View Full Version : The Liberation of Imperial Center

Mali i Qel Vena
Jan 10th, 2001, 02:18:00 AM
OOC: This battle is only for fleets that are downsized.

:: Agent Qel-Vena sat alone in the cockpit of her shuttle. She gazed out at the nearby planet Thyferra, then back to the four warships directly in front of her. ::

"We're firing the tow lines now, shuttle Risk," called in a Commander on one of the cruisers.

:: There was a loud THUMP as the four tow lines slammed into her hull, then everything returned to normal. ::

"Risk, tow cables attached. The data transmitters are on-line. Sensors, engine readings, hyperdrive data, navcomp. We are green."

"Ready to go?" She asked.

"As ready as we'll ever be."

:: If everything worked out, the message would be transferred through the tow lines, as well as sensor data. If this entire operation worked as planned, then the Empire had found yet another practical use of a cloaking device. ::

"Affirmative, Risk. We have routed the data throughput into the cables. We have sensors."

"Good. Let's go. Slave your hyperdrives to mine."

"Hyperdrives slaved."

:: The shuttle and four ships plunged into hyperspace. ::

Mali i Qel Vena
Jan 11th, 2001, 02:55:19 AM
:: The four ships and shuttle exited hyperspace far outside the Coruscant system, and traveled past the 5th moon of Coruscant, out of sensor range of the planet. The ships cloaked, leaving the task up to the shuttle. ::

:: Receiving the go-ahead from the ships via the towline, the shuttle proceeded towards Coruscant, and was soon queried by Coruscant traffic control. ::

"We have you on our screens now. Please identify."
The comm beeped, as the traffic controller queried Mali.

"Coruscant traffic control, this is Tulana Semarr, Republic citizen ID number 52987-43-507806-B."

"Identified. What is your business on Coruscant?"

"I'm returning with a cargo shipment of durkonian beatles from Gamorr, to sell at my pet store near the southeastern shipping district. I am a certified resident of Coruscant."

"Verified, Ms. Semarr. Proceed to landing pad one eight six."

"Copy, control."

:: Mali switched the main commline off, then spoke into the other transceiver module which handled comm through the tow lines. ::

"Match my course and speed," she said into the comm.

"We're going to have to hurry to make it through the shields before they close," she continued.

"Copy, Risk," was the only response she got.

:: The four cloaked ships followed the shuttle through the shields at full sublight. By some miracle, they managed to make it through in time. ::

"We made it," said Mali over the towcomm.

"Continue to destination 983.87.532. We have another rendevous to complete," she continued.

:: I hope he'll be there ::
Thought Mali.

Captain Joachim Fena
Jan 11th, 2001, 04:48:20 PM
(In a darkened bridge, Captain Fena sat in his command chair, hunched over a tactical readout monitor, the light from the screen awash on his face. The murmur on the bridge had dropped to a standstill as everyone attended to their systems. Fena rubbed his chin, staring at the screen with great concentration.)


Mali i Qel Vena
Jan 14th, 2001, 01:15:32 PM
:: Fortunately, Zaarin was there. Mali flipped a few switches, and with a loud CLUMP, two of the tow cables disconnected from the shuttle, and Zaarin guided his shuttle towards the two waiting cables. It was tricky work. The tow cables swung about in space, as if going evasive. Just as Zaarin thought things could get no worse, a klaxon began ringing in the cramped shuttle cockpit. Zaarin brought up the disturbance on his sensor screen, and to his dismay, 4 Z-95 Headhunters were heading right towards him. They were on a course which, if continued, would snap the cables apart if the starfighters made contact at that velocity. Luckily, the Z-95s continued flying off, evading the tow cables by a few meters. After wild maneuvers to get back on course, the shuttle was able to dock with the two cables. The two shuttles then moved off, heading for opposite points on the planet. Mali spoke aloud, gazing out at the Coruscant sky. ::

"What a murky, godawful day."

Captain Joachim Fena
Jan 15th, 2001, 07:02:33 PM
(The computers flickered for a second, and then were back online. All over the bridge, everyone held their breath)

Lieutenant Rashke: Captain, we have sensor capability. The second-stage uplink was successful.

(Captain Fena leaned back in his seat, now ready to proceed. A look of relief and determination crossed his face, as he adjusted his officer's cap)

Captain Fena: Ensign Tearn, slave navigation systems to Zaarin's shuttle.

Ensign Tearn: Nav is slaved. We are proceeding on course.

Captain Fena: Status of Strike Cruiser Serpent?

(There was a pause as the request went from the Victory Star Destroyer Parragas, to Zaarin's shuttle, and to the Strike Cruiser.)

Lieutenant Orlis: The Serpent is operating under optimal conditions. They are ready to proceed.

Captain Fena: Time to target?

Ensign Tearn: ETA Two minutes, Thirty eight seconds.

Captain Fena: Have Commander Tarris and Lieutenant Raelar prepare the TIE's. Lieutenant Haater, power the weapon's grid, and load all projectile tubes.

(One minute passes, the tension mounting on the ship)

Lieutenant Orlis: Lieutenant Raelar reports that all TIE flights stand by on full alert.

Captain Fena: Good. Steady as she goes.

Lieutenant Rashke: Sir! Message from Zaarin's shuttle! Unidentified vessel on collision course! Estimated contact in 21 seconds!

Lieutenant Haater: I'm using Zaarin's sensor readout to triangulate, and I am targeting the vessel. Standing by to fire.

(Fena stands up)

Captain Fena: Haater, hold your fire! We must maintain silence!

Lieutenant Orlis: Captain, Admiral Zaarin is beginning evasives.

(The entire ship lurched as everyone braced on something solid.)

Lieutenant Rashke: Sir, the vessel is now on course to shear our tow lines!

(Captain Fena sat in his chair, eyes forward, thinking fast)

Lieutenant Haater: Captain...

Captain Fena: Hold your fire...

(The ship lurched again, as the freighter raked across the tow lines, and continued along its path. The shuddering stopped, and everyone returned to their stations.)

Captain Fena: Status report!

Lieutenant Rashke: The tow lines were grazed by the freighter's engine wash...but their structural integrity remains intact. All systems check out.

(Captain Fena sighs out slightly.)

Captain Fena: That was close. Tearn, ETA?

Ensign Tearn: Ninety four seconds.

(Meanwhile, on the other side of Coruscant...the Interdictor Pervasive, and the Strike Cruiser Venom were following Mali i Qel Vena's shuttle in a similar fashion. In less than two minutes, the mission would begin)

Captain Joachim Fena
Jan 17th, 2001, 07:29:16 PM
(The Parragas and the Serpent, being towed into position by Zaarin, began readying for battle. Halfway across the planet-city, the Venom and the Pervasive lumbered towards their own target, escorted by Mali i Qel Vena's shuttle. On the bridge of the Parragas, the crew readied themself for the imminent battle.)

Captain Fena: Have the Rebels detected our advance?

Lieutenant Rashke: Negative, sir. Zaarin reports that Coruscant defenses are on general systems green. No military action besides routine flight control patrols. Operative Qel Vena's shuttle has moved beyond Zaarin's sensor range.

Captain Fena: As to be expected. Tearn, ETA?

Ensign Tearn: Thirty seconds...

Captain Fena: Rashke, is our target on scope?

Lieutenant Rashke: Yes sir...we have target acquisition. Structure situated 10 clicks off bow is unmistakably registered as Gencore Level IV planetary bombardment field generator. Power grid readings also concur with Zaarin's visual confirmation.

(Fena smiled. The last time the Rebels had been driven off Imperial Center, he was a Lieutenant. He felt...obligated, to drive the lawless curs from Imperial Center to the coldest asteroid in the Unknown Regions. Their criminal regime had gone too far this time, and must be annihilated.

Fena straightened his officer's bars, buffing them with a sleeve. Today, those gutless traitors would learn that Justice never forgets.)

Ensign Tearn: Captain Fena...we are within range of the target now.

