View Full Version : On the Unknown Planet [open]
Nerysm Seraphim
Apr 14th, 2001, 02:41:12 AM
Continued from from <a href= Range?topicID=3434.topic&start=47&stop=48>here ( ?topicID=3434.topic>The):
Territories of Natche, on a planet of unknown origin near the north quadrant....
Tomiko crossed her arms. "In any case, that data won't be any good to us without a new ship."
Alice patted part of the ship affectionately. "And after I had already renamed it my new Alice Rock. Pity. We better get something really nice."
Tomiko shrugged. "Whatever."
Alice laughed but suddenly froze. She grabbed her head and shut her eyes. "Universals signature."
"There are some here. Well what do you know?"
"Let's go greet them."
"No. I have a better idea. Put the ship in self-destruct mode...."
She smirked at Tomiko and could immediately tell what the plan was. "You are such a good student. This teacher is proud."
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John Kimble
Apr 14th, 2001, 02:55:59 AM
On the en route hover craft...
They had made excellent time, winding through the valleys of this planet's arid region... extremely similar to those on Tatooine, and soon the small Universal unit could see just breaking the outline of a far-off ridge part of a ship.
"There she is!" exclaimed Krimtz.
Kimble wiped the sweat from his forehead. He wasn't used to such a warm climate. "It's about time," he muttered.
One of his men studied the hover craft instruments. "I can only read one life form on the craft."
"Can you identify the craft's Universal signature?"
"Not yet. There's probably been a lot of damage inflicted on the Universal marks."
"Not enough. We could find it easily. This pilot is either really stupid or..."
".....I can't think of anything else. This pilot's just stupid. Kill him on sight."
"Yes SIR!" They saluted and did a double-check on their gear.
Nerysm Seraphim
Apr 14th, 2001, 03:13:32 AM
Seraphim looked down from one of the overhangs. She could hear the hovercraft approaching. She looked over her shoulder and back at the ship where Tomiko was.
The hovercraft was going to be near the overhang soon. Alice climbed down slowly and steathily. The minute it was in range....
Edge Solude
Apr 15th, 2001, 01:04:55 AM
Tomiko finished setting the ship. Alice had shown her how, but she disliked machines. So unnatural. So wrong.
Her fingers began to tremor. She always did that when she was anxious. She looked at her hand until it began to steady, almost forcefully.
Tomiko then grabbed a large case, that looked almost like a suit case. She opened it up. There were at least fifty small vials kept in a special padding, to keep them in top condition. Only a few vials had contents, opaque liquids of some kind not all the same shade.
She lifted the padding and pulled out a small box, which read on the side UNIVERSAL NEL (NEURAL EXACTOR LOADER). Tomiko worked in the darkness, breathly calmly as she loaded four empty vials and two brand new needles into her NE units. With a click, she shut the units and then placed everything else back into the case and shut it. Observing the timer, Tomiko hastily made a retreat...
John Kimble
Apr 15th, 2001, 01:11:55 AM
"Approach time, half a minute sir," reported one of Kimble's men.
"Good. Let's be ready..." Kimble wiped more sweat from his forehead. "I'm sweating like a pig."
Krimtz looked over the tech's shoulder. "Sir, the life form aboard the craft is on the move."
"Without an alternative mode of transportation that can match the speed of this craft, we needn't be concerned. Our first priority is securing the ship."
"Yes sir."
Nerysm Seraphim
Apr 15th, 2001, 01:13:18 AM
"YIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAH!!!!!!!!!!!" Alice screamed and jumped for the craft.
John Kimble
Apr 15th, 2001, 01:30:53 AM
They heard the piercing scream first... then saw the shadow second. In less time that it takes to blink an eye, Alice the Seraphim had jumped from her overhang and onto the hovercraft. It tilted to the left from the force of the jump.
Krimtz was thrown back. He immediately looked up.
Alice wasted no time. She had dealt with Universals, been a Universal and the plan of the attack was the same.
The tech: They were so reliant on their technology. So advanced. Even now, as this unassessed threat was on their craft, he couldn't even show real fear. All the tech could do was continue to analyze his data. Alice unsheathed her sword and ran him throw the chest. The tip of her blade pierced through his breast plate and cracked the panel in front of him. Even as he slumped over, dying and in shock, his hands seemed to almost hug the panel. Protecting his precious data to the end.
The second in command: A young and promising soldier. Usually, they had more power than the first of command did. The first positions were giving to aging types with little more than some nearly worthless experiences under their saggy belts. Alice eyed Krimtz. He wore the markings of this rank.
Krimtz observed the woman... her speed, her coloring, those ears, those movements, the glare in her eyes... "You're a Saalitarue!"
