View Full Version : Fan Fic: Star Wars Episode II: A Path Of Shadows

Sep 4th, 2001, 09:18:44 AM
Star Wars Episode II: A Path Of Shadows
by Jason Cunningham a.k.a. WhillJournalist
webmaster@whilljournal.com, www.whilljournal.com

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, an ancient and terrible
plan for galactic domination is coming to fruition.
It has been ten years since the election of Supreme Chancellor
Palpatine, a time in which the Galactic Republic has witnessed the
elimination of corruption and the restoration of democracy. Under
his visionary leadership, peace and prosperity have blossomed
throughout the galaxy.
During this period, Anakin Skywalker, apprentice to Jedi
Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, has grown in strength and maturity
as he has learned the ways of the Force. Despite the Jedi
Council's initial misgivings, both Obi-Wan and Anakin have
surpassed expectations, gaining mastery over the mysterious
power that aids them in their duties of Guardians of Peace
and Justice.
But with power also comes knowledge - young Anakin is beset
by frightening visions that he cannot fully control or explain...
visions of chaos and death for those he loves most. As if to
confirm the worst of the Padawan's fears, his close friend
Queen Amidala of Naboo comes before the Galactic Senate with
scraps of evidence that hint at a dreadful and ancient terror
stirring on the Outer Rim.
Soon Anakin must choose between following the Jedi to
investigate this rising evil, or following his heart to save
all that he loves from the chaos of his visions...

This screenplay is based on characters and situations created and
owned by Lucasfilm, Ltd. No claim of ownership or reassignment
of Lucasfilm copyright and copyrighted material to any other
parties is intended or implied.


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…

A vast sea of stars serves as the backdrop for the main
title. War drums echo through the heavens as a roll-up
slowly crawls into infinity.


It is a time of peace and prosperity. Since his election,
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine has tirelessly striven to end
corruption in the Senate, restoring hope to the disaffected
peoples of the Galactic Republic.

During this period of renewed democracy, Jedi Apprentice
Anakin Skywalker has grown strong in the ways of the Force,
guided by his friend and mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Plagued by recent disturbing visions, the young Padawan
struggles to maintain control in the face of persistent
rumors concerning a terrible threat stirring on the Outer


Three SPACECRAFT cruise overhead. They speed past and on
toward one of the MOONS OF IEGO.


The three SPACECRAFT land among clouds of dust. Exit ramps
lower and a large group of UNSAVORY CHARACTERS begin to
disembark. One of the CHARACTERS, a medium-sized HUTT
called SIBBA, is apparently the leader; he shouts orders in
HUTTESE. Several large cages are towed out of the
SPACECRAFT. They are empty, supported by invisible


A small and extremely beautiful CRYSTALLINE CITY rises from
the landscape. Delicate spires ascend into the violet sky,
shimmering in the starlight. FIGURES can bee seen moving
about within the CITY.


The FIGURES who inhabit the CITY can clearly be seen. They
are humanoid and strikingly beautiful. They have gossamer
wings that make their movement seem surreal. There is only
a smattering of these ANGELS, as most are asleep.


The group of UNSAVORY CHARACTERS is being surveyed from a
distance through ELECTROBINOCULARS. The large and heavily
armed GROUP is approaching the CRYSTALLINE CITY. The
perspective changes to show two DARK FIGURES from behind;
both lay prone. One passes the BINOCULARS to the other.

1ST FIGURE: (low tone) They're almost to the city. (pauses)
We should do something…
2ND FIGURE: (low tone) They've done nothing illegal. We can
only observe until then.
1ST FIGURE: But we should be able to intervene before
anything happens-
2ND FIGURE: (interrupting) Would you have us be vigilantes,
1ST FIGURE: No, Master.

The 2ND FIGURE hands the BINOCULARS back to the 1ST FIGURE.

2ND FIGURE: Until a crime is committed, Republic law binds
our hands. If they do violate it, you're free to use you're
discretion as to how to handle the situation. I'll only
assist you if you request it. But remember my Apprentice;
there are alternatives to fighting.
1ST FIGURE: I understand about the laws, Master. That
doesn't mean I have to agree, though.
2ND FIGURE: (puts his hand on the 1ST FIGURE'S shoulder)
Neither do I, for that matter.
1ST FIGURE: They've reached the city.


The smattering of ANGELS becomes aware of a disturbance at
the entrance to the CITY. With otherworldly grace they move
toward the sounds. The ANGELS encounter the large group of
UNSAVORY CHARACTERS. Perplexed, the ANGELS cautiously
approach the CHARACTERS. The ANGELS speak in a lilting,

1ST ANGEL: (subtitled) Welcome, friends.