(Captain Fena clasped both hands behind his back, pacing to the foreward viewport on the bridge. Although unable to see outside the cloaking field, Fena could imagine it now: the matte grey cityscape of Coruscant taking on new life, the spires of skyscrapers looking like mechanized stalagtites, reaching skyward as if out of defiance of nature. Among the conglomerate of megaliths, a rather stocky and rotund structure protruding, set apart from the bastions of cutthroat capitalistic institutions. The shield generator.

Captain Fena looked at his chronometer. The Venom and the Pervasive would be reaching their target as well by now. Good.)

Captain Fena: Lieutenant Orlis, put a message through to the Serpent. Have them stand by on my mark.

Lieutenant Orlis: Aye.

Captain Fena: Lieutenant Haater...

Lieutenant Haater: Sir?

Captain Fena: Open fire on the shield generator, all weapons....mark.

Lieutenant Haater: Aye! Weapons hot!

(The clear sky of the Coruscant afternoon lit ablaze as turbolaser fire from seemingly nowhere rained down like a monsoon, pummelling the shield generator. It was only a matter of time now. Imperial Center would be liberated soon enough)

Captain Joachim Fena
Jan 17th, 2001, 07:55:18 PM
(As the Parragas and Serpent fired upon the first shield generator, the Pervasive and Venom opened fire on the second shield generator, situated thousands of miles away. Under the bombardment field, the massive generators had little protection against such an unexpected and concentrated attack. The turbolaser blasts began to damage the generators)

Captain Fena: Haater, stay in contact with Zaarin. I want to know the moment the generators go offline. We haven't a second to spare!

Darth Viscera
Jan 17th, 2001, 08:34:15 PM
*The seconds ticked down finally, until.....zero. Right on time, Fleets one and two, along with the Gator Navy, exited hyperspace just outside Coruscant, and a comm channel was opened on all rebel frequencies. Diktat Viscera spoke:*

"New Republic Forces: surrender Imperial Center immediately. We do not wish to conduct another slaughter. Leave peacefully, and preserve your forces to fight another day."

*The large Imperial fleet began charging weapons, and preparing targeting solutions. Junior officers in the crew pits of hundreds of Imperial warships barked out coordinates of defending warships. It had begun.*

Jan 19th, 2001, 02:24:01 AM
**Near the first shield generator at Coruscant..**

Alarms rang at the fire control center at the shield generator Heavy Turbolaser Defense Turret X-111A

A young soldier reported to the gun commander.

"Sir! Something is firing at the shield generator!"

"Whaaat?? Fire back you morons!"

"We cant see what is firing on us!"

The Gun Commander run toward the viewport Only thing that could be seen was a shuttle with some tow cables floating in thin air..

"Highly suspicious.. do they have an ID?"

"Yes, besides it is just a cargo shipment of Durkonian beatles"

"Target the shuttle!"

"What?! These are just common people.. civilians"

"No, it is a trick! Wrong season for import of Durkonian beatles! Fire at that shuttle!"

The turbolaser burst into light as it slammed plasma into the shuttle, knocking out the power. The shuttle soon suffered system failures, and soon, all sensory readouts from the shuttle was lost. The Pervasive and the Venom was blindfolded!

**Meanwhile, at other side of the planet....**

An automated chemical tank transport was on its daily route across the Coruscant skies. Due to the highly explosive material onboard, only droids were onboard the tanker.

ZZZT! Tow cable on colision course! Evasive maneuver! Wrrrr!

A last fraction of a second turn saved the ship from crashing into the tow cable. The droid behind the controls almost shortcircuited in the excitement.. but now, the tanker was on colision course with the cloaking field of the Parragas..

With a terrible metalic sound, the transport crashed straight into the Victory Class Star Destroyer. The chemical liquids sprayed out, and as sparks flied, the cloud of explosive gases ignited. A fireball sent shock blasts over the ship and an inferno of flames run over the hull, reaching the cloaking device. The cloaking device field Matrix and power cell could not withstand the enormous forces of the blast, and malfunctioned.

As the field disrupted, the Parragas was immediately uncloaked!

**At Ion Cannon Control Center**

"Sir! We got a visual of a Victory Class Star Destroyer! They are firing at the shield generator!"


The air turned blue with electricity as the ion cannons started firing salvo after salvo straight at the Parragas bridge..

OOC: Hi, this is Yog. This will be my only post for tonight. Thought it was time NR responded. Now, dont blow up the shields just yet, ok? See you tomorrow.

Captain Joachim Fena
Jan 19th, 2001, 04:21:23 AM
(As the entire ship rocked with the force of the tanker's impact, the bridge crew immediately assessed the situation)

Lieutenant Rashke: Sir! We have a collision registered. Hull breach on decks 84, 85, 86, and 88. Damage control crews are being dispatched.

Captain Fena: Status?

Lieutenant Haater: Four turbolasers have been destroyed.

Lieutenant Rashke: Sir, the impact has caused a failure in cloaking shield integrity! We are exposed!

Captain Fena: Dammit! Raise shields to full capacity. Have all TIE flights deployed on the generator! Contact the Serpent, and tell them to maximize their firepower! Hurry!

(The bridge bustled with frantic activity, as junior officers rushed to dispense with immediate tasks. With the opening in the cloaking field, Fena stared out at the scene. The shield generator was damaged heavily, but it was still barely operational. Time was now critical.)

Lieutenant Orlis: Sir, Admiral Zaarin is ordering the Parragas to detach from the cable!

Captain Fena: Agreed...detach immediately!

Lieutenant Rashke: Sir, we are being fired upon! Surface Ion battery, sector 3045 Alpha!

(Captain Fena's eyes shifted across the bridge. The shield generators were coming online, but would not be at full capacity to fully protect against the Ion salvo)

Captain Fena: Tearn...evasives!

(As Ensign Tearn deftly maneuvered the Parragas, everyone on the bridge was thrown about by the lurching of the massive vessel. The first Ion blast hit the starboard section of the command deck, mostly dissipated, but enough to slag a power relay going directly to the bridge. Suddenly, the bridge was thrown into darkness)

Captain Fena: Auxillairies!

Ensign Huban: Bringing Auxilliary power online...

(Slowly, a dim light came on across the bridge, as other systems were restored)

Captain Fena: Have damage control teams on standby!

(Fena stared out the viewport, the skyline of Coruscant pitching and moving with the Parragas' evasives. With the cloak field gone, Lieutenant Haater was able to fire with impunity...if only for a while. As the Parragas banked, turbolaser blasts continued to strafe the generator. To the port, Fena could see the streaks of fire raining from the still-hidden Serpent)


(On the INT Pervasive, Captain Steiler sat motionless. Only a moment ago, all sensor feedback from Qel Vena's shuttle had ceased. Before the cessation, she had broadcast that she was under attack.)

Captain Steiler: What to do...what to do...

Lieutenant Brukel: Sir, we still have our weapon trajectory locked. Even without the shuttle's sensors, we can maintain fire, although I cannot ascertain the effect.

(Steiler thought about this. The shield generator was not destroyed. Even if they did fire, they would not know if they had made contact, or if the generator was destroyed. It was quite a risky gamble)

Captain Steiler: Brukel, continue bombardment.

Lieutenant Brukel: Aye!

(The Pervasive's batteries continued their assault. Without the guidance of Qel Vena's shuttle, the shots were increasingly inaccurate, but most were still striking the generator. However, the Strike Cruiser Venom's commander was not quite as innovative, and at present, was not bombarding)

Captain Steiler: Lieutenant, maintain bombardment for five minutes.

Lieutenant Brukel: After that?

Captain Steiler: I don't know, Lieutenant....I don't know.

Mali i Qel Vena
Jan 19th, 2001, 12:02:07 PM
:: Mali watched in horror as a turbolaser battery opened up on her shuttle. Emerald lances of light flew past, missing or grazing her shuttle. ::

"I'm taking fire!" she called into the comm.

"Acknowledged, Risk. We're sending a flight of TIEs to as......"

:: One turbolaser blast hit its target, shearing the right wing completely off the shuttle. Risk, in response, began careening, and its nose dropped. The sky and terrain outside of the viewport began spinning wildly, and the tow cables were torn off of her hull. Mali tried to steady her gaze in the falling shuttle, trying to assess the damage. ::

Damn. They took out the port sublight and repulsor array. This ship is going to drop like a rock.

