and closed the door behind him. As Vyes turned around, his R2 unit was standing there and beeped at him. Kneeling down he patted the R2 unit on its metallic top and smiled slightly.>

"I want you to look after the lady while I go into town for a bit. Can you do that for me, friend?"

<The R2 unit spins around and beeps in response to him, acknowledging his request. Vyes gets back to his feet and heads for his door, grabbing his cape and guns. He never went anywhere without his guns, it was a way to be safe. Putting the holster straps on his back and shoulders, Vyes wraps the cape around his back, concealing the guns. He gets on the swoop bike, running the engine again and heading back into town quickly. Soon after, he saw some buildings and people in the near distance. He speeds past some commercial buildings and industrial locations. Vyes looked around for the "medicine shop" so to speak. It was harder to look for it at night time as there was quite a bit less light around. His cape and hair fluttered vigorusly as he was speeding at max. Narrowing his eyes, it seemed he had fpund the place he was looking for around an ally. Vyes came to a stop quickly and hopped off the bike. He headed through the doors swiftly as it slid open. Spotting the alien who was taking care of the place, Vyes walked towards him at the counter.>

"Hello, you wouldnt happen to have any...Trytophan in stock would you?"

Alien - "Ahh, of course we do, but it will cost you since we got a very small amount of it here."

<Vyes nodded to him and knew he should certainly have enough to pay for the medicine. He was just paid earlier today after completing his job.>

"Yes, I understand. Give me how much of it you have."

Alien - "Alright, let me go get it from the back. It will cost you a total of....hmmm....200 credits."

<Taking a pouch along the side of his belt, Vyes placed it on the counter. Looking through it, the amount was exactly 200 credits. It was part of his stash from what he received earlier today. The alien slowly walked back, placing the medicine box on the counter.>

Alien - "Well, here you go. And ill take this."

<He takes the credits as Vyes takes a hold of the medicine and gives a slight nod to him.>

"Thank you."

Alien - "Dont mention it, you are lucky we had some of it remaining or you would have been stuck for a few days at least."

<Vyes laughed and shook his head while walking back out. Luck was rather strong with him lately. He opened a compartment in the back of the bike and placed the medicine inside carefully. Sitting back on the swoop bike, he activated the engine systems and turned around. Heading back towards his house, it seemed to be quiet then normal. Vyes heard some yelling behind him soon after, it seemed he was beinf trailed by some people. Glancing behind him, two thieves were behind him on seperate swoop bikes. Of all the times to get into some trouble, it had to happen now. Vyes sweared slightly under his breath and grabbed one of his Peacemakers from the holster at his side. They were obviously after him for money or something of value. Narrowing his eyes, they went down a long straight dirt path. They shot at him with blaster rifles as he narrowly dodged the shots. The laser fire slammed into some buildings and poles, causing small fires. Vyes pulled the trigger on his gun, unloading a round of fire on one of the thieves. The laser rounds hit the bikes engine, sending it out of control and directly into a wall, exploding it into scrap metal. The other kept on Vyes's trail, shooting rapidly. One of the shots nicked his shoulder as blood flew out the other end.>


<Vyes switched the gun to his other hand and turned around again to shoot the other thief. It hit him square in the heart as he was an expert marksman with guns. Vyes watched as the thief died on the bike immediately and slammed into another wall as well, making it vaporize in no time. He twirled the gun and put it back into his holster. Vyes's right shoulder was bleeding slightly as he eventually arrived at his home. Slowing down, he stopped by his house and got off. Reaching behind him, he took the Trytophan out the compartment gently then headed back into his house again. The door slid shut as he sat down on his couch, placing the medicine beside him. He held his shoulder to pressure the wound and hold back the blood. The R2 unit came around with a med-kit quickly. He took his cape off and tossed it to the side on the couch. Vyes shook his head and just grabbed a cloth, tieing it around his shoulder tightly to stop the blood from coming out even more.>

"Got the medicine buddy, keep it chilled."

<The R2 unit complied and took the Trytophan then rolled off as Vyes laid there against the couch. He closed his eyes and took a minute to relax. After all, he wasnt expecting what had just happened earlier in town. His skills always managed to get him out of tough jams.>


Eve Siren
Jul 28th, 2001, 11:23:38 PM
** A few hours later **

Eve woke up silently in the dark of the night. She strokes her forehead with her fingers ... Another nightmare. She shook her head briefly and got off the bed. She ran her hand though her hair and walked out the room. An R2 Unit beeped but Eve put her finger on her lips and asked it to shush. Then she spotted Vyes and looked at his shoulder. She bent down in front of R2 Unit.

"When did it happen ?"

R2 Unit beeped in direction of a small bag. She looked at it then stood up and grabbed it. She opened it and discovered Trytophan pills ... They were usually very expensive. She looked at Vyes, putting the bag of pills down. She walked towards the couch and kneeled down next to it. She looked at Vyes' wound and frowned slightly. She looked down at his hand and put hers on it. She leaned her head on her same hand and closed her eyes. She let out a small sigh ... Vyes ...