The ANGEL extends a slender, pale hand to the CHARACTERS.
One of them, BIG BRUTE, looks to his comrades and grins,
exposing rotten teeth. His massive paw envelops the ANGEL'S
tiny hand. The 1ST ANGEL'S benevolent expression changes to
confusion, then anguish as it lets out a howl of pain. BIG
BRUTE is crushing the 1ST ANGEL'S hand. He yanks the ANGEL
forward and punches it squarely in the face. The rest of
the UNSAVORY CHARACTERS erupt into similar violence. Some
pull out weapons.


1ST FIGURE: Master!
2ND FIGURE: Damn. Come on.

Sep 5th, 2001, 08:16:58 AM

SIBBA: (in HUTTESE) The males are of no use to us. Grab the women and children!


THUGS rip down the veils that serve as the entryway to the ANGELS' home. A MALE ANGEL flits up to the THUGS to defend his family, but to no avail; he is powerless. The THUGS brush the MALE ANGEL aside and grab an ADULT FEMALE, and two CHILDREN.


A couple THUGS drag an exquisite, struggling FEMALE ANGEL out by her delicate wings. A MALE ANGEL lies on the floor, unconscious.

THUG: Come on, butterfly!


The CRYSTALLINE CITY is no longer asleep. Some structures have been smashed, black smoke issues from several small fires. The REPULSORLIFFT CAGES are being loaded with FEMALE AND CHILD ANGELS. Some of the MALE ANGELS are being kept at bay with blasters. One of the SLAVERS reports to the HUTT.

SLAVER: We pulled in a good haul, Boss.
SIBBA: (in HUTTESE) Rich bigwigs like my fat brother are willing to pay a fortune for these beauties. Let's get them to the ships.

An unfamiliar voice startles the HUTT and his whole vile entourage. The voice is trying to sound authoritative, but there is a hint of uncertainty in it.

VOICE OVER: You're not taking them anywhere.

The SLAVERS wheel around, weapons drawn, to look toward the source of the unwelcome voice. The sight of a MEDIUM-SIZED FIGURE rewards them. The FIGURE is clad in brown robes and a hood conceals its face. At some distance to the right and behind the MEDIUM-SIZED FIGURE is a LARGER FIGURE dressed in an identical fashion. The LARGER FIGURE says nothing. Several of the CAGED ANGELS strain to see the source of their only possible hope.

SIBBA: (in HUTTESE) Is that a fact? And who's going to stop me? Your army?

There is chortling from the HUTT'S crew. The MEDIUM-SIZED FIGURE raises it's hands to its hood and lowers it back. Revealed is a good-looking 14-year old boy; blue-eyed, with blond hair wound into a single braid.

This is ANAKIN SKYWALKER, JEDI PADAWAN. He is a little small for his age, but the look on his face belies any physical disadvantage he may seem to have compared to the HUTT and his CREW. He makes a peculiar gesture with his hand.

ANAKIN: (authoritative) Slavery is illegal in the Galactic Republic. You're not taking them anywhere.

Several of the HUTT'S CREW stop their laughter and begin to acquire strange looks on their faces. They hesitantly move toward the cage.

BIG BRUTE: We're not taking them anywhere…

SIBBA: (in HUTTESE, enraged) What do you think you're doing?!

The HUTT slithers between the cage and the mutinous SLAVERS to intercept them.

SIBBA: (HUTTESE Cont'd) You fools, this is our livelihood!

The HUTT bashes one of the mutinous SLAVERS with his pudgy fist and he topples over. Many of the other SLAVERS look confused. The HUTT grabs two of his nearest thugs and thrusts them in the direction of ANAKIN.

SIBBA: (cont'd) The first one to break that boy's neck gets an extra thousand! Get his friend, too!

The sound of the financial reward seems to snap the SLAVERS out of the boy's power, and a group of them advance towards ANAKIN, all with murderous intent. The LARGER FIGURE finally pulls back his own hood to reveal JEDI KNIGHT OBI- WAN KENOBI, about 30 years of age, medium-length hair and a goatee. ANAKIN shoots a very quick glance back at his master, and then returns his full attention to the approaching threat in front of him.

ANAKIN: You are entitled to trial by jury for your crimes. Give up now, and I promise you due process. I won't warn you again.


Seven UNSAVORY CHARACTERS now stand in a semi-circle a meter from the young PADAWAN. BIG BRUTE speaks:

BIG BRUTE: Sorry kid, your luck just ran out.

more to come...

Sep 6th, 2001, 11:17:31 AM
A short vicious-looking SLAVER pulls a long knife from his belt and slashes at ANAKIN. Before he realizes what has happened, the knife is kicked out of his hand and sent flying, to land right in front of the HUTT who jumps back from it.

SIBBA: Boscka!

ANAKIN has exploded into action, using advanced martial- arts techniques in an effort to subdue his larger and more numerous attackers, much to their own chagrin and disbelief. Performing incredible leaps and precise kicks, ANAKIN seems to be getting the upper hand. This is too much for the SLAVERS, one of whom pulls a blaster from beneath his tunic.

