View Full Version : A New Beginning: Mon Cal Raid (Open)
Rei Dragonheart
Mar 12th, 2001, 02:01:13 AM
The Bladewing enters from hyperspace near Mon Calamari. Approaching the planet, Rei slowly proceeds to dock. His other comrades already landed or were coming in. They didnt want to make anyone suspicious of their coming, so they came in seperately. Landing in one of the docking hangars, Rei handed the ship over to a droid. Rei headed outside to meet up with two of the members into the night sky. He kept note of where his ship was for a quick getaway.
"Hangar A-3, got to remember that."
He proceeded along to meet up with Razor and Akira, who he thought were already at the proper positions. They had to get into the Mon Calamari ship database and upload their information. Using that, they would get a lot of cash. Meanwhile that wasnt their only goal, as they had other plans on their mind. He went along the road, not to catch suspicion while doing so. Reaching one of the restaurants and entering it, Rei spotted Akira and Razor in a booth near the back. He approached slowly them and sat down, taking his hood off. The droid handed them some drinks and as it went away he nodded to the other two.
"Alright im here guys, the other teams seem to be in place or will be by the time we do our job. I have the datapad with me and the other necessary equipment."
Taking a small drink of some whiskey, he looked at them again.
"We will go in as the lookout will spot for anything. Our job is to get the techs on their ships, we already got some potential buyers. Have to make sure we make a clean way in and out, dont let them know we were even here. You two ready to go?"
Remy LeBeau
Mar 12th, 2001, 02:08:00 AM
*remy grins as he and Kalliea are at de center for a look out*
"..everything in 'ere is smooth so far.."
*polishing his gun as he said dat*
Kalliea G Andrews
Mar 12th, 2001, 02:19:58 AM
Kalliea glared at Remy and looked out over the water(land?)scape.
Akira Nebula
Mar 12th, 2001, 02:25:16 AM
“No, I'm not ready..”
Picking up his red wine, he smiled, and finished it off. Placing the glass back onto the table, he grinned.
“Now, I'm ready..”
All 3 stood up, and stepped out from the booth. Picking up his sword, he strapped it on over his shoulder, with the blade hanging over his back. Looking around the restaurant, he grinned, and followed Rei and Razor out.
“It's over there..”
Akira said, pointing to a building. Razor begun to walk off, when Akira put his hand on Razor's shoulder.
“Wait.. Did you see that? I think Remy and Kalliea just got there.. ”
Razor looked at the building, just to catch a glimpse of a blaster bolt. Akira grinned slightly, as all 3 begun to take the walk to the center.
Moments later..
“Had a little fun with these guys, Eh Remy..?”
Remy chuckled softly, and Akira looked up at the security door.
“Do you have the code yet?”
“Of course..”
Remy walked to the pad, punched in a few buttons, and the security door opened. Akira grinned again, and looked back to Razor and Rei.
“It's time, boys..”
Remy LeBeau
Mar 12th, 2001, 02:57:46 AM
*The door to the center unsealed. The room is filled wit civilians. The pirates raid de area. Dey are equipt wit civilianz notice dem an' started to panic. Remy and Kalliea entered de room first as dey started shooting de panicing civilians knocking dem out of conscience.*
Magnus Blinard
Mar 12th, 2001, 04:23:17 AM
Magnus had just landed in his TGSP Bladewing. The ship hovered over a landing position in the hangar and finally set down to rest. The engines whirred to a halt and Magnus jumped out of the ship, landed softly on the metal floor
Hmmm, I gotta meet up with the others. Although I prefer to work alone.
He ran stealthy at full pace towards where he was meant to be. Holding his sword in his hilt so it did not make a noise. Magnus finally arrived as he stop next to his Remy. They acknowledged eachother with a simple nod.
Remy:"They've already gone in..."
Ok then, I'll head for the shipyards.
Magnus headed towards the direction, or where he thought the shipyards would be. Making sure to remain silent, keeping his sword under his cloak at all times.
Mar 12th, 2001, 05:50:10 PM
*Onslaught opens a comm channel to Magnus and Switch*
Alright guys whats the plan?
Switch Escalof
Mar 12th, 2001, 10:14:25 PM
:: Switch lit a cig, he was noticeably excited. Of course that is understandable, he was about to raid one of the most legendary shipyards around. He went all out on this one to make sure they wouldn't be caught. He ran a quick diagnostic check on his special droid troops, stationed in front of the shipyard, as well as the pilot droids that were right next to him at the side of the shipyard. His personal cloaking device was working perfectly, and the droids were all at 100%. He looks down at his watch, and opens a comm. to Onslaught, and Magnus::
"Alright here's how it goes, in exactly 5 minutes, my ship is going to fly by and drop some cluster bombs at the front of the yard. The stupid bastards are gonna send their security forces out the front to see what the hell is going on. Then BAM!!! They are hit by my force of Dark Troopers. Then comes the fun part, raiding. We gain access quickly from different air ventilation grates around the compound.