Vyes Signas
Jul 28th, 2001, 11:28:19 PM
<Vyes slightly opened his eyes, forgetting that he had drifted off to sleep. Looking down, he saw Eve kneeling down near him. He smiled and spoke to her lightly as she had her eyes closed.>

"Hey there, slept good I assume?"

<He glanced at his shoulder as it stopped bleeding for the time being. Vyes rubbed it gently then let go as he motioned Eve to sit down on the couch as well.>

Eve Siren
Jul 28th, 2001, 11:35:19 PM
Eve opened her eyes and nodded slightly, smiling. She looked at his wound again and tilted her head to the side, pointing at his wound with her finger.

"How'd you get that ?"

Vyes Signas
Jul 28th, 2001, 11:51:36 PM
"Oh, I just was working on the bike outside and had an accident. Nothing real serious, dont worry about it."

<He smiled to assure her of his condition then looked over at his R2 friend. It was peeking from around the counter slowly. Vyes watched as it rolled back to the garage in the back before turning his attention to to Eve once again.>

"Is everything alright now? I hope your rest gave you some energy back again."

Eve Siren
Jul 29th, 2001, 08:43:27 AM
Eve smiled widely and stretched her arms and her fingers. She tilted her neck around, making a slight crack sound. She looked back at Vyes and nodded.

"Yeah, I feel great ... Thanks."

Vyes Signas
Jul 30th, 2001, 01:30:00 AM
"Good to hear that."

<He called out for his R2 unit and the Trytophan which was supposed to be chilled. As the unit comes by, he takes the medicine and places it besides him slowly. Vyes looks back at Eve and smiles slightly.>

"I got some Trytophan so this wouldnt happen again. I guess it would come in handy for you around these parts."

Eve Siren
Jul 30th, 2001, 09:49:59 PM
"Yeah, it beeped me."

Eve smiled back at Vyes and looked at the medicine. It must have cost him a lot due to it's rarity ... Eve frowned for a little second discreetly and looked back at Vyes.

"Hope the couch was not too uncomfortable for you to sleep on."

Vyes Signas
Jul 30th, 2001, 10:09:46 PM
"Nope, it was just fine, slept well if I say so myself."

<He glanced around for a brief moment then turned his attention over to Eve. Vyes was at a loss for words right now and couldnt think of anything to say. Getting up to his feet, he laid his Peacemakers down on a cabinet. He took a look at them to make sure all was ok with the guns. Vyes looked out the corner of his eyes towards Eve.>

"So Eve, what are you planning on doing now?"

Eve Siren
Jul 31st, 2001, 12:25:10 PM
"I don't know .."

Eve played with her long dark hair as she repeated Vyes' question in her mind. She lowered her eyes to the floor.

"Probably hang out until you get a job or something."

Vyes Signas
Aug 2nd, 2001, 03:25:42 PM
<Vyes polishes one of the guns slowly with a rag then places it to the side. He glances at her again before starting to polish the other gun as well. He could see his face as a reflection comes off the shiny gun.>

"You wont be in trouble from your higher-ups if you dont report in at HQ?"

<As he finishes polishing the gun, he puts that to the side along with the other one. He turns around and leans against the cabinet as he faces her now. Vyes thinks of some possible clients he could work for his next pay source.>

"I am not sure on what ill do for my next job. I got enough money for sure to last me until I do. Although if you wont be in trouble, you are more then welcome to hang around for awhile. I may go into town to talk to a few friends of mine tommorow. Maybe I can see if there is something going down, you know the secret talk needed to be kept on the low."

Eve Siren
Aug 4th, 2001, 09:12:55 PM
"I understand ..."

Eve stared at Vyes, polishing his guns. She kept staring at him ... Silently. There was something about him that she couldn't quite put her finger on. Something that made her blush, sweat, dream ... She licked her lips briefly, still staring at him. Then she cleared her throat and shook her head ... Gotta stop thinking these thoughts.

Vyes Signas
Aug 12th, 2001, 06:39:02 PM
<He put both of the Peacemakers back in their holsters as they shined under the light above. Hanging the gun strap on a hook, Vyes turned to face Eve. She seemed to have been in thought as he tilted his head to look at her.>

"Almost forgot to ask, are you hungry Eve? I thought you might want something to eat since its been awhile. I can sure use some food right about now as well."

<Walking over to his bar counter and kitchen, his droid followed him. Vyes looked around at what he had then he looked down at his R2 unit. It bleeped a few times, assuring that there was food for them both to eat. Looking back at Eve, he smiled slightly, awaiting her decision.>

Eve Siren
Aug 12th, 2001, 06:42:34 PM
Eve shook her head and smiled lightly.

"Girls like me don't eat."

She glanced around the room and leaned back into the counch.

"Thanks anyways."

Vyes Signas
Aug 24th, 2001, 06:27:17 PM
<He nods to her slowly then looks down at his droid. Vyes's facial expression alone was enough for the droid to know that he wasnt going to eat now. Casually making his way back into the main room, he looked at Eve.>

"Well then, what do you have on your mind? I can think of one thing about now, and thats to sleep since I need to go into town again early tommorow. Of course, if you wish, you can accompany me then. Anything else better you can come up with?"

