View Full Version : Naboo
Khendon S
Apr 9th, 2001, 06:06:13 PM
It was another star filled night over Naboo. The natives drew patterns in the sky, outlining constellations that formed intricate patterns. A flash could be seen in the sky, as if a star were falling from a sky, then all Hades broke lose. The Swordfish fighters released payloads of cluster bombs onto the surrounding villages, giving them a taste of battle.
In space a mighty fleet had emerged from hyperspace, a mix of GMA ships and Guild pirate ships, filled with armed troops and privateers. The fleet moved towards the planet, spewing fighters like the TIE Executioner, Swordfish, and Shadow Droids. Shuttles released as well as larger troop transports, heading for the planet’s atmosphere to begin dropping their load of troops.
“Tell the Abolisher Cruisers to stand by, have them circle the planet. Tell all ships equipped with gravity wells to bring them online and keep trade ships from entering hyperspace. Have two squads of TIE Executioners per squadron of Swordfish, have the Shadow Droids protect the troop transports and provide cover fire while they make it in into the atmosphere. All ships carrying troops are to drop them on planet, this should be an easy gain.” Said Khendon to his second in command, who saluted, turned on his heel, and went about giving the orders to various people.
-1 SSD
-5 ISD3s
-1 DSD
-1 Neb B med frigate
-4 Imp Escort carriers
-6 AC
-27 Interdiction Pickets)
(OOC: Currently no group claims Naboo, so we’re taking it)
Seth Darkserpent
Apr 9th, 2001, 06:39:40 PM
From his Imperial Escort Carrier, slowly descending towards the planet Seth looked at the Interdiction pickets slowly form themselves around the system, each coming out of hyperspace a few moments after the other one.
Seth Darkserpent, affiliated with GMA non-directly volunteered to lead the ground assualt. What was he getting out of it? All Seth wanted was some land on Naboo to build a castle much like his one on Dxun.
His Mandalorian armor gave a new meaning to the word Knight. He was black clad, a dark figure a little over average height. He had only brought his battle axe and flame sword with him knowing he would not need them. He could feel the sense of anticipation in the Stormtroopers. He had assured them that the Universal Planetary Assualt Units would do most of the destroying and capturing. Their job was to confirm and secure the land afterwards.
He was momentarily distracted by a heavy voice over the commlink. "Entering Atmosphere now. Landing in 15 minutes." Seth rested his arms at his side. This should not be a hard battle since the Naboo were pacifasts...The Gungans on the other hand might take a little more work to secure and capture.
Khendon S
Apr 11th, 2001, 08:08:27 PM
Khendon stood on the bridge, looking out a large view port. All ships had landed and the ground battle would soon be raging, he was confident that his side would win, unless a higher power intervenes. Khendon looked at the watch strapped to his wrist and gave a slow nod towards his second in command, who in turn saluted, turned around, and walked over to a command chair. His second in command then placed orders for all Scimitar assault bombers to be launched, as well as all remaining Swordfish squadrons.
Khendon looked at a digital image of Seth, “Air support moving in, you have full control for the ground situation. I’m prepared to provide fire support for you up here, space bombardment is ready when needed.” Seth nodded to show he understood and the image faded away.
Seth Darkserpent
Apr 13th, 2001, 06:03:13 PM
Seth walked down one of the many ramps of the Imperial Escort Carrier. The fresh air slowly filled his nostrils. Seth relieved himself of his cloak, his armor shining in the sunlight. Stormtroopers and UPAU(Universal Planetary Assault Units began to appear from the Escort Carriers.
Seth watched as the large cage was being pushed out of an Escort Carrier. Inside the cage, his pet Dxun Beast shook it's head violently. It let out a loud roar, trying to claw it's way out of the cage. Seth reached out with the Force, entering the beast's mind and taming it. The beast became silent. Seth used the Dark Side to open the cage. He climbed atop the winged beast and stood up.
"Stormtrooper TK241 you have been assigned your secret mission, and your men are ready and waiting. The Escort Carriers will be leaving now for the ocean."
Seth sat down on his Dxun Beast.
"We will be heading for Theed. On my mark."
Seth nodded and watched the Escort Carriers raise off the ground. The battle would begin shortly.
