View Full Version : Any Takers for a brawl?
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Apr 9th, 2001, 03:21:47 AM
(A beautiful young Cizerack woman stands in the center of a clearing. Gesturing at a figure behind her, a Cizerackian male slowly shuffles his feet to stand beside her. Clearing her voice loudly, she yells towards the onlookers.)
"Ladjiesss and gentlemen, bojysss and gjirrrlsss.. Chjildrrren of all agesss. Sssaarrrrrrrrrrrrreeaa Meorrrrrrrrreji prrroudljy brrrjingsss to jyou one of the mossst fearrred fjighterrrsss everrr -- Cirrrrrrrrrsssssssseeto Rrraurrrrrrssssssatta. He jisss wjilljing to take on anjyone jussst to prrrove hjisss lojyaltjy to me. Anjy takerrrsss?"
(She steps off the podium, herding her servant Cirr up there, and waited for the takers to pour in.)
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 9th, 2001, 03:28:30 AM
Cirrsseeto walked slowly up to the podium, being pushed onward by Saarrreeaa. He looked around to see if anybody was taking up the challenge. Seeing nobody yet, he dutifully looked downward at his feet, ready to do his Mistress' bidding when called on.
Warren Azalin
Apr 9th, 2001, 03:53:39 AM
:: Walking up towards the two Cizerack figures the Jedi smiled slightly ::
"I will accept this challenge, if you think I am a challenge that is."
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Apr 9th, 2001, 04:49:43 AM
**She smiled at the young male. Walking up to him, she eyed him rather closely up and down. Reaching out with her hands, she grabbed his arms. She patted him down, ensuring that he was at least going to be a decent opponent for her Cirr to grapple with. Reaching her hand around, she pinched him on the butt. Winking slightly, she whispered.
"jYou ssseem ljike a fjittjing human male.. majybe we ssshould talk afterrrr the fjight."
**Walking back up towards the podium, she flashed a huge grin and bellowed.
"Onlookerrrsss, jyou ssshall sssee a fjight ljike jyou've neverrr wjitnesssssed beforrre. A Jedji verrrsssusss a Cjizerrrackjian male warrrrrrjiorrrr!! Hand and claw verrrsssusss the Force. Come one, come all."
**She stepped down off the podium, and looked towards the two opponents.
"Fjight fajirrr. And Cjirrrrrrr, wjin forrr me."
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 9th, 2001, 05:02:38 AM
Nodding obediently, Cirrsseeto turns to face the Hyuu-mann male, his ice-blue eyes sizing him up. He was a good deal larger than this alien, so Cirrsseeto wondered if it was such a good idea for the Hyuu-mann to consider fighting him in the first place.
However, his Mistress had spoken, and now Cirrsseeto prepared for battle. He slid off his large brown shirt and jacket, revealing a powerful and well-chiseled torso, skin moderately tanned and rippled with darker brown stripes that swirled in a hypnotic pattern across his skin. Still staring at the Hyuu-mann, Cirrsseeto stretched his powerful arms wide, the muscles rippling and bulging underneath his striped skin. He then yawned widely, showing off his pearly white canines as he settled into a comfortable fighting stance.
Warren Azalin
Apr 9th, 2001, 05:31:00 AM
:: Looking at the Cizerack Female Warren slightly sighed, if she was anything like Sass maybe it would be best for him if he ran away now. But he had promised to fight the Male and so he would fight, slowly he removed his Jedi robes and tossed the to the side. Standing there in his black training attire he reached down and unhooked both his sabers from his belt, tossing them aside onto his robes he stretched as he got into a fighting position waiting for the Male to attack first ::
Lady Vader
Apr 9th, 2001, 05:46:11 AM
*LV walked up behind Saarrreea, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder... she felt the shoulder tense slightly... had LV not been using the Force to mask her foot falls and breathing, it was a possibility the female Cizerack's feline skills would have sensed her... but neither one had mastery in the Force, and having an upper edge was always important*
*LV stepped around to stand beside the female and smiled, showing her intentions were peaceful... she glaned at the male Cizerack and at the Jedi... this would prove an interesting fight, but she had a better idea that would no doubt also attract quite a bit of attention*
*she looked at the female*
This fight should prove entertaining, though I have a request once the fight is over and your male Cizerack there has defeated the Jedi.
*she finished her thought to herself... If he can, that is.*
*she waited for the females response*
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 9th, 2001, 05:50:09 AM
Cirrsseeto stared at the Hyuu-mann, watching the slender man remove his weapons and attire. Although he considered this to be an act of suicide by the tall but lanky man, Cirrsseeto was compelled to fight to his potential. He just hoped that the Hyuu-mann surrendered quickly, because he would rather not see him killed. Beaten senseless...maybe.
