View Full Version : Resurrection: The Unexpected
Jan 21st, 2001, 09:02:00 PM
* Commodore Lei Lebron, looks at the holographic image of Admiral Jyener Celchu, commanding officer of Death Fleet, wearing a calm face, Lebron answers Celchus question about ship movements.
"Sir, my ships have gathered at Dayark. They report everything is moving smoothly."
"Good, everything is going as planned.."
"Yes sir they are, just be careful, to much good equals way to much bad"
"Interesting theory, who taught you that?"
"A Jedi, back when I was utulizing my little force power for my job."
A look of disgust crosses Jyeners face. " I see."
Hours later, the last tech crews return to their command ships; the last of the wreakage now accumilate. Suddenly, at the far ends of the Frih'Tan V system, four white daggers appeared into space. Around them, large unrecognizable objects were being towed. Moving at a fast pace, they moved towards the planet, where Death Fleet waited.*
Admiral Jyener
Jan 21st, 2001, 09:18:27 PM
*The smooth voice of a woman, young in age, could be heard through a built in speaker on one of the communications panels. The enlistee on duty threw his hand over to flip a switch near the speaker, opening up his side of the transmission.
"Super Star Destroyer Leviathan, this is Commander Kelly Isvan of the Imperial Star Destroyer Scream. My task force has arrived at the edge of the system, and we are moving at our best speed to get to the destruction site."
She paused for a good second, and then added in, "Inform the Admiral that, we appologize for being a little, late..."
Taking in the words one by one, the man replied hastily, "Commander, welcome. The Admiral has left me with orders for you and your ships. All four Star Destroyers are to move to Mark 9, Iota 4-7. Our builder shuttles will be waiting to assist in the reassembling. The Admiral also stated clearly that he wants the four ISDs to form a small perimeter around the building area, and to have any fighter compliments launch and form a defensive screen around the area."
On the other side of the line, Commander Isvan hesitated before giving a quick reply, "Affirmitive, Leviathan. We are on our way."
Jan 21st, 2001, 09:28:19 PM
*After a long period of time, the four ISD's and SSD, are in position. The Black Thrust, a mere kilometer away from the site of the ISD's. Comes to a halt, raising its sheilds and charging weapons.
" Commander, send out TIE advanced flights out to do a perimeter partol."
"Yes sir, at once."
Lei nods in response, gazing out the veiwscreen at the mass of Zero-G Stormtroopers assemblings the lot of parts and devices around the SoSD, Hells Heart. Lei hopes for this job to move quickly, since he wishes to avoid any confrontations with an opposing fleet. Then looks out at the small dots of TIE adv. engines burning in their flight paths. *
Admiral Jyener
Jan 23rd, 2001, 09:56:56 PM
*Admiral Jyener glared out at space, his face calm, his thoughts churning inside. Through the Super Star Destroyer's bridge viewport, tiny dots could be seen off in the distance - different from the rest. By their movement and rate of speed, he could instantly tell that the grey blips were not planets nor stars, but dozens of TIE Advanced.
"Leiutenant Commander, the Black Thrust is to recall all fighters.. That's an order.."
*His head rested upon his neck, staring away from the man. Slowly, he brought his glare around to face the Lt. Cmdr.
"Are you questioning my direct orders..?"
The Admiral's right arm rose, his hand forming a tight fist. An invisable hand instantly tore through the officer's left lung, ripping the organ from the inside out. The man struggled for air, his life hanging by a few thin threads.
"I have been practicing, you know.."
The Lieutenant Commander made his last grasp for air, and slowly folded up on the once spotless bridge floor. Sighing to himself, Jyener turned back to face the endless blanket of space.
"I must of overlooked my healing skills," he then rose his voice so others could hear him, "Communications, order the Black Thrust to call back all fighters.."
*With the absence of the fighter patrols, and the work crews no longer under pressure, the reconstructing of the still unknown structure moved more smoothly. What the busy technicians didn't know, was that out of view, starfighters sat like a lively mouse trap behind several capital ships. If a threat were to arise, they could spring to action to ensure the safety of the defenseless work crews.
Jan 26th, 2001, 02:42:39 AM
Admiral Jyener
Jan 30th, 2001, 06:14:43 PM
*Work crews figited, officers on duty yelled commands, and numerous starships patrolled the area. All was looking good for the crew of technicians working hour after hour, aiming towards the completion of the disassembled Euitini Repair Yards. Two thirds of the station had been reconstructed, still looking odd to most.
Only days before, Commanding Officer Jyener Celchu had transfered to command of the SSD Hell's Guardian. Meanwhile his recent command ship, the SSD Leviathan, was on its way towards Dayark, base of Death Fleet operations.
* * *
"Admiral Celchu, Sir, we have an update on the Leviathan!"
"Have they arrived..?"
"Yes sir. Dayark Control has just informed us that the Leviathan left only minutes ago, along with its respected personnel."
"Excellent.. Three more days until the Euitini Repair Yards are completed.. Three more days until our plans are underway.."
Lady Vader
Jan 30th, 2001, 11:39:11 PM
*out in the deep reaches of space, one of the newly assigned pilots in Phalanx Squadron was making a sweeping patrol in the outer rim of the planet Frih'Tan V*
*everything seemed fine and nothing was out of the ordinary*
*he yawned, hoping that his next assignment would mean higher duties than just patroling... but until that time came, he would follow the orders given him and stay on his superior's "good sides"*
*he looked down at his scopes and saw something he hadn't caught before... it blipped for a moment and then came back... it was certainly odd and out of the ordinary*
*he frowned, continuing to follow the onomoly on his scopes*
Admiral Jyener
Jan 31st, 2001, 12:29:02 AM
*All was calm, and like the past ten days, this day was just the same. Boring and tiring. Surely enough news was spread throughout the bridge about a relieving force to arrive in several days. Officers felt pity for those who had to stay behind with the defending task force, yet were grateful that they could return home and get some rest.