:: Mali tapped a few keys, and was able to equalize the attitude and pitch of the craft, so it stopped spinning. The shuttle was going down, there was nothing she could do about that, but Mali realized that she could control where it went down. Mali maneuvered the shuttle to try and see where the turbolasers were. She found them, thanks to the Imperial-grade sensors. Heavy Turbolaser Defense Turret X-111A. She locked the course in, and set the self-destruct mechanism to 90 seconds. Realizing she had little time, Mali ran back to the cargo section of the ship, where 2 small TIE Devils hung suspended in the air, ready to go. ::

:: Mali climbed into the cockpit of the fighter on the left, pulled on the rebreather, set the other TIE Devil to robotic wingman mode, and opened fire on the starboard bulkhead that the fighter was facing. Scarlet bolts roared out of the fighters' cannons in quick succession, melting a hole in the durasteel large enough to fly the 3 meter fighters through. Her fighter and its robotic wingman roared off, and just in time. There, 200 meters below, was the turbolaser battery. She watched as the shuttle crashed into the turbolaser, and didn't wait for the explosion. She didn't want to be caught in the concussion wave. ::

:: Mali pressed hard on the etheric rudder of the fighter, juking to avoid the turbolaser blasts that flew past the small target her fighter represented, and flew off towards the cloaking field keeping the Pervasive hidden. ::

Captain Joachim Fena
Jan 19th, 2001, 12:07:18 PM
OOC: Mali, the Pervasive is still cloaked...therefore, it cannot tractor you in.

Edit: That's still a rather long-shot. At least, it should be a crash landing in the bay. I don't mean to nitpick, but I'm just trying to work out the possibilities, and keep everything legit.

Darth Viscera
Jan 20th, 2001, 11:50:34 PM

Jan 24th, 2001, 06:25:49 AM
The turbolaser battery exploded in a spectacular fireball as the shuttle crashed into it!

**At missile tower X-111D, 200 meters further west**

"Sir, the shuttle has been shot down! But we lost X-111A! A TIE Devil escaped and disappeared from our sensors!"

"What is the status of the shield generator?"

"It is at critical, but is not down yet. Somehow, our mysterious attackers seem unable to track targets anymore. The fire seem more random now..."

"Ahh... this gives me an idea! Clear the area for traffic. I want full artillery fire! Shoot randomly in a 60 degree cone at last confirmed coordinates for source of fire. Launch bombs and heavy torpedoes!"

"Yes sir!"

Soon, the sky lit up in a spectacular series of explosions. The air quickly filled with a thick carpet of fire and smoke. The countless shockwaves of the blasts started to send the Strike Cruiser Venom and Interdictor Cruiser Pervasive drifting - leading the fire away from the shield generator..

Meanwhile, at the other side of the planet, at defense command center for shield generator Beta...

Computer screens listed damage reports of the unexpected attack. Casualties scrolled fast over numerous data pads. A young lieutenant approached toward the Commander. The commander, Kyle Sunburst was in his thirties. He was bearded and the scars on his face witnessed this man was well experienced in warfare.

"Sir, your requested CGT scan has revealed a previously undetected concentration of mass!"

The Commander raised his eyebrows slightly as he contemplated what this meant.

"Is this source of gravity identified?"

"No, but it appears to be the other source of enemy fire. They must be using a cloaking device"

"Send coordinates to targeting computers and open fire! Maximum firepower!"

"Yes sir!"

"And call in fighters."

Soon afterwards, ion batteries fired straight at the Strike Cruiser Serpent... squadrons of X-Wings started to take off from hangars a few kilometers away..

Rogue Jedi Warrior
Jan 24th, 2001, 06:39:52 AM
Alarms echoed through the corridors of shield generator Beta. The Parragas and the Serpent had fired an onslaught of blasts at the structure. It was only a question of time now. The heavy bombardment of the structure would surely lead to the collapse of shield generator integrity in manner of minutes now. And with that, Coruscant would fall to the superior fleet orbiting the planet, just waiting to invade. With the loss of Coruscant, The galactic Empire would be on a sure path to control the Galaxy. It would all be lost.

<font color=red size=3>"All personnel, evacuate immediately! This is not a drill! Repeat: This is not a drill! Generator reactor core critical."</font>

Through the corridors of the shield generator, NR technicians run in panic to save their lives.. all except one. A dark figure who silently but yet quickly and efficient made his way toward the opposite direction. He was a tall man wearing a cloak and a cape. A hood covered his head, concealing his face in shadows, making any features or expressions hard to see. A weapon was clipped to his belt; a double bladed lightsaber.

His hatred swelled through him. Oh, how he despised the Imperials. In many perspectives, they were reflective images of every bad trait known to mankind in a uniform. Greed.. arrogance.. endless egoism. They spread fear to others but yet, they seemed to live in fear themselves. Either that, or they were mindless probes just following orders. "Expendable assets in the system..", a former Imperial officer once had said to him on one of these suburbs Coruscant nightclubs that seemed to gather all kinds of scum from every corner of the galaxy.

And worst of all, they stole freedom from others, but yet they never seemed to be free themselves. Fools.

Well, he would be damned if he let these morons barge in and start dictating again.

Only a couple of droid guards blocked the way to the control crew room.

A mechanical voice yelled at the intruder.

Zrrrt! Halt! Identification and level D code clearance.. *zzzzzzzz-zzzz-zzzzzz..*

The droid had not finished his sentence before the twinkling glimts of a lightsaber had illuminated the air in a spectacle of movements.

The remnants and mechanical parts lay strayed out on the floor. Another alarm was set off, but few guards were around in the middle of this chaos, so little did that matter. With a swift movement, he ripped the cover of a panel, revealing a labyrinth of electronics. A few wires were crossed, and with a spray of sparks the locking mechanism shortcircuited.

The door opened. A corridor led inwards to a room with a series of computer terminals.

A lone NR technician was left. Apparently he was the commander on post making the final preparations for evacuation. Wide eyed he looked at the warrior who stood in the entrance.

What the hell are you doing in here!!?? How did you get in??!! Get out before this building explodes!!

"My business is none of your concern. You will do as I say."

The technician suddenly had a weird expression on his face.. he answered in a monotone voice..

"Your business is none of my concern. I will do as you say."

"We should not evacuate yet, I have matters to attend to first.."

"We should not evacuate yet, you have matters to attend to first.."

"You will grant me access to the computer terminal.."

"I will grant you access to the computer terminal.."

***2 minutes later***

<font color=lime>

>>Retina scan of NR commander completed
>>Welcome Mr Starblazer. Please enter your command
>Adjust Secondary Projection Focuser ..

>>Enter password
>>Password accepted..
>>Accessing shield generator array adjustment system...
>>Processing... please wait...
>>Enter your command

>Relocate shield energy
>>Set amount
>>Set relocation target
>Secondary projection focuser
>>Redistributing shield power........
>>Set range of shield perimeter
>500 meter diameter
>Set angle of projecting
>Beam +90º

>>Enter password again

The secondary projection focuser rise up from the focuser dish. The shield generator projector adjusters slide downwards slightly, tilting a set of projector dishes. A red ray shot out of the Emitter Antenna, and blast into a large sphere hovering 250 meters above the ground. The wall of tense energy started to spread out like and umbrella. A series of explosions occurred as the perimeter of the shield dome cut a few buildings in straight half.

Just moments before the the heavy bombardment from the Parragas and the Serpent is about to cause collapse of shield generator structural integrity, the artillery fire suddenly explodes harmlessly into some kind of invisible barrier..

Captain Joachim Fena
Feb 15th, 2001, 06:50:31 PM
(Things had begun to calm down on the Parragas, but reports from the crew still came in, overwhelming Captain Fena's small staff)

Lieutenant Orlis: Sir, damage controls teams have sealed the hull breaches. There were light casualties: 12 wounded, 2 killed.

(Captain Fena had but a moment to feel remorse)

Captain Fena: Their deaths will not be in vain.

Lieutenant Rashke: Captain, the shield generator has mostly deactivated itself! Its shielding has been recalibrated to self-defense mode!

