View Full Version : Requiem: The Long Journey

Jeseth Cloak
May 20th, 2001, 09:55:50 PM
Jeseth's eyes remained shut as he listened, oh so tentatively, to the chords and rhythms which now reverberated from against the walls, oscillating within the fluidic confines of Fire Hazzard's stasis chamber. The Dark Jedi's right hand presses against the cool glass, his palm growing white with tension, and much, much colder.

Fire's body floated amidst the pale-red fluid, liquid, her face seemingly glowing with life, her dress very formal and beautifully decorated. She resembled a sleeping doll, trapped behind a case of ice, floating among a sea of liquefied flowers petals... the pain of their death still hanging fragrantly in the air. Jeseth's hand finally pulled away from the glass, color returning to his palm slowly, his eyes sliding open to look at the consequences of his actions.


Leathery black fingers rapped over a number of different switches, each click setting out a cascade of ripples within the pink solution, entering the Jedi's body like nails being driven by a hammer. Pink faded to blue, the girls body freezing in place within a case of crystal-clear ice. Jeseth tapped the glass, listening as the ring that echoed back to him blended in perfectly with the climax of the symphony which played on in the background, lulling slightly as he rested his head against the now-frosty surface of the container.

Seth Darkserpent
May 26th, 2001, 05:55:25 PM
Hours upon hours of watching and listening to the Holocrons of the meetings in the Hall of Sorrows. Seth had spent two days non stop trying to get caught up with Black Hand current events and learn all about it's past. As a result, he had to sit through all these Holocrons.

Seth routinely stood up and stretched his arms and legs trying to get the feeling back in them. It felt as if his body was being stabbed by a thousand tiny needles at once. He sat back down on the wooden stool and resumed his position reaching for the next Holocron. With one hand he rubbed his groggy eyes, calling on the Force to rid him of his fatigue. He'd have a long day ahead.


"Finally!" Seth yawned. "I finally finished." He stacked up the Holocrons neatly. Seth's mind had absorbed all that he saw. The latest meeting in the Hall of Sorrows showed what the Dark Jedi had planned next. Seth wanted in. He knew he'd have to act quickly and rid his fatigue. The Dark Jedi strapped his belt back on and slinked into the shadows of Bast, making his way to Jeseth's study.

In only moments he reached the study, standing outside the door. Seth could feel more then one presence inside. One presence felt strange, but Seth could sense no trouble inside.

He still rested a gauntlet on the hilt of his sword. Seth reached out with the Force, focusing his thoughts.

~ Jeseth, 'tis I. ~ Seth said with the Force. He was near sure the other Dark Jedi had heard him.

Figrin D an
Jun 12th, 2001, 11:26:41 PM
Figrin watched Jeseth from a far corner of the chamber, his face and body concealed partially by the shadows that played themselves about the room. The Dark Jedi lingered at the glass chamber for some time, leaning against glass which emmited the cold reality of cryogenic stasis. Figrin could tell the Jeseth's thoughts were of Fire Hazzard, the young Jedi that would be sealed in an unconscious crystalline hell for what could be years. For a man that seemed so dark and so filled with anger, so consumed by the hatred that was the Dark Side of the Force.... Figrin could sense another emotion in the man..... compassion. Compassion for the life of the young woman that was now frozen in time before him. It was a strange dichotomy, but a truth nevertheless...

Figrin paused for moment, and turned his thoughts to the life that stood in the balance, that of the young Fire Hazzard.

Rest well, young Fire.... May the Force guide you in your slumber...

The Jedi Master stepped forward into the eerie blue hue cast by the stasis chamber. His cloak flowed about him as he slowly walked toward the source of the light, and the Dark Jedi that stood in it's shining path. Figrin finally stopped a few feet away from Jeseth, looking as he did upon the frozen body of the young Jedi.

"If I didn't know you better, I'd say that you were feeling slightly remorseful..."