However, for some, today would not be like the others. Indeed, today would be most interesting...
* * *
"Admiral, numerous reports are coming in from Phalanx Squadron. Pilots are claiming that they have noticed peculiar objects on their radars, and... Phalanx Three broke ranks to investigate; all that was left of his fighter was shrapnel."
*Turning his head from overlooking an ensign's work, he glared at the communications officer as if it was his fault.
"When did this happen..?"
"Approximately two minutes ago..."
"Call off Phalanx Squadron.. If one of our best pilots was destroyed by this, object, then they aren't safe out there.."
*The man carried out his orders without a word, while Jyener, puzzled, strided silently over to the radar panel.
"Have our sensors picked up any odd reading in the last ten minutes..?"
"Actually, yes, Sir. At exactly three and a half minutes ago, a single object appeared 94 kilometers away. In those three minutes. . .the single object doubled more than ten times and has approached the fleet by another 32 kilometers. Their numbers are increasing rapidly, sir, and the group's speed is hastening every second."
"What is their projected course..?"
"It can't be told right now. However its original path showed a slight curve, turning towards Frih'Tan V."
*Nodding to himself, and taking note of the report, Admiral Celchu moved towards his personal panel. Dropping his right arm, he moved a finger over to switch on the built in microphone.
"Starfighter Control, when Phalanx Squadron returns, I want to see each one of them personally onboard the bridge.. They are to make no delays.."
"Understood Admiral."
* * *
*Almost sure of what these "odd objects" were, the Admiral thought over numerous courses of action for him to take. He was risking many lives, and putting much on the line, but only minutes remained, and something was to be done.
Lady Vader
Feb 1st, 2001, 10:35:14 PM
*two pilots from Phalanx Squad flew to where their comrads last transmission had taken place*
P1: The transmission accured... here.
P2: Do a wide sweep scan.
*both pilots attended to thier duties... it was hard not to let their emotions get the better of them... the pilot that had just been lost had just been accepted into the Phalanx family... and already his career and chance at life were gone*
*both also knew that doing a scan sweep was also rather futile seeing as they knew what they'd just seen... what made this situation odd though was that there was no debris... it's as if the rookies entire ship had been incinerated into nothing*
P1: Nothng on the scans. Absolutely nothing.
P2: *huff* This part of the job description is never easy.
P1: Reconisence never is.
*suddenly, both pilot's coms sounded*
Phalanx Leader: All fighters! Form up on me! We're headed back to the Hells' Guardian.
*P1 and P2, plus the other remaining fighters swung around and headed towards their leader*
*as they were headed towards their leader, the anomoly suddenly appeared and took two trailing ships... they were being hit from behind*
Lead: Damn it! Open those engines up! NOW!
*the pilots obeyed and started evasives and put their ships to full speed... but the anomoly was relentless*
*as the squadron retreated, it was left six fighters short*
*soon, they were in arms reach from the command ship, and docking... soon they would see what was happening and possibly find out why*
Feb 1st, 2001, 11:36:06 PM
* Sub Lt. Lerinz was happy he was off duty for a while. He stood on Deck 12, looking out a huge veiw port along with a few others. Lerinz looks out the window at something. He squints trying to figure out what it might be. Within seconds he is dead, the transparasteel shattered, floating through the cooridor, the hole section of the ship in ruins. All from a small rock.
Aboard the Scream II, the Captian, Slonar Glorn, looks at damamge reports, as his sheilds are up and weapons blaring at the small threats.
"SIR! ONE HEADING TOWARDS THE BRIDGE!" Screams a female lt. Who is opperating a sensor post.
"Intensify forward battieres!"
Dispite their best effort, the asteriod punches through, heading straight at the bridge. Glorn, has one last thing to say before he is killed. He lips the words @#%$. And with that, the brdige is shattered, knocking out the upper decks, disabling the ship, sending it to it's firey death.
Elsewhere throughout the fleet, weapons fire, knocking out as many asteroids as they can...*
Admiral Jyener
Feb 2nd, 2001, 12:21:28 AM
*Within only minutes, as the Admiral had expected, fury broke out among the fleet. Only seconds ago had he dismissed the crushed Phalanx pilots. According to them, the ghostly objects had left barely anything behind of their fellow comrade. Only in their fatal retreat, had they found out that their were being stabbed by asteroids.
"Captain! Order a defensive screen in front of the Euitini Repair Yards.. The fleet is to leave no more than 100 meters between each ship.."
*Turning, he issued another set of commands to the helm.
"Lieutenant, move us into the upper right section of the screen. Get us into a spin that leaves our upperside open to the asteroids.."
*Remaining stable, he spun his head back around.
"Captain, order the same to all other ships.. Have them launch all fighters, I'll handle the rest.."
*Moving in long strides toward his command panel, Admiral Jyener swiftly programed orders into every starfighter in the fleet.. Soon all pilots would be lining up into a spectacular wall and charge ahead of the capital ships. Suddenly reports from all directions drowned the Admiral, which to him sounded no more than rambling.