Jedi Teka Kenobi
Apr 13th, 2001, 07:02:38 PM
A figure watches silently in the shadows of a tower. He turns aware of what is about to happen and calmly walks across the flat cold stone floor and enters through a door...
Khendon S
Apr 13th, 2001, 08:20:16 PM
Khendon watches the scanners as the first waves of craft leave the planet. They consist of several different fighters, all of lower quality then the empires or guilds, and several smaller freighters. Khendon watches, fixated on a screen that displays the stats. A total of two squadrons of Naboo fighters, one squadron of Preybird fighters, two squadrons of Tuscan fighters, and two squads of Headhunters leave planet. Following the mass of mixed up fighters come the following: Two Corellian Corvettes, one Neb-B Frigate, and several smaller shuttles and freighters of varying size and lack of importance.
Khendon grabs the comm. officers transmitter mic and pushes a button, opening all channels. “All ships approaching the blockade of Naboo will bring down their shields, deactivate their engines and weapon systems, and prepare for boarding, those who do not comply will be disabled and boarded.”
None of the ships slow down or comply with Khendon’s message. Khendon smiles and give the following order, “All ships fire ion cannons, disable then board.” He smiles at the small fleet they have mustered to attack his armada.
Stormtrooper TK241
Apr 13th, 2001, 10:55:45 PM
The Escort Carriers landed with a Thud on Naboo's soil. The Cargo holds opened up and the Sergeant waved his troops out of the ships and into the waiting transport subs. They set off into the Nabooian Sea towards the great underwater city of Otah Gunga.
Underneat the surface of the water, Naboo's brillian sea life could be seen. Many crustaceans, sponges, cnidarians, molluscs, and fish were in the sea. A huge Man-Of-War jelly fish floated by the subs. Then, a great sea serpent swam past and gulped the Man-of-War down. To be in the ocean unprotected would be unwise, as the sea life could definetly eat or kill anything.
Stormtrooper TK241, a sergeant, spoke through his helmet comlink.
"Check your weapons. Make sure they are charged."
Seth Darkserpent
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:01:49 AM
Swooping across the sky on his Dxun Beast, Seth looked onward. He could see the towers of Theed off in the distance. He directed the beast downwards, spiraling toward the ground. Right at the last second, he directed the beast upwards and slowly to a stop. Seth looked behind him, the armada of war machines slowly approaching.
Seth made his beast turn around to face the UPAUs. He watched as they all came to a halt due tohis outstretched hand. Seth stood up on his beast and cleared his throat.
"Today, you march to war for the Galactic Military Alliance. Yes some of you will die in the battle, others will survive. This does not mean you should lessen your efforts. Your brave actions will be remembered forever once Naboo is taken. <font size=4>MARCH ONWARD!"
<font size=2>Seth kicked his beast in the side. The creature roared and flapped it's magnificent wings, soaring into the sky. Now with amazing speed it swirled through the clouds followed by the UPAU's on the ground.
Seth Darkserpent
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:09:01 AM
Theed could now be seen clearly only 3 miles away. Seth directed his beast downwards, using the Force to amplify his voice a thousand fold.
"Initiate the weapons! Play the music! Send out the transmissions!"
Suddenly, 'O Fortuna' a loud song filled the sky, being played by specific UPAUs. The weapons began to charge as the war machines moved onward.
Seth raced ahead to see what kind of defense Theed would have. Thousands of soldiers, MTTs and ATTs waited at the edge of the city, some in hiding. Turrets had been placed atop buildings and some shields had been activated near the castle. Seth looped round and flew back to his armada. Soon enough, the UPAUs were in firing range.
<font size=4>"OPEN FIRE!!!"
Khendon S
Apr 14th, 2001, 04:51:15 PM
Squadrons of TIE Executioners mixed with Shadow droids opened fire on the enemy fighters, causing their lines to break and mix. Khendon studied the fighter combat from a consol, issuing orders to specific fighters or squadrons, commanding the action. Two ISD<sup>3</sup>s broke out of the blockade and made their way towards the small resistance fleet.
