View Full Version : Planetary Blockade - Carshoulis Cluster
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 12th, 2001, 03:49:16 PM
Approaching the planet Syragor, thirteen powerful warships began to spread around the Cizerack protectorate world...which was one month late in paying its tributes. It was not unreasonable. Every citizen of the Pride had to pay tribute to the Pride Mother. It was a very old custom indeed. So when the Hyuu-mann settlers of Syragor were one month delinquent in their tributes, the Pride Mother felt justified in sending twelve Korri class battlecruisers, as well as the titanically-large Cizerack flagship, the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre'.
Commanding the blockade was an unusual Cizerack indeed. Unusual because the leader was a "He", not a "She". It was the Chief manservant of the Pride Mother herself, Keerrourri Sarrtarroa. Unlike all other Cizerack males, Sarrtarroa was literate, mannered, and extremely educated, as he was charged with delivering the Pride Mother's will personally. No other male could hold a fraction of the clout that this Chosen One was afforded. He was even empowerd by his Mistress to command other females into action. And now, he did so, as he began issuing commands in a clipped tone, several female officers moved quickly across the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre's command deck.
The Cizerack Hunter-fleet began to draw its net around its prey. It would soon be time to squeeze them into submission. After all, Hyuu-mann or not, every citizen of the Pride must know their part.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 12th, 2001, 04:24:42 PM
A beeping comm signal was heard on the battle bridge, as Huntress Commander Seerrarro answered it. After a few seconds, the female turned to Sarrtarroa.
Seerrarro: Emjissssssarrrjy, a trrransssmjissssssjion frrrom the planet.
Sarrtarroa leaned back in his seat, calmly steepling his fingers. He almost purred as he spoke.
On ssscrrreen, Commanderrr.
The image came up of a bearded Hyuu-mann. It must be Viceroy Suuran, if memory served. Sarrtarroa found Hyuu-mann culture interesting, however it seemed that most examples of the species were sorely lacking in their generally-redeeming qualities, Suuran included. He was as much Forrda as any peasant Hyuu-mann manservant on Carshoulis would be. Such irony, indeed.
Viceroy Suurran: Ah, Emissary Sarrtarroa, welcome to Syragor, we are honored by yo...
Sarrtarroa had no time for flattery. He was here on business.
Sssave jyourrr good grrracesss forrr anotherrr tjime, Vjicerrrojy. jYou know whjy jI have come herrre. Wherrre arrre the trrrjibutesss forrr ourrr Prrrjide Motherrr?
Suuran wasn't used to being driven to the matter at hand so ruthelessly. He gulped nervously...
Viceroy Suurran: tributes. Well, you see...
Sarrtarroa didn't have to smell this Hyuu-mann's scent to know he was attempting to stall him and hide something. His anger began to surge at the alien's attempts to insult his intelligence.
Tjime forrr explanatjionsss arrre overrr, Vjicerrrojy. Have the trrrjibutesss rrreadjy forrr usss wjithjin 48 hourrrsss, orrr jI wjill come down therrre and take them mjyssself.
Sarrtarroa smiled toothily
jYou do not want me to come down to the planet, Vjicerrrojy.
The male Cizerack's demeanor changed slightly
Arrre jyou a learrrned man, Vjicerrrojy?
The Viceroy nervously nodded, and Sarrtarroa smiled again.
Good. That jisss good to hearrr. jI ljike worrrkjing wjith jintelljigent people. jI am even a passssssjing connojisssssseurrr of Hjyuu-mann ljiterrraturrre. jIt ssseemsss to be sssomethjing that jyourrr rrrace excelsss at crrreatjing.
Sarrtarroa's tone of voice changes, sounding slightly dramatic
"How ljike a wjinterrr hath mjy absssence been
Frrrom thee, the pleasssurrre of the fleetjing jyearrr!"
A couplet frrrom Wjilljiam Ssshakessspearrre'sss Sssonnett 97, mjy learrrned Hjyuu-mann frrrjiend. jI fjind jit verrrjy fjittjing to the naturrre of ourrr sjituatjion herrre, don't jyou thjink?
Sarrtarroa stared seriously at the Hyuu-mann for a moment more, then signaled for the transmission to be cut. He hoped the weak-spirited alien would get the message clearly enough.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 12th, 2001, 08:13:37 PM
One hour into the blockade, Huntress Commander Seerrarro turned again, a look of concern on her face.