In an instant, Cirrsseeto leaped into the air, his powerful legs sending him a good 40 feet up. His large claws extending from his fingertips, the male Cizerack bellowed a terrifying roar as he descended towards the alien.
<font size=20>Rrroouurrrr!!!</font>
As Cirrsseeto landed, he brought both of his hands up over his head, and slashed his claws down towards Warren in a vicious overhead smash, aiming to take the Hyuu-mann out of the fight with the first attack.
Kaine Darklighter
Apr 9th, 2001, 05:53:56 AM
Kaine watched on as his master and the Cizerack male fought.
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Apr 9th, 2001, 05:55:00 AM
**She started slightly as the feline Lady touched her shoulder. No one had ever been able to sneak up on Saa like that before. Her already large amount of respect for the cat woman increased a lot more. Listening to the woman speak, she nodded slowly.
"jYou majy ssstate jyourrr requessst. jI'm sssurrre jI'm eagerrr to hearrr jit. He wjill wjin. jI am sssurrre of jit."
**Her eyes stared hard into Lady Vader's face. The Cizerack's smile left no doubt as to who she thought would end the victor in this match.
Lady Vader
Apr 9th, 2001, 06:00:36 AM
*LV almost wanted to pity them... had niether one of them heard of the Force?... it was hard to say, but from what she saw, she was betting they hadn't... she was bout to speak her request aloud when she stopped in mid-breath... no, she had a better idea... stepping closer to the female, she whsipered her request into the feline's ear and instructed it not be said out loud so as not to give the request away*
*she watched the females reaction to her request*
Warren Azalin
Apr 9th, 2001, 03:59:00 PM
:: Watching as the Cizerack lunged at him from above claws extended the Jedi leapt to the side using the Force to aid him, cautiously he stepped back slightly as the catlike warrior slammed into the platform causing it shake. Using the Force to enhance his strength and agility Warren looked at Cirr as another roar escaped from the beast, moving swiftly he ran towards him hoping to attack him as he was getting to his feet. Reaching the Cizerack warrior quickly Warren leapt up spinning around as he brought his leg crashing into the side of the warriors head ::
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 9th, 2001, 04:33:40 PM
The smashing kick jarred Cirrsseeto's heead sure enough. Feeling a bit of pain and some disorientation, the large Cizearack stood in place for a moment, shaking his head to remove the dizzyness. His pointed ears also twitched, aiming to find equilibrium. The Hyuu-mann's kick was strong...strong enough to make Cirrsseeto take new stock in his adversary. This Hyuu-mann might be able to fight after all.
Straightening back up, Cirrsseeto simply lunged forward, snatching the Hyuu-mann into his powerful, clawed arms. Snarling, the Cizerack kept a tight grip with his dug-in claws, and lifted the feather-light male over his head. Finding an appropriate spot, Cirrsseeto arched back, and threw the Jedi approximately 20 yards away, the force of the landing causing Warren to skid and bounce across the platform violently. Not wasting time, Cirrsseeto charged forward, ready to pounce on his adversary.
Warren Azalin
Apr 9th, 2001, 10:52:24 PM
:: Seeing the Cizerack charging at him Warren rolled to the side quickly, barely avoiding the warrior as he pounced at him. Getting to his feet he let the pain wash over his body, aside from a few bruises from the fall and some blood dripping from his arm the Jedi was not that badly injured. Turning his attention back towards Cirr he leapt onto the catlike warrior clinging onto it's back, he could hear it roar in displeasure as Warren did so but his only answer to the Warriors anger was a Force enhanced punch to the side of his head ::
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 10th, 2001, 12:28:53 AM
<font size=10>Rrrroouuurrrrr!!!</font>
Cirrsseeto winced in pain as the Hyuu-mann on his back began boxing at his ear. And it hurt really really bad! Strange, a normal Hyuu-mann could never hit a Cizerack this was this fighter hurting him this much. Cirrsseeto coulde feel his brain rattling in his head from the impact, as he dropped to his knees in disorientation. The fist withdrew, and came back again...
...and Cirrsseeto turned his head, opening his mouth wide and biting down on Warren's hand just behind the wrist, the long canines sinking a good ways into his arm. However, more importantly...Cirrsseeto wasn't letting go. He clamped his jaw tightly, growling menacingly as he held Warren's arm in his mouth. The Cizerack's two free arms reached for the rest of Warren, attempting to pry him off the felinoid's back. Cirrsseeto continued ferally growling, drippy saliva running down from his mouth and mixing with Warren's blood.