They should lead us directly to different supply rooms. As you guys exit the rooms, be careful of wandering mechanics. If you get a chance quietly take them out. Ill send my droid pilots out to take over the capitol ships, since they are modified with a special computer virus dispenser, they will relay all command to me, and my voice activation. The pilots will then eliminate any crew men on the ships and with my direction, fly them out they should easily get past the outside ships as by then my ship will have exited hyperspace while emitting a easily tracked signal most of the Mon Cal fleet will follow the signal but the signal will shut off after chasing the my ship for 10 minutes.
Also by then my dark troopers will head back to a docking platform, and since each one has a cloaking device on it, they will not be detected. At the platform they will fly a cloaked shuttle back to HQ, they will make sure they aren’t followed, and eliminate all tracking bugs first. As we start to send more and more ships back to HQ, of course we cant forget to load them up with any stuff we need. We ride one of the Cruisers back to HQ, and call our ships via slave chips back with us. Oh, if your ship didn't have one, I installed back in HQ. If you don't want it there when we get back I'll remove it. It is better for this mission to have one installed, that's why I did it. I'll give you a remote to control your ships when we get inside. I'll download anything I need from the computer database as this is happening. Onslaught and Magnus, if it looks like it’s worth something throw it onto one of the controlled ships, and watch it ride out. As a bonus my dark troopers, and the Highwind give off an Imperial identification, so they cant be traced back to us. Good luck, and make sure you get on a cruiser I don't want to lose anyone on this mission. Switch out."
:: Switch closes his signal, and spits out his cig. He then thinks to himself "Damn I talk too much" He lights another cig, pulls off a ventilation grate, and crawls inside, his droid pilots follow close behind::
Rei Dragonheart
Mar 12th, 2001, 10:23:04 PM
Knowing that Switch will come by anytime soon, he looks at his weaponry slowly. Rei nods to Razor and Akira before arming his Blaster Rifle the "Maverick". He turns to Remy and Kalliea then looks around slowly.
"Switch, Onslaught, and Magnus will create a diversion for us to get away and at the sametime they will shipjack. That will be our window to get away from here without being noticed. We will find the techs by then and load it up. If someone comes by, take them out quietly and dont let no one in here. Once we are out, we can disperse and head back to our ships then haul ass out."
Remy and Kalliea nod to him as he calls forth Razor and Akira to go inside. The three arm the blasters and head in quietly and slowly. Walking inside a bit, he keeps his senses in tune with the surroundings, making sure they dont get noticed or caught. The three Pirates quickly reach an intersection ahead. Rei turns and looks at his comrades with a puzzled look.
"Guys, we may have to use the vents, the question is, where is the damn command room for the ship techs? With this type of techs there is bound to be security guards and systems. From what BBN said we can expect anything."
Mar 12th, 2001, 11:26:00 PM
Wind quickly docks her customized B-Wing and climbs out.
I've got to move quickly, I'm late as it is. Let's see, the other's shouldn't be too far off.
She checks a small scanner for their location.
So, they've already made it into the compund. If this map is right, there should be a shortcut I can use to save some time.
Wind heads out of the hangar and towards what seems like a small ventilation duct under a pile of dirt. Before entering, she places a small jamming device which would temporarily disarm all security systems. It would give her about two minutes at most. She then proceeded to climb down the old vent into what seems like a narrow tunnel. After about a minute and a half of wading through the tight pathway, Wind comes across a loose vent. She kicks it open and jumps down, taking out her photon-edged Angelwing sword on the way down. After landing, she turned around to see the the three pirates discussing how to get to the command room.
[Wind] "Hi guys, sorry I'm late."
Akira Nebula
Mar 13th, 2001, 02:35:54 AM
Spinning around, he stopped his blade just before piercing Wind's neck. Wind's eyes widened slightly, and he grinned, letting out a small sigh of relief that he didn't slice her head off.
“Coming from no-where is not wise.”
Looking at the plank of metal that Wind kicked down, he grinned slightly, and looked up to the vent that Wind came from.
“That, is how we will get to the Tech Room.”
He says, with Rei and Razor looking up at it. Akira helped everyone up into the vent, with Rei going in last. Rei helped pull Akira up into the vent, and they begun their small adventure to find the tech room.
Tetya Donovan
Mar 13th, 2001, 03:20:21 AM
*As his ship, the Legios, came out of hyper-space, Tetya sent a message out to Akira, Rei, and the rest of TGSP*
Hey guys, sorry I'm late, some idiot tried to shoot me up, over.... umm.... Who knows why. That doesn't matter, point is, I'm here. Info on the target please?
Rei Dragonheart
Mar 16th, 2001, 04:23:52 PM
Rei went down the vent, following the other three. Their were many intersections and different ways to approach this. He looked down one of the vent shafts down at the room. The 4 didnt notice anything so they continued on. As another intersection came up, Razor and Rei went one way and Wind then Akira the other way. Soon the 4 merged at one location again after some crawling through the vents. He looked down at the room, there was some electronic equipment and computer systems. Rei arched his eyebrow and tried to see if their was anyone in the room. He looked at the other four then slowly took the vent shutter off. Placing it to the side, he peeked into the room before dropping down. He motioned for only two of them to come in and the other to stay in the vent system for now. Rei quietly whispered to them as he spoke.