Emjissssssarrjy, the crrrujissserrr Sarrrrrru'Irrro'Irrro' hasss detected a launch of thrrree Corrrelljian corrrvettesss frrrom the planet'sss sssurrrface.
The news did not phase Sarrtarroa. He anticipated that the key leadership would try to escape. It was highly unlikely that they were spending their time trying to gather the tribute they owed. More likely, they had embezzled it for their own gain. Lazily, Sarrtarroa licked his tongue over his canines as he stared at the viewscreen which now showed the three Corvettes, quickly making a break for the "weak point" in the Cizerack blockade line. No, this move was quite typical indeed. A pity, really. Making a passing gesture to Huntress Centurion Raurreeli with a clawed hand, Sarrtarroa smiled confidantly.
Centurrrjion...sssjignal Hunterrr Forrrce Zeta. Orrrderrr them to engage jimmedjiately.
From Carshoulis, the Cizerack homeworld, three additional Korri class Battlecruisers entered hyperspace, bound for Syragor. They arrived at the planet within the same star cluster 22 seconds after deployed. Coming out of hyperspace just in front of the escaping Corellian ships paths, the three battlecruisers cut off the corvettes' escape path, as the battle cruiser Sarru'Iro'Iro' maneuvered on their flanks. The four well-armed capital ships opened fire, peppering the corvettes with turbolasers until their shields collaped, and began to hammer them with ion cannons after that. Within a matter of minutes, the three escaping Corvettes were subdued.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa was unimpressed by the rather-bland attempt at escape. He knew they were only Hyuu-mann, but he somehow expected more bravado. Reaching for his personal commlink, Sarrtarroa hailed the Sarru'Iro'Iro's Huntress Captain.
Huntrrressssss Captajin Sssaleerrrrrrji, once the prrrjisssonerrrsss arrre sssecurrred, prrreparrre a ssshuttle, and brrrjing them to me at once.
Sarrtarroa switched off the comm casually. This standoff ended too easily. Hyuu-manns could be so weak sometimes.
Cizerack Hunter Forces
Apr 12th, 2001, 10:48:53 PM
As the fleeing Corellian Corvettes were subdued, the second phase of the blockade began. From the Korri class battlecruisers, a series of orbit-to-surface barges began to depart, heading towards the planet's commerial center. There were 72 barges in all, each one carrying 200 male Cizerack shocktroopers. Within 5 minutes, 14,400 Cizerack warriors were on their way to the commercial center of Syragor. There, they would begin to enforce martial law upon the planet, persuading the inhabitants by force to repay the tributes they owed the Pride Mother. In a mass by themselves, Cizerack Males were chaotic and brutish, but if they were linked up to disciplined Female officers, they became an efficient fighting force; their natural speed and brutish strength augmented by the inclusion of modern blaster weaponry and power armor. If there was any resistance to be found on Syragor, it would stand absolutely no chance.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 12th, 2001, 11:20:07 PM
Sarrtarroa waits patiently for the shuttlecraft to dock in the main shuttlebay, and the prisoners to be rounded up and brought to the bridge. Within moments, the double doors on the side of the command deck opened up, and a boxed phalanx of Cizerack shocktroopers marched out, as 28 Hyuu-manns were coralled in between them. The Hyuu-manns, already fearful of the consequences of their actions, stood motionless in the face of the large and powerful soldiers. Snapping his fingers, Sarrtarroa gestured to the comm officer to send a message back to their homeworld, Carshoulis.
Hjigh Mjissstrrressssss Feessssssarrrrrro, jI have the goverrrnment rrreprrresssentatjivesss of planet Sssjyrrragorrr herrre forrr jyou.
The Pride Mother
Apr 13th, 2001, 12:36:19 AM
The sacred mother to the Cizerack people sat at her throne, waiting impatiently for any word on the military blockade against the Hyuu-manns that dare not give her tribute. Such a blatant disrespect to such authority, to such power that she held deserved nothing less then an immediate solution to the problem.
Her only trusted manservant, Keerrourri Sarrtarroa, led the invasion against the pathetic upstarts. She tapped at the arm of her throne and looked up at the half Cizeracks males that flanked her, thinking that her boredom would best be suited to ripping their flesh to pass the time in hearing from Sarrtoarroa.
