View Full Version : Twisted Justice II - 20 years in the Future (Open)

Mar 4th, 2001, 01:53:40 PM
OOC: This is continued from the original Twisted Justice which is getting pretty large. People are still where they were in the old thread, nothing has changed. Could a Mod or Admin please archive Twisted Justice 1? Thanks.

IC:Harrar watched from the bridge of his large Heavy Cruiser. The plains of Vortex were blazing with fire. Thousands of Vong troops marched and captured. Those unruly ones were killed.

The Vors' homes had been destroyed, and the Cathedral of Winds had been befouled by the Vong. They had no intent of using this planet as a Shaping Ground. Harrar had received the sad news of Commander Tla's death. Now he truly was the Commander of the Vong forces.

A skinny tactician tapped Harrar on the shoulder causing him to turn. Harrar gave the tactician a quizical look.

Harrar: "Yes?"

Tactician: "Eminence we are ready to go. The Cathedral of Winds will be destroyed in space as you ordered."

Harrar: "What about the troops and the Chazrach?"

Tactician: "They are being summoned back to the Cruisers."

Harrar: "Excellent. You are dismissed."

Harrar watched as the warriors and Chazrach marched across the blazing plains back to the ships. Soon the Vong would have another victory.

Jedi Alpha
Mar 4th, 2001, 03:09:34 PM
Alpha sits back in his chair as he watches Liam's ship land on the ice planet of Hoth, wondering where all the other Jedi and Sith are...

Lady DeVille
Mar 9th, 2001, 04:05:03 AM
Lily kept her eyes closed, focusing on the cells in her body that were fighting the poison. She could do little to help heal herself, but keeping tabs on the battle being fought within was comforting to her.

As was the other presence in the room. She was out of it from the pain killers and the poison in her system, but there was something very familiar about the other person that Lily knew was watching over her.

Almost as if it was - but he couldn't... Or could he?

Mar 11th, 2001, 06:11:50 PM
Harrar: "Are the chosen ones ready to complete the task?"

Tactician: "Yes commander."

Harrar was aboard the Command Ship Tla that had just arrived at the scene. All ships save those that were going to sacrifice themselves were in space and waiting patiently.

The plan was that a few light cruisers were going to sacrifice themselves and smash into the Cathedral in the name of the Gods. The Vong did like music, but they had to remind the Galaxy that they were #1.

The Light cruisers approached the atmosphere, the Cathedral of Winds their target. Some Vors had been left on the planet for sacrifice. Others had been captured or killed in the raid. Harrar gave a magnificent speech into the villip. Then the cruisers entered the atmosphere. Harrar sat down and watched from his safe spot just out of orbit. The cruisers sped towards the monument with amazing speed. The first one struck the top dead on. It was as if all the music in the galaxy screamed out at them. As the other two cruisers struck the Cathedral, the planet seemed to rumble. Harrar bowed his head and offered numerous prayers to the Gods. Their deed had been done.