<Making his way over to the other side slowly, Vyes sits down in a seat. He leans back into the chair, still looking at Eve as she thinks.>

Eve Siren
Aug 25th, 2001, 12:25:36 AM
"Yeah .. I guess that could work. Umm, you use the bed, I'll take the couch."

Eve smiled as she leaned back into the couch and nodded slightly, closing her eyes for a second.

"This is just fine."

Vyes Signas
Sep 3rd, 2001, 03:58:25 PM
<He arches his eyebrow and looks at her for a moment.>

"You know I aint going to let that happen."

<Vyes glances at the sofa briefly before turning back to face Eve.>

"Yeah, im going to sleep on the bed and you sleep on the couch? No, its going to be the other way around. I cant let you sleep on the couch, what type of manners are that? Plus, I prefer the couch anyway."

Eve Siren
Sep 4th, 2001, 05:07:25 PM
"Oh, so you're saying the couch is better than the bed ? Some type of manners ..."

Eve smiled lightly, sarcasm and arrogance was something she got from being with Vega, her blood brother, too much. Then she shook her head briefly, she wasn't gonna start a big fight, simply because she didn't want her host to sleep on the couch. It was better to do what he says .. She stood up and walked towards him.

"Fine, I'll take the bed. Sleep well, Sir Signas .."

She leaned into Vyes and let her lips slip on his cheek for a brief second. Turning around, she walked back to his room, shutting the door. Then she leaned against it, letting out a small sigh. She didn't know what made her do that .. She just wanted to or acted without thinking. Hoping he didn't mind that little innocent kiss, she crawled into bed and layed there until she fell asleep.

Vyes Signas
Sep 4th, 2001, 11:16:25 PM

<His voice trailed off slowly, seeing her walk off. Vyes put his hand on his cheek for a second as she closed the door shut. He looked down, not knowing what to take of her kiss. Nonetheless, it was a feeling he hadn't felt for a long time for sure. He liked it, the feeling was warm and nice. Leaning back against the couch, he just sat there while looking ahead of him. Vyes was in deep thought, thinking only of Eve and nothing else. It was clear he had already fallen for her now. The question remaining was if he should tell her or not. Vyes would just be clumsy about it even if he did end up trying to tell her. The wound on his shoulder still stung every so often as it had not healed yet. Although, his attention was shifted to Eve.>

"Damn, what to do..."

<He got up and walked around aimlessly for awhile. Trying hard not to make too much noise, Vyes passed by his droid, which just looked at him questionably. His whole dark personality had been turned upside down. Vyes was never like this for awhile, but that changed within hours. Ever since he had lost his previous love to a accident, Vyes never intended to fall in love again. Now, of all things, he found himself caught in love. He didn't deny the feeling, no matter how he felt before, but it was still a surprise to him. Sitting back down, Vyes leaned into the couch, gazing at the ceiling. Still having many thoughts in his mind, he simply drifted off to sleep while sitting there.>

Eve Siren
Sep 5th, 2001, 04:56:20 PM
Eve woke up in the middle of the night, as she sat up, she bit her lower lip. Something made her feel uncomfortable about staying here ... She thought of Vyes in such weird ways. Ways .. she never felt before. She stood up and headed to the door. Everything was dark and her crimson eyes were still not used to the dark as she opened the door of her room then tripped on the poor droid, falling on her knees, next to the couch where Vyes was sleeping.

Strangely, he didn't seem to wake up but she kept staring at him. She bit her lower lip again gently, hoping he wouldn't wake up, she whispered his name.

"Vyes .."

Something dragged her closer to him. So instead of fighting against it, she just followed her conscience and closed her eyes as she leaned her face slowly into his, her lips touching his softly ... And she liked it. In her mind, she admitted it. She reopened her eyes and stood up, slightly blushing. Fortunately, the man was asleep ...

Vyes Signas
Sep 5th, 2001, 05:10:50 PM
<Vyes had felt her lips on his but didnt do nothing for the time being. In his line of work, he was used to being alert at basically all times. He reverted to this darker life style after the accident with his love. Nothing seemed to have made him smile as much as she did. This was the first time his shell was broken, so to speak. As she looked at him he didnt open his eyes but smiled as so she could see it. Opening, his eyes, Vyes looked at her rather softly before speaking, a few strands of his hair coming in front of his face.>

"Couldnt sleep, could we?"

<Another smile forms over his face, he was taken by surprise from her kiss yet again. Vyes sat there, still looking at her as he knew she didnt expect him to be awake right now. It didnt cease to feel nice to him, as he wanted to feel that warm feeling more. All of a sudden he felt a sharp stabbing pain in his shoulder blade. Cringing, Vyes brought his hand up to the wound, as it was still in bad shape. It needed time to heal but still hurt like heck.>


Eve Siren
Sep 5th, 2001, 08:03:19 PM
"Oh, don't move !"