ANAKIN instinctively reaches for his LIGHTSABER, but allows himself to be distracted just a moment too long by the gun- wielding SLAVER; before he can ignite his SABER he is viciously backhanded by BIG BRUTE and set reeling, his SABER flying out of his hand and landing on the ground some distance from him.

OBI-WAN: Anakin!

Again we see ANAKIN'S LIGHTSABER lying upon the ground. A hand reaches down to retrieve it.

OBI-WAN: (in voice-over) Anakin!

The hand grasps the LIGHTSABER; it is ignited and brought up to fighting position when we FLASHFORWARD to PRESENT-DAY and see the more mature face of JEDI PADAWAN ANAKIN SKYWALKER, about 19 years old; there is a small trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth. He has grown considerably in five years.


ANAKIN: I'm all right, Obi-Wan. I'm all right.

ANAKIN glances at OBI-WAN; he is now about 35 years old, with a full beard. His green LIGHTSABER is lit and he is engaged with multiple tough-looking enemies. There are some who are familiar from the earlier encounter, but they have aged as well.

ANAKIN: (menacing) Want to try that again?

BIG BRUTE stands staring at ANAKIN'S crackling blue laser blade. The look on ANAKIN'S face is unmistakable – BIG BRUTE knows ANAKIN will kill him. BIG BRUTE smiles and we now see he has no teeth at all; he drops his weapon.

Three SLAVERS draw near the young PADAWAN LEARNER from behind. ANAKIN abruptly throws his left hand up, and all three SLAVERS double over as if they were each kicked in the gut. BIG BRUTE'S toothless smile fades.

ANAKIN: (cont'd) Get over there with the rest of them.

ANAKIN gestures toward the three doubled-over SLAVERS. We go back to OBI-WAN who strikes out with his own SABER, cleanly slicing a blaster in half. A second opponent shoots at him but he easily deflects the energy bolt back at his attacker. It strikes his blaster and blows it out of his hands.

OBI-WAN: The Hutt! He mustn't escape!

A large doorway is closing. The unmistakable form of a HUTT is slithering through it, fleeing.

ANAKIN: I'm on it.

ANAKIN takes off toward the rapidly closing door.

OBI-WAN: Wait, it's too dangerous!

ANAKIN is sprinting. He uses his FORCE-ENHANCED speed to leap through the doorway at the last second.


He rolls forward and is up in a fighting crouch instantly. His face shows that he's ready for anything – except this. The HUTT is flanked by a dozen heavily armed beings, but more importantly two old and battered DROIDEKA. ANAKIN makes a supreme effort to appear unfazed by the display of firepower.

ANAKIN: Lay down your weapons and I promise you'll live.

The HUTT laughs hysterically, his booming voice mocking the young JEDI. Both DROIDEKA raise their shields and gun-arms. ANAKIN readies himself.

SIBBA: (in HUTTESE) You've stuck your nose in my business for the last time, boy. Now you've had it!

The DROIDEKA open up on ANAKIN, who is inundated with blaster fire. His skill becomes evident as his LIGHTSABER moves at incredible speed, reflecting the massive amount of fire back toward his enemies. The shielded DROIDEKA are unaffected, but the HUTT and his CREW scatter for cover.

SIBBA: (in HUTTESE) Whose idea was this?!

ANAKIN is being slowly driven to his knees by the withering fire. Behind him the stone door begins to glow then rapidly liquefy into slag. OBI-WAN has cut his way into the room. He immediately takes up beside ANAKIN.

OBI-WAN: If we weren't about to die, I'd kill you.
ANAKIN: I have an idea, but I need you to cover me.
OBI-WAN: Destroyers are too powerful, we need to fall back.
ANAKIN: Trust me!

OBI-WAN moves in front of ANAKIN to absorb the brunt of the fire. ANAKIN switches off his SABER, closes his eyes, and then performs an incredible leap about 10 meters directly over the DROIDEKA. The two DESTROYERS look up at ANAKIN, who has found a precarious handhold, and lock onto him. They raise their gun-arms…

OBI-WAN: Careful!

The DROIDEKA fire at ANAKIN who lets go of his hand-hold and leaps out of the way, falling to the floor far below. The heavy, shattered ceiling falls on the DROIDEKA, smashing them.


OBI-WAN rushes to ANAKIN and helps him to his feet.

ANAKIN: Nobody ever accused Destroyers of having too many brains.
OBI-WAN: (grinning) Nobody ever accused Padawan of that either.

The two JEDI stand and face the HUTT and his seven remaining CREW huddled in the corner. They walk up to within a few meters of them, and ANAKIN activates his SABER. The HUTT'S CREW tosses their weapons and put their hands in the air. The HUTT waves his hands in futile rage.


more to come...

