View Full Version : Heeding of the Unascertained

Jace Darklighter
Mar 23rd, 2001, 07:10:59 PM
Encased with incertitude, Jace Darklighter examined the foreign message again. The data pad rested in his hands and his eyes scrolled slowly through each word. The words were odd and to the point. Neither explanation, nor any assurance of safety was left. Only the cold felt words stung his heart.

__________________________________________________ ____________
<font size=1 color=#E3E4FF>
Message For: Jace Darklighter_
Resident of the Greater Jedi Order_
Status: Jedi Knight_
Student of Garik Loran and Darth Turbogeek_

"Meet me at the planet, T'gret."

Source: Unknown. </font>
__________________________________________________ ____________

Who could have sent this? Certainly it was a bizarre request. Jace looked up from the data pad and jabbed at a few keys while he held his gaze to the computer screen, just before him. Once again, the search proved hopeless. As to the destination and the individual who sent it, no trace could be found. He would have to go in blind. No, not blind. I do after all, have the Force, Jace assured himself.

The Jedi Knight reached for his cloak and rested it upon his shoulders while pulling his hood up over his head. He felt a sensation as if he had a calling by the Force that he must go there. He had never heard of this planet named T'gret, but he was certain that was where his future rested. He pondered the thought if he should inform other Jedi of his destination but he quickly pushed the notion away. Whatever it was, he could handle it.

Jace walked down the corridors of the GJO's base and made his way to the docking bay. After a few short hours, he was entering hyperspace aboard his X-Wing. Stars became star lines that streaked before him. Soon, the looming planet of T'gret was before his view. Jace's hands danced across the navigational controls, setting in the landing process. The X-Wing rushed into the atmosphere and begun its docking commands.

Satine Capashen
Mar 24th, 2001, 12:11:29 AM
{OOC:Is this an open thing? If not, I'll change this...}

Alpha stands, watching the Jedi Knight enter the atmosphere, and unsheaths his sword, Tempest, and his short sword, Defender. Both swords' blades ran with controlled energy, making the swords take on a glowing effect. Each time the swords moved, a glowing trail was left behind them, a white glow.

The Rogue Jedi gives his armor a mental command and it begins to flow around him. The armor soon takes the shape of a black short-sleeved trenchcoat, with a black jumpsuit under it. An armored helmet covers his head, and on his back he wore his last sword, Icebreaker, a broadsword. He also carried a blaster low-slung on his hip, and two wrist mounted lightsabres.

Alpha waits for the Jedi Knight...