Eve kneeled down besides him right away, putting her hand over his hand that's on the wound. Still blushing, the fact that he was awake while she kissed him kind of pleased her. Wondering where he got that wound, she guessed it was probably when he went out to get her those Trytophan pills ..

"You shouldn't move .."

Vyes Signas
Sep 8th, 2001, 04:28:18 PM
"How am I going to get anything done without moving...hmm?"

<He smiles slightly then glances at the wound, still cringing a bit. Vyes was hoping she didnt find out what it was from. Leaning back into the couch, he rotated his neck to loosen up. Putting his hand on his shoulder, he held it from moving around too much. Looking back over at Eve, he said something he didnt think she would expect.>

"If you didnt kiss me first, I would of ended up doing so myself sooner or later..."

<The way Vyes said those words was very light, not in his normal tone of voice. Vyes just said those words out the blue, not fully knowing what he as saying until he was done. It didnt matter though, it was from his mind and heart, so it was the truth. He looked back at her for a moment as she slightly widened he eyes. Smiling again Vyes sat there, awaiting what she had to say.>

Eve Siren
Sep 8th, 2001, 07:28:49 PM
Eve's eyes widened slightly with a light blush over her cheeks. She turned her gaze away from him, her blue hair following the motion. Even though Vyes was waiting for a reply or something, she didn't know what to say to him.

" ... Well then ... Did my kissing you made you change your mind ?"

Vyes Signas
Sep 11th, 2001, 05:10:29 PM
"No, this situation seems like new territory to me even though it isnt."

<Vyes looks to the ground, memories flooding his mind of his past love relationship. After that he basically stayed away from relationships, submerging himself into work everyday. He was basically thrown off with all the new feelings that had developed now. Vyes was sure of himself it wouldnt happen again, but it did. Although, Eve didnt know much about his past and this and he decided to explain to her.>

"Its that, in my past relationship...well...to put it simply, I lost what I loved most in life in a fire. After losing her, I didnt think I would revisit all these feelings again. My whole life style had changed. Now I met you by fate and it all changed again...in a matter of hours. I wont deny the feelings, to be frank, it is nice...."

<He was still looking at the ground, as if in deep thought. Leaning back again slightly, Vyes shrugged it off for the time being. A thought had crossed his mind that she might be hungry by now, he decided to ask her just to make sure. Vyes was so overwhelmed right now, hunger was the last thing on his mind. Even the pain in the shoulder and subsided for the time being. He leaned in and simply kissed her forehead before getting to his feet.>

"There is the kiss....you hungry yet Eve?"

<Making his way to a counter, Vyes opened a bottle of water slowly. He was opening up more to her now, it probably was the fact that he felt comfortable around Eve. He took a drink of the water then turned around to face her, Eve eyed every movement he made. Noticing this, he tilted his head slightly while looking at her still.>

"Something the matter?"

Eve Siren
Sep 11th, 2001, 08:09:38 PM
"Well, uh .. No, nothing at all."

Slightly disappointed, Eve's just lowered her gaze to the floor. For her, it was the first time she ever fell in love. But for Vyes ... He fell for another woman before. Suddendly, she was filled with sadness ... and a bit of jealousy. She bit her lower lip as she stood up, making her way to the door, talking to him as she walked.

"I better get going ... I don't want to be a bother .. And I'm not hungry."

Vyes Signas
Sep 12th, 2001, 04:18:03 PM
<Vyes figured she had felt uncomfortable with the fact that he had fallen in love before. What else could it have been? Her facial expression showed sudden sadness, so it was rather obvious to him. He didnt wish to interfere with what her decision was, causing her to feel even more uncomfortable. That still didnt mean he would give up on her so easily. He put his water down then faced her as she reached the door.>


<He took a few steps towards her before closing his eyes in thought. Vyes appreciated her being around, it gave him a feeling of happiness. Not only that but he didnt wish for her to leave on such a note. She had stopped for the moment being then turned around to face him. Vyes looked back at her before finishing to speak.>

"You are not a bother and I dont wish for you to leave me, but if you insist to go then at least go during daylight. Im not saying you wouldnt be able to handle yourself, I am sure you are fully capable of that. Although, you might want to avoid the trouble for obvious reasons. I dont think you are fully familiar with this area. It is Nar Shadaa after all, they got a lot of criminals here."

<Vyes thought she might want to leave anyway, even though he gave her a warning. These parts habored some nasty scum, and he didnt really want her going out there. Eve was a Sith though, probably more powerful then a lot of the guys combined out there. Nonetheless, it was better to be safe then sorry. He turned around then held his shoulder in some pain, walking over to the Tryptophan pills he had got for her and grabbing them. Walking back, he placed them on a counter besides her.>

"You might want to take that too, you will need it."