The Dark Jedi continued to stare into the chamber, unwavering at Figrin words. Figrin could tell, however, that words did indeed pierce Jeseth's stony facade...

"What are your long term plans for her?"

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 15th, 2001, 03:13:38 AM

"Perhaps you read a bit too much into my appreciation for fine art, Master Figrin..."

Or perhaps Jeseth had indeed felt a pang of remorse... but of what consequence had this death been? None...

"Long term plans..? None at all."

A drop of moisture fell from the shining surface of the tube, a flick of Dark Jedi's hand cutting away the sorrowful symphonic music which had up to now played from the strange holo-projector at the corner of his study.

"She's dead."

Figrin's eyes lost a bit of hope then, perhaps because he had failed to realize that it was only the body which was now marginally alive... Fire Hazzard's soul had long departed from the confines of her physical form.

Jeseth, 'tis I.

The thought came to him naturally, and he pushed his response out to Seth, his eyes keeping focused upon the Jedi who stood a few feet from him. He too had heard the message.


"Pardon my brethren, I'm sure his presence will be momentary... then we can commence our studying. I have several holocrons which you might be interested in... I cannot access them. It appears I lack the proper alignment. They might be of more used to you than they have been to me."

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 22nd, 2001, 08:30:40 PM
Seth slowly opened the door, feeling the presence of two figures. One he had not felt before in these cursed halls. The other presence was that of Jeseth's. He kept his sword close at hand, unsure of what lied behind the door.

The Dark Jedi walked into the room, staring hard at the two figures in the dim light. Without even introduction, Seth Darkserpent could deduce the second figure.

"Jeseth, what have you brought back now?" Seth grinned under his mask. "A follower of the light."

Seth circled the two and leaned against the wall, near a darkened corner. He clasped both hands at his side and examined the Jedi, studying him from head to toe. Seth had not had many encounters with Jedi, but this one was strong in the Force. He's probably a Jedi Knight or Master, Seth reflected, blocking his thoughts from the Force.

The Dark Jedi could note the impatient scowl forming on Jeseth's face. He decided it would be best to act quickly. Seth stood up straight and nodded to Jeseth.

"Pardon myself for interrupting you and your...guest. I recall you saying something about leaving Vjun last week. I'd like to accompany you, regardless of what the place is." Seth awaited an answer.

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 28th, 2001, 07:21:19 AM
"The decision would be entirely up to Master Figrin..."

Jeseth turned his head to Figrin, silence falling over the room so as to allow the Jedi Master adequate comfort to speak. The Dark Jedi continued to ponder over which of the many planets with still unexplored mysteries they could, or would, explore first.

Figrin D an
Jun 28th, 2001, 06:37:26 PM
Figrin watched the Dark Jedi carefully. He was unable to get a clear read on Seth's thoughts, but it was abundantly clear from Seth's less-than-cordial comments that the Dark-sider did not approve of the presence of a Jedi Master on Vjun. It was an attitude that Figrin expected to find amongst most of the Dark Jedi, but one that would be tolerable as his time on Vjun itself would be limited. Now, that this Dark Jedi wanted to accompany Figrin and Jeseth on their expedition, the situation become more complicated.

"He may accompany us if he wishes. He may prove to be useful."

Figrin glanced at Jeseth, then slowly began to walk towards Seth Darkserpent. The Jedi Master stopped directly in front of the Dark Jedi and locked a stony yet calm glare onto the his face.

"But let me be perfectly clear. I suggest you put aside your begrudging dislike of me and what I represent to you. For if you decide act on your overbearing sense of dark-side vengeance.... you won't be happy with the result."

The words were spoken with a balance between forcefulness and calm conviction that only a Jedi Master could achieve. The impact of his words upon the intended ears would soon be known, but, in the back of his mind, he could sense a mild sense of amusement from Jeseth...