Sep 7th, 2001, 01:26:01 PM

REPUBLIC POLICE FORCES are rounding up the SIBBA'S GANG and are placing them into prison barges. The HUTT himself is the last to go. He begins yelling as they try to stuff him inside the ship.

SIBBA: (in HUTTESE) You think you've accomplished anything? I'll be out in a week! I'll have a price on your head so big that-

The door closes on the HUTT, stopping his rant. A POLICE OFFICER approaches ANAKIN and OBI-WAN.

OFFICER: That's the last of them, sir.
OBI-WAN: Good work, Lieutenant. Get them out of here.
OFFICER: Yes sir.

The OFFICER moves off. ANAKIN and OBI-WAN begin to converse as several craft begin to lift off behind them.

ANAKIN: He's right, you know.
OBI-WAN: How's that?
ANAKIN: The Hutt. He's right. His whole gang's been in and out of Republic penal colonies for years. Just like the rest of the thieves and slavers and pirates we put away.
OBI-WAN: Sometimes it seems pointless, doesn't it?
ANAKIN: (surprised) Well… yes. You think so too?
OBI-WAN: The Courts frustrate me as much as they do you sometimes, but these criminals have rights and protection under the same laws that govern the rest of the Republic.
ANAKIN: I know. I apologize Obi-Wan, it's immature of me to say such things.
OBI-WAN: I don't think that stating the facts makes you immature; on the contrary. But I do think that something else is troubling you.

He looks into ANAKIN'S face. ANAKIN briefly looks at the ground.

OBI-WAN: (cont'd) Isn't it?

ANAKIN looks up and there is a bit of fire in his eyes when he speaks.

ANAKIN: How much longer is it going to be before the Senate approves one of these missions to Tatooine?
OBI-WAN: I thought as much. Once again your thoughts dwell on your mother.
ANAKIN: It's not unreasonable Obi-Wan! In all this time, after all the distant systems we've been sent to, you'd think they could assign a mission to a place where there's known slavery and-
OBI-WAN: (interrupting) Tatooine is not a special case Anakin. All sentient beings are equally entitled to liberty. Tatooine will be freed; you know this. It's just a matter of time.

ANAKIN does not look satisfied with OBI-WAN'S answer. He
turns away abruptly, kicking at the ground.

ANAKIN: If it were up to the Supreme Chancellor, mom would be free already…
OBI-WAN: I think you need to ask yourself if it would be fair to accept preferential treatment from Chancellor Palpatine. What would you say to a young child on a distant world whose family also suffers in bondage?

ANAKIN looks both ashamed and angry. OBI-WAN puts his hands on the PADAWAN'S shoulders and straightens him up.

OBI-WAN: Your mother will be freed soon, I promise you. The Senate, not Chancellor Palpatine, ultimately decides the schedule. Until then, you mustn't let your feelings on the matter distract you. Understand?

ANAKIN manages the barest of smiles.

OBI-WAN: (relieved) Good.

The MASTER and APPRENTICE begin to walk off toward a TRANSPORT. As they move away, we can hear them converse.

OBI-WAN: When did you learn so much about Destroyer Droids?
ANAKIN: (enthusiastic) Oh, remember that time the Council sent us on that mission to Mechis III? There were these chrome war droids there that…


Pan down to an unknown planet in the OUTER-RIM. Several small spacecraft streak past from behind and onward to the planet's surface.


Half-buried LANDING CRAFT open hatches and begin to disgorge dozens then hundreds of ARMOR-CLAD TROOPERS. The TROOPERS begin rapidly advancing toward cities in the distance.


We orbit around the outside of the magnificent JEDI TEMPLE, and then begin to zoom onto a large window to reveal a great TRAINING HALL.


Several dozen JEDI are shown all around the hall in various stages of LIGHTSABER TRAINING. Two JEDI in particular are shown only from behind, one kneeling, one standing. Five REMOTE SEEKERS hover around the standing figure.

A green LIGHTSABER is ignited, the REMOTES begin to orbit the standing figure, firing small electric shock charges. The standing figure deflects all of the beams in a complex pattern of movements. The REMOTES cease their attack and the standing figure turns off his LIGHTSABER. He turns to reveal OBI-WAN.

OBI-WAN: Now my young Padawan, let's see that technique of yours.

ANAKIN rises and the REMOTES attack as before. He deflects all the charges faster, more aggressively, but less gracefully. ANAKIN turns, deactivates his saber and starts to draw near OBI-WAN. He stops suddenly and lunges at the skittish REMOTES, which jump back. ANAKIN snickers and approaches his mentor.