"Sir, Scream II is reported gone!"
"Admiral! Intensifying of the asteroid shower has shut down the Dark Anvil, Swift Fire I, and the Jekyll's Pride..."
*His face still, Jyener muttered several curses under his breath. Because of the pandemonium throughout the bridge deck, he raised his voice so his instructions could be heard.
"Helm, direct all laser energy to port and bow turbolasers! Reduce shields to 80 percent and direct them towards engines. I will not let that station be destroyed.."
Feb 3rd, 2001, 01:00:26 AM
*Lt. Gervis Frikan, Hawk 7, of Hawk Squadron, flies his TIE/Adv, after a small asteriod, his wingmate with him, both of them picking the ball of rock apart with lasers. Gervis looks over at his wingmate, Tyrana Kelra, get hit by a tiny rock, sending her ship into a firey ball of heap. Gervis screams loudly through his squad comm...he feels a tear in his eye. How he loved her. He would destroy these asteriods if it was the last thing he did.
Checking the status of his squad, he tells the squad to form up on him, since the flight leaders have been vaped pretty much. Taking 7 fighters towards the mother of all asteroids, he regrets nothing in his actions. Gervis starts firing lasers until they over heat. Missles interloped within the laser fire. All around him, his squadmates do the same.The Asteroid starts to break apart, he fires one proton torpedo as he veers off to finish it and vape its remains.
Looking to his side he sees Hawk 4, get hit by an asteriod and fly off...towards the Dragons Prides bridge! Gervis acts quickly, peeling off to behind the wreckage of Hawk 4, he fires lasers at it's left side. No effect! He veers off, away from the Dragons Pride hoping it'll hit Hawk 4. As he pulls away he sees on his sensors Hawk 4 hit Dragons Prides bridge.
The ISD, changing it's course, falls straight into the side of the Dark Vigilant II. Sending both ships in flame and hot sharpnel. He checked his squad remains. 4 Left. He opens a channel to Prey Wing. All 17 fighters of it. "Attention, I am now wing Leader, until futher notice I am in command, all sqauds form up as one on me, we have work to do!" He says with as much optimism as he can muster..*
Admiral Jyener
Feb 3rd, 2001, 12:47:13 PM
*Asteroids continued to hammer down upon the faulty, unprepared fleet, causing damage everywhere. Moving past a firey heap of metal, once two glorious Imperial Star Destroyers, warships of all kinds lined into their positions. Like the Hell's Guardian, the rest of the Star Destroyers followed que and spun on their axis to leave their upperside open.
Onboard the 23 remaining capital ships, orders were issued to redirect engine power 50% to shields and the other 50% to laser energy. Upperbody laser batteries were intensified, and with a shielded wall blanketing the now completed Euitini Repair Yards, green streaks of energy burned through the shower of rocks of all sizes.
* * *
*Charging screens of fighters pushed into the onslaughting asteroids, laser flashes lighting up the asteroids and sending them into thousands of smaller pieces. Fighters of all sorts - TIE Defenders, TIE Advanced, TIE Daggers, and even TIE Interceptors - swirved in and out of the speeding asteroid field. The different shaped rocks ranging from the smallest of pellets to as large as a cargo freighter.
Though the asteroids' altered course ran through the whole area, starfighters concentrated in the center where the space objects continued to hammer on the larger capital ships.
"Omega group, report in!"
"Two, reporting in..."
"Three, ready to fly!"
"Four, checkin in."
"Omega Five. .set.."
The role call continued, and the squadron approuched their assigned vector at full speed. Flanking an especially large asteroid rolling along, they curved towards it and launched a total of six missiles. The once huge threat shattered into a dozen or more smaller pieces. All twelve TIE Interceptors yawed to starboard, bringing them around to face the odd looking wall of starships, four kilometers away. Dead ahead was a small group of asteroids, with one in the center about the size of a Star Destroyer bridge.
"Omega squadron, volley your full payload of missiles at that monster! Break in a few extra shots to weaken the surrounding pieces!"
A little less than a dozen "Affirmitive, lead"s came in, and a counted 18 red streaks crazed towards the huge rock, all at different angles. The bridge-sized asteroid continued to tumble foward, but was now weakened and charred. The twelve Interceptors finished it off with a spray of laser fire, breaking off piece by piece.
Suddenly a blood curdling scream was heard over eleven internal intercoms. Speeding ahead was Omega Two in a firey, out of control spin, ending in a defeaning pound over the other eleven pilots' speakers. The impact of the Interceptor split the rock in all directions, the pieces eventually falling into the shielded hull of the Strike Cruiser Conquest. Omega squadron pulled up right before crashing into the side of the Strike Cruiser, leaving their comrade behind who had saved the Strike Cruiser from a punishing death.
Feb 5th, 2001, 09:20:33 PM
:: They had been traveling for days, most of the officers relaxing from the hard drills Khan had put them through the past days before they left for Frih'Tan V. Now the day came when the Crimson Storm would depart hyperspace to come out at the Euitini repair yards. They were all tense, not knowing what would await them at this battle-torn sector. ::
"Lt, have we reached the drop-out point?"
"Yes, Captain. ETA five minutes."
:: Khan pressed a button on his command chair, activating a comm link with the entire ship. ::
"This is your captain speaking.. we have reached our destination and will soon be departing hyperspace. All crews to your designated areas immediately. TIE Fighters to your ships and gun crews to your stations. That is all"
:: He switched off the comm link and waited. Soon enough though the order was given to drop out of hyperspace. A white flash ripped through space and the Crimson Storm emerged in it's wake. Heading all ahead 1/3, it was a magnificent sight.Inside his helmet he stared out at the chaos by the repair yards through his Crimson Visual. ::
He said coldy,"By the Sith.."