"Two of you come down and one of you stay up there."
Grabbing both his daggers, Rei twirled them and approached the door slowly. Peering out the doorway, he looked if their were any patrols or men nearby. It seemed they were out for a bit and the group had time to quickly take the information. Rei put the daggers back into their sheaths, along side the blaster. He took out a datapad and infolink. As Akira came down into the room, he looked at him before speaking.
"Tetya contacted you yet Akira?"
Kalliea G Andrews
Mar 16th, 2001, 09:18:56 PM
Kalliea looked out over the horizon and noticed someone . . . or something aproching in the distance, "Uh oh . . ." she muttered and looked through her microbinoculars to see what it was, "We've got trouble comeing."
Kalliea studies the speeder bikes comeing towards them for a few momments and waited to see if they knew what was going on. After getting shot at twice Kalliea dicided that they deffinately knew what was going on.
"You want to try and talk them out of not trying to kill us?" she asked Remy sarcasticly as she fired back, she knew her shots woulden't do much good so she waited for the speeder bikes to get closer.
Gonna have to wait 'till it gets closer . . . might be able to take them in one piece that way, she thought.
She waited for the bikes to get closer and one by one picked off the people getting off untill they started fireing back. Without telling Remy she left him where he was and worked her way around the ship towards the back and got as close as she could. Agian she fired at the people and checked to make sure that the beings were either dead or unconcious.
Looking around she made sure no one noticed the fight and hid the bodies so no one would know there even was a fight there.
Switch Escalof
Mar 16th, 2001, 10:08:05 PM
::As Switch crawls through the ventilation shaft he sees a small grate, he looks through and sees a grate he can exit through. He stops, and the droids stop right after he does. The engineer looks at his watch. It was half a minute til his ship made its bombing run. He starts mentally counting off the seconds. As he did, he saw 2 people in the storage room rearranging the stock. He listened as they carried on with their pointless conversation. As the time wore down, he ran a quick diagnostic check of his pilot droids. Again they check out in perfect condition::
::Finally Switch reached zero, and he heard a series of explosions outside. The two workers quickly ran out of the storage room, and closed the door behind them. Switch then kicks out the access grate and climbs out. The droids are close behind. He decides to wait a few seconds before he exits the storage room. He looks around the storage room, and sees that it’s filled with assorted blasters, blades, and explosives. He quickly puts out his cig as he doesn't want to accidentally cause an explosion. Switch then begins to arm himself and his droids for combat. He himself takes a missle launcher, and quickly checks it out. Everything seems to be in working order on it. Switch loads it up, and prepares to exit the storage room with his heavily armed droids::
Saralyn Fireheart
Mar 24th, 2001, 11:03:01 PM
::Saralyn waits, her eyes looking around for her brother. She finally spots him running up and sighs as he bumps into her::
::Smiles slightly:: Whats the plan?
Magnus Blinard
Mar 25th, 2001, 12:56:40 AM
Magnus jumps back after coming into contact with Saralyn. After looking at her for a bit, he realised it was his sister. He sighed and smiled as he looked around. He spotted a small vent in the distance just large enough to squeeze into.
"See that vent over there?"
Magnus pointed to the vent. Saralyn nodded as she spotted it
"I'm going to push you up and into it, and you're going to pull me up. Wait, Where's Switch?"
Remy LeBeau
Mar 25th, 2001, 06:35:21 PM
*Remy heard de shots. He quickly runs toward where kalliea was. Saws Kalliea shot de bikers down. Walked over to her and smirkly said*
"..hmmm..chere you are hogging all de didn't left me a piece to play wit..(smiled)"
*Remy and Kalliea quickly hidden de bodies. Afterwards de two pirates are back at dere spots. He lit a cigarette and offered Kalliea one*
Saralyn Fireheart
Apr 1st, 2001, 12:52:32 AM
OOC: sorry dudes, been @#%$ banned from the net until tuesday *is using her friends* and is planning on an assasination for her mother, seriously.
::Smiles wider and nodds as she lets herself be lifted up to the vent::
:She looks down at her brother::
I'm sure he's ok..tell me when your ready and I'll lift you up.
OOC again: I'll be back on tuesday! On my own computer! using msn and aim and mIRC!!! *sighs happily*
but until then, asta lavista!
Switch Escalof
Apr 2nd, 2001, 10:56:35 PM
::Switch slowly opens the door a crack, and looks out The room looks pretty empty except for a few remaining(cowering) tech crew officers. Switch smiles, and lights another sig::
"It's party time!"
::Switch throws the door open, and unloads a cuncussion missile right at one of the tech crews. He laughed as they were blown across the room. Their corpses hit the floor with a thud. The remaining crews armed themselves with what they could find, but were not prepared for a firefight with Switch and his droids. The crews were easily "pacified", and Switch heads towards the main computer while his droids head towards the nearest cruiser::
"Where the hell is everyone else? They should have been here 2 damn minutes ago!"
*Switch starts to hack into the computer*
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