ANAKIN: I feel the Force Obi-Wan. I can feel it flowing through me.
OBI-WAN: You feel it Anakin, but you do not yet control it. Don't be deceived by individual feats of skill. We have much work to do on your aggression level. You must learn to maintain calm.
ANAKIN: And my swordsmanship?
OBI-WAN: (grinning) I don't think we need much work there.

OBI-WAN slaps ANAKIN on the shoulder and the training continues.

more to come...

Sep 10th, 2001, 08:27:30 PM

LANDING CRAFT impact the surface of the planet. Hundreds of ARMOR-CLAD TROOPERS are swarming toward COLONIES in the distance. The TROOPERS are only seen in extreme close-up and at odd angles; they are never shown clearly, their features always concealed.


A complex and extensive OBSTACLE HALL is shown. ANAKIN proceeds through the seemingly impossible course with aggressive determination. OBI-WAN and JEDI MASTER MACE WINDU observe.

MACE: You are to be commended Obi-Wan. Your Padawan learner is exceeding our expectations in most areas, despite his late start.
OBI-WAN: Anakin still has much to learn. His Force- abilities are remarkable, but he still has difficulty controlling them.
MACE: I have noticed that he does not refer to you as "Master" anymore…

OBI-WAN looks slightly sheepish.

OBI-WAN: I felt it brought up unnecessary memories of his past life. He always shows me the proper respect, of course.
MACE: Of course.

ANAKIN has successfully navigated the obstacles, and dismounts with an incredible gymnastic flip and twist followed by a perfect landing. The PADAWAN cannot suppress a cocky grin. WINDU rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

MACE: Time and training Obi-Wan; maintain your watchful


ARMOR-CLAD TROOPERS are overwhelming the token resistance the local populace is offering. Fires blaze out of control in the twilight. The TROOPERS seem unstoppable and everywhere.


ANAKIN is holding an animated discussion with a group of APPRENTICES. OBI-WAN beckons him over.

OBI-WAN: You can waste time with your friends later. Time to get on with your exercises.
ANAKIN: Have you heard anything about fighting somewhere out on the edge of the Rim?
OBI-WAN: (guarded) I don't seem to remember hearing anything like that.
ANAKIN: (becoming animated again) Huu-Tho and Deak were telling me that they heard that there was some kind of a war going on out there!
OBI-WAN: (suddenly stern) You should know to dismiss gossip until you have evidence. Now go on, I'll meet you at the Meditation Chamber.
ANAKIN: Yes, Obi-Wan.

There is a concerned look on OBI-WAN'S face as he watches ANAKIN depart.


ANAKIN is sitting lotus-style, eyes shut in concentration. Various objects are position strategically around the room. The objects begin to each levitate in a specific order, guided by ANAKIN through the FORCE.


OBI-WAN, MACE WINDU, and JEDI KNIGHT KI-ADI-MUNDI are half- observing ANAKIN on a vid-screen, while conversing with each other. ANAKIN can be seen deep in concentration on the screen behind them.

OBI-WAN: I'm afraid some of the Padawan have caught wind of those reports, despite our best efforts to keep them quiet. No doubt rumors will soon find their way outside the Temple walls.
KI-ADI: It would seem that our best efforts to keep quiet our ongoing investigation might have proven… inconsequential. Queen Amidala of Naboo has requested that a special Senate committee hear her concerning a possible threat to worlds on the Outer-Rim…

There is a look of surprise on OBI-WAN'S face. He looks at MACE who nods his head in confirmation.

KI-ADI: (cont'd) She is due to arrive within the week.
OBI-WAN: Amidala. Now there's a name I've not heard in a long time.
MACE: It would seem your Queen Amidala has become quite a figure in the politics of The Republic. Her wisdom and determination are known throughout the galaxy. (smirking) I hear she's quite beautiful as well.

KI-ADI smirks also.

OBI-WAN: To be sure, she's not my queen. And she was already beautiful when Qui-Gon and I first met her. Still, this is an interesting development. (coyly) I wonder what the chances of an audience may be?

MACE goes along with the joke.

MACE: Your chances may be better than you think. A Jedi Honor Guard is to escort the Queen upon her arrival, appointed by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. You know how much of a shoe-in young Anakin is for Honor Guard duty. (knowingly) One must always keep a close watch on one's Padawan. If he's selected, I have a feeling an audience can be arranged.
OBI-WAN: (sarcastically) I'm sure fate will smile upon him.
MACE: Your Padawan's feelings for the Naboo Queen are no secret, Obi-Wan. Those feelings are normal, of course, but you must ensure Anakin does not act inappropriately.
KI-ADI: (wistfully) I remember I was once a good-looking young buck fit for honor guard duty.

The three JEDI laugh, but the laughter is cut short as ANAKIN loses his concentration.

ANAKIN: (excited) Mom! No!

The objects he was levitating crash to the ground. ANAKIN begins to throw a temper-tantrum and OBI-WAN rushes in to council him. The two senior JEDI look at each other gravely.

more to come...