:: Gasps and curses emerged from the bridge crew as they viewed the chaos in front of them. The asteroids looked like hungry wolves, trying to get at the Euitini Repair Yards, as the pack of dogs guarded it fearlessly. Khan immeditaley ordered a channel open to Admiral Jyener. ::
"Sir, we have arrived. SSD Crimson Storm reporting, sir."
Admiral Jyener
Feb 6th, 2001, 01:43:05 AM
*Off in the corner of his narrowed eyes, Admiral Jyener spotted a distinct shape. Seconds passed, and the arrowhead appeared to be a fellow Super Star Destroyer. In accordance to the starship's arrival, a shout - faint compared to the loud murmer filling the bridge - came from the communications officer.
"Sir, a ship going by the name of Crimson Storm has just appeared outside of the asteroid shower! The Captain claims to be of Death Fleet."
"Ah.. The Leviathan has arrived.."
"The Leviathan, sir...?"
"It went through a name change, for safety purposes.."
*The Super Star Destroyer pulled closer to the shredding asteroids, its turbolasers bearing down on the larger asteroids from behind. Guarding the station, the rest of Death Fleet continued to fire its rounds of laser blasts, disintegrating any piece of rock that flew into their paths.
Death Fleet was gaining control, and the asteroid shower had almost passed. However, fighter squadrons fell slowly, and the hull intergrity of the twenty warships was plummeting.
Feb 7th, 2001, 08:32:32 PM
*Flight Officer Mogan Taunt, of Tauntaun Wing, goes after a small asteriod, his wingmate with him. Mogan blasts an Asteriod to bits as he flies and picks off another small one. He brings his TIE/def around in a180 degree spin, followed by several blasts from his wingmates guns and his. Suddenly out of nowhere a asteroid shoots in wiping out his wingmate's cockpit.*
Admiral Jyener
Feb 12th, 2001, 10:49:37 PM
*Hours ticked away, and the eerie silence of death crept among the graveyard of ships. Exactly eight hours and forty-five minutes had passed since the last rocks tore through the fleet. Inside each capital ship, lights flickered - some constantly, some finally staying on.
"Admiral. . .Jyener, sir..?"
A tall figure stood before the bridge viewport, the main source of light in the area. Glaring out at space, the shadowed man gave only the hint of his presence by the sharp voice flowing from his mouth. Behind him, sparks from haywire control panels and lights from working panels flickered.
"Speak, Cadet.."
"67% turbolaser batteries back online. 43% shields online. 89% of interior fires dealt with. All systems are on and running. . .Most ships have already reported in as stable..."
"Sir, the Black Thrust took heavy damage. Scanners are picking up minimal signs of life, and no radio signals have come from them yet."
Mutters were heard from around the bridge, expressions of sorrow and anger all mixed in.
"...Send in a rescue team.."
Now with his head tilted to the side, almost looking over his right shoulder, Jyener continued to calmly issue orders.
"Helm, hail the Black Thrust.. Once our repair crews are finished, send them over to that Super Star Destroyer to assist their crews."
"Captain - Death Fleet is to hail the Euitini Repair Yards, and assist each other in any way that will speed up this operation."
The seated, plainly dressed officer with burnt marks on his face and ashes on his uniform that had given the Admiral the original reports, spun around in his seat and looked up at the tall commanding officer.
"...Other than that, sir, things are fine..."
Feb 12th, 2001, 11:36:10 PM
*Sits on the bridge of the Black Thrust well what is left of it. There are fires within the bridge and bodies burnt to a crisp. His unifrom is torn to shreds in spots and burnt in another.
"Lt, Status" Lei says breathing heavily, since air in the bridge is hard to get. He sweats vigorously due to immense heat.
"Sir, engineering is pretty much gone, we have 1/10 thrust. Troop decks..wiped out completely sir, took a rock to them. Sorry for my informality sir-"
"It's I understand"
"Thank you Sir, anyways, Landing bays are wasted and have no atmosphere for about three decks around them-"
"We have three Turbolaser cannons, an ion cannon and a tractor beam still functional. We have enough energy to get a pretty breathable path to the emergancy Landing bays. Whole sections of the ship are wiped out. We have an estimated... 1,503 survivors as long as nothing else happens. That is all.."
"Thank you. Ensign, try to activate ships communications."
Lei gets up, brushing some hair out of his head. He walks over to the weapons station and looks at the scopes for the weapons. Calm space. Lei sighs relief. Lei looks out the veiwport and stares.
"SIR!" Screams the Ensign.
"Yes?" Replies Lei.
"You have a channel to the ship, its two-way though, so anyone that hears can reply.."
" Whatever works.." Lei takes a breath of air. "Attention Crew, Rendevouz at deck 42, section Nine Three dash A. Go there. Await further orders. Out" Lei waits for the click of the comm going off then says. "Grab your blasters and lets go."
Lei, Two Lt. An Ensign, two crewman and 6 stormtroopers head out of the bridge. Out of a bridge crew of 90 men and guard of 20 there are 12 left. They start a trek down the corridor towards the bay. Suddenly they hear a loud creak and fall and slide down an angling corridor. Lei grabs an open door frmae and holds on for his dear life. The Lts and two storm troopers grab his leg. or slide into the room. The other Stormtrooper and esign slide to there deaths.
