View Full Version : Upon a Midnight Dreary (Open)

Jace Darklighter
Apr 6th, 2001, 10:16:23 PM
The atmosphere was caliginous and gloomy, creating a cloud of skepticism and repulsion which all scoundrels shared at the Bar. Sith, Dark Jedi, Imperials, bounty hunters, and other diversified beings congregated together, barking out obscenities and similar animosities for the Jedi in general.

Jace Darklighter felt his mouth go dry and he quickly clucked his tongue to work some moisture into his mouth. Members of the Sith Empire coated the Bar with the Dark Side and he found himself resisting the impulse to frown at that horrible feeling of despair and lost hope. The Jedi slipped his hood further down on his forehead, allowing a dim shadow to settle across his eyes. Some may consider this a waste of time and breath to believe that one could ever turn such vile creatures from iniquity to a sense of freedom. Both Sith and Dark Jedi alike were destroying themselves, whether they knew it or not. As a Jedi, he had a responsibility to call them on their errors and offer them a chance of indemnity. Still, they had their choice. It was up to them as to what their destinies held.

Spotting a distant table, located deep in the shadows, Jace made his way to it with a steady stride. He sat into the chair and tried to act casual in the foreign setting. Using the Force as his guide, he observed the Bar. The Jedi had to be careful. One false move and he could call the whole Bar to his attention.

Dara Shadowtide
Apr 6th, 2001, 10:25:47 PM
:: Sith Lordess Dara Shadowtide made her way to Rama's Bar after another training session with one of her apprentice's on the training grounds. With her midnight blue cloak draped around her and her saber hilts swaying almost imperceptibly at her sides, she walked inside with grace and confidence.. the essence of evil.

Taking in the entire room with a single glance and making note of the various force signatures present, Dara made her way over to her usual table at the back. Now much to her surprise someone was already sitting there.. and a Jedi no less.. Jace Darklighter. A scowl formed on her lips as her ice green eyes pierced his very heart and soul as she removed her cloak and sat down directly across from him ::

"Jace Darklighter.. feel at home here do you? I'm sure I could help you take a walk on the Dark Side if that is what you seek."

:: An evil grin danced upon her lips as the service droid brought her usual glass of white wine to the table ::

Jace Darklighter
Apr 7th, 2001, 01:29:30 AM
His hands touched his hood and he clutched his fists around the rim. Folding his hood back, he took his first glance at Dara Shadowtide. The last time he had encountered her, was when she was a Sith Disciple..and he, in turn, was a mere Jedi Padawan. His blue eyes flickered to the other side of the bar. The Jedi sensed no hostility from the other dark siders. So far, he was still unknown to their presence. At least, for now. Jace met Dara's gaze.

"It seems we have crossed paths once again, Lordess. It's commendable that you inquire as to why I am here. I am actually seeking to help the fallen Jedi restore their forsaken state and give them another chance. Perhaps it was fate that we meet again. I believe it to be the workings of the Force, helping you to understand the mistakes of your mannerisms."

Jace stretched his eyebrows apart and tightened his jaw.

"If you will permit me to ask, Lordess. Why have you fallen to your everlasting doom by forsaking the Jedi code and embracing the darkness?"

Ket VanDerveld
Apr 7th, 2001, 03:00:44 AM
Ket was sitting at the bar with his older brother Vega and best friend Dyne as usual,exchanging musings over Jack Daniels. Ket sighed as he looked up from the two when something caught his attention. A force signiture he had encountered before. He turned his head amd focused on the force. reaching out,he now knew who ti was who had caught his attention. Jace Darklighter,a Jedi. Deciding against blatently attacking him,he made his way over and looked to Dara and Jace with his particular grin.

Mind if i have a seat?

Savin Blackwolf
Apr 7th, 2001, 04:58:07 AM
Savin sits near the rear exit of the bar with two companions ... Sindo, a blue rodian smuggler, and Qynlee, a quarran slicer.

Their conversation was centered on devising a means of smuggling a large shipment of spice and illegal arms from Sindo's operation facility on Nar Shaddaa into the hands of Coruscant crimelords in it's red light district. Qynlee's talent would help them enter inner-core space unmolested and evade dock custom authorities when they are groundborne.

Savin smokes his ithorian tobacco cigarette when he looks across the room seeing a Jedi amongst so many sith and scoundrels. He gestures for his two companions to follow suit.