(Cheers arose from the crew pits, and Fena allowed himself a smile)

Captain Fena: 1 down, 1 to go. How are Pervasive and Venom doing?


(Captain Steiler sat in his control chair, waiting for the computer to finish a combat projection. A green light on his datapad activated, signaling that the projection was complete. Steiler looked at the projection. Based on random combat occurences, prior simulations and actual field experience, the Predictor combat computer told him there was only a 35.7% chance that the two ships were still hitting their target accurately. That was not good enough)

Lieutenant Brukel: Sir, what are our orders?

Captain Steiler: Is Venom still inside the cloaking field with us?

Lieutenant Brukel: Yes, sir.

Captain Steiler: Decloak us, and signal Captain Venning to do the same.

(There was a slight shuddering sound as the cloaking field generators powered down. Steiler looked longingly out at the Coruscant cityscape, lost in thought)

Captain Steiler: Get a firing solution on that shield generator.

Lieutenant Brukel: Firing solution prepared, sir.

Captain Steiler: Fire.

Admiral Traest Krefey
Feb 17th, 2001, 12:30:35 AM
*Admiral Traest Kre'Fey finishes eating an exotic fruit,grown from Bouthwii, his home world. He is aboard the MC-100b Neptune, which is currently in the Columbia sector, home of Calamari, the Mon Calamari and Quarren home world. He is in control of all of Storm Fleet and a sole Super Class Star Destroyer. The Neptune is currently holding a wing of A-Wings, A wing of X-wings, XJ Class, one squad of C-Wing Interceptors, and a squad of new W-Wing stealth fighter.

Moments after he finishes eating the peice of fruit, klaxons go off. He jerks, slightly started from going from nice quiet to a deafening blare. He reaches his hand out swifty, hitting a button, silencing the klaxons and opening a visual channel with the ships captian. "Might I ask what happened?" Traest says curiously.
"Sir! Couruscant is under attack! We have to get back there immeadiatly to assist the home fleet!"
The bothans mind races as he decides what to do. "Have the fleet engage to hyperspace heading towards Couruscant, have the pilots to there fighters and crew to battle stations, I want every shuttle, dropship and transport in the fleet loaded with troops incase a ground war is going on. We should arrive there in a matter of hours...hopefully, there will still be something to defend. I'll meet you on the bridge momentarily. Kre'Fey Out!"

The bothan Admiral rises, heading to the door he thinks about what he may encounter at Couruscant, hoping for the best.

Feb 17th, 2001, 12:34:35 AM
Kyle flew out of one of the NR flagships. He was the new commander of the Wraith Squadron.

"All right Wraith's s-foils to attack postion break up in flights and stay with your wingman."

Kyle turned and two followed him through the manuever's that he pulled. He came up behind a tie and let out a barrage of laser bolts missin each time. He quad linked them than fired a couple more shots and vaped the tie.

Captain Joachim Fena
Feb 17th, 2001, 02:30:17 AM
The shield generator was aflame now, the result of several dozen salvos from the behemoths overhead. Nevertheless, sensors onboard Pervasive still registered the generator as functioning at 100% efficiency. Something had to be done. Steiler thought it through, and gave the order:

Captain Steiler: Lieutenant, I want pilots to their starfighters. Instruct Flight Boss Colonel Ven; Scimitar Assault bombers are to engage the ground targets, other available starfighters are to escort them. Relay these instructions to Venom as well.

Lieutenant Hennan: Aye, Captain.

Ninety seconds later, 36 starfighters and 5 assault shuttles screamed out of the flight decks of the two ships. A flight group of Scimitars roared over the deflector shield generator, dropping half a payload of proton bombs. Six TIE Devils escorted them, flying to point and flanks.

Darth Viscera
Feb 17th, 2001, 03:34:21 AM
Viscera examined the sensor screens closely. One TIE had already been lost. One further unnecessary death. One more replacement to spend fifteen thousands credits training as a starfighter pilot.

Diktat Viscera: Instruct fighter wing 1132 to reinforce that sector.

Ensign Hrassk: Aye, sir.

36 TIE Devils from the right flank of the armada shifted course, heading to the new combat zone.

Diktat Viscera: And patch me through to Admiral Poreon, this holopad.

A full-size holo of Poreon appeared on the bridge. His crisp white uniform-that of a Grand Admiral-seemed to gleam, regardless of the lack of color inherent in holos. The feint blueish hue seemed to convey the power this man commanded.

Diktat Viscera: Poreon, I need a tactical report on 2nd Fleet. And is General Phantom ready for the assault?

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Feb 17th, 2001, 05:33:42 AM
:: The engines of a full squadron of Skipray Blastboats lit up the cityscape as Helix Squad blasted skyward.

Squad Leader: "Okay people here's what we got. Check the coordinates on your on-boards. You'll find green turbolaser fire coming out of thin air. Within half a click you'll find a shuttle with tow cables that disappear into thin air. Hopefully you can put two and two together as fast as the geniuses back at base."

:: The lead pilot took another quick check of his instuments, confirming the green lights across the board with the 2 crewmen in the cockpit behind him. He looked to port as they cleared another level of skylane traffic, taking special note of a tower half a kilometer away.

Squad Leader: "Alright ... Red-Flight break north. Don't be bashful. You got concussion missiles ... use 'em! The skylane tractor beams will do the rest."

:: On a planet with traffic as dense as Coruscant, the threat of collisions was easily compounded by the inevitable crash into a building or street. As such, a network of perfectly-maintained tractor beams was vital to protect civillians and keep property damage to a minimum. Now that they knew to expect capital ships falling out of the sky, techs feverishly worked to override the droid controls to handle any more attempts to physically ram the planet.

:: At different points high in the atmosphere, both flights of Blastboats swarmed toward the origin points of the shield bombardment. One Skipray zeroed in on the lead shuttle, ion cannons blazing. The remaining 5 spread missile volleys into the empty space above the hail of turbolaser bolts.

Captain Joachim Fena
Feb 17th, 2001, 07:20:39 AM
The ship buffeted slightly as the concussion missiles slammed into its superstructure, but Captain Steiler was unabated.

Lieutenant Arbis: Sir, we're taking fire from a squadron of light gunboats! Shields are holding for now.

Captain Steiler: What type and how powerful?

Lieutenant Arbis: They appear to be Skipray blastboats, J-series, sir.

Captain Steiler: Maintain fire on the generator! It is imperative that we disable it!

Fourty five seconds later, a lucky shot from a bombing Scimitar impacted against an eastern side of the shield generator, severing junction 327 from the main power drive. Sensor crews in the crew pit wooped in delight when they discovered the news.

Ensign Frit: Sir, a section of the orbital shield has gone down, five kilometers in length.

Steiler wiped away some sweat from his forehead. Perhaps this would work after all.

Captain Steiler: Signal the rest of the Gator Navy. Tell them we need them to lend a hand, and the door just got kicked down.

Lieutenant Arbis: The blastboats, sir?

Captain Steiler: I was getting to that, Lieutenant. All batteries-target the lead blastboat and fire. Signal Venom to maintain fire on the generator.

Pervasive fired frantically on the blastboats, and the rebel ship at point evaporated in a hail of emerald fire. Shrapnel and other things, some of which were the remains of what once were living beings, shot out in every direction, spattering harmlessly against the shields of the boats.

Feb 17th, 2001, 12:01:53 PM
Kyle turned and saw the report on the shields from Command.

Command: "Wraith Lead there's an opening in the shield and your sensor's should confirm that."

Kyle looked at his sensor's and saw that they where right...this was not good.

"All right this is the plan Wraith's we need to keep the bomber's from making a run on that gap. Or else we lose this battle."

Kyle turned sharply as a blast nearly vaped him. He turned upwards and fired a few shots missing. He watched as the squadron locked onto the bombers. He smiled as he got a lock on a bomber and fired. The bomber shook from the blast and exploded into tiny pieces.

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Feb 17th, 2001, 05:33:00 PM
:: Helix leader shouted a war cry as he beelined for the shuttle hanging ahead of the huge sensor-blind. He was so engrossed in the blue bolts spattering against the shuttle that he almost didn't hear his sensor officer report, "Colonel, the bombardment hasn't lessened. They scored a hit on the power lead!"