One planet Swordfish, escorted by many other fighters, and Scimitars, escorted by still more fighters, moved onto the enemy cities, supporting the UPAU and troops.
Apr 14th, 2001, 05:07:30 PM
::Patrick comes up behind Teka, startling him.::
"Got any ideas?"
Jedi Teka Kenobi
Apr 14th, 2001, 06:22:14 PM
"Well I'm pretty sure that fleet isn't here for a party. And I'm also pretty sure that unless we increase our defence a lot we're not going to do too well"
Darth Xanatos
Apr 14th, 2001, 08:01:44 PM
"We should notify the Gungans and the Greater Jedi Order. The Order's fleet is our only hope, unless you can think of another fleet close by."
[OOC: I am Patrick. Just call me Xanatos now (DX is fine), cuz I'm usin this for RPs now.]
Seth Darkserpent
Apr 14th, 2001, 08:04:21 PM
Seth swooped onto a building top, flipping off his winged pet. He placed one gauntlet on his sword, pulling it out. Using the Dark Side within, he powered it. The fiery blade shone in the daylight, and reflected off Seth's armor.
Seth drove his sword into the roof, cutting a hole. He dropped beneath, facing a family of humans, cowering in the corner. Seth grinned and walked over, kicking a table over on the way. He raised his sword high, and sliced downwards, killing the first child. He spun around and kicked the rising man into a glass case. He drove his sword downwards and killed the woman. Seth brought his foot back and kicked the other child's face in.
"Kiss my Grits," Seth cackled. He turned to face the man, regarding him for a moment. Seth just resumed cackling, and jumped back through the hole. He was warmed up and ready, now for the main goal.
Jedi Teka Kenobi
Apr 15th, 2001, 06:41:37 PM
"Yes do you have transportation? I would let you in my X-Wing but I dont think you'd fit in the R2 unit space."
OOC: OK I dont mind if you rp with me just dont kill me like it says in your sig ok? lol
Jedi Teka Kenobi
Apr 15th, 2001, 06:43:10 PM
"Yes do you have transportation? I would let you in my X-Wing but I dont think you'd fit in the R2 unit space."
OOC: OK I dont mind if you rp with me just dont kill me like it says in your sig ok? lol.
Seth Darkserpent
Apr 15th, 2001, 08:15:12 PM
Seth walked through the alleyways of Naboo, hearing the thunderous explosions and the loud music overhead. He stopped for a moment, his hand turning his commlink on.
"General...Se-e-Seth! We are faring well against the enemy. We have lost minimal amounts of forces and they have lost many." The sergeant's voice said.
"Sergeant, see to it that you lose no more warships or you will be penalized." Seth growled back.
"Bu-but S-sir! That's impos--" The sergeant was cut off.
"Do I make myself clear?" Seth asked.
"Ye-yes sir." The sergeant sighed. Seth turned off his commlink and continued his walk through the alleyway. Fear was what drove people. Fear allowed people to execute spectacular stunts. Fear was needed for success.
At the end of the alleyway, 4 Theed soldiers appeared, toting blaster rifles. On the other end, 5 soldiers appeared with the same weapons. Seth was trapped. Or so they thought. Blaster fire erupted heading straight for the Sith. He just focused on the Dark Side, jumping high over the bolts grappling onto a buildingtop with his free hand. He inched himself up and onto the roof, rolling on his back. Seth stood up and looked forward. The capital building was his goal and it was not far. Not far at all.
Stormtrooper TK241
Apr 19th, 2001, 04:08:55 PM
Otah Gunga, the Gungan Capital was located underwater. The Sergeant and his command had travelled in transport subs to the City. Now, the underwater city's lights could be seen sparkling not too far away.
The sergeant checked the power reading on his blaster rifle before getting up from his seat. He walked over to the boarding ramp of the transport and waited silently, with his rifle across his chest. In turn, all of the stormtroopers in the transport sub stood up and got in line.
"Sergeant, ETA 12 Seconds."
The sergeant crossed his fingers in his gloved hand.
"ETA 5 Seconds"
[i]The transport latched onto the sea tubes of Otah Gunga. The door infront of the sergeant opened and he steppd out, into the air-locks of Otah Gunga. There were no Gungans present yet, but the Sergeant still pushed his gun foward, ready for an attack.