Warren Azalin
Apr 10th, 2001, 03:44:57 AM
:: Warren could feel the anger and pain flowing through his body, but he had to resist the call of the dark as he had many times before. Calming his mind as he had done many times before he pushed back the pain and darkness as he became one with the Force and the light. He could still feel Cirr tearing into his arm but he had blocked out the pain, pain was a trait of the Darkside and he would need to cleanse his mind for this. Slowly an aura of light enveloped the Jedi as he clung onto the Cizerack back, he could feel the energy flowing out of every pore in his body. Reaching around quickly with his other hand he grabbed the other side of Cirr's head as he held on, feeling the energy get more powerful inside him knew that outside the aura would be heating up. It was taking longer than he had thought as he lay there his arm now numb from the pain, but soon it all came together as he felt the warrior jump back. He knew that Cirr would now be feeling the flames of the light as they seared his body slowly, not that Warren was on fire. No, it was the light coming of him that had emanated the unnatural heat and raise in Temperature. He was pretty sure a Cizerack had never dealt with anything like him, but it was far from over ::
Aisha Klan Klan
Apr 10th, 2001, 11:55:13 AM
::watched interestedly, even though Warren seemed to have the upper hand for the moment, she still had a feeling the Jedi would be feeling pain soon enough::
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 10th, 2001, 03:15:56 PM
His eyes clamped shut tightly, hiding from the blinding light and heat. Quickly, he let go of Warrens arm, hissing in pain as he finally bucked the Hyuu-mann off his back, the Cizerack rolled on the ground a few times, trying to calm the screaming nerves along his skin from the burning light show. Growling and moaning at the same time, Cirrsseeto rose to his knees, glancing at his arm, which now had a red leision across a good portion of if he had touched a hot stove. Licking the wound to quiet the pain, he rose to his feet, quite angry.
What kjind of cheap trrrrjick jisss that, Hyuu-mann?
Lady Vader
Apr 11th, 2001, 02:10:44 AM
*LV raised her eyebrow at the mention of "cheap trick"... the corner of her mouth, the corner facing away from the female Cizerack, curled into a small smile... so, the Cizerack's, or at least these, knew little or nothing about the Force... if Warren was smart, he'd keep it quiet... a magician never told his secrets*
Warren Azalin
Apr 11th, 2001, 03:21:41 AM
:: Landing onto his feet with great finesse the Jedi looked on as Cirr fell to the floor rolling around trying to fan off the invisible flames, laughing to himself he wondered if these creatures even knew of the Force. Not that he would tell them, but it posed an interesting question. Watching him still roll around on the floor Warren decided to use his time wisely as he put his hand on his mangled arm, slowly he let the force flow through him as he began closing the bite marks on his arm. Finally closing the wound he began wiping the blood off his arm, he knew Cirr had an acute sense of smell and the stench of Warren's blood would only frenzy him more. Knowing that leaving blood on himself would be suicide he slowly but carefully finished wiping the last away, turning towards the rising Cizerack he grinned. He knew the warrior was stronger than him before and now he would be at a disadvantage, it was time for Warren to even the odds ::
"Hey Cirr you made a small mistake, I'm not human."
:: Letting a grin pass across his face he kneeled forward as his metallic wings sprung from his back, he could see an even more confused on the Cizerack's face as he did all this. Surely if the Force had confused him a man with wings would drive him past the point of madness. Slowly he rose himself into the air looking down at the warrior, he knew if he wanted he could run right now and no one would be able to stop him, but what would be the fun in that. Swiftly he aimed himself downwards as he propelled himself towards Cirr, not knowing what to make of this technique the Cizerack stood there as warren rammed himself full force into his chest. Warrior and Jedi alike fell to the floor from the impact of the attack, looking down at Cirr Warren could tell he wasn't amused with his little trick. Quickly the beast lashed out with his claws but Warren had been too quick for him, a loud roar could be heard as the Jedi slammed his metallic wings through the poor male's arms pinning him to the floor. Looking into his eye's Warren could see a face of rage and frenzy as he sat there on his chest pinning him to the floor, Warren knew it was not over and he would have to do more to stop this beast. Rising his good arm up he brought it down swiftly into Cirr's face, slam after slam he began pummeling his face with his good arm. He found no pleasure in this but knew there would be no other way to stop him ::
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 11th, 2001, 03:45:57 AM
Cirrsseeto roared in protest as his arms were pierced by the alien's wings, effectively stapling him to the ground. Gritting his teeth in protest, Cirrsseeto tried to move, but couldnt. The next thing he felt was a succession of punches to his face...the same very strong punches he had felt before. His brain rattled, Cirrsseeto felt dizzy from the attack, almost falling unconcious. However, as the alien drew back his hand, Cirrsseeto once again pivoted his neck, and Warren's punch hit the dirt underneath. As it did so, Cirrsseeto turned his head, and buried his canines deep into Warren's good arm, now making it not-so-good. His powerful jaws tightened around the arm, fangs piercing muscle and sinew...threatening to crush bone as the force increased. Growling menacingly with the arm lodged in his mouth, Cirrsseeto used his powerful legs to buck Warren's body off of his own. Curling his legs up tightly in front of him, Cirrsseeto pressed a double spring-kick into the pit of Warren's stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Warren's body was knocked back with his arm still firmly clamped down upon, his protesting shoulder joint gave out, dislocating. With that, Cirrsseeto released his bite. As his wings dislodged from Cirrsseeto's arms, Warren fell backwards, onto his back.