<Walking back a few steps, he still was holding his shoulder. It seemed to have been getting worse after he was shot. Vyes knew this but couldnt let Eve know what had happen. He was planning to take care of it the next time he was out, which was after she had gone to sleep again. If Eve have left now, he probably wouldnt have seen her anymore. This was because he had no idea right now where she would go. He didnt want this deep down either, Vyes wanted her to stay. It was probably the longing of getting to know her more. Vyes looked back at her as she was standing in the doorway.>

"If you still leave me, at least take my swoop bike to where your ship is docked. I dont want you to be going on foot, the landing pads and hangars are far enough away as it is. As I said, you are welcome to spend the night here, then I can accompany you to your ship first thing tommorow morning. This is if you have an absolute need to leave now...."

<His voice trailed off as Vyes took a drink of the water on the counter then started feeling immediate pains to his body. Vyes got dizzy and fell over to the ground with a thud, out cold. He laid there and it could be seen that it was the result of his shoulder wound. Sweat had formed on his forehead, he was bearing more pain then she could have imagined. Not tending to it quickly caused Vyes to go unconscious.>


Eve Siren
Sep 14th, 2001, 07:17:39 PM
Eve looked at Vyes fall into unconsciousness, her silly jealousness and sadness fading as she ran towards him, kneeling right besides him. She looked as his wound at the shoulder and took a deep breath. She pulled out a dagger from her sleeve. She bit her lower lip as she ran her fingers on his face softly ... "It might hurt .. But, you're unconscious so .. Don't wake up too soon."

She cut off the bandages covering his bloody wound and looked at his wound for a brief moment. She bit her lower lip as she gently inserted her knife into his wound. She had many gun shots before ... And herself took out the bullet so she knew what she was doing. She finally reached what she thought was the bottom of the wound and put her hand on the end of his shoulder as she pushed against the end of the dagger, dragging the the bullet up. Blood spurted out lightly as the bullet finally showed itself.

With the bullet out, his body could regenerate more easily .. and less painful too. She let out a small sigh as she stood up, wandering around to find some bandages. Bah, where are they ..?

Vyes Signas
Sep 25th, 2001, 08:14:01 AM
-As Vyes was being tended to by Eve, his trusty droid rolled over from the back. In its metallic hands was a medical kit for Eve. It knew that Eve was looking for it, so it hurried and got it for her. Coming closer to Eve, the droid looked up and extended its arm out. The droid bleeped a few times, wanting her to take the kit and help Vyes.-

"Wooot....bleeedoo...bleeep...dooooet....booooeeede et..."

-The bleeping was light and sad from the droid. As Eve took the kit, it rolled over and stood by Vyes. The droid was just like another friend for him. It awaited for Eve to do the neccessary tending to Vyes.-

Eve Siren
Sep 27th, 2001, 03:51:17 PM
Eve smiled as she took the kit. Even the droids had feelings ... Being a killing 'machine', why would she have them too ? Bah. Everything's so complicated ... She took out the roll of bandages with one hand and put her other hand in Vyes' back, lifting his upper body gently then began to roll the white bandages around his shoulder, on his wound.

After a little while, she was done. She put his arm over her shoulders and stood up, just learning now how heavy an unconscious body could be. Ugh. Walking slowly to his room, she heard the little beeping droid following. Then she pushed the door of his room lightly, dragging him onto the bed. She sighed as she pulled the bed sheets over him before lifting his head up softly with her hand and putting a pillow there, letting his head fall on it lightly. She stood back up and just looked at him. Trailing her fingers softly on his cheek, she let out another sigh.

" .. Vyes .. "

Vyes Signas
Oct 8th, 2001, 07:18:53 PM
-The wound on his shoulder was patched up now thanks to Eve's tending. The only thing was the fact that Vyes was still out. His small droid peeked at them from outside the room before rolling off. Amazingly the loss of blood was also low. After a few more minutes, Vyes moved around in the bed. He seemed to be in a dream state while sleeping. After a moment of moving around, he calm downed then opened his eyes. At first, all he saw was a blur around him above. The first thing he saw clearly was Eve stroking his cheek. Vyes smiled and looked at her, blinking once to focus his vision.-

"I must be in heaven...."

-Those were the only words he had said while she caressed his cheek. Vyes tried to laugh slightly, but his shoulder was still sore. It hurt while Vyes tried to laugh, then cringed before settling down into the bed yet again. Glancing over, he could see that Eve had helped him. Vyes finally noticed he was on his bed now and smiled up at her. It was all he could do in appreciation for what she did for him at this time. Of course, Vyes would make it up to her in the future, it was his style to do so.-

Eve Siren
Oct 8th, 2001, 07:30:02 PM
"Heaven ?"

Instead of disturbing him with her questions, she simply smiled back at him. Eve was very tired. Maybe she would wake up before he does and leave, after leaving a little note or something. She simply grabbed a chair and sat down next to the bed, leaning against a wall. She looked at Vyes fall back asleep and smiled lightly. She leaned in closer and simply kissed his forehead. Just like that ... Then she leaned back against the wall. Her eyes were very tired. Just a few minutes ... She shut her eyes and didn't know she was about to fall in deep sleep like Vyes.