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 29th, 2001, 09:49:28 AM
"I do not hold any grudge toward you or your kind. Frankly I care little for what you Jedi do with yourselves. I only wish to accompany you and learn things that I do not know. Perhaps I will have the privilage of acquiring an artifact or a book of some sort." Seth's voice was barely louder then a whisper.

He usually spoke in a low voice, unless he was mad about something. He did not approve of Figrin's presence in the Holy castle of Bast. Seth was smart enough to refrain from causing any trouble. Now that he had gained much control on his insanity and anger, Seth was able to do much more.

"I will not ask where we are going, but I would like to know when we leave, and what equipment I will need...Besides the Dark Side that is."

His cloak seemed to expand in the darkness, creating a bigger shadow. Seth's orange pupils grew brighter as they normally did when the shadow consumed his body. This was a sort of refuge for him that would keep him attuned with the Dark Side of the Force. The shadows he created were made of Dark Side power.

The Dark Jedi quietly waited for an answer from either of the two. He wondered if the Jedi trusted Jeseth. It would prove interesting for Jeseth to befriend a Jedi. Seth highly doubted it was the case.

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 1st, 2001, 01:38:05 PM
The Dark Jedi looked to Seth, a few thoughts drifting through his head, most of them clearly audible to others in the room. A few of these thoughts played straight through, the final resolutions to them usually resulting in either Figrin or Seth lying on their back, or sometimes in pieces. The prospect of hostilities spoiling the expedition were not to Jeseth's liking. Figrin exchanged a quick glance with him before Jeseth began speaking to Seth.

"I hope for your sake brother, that you're right."

Reaching up to a shelf, Jeseth drew a few books, placing them upon the table. Their destination was as of yet unknown, Figrin and Jeseth not having had appropriate time to discuss the adventure.

"Bring with you anything you'll think you'll need to survive, especially if you don't do well in the wilderness by yourself."

Flipping through the book, Jeseth considered the rumors of Mount Tantis... but where would they find the fabled store house of the Emperor..? It may well be just rumor, and to waste such a valuable expedition fruitlessly...

"Master Figrin, are you well acquainted with the myth of Mount Tantis?"

Figrin D an
Jul 11th, 2001, 04:04:18 AM
:: The tension in the room lightened a bit with Jeseth's words. Figrin turned the Dark Jedi and nodded as he finished speaking.

"I'd consider myself fairly well versed in Mount Tantis lore, yes. I actually had an opportunity to visit the site many years ago. The surface of the crumbled mountain has been scoured by scavengers and treasure hunters. No major excavation has never been done because of the shear depth at which everything was buried when the mountain collapsed. There are... rumors... however, that multiple entrances to the mountain existed... that a network of caves and underground passages may still lead into the deepest chambers."

Figrin knew much more than than he let on. He was reluctant to share all of his knowledge of Tantis... at least for the time being. He was also curious to see just how much Jeseth knew.... ::

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 12th, 2001, 06:38:32 AM

He ran a finger across a page, showing a sketched map of Tantiss. He had never been there himself, but many lives had been lost to satisfy his desire for knowledge about the place. He rested his fingertip upon one part of the design where the word "spaarti" was scrawled in some strange and very primitive type of writing. Figrin may have recognized it, but he doubted Seth did.

"Nothing at all, my dear friend."

A smile creased the Dark Jedi's lips.

"At least, nothing compared to what I'm sure you know... But then again, that's why I'm so interested in this location. "

Seth Darkserpent
Jul 12th, 2001, 11:42:52 AM
"Spaarti." Seth closed his eyes for a moment, remembering everything he could on that word. "Most interesting. A spaarti cylinder contains the genetic material to clone a being."

Seth's eyes flickered open once. He stared at the map that Jeseth was looking at. Seth was quite familiar with Mount Tantiss and what had been there at a time.

"Remember Jeseth, I too have a quench for any knowledge possible. Especially that concerning Emperor Palpatine."

"Tantiss is on Wayland." Seth thought to himself. He didn't have the coordinates for such a planet, but he knew they would be easily obtainable.