:: The pilot turned to look out the viewport just in time to see it enveloped in green.


:: The rest of the flight veered up and around, desparately avoiding the turbolaser rain by flying wide around it. Helix-Two saw his commander vaporize to starboard ... and then there was blackness.

:: At first he thought he was dead, too ... but the crewers behind him were just as confused. Suddenly they all shouted in surprise as the pilot pulled hard to port to avoid a collision. Seconds later the Skipray rocketed back out into the sky.

Helix-2: "Sithspawn! There's a friggin VicStar in there! Switch to torps! They've got civillian traffic cleared by now that we can do it in the atmosphere."

:: As the five surviving blastboats executed a reverse for a second pass, Helix-2 switched channels and relayed the orders to One-Flight. He shook his head in disbelief. "Let's show the Colonel what it -really- means to not be bashful. Give em both barrels."

Feb 17th, 2001, 08:42:55 PM
Poreon, I need a tactical report on 2nd Fleet. And is General Phantom ready for the assault?

Staring at the holo image of the Diktat, the Grand Admiral was prepared to answer the question.

Diktat, the 2nd Fleet is perfect order. All ninety-nine ships are ready to engage. The New Republic has yet to attack any of my forces. We are awaiting the completion of Fena's task.

Taking a breath, Poreon continues.

[b]I have just recently spoken to General Phantom. His divisions are ready to be deployed.

Captain Joachim Fena
Feb 17th, 2001, 09:11:45 PM
The remaining Gator Navy ships detected the gap in the shields, and sped through it at maximum sublight. Most of the ships proceeded towards their rendevous point with Pervasive, but 15 Quasar Fire-class cruisers met up with Parragas. The power given off by the ion drives of the thirty six warships while in close proximity to so many structures wreaked havoc on the Coruscant cityscape, and three skyscrapers were shattered by the force of the backwash. The monstrous buildings collapsed on their structures, and the result was thousands of tons of free-falling duracrete, which plunged to the ancient ground level of the planet. The duracrete slabs slammed into five city hoverpads, crushing hundreds of citizens who had been waiting for the next airbus. In the end, nearly a dozen once-structures had created piles of rubble thousands of meters high.

Darth Viscera
Feb 17th, 2001, 09:29:54 PM
"Excellent, Admiral. Maintain a defensive position. The Rebel home fleet will not remain idle for long, but combat intelligence reports indicate we outnumber the enemy, even if it is reinforced by another fleet, by 233%. Double check to make certain that Phantom's forces will be prepared to deploy immediately once the order is given. My compliments to yourself and the General, Admiral. Diktat out."

Feb 17th, 2001, 09:37:26 PM
Kyle moved as a blast from a ship nearly vaped him...where had it come from...and where those blastboats.

"Commandwhat's going on here my sensors don't show the blast boat's or half of three flight."
Eleven moved quickly avoiding laser fire, he had flown right into some sort of field which blew his circuitry taking away his communication system's. He tried to reboot it but it wouldn't work he turned and saw twelve next to him he was limping next to him in his ship which was barely mobile now. He turned and looked in surprise as a green blast enveloped him and twelve.

Captain Joachim Fena
Feb 17th, 2001, 10:34:37 PM
The Gator Navy warships rained salvo after salvo of emerald death on the shield generator. The view from the bridge was astounding. In a matter of minutes, this section of Coruscant had gone from a relatively peaceful trade hub to a wartorn military sector. After a few more minutes of siege, the generator was reduced to a smoldering hulk, and sensors detected that Coruscant was now without planetary shields.

Admiral Traest Krefey
Feb 17th, 2001, 11:32:59 PM
The Bothan Admiral, Kre'fey stands on his bridge. Silently. He gazes out the main veiwport as tiny white streaks become stand-still small dots of life. Close by are several dozen ships engaging the New Republic ships in combat. Small shuttles heading towards the planet below. "Engage Spear Strike NOW!" Shouts the Admiral, as the ship in the front of the fleet, Holy Guard lurches forward, at a slow pace.

The imposing Super Class Star Destroyer, came out a good kilometer out infront of the fleet. Not that the extra kilometer matters to a ship of that size. Fighters start littering the area, mostly X-wings and C-wings, but a few A-wings and other classes of fighters mixed inbetween.

The Holy Guard juts forward into the formations of enemy ships. Pouring deadly bolts of green,red, and neon blue turbolaser fire into the sheilds and hulls of enemy ships. The ships in return fire lancing bolts of energy back at the SSD. Though, the rest of Storm Fleet comes up on there side pouring out missles and turbolaser fire.

Admiral Traest Kre'fey watches this monstrosity happen. He wishes it were not so. "Ensign, put me through to the enemy fleet..." The Admiral says quietly, but loud enough to hear.
"Yessir." Replies Ensign Cratnal'ra a Twi'lek.
Traest waits a moment before speaking out into the communicator.
"Fleet striking at Crouscant, also known as the Imperial Center, I ask you to stand down or you will be destroyed. I know you doubt that but my ships are able to over power you.Stand down.."

The Bothan Admiral waits for a response as the battle rages on.

General Sixtus
Feb 18th, 2001, 01:26:56 AM
"By the Sith..."

*The General - once fond of the Empire, now loyal to the New Republic - stood in the center of the rallied troops, overlooking each one of them by a good six inches. Another blast had just rocked the shuttle, and the impatient General was heard cursing occasionally under his breath. By his side was an Imperial Blaster Rifle, once an Imperial trooper accustomed to the weapon. Around his waist was a brown strap, a utility belt of some sorts. Hung around the belt were a half dozen stun grenades, several charge packs for his blaster, and other useful necessities. Suddenly a hum of static was heard and the overhead intercoms boomed.

"General Sixtus, we are closing in on our target. You and your men are advised to prepare for an immediate launc."

*Sixtus grinned, spinning his head and throwing his arm up with his hand clenched in a fist*

"Let's move it men!!! Get to your ranks!!"

*Soldiers cheered in unison, eager to go to battle, ready to defend their headquarters with their lives. Outside of the tiny shuttle, a group of eleven other similar Lambda-class craft broke off, following their own designated paths. Looming overhead was the Super Star Destroyer Intimidator, repelling green blasts of horror back at the newly arrived New Republic fleet. Because of the intense atmosphere, and the increased proximity, Shadow Fleet had picked out their 12 best pilots to fly those shuttles into the heat of the battle. Dodging each laser blast with preciseness and slickness, they climbed towards the SSD's belly.

* * *

"Shuttle Infest One to Shuttles Infest Two through Twelve, give me your status..."

"Infest Two, approuching target location."
"Infest Three, locked on."
"Infest Six, ready to go."
"Infest Seven all set."
"Infest Nine, in position."
"Infest Eleven, awaiting orders."
"Infest Twelve, over and out."

Infest Lead: "Four, Five, Eight, Ten, report in. . .I repeat; Four, Five, Five, Eight, Ten, do you read me...?"

Infest Two: "Sir, I think we lost them..."

The pilot swore harshly, grimacing at the lose of not only four shuttles worth of valuable, trained soldiers, but also loyal members of the New Republic willing to give up their lives.

*A loud clank was heard seconds later, and the shuttle attached itself to the hull of the unsuspecting Super Star Destroyer. Pilots sat nervously, not sure if the plan had been pulled off, or whether their imminent death approached.

"Alright soldiers. One-eighty more seconds and we break through. Hopefully by then our shuttles will have disappeared from visual and radar contact. You know the plan from there on. . .However, for the empty headed ladies here, I will proceed..."

*General Sixtus overlooked the plan with the dozen or so rookies in the cargo hold, to pass the time and to refresh their memory. Sixtus had overlooked the blueprints and layouts of the massive Super Star Destroyer for twelve hours straight during the hyperjump to Couruscant. Because he was only one man, he sure did hope his battalion had done the same too.

Feb 18th, 2001, 02:00:41 AM
Under the Belly of Intimidater

"Sir, we've detected somewhere around Ten Anomalies on our hull."

Gritting his teeth, the Captain stationed on the deck ran all of the possible scenarios of what could happen with this boarding party in his head. With great hesitation the Captain spoke out, issuing life-or-death orders.