"The hell happen?!" Lei asks.
"Deck colapsed I think sir.." Says a Female Lt.
"Great..we'll take the service tubes.."
"Yes sir."
The 4 men and women climb into a tube and start climbing down 41 decks to the bay. As tired as they are they push on and on and on. *
Admiral Jyener
Feb 13th, 2001, 07:44:33 PM
*Clamps boomed and seals hissed shut. Overhead loomed the gigantic shadow of the Super Star Destroyer Hell's Guardian, filling the area with a sense of death and evil. Beneath the behemoth, a single glossy white shuttle slipped through space like a bird carried by the wind. With all three wing panels extended outward, the personal craft pushed through space towards a tiny slit in the side of an odd looking structure.
"Euitini Repair Yards Control, this is Lambda-class Shuttle DT8-69F Silence. Transmitting clearance codes. Awaiting clearance to dock in Section C-00."
"Lambda Shuttle Silence, code accepted. Please continue to dock in Bay 17-C."
"Euitini Control, the Admiral thanks you..."
*The oridinary looking shuttle slid undercover and into the spotless hanger bay of the Repair Yards. Exhaust rose from the shuttle and surrounded the landing ramp. Walking from underneath the blanket of smoke, emerged Admiral Jyener. His shining black boots clicked in long strides on the floor panels.
"Guards, return to the shuttle.. I will not be needing you anymore.."
*His head glued foward, Jyener continued to walk into the maze of corridors and out of the small personal hanger bay. Ahead, the repairing of a Super Star Destroyer awaited him.
Feb 14th, 2001, 12:25:20 AM
*Lei Lebron, former captain of the Black Thrust which he is trying to get off of now, due to a metor shower destroying his ship. Lei glances at the side. Seeing a 23 written in stark white he sighs. 18 more decks to go until he can reach the emergancy hanger bay, which is the only one left.
The bays holds four Lambada Class Shuttles, one squad of TIE/fighter and 20 three man escape pods.
It is around incase the ship is destoryed. The only way in is to have the code of a SR officer. Seeing as how engineering is out, Lei is the only SR officer left alive, hence only he can open up the bay.
Lei wipes sweat off from his forehead, as he climbs down the ladder passing deck 22. He knows a peice of the ship broke off as he is jerked from side to side on the poles. The man above him, a stormtrooper slip and falls off, he comes hurtling down, hitting Lei. Lei locks his legs in the latter and his upper body falls back, while his lower body stays. The Lt below him, although is not as fourtunate, and falls off, the Lt. Plunges to his death some hundred decks below. The trooper is lucky and grabs on two decks down.
Lei and the others keep clibing down. Until they get to the 42 deck. Upon arriving they get out of the tube and stretch for minutes. Happy as they are, they start heading towards the bay, when suddenly 19 troopers with blasters, come out and ambush them. They hold blasters to there heads. "I'm Sub Lt. Dern Porf. I want off. Now"
"There are pleny of ships for us all.. " Says Lei.
"Not anymore.. half of the bay was taken out after the last crash.. leaving one shuttle. Designed for cargo mainly.."
Admiral Jyener
Feb 14th, 2001, 06:12:19 PM
"Our men have been working day and night through this storm, honestly, they haven't shown any fatigue..."
"Ah, very good.. How far along are we..?"
*The chunky man stood proudly, his grubby looking hands folded behind his back, and his smile beaming. Admiral Jyener stood to his left, hands on his waist, his glare piercing the double coated sheet of glass in front of them. Not even ten minutes had passed since his arrival at the repair yards, and the man in charge of operations was already driving him crazy. Whether it was the man's impeccable cherry behavior, or his constant habit of bragging, Jyener wasn't sure.
"That Super Star Destroyer of yours, HellFire is it? She sure did take some mighty damage Admiral. However our technicians and mechanics have repaired more than two-thirds of it."
"Yes.. And the Hell's Guardian..?"
"I have redirected 20% of my repair crews to begin repairs on it. Once the HellFlame-"
" HellFire.."
"Right. When we have finished her, I will have all crews get to work on the other one. By then about 40% of repairs will be completed on the Soveriegn Star Destroyer."
"Alright.. Baron, I suggest you get some rest.. I will continue to overlook the repairs.."
Sweat dripped from the portly man's face, staining his navy blue suit below. Nervousness overcame him, and he started to rush in his actions and speech.
"Ar-Are you sure Sir...? I cannot sleep with the thought of you, my guest, working. Please, let me show you to your chambers."
"Baron, go.. I will be fine.."
"If you insist Admiral..."
*The baron of the Euitini Repairyards rushed off to his quarters, glad to finally overcome that obstacle. It was obvious to Jyener that the man hadn't dealt with such tasks before, and with no second thoughts, considered a replacement.
Feb 14th, 2001, 11:22:45 PM
"Lt, damage report!" Khan said
"Sir, we sustained very minor damage from the asteroid field,it should be repaired within the hour." The Lt replied..
"Excellent.. release a squadron of TIE/df for patrol. Circle the fleet and send back continous reports.."
"Yes, Captain"
"hm... send out a message.. any ship requiring repairs need only respond.. send out our craft immediately to them."
"Yes, sir!"