Sindo says a couple of insults in his high-pitch sing-song voice loud enough for the Jedi to hear. Qynlee breaks out in gargley laughter, soon other nearby patrons begin to join in the laughter. Rodians are infamous for being antagonists to much of Savin's disapproval as he wishes to have a low profile as they talk business.

While the laughter dies down ... Savin ponders why would anyone choose to follow the lightside in a universe driven by darkness, greed, and ambition.

Savin slams his palm back down on the table, "Come on back to resuming business.."

Seth Darkserpent
Apr 7th, 2001, 01:05:20 PM
Rama's Corner, a place Seth did not venture to often. He'd rather spend his time devising new ways to further himself or his fighting skills then spend time drinking his life away.

Tonight was a different story. He had decided to take a break from his hard work and maybe have a drink or two with a fellow Sith. He slowly walked into the bar, immediately sensing numerous Force Powers. The one that caught his attention the most was a light side user. Seth craned his neck to the side and enhanced his view looking half across the bar.

He saw what he believed to be a Jedi and Lordess Shadowtide locked in conversation. What would Lordess Shadowtide be doing with the likes of a Jedi rodent? Seth watched as Ket, one of his Sith Comrades approached the table.

Seth turned around instantly when he felt a small tap on his leg. A droid had been nudging him. He looked down at the mechanical serving droid, ready to destroy it. Suddenly he thought better of himself. He did not want to attract the attention of the whole bar. The droid uttered a few beeps out and started to roll away. Seth figured the droid was leading him to an empty table. He followed it and watched it come to a dead stop at a table near the back. Seth nodded to the droid and asked for a bottle of Corellian Whiskey. The droid chirped up and rolled away to fulfill the order. Seth pulled out a chair and sat down, slowly turning his head 90 degrees. He noticed his table was not that far off from Lordess Shadowtide's table. He slowly watched them, deciding to secretly enhance his hearing.

Dara Shadowtide
Apr 7th, 2001, 04:35:39 PM
:: Dara nearly spit the wine out of her mouth upon hearing Jace's humorous depiction. She was about to respond to him when Ket walked up. The Sith Lordess smiled and nodded to the Sith Warrior ::

"Hello Ket. I actually do mind if you join us. This jedi is mine if you catch my meaning."

:: Her eyes met Ket's to convey her meaning fully. Ket then left her sight and she glanced around the bar, seeing some newcomers of no concern and a familiar face in Seth. She nodded to Seth and then turned her attention back to the feisty jedi ::

"Jace, indeed you are quite delusional with this light side rubbish. And unfortunately, the more you have risen in status and stature in the ranks, the more blind you have gotten to how things truly are in the realm of this galaxy. True power resides in the darkness. Let me show you."

:: Lady Shadowtide rises quickly, flipping her table over and crushing the jedi beneath it. Her drink crashes upon the top of his head and nearby patrons scatter at the sight of a powerful Lordess taking action. Waves of evil emanate from Dara as she stands looking down upon Jace on the floor ::

"It would appear to me that the only fallen Jedi I see around here is you, Jace."

:: The sound of her shrill laughter pierces the bar ::

Seth Darkserpent
Apr 7th, 2001, 07:25:18 PM
Seth sipped his glass of Whiskey with ease. He carefully watched Lordess Shadowtide's tactics, hoping they could help him one day in battle.

He knew better then to interfere in the battle in any way. Lordess Shadowtide was capable of destroying the Jedi where he lay. Seth would just sit back and observe for now. The Jedi was being crushed under the table, then Seth heard Dara these words:

"It would appear to me that the only fallen Jedi I see around here is you, Jace."

Seth chuckled to himself. The Jedi would soon learn the pain of the Sith, as he probably had before, or else he wouldn't have raised in the ranks. Yes, this Jedi had experience. But was he a match for Lordess Shadowtide?

Ket VanDerveld
Apr 7th, 2001, 09:06:05 PM
Ket chuckled.

Well Dara,i will let you to him then,but leave some for me...Jace and I have....unfiinished buisness...

Ket gave her a wicked grin and then looked to Jace and a small,evil laughter escaped his lips as he left.