Sep 17th, 2001, 09:03:23 PM

OBI-WAN is attempting to council ANAKIN about his concentration and control.

ANAKIN: It's the same vision again and again. I see an army of warriors. There's a dark figure, but I can't see its face. And then… I see mom. She's reaching out for me, but I can't get hold of her…
OBI-WAN: You must learn to control your emotions. As a Jedi, the Force will allow you to see many things. Interpreting what it's telling you is an important part of your training. A Jedi cannot take all visions literally, Anakin. (putting his hand on ANAKIN'S shoulder) I know it's a difficult thing.
ANAKIN: We're taught that the Force will guide us. Shouldn't I listen to what it's telling me?
OBI-WAN: To use the Force instinctively is the easy part, Anakin. Visions, feelings… these are all passive powers we each possess. It is conscious control over the Force that makes a Jedi truly formidable.
ANAKIN: It seems like it should be the other way around! I can remember Master Qui-Gon telling me to use my instinct!

There is an uncomfortable pause.

OBI-WAN: Qui-Gon is one with the Force, Anakin. He can no longer train you.
ANAKIN: (chastised) I'm sorry Obi-Wan, it's so confusing sometimes. (hesitant) Um, Obi-Wan, I have a question that I've wanted to ask you for a long time, but I wasn't sure if it was appropriate…
OBI-WAN: Never be afraid to ask any question.
ANAKIN: Um, ok. The warrior that defeated Master Qui-Gon, the warrior that you defeated… was he a Jedi?

OBI-WAN looks uncomfortable for a moment, and ANAKIN regrets the question. The older KNIGHT suddenly seems contemplative. He sits down beside ANAKIN and begins to speak.

OBI-WAN: The creature that murdered Qui-Gon was no Jedi, but it was skilled in the ways of the Force. By all accounts, it should have been extinct.
ANAKIN: Extinct?
OBI-WAN: It should have been extinct for a thousand years. It was about that long ago that the Jedi defeated the last of the Sith.
ANAKIN: The Sith? I've heard that word before, but we've never been taught about them.
OBI-WAN: Thousands of years ago, a Jedi Knight decided that he should use his powers to dominate, not to serve. He broke away from the Jedi and founded the Sith Order. For years the Sith gathered their forces and practiced the dark side of the Force.
ANAKIN: (hushed) The dark side…
OBI-WAN: When the Sith felt that they were strong enough, they waged war against the Jedi and threatened the entire Republic. Many lives were lost in the conflict, but ultimately the Sith defeated themselves.
ANAKIN: How so?
OBI-WAN: Because of the dark side. The dark side feeds off anger, fear, and aggression. The Sith fought amongst themselves for power and control. In the end they destroyed each other. Those few who survived were hunted down and wiped out by the Jedi.
ANAKIN: But if they were all destroyed, how could one have killed Master Qui-Gon?
OBI-WAN: That question remains to be answered Anakin. That is why it is so important that we train. The Sith were a powerful and terrible enemy.
ANAKIN: But you defeated one, Obi-Wan.
OBI-WAN: It would appear I did…

KENOBI changes the subject:

OBI-WAN: (cont'd) I'd almost forgotten Anakin; I have some news for you. It would seem that Queen Amidala is coming to address the Senate.
ANAKIN: Padmé? (very excited) When will she be here?
OBI-WAN: (teasing) A Planetary Sovereign coming to Coruscant to address the Senate, and you're not even the slightest bit curious as to why?
ANAKIN: (backpedaling) Um, of course, ahh, what business brings her here…
OBI-WAN: You'll never find work as an actor. She will arrive sometime within the next few days, so I'd prepare your dress uniform. Thanks to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, you've been selected as one of the Queen's Honor Guard.
ANAKIN: Really? I hope I get a chance to thank him. Padmé… it seems like forever since I've seen her.


SUPREME CHANCELLOR PALPATINE has arrived on the large Senate landing platform with his SENATE GUARD. The JEDI HONOR GUARD, including ANAKIN is present. OBI-WAN does not stand with the HONOR GUARD but with CHANCELLOR PALPATINE.

The QUEEN'S ROYAL STARSHIP descends gracefully to the platform as the escorting N-1's break off. The exit ramp lowers and security personnel issue forth. Several of the security guards are GUNGANS, dressed in the livery of the QUEEN'S Security.

QUEEN AMIDALA of NABOO appears, along with several HANDMAIDENS. AMIDALA is about 24 years of age and extremely beautiful. She is dressed in an ornate gown, but not quite so ornate as the first time she addressed the SENATE.

As she descends the ramp, an older man, tall and dark with an immaculately trimmed goatee, takes her arm and the two walk down together. This is BAIL ORGANA, PRINCE OF ALDERAAN. A very large man whose expression is all business accompanies THE PRINCE. This is his bodyguard, KABERRA.