Growling in pain, Cirrsseeto sat up, blood pouring freely from his arms and face. He could barely move...but he knew that the alien was also in similar dire straits.
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Apr 11th, 2001, 04:29:54 PM
**She smiled at the feline woman's request. Oh yes, it was most satisfactory indeed.
"jI agrrree to jyourrr excellent rrrequessst ladjy. Let'sss contjinue to watch thjisss wonderrrful fjight. But jyesss, jI agrrree."
**She continued to watch the fight, secretly delighted at the deal she just made.
Lady Vader
Apr 12th, 2001, 01:07:26 AM
*LV smiled... yes, this was going to prove to be interesting and fun*
Warren Azalin
Apr 12th, 2001, 04:27:28 AM
:: Opening his eyes slowly Warren was greeted by another wave of pain, he hadn't expected the Cizerack to retaliate the way he did but then again Warren knew almost nothing about their race. Quietly he lay there engulfing himself in the force as he began healing the bruises from the knock backwards, there was more he would have to heal but that would be later and would involve the use of a lot of Bacta. Feeling good enough to walk finally the Jedi stood up slowly looking in front of him, he could still see the figure of Cirr on the floor blood still flowing freely from his arms. Warren knew that was not enough to stop the warrior, once Cirr got to his feet it would be all over for Warren. He had to take out his legs and do it quick, but how was the question he didn't have an answer to. Slowly he began walking towards Cirr as he ran a new strategy through his head, finding a plan he knew would work he smiled as he let his thoughts flow into the Cizeracks mind ::
:: Calming walking forward he let his thoughts flow through Cirr's head making the Cizerack envision things that where not truly there, Warren let the mind tricks and illusions play on the warriors eyes as he got closer. Suddenly the Jedi leaped into the air as a countless number of similar Jedi seemed to charge at the fallen Warrior. Looking down as he leapt Warren saw as Cirr became confused by his illusions not knowing which was which, suddenly the Jedi let himself drop full speed towards the beast. Letting himself become one with the force one last time he erupted into a blinding flash of light as he came slamming down onto the Cizerack knee's, he could head a loud snapping sound over the bloodcurdling roar Cirr let out. Not wasting anytime Warren leapt back a few feet and looked on at him ::
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 12th, 2001, 04:30:38 AM
Roaring almost until his throat was raw, Cirrsseeto struggled to sit up, looking down at his broken leg with a feral grimace. With great effort, the Cizerack tried to get up, but with a sigh of resignation, he flopped back down on his back. Battered, bloodied, and broken, the Cizerack breathed in and out deeply...confused as to how the scrawny alien had bested him in combat.
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Apr 12th, 2001, 05:43:06 AM
**Her jaw dropped wide open -- Cirr had.. LOST! Anger and astonishment permeated her senses, suprisingly followed by concern. She ran quickly to her fallen servant, checking him over to ensure he was still alive. Glancing up from her kneeling position, she gave the winner a hate-filled glare.
"jYou have won, Jedji. jI do not know how, but jyou won. jYou wjill get the prrrjize jyou ssso well dessserrrve."
**Her feline senses told her exactly where the Lady was standing, directly behind her. She flung out a hand, pointing at her felinoid friend.
"Mjy ladjy, jit jisss jyourrr turrrn.. ljike we agrrreed. Wjinnerrr, jyourrr prrrjize jisss to fjight the Ladjy Vaderrr. jYou majy begjin wheneverrr jyou arrre both rrreadjy."