The Dark Jedi examined his attire. He was dressed in his usual body armor, along with his gauntlets and weapons. Atop his head, he wore a cap with tusks at each end. As usual, a black mask covered his face, leaving only slits for eyesight. In other words, Seth was ready.

"Excuse me for a moment. I must go "pack" for this little excursion. I will be back shortly." Seth spun on his heel and strode out of the room.

Jeseth Cloak
Aug 3rd, 2001, 12:02:45 PM
He gazed at the map a moment longer and shook his head. There were bloodstains on it, obviously from either an injury that the mapmaker suffered, or one he inflicted. “I was told that there are numerous aliens guarding the land below the mountain. While there’s little left of it, I was also told the terrain is not suitable for a landing. We’d be forced to find a way around or through the settlements… Do you know anything about this?” He was looking at Figrin, hoping the Jedi Master might be able to explain things in detail. If he seemed to be amiable, he would also bring up a second subject. Seth would be gone for a while, and that was enough time for him to ask Figrin that which he hoped would be possible: to train together on their journey. If the Sith knew of his intentions, they would surely slay him, but no one would know… and there was more to discover in the universe than how to utilize one’s hatred. The Jedi held the other piece of the puzzle.

Figrin D an
Aug 4th, 2001, 12:56:06 AM
Figrin nodded slightly at Jeseth's comments, and simultaneously a modest frown appeared on the Jedi's face.
"A good deal of that is true, yes."

Figrin silently recalled the tale as it was told to him many years ago, making sure he remember the important details of the incident. He turned back towards statis chamber that held Fire Hazzard and held his eyes there, as if he was looking into a vast nothing... his eyes gazing beyond what was capable by normal sight. Slowly, the Jedi Master began to recount his knowledge.

"As you may have once heard, Grand Admiral Thrawn used a race of beings known as the Noghri for convert operations and assassination. Thrawn treated the Noghri better than the Emperor once did, but they were still nothing more than slaves under his rule. When the New Republic offered them freedom if Thrawn was defeated, the Noghri quickly changed sides. After Thrawn was killed and the Empire was driven back, many of the Noghri settled on Wayland around the ruins of Tantis. The Noghri are small in stature, but they are fierce warriors. They will likely not let anyone near Tantis that they deem to be a threat."

Figrin paused before he continued.

"The terrain adds to the difficulty of such a mission. We would be required to land at a distant location and travel, probably on foot, towards the mountain. The Noghri have settlements scattered along the foot of the mountain for many kilometers. Long detours may be necessary if we want to avoid any dealings with the Noghri."

Figrin's paused again, breathing deeply. He at last turned back towards Jeseth before speaking again.

"I must admit, your interest in Tantis is ... concerning to me," Figrin said candidly, "The Emperor was a dangerously twisted man... there are things he may have hidden in Tantis that may still be dangerous. I share your desire to learn and to aquire knowledge, but let us also consider that some of what we may find would be best left buried beneath the mountain."

Jeseth Cloak
Aug 4th, 2001, 04:03:28 PM
Jeseth nodded and held his hand out onto the table. It was extremely pale, his fingers thin and seemingly weak. "I'm dying, Master Figrin. I need to find the Spaarti Cylinders buried beneath Tantiss, or there will be nothing left of me. I can't heal this... this disease I was revived through the power of the Dark Side, and every day I grow weaker, every day the bacta dosages most be increased." He gazed into the Jedi's eyes. Jeseth's retina's were spotted-green and brown from the massive amounts of bacta which had been fed into him. "I need you to teach me how to overcome this. I've never been taught how to heal myself or others... and this is more than just a wound - It's the Dark Side taking it's toll." He rolled up the map and tucked it into a small shoulder bag.