The JEDI HONOR GUARD snaps to attention with their LIGHTSABERS as CHANCELLOR PALPATINE bows and OBI-WAN kneels. ANAKIN, behind his LIGHTSABER, has his eyes fixed on BAIL ORGANA, scrutinizing him. His expression becomes a slight scowl.

PALPATINE: Welcome back to Coruscant, Your Majesty. It's a pleasure to see you again. Unfortunately my duties prevent me from returning to Naboo as often as I'd like.
AMIDALA: Of course, Supreme Chancellor. (indicating) Allow me to present Prince Bail Organa of the Sovereign System of Alderaan.
BAIL: Greetings Supreme Chancellor. We've met before but only briefly.
PALPATINE: Yes, it was at the Kaalida Conference, was it not?
BAIL: Yes, that's correct.
PALPATINE: As I remember you were quite outspoken about your support for a unified Republic Fleet.
BAIL: I see you don't easily forget people who support your own views, Supreme Chancellor.

AMIDALA directs her gaze to OBI-WAN. She speaks, effectively interrupting BAIL and PALPATINE.

AMIDALA: Rise Obi-Wan Kenobi. It is a great pleasure to see you once again. Would you do me the honor of accompanying me to my quarters? It would seem that we have some catching up to do.
OBI-WAN: (rising) The honor is mine, Your Majesty.

The QUEEN'S entourage leaves with PALPATINE and OBI-WAN. We focus on ANAKIN, head straight forward but eyes straining to follow BAIL and the QUEEN. There is a scowl on his face. One of the other HONOR GUARD whispers to him:

JEDI HONOR GUARD #1: (whisper) Anakin, did you see her? She's beautiful! Whoa, your Master really lucked-out.
ANAKIN: (agitated whisper) Shut up.

more to come...

Sep 18th, 2001, 09:09:03 PM

AMIDALA, her HANDMAIDENS and OBI-WAN are present. Two JEDI
HONOR GUARDS and two of the QUEEN'S own security are posted
outside the door.

AMIDALA: Please make yourself comfortable Obi-Wan.
OBI-WAN: As you wish, M'Lady.
PADMÉ: Please, it's Padmé. Just Padmé.

As OBI-WAN takes a seat PADMÉ'S HANDMAIDENS hustle her
behind an ornate changing screen. They begin the complex
task of removing her elaborate gown.

OBI-WAN: It's a pleasure to see you Padmé, though from what
I understand it is once again due to grave circumstance.
PADMÉ: I'm afraid it is. I have in my possession evidence
that a monstrous threat to the galaxy has reared its head
out on the Rim. I am fearful that Naboo could be caught in
the middle.

As PADMÉ speaks her HANDMAIDENS are removing more and more
of her clothing. OBI-WAN notices that there is a mirror
strategically placed that can allow him to see the QUEEN
behind the screen. OBI-WAN is trying hard not to stare at

OBI-WAN: (probing) What could this threat possibly be? We
triumphed over the Trade Federation, and in that time
you've reestablished a standing military.

He leans forward in the chair toward the mirror that
reveals the changing girl; despite himself, he is watching

OBI-WAN: (cont'd) What could cause you such concern?
PADMÉ: Really Obi-Wan, you need to practice the fine art of
lying in front of a mirror, it just doesn't suit you.

OBI-WAN abruptly rises from the chair turns his back on the
mirror, self-conscious.

PADMÉ: (cont'd, smiling) I would think the "guardians of
justice" in the Republic would have quite extensive
OBI-WAN: (recovering) I'll keep your suggestion in mind.
There are rumors, Padmé. Hints and stories. Nothing
substantial. Nothing we can confirm.
PADMÉ: All will be revealed shortly when I address the
Senate. But enough of this dreadful topic for now…

The HANDMAIDENS have completed dressing PADMÉ for her
hearing and she steps out from behind the changing screen,

PADMÉ: (cont'd) How have you been, Obi-Wan?
OBI-WAN: My life of service as a Jedi is rewarding. It's a
life I continue to choose freely, and I have never
regretted it. (he pauses briefly) Not even when I lost Qui-

A compassionate look crosses PADMÉ'S beautiful face and she
takes OBI-WAN'S hand in hers.

PADMÉ: Neither my people nor myself could ever possibly
express our gratitude and debt for your sacrifice and that
of your noble master's. Which reminds me… how is Annie's
training coming along? We haven't gotten to see each other
very much recently. I've missed him.
OBI-WAN: Well, Anakin is at the top of his class in nearly
all of his studies. He's eager to see you, whenever there's
a chance.
PADMÉ: Certainly, Obi-Wan.