**Placing her hands underneath her servants body, she braced with her legs. Picking him up, she began to walk away. Though she played the innocent weakling, Cizeracks were incredibly strong. Saa looked down at Cirr, her loyal servant. Pity, concern and anguish played across her face. Turning slightly, she faced the two new combatants.
"jI wjill be takjing Cjirrrrrr to the bacta tanksss aboarrrd mjy shjip. Good luck to jyou, ladjy."
**She began to walk away, quickly. Aboard their ship was a much needed bacta tank, and Saa needed to be there as soon as possible. Saa just hoped her servant could hold on that long.
Kaine Darklighter
Apr 12th, 2001, 06:13:22 AM
“What!? I wont let this take place!”
He said, as he stepped out of his small hiding place. He had watched the battle from that place, and had heard what Saa said. Kaine placed himself out infront of Warren. He would not let this take place.
“You would fight Warren while he is in this state? What is the honor in that?”
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 12th, 2001, 06:16:55 AM
:: Vega, who had also been watching, groaned as Kaine stepped out. He had been quite enjoying watching the battle until this stage. Thus, via the force he contacted the Jedi ::
~What ARE you doing?~
Kaine Darklighter
Apr 12th, 2001, 06:54:38 AM
“Vega, get out of my head. Come out and speak.”
Lady Vader
Apr 13th, 2001, 03:11:51 AM
*LV stood there, knowing full well that the Cizerack male would have had no chance at winning against any Force user... in essence, what had transpired had been quite an unfair fight in respect to ability and talent... yes, the Jedi had suffered due to the Cizerack's natural brute strength and ferocity, but the fact still remained it had been an unevenly matched fight*
*she looked upon the wounded Jedi... yes, she would like to fight him, but to fight one who was already in such dire need was indeed not honorable*
*she looked at the Jedi that stood between herself and the wounded Jedi*
I agree with you, Jedi. To fight one as gravely wounded as your comrade would be dishonorable. Though, I'd most likely be doing him a favor putting him out of his misery.
*she smiled, but continued speaking*
This was merely a sporting battle, not an actual war. Therefore, I withdraw my challenge seeing as the victor is in no shape to continue with the sport.
Warren Azalin
Apr 13th, 2001, 03:25:09 AM
:: Feeling the wounds throughout his body the Jedi looked forwards Staring at Kaine and Lady Vader, slowly he walked forward letting his arms hang numb at his side. Cautiously he stepped before Kaine and looked at the Sith ::
"Lady Vader you wished to fight the winner correct, yet you will not fight me in my condition. What would you say if I were to find a compromise for each of us. Give me time to heal my wounds and I shall fight you at my full potential, you shall have your challenge and I shall have my prize. What do you say ?"
Lady Vader
Apr 13th, 2001, 04:08:14 AM
*LV smiled*
Actually, the request was to fight the male Cizerack once this sporting battle was finished. The Cizerack female misunderstood my request and therefore stated it wrongly. She also possibly did not anticipate thie eventual outcome of this battle.
*she admired the Jedi's gut for accepting the challenge, even though it had not been stated correctly*
Yet, if you still wish to proceed, I would not mind and would be honored. But I state again, the request was not made to fight the winner.
*she waited for the Jedi's response*
Warren Azalin
Apr 13th, 2001, 04:48:05 AM
:: Warren smiled slightly as he heard Lady Vader speak, it seemed that after all this the Cizeracks thought he would lose. It went to show how much they truly didn't know about the Force, but it was not matter Warren had larger matters at hand now ::
"Whether or not the request was made incorrectly you still came seeking a challenge, and I believe a Jedi could be of more of a challenge than a Cizerack. So I shall proceed with our battle, but that shall be at a later date. If you are up to this battle then I shall take my leave of this planet now and heal myself, when I am done I shall send you a message through the Force telling you where you may find me. So what do you say Lady Vader, shall we do battle or shall we not ?"
Lady Vader
Apr 14th, 2001, 01:07:46 AM
*she smiled... the Jedi definitely had guts, and she admired that*
It shall be then as you say. Call me when you are ready.
*with that, she seemingly disapeared from the sporting field*
Warren Azalin
Apr 14th, 2001, 01:30:00 AM
:: Watching as the Sith seemed to vanish Warren turned around and began heading towards his own ship, slowly he motioned for Kaine to follow knowing he would need someone to drive his ship since he could not use his arms at the moment. He knew that in a weeks time maybe less he would be back to face Lady Vader, and when that time came he would be ready ::
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