Vyes Signas
Oct 20th, 2001, 05:57:46 PM
-As time had passed, Vyes had opened his eyes to see Eve sleeping next to him. He decided to go and find out what his next job was in town. Sooner or later, money would be an issue he would have to solve. Besides it was Nar Shadda, you needed money to get anything done around here. Vyes then smiled and thought to himself knowing that you needed money to get something done at basically any place. Getting up, his shoulder seemed to still be slightly sore but it was nothing he couldnt handle. Running his hand through his hair, Vyes got to his feet, looking at Eve. He walked over to Eve and kissed her forehead, she was even pretty while sleeping. Picking her up in his arms, it hurt his shoulder but he didnt move too much. Vyes walked over a bit and placed her on his bed before getting down to his knee next to her.-

"I wish I could spend more time with you, but your better off resting for now. I am not afraid to say that I am falling in love all over again."

-Whispering those words softly, he smiled then got back up. Vyes headed for his bathroom and didnt close it, thinking she would wake up from the noise. Leaving it touched against the seal, he looked at the mirror. Vyes was a mess from the previous night, turning the water on in the sink, he took some in his hands and splashed his face. Vyes took his clothing off, stepping into the shower. The water turned on automatically to his body heat signature. It was the perfect water temperature for him. The water trickled down his back and soaked his long black hair. The blood washed off his shoulder as Vyes took the bandaging off. Vyes placed his palms against the wall, letting the water slide down his body. Closing his eyes, he let the water fall while leaving his head down.-


Eve Siren
Oct 29th, 2001, 05:21:56 PM
"... falling in love all over again."

That's all Eve could hear for the moment. The earlier lack of Tryptophan made her kind of sleepy, but usually she never slept. Fear of nightmares. She opened her eyes slowly, reminding herself not to fall asleep again. Looking around, she noticed Vyes was gone, but then she heard the showering sound.

She stood up, rotating her neck lightly and headed to the bathroom where he was showering. Just a little peek .. She opened the door lightly and looked in. There he was ... His long black hair .. The drops of water rolling down his body ... Feeling her cheeks turning red, she closed the door without making noise and leaned against it, closing her eyes.

"Why now ..?"

Vyes Signas
Oct 29th, 2001, 11:10:02 PM
-Vyes felt as if someone was watching him, he looked out the shower and then at the door. No one was there, so he simply shrugged the feeling off. Finishing his shower a few minutes later, he stepped out, getting dried off by an automatic system on the side wall. He looked at the mirror then put a fresh new pair of clothing back on. It was starting to get brighter outside as he was going to head for town soon. Running his hand through his hair, a small flash occured in his eyes. Vyes suddenly bent over for a minute, his stomach area having an odd pain. He was grinding his teeth together, with his eyes closed.-


-The pain quickly decipated as he stood back to his feet again. Shaking his head slightly, Vyes took a breath then rotated his neck. Vyes was trying to hold something back within him, and was trying hard at that. He seemed to be successful until now, and it took more to hold it back. For the time being though, the pain was held at bay. He couldnt show Eve this part of him just yet. Not that she wouldnt be able to handle it, but Vyes had to find the right moment to do so. Vyes headed for the door of the bathroom slowly to head out and see to Eve.-

Eve Siren
Nov 2nd, 2001, 05:10:02 PM
Feeling the door knob turn, it was too late for Eve to run back to the bed. She stepped forward quickly but now the door was fully opened and Vyes was coming out. Not having any excuses for her peeking, she simply turned around slowly, waving her hand lightly.

"Uh .. Hi."

For the first time since she met him, she felt another presence in his aura. It kind of startled her as she stood there, staring at him, questioning herself. What was that ..?

Vyes Signas
Dec 10th, 2001, 03:54:21 PM
-Vyes tilted his head, looking at her in question. Some steam from the warm water came out the bathroom along with Vyes. He knew what she was doing and smiled at the thought. He wondered if she saw him in pain after the shower. Vyes was waiting for a right moment to let her know. It was best that he didnt question her about it, causing embaressment and confusion.-

"Hello to you as well."

-He ran a hand through his hair and sat down at the nearby seat. Vyes was still fighting within himself to keep control and not let go of his secret. It wasnt time yet to let Eve know what was wrong. He didnt want her to just walk away from him over something like this. Shaking his head slightly, Vyes looked back at her.-

"Have you decided if your going to back to your HQ right now or not?"

-Vyes grinded his teeth inside his mouth, feeling something wanting to rip out of him. It was subsiding for the time being, but was still causing pain to his whole body. The pain went away in a few moments as he regained composure. He couldnt let her wonder what was going on. She was a Sith though, maybe she already felt the "other" presence within him.-

Eve Siren
Dec 10th, 2001, 04:56:00 PM
Eve shrugged her shoulders and looked down. She wasn't sure what to do now. She knew she had to go back to TSE's HQ before Rama wonders where she is, but she didn't want to leave Vyes behind. She sighed ... She couldn't force him to come with her. She remained silent after speaking a few words, looking down.

"Probably ..."