PADMÉ picks up a small disk off a table and hands it to

PADMÉ: (cont'd) Will you give him this message?
OBI-WAN: I'll be happy to deliver it. Allow me to take my
leave now, as I have matters that need attending. It was a
pleasure to talk with you. I hope we may have occasion to
speak again before your departure.

He performs a short, formal bow.

OBI-WAN: (cont'd) By your leave, Your Majesty.
PADMÉ: Of course Obi-Wan. We'll see each other again, I'm
sure of it. Don't forget to give Annie my message.

OBI-WAN begins to exit, but stops and looks back over his

OBI-WAN: Padmé?
OBI-WAN: Just a bit of advice: do yourself a favor, and
don't call him "Annie".

OBI-WAN exits the chamber smirking. PADMÉ'S HANDMAIDENS
begin to giggle and she gives them a stern look.

more to come...

Sep 21st, 2001, 07:02:18 AM

A MANDALORIAN SUPERCOMMANDO stands menacingly. OBI-WAN is in the MUSEUM OF GALACTIC HISTORY, staring contemplatively at a suit of the weapon-covered armor posed behind a transparent case in one of the museum’s more esoteric displays. A computerized female voice (which is part of the display) speaks in a voice-over:

COMPUTER: (voice over) …spread chaos throughout The Republic during the Great Sith War. Jedi and Republic forces exterminated the last of the Mandalore on an uncharted Outer-Rim world over one thousand years ago.

MALE VOICE: A terrifying prospect, wouldn’t you agree?

OBI-WAN, slightly startled, turns to see CHANCELLOR PALPATINE approach him, SENATE GUARDS at a respectful distance.

OBI-WAN: (slight, formal bow) Supreme Chancellor, I didn’t hear your approach.

PALPATINE: You must be lost in thought Obi-Wan Kenobi. I never knew it was this easy to sneak up on a Jedi.

OBI-WAN: (smirking) It normally isn’t. If I may say so, your insight serves you well. Queen Amidala has brought some disturbing news indeed. (looking up at the armor) The Republic almost fell to these warriors and their Sith overlords. There were many more Jedi back then…

PALPATINE: I consider myself a student of history, as you may be aware. A number of the other Senators consider Queen Amidala’s information dubious at best, but I have learned that the most obvious conclusion is usually the correct one. I have also learned to trust Queen Amidala’s instincts. Prince Organa is a very lucky man.

OBI-WAN: Lucky?

OBI-WAN looks terribly confused, then his expression changes as if he has had an epiphany.

OBI-WAN: (cont’d) You don’t mean to say that-

PALPATINE: There aren’t many Royal Houses left in the Galaxy. Political marriages have been conducted for many generations. It is tradition…

OBI-WAN: Most interesting. And rather obvious, in retrospect. It would seem that at least some ancient traditions of the Republic remain secure, Chancellor Palpatine.

PALPATINE: The Republic has been lulled into a false sense of security, inadvertently, by the noble order you yourself are part of. The protection that the Jedi offer needs to be augmented by a Starfleet capable of dealing with an outside threat like the one these Mandalore may pose.

OBI-WAN becomes unusually defensive.

OBI-WAN: With all due respect Supreme Chancellor, the Jedi have been guardians of peace and justice for a thousand generations. We dealt with these warriors the first time and will defeat them again if we must. Our effectiveness cannot be questioned.

PALPATINE: (placating) Of course not, nor is it. There will always be a place for the Jedi Knights as long as I’m Supreme Chancellor, I can assure you.

PALPATINE takes another look up at the MANDALORIAN ARMOR.

PALPATINE: (cont'd) But if this Mandalorian threat does prove real, we will need more resources to defeat them than can currently be assembled. That is why I’ve been campaigning as I have for increased centralized military strength.

The SUPREME CHANCELLOR tears his eyes from the display and looks at OBI-WAN. He answers the KNIGHT’S frown with an ingratiating smile.

PALPATINE: (cont'd) You must understand that the Republic Fleet and the Jedi would work together for mutual benefit. As far as Queen Amidala’s claims are concerned, it is important we move quickly to discover the truth behind them.

OBI-WAN: Agreed. I must compliment you on your commitment to action Chancellor.

The SUPREME CHANCELLOR changes the subject.

PALPATINE: One last thing; perhaps you should keep this talk of marriage between the Houses of Naboo and Alderaan to yourself. It is just speculation at this point, after all.

OBI-WAN: I understand. Allow me to take my leave Supreme Chancellor. There is little time for preparation.

OBI-WAN begins to depart but PALPATINE stops him.


OBI-WAN: (stops and turns) Yes?

PALPATINE: May the Force be with you.

The JEDI looks at the SUPREME CHANCELLOR strangely for a moment. Unsure how to respond, he performs a short, quick bow. OBI-WAN turns and departs. PALPATINE looks up at the looming display, and breaks into a peculiar smirk.

more to come...