Young and promising, but not promising enough or he would've unclipped that blaster in his belt and immediately tried to shoot her full of holes. Alice swung the sword out of the tech and downwards to her next target. The blade hit the hull with a thud as Krimtz's head fell into the sand, spraying the nearby rock with a thin veil of blood.
Kimble had hit his head on the hovercraft's railing so hard, he had briefly blacked out. By the time he came to, Krimtz's lifeless and headless corpse was at his feet.
His men were well-trained. The could move in on a target in five seconds. The preceding events took no more than three. Even if his men got their bearings, Kimble felt one thing was certain. The woman was right in front of him. The tip of her sword was less than a foot away. He was as good as dead.
Edge Solude
Apr 16th, 2001, 12:50:55 PM
Tomiko was quick on her feet. In her line of work... of life, you had to be. She looked back at the ship. She was a distance away, but not far enough. Not much time was left and if she and Alice couldn't get far enough from the blast, this was it. Tomiko smiled. These type of situations always got her so....
Nerysm Seraphim
Apr 16th, 2001, 12:58:53 PM
The Seraphim looked over at Kimble.
"Awww, you're trembling like a little bird," she said with a grin. She did a backflip onto a panel near the one the tech was slumped over on. "Don't shoot."
The soldiers aiming their weapons at her actually stoppped. She half-expected they wouldn't.
"You have other concerns at the moment."
"Like what?!" one spat out.
"Well for starters... how are you going to stop?"
Alice slammed her hand down on a black lever until it broke and flipped to the floor behind the panel. The craft began to accelerate dangerously. Alice immediately lunged forward and grabbed Kimble, jumping off before the speed of the craft became too great.
"ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Kimble screamed as Alice pulled him in her jump and fell face down into the sand below.
Edge Solude
Apr 19th, 2001, 10:55:30 PM
Kimble could feel the wetness of blood streaming from his face. He heard rocks skidding underneath boots and managed to look up, seeing Tomiko scaling down a small overhang towards him.
Seraphim dropped a knee into Kimble's back, forcing his face back into the dirt again. "Where is your ship?"
Tomiko jumped down next to Kimble. She gave Seraphim a look of urgency. 'We need to move NOW,' she mouthed to her.
John Kimble
Apr 19th, 2001, 11:09:42 PM
Kimble coughed out dirt. "Just kill me!" He struggled and kicked at Alice.
She hopped back a couple of feet and glared at him.
"You should know our code, soldier!"
Tomiko raised an eyebrow at Kimble.
"Do you recognize me somehow.... comrade?" asked Alice grinning.
Tomiko glared at Alice. There was no time to play.
"Your ship?"
"Let's get this over with!" Tomiko said sternly.
Kimble spat at Alice. "Don't toy with me! I'm not going to tell you anything." He smirked. "You want my ship so bad? You need to leave this place... do you need to hide?" His voice become incredibly sarcastic. "Sorry."
Alice rolled her eyes. "No, I'm sorry."
Tomiko grabbed the back of Kimble's head with one hand and brought her other hand towards the back of his neck. He felt something like a bee's sting.
"GUUHHHHHHH.... ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Blood shot out of his mouth and he fell to ground.
Edge Solude
Apr 22nd, 2001, 07:16:56 PM
Tomiko dug deeper into the back of Kimble's neck, more blood began to stream out and an audible crack was heard. Tomiko looked down at him. "It needn't have been so painful, but you had to be an ass."
Nerysm Seraphim
Apr 22nd, 2001, 07:19:49 PM
Alice watched her. Tomiko worked so fast, it was hard to see her movements sometimes...
Tomiko's wrist made a mechanical clicking sound sound and she grabbed at something before letting her hand emerge again... quite normal looking except that it was covered in a scarlet ooze. Tomiko held a vial in her other hand. "Let's go."
Alice nodded and put her sword back in its holder before the two of them rescaled the small cliffs and fled from the direction of their ship.
Apr 27th, 2001, 01:09:09 AM
:: The Mors Dominae exited hyperspace in the foreign system with a flash of light and Trace began to run scans, wondering if there would be anything of interest to himself or the Sith Empire in this place. So far it seemed there wasn’t anything particularly interesting, but there was no rush to leave, might as well gather some data. Information is power. ::
Edge Solude
Apr 28th, 2001, 07:26:43 PM
As they ran, Tomiko took the vial and wiped the end of it off with her thumb, revealing a female connection. She took a thin cable in her hand with two male connectors and placed one in the vial and other behind her right ear. "This is going to be crude, but we hardly have time for anything else."
"As if he knew anything anyway!"
Tomiko grunted, and the vial began to glow and flow with small electrical current...