Apr 19th, 2001, 04:25:12 PM
(Out of the sky, the black Dxun beast flapped it's wings, heading for Seth with amazing speed. It allowed a small roar to escape it's mouth, echoing across the land. Kaavarus, Seth's pet beast was to provide transport to Theed
The dragon landed on a large rooftop, digging it's talons into the building top. It lowered it's head somewhat and looked around for Seth. In the meantime, the Dxun Beast amused itself with a family of fleeing humans, clawing at the small creatures and frying them with his fire capabilities)
Seth Darkserpent
Apr 19th, 2001, 04:34:26 PM
Seth surprised Kaavarus and leapt on it's back unsusppectingly. Immediately the beast stopped eating the human in it's claw and turned, greeting Seth with a roar. The Sith dug the edge of his boot into the dragon, causing it to get up. Seth uttered a command using the Force.
Instantly the Dxun dragon-like creature rose to half height and flapped it's wings roughly. The beast uttered another roar which sounded more like a war cry. It raised in the air and flew towards the tower. Seth on the dragon's back urged it forward, filling the beast with rageful thoughts and delusions of granduer. The Dxun creature flew faster then ever before, reaching the capital in only moments. Seth thanked it, and ordered it to fly down, behind a building, where they could avoid laserfire. Seth unsheathed his Firesaber and told his pet to stay there. Seth quietly waited for the UPAUs to get a good hold on the city.
Khendon S
Apr 19th, 2001, 07:38:18 PM
Khendon put his feet up in his seat, seemingly bored. The opposing forces had easily been swatted away with the back of his fleet’s mighty gloved hand. He had captured the freighters intact and boarded them, allowing his Executioners to take target practice on the fighters that had “attacked” his fleet.
Khendon threw his saber, not yet active, into the air, letting it spin, then catching it. Khendon immediately got out of his seat. “Fleet Commander, you have control of the fleet, once again. Continue blockade, make sure no ships get off planet, I’ll be monitoring the situation from my person craft, Quietus. I will be going down to the planet in it, escorted by my person escort, of course, the Black Thorn squadron. I have three of their best pilots, do not worry about me.” The Fleet Commander nodded and Khendon strolled out towards the docking bays of the super star destroyer.
Khendon flipped a few switches and the Quietus sped away from its birth craft. Khendon smiled as two of the four fighters onboard launched and took up flanking positions. He had kept his wingman onboard, incase he was forced to launch, setting the ship to autopilot, it being fully slaved.
Khendon activated the automated weapons systems and told the pilot to take the helm, he would be in the library, focusing his force powers to find his companions and aid them in any way he might be able to.
Seth Darkserpent
Apr 20th, 2001, 04:19:48 PM
Seth laughed bitterly as he drove his sword into a cornered human. The man instantly caught on fire, the flames covering his body. Slowly but surely, the human sunk to one knee and eventually died. The flames still charred his body, never allowing themselves to die down, until there was nothing left of him.
Seth spun on his heel and walked back into the busy streets. Screams filled the air as Imperial Stormtroopers arrested and took captive those who would oppose. The ones that really gave trouble were shot. Seth knew now was the time to bombard the shields blocking entrance to the Capital tower.
He whipped out his commlink and sent a message through to all channels, "All available UPAUs focus your firepower on the shields around the capital tower. That is our main goal." Moments after he spoke, the UPAUs changed their course of present direction. Some were already in firing range. The war machines sent salvo after salvo of laserfire, ravaging the surprisingly strong shields. In time, the shield would die, enabling Seth to complete the mission.
Stormtrooper TK241
Apr 20th, 2001, 11:49:16 PM
The Sergeant issued an order through his com set. The hundred stormies in his command began following the sergeant. They crossed through three chambers of the underwater city before reaching resistance.
In the fourth chamber, ten gungans waited with "energy bombs" in their hands. They threw the "bombs" at the stormtroopers, but missed. In a quick frenzy of laser fire, the gungans were put to rest.
The team moved onto into the next chamber. This chamber was large and for the most part, empty. From the walls, three holes opened. Two Destroyer Droids rolled out of each.
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