Perhaps it would be in your best interests to allow me to die, but I know there is more that I can teach you as well. The Jedi ignore other aspects of the Force... and there are more emotions to feed off than mere hatred and sorrow... "I want to be taught about the Light Side of the Force. I'll agree to take only that which you approve of from Tantiss, and to show you anything you wish to learn about other Force abilities which may perhaps be alien to you in return."

He felt nervous, almost paranoid. He didn't know what would be done if Seth knew what he was attempting to do. In fact, he wasn't sure that any of his siblings would approve of it... but it would be worth the risk.

Seth Darkserpent
Aug 12th, 2001, 12:10:34 PM
As Seth ventured back to Jeseth's room, he reached out with the Force, and heightened the ability of his hearing senses. It had taken him a short time to pack since mostly everything was already prepared for him. A person like Seth Darkserpent never settled in one place. He always had his luggage packed and ready.

Seth held onto a duffle bag that was slung over his neck. It rested inside of his left art, as he cupped it. Inside of the duffle bag he had various clothes, books, maps and of course inks and feathers. Seth wasn't old fashioned, although he loved to read and write, despite his bulky appearance. Most assumed Seth was all brawn and no brain. Seth would prove in time that they were painfully wrong.

<font color=silver>"I want to be taught about the Light Side of the Force."<font color=white> Seth heard it as he creeped up to the door. He blocked his presence in the Force, lest that Jedi or Jeseth would try and detect him. The request did not surprise Seth at all. Although he never told many it, he believed that knowledge, defense and power were three valuable assets. Such assets that shouldn't be passed up.

The door opened as Seth walked in. He glanced at Jeseth, and then shifted his vision to the Jedi Master Figrin. The room was silent for a few seconds. Seth took the liberty of breaking that silence.

"A few months ago, I <a href=http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicfrm13.showMessage?topicID=235.topic>ventured</a> to a planet known as Ossus. I'm sure both of you have probably been there. I found my way into the secret library hidden among the ruins of Ossus. The library was not the only thing I found. I had an encounter with a Jedi Master named Sage Hazzard. We talked for a long while and discussed the finer points of both the Light Side and the Dark Side. When I left I had taken a few books with me."

Seth patted the duffle bag he held in his arm. He continued.

"Reading those books gave me a slight interest...in your Light Side." He directed his speech at Figrin. "I also would like to be taught more about your ways. My knowledge quest to Ossus proved fulfilling, although it was not enough. I also will agree to everything Jeseth agrees to. My interest does not fully lie in Tantiss. I am coming with you two on this journey to learn."

Figrin D an
Aug 29th, 2001, 12:52:48 AM
Figrin raised a curious eyebrow at Seth's latest remarks.

"You've been to Ossus?," he asked rhetorically. "I must admit, I am a bit more impressed with you than I was previously. Ossus is not an easy place to survive, much less sucessfully navigate."

Figrin thought carefully on the words that these two men... these dark warriors... had spoken with such resolve. To learn of the Light Side... to openly acknowledge that it possessed power that the Dark Side could not harness...
The Jedi Master was now presented with a situation that he hardly expected.

To openly instruct Dark Jedi in the ways of the Light was almost considered blasphemy. Figrin wondered how well these Dark Jedi could even hope to use the Light Side without purging themselves of the very darkness that enveloped them. This may very well be a futile effort, thought Figrin.

The Jedi Master then looked back to Jeseth. As he examined the Dark Jedi closer, Figrin could see what Jeseth meant. His life force was fading, being devoured by very power to which he had devoted himself. Only the thin protective veil of modern medicine had protected him to this point... and it surely would not protect him much longer. Figrin could not help but take pity on Jeseth's condition. Despite his dark ways, he was a brilliant mind... for that, Figrin held a great deal of respect for him.

The Jedi Master, after much pondering, decided that he must follow what he was compelled to do.

"Very well... I will instruct you. Be wary however... to achieve the ability to heal is not easily done. It requires considerable effort to learn. You will need to view the Force in a different way if you hope to save yourself."

Figrin turned to Seth.