"Comm Offjicerrr! Wherrre jisss mjy rrreporrrt!!!"
The orders that growled from her throat snapped another manservent of her's to attention. He was fearful of his life since there was no word yet of how the great mother's aide was faring in his efforts.
He was about to open his mouth and choked up but was saved as a message was coming through at his station. His eyes lit up ecstatically as the message was from Sarrtorroa himself. Without even saying anything, he let the message speak for itself.
Hjigh Mjissstrrressssss Feessssssarrrrrro, jI have the goverrrnment rrreprrresssentatjivesss of planet Sssjyrrragorrr herrre forrr jyou.
She purred in joy and grabbed the arm of the half breed next to her without thinking. Her claws cut deep into his forearm and the male had to do all he could to not yell out.
"Excellent! Jyou ssstjill gjive me rrreassson to not kijll jyou Sssarrrrrrtoarrrrrroa."
A bloody claw comes up to her face as she thinks about what punishment is needed. Besides the impossed marial law, something else had to be done to curb this incessant unrising. Then it came to her.
"JI want a ljive brrroadcassst sssent thrrroughout mjy domajin! The prrrjisssonerrrsss ssshall be executed one bjy one jin frrront of all. Let thjisss be a lesssssson to neverrr go agajinssst what jis mjine!
Rrrjip thejirrr hearrrtsss out and fed them to the Durrrrrrjh!!!"
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 13th, 2001, 01:26:05 AM
From the moment Sarrtarroa snapped his fingers ordering the intitialization of the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre's hyperdrive, it took 22 seconds to return to Carshoulis. With military clockwork, Sarrtarroa had the 28 prisoners herded onto a shuttle, which promtly launched, setting course for the Pride Mother's palace. Sarrtarroa was not far behind, taking his own personal shuttlecraft to the palace as well.
Several minutes later, all parties were regrouped inside the palace's expansive atrium. Sarrtarroa stood beside the double-doors to the Pride Mother's chamber. His hands were clasped in a proper gentlemanly fashion, as he addressed the prisoners that were about to meet their leader on somewhat-shaky terms. Smiling, Sarrtarroa addressed the Hyuu-manns, as they awaited...trouble.
Now, Gentlemen...thjisss jisss wherrre ourrr pathsss ssshall ssseparrrate. jI wjisssh jyou the bessst of health and prrrosssperrrjitjy jin the futurrre, ssshould jyou leave thessse chamberrrsss jintact. Howeverrr, asss jit wasss wjith Merrrcutjio, "jI fearrr that jif jI jinqujirrre of jyou tommorrrrrrow, jI ssshall fjind jyou all Grrrave Men."
Sarrtarroa opened the double doors, and the guards escorted the prisoners into the Pride Mother's den. As they entered, he closed the doors behind them, and awaited the Pride Mother's beckon call, when she was finished rendering judgment.
The Pride Mother
Apr 13th, 2001, 01:58:44 AM
Holocameras hovered all around the great atrium of the Pride Mother's throne room. Guards lined the walls and stood at attention as the 28 Hyuu-mann upstarts were marched inside. They were shackled and collared like the true animals they were and the Pride Mother's eyes burned with a combination of rage and pleasure.
She clapped her hands together and two manservants appeared from around the throne. Each held a leash that was connected to the most rabid, drooling and hungry Durrjhes that she owned.
"Ssstarrrt the brrroadcassst now!"
Her hand pointed to a comm officer and he started the live feed.
The Pride Mother
Apr 15th, 2001, 01:42:05 AM
A full blooded male manservant pushed one of the hyu-mann prisoners forward. The Pride Mother's eyes grew in anticipation for the blood letting to begin. All her subjects were watching the proceedings without any knowledge to why this was happening. She rather liked keeping them in the dark until it was the proper time to tell them what they need to know.
She hissed and brought her clawed hand up to signal another manservant. He bowed humbly, grabbing the hyu-mann by the hair and forced his face to look at the camera. The prisoner couldn't see the manserver unsheathe his klaive. Cizerack klaives were used for ceremonial events and those that held favor within their ranks. When one was deemed worthy, a Cizerack would spend day after day forging their honor blade until it was finished, with no sleep. If they fell asleep, they would be put to death.