Captain: All Personel stationed aboard Deck 44, evacuate the area and report to the nearest mess hall. I repeat, evacuate the area and report to the nearest mess hall.

Even as the Captain issued the order, he could see the scorch marks coming through from the shuttles. In the seconds that followed the Captain's issuing of the order, chaos was brought forth onto Deck 44. Technicians ran, troopers ran, pilots ran, communications officers ran, everyone ran to safety.

When the final person left the room, the Captain ran to exit of Deck 44 and slapped the depressurization button. He dived out of the closing blast door just as the last bits of pressure were sucked out of the Deck.

Captain: Release the dioxycin gas into the Deck.

[i]The Captain turned away and began scurrying down the hall as the gas began to fill the previously occupied room.

Captain: Stormtrooper Regiments 1, 2, 3, and 4, stand ready to kill outside of Deck 44. Darktrooper Regiment 1, pervade yourselves throughout the stromtroopers and kill any enemy.

The Captain turned around and pulled out his Blaster Rifle and prepared himself to fire if the enemy made it past.

Darth Viscera
Feb 18th, 2001, 03:00:34 AM
---Aboard the Imperial flagship---

The sensor officer nearly jumped out of his seat when he received the news. The shields over Imperial Center were now completely gone.

Ensign F'rehm: Sir, the shields over the capital have dropped.

Darth Viscera: Excellent. Helm; all ahead full. Signal the fleet to do the same. Our destination is Parragas. Have Pervasive and Venom meet us there. All warships not capable of atmospheric flight are to maintain position 75,000 meters above those that are, just under the normal shield level.

A few minutes later, all ships were in place. The operation was ready to begin.

Pierce Tondry
Feb 18th, 2001, 03:51:28 AM
Pierce Tondry watched the chaos of war going on outside the Intelligence's Coruscant office. The building's shields had been raised, and very little damage had been incurred so far.

"So what do we do, sir?" Ken Ludos, the Chief of Coruscant Operations asked.

Pierce chuckled. "Make ready our teams," he replied. "They'll be repelling anyone who attempts to get in. Also signal our units outside of the office to commence with operations SL-27 and SJ-101."

Ludos nodded. "Yes, sir. The nearest construction droids are located near tertiary adjuncts 15 and 17."

"Great," Pierce acknowledged his subordinate with a nod while staring out the transparisteel window. "Are the thermal bombs at the construction droid safehouse ready?"

"They have been for weeks," Ludos chuckled. "And our agents have checked on them daily. They're still there- undisturbed."

"Brilliant move, hiding them in cleaning droids," Pierce said. "I'll have to thank whoever thought it up."

Ludos began to laugh. "You did, sir."

The comment caught Pierce offguard. "I did?" he asked. Ludos was too busy laughing to reply. "When did I think it up?"

"After the initial brainstorming session," Ludos said, still attempting to tone down his obvious amusement. "Someone brought up the fact that hiding the bombs in a stationary place wouldn't be wise, and they couldn't possibly disguise them from all the bombsweeper teams. I believe your exact reply was 'Stuff 'em in a cleaning droid or something.' We did, and someone realized that all we had to do to prevent discovery was transfer our own men onto the droidkeeping staff."

"Oh." Pierce considered this. "Ludos?"

"Yes, sir?"

"If I have any more bright ideas, write 'em down for me, would you?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Now get on those operations. This kind of opportunity doesn't happen often."

General Sixtus
Feb 18th, 2001, 04:08:42 PM
*Sixtus's stood by the boarding hatch inside of the shuttle cargo bay, his right arm raised high. He waited a few seconds, until a faint buzz was heard through his headpiece. Dropping his arm, he signaled the "go", and the regiment of eager troops rushed through the once air tight seal, blasters in hand.

General Sixtus held his rifle in his left hand, while with his right, he grabbed a stun grenade off of his belt. While his troops flooded into the Super Star Destroyer's engine room with protective gear on, he whipped the small object over their heads, landing about a dozen meters in front of them. A flash and a loud explosion filled the room, temperarily blinding or deafening any enemies in the area. Hiding in the dark, trapped stormtroopers or technicians were uncovered by those with nightvision goggles over their eyes. Light blaster fire continued to rumble in the port engine area, few shots piercing the delicate walls.


"Colonel, it's a traaaap!!"

*The commanding officer leading the bridge boarding party stopped in his tracks, his ears perking up. After hearing the warning from several soldiers ahead of him, he turned around to warn the others.

"Move out, move out! They've flooded the bridge with gases! Get us off this ship!!!"

Once battle hungry, soldiers ran back into the shuttle's bay, trying their best to do so in an orderly fassion. Cursing in all languages was heard throughout the room, soldiers watching their comrades die a painful death. Colonel Platipt grabbed the unlucky soldiers, trying to rescue who ever he could. However, he knew if he took too long their boarding shuttle would soon become a crowded graveyard. Dragging one fellow soldier back into the cramped cargo bay, he threw the air-tight lock shut, slamming the computerized lock. Clearified of the shuttle's well-being, the pilot and co-pilot lifted away from their rear entrance of the bridge, trying to stay covered from the mammoth ship's laser fire.

Darth Viscera
Feb 18th, 2001, 08:57:06 PM
The intercom roared inside the launch tubes of Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carriers throughout the Gator Navy. Two full light infantry divisions stood at the ready in their F7 landing bricks, ready to do their jobs. General Phantom stood with them. The Sith Lord was a powerful fighter, and if anyone could lead these troops to victory, it was him.

Intercom: Ten...nine...eight...seven...six...five...four...t hree...two...one...launch!

James McKell
Feb 18th, 2001, 09:52:28 PM
Agent James McKell, former Flag Captain, entered the hangar bay of the Intimidater clad in all black. Following him we Ten of the Most Elite Troopers, Dark Troopers. They too were clad in all black. Each of the 11 People had an anti-grav suit on and were carrying an Imperial Blaster Rifle. Two of the Dark Troopers were carrying the case of an E-Web. Each Dark Trooper had a small lightsaber attached to their utility belts.

Walking briskly, James reached his destination, two Lambda Class Shuttles. He entered the one on the left and was greeted by the saluting of Twenty Stormtroopers.

Similarly, in the right shuttle, the 10 Dark Troopers were greeted by Ten Stormtroopers.

[i]McKell: Control, Lambdas Alpha and Prime are ready to depart.

Control: Proceed.

Captain: Grand Admiral Poreon, we have had a small hull breech, but decive action was taken and we repelled the enemy boarding party.

Poreon: Excellent Captain.

As the channel closed, Poreon turned to his side and opened a new channel.

Poreon: Major Smith, take your squad of Interceptors and eliminate the enemy boarding party's shuttles.

Inside the Hangar bay where the Two Lambdas departed from, a squad of Interceptors departed too, just seconds after the Lambdas. The Interceptors flew to Deck 44 and met up with the enemy boarding party shuttles.

Darth Phantom
Feb 18th, 2001, 10:45:39 PM
All right we are go People!!!

:: Yells Phantom ::

:: In space, 15 Quasar Fire-Class Cruiser-Carriers descend toward the planet. Just before reaching the planet's atmosphere, the ships open huge disembarkation doors on their underbellies. From there, 150 F7 landing bricks containing 144 battle ready troops each launch towards the surface. Several minutes later...

The F7 bricks land beside the Shield Generators. Phantom steps from his F7 and yells ::

Open 'Em Up!!

:: From each F7 walks one trooper to open the huge doors, they press a button on a datapad and explosive bolts fire from the dropships. The 21,600 troops contained therein rush out, and quickly form up. ::

All Right Move Out!!!
I want that shield generator down!

:: The bulk of the troops advance to the shield generator, and some remain in formation. The troops set up demolitions all around the generator. The troops return to formation, and a young Lieutenant hands Phantom the detonator. Phantom presses the button on the detonator and the generators explode in a shower of sparks, shrapnel, and ruined durasteel...

Lord Phantom, happy with his troops, advances to a nearby hotel. Emblazoned near the entrance are the words, 'Château grand carré de Zhell'. ::

I want that Hotel occupied, along with all surrounding buildings within this city block. Make the hotel our Headquarters.