:: Khan stood, his hands clenched behind him and his back straight as an arrow. He gazed out into space through his dark visor slit in his helmet, watching the small dots that were his Defenders cruise out into space, toward their first waypoints. He felt a disturbance in the force, though was not sure of what it was.. something... looming just over the gloom of space... whatever it was... they would be prepared ::
Admiral Jyener
Feb 15th, 2001, 11:39:08 PM
*Striding down the glistening halls, boots clicking on the floor panels in pattern, an ensign gulped several times before finally reaching Admiral Jyener. Standing bold and tall, Jyener kept his gaze fixed on the reconstruction outside, of the massive Super Star Destroyer. Finally approaching him, the young Ensign brought his hand up in a rigid salute, then dropped it as if a weight was pushing it down to his side.
"Admiral, sir! Communications has recieved a message from the Super Star Destroyer Crimson Storm. It came in approximately one minute ago and the ship is hailing us now."
"What did Captain Surak want..?"
"He has sent out an offer of assistance with repairs. Would you like me to give a reply?"
"Tell him to send repair crews to the most damaged starships.. And that's an order.."
"Yessir, I will get right to it sir..."
*Jyener nodded, and turned back to look out, his eyes centered on the HellFire but his thoughts drifting away to what went wrong. Why were they caught off guard..?
Feb 19th, 2001, 11:03:08 PM
* With several blaster rifles leveled at his face, Lei Lebron, looks at the Sub Lt. Dern Porf. His enemy. His comrade. "You don't have to do this" Says Lei in a deep voice, he looks at Dern with sorrow in his eyes. Lei was angry at this treason. He felt the cold steel of a barrel hit his back as he walked forward towards the bay.
Lei got no reply. Not suprizing Lei thought. Lebron closes his eyes as he walks, giving way to his little ability in the force. He calms himself. Like a lion just before it pounces on its prey. Lei waits for the perfect moment.
Lei spins around, beating the blaster to the side with his left hand. Bringing it back with all his might, he beats the guards face in the side. The guard falls to the ground. Knocked out cold. The other guards turn to see what happened. Lei jumps up into the air, dropping his upper body to the ground. Supporting his body with his arms he plants both of his feet into the cloest guards body.
Lei drops his legs down and lets the guard fall down onto him. Lei grabs the guards neck with a single hand and squeezes. The guard becomes unconscience but dead soon, taking the blaster bolts meant to his the commodore.
"FOOLS! DON'T KILL HIM!" Screams Porf he pumps a blaster bolt into one mans back. The guy falls to the ground, dead. Lei slowly starts edging his way towards a door. When Porf kicks the body off of him. Dern comes down with a fist, intent on hitting Lei in the face.
Admiral Jyener
Feb 24th, 2001, 08:32:22 PM
*Jyener glanced down at the datapad handed to him by a junior officer, studying the incoming reports. Overlooking the statistics, he murmered to himself.
"Ninety-seven percent repairs completed.. Twenty-three ships intact, four stable, two unstable.. Black Thrust, dead.."
Flipping off the display, he turned to find a Sub Lieutenant ready to take the datapad from him. Glancing down at the short man, Jyener spoke his concerns.
"Have there been any lifeforms spotted aboard the Black Thrust, any communication signals..?"
"Unfortunately no, sir. Most likely they lost all systems when that big one hit. That, or no one survived the onslaught..."
*The Admiral began to walk down the corridor, heading to his reserved private chambers, his hands cupped behind his back, and the Lieutenant walking by his side.
"Sir, the rescue team signaled us with a report right before I came to find you. Their captain has informed us that his team reached Deck 49-A, picking up a few injured crew members on their way. No sign of the Commodore yet."
"Alright.. Continue on.. Update me if any pressing matters arise.."
*As the two came to Jyener's private room, the Sub Lieutenant walked on and towards the control room, while the Admiral walked inside, switching on the mini holoprojector. The flat image spread out to show an eagle's eye view of Death Fleet hailing the planet of Frih'Tan V. Suddenly brown, uneven objects rolled onto the projection, slowly approaching the fleet. One by one, the miniature asteroids pummled into the shielded fleet, dampening the effect little by little. Jyener tapped a button on the base of the holoprojector, fast forwarding the image for a few seconds longer, until it came to a stop. Suddenly explosions erupted on the glaring white hulls, leaving smoke screens everywhere and blackening the hulls. Turbolasers flared, and ships of all sorts shifted into possition.
Then what had gone wrong..? Who was the person that missed such a large sized obstuction..? Who caused the damage of a whole fleet..?
* * *
*Admiral Jyener heard the noise as if he was outside, hearing the defeaning noise - seeing it. Something told him it wasn't really happening, but at the same time, it was. Then suddenly, falling back into his self, he opened his eyes and found himself inside the cramped room, awakened from his rest. Strangely enough, he heard the noise again, exactly like the one he had felt just before. Sitting in his chair, he stood up and started for the door. Before he could reach it, the plastisteel door slidded open and the captain of the repair yards bursted in. As clumsy as he was, he almost knocked the Admiral over as he tumbled in. Scared of his mistake, he stood at attention and brought his hand to a near perfect salute.
"Admiral Jyener, sir! Enemies spotted in the system! Coming around from the opposite side of the planet."
"Captain, at ease.. Tell me, who are these..."
He paused.
"Mercenary craft sir. Apparently with outdated technology. Large in numbers."
Jyener cursed, and pushed his way through the doorway and out into the corridor, the Captain waddling behind him.
"Space pirates.. Nothing we haven't seen before.."
"Yes, sir. Shall I prepare a shuttle back to the Hell's Guardian?"