Jace Darklighter
Apr 7th, 2001, 10:15:28 PM
Curling his fingers around the table edge, he carefully lifts it with his added Jedi strength. He rolls out of harms away and allows the table to topple back down, causing a thunderous crash to float through the air to each corner of the bar. Suddenly, all eyes were upon the Sith Lordess and the Jedi. Brushing off his sleeves and stained tunic, minute clouds of dust hovered into the air. He looked to Dara and smiled.

"My apologies, Lordess, if I triggered a nerve. I did not come to cause a quarrel, but rather, to offer you aid in returning to that which is right and good."

His hands sloped downward so that he was gripping the top of his chair.

"And I also ask that you forgive my horrible manners. I didn't even offer you a chair when you arrived. Please, allow me to make up for it."

Suddenly, his grip tightened against the chair as he heaved it up in the air. Calling upon the Force, he threw it at Dara with an accelerated rate. The wooden chair crashed against her body, causing small wooden splinters to splice off and propel across the bar. Wasting no time, the Jedi had his lightsaber up into his hand and ignited. The glowing beam awakened with a snap-hiss followed by a soothing hum. Dara was already scrambling to her feet and the Jedi continued to advance...

Dara Shadowtide
Apr 7th, 2001, 10:46:51 PM
:: The Sith Lordess rises slowly with a smile on her face ::

"Oh wait, I didn't even offer you anything to drink, Jace."

:: Her eyes flash a deep crimson and then fade to black as the evil within her begins to grow. Dara outstretches her arm and points her thumb and two first fingers at the Jedi. Suddenly Jace finds himself levitated into the air and propelled into the large mirror behind the bar. The Jedi Knight impacts the mirror and it breaks, sending the shards everywhere including his skin. Glass also shatters everywhere as bottles of alcohol and the shelves which hold them come crashing down on top of him ::

"I think you will find that Rama offers a little bit of everything to drink. I hope you have found something to your liking back there, Jedi... If not, I can always show you the wine cellar down below you." :evil:

Savin Blackwolf
Apr 7th, 2001, 11:03:38 PM
Savin, Sindo, and Qynlee watch the Sith woman and the male Jedi exchange heated words while objects are thrown at each other.

Savin smirks and asks Sindo above the ruckuss, "A wager my good friend, I bet a 1,000 credits on the woman."

Sindo looks at him for a few seconds, "Hmm... my purse is fat enough... you're on."

Savin looks at Qynlee, "You are our witness." The quarren nods.

They all return their attention back to the fight just in time to see the Jedi thrown hard against the mirror behind the bar. The mirror shatters into shards underneath his body. He slumps to the floor as bottles rain on him from the destroyed shelving.

Liam Jinn
Apr 8th, 2001, 09:24:56 PM
Liam was sitting on the other side of the room, keeping a low profile and watching Dara and Jace from under his hood. He glanced around noting the tension and excitment growing over the battle starting. If Liam was lucky, he could just sit in his booth, unnoticed, until the battle was over.

Pierce Tondry
Apr 8th, 2001, 09:39:56 PM
On the opposite side of the bar from Liam, a person with a microgrenade launcher and sniper rifle strapped to his back watches the action with a Chandrilan Duster on the table in front of him.

Jace Darklighter
Apr 8th, 2001, 10:02:03 PM
The Jedi winced with an unbalanced frown. His knees bent together as he gradually pulled himself up to his full height. Strings of blood garnished his skin where the glass shards intruded against his skin.

"...Don't forget the appetizers, " he growled.

Jace's hand lashed out and pointed to distant trays behind the bar counter. Immediately they flew up into the air and soared toward Dara. The metal trays slapped against her limbs and body as miscellaneous candies splattered against her dress. Anger radiated from her eyes as she twisted left and right to avoid the last remaining flying trays. Running at full speed, the Jedi swung his fist into her stomach, followed by a swift uppercut to her jaw. With the Force warning her of attack, she lowered her body so that Jace's uppercut missed. Unyielding to defeat, the Jedi's palm opened and faced towards Dara. Gathering his concentration, he launched a Force push at the Sith Lordess. Hurling threw the air, she slammed into the silverware canisters. Knives, forks, and spoons smashed their way against Dara's skin.

"Of course, I couldn't have you eating with your fingers now could I."