Nerysm Seraphim
Apr 28th, 2001, 07:31:59 PM
"Which way, Tomiko!?"
Edge Solude
Apr 28th, 2001, 08:01:13 PM
Her eyes rolled in the back of her head momentarily and she blinked. She pointed off to the east. "That way!!" She grinned. "It's a non-universal class ship. A Fymyseo scouter... it's not even a government issue!"
"That would make it more related to the ships of the surrounding star systems. Better to blend in with..."
"Without the marks, Universals will be unable to track us!"
"I doubt we're out of range of the ship's explosion, let's hurry!!"
"I timed it for ten minutes.... don't worry about it."
"Ten minutes, what for? I thought we agreed---"
"I decided in a slight change of plans. HOWEVER.... automated defenses are very much active."
Weapons fire could be heard back in the direction of the ship. They stopped running and turned around. Tomiko smirked widely.... Alice laughed. "I see."
Nerysm Seraphim
May 1st, 2001, 07:43:11 PM
Later in the day....
Alice pointed off in the distance. "There..."
"It's about time." Tomiko slid down the dune towards the craft.
Alice looked back in the west... towards their old craft. All that was left now was a pillar of smoke.
"Let's get off of this dirt ball."
Alice walked close to the ship, placing her fingers on the key pad to open the ship. She scanned her finger tips over the keys... and in the blink of an eye, suddenly began punching in a sequence.
Edge Solude
May 3rd, 2001, 12:20:12 AM
It had only been at most a couple of hours... An hours-so run from the valley, across the dunes, and to this craft... another hour that Alice had spent remembering each and every detail of the craft, inside and out.
Tomiko had explored the small craft, but mainly kept to tending her case. "Do you think Kimble's vial will be useful?"
Alice laughed. "I never know who will be useful. I'm surprised you've kept that many on you. In our business, well, you could lose that data at any time."
"Yes. I just suppose I'll hang on to them as long as possible. Nothing lasts forever." She capped the vial and placed it in the case.
She sat in the pilot's seat and examined her surroundings.
"Are you sure you can fly this? I've been interfacing with Kimble's data--"
"Yes, yes, don't go through the trouble."
"It's not trouble. Besides, I've already found out his favorite color, his parents' names, and the fact that he was apparently homosexual. It'd be nice to actually access some useful data for a change."
Alice unsuccessfully stifled a laugh. "Why did you look through all of that?"
"Practice, of course. I've been constantly cutting down my interface time. It'll prove useful in the future."
"I'm sure." Alice strapped herself in. "Buckle up, Ms. Hessen. We're outta here." ;)
May 8th, 2001, 02:54:48 AM
.......................................*blip!*.... ........................
........................................*blip!*... .......................
*BLIP... BLIP... BLIP... BLIP....*
<font color=#0000ff size=1>ISSOMETHINGWRONG,MASTERNURIKO?...
<FONT SIZE=2>"Greetings, fellow Sith. I've c*FZZZZZZZZZZT!*s with you... ...urgent matter."
"What isit?"
"Well, I believe this isZZZZZZZs something whichyou would want to discuss in private..."
"Depends on what were talking about, Jeseth. We don't currently ha*FZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT!*verse with members of another group in privateZZZZZZZZ. And it'sgonnahave tobe a very good reaso... arrange one."
"Hm... How importa ntisthe complete and total destruction... Jedi, to youZZZZZZZ?"
"'ve peaked out interests. Thisisamore secureplace-------"
YaviIHOWDIDYOUCOMEfirstJedifirstSithGIVETHEMHELLon behalf</font>
<font color=#0000ff>please, little girl. recieve this token my affections this day....</font>
<font color=#ff0000>::TRANSMISSION BROKEN::</font>
Edge Solude
May 10th, 2001, 01:02:18 AM
They had been on their way from the planet for about a couple of hours, when the small rectangular unit hanging from Alice's belt beeped and... spoke?
Tomiko immediately grabbed it and yanked it off the belt. "Dammit! We've been examing that chip for months and NOW it comes up with something... when most of the sensitive equipment was on that Universal class ship."
Alice glanced over, her facial expression calm. "It wouldn't have given us anything more. It was attempting to transmit from a place with force fields of some kind. Any type of place like that has ways of preventing information from leaking outside unless they want it to. I'd venture to think that the chip's incompatible technology was the only thing that allowed it to send us even THAT much."
Tomiko bit her lip. "Encountered something like this before, have we?"
"I'm your elder, little girl," Alice said with a grin. She reclined in the pilot's seat. "If you're done now, I can take a look at that data and see what we DID get."
"Yes, of course," Tomiko said, disinterested. She threw the device up in the air, letting it land in Alice's lap.
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