"As for you... your desire to learn is admirable. I am willing to provide you with a basic knowledge of Jedi doctrine. I only hope that, through this, you can find a path that will free you from the shackles of self-destruction."

Seth Darkserpent
Aug 29th, 2001, 09:58:34 AM
The trip to Ossus was not easy. Due to horrible landing, I crashed my ship and barely survived. Although I found that confronting the Jedi Master in the Library proved to be a more difficult task. I could feel the waves of light emanating off of him, or was this on purpose? Is the Jedi's goal to deceive others into converting to the Light Side? I will surely have to find this out. Hopefully I shall be fortunate enough to unocver that mystery on this trip. Seth kept his thoughts blocked from the others.

"You will find...," Seth began, "..that I am not as stupid as my appearance makes me out to be."

Only a select few had seen Seth without of his armor on. Aaron Grimm had seen him, when he first awoke in the depths of Bast Castle. Surely there were others, but Seth knew it wasn't that many.

Underneath his armor, he was quite a skinny man. Black hair, white eyes with orange pupils, and a scarless face. If he wanted to, Seth could have passed himself off as a normal human. He certainly had the looks for one, but he didn't have the mentality. Many demons haunted the deep corridors of his mind. It had driven him to insanity from the start. Now he was slowly regaining his sanity and vanquishing the demons inside.

Then and only then can I tap into my true capabilities. The Jedi Master has hopes me embracing light. I do not doubt the possibilty, but I find it highly unlikely. My soul is far too twisted to be cured. Once again Seth mused in silent thought, blocking his thoughts from the others.

In reply to his proposal, Seth answered, "Yes this is acceptable. I advise you not to hope too hard. It is unlikely I will join your side." Seth hissed a bit on the "s" in side.

He rested a hand on the hilt of his sword and looked to the others. Once again the orange pupils shone greatly in his eyes. It looked as if a fire burnt deep inside of them. Seth put his other arm on his waist.

"When do we leave?" He asked.

Jeseth Cloak
Sep 2nd, 2001, 07:09:59 AM
Jeseth nodded, his eyes showing an acceptance of Figrin's words. "Very well. I understand then... We'll need a ship before we can depart." He glanced at Seth, then back at the Jedi Master. "Trace reclaimed his, and I have no mode of transportation that wouldn't end up getting us all boarded by a New Reublic vessel." All of Jeseth's ship had been up to now stolen, discarded as soon as he had accomplished all he desired to with them. "Do either of you have something we can use? I for one require little comfort for my sleep. Even a cargo bay would do - however... I do have a mining unit I had wished to bring along to make our excavation a bit easier. It would be needing a bit more space."

The winged man stopped for a second in thought. "Ah... and then there's this:" a small leather bag jumped onto the table from the table besides Jeseth's work bench. A palm sized red cube tumbled out, two more rearing their forms within the confines of the brown sac. "Jedi Holocrons." The one which had rolled out onto the table was covered in blood at the edges. "I recovered from several sites... But they refuse to function for me. My research has shown they will respond to only a Jedi of the light... but I've never had a chance to test my theory until now."

Figrin D an
Sep 17th, 2001, 11:29:47 PM
The Jedi Master's eyes widened a bit at the sight of the small cubes. A single holocron was a rare find. Three of them could easily represent a lifetime of archeologic work. They were rare and valuable... at least to those capable of utilizing their power.

Figrin stepped towards the table, scanning his eyes about the ancient boxes. They all had scuffed surfaces, probably an indication that they were buried for a period of time. However, they were all intact and, most importantly, the runes that adorned the sides of the cubes were still clearly readable. Figrin picked up the holocron that had rolled onto the table, being careful not to touching the edges. The blood on the cube had dried into a thin layer, encrusting itself to the surface. Strange..., pondered Figrin.

He let the thought pass for the moment, placing the cube back onto the table. Reaching into the leather satchel, Figrin removed the other two holocrons, holding one in each hand. The surface runes were nearly identical, with minor differences in the script near the edges. The patterns were ones that the Jedi had seen in the past.