In battle, it was a great honor to die by this weapon. Dying as a helpless Jawa, kneeling on the floor without being able to defend oneself was degrading. A perfect end to traitors.
With a respectful nod to his Pride Mother, the manservant impaled the thick angular blade into the hyu-manns chest without any warning to the intended victim. Blood splattered onto the floor and the wielders' clothes. That brought a smirk to the Great Mother's face. It grew into a sheepish grin as the traitor's heart was cleaved out with no finesse and fed to the salivating Durrjhes that waited chained to the east wall.
One by one, it was the same over and over again. A hyu-mann was brought into the center of the atrium, his heart cut out and fed to the rabid dog creatures. The Pride Mother could feel her power over her subjects as her manservants and female personal guards watched the sentence being carried out. It wasn't enough. To truly show the power she possessed it would have to be taken a step further.
As the last hyu-mann was brought forward, The Pride Mother stood. All kneeled and the guard pushed the hyu-mann down to the floor to show respect as he too kneeled.
Her eyes burrowed into the hyu-mann leader. Yes, she knew this was the Viceroy that led the revolt.
"Thjissss onesss sssentence jisss mjine to carrrrrrjy out."
She pulled her own klaive out from its place at her side. The tip of the blade carefully touched the hyu-mann's skin on his neck and she walked around him, bringing forth a red line of blood to the surface.
"Jyou have been a verrrjy bad hjyu-mann."
The klaive slices upwards with an incredibly fast motion of her hand. It brings forth a deep cut into the Viceroy's cheek and with her free hand, The Pride Mother twirls his hair and yanks him up to stand. A low purr grumbles in the back of her throat which gets louder as her face closer to his. Her breath is warm and causes him to wince. Then his eyes open in terror as the Pride Mother licks up the blood on his cheek. She kissed him on the nose, leaving a red stain and growled, carving into his chest. The cut wasn't as clean as her manservant did on the other prisoners, no. This one deserved more.
His eyes slowly began to loose the light of life and the Pride Mother ripped the blade uncerimoniously from his body and punch her hand into his chest. With no finesse, she pulled out his heart with a sickening slurping sound and held it out in front of the camera. The blood was plentiful and it dripped steadily down her hand and arm.
"Thjisss jisss what happensss to thossse that oppossse mjy rrrule. Jyou ssserrrve me. Jyou obejy me. Everrrjythjing Ji sssay orrr do jisss Law. Anjy that wjisssh anotherrr coup, rrrememberrr thjisss."
She bared her fangs and torn a huge piece of the Viceroy's heart and chewed it slowly, purposefully taken her time eating it while still on the live feed. After she swallowed it, she smacked her lips and grinned widely.
"Jyou ssshall be devourrred."
And then the live event went dead.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 15th, 2001, 07:58:49 PM
Sarrtarroa stood patiently outside his mistress' chambers, listening to the dying screams of the Hyuu-mann prisoners. He smiled wistfully, knowing all-too well the Pride Mother's penchant for ferocious brutality. He'd been given scars of his own for times of fleeting insolence. They were scars that served to remind him. His Lady could giveth, and she could most certainly taketh away.
It was exactly the treatment that the Hyuu-mann traitors deserved. After all, the lower species had to learn their place in the Pride. Cizerack came first, and everything else came second.
Biding his time, Sarrtarroa began to recite a favorite Sonnet, as he thought of his mistress' draconian ways.
"A woman'sss face wjith Naturrre'sss own hand pajinted
Hassst thou, the masssterrr mjissstrrressssss of mjy passssssjion;
A woman'sss gentle hearrrt but not acquajinted
Wjith ssshjiftjing change asss jisss falssse women'sss fassshjion;
An ejye morrre brrrjight than thejirrrs, lessssss falssse jin rolljing,
Gjildjing the object wherrrreupon jit gazeth;
A man jin hue all huesss jin hjisss contrrrolljing,
Whjich ssstealsss men'sss ejyesss and women'sss sssoulsss amazeth.
And forrr a woman werrrt thou fjirrrssst crrreated,
Tjill Naturrre asss ssshe wrrrought thee fell a-dotjing,
And bjy addjitjion me of thee defeated,
Bjy addjing one thjing to mjy purrrpossse nothjing.