"No.. I will stay here, and use this station to command the fleet.. Issue your current shift to rest, and get another wave of fresh officers in command of these yards.. I trust you can handle this, Captain..?"
"Of course sir, I will carry out any wishes you may hold, sir."
"Before you go.. That noise, what was it..?"
"Oh, right, Admiral. The Super Star Destroyer HellFire has completed all repairs, and has left our docks. She is all set..."
Feb 28th, 2001, 11:35:02 AM
:: Kerzen Nals flew his TIE Defender toward the 3rd waypoint, his wingmates close by. He was of Naginata Squadron, the one assigned for recon by Captain Surak. They were cruising along, no trouble at all so far. They were on the far side of the fleet, behind the SSD 'Crimson Storm'. Suddenly a small warble on Kerzen's scopes signaled a contact. He turned on his com to his flight leader. ::
"Sir, multiple contacts beari-"
"I know, I know! Ng's form up! Let's check this out. All of us this time..remember what happened to Phalanx."
:: The squadron changed course quickly to follow the source ::
* * *
" Sir, there are numerous reports made by Naginata Squadron of multiple contacts almost on the other side of the planet. They have changed course for intercept."
:: Khan turned his head and rested his cold stare upon the comm officer, his crimson visage hiding his emotionless face. ::
" Tell them to change course immediately.. it must be that pirate scum Admiral Jyener informed us of. Naginata must return immediately..that is an order"
* * *
"Sir! Z-95's!!"
"Damn...looks like.. 2 squadrons of 'em.."
:: The Flight Leader stared hard at his CMD, almost in disbelief. This was it. The Z-95s spotted the TIE/Dfs on their circle recon of the Pirate Fleet. A warning message went throughout the entire armada of mercenary vessels. The Z-95s banked to starboard toward the TIEs and 2 Corellian Gunships that broke off from the main group were fast behind them. Alas, the message of return was blotted out by the heavy screen of jamming Naginata Squadron just entered. The Z-95s reached the Defenders first, and the dogfight began. The Z-95s were no match for the highly trained and better equiped Death Fleet pilots, but it gave enough time for the Gunships to arrive. ::
Admiral Jyener
Mar 5th, 2001, 11:11:46 AM
*Chrome black boots clicked on the glossy floor. Admiral Jyener came to small stairway and moved smoothly on to the raised floor, housing the command center.
"Captain, have they launched an assault yet..?"
"Good, our men need some practice.. Signal Vice Admirals Razielle and Iceheart, and issue orders to watch our defenseless ships-"
"Admiral, Captain Khan has sent us the attacker's entry point and stats on what they got."
"Excellent Lieutenant, what are we up against..?"
"Their command ship seems to be a new type of craft sir. Databanks say it's a Nebulon-G. They have a trio of Gunships and a trio of Corvettes as escort. The Captain has confirmed two squadrons of Z-95's escorting also..."
*Jyener took this all in and acknowledged the Lieutenant with continued orders. He stepped a few feet over to the viewport, small in comparison to that of a Super Star Destroyer, and gazed out. In the distance, tiny explosions could be seen, signifying yet another battle had begun.
Mar 6th, 2001, 09:51:05 PM
:: A nervous Lt. walks the platform toward Captain Surak, who is presently gazing out a viewport at the distant Repair Yards. He walks up behind him, persperating heavily underneath his uniform. ::
" What is it..?" Khan says quietly..
"Lord Khan, Naginata Squadron reports they have crippled one of the Corellian Gunships, and have destroyed 17 of the 24 Z-95 fighters. They are returning to 'Crimson Storm'. They report.. 5 TIE/dfs destroyed.. also, the rest of the pirate fleet is in pursuit... they have detected us, but not the rest of the fleet.."
:: Khan contemplates this information silently, still staring into space..::
"Send out an encrypted message to the Admiral..we will trap them and then advance into a pincer movement. On the other side of the planet. Let them see our defenseless repair yards...then.. we strike!" He allows himself a small grin, thinking of the coming destruction." All ahead full, toward the yards..let the Defenders cover our back..their fighters should come up first. Send out Kama Squadron as well. They may need some help."
:: The Lt. turns on his heel, still sweating from his encounter with the cruel man. Suddenly Khan speaks, stopping the Lt. in his tracks. ::
"Oh.. and Lt.... take a shower.."
"Y-yes, sir..."
ooc:Sorry Admiral for stealing the idea.
Admiral Jyener
Mar 10th, 2001, 09:08:42 PM
*Three wing panels grew from the bulky rectangular object in the center, each splitting out in smaller V-shaped panels. Forming up on its port and starboard sides were a total of four similar looking craft. Indeed the craft was odd looking, however it could be recognized simply as the cockpit of an X-Wing and the wings of a TIE Defender.
"Uglies... Alright boys let's make sure these cursed abominations don't stir up any trouble."
"Copy, lead. Two and Three forming up on you."
"Affirmitave Larkens, me and Five are following in your port."
*All five TIE Daggers fell into a line formation and picked their targets. The five "uglies" stuttered towards them in a crooked attack position. Obviously the mixed ship parts were not a good combination, and resulted in an awkward flying experiance. Suddenly three of the TIE Daggers dove below the offensive line, while the other two climbed a short distance. Seconds followed and each group made an opposite manuever, looking like skilled porpoises.
"Hereee theey commee!"
After emitting a warning, the lead pilot closed in on the approuching pirate craft and released a set of four lasers at the large cockpit. Three sizzled by, only making a small burn mark on the fuselage, while one managed to score a direct hit to the unlucky pilot sitting inside the cockpit.