Dara Shadowtide
Apr 8th, 2001, 10:36:20 PM
:: Dara grimaced as she impacted the silverware cannisters, patrons scattering just like the knives, forks and spoons as they continued to clear a path for the two combatants. The Sith Lordess felt the sting of a few open wounds and a dull ache from the bruises she incurred from the trays. Standing defiantly she threw her head back and laughed heartily at the Jedi as the darkness continued to consume her. Feelings of pure evil, hatred and death amplified from every pore of her being.

She took a deep breath and did a force enhanced front flip up and over the jedi, landing behind the bar where she took the two spritzer nozzles in her hands and started to hose down the jedi. Pure carbonation hit his face directly in the eyes ::

"Oh, allow me to freshen up your drink."

:: As Jace's vision was temporarily obscured, she swiftly leaped over the bar counter and the Jedi Knight felt her fist hit his jaw and then both her hands grab his hair as his nose met squarely with her knee. An audible *crunch* could be heard resounding throughout the bar as the Jedi toppled backwards. Dara then grabbed him by the ankles and propelled him around and around ::

"I think some music would do nicely about now, don't you? Why don't you go see what selections there are?"

:: At that precise moment, she released his ankles and sent him flying across the bar, and crashing face first into the jukebox ::

Savin Blackwolf
Apr 9th, 2001, 01:54:34 AM
Savin raises an eyebrow as Jace smashes head first into the jukebox with gut-wrenching "CRACK".

Savin turns to his two companions, "Well boys, I think our music just got aced for the evening."

The trio laughs wickedly.

Jace Darklighter
Apr 9th, 2001, 08:25:14 PM
Sparks sizzled from severed wires and loose implements from the jukebox. The Jedi Knight grazed the back of his hand across his lip. He glanced down to his hand and noticed the smudge of blood now dribbling down to splash on the floor. Groaning, he slowly came to his feet. The shattered glass on the floor indicated his reflection with his left eye blackened around the edges. Dara was standing confident and arrogant as ever, donning a mocking smile to insinuate that she seemed to find the battle thrilling.

No. I'm going about this all wrong. This isn't what a Jedi would do. I've acted hastily, without even thinking things through. Some Jedi I am, Jace thought. His expression shifted to a wearisome display. Slowly looking to his left, he saw some citizens of the planet looking at him with horror. True, most of the beings in the bar where Sith or Dark Jedi...but others also had no part in that. He looked back to the Sith Lordess.

"I ask that we resume this elsewhere. There is no need to harm any innocent citizens here."

Dara Shadowtide
Apr 11th, 2001, 11:13:46 PM
:: Sith Lordess Dara Shadowtide laughed as she looked upon Jedi Knight Jace Darklighter standing so tall in the blindness of the light. She glanced around the bar and then spotted an elderly couple quietly eating dinner near Jace. A smile danced upon her lips as her eyes flashed deep crimson and then glistened an ebony shade as she extended her arm and force pushed the couple into Jace, knocking all of them to the ground as dishes and food flew everywhere ::

"Excuse me, Mr. Jedi? I think I'll hurt anyone who gets in my way, it matters little to me who they are. So put your goody goody little jedi values back in that nice little pocket so we can continue. Now, where were we... oh yes, I remember now."

:: She smiles and then levitates a service droid into the air and sends it hurling toward Jace ::

"Don't forget to pay your bill before you leave."

Jace Darklighter
Apr 11th, 2001, 11:41:00 PM
Pulling the old lady up to her feet, she thanked him kindly and moved to the far corner of the Bar. Jace concentrated on the old man and gave him a Force boost up to his feet as well. The elderly man nodded accordingly and left to stand at his wife's side.

Slowly turning his head back to Dara, his face smothered into a desolate look of despair.

"You truly are lost, aren't you. The darkness has overwhelmed you to a point of almost no return."

A few sparks sprayed out onto Jace's legs and he quickly stepped away. A nasty gash, just below his right knee, sparkled red with his own blood where the droid had slammed into him just a few moments before. Swiping up his lightsaber he charged towards the Sith Lordess. A quick, horizontal slash flew at Dara, but she quickly maneuvered to her left, completely avoiding the blade. Swiveling on his heel, he brought the tip of his saber across her right arm, just grazing the top of her skin.

Dara pushed her fist in a quick thrust at Jace's stomach, causing him to double over. She slowly backed away as she concentrated her anger to add some relief to her new injury. Frustrated, Jace stretched out with the Force and caused the coat hanger to fly threw the air and knock against Dara.