Vyes Signas
Dec 29th, 2001, 04:26:21 AM
-Vyes tilted his head and looked at her, sensing some sadness and confusion within her. He had suddenly thought of an idea then decided to let her know.-

"Well, if you have to go then thats fine. Its not urgent that I have to go into town today to get my next job. My friend will keep that assignment for me as long as I need it to be."

-He smiled as she looked up at him slowly. Vyes figured she knew where he was getting at. He continued to talk about his idea.-

"If your HQ wouldnt mind, you can take me for a visit there. Get to know each other even more. Does that sound good enough?"

-Vyes sat back in a chair, motioning for her to sit down too. They had enough time to talk about his idea, there was no need to rush it.-

Eve Siren
Dec 31st, 2001, 10:51:51 AM
Eve did indeed look up at Vyes and smiled. Though she montioned her to sit down next to him, she shook her head lightly. But she still approached him slowly, still happy with the fact that he wanted to go back with her, and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him gently.

Staying like that for a brief moment, she closed her eyes and thanked him softly.

Vyes Signas
Jan 2nd, 2002, 11:29:02 PM
-Vyes was surprised for a brief moment then brought his arms around her back as well, hugging her lightly. Of course he wasnt expecting her to hug him, but it certainly wasnt a bad thing. He smiled, letting out a small laugh to her.-

"I am guessing that is a good idea then. There is no need to thank me, it would be a pleasure to accompany you."

-They released the hug as he started to think about what he needed for the trip. Vyes quickly decided that clothing would be about all he needed to there and back. He always has his blasters with him anyhow.-

Eve Siren
Jan 12th, 2002, 10:02:09 PM
Eve smiled as she stepped back. She then ran her hand through her hair. She didn't take a shower since ... yesterday. She sighed. She really didn't want to be a bother but a day just wouldn't be right without a nice shower. She tilted her head forward lightly for a brief moment and looked back up.

"You wouldn't mind if I used your bathroom to shower, would you ..?"

She smiled slightly.

Vyes Signas
Feb 19th, 2002, 03:48:53 PM
-Vyes arched his eyebrow slightly after her question to let her shower. She sounded rather hesitant in asking him for the favor. He motioned his hand towards his bathroom, nodding his head to her.-

"Of course you can..."

-He opened the door up for her, knowing she could certainly help herself. Some steam let out the room from his shower previously. Vyes then stepped back, letting her go inside and the door shutting behind him.-


-Heading to his kitchen, he decided that something to eat would be proper right now. He was rather hungry and forgot all about it when conversing with Eve. Vyes went on to the kitchen while awaiting for Eve to finish.-

Eve Siren
Feb 19th, 2002, 06:28:04 PM
"Thanks ..."

Eve nodded to Vyes one last time, before entering the room. It felt warm, and had a strange unusual but pleasant smell. She sighed slightly as she saw her blurry reflection in the mirror. Slightly curious, she approached the mirror and slid her hand on it. Her reflection got more realistic on the trail she left with her hand. She frowned slightly. She hated mirrors. Almost as much as she hated DK.

She turned her gaze away as she turned on the water of the shower, and shivered lightly as she took off her clothes. Throwing piece by piece to the floor. She entered the small space of shower and ran her fingers through her already wet hair.

What am I going to do ...? She asked herself in her head.

He's so different. What made me kiss him ? Hell, it's so ....

She paused.

What am I going to tell the others when I take him there ? Maybe I should suggest he lives with me at Helios ... No. He'll never want to. But then again, I can't leave him in TSE's HQ. And why am I so caring all of a sudden ? Just for one guy ?

Ever since Zach, Eve had lost all her care and love for men. Until now, Vega, Phantom and Rama were the only men that counted in her life. She bit her lower lip. She had been in the shower long enough.

She stepped out, wet and letting small drips of water fall on the floor and grabbed a towel. She dryed herself up before putting on her clothes again, just running her fingers through her hair for combing.She stepped out of the bathroom, just shuffling her hands through her hair.


Vyes Signas
Feb 22nd, 2002, 02:40:21 PM
-Vyes was sitting at his table, with a plate of food right in front of him. The mercenary had only ate some of the food it seemed. It was still rather warm. He had his elbow set on the table top, having his palm against his forehead. As Eve came closer, she could see his eyes were closed and it was as if he was in some sort of pain. Vyes' mind was off in another location for the time being. He was shaking somewhat, but not too much to where he would fall over. Vyes didnt have any idea that she was out already from the bathroom.-

-Something was going on with Vyes, as if he was fighting a battle within himself. If she found out his secret, what would she do? Vyes wasnt sure as to why he hadnt told her yet. Though, he had came to the conclusion that she might have distanced herself from him. Then again, she was a member of the Dark Side, that was another reason why he wished to visit TSE. He had hopes to find something out, or maybe even unleash something he didnt know was within him.-

-Even if this was the case, Vyes didnt know what would happen to him afterwards. Would he lose control of himself or would he stay normal and also join the Dark Side? Either way, he had to figure this out, it was his fate so to speak. Maybe it was fate that he met her as well. The fate of two. He already started to feel some connection with her. Vyes wondered if she would help, or maybe have a key to open a doorway for him. All these thoughts were rampaging across his mind while sitting there. He longed to tell her, unless she found out herself before he could.-


Eve Siren
Feb 22nd, 2002, 05:33:58 PM
Eve had noticed Vyes was kind of shaking. He seemed deep in thought, she didn't want to disturb him, but she wanted to know what was causing him to tremble. She approached him silently and posed her hand softly on his shoulder, almost whispering.