After watching his opponent go out in a quick explosion, the leader swooped around to land behind Delta Two.
"Trying to take my kill, eh Larkens?"
Two fired a barrage of emerald lasers, hammering against the shield protecting the Ugly's port wing. Growing annoyed of the pirate's determination, he switched to his set of warheads and launched a single concussion missile towards the rear of the fighter. Being at point blank range, the missile almost immediately sent the oddball fighter into an eruption, while the TIE Dagger pilot pulled away before entering the ball of fire and shrapnel.
"How'd I do Commander?"
"Great, just great..."
"All in the skill sir."
"No, not that. We've been ordered to cover the Crimson Storm's retreat."
"What?? She can handle these space freaks with ease!"
"They say they want to pull them into a trap. I'm guessing the rest of the fleet is waiting on the other side of the planet ready to pounce on 'em."
"Understood sir, I'll round up the others."
Admiral Jyener
Mar 19th, 2001, 07:17:28 PM
*With his two top officers on leave, Admiral Jyener was forced to take overall command aboard the station. Not suited for the job, the small command center was cramped with Jyener's personal crew, each and every one of them issuing out orders to the rest of the fleet.
"Admiral, enemy starships have begun their swing around the planet's atmosphere! They will be in Task Force One's firing range in an estimated time of one decimal three five minutes.
*Time passed and suddenly a large but weak convoy of hostile craft came chasing around the planet. Awestruck by the number of ships right in front of them, the group of raiders felt sheepish after falling into such a trap. Springing from the trap were two wings of TIE Defenders, one flanking the group to port and the other to the starboard side. Coming down the center were Death Fleet's two Nebulon B2 Frigates and two Strike Cruisers to distract the enemy starfighters. Sitting behind were the mainstay ships of the fleet including the Crimson Storm, mearly to pose fear into the hearts of the enemy.
Mar 21st, 2001, 01:21:57 AM
Admiral, we reached the command ship after dodging starfighters and of now, my team and i are going in
Admiral Jyener
Mar 21st, 2001, 01:33:20 AM
"Admiral, incoming message from one of ours. Unknown frequency."
*The Ensign played the message as it came in, and Jyener nodded to himself. Things were going according to plan.
"So she did make it after all.. Ensign, relay a coded transmission back to her and tell her to close all radio frequencies until furthur notice.."
The Admiral turned and glared into the commander at his side.
"Provide that regiment some cover and buy them some time.. Do whatever is nessacary to disable as many threats as possible and fast.."
"On it sir."
Captain Bane Mythos
Mar 24th, 2001, 12:44:23 PM
::The commander turns without a word and enters his personal ship, the Starstorm 1, a modified TIE Interceptor. Calling to his wingmen, the four individuals known as the Dragon Slayers, he flys out of the main hold of the Hell's Guardian. with a call through the Force, he dispaches his wingmen to different corners of the main pirate fleet, ordering them to go after the gunboats first with the four quantum torpedoes added to the weapons of the TIE/I's. Flying himself into the midst of a squadron of E-wings, he begins dispatching them like flies stuck in honey.::
"Slayer One, this is Sigurd. Concentrate your fire on the main reactors of the lead gunboat. Slayer Two, keep the fighters at bay until that ship is destroyed."
(Over comm simoultaneously)) "Yes, sir."
::Bane continues taking out T-wings like flies, getting tails occasionally, but leading them directly into the deflector sheilds of the Hell's Guardian, using superior maneuverability to get away from the death traps. HE looks over his shoulder just as the lead gunboad is destroyed, taking out the two following gunboats and half a squad of Z-95's at the same time.
"Nice going, Slayers One and Two - now, concentrate your fire on the Corvettes, and try to take out more than one at once. Slayer Three?"
"Yes, sir?"
"Start going to work on the squad of R-41's."
"What do you think I have been doung, sir?"
::Smirking at his right wingman's audacity, he suddenly diverts left, firing a set of photon torpedoes directly at a breach in a Corvette's shields, making the whole ship explode in so many peices of schrapnel. He views his scanner as the central corvette explodes, the peices of reactor penitrating the shields of the other Corvette and making them explode in giant farballs.::
"Now, all of the Fighters need to be reduced to itty bitty bite-sized peices. Go."
"Yes, sir."
::He continues flying, dispatching the last of the E-wngs before moving to the Z-95's. Looking at his scanner, he watches as the T-wings and the r-41's are reduced to several teeny blips on his scanner. turning his firepower on his radar. Before three hours are up, all of the fighters are now pursuing them to the farther sides of the system, leaving the ships relatively unguarded for the landing craft to take control of.::
Admiral Jyener
Mar 24th, 2001, 01:01:18 PM
*Looks over the shoulders of his seated crew men, overlooking battle readouts, radar panels, and statistics of both enemy and friendly craft.
"How are our starfighters doing Commander?"
The average sized man turned from his work to face the serious looking admiral.
"Sir, 66% of all enemy starfighter threats have been reduced. Our squadrons are taking minimum damage, and have kept our boarding crew free from most threats."
"Nothing serious, sir. One of the two shuttles took a few punches from the Nebulon-G's warheads, not so bad that the mission will be affected."
"Any injuries or deaths in the shuttle's piloting crew..?"
"No sir."
"Tell your men to keep up the good work."
*The commander nodded, trying his best to hide his grin of approval, while Jyener turned back around just in time to see another large explosion.
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