But sssjince ssshe prrrjicked thee out forrr women'sss pleasssurrre,
Mjine be thjy love, and thjy love'sss ussse thejirrr trrreasssurrre."
The Pride Mother
Apr 16th, 2001, 11:35:43 PM
She gracefully walked out of her chambers with her two full blooded male guards. The Pride Mother already ordered the blooded floor to be cleaned by her hyuu-mann servants that had the utmost pleasure of serving under her here in the palace.
Purrs of delight echoed in the halls as she licked her lips clean of blood from the demonstration. It was almost a perfect day. Then she saw Keerrourri and the day got even better.
Her eyes grew wide as she eyed her most favored male up and down. Thoughts starting running through her head on how to celebrate this glorious day for her people. Striding up to her manservant, she grins as she presses her body up against his.
"Jyou have done well mjy lojyal, Keerrrrrrourrrrrrji. Now all of mjy terrrrrrjitorrry knowsss mjy wjill and neverrr wjill jit be brrroken agajin."
A clawed hand strokes his cheek and brushes his grey hair gently as she continues to purr her elation over his prowess.
"Ji jussst knew that jyou werrre made perrrfect to ssserrrve me."
Her voice dropped a few decibels and she waved off her gauds. Her other hand draped over his neck as she playfully nipped at his ear.
"Ssserrrve me jin all waysss."
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 17th, 2001, 03:49:21 PM
Sarrtarroa smiled as he recieved the good graces of his mistress' affection. The word "love" was seldom ever used by anyone in Cizerack society. There rarely came such a thing as that. Lust, perhaps...the powerful bonds of sexual domination were weilded by females quite expertly, breaking the will of their subservient males. The Cizerack appetite for flesh was enormous, and the hunger cut both ways. However, it rarely ever centered over personal feelings. With Sarrtarroa, however, he often had to wonder. He held his mistress in the highest adoration. Was it love? That thing so frequently praised in Hyuu-mann literature? Who knew? Perhaps it was. Sarrtarroa admired her every quality. Her intelligence, her Macchiavellian instincts, and her flair for the dramatic. Was that love? Or perhaps Sarrtarroa loved the knowledge and power at his disposal from being his Mistress' favorite. He was as learned as she, and he thirsted for such laurels as they were heaped upon him. Perhaps it was such that drove his desires to please. Selfish ambition, or muse-worthy love? Sarrtarroa did not know, but he did not particuarly care to examine such at the moment. His mistress was ready to reward his service once again, and who was he to infer the meaning behind it at a time like this?
A low rumbling purr came from deep inside him as he wrapped his arms around his mistress' narrow waist, his hands feeling her own vibrating purrs of pleasure. She nibbled beckoningly at his ear, and he returned her affection in kind as he kissed slowly down the side of her neck.
There was no greater service than to the Pride Mother.
jI ajim to ssserrrve jyou well, Mjissstrrressssss...
"Sssoft, what ljight thrrrough jyonderrr wjindow brrreaksss? jIt jisss the Eassst, and Juljiet jisss the sssun."
The Pride Mother
Apr 18th, 2001, 11:54:34 PM
Growling playfully, she released his ear and grinned. Clawed fingers scratched across his neck and under his chin ever so delicately before they were retracted. Her eyes continued to devour his form as she walked backwards, further and further away from him.
"Ji want jyou jin mjy perrrsssonal chamberrrsss jin ten mjinutesss. Don't be late mjy sssweet orrr Ji'll fjind sssomeone elssse to rrreplace mjy needsss and jyourrr rrrewarrrd."
She turned on her heel with a flourish and made it very apparent that she was taunting him more by exaggerating her hips swaying back and forth. Her head turned sideways for a moment to eye Sarrtarroa once more and then snapped her fingers. Two guards down the hall she was walking followed in behind her and she quickly disappeared down the corridor.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 19th, 2001, 12:47:21 AM
Sarrtarroa raised an eyebrow in finely-attuned interest, watching his Mistress slink away. He admired her absolute power almost as much as her body. She was...perfect. She was Julius Caesar, and he was Brutus. Yet as much as he loved power, he could not weild it with such artistic finesse as Rousseerri Feessarro. As many books as he could read, as many things as he could learn, she was always there to remind him what complete bliss was. Often, Sarrtarroa pondered...if he were indeed Brutus, where did his heart lie? To Rome, or to Caesar?