"These two are matching set," he said confidently. "Instructional holocrons, more than likely formed by a master as a gift to an apprentice. It was a common practice in times past, so that the apprentice would be able to consult the master's wisdom at any time."

Figrin set the two cubes on the table, offset from the third holocron.

"This one, however," he began, pointing to the blood stained cube, "is somewhat of a mystery. The runes are of a much older form, so much so that I can't completely interpret them. I might be able to activate it, but I can't be sure what the result would be."

Figrin paused, collecting his thoughts.

"The blood is... ...most unusual. Was the holocron like this when you found it, Jeseth?"

Seth Darkserpent
Sep 18th, 2001, 08:14:00 PM
"A holocron. I've never seen one up close before. Most interesting indeed. Perhaps I can ask Jeseth permission to look at them on our trip." Seth mused in silence.

He was particularly studying the cube that Figrin was pointing at. It had blood stains on it and runes that Seth had seen before. He could not pinpoint the exact location, but on one of his ventures he had stared face to face with those runes. Seth yearned for access to a translation talisman that he read so much about. It would probably allow them to view and understand the writing engraved on the stone.

Seth turned to the left and paced over to Jeseth's prized bookshelf. It had been carved off the most elegant and strongest wood available on whatever planet Jeseth had purchased it on.

Quickly the Dark Jedi's eyes scanned the binding of each book. There was one book that he'd seen and even skimmed through before.

"Ah, here it is."

Seth reached for the book and pulled it out. It was called Ancient Devices and Their Uses. Seth opened the fountain of knowledge and basked in the wonderful smell of longetivity that wafted through the fabric of his mask. He relieved himself of both gauntlets and threw them aside. Using his real hands, Seth turned the first few pages. Unfortunately the book didn't have a table of contents.

"This..." Seth started. "...might prove to be useful?"

He walked over and laid the book down beside the holocrons. Seth picked up his gauntlets and fitted them back on his hands. He hoped that the book would somehow help the Jedi Master and Jeseth in their study. After all, Seth wanted to know the origins of the mysterious holocron himself.

He looked at Jeseth, wondering when the man would answer Figrin's questions. As he waited, he tried to anticipate the man's answers.

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 10th, 2001, 02:40:25 AM
Jeseth glanced through the pages and then looked up at Figrin. "The native who retrieved these for me did not survive the journey. He was mortally wounded, and I lacked the skills to heal him... but he suffered little in his final moments. I made sure of that." If Figrin could have seen the flashes of memories going through Jeseth's mind, he would have realized that Jeseth killed the man himself - but it was true, the native had suffered less than if Jeseth had just left him behind to die.

"It appears this holocron cannot be opened by a Jedi or by a Sith. It can only be opened by both." Seth and Figrin glanced at him, and then he turned the book around at them. "There is no drawing... but these words etched along the side are here." He pointed at the particular passage. "They speak, 'The gates of knowledge cannot by opened by one key alone. Let your hearts and minds guide your hands.'"

"If I've interpreted that correctly..." He gazed at Figrin for a moment and grinned. The Jedi Master knew exactly what Jeseth was thinking, as did Seth. "Wouldn't you like to know, too?" The gears in Jeseth's head continued to turn... Whatever was protected so well would be worth a thousand lives. "And if this book is dated correctly, this holocron almost pre-dates the Old Republic... Can you even imagine what must be within..?"

The room was still for a while, only the pattering of rain outside filling the void of silence. Jeseth tossed the empty leather bag back onto his bedside table, leaning forward upon his study table to await some kind of response from Figrin. He knew how Jedi thought - he trained as one for a short while. True, he had always been far too interested in the Dark Side, but that didn't mean he didn't pay attention to all he was taught. Figrin was most likely now pondering if he considered the knowledge valuable enough to not be worth compromising to Jeseth and Seth.