View Full Version : Olanji assult, Hapes Cluster Battle.

May 6th, 2001, 08:22:25 PM
Lei Lebron, stood aboard the Super Class Star Destroyer, Umaro. He began to pace, waiting for the reverstion into the system. He was heading towards Olanji, in the Hapes cluster. The Admiral, currently working for Sovergn Imperial Navy. He had one desire, to pummel his enemy into the ground.
"23 Minutes until reverstion to realspace sir." Said SubLt. Kotech
"Understood. Inform at 3." Lei responded nonchantantly.
"Aye sir."

With him, Lei had a powerful Task force. He had:
SSD Umaro
NEBG Jinova
NEBG Kyyre
NEBG Naphala
LF Fame
LF Flail
LF Din
LF Oblivion
ISD3 Recalcitrant
ISD3 Subvide
SLC Lurk I

Enough fire power to quiet the planet Olanji. Lei expects to have several Kilrathi cruisers and one or Two battle dragons with support Cruiers. Admiral Lebron gazed out into the veiwport, white lines streaked across it. He sighed;

May 7th, 2001, 07:51:33 PM
Captain Luthien Rafe stood behind Admiral Lebron, watching his movements, and learning, always learning. He saw him look at the lines of stars beside the ship in hyperspace, realising the importance of the battle, would the Admiral be acting like this if it was a minor one? No, at least Luthien didn't think so.

Captain Rafe then stepped beside the Admiral, "Sir, 3 minutes till we drop out of hyperspace. Orders?

May 7th, 2001, 08:04:36 PM
Like the silence before the storm.. so quiet.. so dangerous..so- The Admirals chain of thought was brutally interupted by a loud blare from the Captian Rafe, or so it seemed. Lebron gave it some thought, Rafe's request that is.
"Ready four squadrons of TIE Advanced and eight TIE Interceptor squadrons. When we come out, I want Diamond formation, Us infront. Send the Neb G's and SLC's to flank them, SLCs from the right. I want everything else flanking us on either side."

May 7th, 2001, 08:11:08 PM
Rafe turned away from the Admiral, looking to the rest of the officers.

"You heard the Admiral. Ready four squadrons of TIE Advanced and eight TIE Interceptor squadrons. When we come out, Diamond formation, Umaro leading. Send the Neb G's and SLC's to flank them, SLCs from the right. Everything else flanking us on either side. Understood?"

The rest of the crew hurried to process the Admiral's orders, while he turned back looking out the viewport. Rafe looked out the opposite one, wondering what could await them.

May 8th, 2001, 06:41:27 PM
The fleet came busrting out of hyperspace and elegently formed up. The fighter units were dispatched almost immeadiatly. The Hapan forces there, Five Battle Dagons and Six Nova-Class Cruisers were awaiting them, or so it seemed.
"Order Advanced units to attack Novas. The Interceptors to take out the My'til fighters." He looked out and saw several squads, 6 to be exact of My'til fighters advance from the darkness.
Lebron continued, "All weapons focus on the axis of the Battle Dragons. Wipe out there spin feature, then wipe them to hell."

May 14th, 2001, 08:18:14 PM
Fighters came from below the Battle Dragons, taking out their bottoms, and they spun, this time out of control, and many were easily blasted by the rest of the units involved. Rafe grinned with anticipation.

Rafe: All too easy. Your strategy worked perfectly. Now sir?

May 14th, 2001, 09:51:48 PM
"Admiral.. it is time for it as planned. The fleet is grouping several systems outside of Kuat. We await your arrivial." The tiny hologram flickered.
"I'll see you there.." Lebron said near silently.
"RAFE! Stop this attack, regroup and head for 242125-qr2, just outside of Kuat system maximum speed."
"Aye sir."

With that, the fleet slowly turns to the side, leaving several crippled battle dragons behind. Seconds later, white lines appear all around the ships as they zip off and away.