:: All the troops double time it to the hotel and the surrounding buildings, which are promptly occupied by Phantom's troops. Streams of civilians begin departing the buildings, escorted by an Imperial army Lieutenant and detachments of military police. Major Dunaway opens a comm to Phantom indicating that all is clear, and Phantom heads toward the newly captured Hotel...

Phantom opens a comm to Diktat Viscera ::

Sir, things are all clear. Beachhead secured.

Admiral Traest Krefey
Feb 19th, 2001, 01:53:12 PM
((OOC:So sue, me but who is the enemy, what 3 or 4 letters are theirs?))

"Target those Quasi-fires' NOW!" Commands Admiral Traest Kre'Fey, from Bouthwii.
A shout of replies come in response. Another wave of reports come in from the fleet. The MC-100b Neptune starts to turn slowly heading towards the Quasi-Fire cruisers in hope of wiping them out. On either side of the Neptune are MC-80 cruisers. All Three ships start pouring beutifully colored and cooridinated bolts of energy at the rear parts of Quasi-Fire cruisers.

"We must crush their backs to win!" Shouts the Admiral with anger. Pouring dozens of turbolaser bolts out at the rear ends of the Quasi-Fire cruisers alone, the Neptune Starts advancing on them. The Admiral knows that the Quasi-Fire's can't last forever.

Elsewhere in the battle, the rest of the fleet engages the massive fleet of the enemy. The Holy Guard alone is taking on many, many ships. Two wings of C-Wing interceptors start systematiclly pouncing on ships with missles. They do serious damage to enemies within seconds of engagemnt, then move onto the next target.

Sadly though, several ships of Storm Fleet have been hit hard. Losing engines and some weapons. The majority of the fighters are taking out devils and being taken out. Though, they keep pouring fire into the enemy ships. The enemy fleet is being picked apart bit by bit. Storm fleet, is known as Storm Fleet for two good reasons. It moves like a storm, fast and deadly. And Storms its enemy until it conquers them.

"Send two squads of B-Wings fighters as escorts to the shuttles....and throw in an X-Wing squadron too!" Orders Traest Kre'Fey, Storm fleet Commanding officer, Admiral of the New Republic. Someone shouts a reply. The Admiral, is feeling ok, dispite this period of battle. His idea must sucseed or else this battle is lost.

He looks out the main veiw port at the Quasi-Fire ships, their sheilds and hull slowly starting to collapse. The weapons on them, firing a few last blasts of turbolaser fire before, the gunners get out of there to survive as the ship starts to break apart. The Neptune will have to undergo repairs when this is over. The Admiral looks our, somewhat satisfied at the destruction of an enemy.

Satine Capashen
Feb 19th, 2001, 02:06:33 PM
Soon, an unidentified fleet exits hyperspace, led by a small Hapan Nova class Cruiser. At the command chair of the flagship sits Alpha, dressed in battle armor, he flicks the comm switch, putting in a message to Krefey.

"Admiral, this is Dragon Fleet, with Alpha in command. Which portions of the planet defenses need help. I have some ships ready to go...40 of them in fact."

Satine orders the launch of all fighters, and then orders his fleet to get into a spear head formation, Tolaria in front. As one all the vessels open fire on one of the enemy ships, the combined firepower of all the ships taking it out within a minute.

Feb 19th, 2001, 02:11:18 PM
Kyle pulled hard avoiding any turbolaser he tried to get closer to VicStarDeuce but he couldn't he had already lost some of his pilot's good friend's of his too.

"Command we can't get near the Vic send us coordinates to where we can go."

Admiral Traest Krefey
Feb 19th, 2001, 04:41:52 PM
(( OOC: Dragon Fleet was downsized... umm..))

Darth Viscera
Feb 19th, 2001, 04:59:53 PM
NO OOC COMMENTS IN THE THREAD! Go <a href=http://pub64.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicfrm15.showMessage?topicID=265.topic>here</a> for that, please.

Darth Viscera
Feb 20th, 2001, 12:45:55 AM
The Imperial fleet dispatched their ground forces. Thousands of Sentinel-class landing craft, Delta-class Assault shuttles, Gamma Class ATR-6 Transports, Walker barges and Delta Class Dx-9s Transports began ferrying troops to the beach head below, escorted by wings of TIE Devils.

The Imperial Army below, newly reinforced, reinitiated its advance. Nearly a dozen more buildings were captured by the stormtroopers and AT-PT walkers, while the main force assembled. Three of the captured buildings were set aside, and dubbed the embassies of The Black Hand, The Sith Empire, and The Sith Order.

Feb 20th, 2001, 10:40:09 AM
Kyle sees the ground forces and swears. He pulls hard to port and flew towards them.

"All right listen up Wraith's we gotta take out those ground troops NOW! We can't let the reach the surface of the planet so let's get ready."

Kyle than fired his lasers and watched as the blast melted the hull of a TIE Devil he fired again catching the same TIE and it exploded.

Darth Viscera
Feb 20th, 2001, 05:19:12 PM
The Imperial troops finished forming up on the surface, and the last Troop ferry ascended back to its mothership. Rebel starfighters were detected by All Terrain Anti Aircraft, and those machines opened up on the would-be defenders. A concussion charge shot up out of the walker and crashed into an E-Wing, the lead fighter in a squadron that was inbound. The E-Wing's nose shattered immediately upon impact, and then the secondary detonation occured, slicing the remaining ship in two. A new rain of debris fell back to the surface, and the squadron broke off. More concussion charges left the launch tubes of the AT-AAs, before the advance started anew. Ubrikkian floating fortresses traveled on the flanks of the advancing columns of AT-ATs, AT-STs and AT-PTs, scouting ahead with their advanced sensors. A detachment of AT-MTs and a few escorts walked off to claim the Manarai mountains, their spidery legs smashing whatever they advanced through. A combat engineering unit stayed back at the landing site, and finally succeeded in activating the Gencore Level III shield generator that one of the barges had ferried down

Darth Viscera
Feb 22nd, 2001, 10:23:32 PM
The Republic fleet thrusted towards its Imperial counterpart, the flagship Home One in the lead. The Imperial fleet was ready for this action, and delivered massive broadsides to the advancing rebels. Interdiction pickets were deployed among the flanks of the Imperial fleet, and those ships were able to lay down a staggering amount of anti-starfighter fire, preventing many of the rebels in their snubfighters from getting close. Imperial TIE Devils destroyed the few stragglers that were able to come through the wall of fire.

Darth Viscera
Feb 25th, 2001, 05:12:48 AM
In a flash of pseudomotion, Storm Fleet exited hyperspace behind the Imperial fleet. The Republic warship Neptune led an attempt at an Ackbar slash maneuver on the Imperials, but was repulsed, as the previously undeployed port weapons clusters of the Imperials found their targets, and havoc was wreaked. The rebel charge stagnated, and three Corellian corvettes from Storm fleet were destroyed in the hail of fire.

On the ground, Imperial planetary shield generators were running at 100%, and 25% of the planet had been taken by the advancing Imperials. Papers were drafted and issued to the populace, declaring their respective zones to be under Imperial edict. Imperial citizen identification cards were produced and issued to citizens, identifying them to the advancing columns of stormtroopers and their officers as non-combatants. The Minister of Propaganda paid for holo-advertisements, offering generous rewards of upwards of thirty five thousand credits for information leading to the capture of Republic troops, supply caches, or anything else of military importance.

Admiral Traest Krefey
Feb 25th, 2001, 07:52:39 PM
The Super Star Destroyer, Holy Guard, comes ripping out of hyperspace on the side of the massive battle in which Storm Fleet is using as an attack. Launching its massive payload of starfighter and its weapons blaring, it come rushing into the general chaos of the battle.
Using firing solutions the Corellian Missle Destroyers take aim a Imperial Star Destroyer, one at a time. Although, one at a time is good, since these cruisers are pumping out 14 torpedos a second.
The C-wing interceptors and Imperial Picket ships engage in close range combat as the many A-wing and X-wing squadrons engage the Devils.