Trying to collect his breath, he took a few steps back. "I thought it would only be right that I offered you your coat, Dara."

Dara Shadowtide
Apr 18th, 2001, 10:47:25 PM
:: The Sith Lordess jumps aside as the coat rack nearly collides head on with her, the gash on her arm stinging slightly as part of the rack powerfully barrels into her. Debris from the impact of the coat rack flies everywhere and Dara uses the dark side to redirect some of the rack shrapnel into nearby customers of the bar. She smiles wickedly as screams fill the bar and she begins to draw upon the darkness which consumes her, sparks of dark lightning jumping from her hand reflexively as the rage builds within her. Dara gazes across the bar and sees Jace standing there, his green saber glowing like some pathetic beacon of truth and justice or some similar rubbish that the light siders brainwash their followers to believe.

Effortlessly, the skilled warrior of evil moves her hands to her waist and unclips two silver saber hilts, igniting the blades simultaneously as hues of turquoise and pale blue illuminate her hardened features. She force leaps through the air and strikes downward with her saber, the attack given additional momentum from her landing. The Jedi Knight stumbles backwards as Dara backhands him with the hilt of her turquoise saber while stabbing her pale blue saber deep into his upper thigh her eyes locked on his as she merely laughs in his face ::

"The darkness consumes me, Jedi. I am not lost at all you fool. I willingly walk the path where there is no fear, only power... the path of the death of the light. I am the heart of darkness, Jace.. the fire of hate.. and I have found true life in the death of the light."

:: She twists the blade further into his flesh as her words leave a chilling sting in the air ::

Jace Darklighter
Apr 23rd, 2001, 09:20:00 PM
The Jedi's look of surprise sizzled to an expression of excruciating pain. His free hand rushed downward to touch the hilt of Dara's lightsaber. Tightening his grip upon the Sith Lordess's hand and weapon, he jerked the saber blade back out the way it came. It left a clean cut upon his thigh and Jace found himself grimacing as he beheld the gruesome sight.

Dara ripped her lightsaber from the Jedi's grasp and raised it high for another strike, aimed directly at his neck. Before her attack could be concluded, Jace raised his hand and delivered a stalwart Force push, causing her to sail across the room and collide into a booth. Jace's right hand wrapped around his lower high in an effort to cradle his new wound and add some relief. He drew his forearm across his chin and wiped away a trickle of blood from his mouth. Dara was rising now to her feet and clearly infuriated with the Jedi.

Her face displayed a lethal scowl and her pace was steady. The Sith Lordess's intents were made clear as she raised her weapon and advanced with eagerness to finish off the Jedi. Jace stationed himself towards the back wall and leveled his gaze on Dara.

The battle continued. The Sith Lordess's dark energy danced across his form and slowly extracted his energy. The Jedi retaliated by holding true to his Jedi principles and values. Jace fought Dara both by philosophies and Jedi proficiency. In the end, he found himself clinging to every breath he inhaled. It was not enough for me to try and convert a single Sith Lordess. My word must reach every dark crevice, he thought. I will go into the heart of the enemy and exhort to them to give up their blood thirsty hunger for life and show them the salvation of the Force - that of the light side. He gasped for breath while he spoke to Dara.


Dara Shadowtide
Apr 23rd, 2001, 11:30:43 PM
:: The Sith Lordess paused at the incredulous statement she just heard. Certainly it must be some sort of attempt at a pathetic Jedi mind trick... She looked down upon him, a foreboding glint in her ocean green eyes. As she held her sabers pointing down toward the floor, dark lightning traversed down her arms and sparks of electricity dripped from the tips of the twin single sabers.

Dara slowly took steps toward him, her head inclined questionably as to the Jedi Knight surrendering so hastily. However, a Jedi is quite a prize to bring back to the Empire and she would not leave this opportunity untapped. Jace stood unmoving and unarmed, filled with the righteousness of the light as she disignited her sabers and removed his saber, clipping it to her belt ::

"Indeed you will surrender, Jedi.. you shall surrender to the power of the Dark Side."

:: With a chilling laugh she grabbed his arm and proceeded with him to the <a href=http://pub59.ezboard.com/fthesempirefrm1.showMessage?topicID=86.topic>TSE Council room</a> ::