"Vyes ..?"

Vyes Signas
Feb 26th, 2002, 12:52:57 PM
-Vyes's eyes snapped open in a heartbeat. He started to wonder what she was thinking, but her hand brought a sense of calmness to his inner self. He was hoping she didnt sense anything withing him. In a split second, his pain vanished, which is what caused his eyes to open so quickly. He was astonished as to what happened but didnt say nothing. The merc casually turned around and looked at her, smiling slightly.-

"Looking good..."

-He motioned his hand in front of him, pointing to another plate of food for Eve. The food was rather warm, some steam releasing off the top of the food and into the air. Vyes pushed out a seat for her, wanting her to sit and eat as well. He kind of figured that she would be rather hungry by now for sure. Plus, she couldnt take her medication on an empty stomache. After the two ate, he was planning to leave with her.-

"Tell me what you think...Gungan on a stick."

Eve Siren
Feb 27th, 2002, 11:55:56 AM
"Umm ... Sure."

There was like this huge tension between the two person. Eve sat down in the seat he pushed out for her, and looked at the food. Being genetically engineered, it wasn't in her habits to eat ... She didn't need food to survive. But since Vyes made it, she could try ... She never tried Gungan before, or actually anything at all. So she took the stick and bit a small piece out of the Gungan. She swallowed it slowly and remained silent for a while, before turning to him and smile.

"It's not so bad."

Vyes Signas
Mar 20th, 2002, 11:27:14 PM
-Vyes snapped out of it as quickly as he could then looked towards her again. He was planning to leave his place after eating, knowing that his personal droid would prep his gear for him. For a brief moment, he just watched her eat, not knowing directly that he was. Vyes realized that she doesnt really have a need for food.-

"I know you dont have to eat...but one should enjoy the small things in life once in awhile, no?"

-He smiled and took a bite then finished the stick which he had started. He forgot for the time being about her knowing about him or not. Now he had made up his mind and would explain it to her soon. Even though he wanted her to taste and enjoy the same food he did, Vyes didnt want to force anything upon her.-

"Then again, if you do not wish to eat...its not compulsary."

Eve Siren
Mar 23rd, 2002, 04:12:14 PM
"Oh, it's good. I never eat ... So might as well finish this."

She smiled at him and finished her plate. After a little while, she leaned back in her chair, exhaling slightly. Her stomach was full. New sensation, but it wasn't the best sensation. Speaking about new sensations ... Eve looked over Vyes slowly, blushing slightly. His lips, his eyes, his skin ... New sensations. She coughed to snap out and forced a little smile.

"All done."

Vyes Signas
Mar 25th, 2002, 05:43:18 PM
"Well damn, you east fast."

-Vyes finished the stick he was on then layed it on the plate. His droid took both of the dishes off as he wiped his mouth. He was wondering if she would get into problems taking him to her HQ. This wasnt his intention, it was better for him to ask now and make sure. Looking at Eve, he smiled, wondering if she was ready to go.-

"I hope you liked it...And by the way, I dont want you to get into any problems because of this."

-He got up and motioned her back into the main room, so the two can sit down at converse. They came around two chairs, placed next to each other. Letting her sit first, Vyes sat down next to Eve, waiting for her response.-

Eve Siren
Mar 25th, 2002, 06:10:28 PM
Eve nodded to his remark and followed him to the main room. Problems ... It is true. He couldn't stay at the HQ, unless he was a member of TSE. And she wasn't going to force him to join TSE, just because she wanted him near her.

"Because of what ?"

Though she knew the answer, she still wanted to ask him. Sometimes, a person just needs to hear the question twice to find a real answer.

Vyes Signas
Apr 13th, 2002, 05:31:41 PM
"Well, taking me to the Empire. I am not sure if you are allowed to or not. I know it can raise some problems for you."

-Vyes scratched the back of his neck, trying to think of a way she can make sure. He glanced at her then thought of something off the top of his head. Getting to his feet, he stroked his chin slightly before turning around to face her.-

"Anyway you can contact them, or no? Or is it something we wont know till we get there?"

Eve Siren
Apr 14th, 2002, 11:38:35 AM
"Now that you mention it ..."

Eve shifted her gaze away of Vyes to the floor to avoid any nervous tension building on. She remained silent for a few minutes thinking. He was right. The Council would never let him in, in fear of him being a spy or such. She frowned slightly. Maybe it wasn't a good idea after all.

"It is something we won't know until we get there, but TSE is dangerous. I think ..."

Eve turned her head back towards Vyes.

"I think it's better if you don't come back with me."