On the planet, Republic troops start massing on the fringe of the Invec(?) sector. AT-PT's and AT-AT's start lumbering through the city. NR technitians start errecting, ground based torpedo launcher and ground based turbolasers and heavy laser cannons for the battle coming awind. The New Repblic, still in its first wind, readies for true combat.

Feb 27th, 2001, 12:23:38 AM
Kyle let his true self out as he turned and pivoted past laser blasts he was slowly letting more of his mercenary side. He continued to swear in Rodian. He fired more shots off and a couple more Devils exploded. His aim was greater than most people's.

Darth Viscera
Feb 27th, 2001, 04:18:02 AM
The Interdiction pickets maintained their position on the flanks, and poured fire into any starfighters bold enough to come within their range. Imperial star destroyers deployed anti-projectile chaff and flare bursts, detonating many of the warheads prematurely. The few warheads that were able to punch through the countermeasure cloud were promptly destroyed by anti-starfighter laser batteries on the Imperial ships. The numerically superior TIE Devils roared by, as rebel starfighters chased after them, firing frantically. Many of the shots missed due to the TIE Devils' extremely small profile, but a few lucky shots got through, vaping a few of the fast, small ships instantly. The TIE Devils went on the offensive, and 5 wings thrusted towards the Corellian Missile Destroyer. They reached their target, and began to strafe the enemy ships relentlessly. The rebel destroyers' shields began to fail.

On the planet, Imperial troops planned a method to take InviSec, and executed it. TIE Devils and combat airspeeders roared over the rebel lines, strafing the ground targets from high above. The few ships that were fitted to carry warheads deployed them with great effectiveness, raining shrapnel among the rebel masses. Gator Navy received support instructions, and moved to fire salvo after salvo into the rebels.

Three corps of Imperial troops feinted on the rebel right, demonstrating with a cannonade, but maintaining a tactically defensive position. Meanwhile, five corps attacked on the left flank, supported by the main Imperial column of eight corps. The attack succeeded, and under intense enfilading fire, the rebels were routed, and began to fall back. The Imperial troops refused their lines, and sent many walkers forward to harass their rear guard, while Imperial technicians seized many of the uncompleted torpedo launchers and turbolasers, and, with support from the infantry, captured many of those batteries which had been hastily assembled.

Feb 27th, 2001, 12:57:39 PM
Kyle moved around and pivoted any attacks that came near him. The Imperials didn't know who he was yet...that gave him an advatage but he knew one of them would find out probably a sith. Than they would try to kill him for what he did to the Imperial Moff he had killed a few months before joining the NR and the GJO. He aimed at another TIE Devil and fired the laser bolts ripped open the back haul and ripped the ship to pieces. There where still Ten to Fifteen squadron's of the TIE Devil's left and more of them where joining the battle...he just hoped that some friendlies would join up soon. He looked to his left and saw Interdictor.

"All right Wraith's we need to get rid of this ship now! Take out the shield generator's so we can give it one good shot and blast it."

Darth Viscera
Mar 4th, 2001, 06:14:03 PM
The Imperial ground forces pressed on, seizing more than half of the planet from the tattered and defeated rebel armies. Civilians continued on with their lives despite their wartorn surroundings; Imperial Center had traded hands far too many times for the prospect of war to affect them. Two of the the three Imperial armies, each of which were 160,000 men and thousands of walkers and other types of mechanized forces strong, marched in a wide flanking maneuver, while the remaining army held its position. The objective was to surround the defeated rebels, and force them to capitulate. Once that objective was accomplished, Imperial Center would once again be held by the supreme galactic power, and the prisoners would be returned to the Republic.


"Deploy warning buoys around the planet," Viscera ordered his tactical officer. "Unauthorized civilian traffic is to cease in this system, temporarily. Any starships that do not comply will be destroyed by our starfighter corps."

The tactical officer nodded his head, "Aye, sir," and followed out the order. "Warning buoys deployed, sir."

Darth Viscera
Mar 10th, 2001, 01:37:39 AM
The Imperial troops continued their advance, claiming the last bastion from the rebels. The former defenders had sustained unimaginable casualties in their attempts to maintain their positions while being fired upon from the ground, the air, and space, but that was expected. A few thousand rebel troops boarded their shuttles, and shot off into space, heading for their doomed fleet, as the invading army hurred to consolidate their territory and build defensive forts in an effort to hold the planet indefinately.

In space, the Imperial fleet advanced towards their foe, engaging in a melee of attrition. The outcome of the battle soon became clear as turbolaser blasts wore down the shields of the Corellian Missile Destroyers, leaving them open to turbolaser salvos, which ripped their hulls into pieces. TIE Devil wings soon accompanied the assault, their sheer weight of numbers leaving entire squadrons of rebel fighters as drifting hulks in the void of space.

Mar 15th, 2001, 10:40:06 PM
[i]Though the HRD had been silent most of the battle, watching as his lessers did the work, seeing who was worthy of promotion, the HRD spoke up, shouting and order out.

"ISD2s Infester, Triumph, Judicator, and Eradicator attack Storm Fleet's MC-90 and the two MC-80s. Six TIE Devil Wings will be routed to assist."

The four ISD MK IIs move out of the main formation and head towards the MCs. The Six TIE Devil Wings break up into groups of Two Wings to attack each MC. The Devils execute a Swarm attack on the MCs, slashing fast and hard as the ISDs open up laser fire of their own.

Darth Viscera
Mar 16th, 2001, 01:17:53 AM
Viscera watched as the destroyers punched through the enemy lines, raking fire across their hulls, as the TIE Devils swarmed, taking out their shield generators. The next volleys from the destroyers met only armored hulls, and sliced through them, lighting the cruisers ablaze. Escape pods fired from the broken ships, and then it happened; two of the three cruisers exploded miraculously, as the third lay adrift, crewless, and ablaze.

The rebel fleets, realizing they had been defeated, activated their hyperdrives and shot off at superluminous transport. A few of the smaller ships-stragglers, remained a while longer, but soon they too withdrew under intense barrages.

The crew was cheering now, as they gazed in disbelief out the viewports.
"Excellently done, Grand Moff," Viscera spoke to the active holograph of Darthporeon.

"Let us descend to the surface and celebrate, for today we have won the heart of the galaxy. You can choose the site where you'd like your palace to be built, but I must have the site of Lord Vader's former home."

He turned his attention to his operations officer

"Summon a merchant fleet to begin transporting troops to construct and man the defenses at Coruscant. We will hold onto this planet for many millenia, now that we have it."

Mar 16th, 2001, 09:42:37 AM
The HRD spoke back to Viscera.

"Something in the back of my head tells me to wait before I go down to the planet. I will see you down on the ground in due time, Lord Viscera."

Mar 16th, 2001, 10:06:52 AM
The HRD snapped off-line as a Delta Class Dx-9s emerged from hyperspace (Read AEGSA Thread). The Shuttle descended into the Coruscant City Atmosphere.

Arriving ontop of a Penthouse Suite in Central Coruscant, thousands of stories up, Poreon rushed into the room with his Troopers trailing behind. The Penthouse had been purchased by an Intel Operative for Poreon once Coruscant had been claimed. Now, the penthouse could fill an audience of over 100. It was quite spacious for Coruscant Standards.

Darth Viscera
Mar 16th, 2001, 07:04:56 PM
The shuttle landed a few meters inland on the beach, and Viscera looked down at the crumble of bricks that had once been his master's personal residence. Inside the rubble, a broken E-Wing rebel starfighter was present.

Viscera nodded to the team of engineers that had departed the shuttle with him, handing one a datapad.

"Rebuild it. You'll find the schematics in that pad. Take as long as you need, so long as it is fully refurbished."

Viscera took the shuttle, and departed, heading towards the old Imperial Senate building.

Darth Viscera
Mar 18th, 2001, 03:20:37 AM
That night, upon hearing that the NR's capital star system had been taken, several thousand Rebel planets seceded from the Republic, most of them being the ones nearest to the galactic core. While most of the secessionist star systems and planets immediately declared their neutrality, a few declared loyalty to the Empire directly. As Imperial forces worked feverishly to consolidate their gains, few realized that the second fall of the republic had begun.