Sarrtarroa's mouth turned upwards into a hungry grin, his tongue running over his canines, as he strode off torwards the Pride Mother's bedchambers.
Hajil Caesssarrr...
The Pride Mother
Apr 27th, 2001, 01:13:40 AM
Light clawed fingers stroked Sarrtarroa cheek as the Pride Mother sighed, pleased with the pleasures brought to her on this night. Such a wonderful victory against the hyuu-mann upstarts, blood was spilled and her most trusted male servant brought her to new heights.
She used her free hand to bring over the bottle of wine that was on the nightstand. Pouring two fresh glasses, she gave one to Sarrtarroa and took her's. Leaning back against the headboard of the bed, she once again began to stroke his cheek almost lovingly as he lay with her.
"What jisss next forrr ourrr mjightjy Empjirrre, Sarrrrrrtarrrrrroa? We have crrrussshed the upssstarrrtsss but Ji thjink we need a bjiggerrr demonssstrrration."
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 27th, 2001, 01:44:43 AM
His thoughts cleared and the cares of the day washed away in relaxation, Sarrtarroa sipped at the blood wine, pondering his Mistress' words. Another thoughtful sip of wine, and the manservant arched an eyebrow with intrigue.
Perrrhapsss wjith sssuch an effectjive demonssstratjion of jyourrr sssoverrrejinjitjy jin domessstjic affajirrrsss now concluded...attentjion can be turrrned elsssewherrre.
Sarrtarroa raised an index finger to accentuate the thoughts in his head.
Mjissstrrressssss, jyourrr empjirrre jisss rrressstorrred. Now, perrrhapsss we ssshould aggrrressssssjiveljy purrrsssue trrrade wjith ourrr nejiborrrsss.
The Pride Mother
Apr 27th, 2001, 02:34:23 AM
Her claws delicately slid into his hair, stroking a tuff of it gently. She took a healthly sip of her wine and mused who would be suitable to trade with. Or perhaps, more worthy.
"Ourrr terrrrrrjitorrrjy rrrunsss acrrrossssss both Jedji and Sssjith. Bejing that the Sssjith arrre morrre numerrrousss, bessst to open trrrade wjith them jif possssssjible. Ji do know jyou have made an exchange wjith the Empjirrre but we need morrre then a frrrjiendly barrrterrr wjith them."
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 27th, 2001, 03:15:53 AM
Ah yes...the Sith Empire. They were quite stringent in their precautionary measures, if he recalled. Sarrtarroa was used to dealing with factions with similar qualities of militaristic zeal, but he never thought that commerce under gunpoint was a particuarly intrepid notion. However, Sarrtarroa would be kidding himself if he said that trade with the Empire wasn't important. It was a succulent dish indeed. All the Pride had to do...was ask for it.
jI underrrssstand, Mjissstrrressssss. jI wjill leave jin the morrrnjing forrr Monto Codrrru, to brrrokerrr a morrre lassstjing agrrreement wjith the Sssjith Empjirrre.
Sarrtarroa glanced over at the Pride Mother.
jIsss therrre anjythjing elssse jyou would need of me?
The Pride Mother
Apr 27th, 2001, 12:33:23 PM
She knew her emissary would not fail her and bring an agreement worthy of her own Empire. He never had failed her and this time would be no different but she knew that Sarrtarroa understood the punishment for failure. He may not have felt her wrath on some occasions when it could have warrant it, but if he did not succeed he would feel pain like he never did before. Sarrtarroa may be her favorite and one of the most outstanding males ever to be born Cizerack, but even he could be replaced.
For now, she rather indulge in some of his finer qualities. He did indeed know how to please her in so many ways and it was time to sample such desires from him once more. Her hand slinked down his cheek and chest ever so softly and took his glass from him.
"Therrre jisss one lassst thjing jyou can do forrr me beforrre jyou go."
The glasses were slowly placed upon the nightstand as the Pride Mother eyed her manservant and a purr resonated in the back of her throat. She pulled the sheet away from him to reveal his body, once her hands were free from holding their glasses. Once taking in his form had finished delighting her eyes, she grinned hungrily and pushed Sarrtoarroa down and kissed him savagely.
Tomorrow would be a new day for her people as her most trusted servant went to Munto Codru, but for now it was his time to serve her.
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